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com.activitystream.model.relations.Relation Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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AS-SDK is a java library to allow easy interoperability with Activity Stream.
package com.activitystream.model.relations;
import com.activitystream.model.*;
import com.activitystream.model.core.AbstractMapElement;
import com.activitystream.model.entities.BusinessEntity;
import com.activitystream.model.entities.EntityReference;
import com.activitystream.model.interfaces.*;
import com.activitystream.model.validation.InvalidPropertyContentError;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
public class Relation extends AbstractMapElement implements EmbeddedStreamElement, AnalyticsElement, EnrichableElement {
protected static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Relation.class);
private final static List EXPANDED_ASPECTS =
private RelationsType relationsType = null;
private boolean isExpanded = false;
private Direction direction = null;
public Relation(Map relations, BaseStreamElement root) {
if (relations instanceof Relation) {
logger.error("Trying to create a relation with a relation 1 : " + relations);
} else {
public Relation(Object value, BaseStreamElement root) {
if (value instanceof Relation) {
logger.error("Trying to create a relation with a relation 2 : " + value);
} else if (value instanceof Map) {
setMappedRelations((Map) value);
} else if (value instanceof List) {
logger.warn("WTF - relations is a list: " + value);
} else {
logger.warn("WTF item information can not be: " + value);
addProblem(new InvalidPropertyContentError("ItemRelations information are incorrect: " + value));
public Relation(String type, Object value) {
this(type, value, null);
public Relation(String type, BusinessEntity entity) {
this(type, entity, null);
public Relation(String type, Object value, BaseStreamElement root) {
Map relationsMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
relationsMap.put(type, value);
if (value instanceof Relation) {
logger.error("Trying to create a relation with a relation 3 : " + value);
} else if (value instanceof BusinessEntity) {
this.setRelatedItem((BusinessEntity) value);
} else if (value instanceof Map) {
} else if (value instanceof String) {
this.setRelatedItem(entityForValue(value, root));
} else if (value instanceof EntityReference) {
this.setRelatedItem(entityForValue(value, root));
} else if (value instanceof List) {
logger.error("Unsupported list value for relations: " + value);
} else {
addProblem(new InvalidPropertyContentError("ItemRelations information are incorrect: " + value));
/************ Access ************/
public BaseStreamElement getRelatedEntityItem() {
return (this.isRelatedItemABusinessEntity()) ? (BusinessEntity) this.getRelatedItem() : null;
public BusinessEntity getRelatedBusinessEntity() {
return (BusinessEntity) getRelatedEntityItem();
public boolean isRelatedItemABusinessEntity() {
return this.getRelatedItem() != null && this.getRelatedItem() instanceof BusinessEntity;
public RelationsType getRelationsType() {
return this.relationsType;
public void setRelationsType(RelationsType relType) {
this.relationsType = relType;
public BaseStreamElement getRelatedItem() {
if (this.getRelationsType() != null && this.get(this.getRelationsType()) instanceof BaseStreamElement)
return (BaseStreamElement) get(this.getRelationsType());
return null;
public void setRelatedItem(BaseStreamElement relatedItem) {
if (this.getRelationsType() != null) put(this.getRelationsType(), relatedItem);
else logger.error("No Relationship Type specified before setting related entity!!!!");
public String getDirection() {
return (String) get("$direction");
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (o instanceof Relation) {
return ((Relation) o).getRelationsType().getRelationsType().equals(this.getRelationsType().getRelationsType()) &&
((Relation) o).getRelatedItem().equals(this.getRelatedItem());
return super.equals(o);
public void simplify() {
BusinessEntity entity = getRelatedBusinessEntity();
if (entity != null) super.put(this.getRelationsType(), new BusinessEntity(entity.getEntityReference().getEntityReference(), this));
/************ Utility functions ************/
public boolean isValid() {
return true;
public boolean isOfType(String type) {
if (this.getRelationsType() == null) return false;
for (String relType : this.getRelationsType().getRelationsType().split(":")) {
if (relType.equalsIgnoreCase(type)) return true;
return false;
public boolean isVisible() {
BusinessEntity entity = getRelatedBusinessEntity();
if (entity != null)
return entity.getStatusAspect().isVisible();
return true;
* Goes through the relation information and transforms it into valid relations.
* Takes the event relation and puts it first.
* Then it takes alternative relations and adds it to the related entity (if multiple reltions used)
* @param valueMap
public void setMappedRelations(Map valueMap) {
if (valueMap == null || valueMap.isEmpty()) {
//logger.error("No relations can be created for an empty map: " + valueMap + " for " + this.root);
if ((valueMap.containsKey("type") || valueMap.containsKey("role")) && (valueMap.containsKey("entity") || valueMap.containsKey("entity_ref"))) {
String relType = (String) valueMap.getOrDefault("type", valueMap.get("role"));
if (valueMap.containsKey("entity")) {
this.setRelatedItem(entityForValue(valueMap.get("entity"), this));
} else if (valueMap.containsKey("entity_ref")) {
this.setRelatedItem(entityForValue(valueMap.get("entity_ref"), this));
put(this.getRelationsType(), this.getRelatedItem());
} else {
//todo - refactor to use iterator that support remove()
boolean eventScope = (this.root != null && (this.root instanceof CustomerEvent || this.root instanceof TransactionEvent));
List foundKeys = new LinkedList<>();
//try to resolve event actor/role first
if (eventScope) {
for (Map.Entry entry : valueMap.entrySet()) {
String key = entry.getKey().toString();
if (!key.equals(key.toUpperCase())) continue; //consider only allcaps keys as relations types
if (RelationsType.isEventRelationsKey(key)) {
this.setRelatedItem(entityForValue(entry.getValue(), this));
break; //only include first *event* relations
//If no event (primary) relation was found then find the first relation listsited
if (this.getRelatedItem() == null) {
//Find the first relations
for (Map.Entry entry : valueMap.entrySet()) {
String key = entry.getKey().toString();
if (!key.equals(key.toUpperCase())) continue; //consider only allcaps keys as relations types
this.setRelatedItem(entityForValue(entry.getValue(), root));
break; //only include first *any* relations
//If there is only one key there then it must be the relationship... right?
//remove this lenient workaround ASAP
if (foundKeys.isEmpty() && valueMap.size() == 1) {
String key = (String) valueMap.keySet().iterator().next();
this.setRelatedItem(entityForValue(valueMap.get(key), root));
//Remove the used relations from the map
for (String key : foundKeys) valueMap.remove(key);
if (foundKeys.isEmpty()) {
logger.error("No primary relations found in: " + valueMap);
//Add the main property to this Relations map
put(this.getRelationsType(), this.getRelatedItem());
//Add any remaining relations to the Related entity
if (this.isRelatedItemABusinessEntity()) {
BusinessEntity instEntity = (BusinessEntity) this.getRelatedItem();
for (Map.Entry entry : valueMap.entrySet()) {
String key = entry.getKey().toString();
if (key.equals(key.toUpperCase())) {
BusinessEntity relEntity = entityForValue(entry.getValue(), this);
if (!instEntity.getEntityReference().getEntityReference().equals(relEntity.getEntityReference().getEntityReference())) {
//instEntity.addRelations(key, relEntity);
for (String key : foundKeys) valueMap.remove(key);
//Set the rest of the properties from the list
if (!valueMap.isEmpty()) setMapValues(valueMap);
public String getFootprint() {
String ref = this.getRelationsType().getRelationsType() + "-";
if (this.isRelatedItemABusinessEntity()) ref += ((BusinessEntity) this.getRelatedItem()).getEntityReference();
else ref += this.getRelatedItem().toString();
if (containsKey(ASConstants.FIELD_EXTERNAL_ID) && get(ASConstants.FIELD_EXTERNAL_ID) != null) {
ref += "(" + get(ASConstants.FIELD_EXTERNAL_ID) + ")";
return ref;
private BusinessEntity entityForValue(Object value, BaseStreamElement root) {
BusinessEntity entity = null;
if (value instanceof Map) {
entity = new BusinessEntity((Map) value, root);
} else if (value instanceof String) {
entity = new BusinessEntity((String) value, root);
} else if (value instanceof EntityReference) {
entity = new BusinessEntity(value, root);
} else if (value instanceof List) {
logger.warn("Relations is a list !!!!");
return entity;
public void onEachRelationType(StreamItemRelationTypeConsumer action) {
String rootType = getRoot() instanceof BaseStreamItem ? ((BaseStreamItem) getRoot()).getElementType() : ASConstants.AS_STREAM_ITEM;
String relatedType = isRelatedItemABusinessEntity() ? getRelatedBusinessEntity().getElementType() : ASConstants.AS_STREAM_ITEM;
SaveDirection dir = checkReverseRelation();
if (dir.incomingRelation) {
action.accept(dir.fullRelationType, relatedType, rootType);
} else {
action.accept(dir.fullRelationType, rootType, relatedType);
public void onEachEntityRelation(Consumer action) {
private SaveDirection checkReverseRelation() {
SaveDirection dir = new SaveDirection();
dir.leafRelationType = this.getRelationsType().getRelationsType();
dir.fullRelationType = this.getRelationsType().getRelationsTypeString();
dir.incomingRelation = false;
if (this.root instanceof AbstractBaseEvent && this.getRelationsType().getRelationsTypeString().startsWith(ASConstants.REL_ACTOR))
dir.incomingRelation = true;
else if (Direction.IN.equals(this.direction))
dir.incomingRelation = true;
if (ASConstants.REVERSED_RELATIONS.containsKey(dir.leafRelationType)) {
// These relations are all predefined so the leaf and full types will always be the same.
dir.fullRelationType = dir.leafRelationType = ASConstants.REVERSED_RELATIONS.get(dir.leafRelationType);
dir.incomingRelation = true;
return dir;
/************ Analytics ************/
public void addTimeSeriesDimensions(TimeSeriesEntry entry) {
public void populateTimeSeriesEntry(TimeSeriesEntry entry, String context, long depth) {
String type = this.getRelationsType().getRelationsType();
if (this.isRelatedItemABusinessEntity()) {
BusinessEntity businessEntity = this.getRelatedBusinessEntity();
if (!(this.root instanceof BusinessEntity)) {
long weight = -depth;
String baseType = type.split(":")[0];
if (ASConstants.ACTOR_RELATIONS.contains(baseType)) {
entry.setRegisteredReferences("ACTOR", weight + 4, businessEntity.getEntityReference());
if (ASConstants.TARGET_RELATIONS.contains(baseType)) {
entry.setRegisteredReferences("TARGET", weight + 3, businessEntity.getEntityReference());
if (ASConstants.PRODUCT_RELATIONS.contains(baseType)) {
entry.setRegisteredReferences("TARGET", weight + 1, businessEntity.getEntityReference());
entry.setRegisteredReferences("PRODUCT", weight + 2, businessEntity.getEntityReference());
if (baseType.equals("INVOLVES")) {
entry.setRegisteredReferences(baseType, weight + 2, businessEntity.getEntityReference());
businessEntity.populateTimeSeriesEntry(entry, type, depth);
/************ Assignment & Validation ************/
public void verify() {
public Object put(Object key, Object value) {
if (key == null) {
//Todo - whi is this happening?
logger.error("key, Object value: " + key + ", " + value);
return null;
String theKey = key.toString();
if (this.isRelatedItemABusinessEntity()) {
BusinessEntity relatedEntity = this.getRelatedBusinessEntity();
if (theKey.equals("label")) {
return relatedEntity.addLabel(value);
} else if (theKey.equals("_patch")) {
return relatedEntity.addPatch(value);
} else if (theKey.equals("$direction")) {
try {
this.direction = Direction.valueOf((String) value);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
addProblem(new InvalidPropertyContentError("Direction is not know: " + value));
return null;
return null;
} else if (root instanceof AbstractStreamItem && RelationsType.isEntityRelationsKey(theKey) && value != relatedEntity) {
//todo - fix incorrect assignment
return relatedEntity.addRelations(theKey, value);
//else this is a normal property and we should just store it
return super.put(key, value);
public Object directPut(Object key, Object value) {
return super.put(key, value);
public String toString() {
if (this.isRelatedItemABusinessEntity()) {
return "Relation{" + "entity_ref=" + this.getRelatedBusinessEntity().getEntityReference().getEntityReference() + ", link=" +
relationsType.getRelationsTypeString() + (this.containsKey("properties") ? ", properties=" + this.get("properties") : "") + '}';
} else {
return "Relation{" + "stream_id=" + getRelatedItem() + ", role=" + (relationsType != null ? relationsType.getRelationsTypeString() : "missing") +
(this.containsKey("properties") ? ", properties=" + this.get("properties") : "") + '}';
public int hashCode() {
return toString().hashCode();
private static class SaveDirection {
* If true, the relation is from (OUT) the related item to (IN) the root item.
* Otherwise (the default) the relation is from (OUT) the root to (IN) the related item.
boolean incomingRelation;
String leafRelationType;
String fullRelationType;