com.activitystream.model.aspects.AddressAspect Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.activitystream.model.aspects;
import com.activitystream.model.ASConstants;
import com.activitystream.model.config.ASConfig;
import com.activitystream.model.interfaces.*;
import com.activitystream.model.entities.BusinessEntity;
import com.activitystream.model.entities.EntityChangeMap;
import com.activitystream.model.entities.EntityReference;
import com.activitystream.model.validation.AdjustedPropertyWarning;
import com.activitystream.model.validation.IgnoredPropertyError;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import sun.reflect.generics.reflectiveObjects.NotImplementedException;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
public class AddressAspect extends AbstractMapAspect implements LinkedElement, EnrichableElement {
public static final AspectType ASPECT_TYPE = new AspectType(ASConstants.ASPECTS_ADDRESS, AddressAspect::new, AspectType.MergeStrategy.REPLACE) {
protected static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AddressAspect.class);
//todo - Remove this silly/custom cleanup stuff
final static Map KNOWN_WRONG_COUNTRY_CODES = new HashMap() {{
put("DEN", "DK");
put("SWE", "SE");
put("GER", "DE");
}}; //todo - replace with real lookup
public AddressAspect() {
//todo - Remove this silly/custom cleanup stuff
final static Map KNOWN_COUNTRY_NAMES = new HashMap() {{
put("UNITED STATES [MILITARY]", new Locale("US"));
put("USA", new Locale("US"));
put("RUSSIAN FEDERATION", new Locale("RU"));
put("VIET NAM", new Locale("VN"));
put("KOREA, REPUBLIC OF", new Locale("KR"));
put("COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS", new Locale("CC"));
put("SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO", new Locale("CS"));
put("FALKLAND ISLANDS (MALVINAS)", new Locale("FK"));
put("SCOTLAND", new Locale("GB"));
put("RIUNION", new Locale("RE"));
}}; //todo - replace with real lookup
static final List localesList = new LinkedList<>();
static {
for (String countryCode : Locale.getISOCountries()) {
localesList.add(new Locale("", countryCode));
public AddressAspect(String address, String address2, String city, String postcode, String country, String countryCode) {
if (address != null && !address.isEmpty()) put(ASConstants.FIELD_ADDRESS,address);
if (address2 != null && !address2.isEmpty()) put(ASConstants.FIELD_ADDRESS_2, address2);
if (city != null && !city.isEmpty()) put(ASConstants.FIELD_CITY,city);
if (postcode != null && !postcode.isEmpty()) put(ASConstants.FIELD_ZIP_CODE,postcode);
if (country != null && !country.isEmpty()) put(ASConstants.FIELD_COUNTRY,country);
if (countryCode != null && !countryCode.isEmpty()) put(ASConstants.FIELD_COUNTRY_CODE,countryCode);
public void onEachEntityReference(Consumer action) {
throw new NotImplementedException();
* Utility functions
public AspectType getAspectType() {
* CEP Utility Functions and Getters
public String getAddress() {
return (String) get(ASConstants.FIELD_ADDRESS);
public AddressAspect withAddress(String address) {
if (address != null && !address.isEmpty()) put(ASConstants.FIELD_ADDRESS, address);
else remove(ASConstants.FIELD_ADDRESS);
return this;
public String getAddress2() {
return (String) get(ASConstants.FIELD_ADDRESS_2);
public AddressAspect withAddress2(String address) {
if (address != null && !address.isEmpty()) put(ASConstants.FIELD_ADDRESS_2, address);
else remove(ASConstants.FIELD_ADDRESS_2);
return this;
public String getZipCode() {
return (String) get(ASConstants.FIELD_ZIP_CODE);
} //todo - rename these to match postcode data
public String getPostcode() {
return getZipCode();
} //todo - rename these to match postcode data
public AddressAspect withPostCode(String postalCode) {
if (postalCode != null && !postalCode.isEmpty()) put(ASConstants.FIELD_ZIP_CODE, postalCode);
else remove(ASConstants.FIELD_ZIP_CODE);
return this;
public String getNormalizedPostcode() {
if (getZipCode() != null) {
return getZipCode().toUpperCase().replaceAll("[ |\\-|/]", "");
return null;
public String getCity() {
return (String) get(ASConstants.FIELD_CITY);
public AddressAspect withCity(String city) {
if (city != null && !city.isEmpty()) put(ASConstants.FIELD_CITY, city);
else remove(ASConstants.FIELD_CITY);
return this;
public String getCountry() {
if (containsKey("country")) return (String) get("country");
else if (this.root instanceof BusinessEntity && ((BusinessEntity) this.root).getEntityReference() != null) {
EntityReference entityRefrence = ((BusinessEntity) this.root).getEntityReference();
if (entityRefrence.getEntityId().startsWith("4-")) return "Sweden";
else if (entityRefrence.getEntityId().startsWith("1-")) return "Denmark";
else if (entityRefrence.getEntityId().startsWith("3-")) return "Norway";
else return null;
} else {
//logger.error("Country is missing: " + this);
return null;
public AddressAspect withCountry(String country) {
if (country != null && !country.isEmpty()) put(ASConstants.FIELD_COUNTRY, country);
else remove(ASConstants.FIELD_COUNTRY);
return this;
public AddressAspect withFuzzyCountry(String countryOrCountryCode) {
if (countryOrCountryCode == null || countryOrCountryCode.isEmpty()) return this;
Locale isLocale = KNOWN_COUNTRY_NAMES.get(countryOrCountryCode);
if (isLocale == null) {
for (Locale aLocale : localesList) {
if (aLocale.getCountry().equals(countryOrCountryCode) || aLocale.getDisplayName().equalsIgnoreCase(countryOrCountryCode)) {
isLocale = aLocale;
if (isLocale != null) {
put(ASConstants.FIELD_COUNTRY, isLocale.getDisplayName());
put(ASConstants.FIELD_COUNTRY_CODE, isLocale.getCountry());
} else {
logger.warn("Not Resolved: " + countryOrCountryCode);
return this;
public String getState() {
return (String) get(ASConstants.FIELD_STATE);
public void setState(String state) {
if (state != null && !state.isEmpty()) put(ASConstants.FIELD_STATE, state);
else remove(ASConstants.FIELD_STATE);
public AddressAspect withState(String state) {
return this;
* Adds country code and state code as HASC code
* This only happens if the country code exists and the hasc code is incomplete
* @param stateCode
* @return
public AddressAspect withStateCode(String stateCode) {
if (getCountryCode() !=null && stateCode != null && stateCode.trim().length() == 2 && getCountryCode().length()==2) {
if (getHascCode() == null || getHascCode().length() < 5) put(ASConstants.FIELD_HASC_CODE, (getCountryCode() + "." + stateCode).toUpperCase() );
return this;
public String getRegion() {
return (String) get(ASConstants.FIELD_REGION);
public void setRegion(String region) {
if (region != null && !region.isEmpty()) put(ASConstants.FIELD_REGION, region);
else remove(ASConstants.FIELD_REGION);
public AddressAspect withRegion(String region) {
setRegion (region);
return this;
public String getLevel1() {
return (String) get(ASConstants.FIELD_STATE);
} //todo - rename these
public String getHascCode() {
return (String) get(ASConstants.FIELD_HASC_CODE);
public String getFipsCode() {
return (String) get(ASConstants.FIELD_FIPS_CODE);
public String getNgaCode() {
return (String) get(ASConstants.FIELD_NGA_CODE);
public String getLevel2() {
return (String) get(ASConstants.FIELD_REGION);
} //todo - rename these
private GeoLocationAspect getLatLong() {
if (get(ASConstants.FIELD_LATLONG) instanceof GeoLocationAspect) {
return (GeoLocationAspect) get(ASConstants.FIELD_LATLONG);
} else if (get(ASConstants.FIELD_LATLONG) instanceof String) {
return new GeoLocationAspect(get(ASConstants.FIELD_LATLONG), null);
return null;
public AddressAspect withLatLong(String latLong) {
if (latLong != null && !latLong.isEmpty()) put(ASConstants.FIELD_LATLONG, latLong);
else remove(ASConstants.FIELD_LATLONG);
return this;
public GeoLocationAspect getGeoLocation() {
GeoLocationAspect geoLocationAspect = null;
if (get(ASConstants.FIELD_LATLONG) instanceof GeoLocationAspect) {
geoLocationAspect = (GeoLocationAspect) get(ASConstants.FIELD_LATLONG);
} else if (get(ASConstants.FIELD_LATLONG) instanceof String) {
geoLocationAspect = new GeoLocationAspect((String) get(ASConstants.FIELD_LATLONG), ASConstants.FIELD_ADDRESS, getHascCode(), this.root);
} else if (get(ASConstants.FIELD_ZIP_LATLONG) instanceof String) {
geoLocationAspect = new GeoLocationAspect((String) get(ASConstants.FIELD_ZIP_LATLONG), ASConstants.FIELD_ADDRESS, getHascCode(), this.root);
} else if (get(ASConstants.FIELD_LATLONG) == null) {
geoLocationAspect = new GeoLocationAspect(null, this.root);
logger.trace("No location found for address: " + this);
} else {
if (geoLocationAspect != null) {
if (getCountryCode() != null) {
if (getHascCode() != null) geoLocationAspect.setHascCode(getHascCode());
if (geoLocationAspect.getFipsCode().isEmpty() && getFipsCode() != null) geoLocationAspect.setFipsCode(getFipsCode());
if (geoLocationAspect.getNgaCode().isEmpty() && getNgaCode() != null) geoLocationAspect.setNgaCode(getNgaCode());
return geoLocationAspect;
public String getCountryCode() {
String countryCode = (String) get(ASConstants.FIELD_COUNTRY_CODE);
if (countryCode != null) countryCode = KNOWN_WRONG_COUNTRY_CODES.getOrDefault(countryCode.toUpperCase(), countryCode);
return countryCode;
public AddressAspect withCountryCode(String countryCode) {
//todo - validate country code (against ISO 2 and 3)
if (countryCode != null && !countryCode.isEmpty()) put(ASConstants.FIELD_COUNTRY_CODE, countryCode.toUpperCase());
else remove(ASConstants.FIELD_COUNTRY_CODE);
return this;
public String getZipcodeIfZipCodeOnly() {
if (this.getZipCode() != null && this.getCountryCode() != null && this.getCountryCode().length() == 2) {
return this.getCountryCode() + this.getZipCode();
return null;
public String getZipCodeId() {
String countryCode = this.getCountryCode();
if (countryCode == null && this.getCountry() != null && this.getCountry().length() == 2) countryCode = this.getCountry(); //EinarN workaround
String zipCode = this.getZipCode();
//if (zipCode != null && zipCode.startsWith("0")) zipCode = zipCode.substring(1);
return (countryCode != null && zipCode != null) ? (countryCode + zipCode).replaceAll(" ", "") : null;
public boolean isVerified() {
return containsKey(ASConstants.FIELD_VERIFIED) && (Boolean) get(ASConstants.FIELD_VERIFIED);
/************ Assignment & Validation ************/
public Object put(Object key, Object value) {
String theKey = key.toString();
String theLCKey = theKey.toLowerCase();
if (!theKey.equals(theLCKey)) {
this.addProblem(new AdjustedPropertyWarning("The property name: '" + theKey + "' was converted to lower case"));
theKey = theLCKey;
if (value == null || value.toString().trim().isEmpty() || value.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("null")) return null;
switch (theKey) {
theKey = ASConstants.FIELD_ZIP_CODE;
case ASConstants.FIELD_ZIP_CODE:
case ASConstants.FIELD_CITY:
case ASConstants.FIELD_COUNTRY:
if (value.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("unknown")) return null;
value = validator().processString(theKey, value, true); //value is required if property is provided
case ASConstants.FIELD_ADDRESS:
if (value.toString().equalsIgnoreCase("unknown")) return null;
value = validator().processString(theKey, value, true); //value is required if property is provided
if (value.toString().contains(",")) {
String[] parts = value.toString().split(",");
if (parts.length == 0) return null;
value = parts[0];
if (parts.length > 1) put(ASConstants.FIELD_ADDRESS_2, parts[1]);
case ASConstants.FIELD_ADDRESS_2:
case ASConstants.FIELD_STATE:
case ASConstants.FIELD_STATE_CODE:
case ASConstants.FIELD_REGION:
case ASConstants.FIELD_HASC:
case ASConstants.FIELD_NGA_CODE:
case ASConstants.FIELD_FIPS_CODE:
case ASConstants.FIELD_LATLONG:
case ASConstants.FIELD_SUB_REGION:
value = validator().processString(theKey, value, false);
case ASConstants.FIELD_VERIFIED:
value = validator().processBoolean(theKey, value, false);
case ASConstants.FIELD_ALTERED:
value = validator().processBoolean(theKey, value, false);
if (!key.toString().startsWith("_"))
this.addProblem(new IgnoredPropertyError("The " + theKey + " property is not supported for the Address Aspect"));
return super.put(theKey, value);
public void verify() {
protected void handleChanges(Map oldValues, Map newValues) {
registerChanges(oldValues, newValues, EntityChangeMap.ACTION.PROCESS, EntityChangeMap.ACTION.IGNORE);
* Creates a new Address Aspect instance
* Utility function for cleaner chaining
* @return a new Address Aspect
public static AddressAspect address() {
return new AddressAspect();
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