Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* Spotify Web API, Kotlin Wrapper; MIT License, 2017-2022; Original author: Adam Ratzman */
package com.adamratzman.spotify.models
import com.adamratzman.spotify.SpotifyApi
import com.adamratzman.spotify.SpotifyScope
import com.adamratzman.spotify.utils.getCurrentTimeMs
import kotlinx.serialization.SerialName
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import kotlinx.serialization.Transient
* Represents a Spotify Token, retrieved through instantiating a [SpotifyApi]
* @param accessToken An access token that can be provided in subsequent calls,
* for example to Spotify Web API services.
* @param tokenType How the access token may be used: always Bearer”.
* @param expiresIn The time period (in seconds) for which the access token is valid.
* @param refreshToken A token that can be sent to the Spotify Accounts service in place of an authorization code,
* null if the token was created using a method that does not support token refresh
* @property scopes A list of scopes granted access for this [accessToken]. An
* empty list means that the token can only be used to access public information.
* @property expiresAt The time, in milliseconds, at which this Token expires
public data class Token(
@SerialName("access_token") var accessToken: String,
@SerialName("token_type") val tokenType: String,
@SerialName("expires_in") var expiresIn: Int,
@SerialName("refresh_token") var refreshToken: String? = null,
@SerialName("scope") internal var scopeString: String? = null
) {
val expiresAt: Long get() = getCurrentTimeMs() + expiresIn * 1000
val scopes: List? get() = scopeString?.let { str ->
str.split(" ").mapNotNull { scope -> SpotifyScope.values().find { it.uri.equals(scope, true) } }
public fun shouldRefresh(): Boolean = getCurrentTimeMs() > expiresAt
public companion object {
public fun from(accessToken: String?, refreshToken: String?, scopes: List, expiresIn: Int = 1): Token =
Token(accessToken ?: "", "Bearer", expiresIn, refreshToken, scopes.joinToString(" ") { it.uri })
public data class TokenValidityResponse(
val isValid: Boolean,
@Transient val exception: Exception? = null