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/* Spotify Web API, Kotlin Wrapper; MIT License, 2017-2022; Original author: Adam Ratzman */
package com.adamratzman.spotify.models
import com.adamratzman.spotify.SpotifyRestAction
import com.adamratzman.spotify.SpotifyScope
import com.adamratzman.spotify.utils.Locale
import com.adamratzman.spotify.utils.Market
import kotlinx.serialization.SerialName
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
* An episode (podcast) on Spotify
* @param album The album on which the track appears. The album object includes a link in
* href to full information about the album.
* @param artists The artists who performed the track. Each artist object includes a link in href
* to more detailed information about the artist.
* @property availableMarkets A list of the countries in which the track can be played, identified by their ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code.
* @param discNumber The disc number (usually 1 unless the album consists of more than one disc).
* @param durationMs The track length in milliseconds.
* @param explicit Whether or not the track has explicit lyrics ( true = yes it does; false = no it does not OR unknown).
* @param isLocal Whether or not the track is from a local file.
* @param isPlayable Part of the response when Track Relinking is applied. If true , the track is playable in the
* given market. Otherwise false.
* @param name The name of the track.
* @param popularity The popularity of the track. The value will be between 0 and 100, with 100 being the most
* popular. The popularity of a track is a value between 0 and 100, with 100 being the most popular. The popularity
* is calculated by algorithm and is based, in the most part, on the total number of plays the track has had and how
* recent those plays are. Generally speaking, songs that are being played a lot now will have a higher popularity
* than songs that were played a lot in the past. Duplicate tracks (e.g. the same track from a single and an album)
* are rated independently. Artist and album popularity is derived mathematically from track popularity. Note that
* the popularity value may lag actual popularity by a few days: the value is not updated in real time.
* @param previewUrl A link to a 30 second preview (MP3 format) of the track. Can be null.
* @param track Whether this episode is also a track.
* @param trackNumber The number of the track. If an album has several discs, the track number is the number on the specified disc.
* @param type The object type: “episode”.
public data class PodcastEpisodeTrack(
val album: SimpleAlbum,
val artists: List,
@SerialName("available_markets") private val availableMarketsString: List = listOf(),
@SerialName("disc_number") val discNumber: Int,
@SerialName("duration_ms") val durationMs: Int,
val episode: Boolean? = null,
val explicit: Boolean,
@SerialName("external_urls") override val externalUrlsString: Map,
@SerialName("external_ids") private val externalIdsString: Map = hashMapOf(),
override val href: String,
override val id: String,
@SerialName("is_local") val isLocal: Boolean? = null,
@SerialName("is_playable") val isPlayable: Boolean = true,
val name: String,
val popularity: Int,
@SerialName("preview_url") val previewUrl: String? = null,
val track: Boolean? = null,
@SerialName("track_number") val trackNumber: Int,
override val type: String,
override val uri: PlayableUri,
override val linkedTrack: LinkedTrack? = null
) : RelinkingAvailableResponse(), Playable {
val availableMarkets: List get() = { Market.valueOf(it) }
val externalIds: List get() = { ExternalId(it.key, it.value) }
override fun getMembersThatNeedApiInstantiation(): List = listOf(album) + artists + linkedTrack + this
* An episode (podcast) on Spotify
* @param audioPreviewUrl A URL to a 30 second preview (MP3 format) of the episode. null if not available.
* @param description A description of the episode.
* @param durationMs The episode length in milliseconds.
* @param explicit Whether or not the episode has explicit content (true = yes it does; false = no it does not OR unknown).
* @param images The cover art for the episode in various sizes, widest first.
* @param isExternallyHosted True if the episode is hosted outside of Spotify’s CDN.
* @param isPlayable True if the episode is playable in the given market. Otherwise false.
* @param name The name of the episode.
* @param releaseDatePrecisionString The precision with which release_date value is known: "year", "month", or "day".
* @param resumePoint The user’s most recent position in the episode. Set if the supplied access token is a user token and has the scope [SpotifyScope.UserReadPlaybackPosition].
* @param type The object type: "episode".
* @param show The show on which the episode belongs.
* @property languages A list of the languages used in the episode, identified by their ISO 639 code.
* @property releaseDate The date the episode was first released, for example "1981-12-15". Depending on the precision, it might be shown as "1981" or "1981-12".
public data class Episode(
@SerialName("audio_preview_url") val audioPreviewUrl: String? = null,
val description: String? = null,
@SerialName("duration_ms") val durationMs: Int,
val explicit: Boolean,
@SerialName("external_urls") override val externalUrlsString: Map,
override val href: String,
override val id: String,
val images: List,
@SerialName("is_externally_hosted") val isExternallyHosted: Boolean,
@SerialName("is_playable") val isPlayable: Boolean,
@Deprecated("This field is deprecated and might be removed in the future. Please use the languages field instead")
private val language: String? = null,
@SerialName("languages") private val showLanguagesPrivate: List,
val name: String,
@SerialName("release_date") private val releaseDateString: String? = null,
@SerialName("release_date_precision") val releaseDatePrecisionString: String? = null,
@SerialName("resume_point") val resumePoint: ResumePoint? = null,
val show: SimpleShow,
override val type: String,
override val uri: EpisodeUri
) : CoreObject(), Playable {
val releaseDate: ReleaseDate? get() = releaseDateString?.let { getReleaseDate(releaseDateString) }
val languages: List
get() = (language?.let { showLanguagesPrivate + it } ?: showLanguagesPrivate).map { languageString ->
Locale.valueOf(languageString.replace("-", "_"))
override fun getMembersThatNeedApiInstantiation(): List = listOf(show, this)
* A simplified episode (podcast) on Spotify
* @param audioPreviewUrl A URL to a 30 second preview (MP3 format) of the episode. null if not available.
* @param description A description of the episode.
* @param durationMs The episode length in milliseconds.
* @param explicit Whether or not the episode has explicit content (true = yes it does; false = no it does not OR unknown).
* @param images The cover art for the episode in various sizes, widest first.
* @param isExternallyHosted True if the episode is hosted outside of Spotify’s CDN.
* @param isPlayable True if the episode is playable in the given market. Otherwise false.
* @param name The name of the episode.
* @param releaseDatePrecisionString The precision with which release_date value is known: "year", "month", or "day".
* @param resumePoint The user’s most recent position in the episode. Set if the supplied access token is a user token and has the scope [SpotifyScope.UserReadPlaybackPosition].
* @param type The object type: "episode".
* @property languages A list of the languages used in the episode, identified by their ISO 639 code.
* @property releaseDate The date the episode was first released, for example "1981-12-15". Depending on the precision, it might be shown as "1981" or "1981-12".
public data class SimpleEpisode(
@SerialName("audio_preview_url") val audioPreviewUrl: String? = null,
val description: String? = null,
@SerialName("duration_ms") val durationMs: Int,
val explicit: Boolean,
@SerialName("external_urls") override val externalUrlsString: Map,
override val href: String,
override val id: String,
val images: List,
@SerialName("is_externally_hosted") val isExternallyHosted: Boolean,
@SerialName("is_playable") val isPlayable: Boolean,
@Deprecated("This field is deprecated and might be removed in the future. Please use the languages field instead")
private val language: String? = null,
@SerialName("languages") private val showLanguagesPrivate: List,
val name: String,
@SerialName("release_date") private val releaseDateString: String? = null,
@SerialName("release_date_precision") val releaseDatePrecisionString: String? = null,
@SerialName("resume_point") val resumePoint: ResumePoint? = null,
val type: String,
override val uri: SpotifyUri
) : CoreObject() {
val releaseDate: ReleaseDate? get() = releaseDateString?.let { getReleaseDate(releaseDateString) }
val languages: List
get() = (language?.let { showLanguagesPrivate + it } ?: showLanguagesPrivate)
.map { Locale.valueOf(it.replace("-", "_")) }
* Converts this [SimpleEpisode] into a full [Episode] object
* @param market Provide this parameter if you want the list of returned items to be relevant to a particular country.
public suspend fun toFullEpisode(market: Market): Episode? = api.episodes.getEpisode(id, market)
* Converts this [SimpleEpisode] into a full [Episode] object
* @param market Provide this parameter if you want the list of returned items to be relevant to a particular country.
public fun toFullEpisodeRestAction(market: Market): SpotifyRestAction =
SpotifyRestAction { toFullEpisode(market) }
override fun getMembersThatNeedApiInstantiation(): List = listOf(this)
* Represents the user’s most recent position in the episode. Set if the supplied access token is a user token and has
* the scope [SpotifyScope.UserReadPlaybackPosition].
* @param fullyPlayed Whether or not the episode has been fully played by the user.
* @param resumePositionMs The user’s most recent position in the episode in milliseconds.
public data class ResumePoint(
@SerialName("fully_played") val fullyPlayed: Boolean,
@SerialName("resume_position_ms") val resumePositionMs: Int
internal data class EpisodeList(val episodes: List)