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/* Spotify Web API, Kotlin Wrapper; MIT License, 2017-2022; Original author: Adam Ratzman */
package com.adamratzman.spotify.http

import com.adamratzman.spotify.GenericSpotifyApi
import com.adamratzman.spotify.SpotifyApiOptions
import com.adamratzman.spotify.SpotifyException.AuthenticationException
import com.adamratzman.spotify.SpotifyException.BadRequestException
import com.adamratzman.spotify.SpotifyException.ParseException
import com.adamratzman.spotify.models.AuthenticationError
import com.adamratzman.spotify.models.ErrorResponse
import com.adamratzman.spotify.models.SpotifyRatelimitedException
import com.adamratzman.spotify.models.serialization.nonstrictJson
import com.adamratzman.spotify.models.serialization.toObject
import com.soywiz.klogger.Console
import com.soywiz.korio.async.launch
import io.ktor.client.HttpClient
import io.ktor.client.plugins.ResponseException
import io.ktor.client.request.HttpRequestBuilder
import io.ktor.client.request.header
import io.ktor.client.request.request
import io.ktor.client.request.setBody
import io.ktor.client.request.url
import io.ktor.client.statement.bodyAsText
import io.ktor.http.ContentType
import io.ktor.http.HttpMethod
import io.ktor.http.content.ByteArrayContent
import kotlinx.coroutines.CancellationException
import kotlinx.coroutines.currentCoroutineContext
import kotlinx.coroutines.delay
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable

public enum class HttpRequestMethod(internal val externalMethod: HttpMethod) {

public data class HttpHeader(val key: String, val value: String)

public data class HttpResponse(val responseCode: Int, val body: String, val headers: List)

public typealias HttpConnection = HttpRequest

 * Provides a fast, easy, and slim way to execute and retrieve HTTP GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE requests
public class HttpRequest constructor(
    public val url: String,
    public val method: HttpRequestMethod,
    public val bodyMap: Map<*, *>?,
    public val bodyString: String?,
    contentType: String?,
    public val headers: List = listOf(),
    public val api: GenericSpotifyApi? = null
) {
    public val contentType: ContentType = contentType?.let { ContentType.parse(it) } ?: ContentType.Application.Json

    public fun String?.toByteArrayContent(): ByteArrayContent? {
        return if (this == null) null else ByteArrayContent(this.toByteArray(), contentType)

    public fun buildRequest(additionalHeaders: List?): HttpRequestBuilder = HttpRequestBuilder().apply {
        url([email protected])
        method = [email protected]

            when ([email protected]) {
                HttpRequestMethod.DELETE -> {
                    bodyString.toByteArrayContent() ?: body

                HttpRequestMethod.PUT, HttpRequestMethod.POST -> {
                    val contentString = if (contentType == ContentType.Application.FormUrlEncoded) {
                        bodyMap?.map { "${it.key}=${it.value}" }?.joinToString("&") ?: bodyString
                    } else {

                    contentString.toByteArrayContent() ?: ByteArrayContent("".toByteArray(), contentType)

                else -> body

        // let additionalHeaders overwrite headers
        val allHeaders = if (additionalHeaders == null) {
            [email protected]
        } else {
            [email protected] { oldHeaders -> oldHeaders.key !in { it.key } } + additionalHeaders

        allHeaders.forEach { (key, value) ->
            header(key, value)

    public suspend fun execute(
        additionalHeaders: List? = null,
        retryIfInternalServerErrorLeft: Int? = SpotifyApiOptions().retryOnInternalServerErrorTimes // default
    ): HttpResponse {
        val httpRequest = buildRequest(additionalHeaders)
        if (api?.spotifyApiOptions?.enableDebugMode == true) Console.debug("Request: $this")
        try {
            return httpClient.request(httpRequest).let { response ->
                val respCode = response.status.value

                if (respCode in 500..599 && (retryIfInternalServerErrorLeft == null || retryIfInternalServerErrorLeft == -1 || retryIfInternalServerErrorLeft > 0)) {
                    if (api?.spotifyApiOptions?.enableDebugMode == true) Console.debug("Received internal server error $respCode, attempting to retry ($retryIfInternalServerErrorLeft tries left)")
                    return@let execute(
                        retryIfInternalServerErrorLeft =
                        if (retryIfInternalServerErrorLeft != null && retryIfInternalServerErrorLeft != -1) {
                            retryIfInternalServerErrorLeft - 1
                        } else {
                // otherwise, if it's 5xx and retryIfInternalServerErrorLeft == 0 we just continue and fail

                if (respCode == 429) {
                    if (api?.spotifyApiOptions?.enableDebugMode == true) Console.debug("Received 429, attempting to retry")
                    val ratelimit = response.headers["Retry-After"]!!.toLong() + 1L
                    if (api?.spotifyApiOptions?.retryWhenRateLimited == true) {
                        delay(ratelimit * 1000)
                        return@let execute(
                            retryIfInternalServerErrorLeft = retryIfInternalServerErrorLeft
                    } else {
                        throw SpotifyRatelimitedException(ratelimit)

                val body: String = response.bodyAsText()
                if (api?.spotifyApiOptions?.enableDebugMode == true) {
                    Console.debug("Request status: $respCode - body: $body")

                if (respCode == 401 && body.contains("access token") && api?.spotifyApiOptions?.automaticRefresh == true) {
                    val newAdditionalHeaders =
                        additionalHeaders?.toMutableList()?.filter { it.key != "Authorization" }?.toMutableList()
                            ?: mutableListOf()
                    newAdditionalHeaders.add(HttpHeader("Authorization", "Bearer ${api.token.accessToken}"))
                    return execute(
                        retryIfInternalServerErrorLeft = retryIfInternalServerErrorLeft

                val httpResponseToReturn = HttpResponse(
                    responseCode = respCode,
                    body = body,
                    headers = response.headers.entries().map { (key, value) ->
                            value.getOrNull(0) ?: "null"

                api?.spotifyApiOptions?.httpResponseSubscriber?.let { subscriber ->
                    launch(currentCoroutineContext()) {
                        subscriber(this, httpResponseToReturn)

                return httpResponseToReturn
        } catch (e: CancellationException) {
            throw e
        } catch (e: ResponseException) {
            val errorBody = e.response.bodyAsText()
            if (api?.spotifyApiOptions?.enableDebugMode == true) Console.debug("Error body: $errorBody")
            try {
                val respCode = e.response.status.value

                if (respCode in 500..599 && (retryIfInternalServerErrorLeft == null || retryIfInternalServerErrorLeft == -1 || retryIfInternalServerErrorLeft > 0)) {
                    return execute(
                        retryIfInternalServerErrorLeft =
                        if (retryIfInternalServerErrorLeft != null && retryIfInternalServerErrorLeft != -1) {
                            retryIfInternalServerErrorLeft - 1
                        } else {

                if (respCode == 429) {
                    val ratelimit = e.response.headers["Retry-After"]!!.toLong() + 1L
                    if (api?.spotifyApiOptions?.retryWhenRateLimited == true) {
                        // println("The request ($url) was ratelimited for $ratelimit seconds at ${getCurrentTimeMs()}")
                        delay(ratelimit * 1000)
                        return execute(
                            retryIfInternalServerErrorLeft = retryIfInternalServerErrorLeft
                    } else {
                        throw SpotifyRatelimitedException(ratelimit)

                if (e.response.status.value == 401 && errorBody.contains("access token") &&
                    api != null && api.spotifyApiOptions.automaticRefresh
                ) {
                    val newAdditionalHeaders =
                        additionalHeaders?.toMutableList()?.filter { it.key != "Authorization" }?.toMutableList()
                            ?: mutableListOf()
                    newAdditionalHeaders.add(HttpHeader("Authorization", "Bearer ${api.token.accessToken}"))
                    return execute(
                        retryIfInternalServerErrorLeft = retryIfInternalServerErrorLeft

                val error = errorBody.toObject(
                    api?.spotifyApiOptions?.json ?: nonstrictJson
                throw BadRequestException(error.copy(reason = (error.reason ?: "") + " URL: $url"))
            } catch (ignored: ParseException) {
                try {
                    val error = errorBody.toObject(
                        api?.spotifyApiOptions?.json ?: nonstrictJson
                    throw AuthenticationException(error)
                } catch (ignored: ParseException) {
                    throw BadRequestException(e)

    override fun toString(): String {
        // we don't want to print this sensitive information
        val headersWithoutAuthorization = headers.filter { it.key != "Authorization" }
        val hasAuthorizationHeader = headersWithoutAuthorization.size != headers.size
        return """HttpConnection(
            |body=${bodyString ?: bodyMap},
            |${if (hasAuthorizationHeader) "The authorization header was hidden." else "There was no authorization header."})

    internal companion object {
        internal val httpClient = HttpClient {
            expectSuccess = false

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