com.adaptc.mws.plugins.openstack.OpenStackPlugin.groovy Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.adaptc.mws.plugins.openstack
import com.adaptc.mws.plugins.*
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64
import org.openstack4j.api.Builders
import org.openstack4j.api.OSClient
import org.openstack4j.model.compute.Address
import org.openstack4j.model.compute.Server
import org.openstack4j.model.compute.ServerCreate
import org.openstack4j.model.compute.builder.ServerCreateBuilder
import org.openstack4j.model.image.ContainerFormat
import org.openstack4j.openstack.OSFactory
import java.util.concurrent.Callable
import java.util.concurrent.Executors
import java.util.concurrent.Future
class OpenStackPlugin extends AbstractPlugin {
private static final String REQUEST_ID_TOKEN = "{request-id}"
private static final String DATE_TOKEN = "{date}"
private static final String SERVER_NUMBER_TOKEN = "{server-number}"
private static final int SLEEP_VALUE = 1 * 1000l
private static final String OS_IMAGE_TYPE_PROPERTY_KEY = "image_type"
private static final String OS_IMAGE_TYPE_SNAPSHOT = "snapshot"
// For constraint validation
ISslService sslService
static constraints = {
// You can insert constraints here on pollInterval or any arbitrary field in
// the plugin's configuration. All parameters defined here default to required:true.
//confidentialParameter password:true
//optionalBoolean required:false, blank:false, type:Boolean
osEndpoint blank: false, validator: { val, obj ->
final Integer timeout = 5000
Integer responseCode = null
String host
URL urlObject
HttpURLConnection httpURLConnection = null
HttpsURLConnection httpsURLConnection = null
try {
urlObject = new URL(val)
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
return ["invalid.malformed", e.message]
host =
try {
switch (urlObject.protocol) {
case "http":
httpURLConnection = urlObject.openConnection() as HttpURLConnection
case "https":
httpsURLConnection = urlObject.openConnection() as HttpsURLConnection
ISslService sslService = getService("sslService")
httpsURLConnection.SSLSocketFactory = sslService.lenientSocketFactory
httpsURLConnection.hostnameVerifier = sslService.lenientHostnameVerifier
httpURLConnection = httpsURLConnection
return "invalid.protocol"
httpURLConnection.connectTimeout = timeout
httpURLConnection.readTimeout = timeout
responseCode = httpURLConnection.responseCode
catch (UnknownHostException uhe) {
return ["", host]
catch (SocketTimeoutException ste) {
return ["", host]
catch (Exception e) {
return ["invalid.connection.failure", host, e.message]
finally {
if (responseCode != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK)
return ["invalid.response", val, responseCode]
osUsername blank: false
osPassword blank: false, password: true
osTenant blank: false
osFlavorName blank: false
osImageName blank: false
osKeyPairName blank: false, required: false
osInitScript blank: false, required: false, widget:"textarea"
matchImagePrefix type: Boolean, defaultValue: true
useBootableImage type: Boolean, defaultValue: true, validator: { val, obj ->
if (val && !obj.config.matchImagePrefix)
return "invalid.prefix.setting"
useSnapshot type: Boolean, defaultValue: false, validator: { val, obj ->
if (val && !obj.config.matchImagePrefix)
return "invalid.prefix.setting"
osVlanName required: false, blank: false
osInstanceNamePattern blank: false, defaultValue: "moab-burst-{date}-{server-number}", validator: { val ->
if (!(val instanceof String))
if (!val.contains(OpenStackPlugin.SERVER_NUMBER_TOKEN))
return ["invalid.format", [OpenStackPlugin.SERVER_NUMBER_TOKEN].join(', ')]
if (!val.contains(OpenStackPlugin.DATE_TOKEN) && !val.contains(OpenStackPlugin.REQUEST_ID_TOKEN))
return ["invalid.format.list", [OpenStackPlugin.DATE_TOKEN, OpenStackPlugin.REQUEST_ID_TOKEN].join(', ')]
activeTimeoutSeconds defaultValue: 120, minValue: 1
deleteTimeoutSeconds defaultValue: 120, minValue: 1
maxRequestLimit defaultValue: 10, minValue: 1
private OSClient buildClient(Map config) {
return OSFactory.builder()
.credentials(config.osUsername, config.osPassword)
private String getAndVerifyFlavorId(OSClient osClient, Map config) throws WebServiceException {
String flavorId = osClient.compute().flavors().list().find { == config.osFlavorName }?.id
if (!flavorId) {
throw new WebServiceException(message(code: "",
args: [config.osFlavorName]), 500)
return flavorId
private String getAndVerifyImageId(OSClient osClient, Map config) throws WebServiceException {
def useBootableImage = config.useBootableImage
def useSnapshot = config.useSnapshot
def matchImagePrefix = config.matchImagePrefix
def allImages = osClient.compute().images().list()
String imageName = config.osImageName
String imageId = allImages.sort { }.reverse().find {
if ((matchImagePrefix && ! ||
(!matchImagePrefix &&!=imageName))
return false
// Retrieve more information on this image and check boot and/or snapshot status
def image = osClient.images().get(
// Check bootable status
if (useBootableImage && (image.containerFormat==ContainerFormat.AKI ||
return false
// Check snapshot status
def isSnapshot = == OS_IMAGE_TYPE_SNAPSHOT
if ((useSnapshot && !isSnapshot) || (!useSnapshot && isSnapshot))
return false
// Else all checks pass and this is a valid image
return true
if (!imageId) {
throw new WebServiceException(message(code: "",
args: [config.osImageName]), 500)
return imageId
private ServerCreate buildNewServerRequest(String requestId, int serverNumber,
String flavorId, String imageId,
Date date, Map config) {
final String name = ((String) config.osInstanceNamePattern)
.replace(REQUEST_ID_TOKEN, requestId)
.replace(DATE_TOKEN, date.time.toString())
.replace(SERVER_NUMBER_TOKEN, (serverNumber).toString())
ServerCreateBuilder builder = Builders.server()
if (config.osKeyPairName) {
log.trace("Setting the keypair name to ${config.osKeyPairName} for request '${requestId}'")
builder = builder.keypairName(config.osKeyPairName)
ServerCreate serverCreate =
if (config.osInitScript) {
def userData = new String(Base64.encodeBase64(config.osInitScript.toString().getBytes("UTF-8")), "UTF-8")
log.trace("Setting the user data to base64 data for request '${requestId}': ${userData}")
// Because we are using groovy, we can set this *private* property
serverCreate.@userData = userData
log.debug("Creating new server ${serverCreate.getName()} for request '${requestId}'")
return serverCreate
private Server bootAndWaitForActive(OSClient osClient, ServerCreate serverCreate, Map config)
throws WebServiceException {
log.debug("Starting server ${serverCreate.getName()} and waiting for it to become active")
Server server = osClient.compute().servers().boot(serverCreate)
final def startTime = new Date().time
final long timeout = config.activeTimeoutSeconds * 1000l
while (server.status != Server.Status.ACTIVE) {
if ((new Date().time - startTime) > timeout) {
def message = "Could not get information from server ${server.getName()}, " +
"timeout after ${config.activeTimeoutSeconds} seconds"
throw new WebServiceException(message)
// Else keep trying
server = osClient.compute().servers().get(
log.debug("Server ${server.getName()} is active")
return server
private String getIpAddress(Server server, Map config) {
log.debug("Attempting to get IP address information from server ${server.getName()}")
List extends Address> addresses = null
if (config.osVlanName)
addresses = server.getAddresses().getAddresses(config.osVlanName)
if (!addresses)
addresses = server.getAddresses().getAddresses().values().find { it }
return addresses?.find { it }?.addr
private void deleteServer(OSClient osClient, String serverId) {
public def triggerBurst(Map params) throws WebServiceException {
if (!params.requestId)
throw new WebServiceException(message(code: "triggerBurst.missing.parameter.message", args: ["requestId"]), 400)
if (!params.serverCount)
throw new WebServiceException(message(code: "triggerBurst.missing.parameter.message", args: ["serverCount"]), 400)
Integer serverCount ='serverCount')
if (!serverCount || serverCount < 1)
throw new WebServiceException(message(code: "triggerBurst.invalid.server.count.message", args: ["serverCount"]), 400)
Map config = getConfig()
def osClientRetrieval = buildClient(config)
// Retrieve flavor and image
String imageId = getAndVerifyImageId(osClientRetrieval, config)
String flavorId = getAndVerifyFlavorId(osClientRetrieval, config)
log.debug("Using flavor ${flavorId} and image ${imageId}")
// Retrieve current date if needed for the name
final Date date = new Date()
// Create new servers while limiting the number of concurrent connections
final List errors = Collections.synchronizedList([])
final List futureList = []
final def threadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(config.maxRequestLimit)
for (int i = 1; i <= serverCount; i++) { // i is a human readable number
futureList << threadPool.submit({ int serverNumber -> // and so is the server number
try {
// If errors already exist, do not attempt to start any more servers since they will just be deleted
if (errors)
return null
// Create client and build request
final OSClient osClient = buildClient(config)
final ServerCreate serverCreate = buildNewServerRequest(params.requestId.toString(),
serverNumber, flavorId, imageId, date, config)
// Boot new servers and wait for timeout until the server is active
final Server server = bootAndWaitForActive(osClient, serverCreate, config)
// Return data to the client
final String ipAddress = getIpAddress(server, config)
return new ServerInformation(
ipAddress: ipAddress,
powerState: server.powerState=='1' ? 'Running' : 'Unknown'
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Caught exception while creating server ${serverNumber}", e)
errors.add(message(code: "triggerBurst.exception.message",
args: [
e.getMessage() ?: message(code: "unknown.exception.message")
return null
}.curry(i) as Callable)
// Execute get here in order to let all threads run as they wish in the pool
final List serverInformationList = futureList.collect { it.get() }.findAll { it }
// If there are errors, use the thread pool to destroy the servers that were started
if (errors) {
log.warn("Errors occurred while bursting, destroying ${serverInformationList.size()} created servers")
def errorCount = errors.size()
serverInformationList.each { ServerInformation info ->
futureList << threadPool.submit({ ServerInformation serverInformation ->
try {"Destroying server ${} (${})")
final def osClient = buildClient(config)
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Caught exception while deleting server ${} (${})", e)
errors.add(message(code: "triggerBurst.delete.exception.message", args: [,
e.getMessage() ?: message(code: "unknown.exception.message")
futureList.each { it.get() }
errors.add(0, message(code:"triggerBurst.error.message", args:[errorCount]))
// Close down thread pool
// Throw exception
throw new WebServiceException(errors, 500)
// Close down thread pool
return serverInformationList
public def triggerNodeEnd(Map params) {
if (!
throw new WebServiceException(message(code: "triggerNodeEnd.missing.parameter.message", args: ["id"]), 400)
String nodeName =
Map config = getConfig()
def osClient = buildClient(config)
def serverService = osClient.compute().servers()
def server = serverService.list(false).find { it.getName()==nodeName }
if (!server) {
throw new WebServiceException(message(code:"triggerNodeEnd.not.found.message", args:[nodeName]), 404)
final def startTime = new Date().time
final long timeout = config.deleteTimeoutSeconds * 1000l
while (server) {
if ((new Date().time - startTime) > timeout) {
log.error("Server ${server.getName()} was not deleted successfully, " +
"timeout after ${config.deleteTimeoutSeconds} seconds")
throw new WebServiceException(
message(code:"triggerNodeEnd.timeout.message", args:[nodeName, config.deleteTimeoutSeconds]),
// Else keep trying
server = serverService.get(
return [messages:[message(code:"triggerNodeEnd.success.message", args:[nodeName])]]
class ServerInformation {
String id
String name
String ipAddress
String powerState
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