elastic.client.ElasticClient.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package elastic.client
import akka.NotUsed
import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import akka.event.LogSource
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.Uri.{Path, Query}
import akka.http.scaladsl.model._
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.headers.{Authorization, BasicHttpCredentials}
import akka.http.scaladsl.{Http, HttpExt}
import akka.stream.ActorMaterializer
import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Sink, Source}
import akka.util.ByteString
import com.typesafe.config.{Config, ConfigFactory}
import elastic.api._
import org.reactivestreams.Publisher
import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}
object ElasticClient {
def fromServer[JsonR](server: String, user: String = "", password: String = "")(implicit actorSystem: ActorSystem = ActorSystem("ElasticClient")): ElasticClient[JsonR] = {
val credentials = for {
u <- Option(user).filterNot(s => s == "")
p <- Option(password).filterNot(s => s == "")
} yield Authorization(BasicHttpCredentials(u, p))
new ElasticClient[JsonR](Uri(server), credentials = credentials)
def apply[JsonR](host: String = "localhost", port: Int = 9200, scheme: String = "http", user: String = "", password: String = "")(implicit actorSystem: ActorSystem = ActorSystem("ElasticClient")): ElasticClient[JsonR] = {
val credentials = for {
u <- Option(user).filterNot(s => s == "")
p <- Option(password).filterNot(s => s == "")
} yield Authorization(BasicHttpCredentials(u, p))
val server = Uri().withScheme(scheme).withHost(host).withPort(port)
new ElasticClient[JsonR](server, credentials = credentials)
* Created by adelegue on 12/04/2016.
class ElasticClient[JsonR](server: Uri, credentials: Option[Authorization] = None)(implicit actorSystem: ActorSystem) extends Elastic[JsonR] {
import akka.event.Logging
private implicit val mat = ActorMaterializer()
private implicit val logSource = new LogSource[ElasticClient[JsonR]] {
override def genString(t: ElasticClient[JsonR]) = "ElasticClient"
private val logger = Logging(actorSystem, this)
private val http: HttpExt = Http()
private val baseUri = server
private val _this = this
private def notImplemented[T] = Future.failed[T](new RuntimeException("Unimplemented"))
private def buildRequest(path: Path, method: HttpMethod, body: Option[String] = None, query: Option[Query] = None, contentType: ContentType = ContentTypes.`application/json`): HttpRequest = {
val uri: Uri = query.fold(baseUri.withPath(path))(baseUri.withPath(path).withQuery)
val headers: immutable.Seq[HttpHeader] = credentials.toList
val httpEntity: UniversalEntity = body
.map(b => HttpEntity.Strict(contentType, ByteString(b)))
HttpRequest(method, uri, entity = httpEntity, headers = headers)
private def request(path: Path, method: HttpMethod, body: Option[String] = None, query: Option[Query] = None, contentType: ContentType = ContentTypes.`application/json`, expectedStatus: Seq[StatusCode] = Seq(StatusCodes.OK, StatusCodes.Created))(implicit jsonReader: Reader[String, JsonR], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[String] = {
val start = System.currentTimeMillis()
val resp = http.singleRequest(buildRequest(path, method, body, query, contentType)).flatMap {
case HttpResponse(code, _, entity, _) if expectedStatus contains code =>
entity.dataBytes.map(_.utf8String).runFold("")((str, acc) => str + acc)
case HttpResponse(code, _, entity, _) =>
.runFold("")((str, acc) => str + acc)
.flatMap(cause =>
Future.failed(new EsException[JsonR](jsonReader.read(cause), code.intValue(), cause))
resp.onComplete {
case Success(_) =>
logger.debug(s"{} {} {} Success in {}", method.value, path, query.map(q => s"query = ${q.mkString(",")}").getOrElse(""), System.currentTimeMillis() - start)
case Failure(_) =>
logger.debug(s"{} {} {} Failed in {}", method.value, path, query.map(q => s"query = ${q.mkString(",")}").getOrElse(""), System.currentTimeMillis() - start)
private def get(path: Path, body: Option[String] = None, query: Option[Query] = None, contentType: ContentType = ContentTypes.`application/json`, expectedStatus: Seq[StatusCode] = Seq(StatusCodes.OK, StatusCodes.Created))(implicit jsonReader: Reader[String, JsonR], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[String] =
request(path, HttpMethods.GET, body, query, contentType, expectedStatus)
private def post(path: Path, body: Option[String] = None, query: Option[Query] = None, contentType: ContentType = ContentTypes.`application/json`, expectedStatus: Seq[StatusCode] = Seq(StatusCodes.OK, StatusCodes.Created))(implicit jsonReader: Reader[String, JsonR], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[String] =
request(path, HttpMethods.POST, body, query, contentType, expectedStatus)
private def put(path: Path, body: Option[String] = None, query: Option[Query] = None, contentType: ContentType = ContentTypes.`application/json`, expectedStatus: Seq[StatusCode] = Seq(StatusCodes.OK, StatusCodes.Created))(implicit jsonReader: Reader[String, JsonR], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[String] =
request(path, HttpMethods.PUT, body, query, contentType, expectedStatus)
private def delete(path: Path, body: Option[String] = None, query: Option[Query] = None, contentType: ContentType = ContentTypes.`application/json`, expectedStatus: Seq[StatusCode] = Seq(StatusCodes.OK, StatusCodes.Created))(implicit jsonReader: Reader[String, JsonR], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[String] =
request(path, HttpMethods.DELETE, body, query, contentType, expectedStatus)
private def indexPath(names: Seq[String], types: Seq[String]) = names match {
case Nil | Seq() => Path.Empty / "*" ++ toPath(types)
case _ => Path.Empty / names.mkString(",") ++ toPath(types)
private def toPath(values: Seq[String]) = values match {
case Nil | Seq() => Path.Empty
case _ => Path.Empty / values.mkString(",")
override def verifyIndex(name: String)(implicit jsonReader: Reader[String, JsonR], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Boolean] = {
http.singleRequest(buildRequest(Path.Empty / name, HttpMethods.HEAD, None)).flatMap {
case HttpResponse(StatusCodes.OK, headers, entity, _) =>
entity.dataBytes.runWith(Sink.ignore).map(_ => true)
case HttpResponse(StatusCodes.NotFound, headers, entity, _) =>
entity.dataBytes.runWith(Sink.ignore).map(_ => false)
case HttpResponse(code, _, entity, _) =>
.runFold("")((str, acc) => str + acc)
.flatMap(cause =>
Future.failed(new EsException[JsonR](jsonReader.read(cause), code.intValue(), cause))
override def createIndex[S](name: String, settings: Option[S])(implicit mWrites: Writer[S, String], sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], jsonReader: Reader[JsonR, IndexOps], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[IndexOps] = {
val strSettings = settings.map(s => mWrites.write(s))
put(Path.Empty / name, strSettings).map(str => jsonReader.read(sReader.read(str)))
override def getIndex(name: String)(implicit sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[JsonR] = {
get(Path.Empty / name, None).map(str => sReader.read(str))
override def deleteIndex(name: String, `type`: Option[String])(implicit sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], jsonReader: Reader[JsonR, IndexOps], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[IndexOps] = {
delete(indexPath(Seq(name), `type`.toList), None).map(str => jsonReader.read(sReader.read(str)))
override def createAliases[S](settings: S)(implicit mWrites: Writer[S, String], sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], jsonReader: Reader[JsonR, IndexOps], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[IndexOps] = {
val strSettings = mWrites.write(settings)
post(Path.Empty / "_aliases", Some(strSettings)).map(str => jsonReader.read(sReader.read(str)))
override def putMapping[M](name: String, `type`: String, mapping: M, update_all_types: Boolean)(implicit mWrites: Writer[M, String], sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], jsonReader: Reader[JsonR, IndexOps], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[IndexOps] = {
val strMapping = mWrites.write(mapping)
val query: Option[Query] = Some(update_all_types).filter(_.booleanValue).map(_ => Query("update_all_types"))
put(Path.Empty / name / "_mapping" / `type`, Some(strMapping), query).map(str => jsonReader.read(sReader.read(str)))
override def getMapping(index: String, `type`: String)(implicit sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[JsonR] = {
getMappings(Seq(index), Seq(`type`))(sReader, ec)
override def getMappings(index: Seq[String], `type`: Seq[String])(implicit sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[JsonR] = {
val indexPath: Path = if (index.isEmpty) Path./ else Path.Empty / index.mkString(",")
val typePath = if (`type`.isEmpty) "" else `type`.mkString(",")
get(indexPath / "_mapping" / typePath).map(str => sReader.read(str))
override def analyse[Q](index: Option[String], query: Q)(implicit mWrites: Writer[Q, JsonR], jWrites: Writer[JsonR, String], sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[JsonR] = {
val path = index.map(i => Path.Empty / i / "_analyze").getOrElse(Path.Empty / "_analyze")
get(path, Some(jWrites.write(mWrites.write(query)))).map(sReader.read)
override def getTemplate(name: String)(implicit sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[JsonR] = {
val path = Path.Empty / "_template" / name
override def verifyTemplate(name: String)(implicit sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Boolean] = {
http.singleRequest(buildRequest(Path.Empty / "_template" / name, HttpMethods.HEAD, None)).flatMap {
case HttpResponse(StatusCodes.OK, headers, entity, _) =>
entity.dataBytes.runWith(Sink.ignore).map(_ => true)
case HttpResponse(StatusCodes.NotFound, headers, entity, _) =>
entity.dataBytes.runWith(Sink.ignore).map(_ => false)
case HttpResponse(code, _, entity, _) =>
.runFold("")((str, acc) => str + acc)
.flatMap(cause =>
Future.failed(new EsException[JsonR](sReader.read(cause), code.intValue(), cause))
override def putTemplate[T](name: String, template: T)(implicit mWrites: Writer[T, JsonR], jWrites: Writer[JsonR, String], sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], jsonReader: Reader[JsonR, IndexOps], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[IndexOps] = {
val path = Path.Empty / "_template" / name
val body = jWrites.write(mWrites.write(template))
put(path, Some(body)).map(sReader.read).map(jsonReader.read)
override def deleteTemplate(name: String)(implicit sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], jsonReader: Reader[JsonR, IndexOps], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[IndexOps] = {
val path = Path.Empty / "_template" / name
override def stats(indexes: Seq[String])(implicit sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[JsonR] = {
get(Path.Empty / indexes.mkString(",") / "_stats").map(sReader.read)
override def forceMerge(indexes: Seq[String], max_num_segments: Option[Int], only_expunge_deletes: Boolean, flush: Boolean)(implicit sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], jsonReader: Reader[JsonR, IndexResponse[JsonR]], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[IndexResponse[JsonR]] = {
val query = Some(Query(Seq(
max_num_segments.map(n => "max_num_segments" -> n.toString),
Some(only_expunge_deletes).filter(_.booleanValue).map(_ => "only_expunge_deletes" -> "true"),
Some(flush).filterNot(_.booleanValue).map(_ => "flush" -> "true")
).flatten: _*))
val path: Path = Path.Empty / indexes.mkString(",") / "_forcemerge"
post(path, query = query).map(sReader.read).map(jsonReader.read)
override def shardStores(indexes: Seq[String], status: Option[String])(implicit sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[JsonR] = {
val path = Path.Empty / indexes.mkString(",") / "_shard_stores"
override def upgradeStatus(index: String)(implicit sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[JsonR] = {
val path = Path.Empty / index / "_upgrade"
override def upgrade(index: String, only_ancient_segments: Boolean)(implicit sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[JsonR] = {
val path = Path.Empty / index / "_upgrade"
post(path, query = Some(Query("only_ancient_segments" -> only_ancient_segments.toString))).map(sReader.read)
override def flush(indexes: Seq[String], wait_if_ongoing: Boolean = false, force: Boolean = false)(implicit sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], jsonReader: Reader[JsonR, IndexResponse[JsonR]], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[IndexResponse[JsonR]] = {
val query = Some(Query(Seq(
Some(wait_if_ongoing).filter(_.booleanValue).map(_ => "wait_if_ongoing" -> "true"),
Some(force).filter(_.booleanValue).map(_ => "force" -> "true")
).flatten: _*))
post(Path.Empty / indexes.mkString(",") / "_flush", query = query).map(sReader.read).map(jsonReader.read)
override def refresh(indexes: String*)(implicit sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], jsonReader: Reader[JsonR, IndexResponse[JsonR]], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[IndexResponse[JsonR]] = {
post(indexPath(indexes, Seq()) / "_refresh").map(s => jsonReader.read(sReader.read(s)))
override def segments(indexes: Seq[String], verbose: Boolean)(implicit sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[JsonR] = {
get(Path.Empty / indexes.mkString(",") / "_segments", query = Some(Query("verbose" -> verbose.toString))).map(sReader.read)
override def clearCache(indexes: Seq[String])(implicit sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[JsonR] = {
get(Path.Empty / indexes.mkString(",") / "_cache" / "clear").map(sReader.read)
override def recovery(indexes: Seq[String], detailed: Boolean, active_only: Boolean)(implicit sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[JsonR] = {
val query = Some(Query(
"detailed" -> detailed.toString,
"active_only" -> active_only.toString
get(Path.Empty / indexes.mkString(",") / "_recovery", query = query).map(sReader.read)
override def mget(index: Option[String] = None, `type`: Option[String] = None, request: MGets)(implicit sWriter: Writer[JsonR, String], jsonWriter: Writer[MGets, JsonR], sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], jsonReader: Reader[JsonR, MGetResponse[JsonR]], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[MGetResponse[JsonR]] = {
val indexPath = index.map(i => Path.Empty / i).map(p => `type`.map(t => p / t).getOrElse(p)).getOrElse(Path.Empty)
val body = Some(sWriter.write(jsonWriter.write(request)))
get(indexPath / "_mget", body).map(sReader.read).map(jsonReader.read)
override def search[Q](index: Seq[String] = Seq.empty[String], `type`: Seq[String] = Seq.empty[String], query: Q, from: Int = 0, size: Int = 20, search_type: SearchType = QUERY_THEN_FETCH, request_cache: Boolean, terminate_after: Option[Int], timeout: Option[Int])(implicit qWrites: Writer[Q, String], sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], jsonReader: Reader[JsonR, SearchResponse[JsonR]], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[SearchResponse[JsonR]] = {
val indexPath: Path = if (index.isEmpty) Path./ else Path.Empty / index.mkString(",")
val typePath = if (`type`.isEmpty) "" else `type`.mkString(",")
get(indexPath / typePath / "_search", Some(qWrites.write(query))).map(str => jsonReader.read(sReader.read(str)))
override def bulk[D](index: Option[String], `type`: Option[String], publisher: Publisher[Bulk[D]], batchSize: Int)(implicit qWrites: Writer[JsonR, String], docWriter: Writer[D, JsonR], bulkOpWriter: Writer[BulkOpType, JsonR], sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], bReader: Reader[JsonR, BulkResponse[JsonR]], ec: ExecutionContext): Publisher[BulkResponse[JsonR]] = {
.mapAsync(1) { group => oneBulk(index, `type`, group)}
.runWith(Sink.asPublisher(fanout = true))
override def bulkFlow[D](index: Option[String], `type`: Option[String], batchSize: Int)(implicit sWrites: Writer[JsonR, String], docWriter: Writer[D, JsonR], bulkOpWriter: Writer[BulkOpType, JsonR], sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], bReader: Reader[JsonR, BulkResponse[JsonR]], ec: ExecutionContext): Flow[Bulk[D], BulkResponse[JsonR], NotUsed] = {
Flow[Bulk[D]].grouped(batchSize).mapAsync(1) { group => oneBulk(index, `type`, group)}
override def oneBulk[D](index: Option[String], `type`: Option[String], bulk: Seq[Bulk[D]])(implicit sWrites: Writer[JsonR, String], docWriter: Writer[D, JsonR], bulkOpWriter: Writer[BulkOpType, JsonR], sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], bReader: Reader[JsonR, BulkResponse[JsonR]], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[BulkResponse[JsonR]] = {
val indexPath: Option[Path] = index.map(i => Path.Empty / i).map(p => `type`.map(t => p / t).getOrElse(p))
val body: String = bulk.flatMap(b => Seq(Some(bulkOpWriter.write(b.operation)), b.source.map(docWriter.write)).flatten).map(sWrites.write).mkString("\n") + "\n"
post(indexPath.getOrElse(Path.Empty) / "_bulk", Some(body)).map(str => bReader.read(sReader.read(str)))
override def scroll[Q](index: Seq[String] = Seq.empty, `type`: Seq[String] = Seq.empty, query: Q, scroll: String = "1m", size: Int = 20)(implicit qWrites: Writer[Q, String], jsonWriter: Writer[Scroll, JsonR], sWriter: Writer[JsonR, String], sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], jsonReader: Reader[JsonR, SearchResponse[JsonR]], ec: ExecutionContext): Source[SearchResponse[JsonR], NotUsed] = {
val path = indexPath(index, `type`)
val querys: Seq[(String, String)] = Seq(
"scroll" -> scroll,
"size" -> size.toString
.fromFuture(request(path / "_search", HttpMethods.GET, Some(qWrites.write(query)), Some(Query(querys: _*))))
.map(str => jsonReader.read(sReader.read(str)))
.flatMapConcat { resp =>
resp.scroll_id match {
case Some(id) =>
Source.unfoldAsync(id) { scroll_id =>
post(Path.Empty / "_search" / "scroll", Some(sWriter.write(jsonWriter.write(Scroll(scroll, scroll_id)))))
.map { str => jsonReader.read(sReader.read(str)) }
.map { resp =>
if (resp.hits.hits.isEmpty) {
} else {
resp.scroll_id.map(id => (id, resp))
case None => Source.empty
override def scrollPublisher[Q](index: Seq[String] = Seq.empty, `type`: Seq[String] = Seq.empty, query: Q, scroll: String = "1m", size: Int = 20)(implicit qWrites: Writer[Q, String], jsonWriter: Writer[Scroll, JsonR], sWriter: Writer[JsonR, String], sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], jsonReader: Reader[JsonR, SearchResponse[JsonR]], ec: ExecutionContext): Publisher[SearchResponse[JsonR]] = {
val s: Source[SearchResponse[JsonR], NotUsed] = this.scroll(index, `type`, query, scroll, size)
s.runWith(Sink.asPublisher(fanout = true))
override def aggregation[Q](index: Seq[String], `type`: Seq[String], query: Q, from: Option[Int], size: Option[Int], search_type: Option[SearchType], request_cache: Boolean, terminate_after: Option[Int], timeout: Option[Int])(implicit qWrites: Writer[Q, String], respReads: Reader[String, SearchResponse[JsonR]], jsonReader: Reader[String, JsonR], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[SearchResponse[JsonR]] = notImplemented[SearchResponse[JsonR]]
override def index(name: String, `type`: Option[String] = None): Index[JsonR] = EsIndex(name, `type`)
override def index(typeDefinition: TypeDefinition): Index[JsonR] = EsIndex(typeDefinition.name, Some(typeDefinition.`type`))
case class EsIndex(name: String, `type`: Option[String] = None) extends Index[JsonR] {
private val indexPath = _this.indexPath(Seq(name), `type`.toList)
override def /(`type`: String): Index[JsonR] = EsIndex(name, Some(`type`))
override def get(id: String, routing: Option[String], fields: Seq[String], _source: Boolean)(implicit sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], jsonReader: Reader[JsonR, GetResponse[JsonR]], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[GetResponse[JsonR]] = {
if (`type`.isEmpty) throw new IllegalArgumentException("type is required to get document")
val querys: Seq[(String, String)] = Seq(
Some(_source).filterNot(_.booleanValue()).map(_ => "_source" -> "false"),
Some(fields).filterNot(_.isEmpty).map(f => "fields" -> f.mkString(",")),
routing.map(r => "routing" -> r)
val query: Option[Query] = if (querys.isEmpty) None else Some(Query(querys: _*))
_this.get(indexPath / id, None, query).map(str => jsonReader.read(sReader.read(str)))
override def index[D](data: D, id: Option[String], version: Option[Int], versionType: Option[VersionType], create: Boolean, routing: Option[String], parent: Option[String], refresh: Boolean, timeout: Option[String], consistency: Option[Consistency], detectNoop: Boolean)(implicit writer: Writer[D, JsonR], strWriter: Writer[JsonR, String], sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], jsonReader: Reader[JsonR, IndexResponse[JsonR]], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[IndexResponse[JsonR]] = {
if (`type`.isEmpty) throw new IllegalArgumentException("type is required to index document")
val querys: Seq[(String, String)] = Seq(
Some(refresh).filter(b => b).map(_ => "refresh" -> "true"),
consistency.map(c => "consistency" -> c.value),
version.map(v => "version" -> v.toString),
versionType.map(v => "version_type" -> v.value),
parent.map(p => "parent" -> p),
timeout.map(t => "timeout" -> t),
routing.map(r => "routing" -> r)
val query: Option[Query] = if (querys.isEmpty) None else Some(Query(querys: _*))
id match {
case Some(_id) if create =>
put(indexPath / _id / "_create", Some(strWriter.write(writer.write(data))), query).map(str => jsonReader.read(sReader.read(str)))
case Some(_id) =>
put(indexPath / _id, Some(strWriter.write(writer.write(data))), query).map(str => jsonReader.read(sReader.read(str)))
case None =>
post(indexPath, Some(strWriter.write(writer.write(data))), query).map(str => jsonReader.read(sReader.read(str)))
override def update[D](data: D, id: String, version: Option[Int], versionType: Option[VersionType], retry_on_conflict: Option[Int], routing: Option[String], parent: Option[String], timeout: Option[String], refresh: Boolean, wait_for_active_shards: Option[Boolean])(implicit writer: Writer[D, JsonR], strWriter: Writer[JsonR, String], sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], jsonReader: Reader[JsonR, IndexResponse[JsonR]], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[IndexResponse[JsonR]] = {
if (`type`.isEmpty) throw new IllegalArgumentException("type is required to index document")
val querys: Seq[(String, String)] = Seq(
Some(refresh).filter(b => b).map(_ => "refresh" -> "true"),
retry_on_conflict.map(c => "retry_on_conflict" -> c.toString),
wait_for_active_shards.map(c => "wait_for_active_shards" -> c.toString),
version.map(v => "version" -> v.toString),
versionType.map(v => "version_type" -> v.value),
parent.map(p => "parent" -> p),
timeout.map(t => "timeout" -> t),
routing.map(r => "routing" -> r)
val query: Option[Query] = if (querys.isEmpty) None else Some(Query(querys: _*))
post(indexPath / id / "_update", Some(strWriter.write(writer.write(data))), query).map(str => jsonReader.read(sReader.read(str)))
override def delete(id: String, refresh: Boolean = false, routing: Option[String] = None)(implicit sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], jsonReader: Reader[JsonR, IndexResponse[JsonR]], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[IndexResponse[JsonR]] = {
if (`type`.isEmpty) throw new IllegalArgumentException("type is required to delete document")
val querys: Seq[(String, String)] = Seq(
Some(refresh).filter(b => b).map(_ => "refresh" -> "true"),
routing.map(r => "routing" -> r)
val query: Option[Query] = if (querys.isEmpty) None else Some(Query(querys: _*))
_this.delete(indexPath / id, query = query).map(str => jsonReader.read(sReader.read(str)))
override def mget(request: MGets)(implicit sWriter: Writer[JsonR, String], jsonWriter: Writer[MGets, JsonR], sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], jsonReader: Reader[JsonR, MGetResponse[JsonR]], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[MGetResponse[JsonR]] =
_this.mget(Some(name), `type`, request)(sWriter, jsonWriter, sReader, jsonReader, ec)
override def search[Q](query: Q)(implicit qWrites: Writer[Q, String], sReads: Reader[String, JsonR], jsonReader: Reader[JsonR, SearchResponse[JsonR]], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[SearchResponse[JsonR]] =
_this.search[Q](Seq(name), `type`.toList, query)(qWrites, sReads, jsonReader, ec)
override def delete(implicit sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], jsonReader: Reader[JsonR, IndexOps], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[IndexOps] = {
_this.deleteIndex(name, `type`)(sReader, jsonReader, ec)
override def bulk[D](publisher: Publisher[Bulk[D]], batchSize: Int)(implicit qWrites: Writer[JsonR, String], docWriter: Writer[D, JsonR], bulkOpWriter: Writer[BulkOpType, JsonR], sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], bReader: Reader[JsonR, BulkResponse[JsonR]], ec: ExecutionContext): Publisher[BulkResponse[JsonR]] =
_this.bulk(Some(name), `type`, publisher, batchSize)(qWrites, docWriter, bulkOpWriter, sReader, bReader, ec)
override def bulkFlow[D](batchSize: Int)(implicit sWrites: Writer[JsonR, String], docWriter: Writer[D, JsonR], bulkOpWriter: Writer[BulkOpType, JsonR], sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], bReader: Reader[JsonR, BulkResponse[JsonR]], ec: ExecutionContext): Flow[Bulk[D], BulkResponse[JsonR], NotUsed] =
_this.bulkFlow(Some(name), `type`, batchSize)(sWrites, docWriter, bulkOpWriter, sReader, bReader, ec)
override def oneBulk[D](bulk: Seq[Bulk[D]])(implicit sWrites: Writer[JsonR, String], docWriter: Writer[D, JsonR], bulkOpWriter: Writer[BulkOpType, JsonR], sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], bReader: Reader[JsonR, BulkResponse[JsonR]], ec: ExecutionContext): Future[BulkResponse[JsonR]] =
_this.oneBulk(Some(name), `type`, bulk: Seq[Bulk[D]])(sWrites, docWriter, bulkOpWriter, sReader, bReader, ec)
override def scrollPublisher[Q](query: Q, scroll: String, size: Int = 20)(implicit qWrites: Writer[Q, String], jsonWriter: Writer[Scroll, JsonR], sWriter: Writer[JsonR, String], sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], jsonReader: Reader[JsonR, SearchResponse[JsonR]], ec: ExecutionContext): Publisher[SearchResponse[JsonR]] =
_this.scrollPublisher(Seq(name), `type`.toSeq, query, scroll, size)(qWrites, jsonWriter, sWriter, sReader, jsonReader, ec)
override def scroll[Q](query: Q, scroll: String, size: Int)(implicit qWrites: Writer[Q, String], jsonWriter: Writer[Scroll, JsonR], sWriter: Writer[JsonR, String], sReader: Reader[String, JsonR], jsonReader: Reader[JsonR, SearchResponse[JsonR]], ec: ExecutionContext): Source[SearchResponse[JsonR], NotUsed] =
_this.scroll(Seq(name), `type`.toSeq, query, scroll, size)(qWrites, jsonWriter, sWriter, sReader, jsonReader, ec)
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