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com.adobe.acs.commons.wcm.impl.AemEnvironmentIndicatorFilter Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * #%L
 * ACS AEM Commons Bundle
 * %%
 * Copyright (C) 2017 Adobe
 * %%
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * #L%
package com.adobe.acs.commons.wcm.impl;

import java.util.Dictionary;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.servlet.Filter;
import javax.servlet.FilterChain;
import javax.servlet.FilterConfig;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.ServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.ServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import com.adobe.acs.commons.util.BufferedHttpServletResponse;
import com.adobe.acs.commons.util.BufferedServletOutput.ResponseWriteMethod;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.text.StrLookup;
import org.apache.commons.lang.text.StrSubstitutor;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.*;
import org.osgi.framework.Constants;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceRegistration;
import org.osgi.service.component.ComponentContext;
import org.osgi.service.http.whiteboard.HttpWhiteboardConstants;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

 * The Environment filter consists of 2 filters:
 * * the environment filter, which is registered directly to the HTTP whiteboard, and which can cover
 *   also non-Sling applications (like CRXDE and the OSGI webconsole)
 * * a Sling filter, which is required for the filtering based on the WCM modes.
 * The environment indicator output is written by the "outer" filter, but its decision might be overwritten
 * by the Sling Filter. The status is stored as a request attribute.

        label = "ACS AEM Commons - AEM Environment Indicator",
        description = "Adds a visual cue to the AEM WebUI indicating which environment is being access "
                + "(localdev, dev, qa, staging)",
        metatype = true,
        policy = ConfigurationPolicy.REQUIRE
public class AemEnvironmentIndicatorFilter implements Filter {
    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AemEnvironmentIndicatorFilter.class);

    private static final String DIV_ID = "acs-commons-env-indicator";
    static final String INJECT_INDICATOR_PARAMETER = "AemEnvironmentIndicatorFilter.includeIndicator";
    static final String NO_EXTENSION_PLACEHOLDER = "";

    private static final String BASE_DEFAULT_STYLE =
                    + "border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, .25);"
                    + "box-sizing: border-box;"
                    + "-moz-box-sizing: border-box;"
                    + "-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;"
                    + "position: fixed;"
                    + "left: 0;"
                    + "top: 0;"
                    + "right: 0;"
            + "height: 5px;"
            + "z-index: 100000000000000;";

    private static final String TITLE_UPDATE_SCRIPT = "\n";

    private XSSAPI xss;

    /* Property: Default Color */

    private String color = "";

    @Property(label = "Color",
            description = "The color of the indicator bar; takes any valid value"
                    + " for CSS's 'background-color' attribute."
                    + " This is only effective if no 'CSS Override' is provided or 'Always Include Color CSS' is set to true.",
            value = "")
    public static final String PROP_COLOR = "css-color";

    /* Property: CSS Override */

    private String cssOverride = "";

    @Property(label = "CSS Override",
            description = "Accepts any valid CSS to style the AEM indicator div. All CSS rules must only be "
                    + "scoped to #" + DIV_ID + " { .. }",
            value = "")
    public static final String PROP_CSS_OVERRIDE = "css-override";

    /* Property: Inner HTML */

    private String innerHTML = "";

    @Property(label = "Inner HTML",
            description = "Any additional HTML required; Will be injected into a div with"
                    + " id='" + DIV_ID + "'",
            value = "")
    public static final String PROP_INNER_HTML = "inner-html";

    /* Property: Browser Title Prefix */

    private static final String DEFAULT_TITLE_PREFIX = "";

    private String titlePrefix = DEFAULT_TITLE_PREFIX;

    /* Property: Always Include Base CSS */
    private boolean alwaysIncludeBaseCss;
    @Property(label = "Always Include Base CSS",
        description = "Always include the base CSS scoped to #" + DIV_ID + " { .. }",
        boolValue = false)
    public static final String PROP_ALWAYS_INCLUDE_BASE_CSS = "always-include-base-css";

    /* Property: Always Include Color CSS */
    private boolean alwaysIncludeColorCss;
    @Property(label = "Always Include Color CSS",
        description = "Always include the color CSS scoped to #" + DIV_ID + " { .. }",
        boolValue = false)
    public static final String PROP_ALWAYS_INCLUDE_COLOR_CSS = "always-include-color-css";

    @Property(label = "Browser Title",
            description = "A prefix to add to the browser tab/window title;  | ",
            value = DEFAULT_TITLE_PREFIX)
    public static final String PROP_TITLE_PREFIX = "browser-title-prefix";

    private static final String[] DEFAULT_EXCLUDED_WCMMODES = {"DISABLED"};
    @Property (label = "Excluded WCM modes",
            description = "Do not display the indicator when these WCM modes",
            cardinality = Integer.MAX_VALUE)
    public static final String PROP_EXCLUDED_WCMMODES = "excluded-wcm-modes";
    private String[] excludedWCMModes;

    private static final String[] DEFAULT_ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS = {"html", "htm", "jsp", NO_EXTENSION_PLACEHOLDER};
    @Property (label = "Allowed URI extensions",
            description = "Only inject the environment indicator on URI that use these extensions. Use '"+ NO_EXTENSION_PLACEHOLDER + "' to match on no extension.",
            cardinality = Integer.MAX_VALUE)
    public static final String PROP_ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS = "allowed-extensions";
    private String[] allowedExtensions;

    private String css = "";

    private ServiceRegistration filterRegistration;
    private ServiceRegistration innerFilterRegistration;

    public void init(final FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException {
        // no-op

    public final void doFilter(final ServletRequest servletRequest, final ServletResponse servletResponse,
                               final FilterChain filterChain) throws IOException, ServletException {

        if (!(servletRequest instanceof HttpServletRequest)
                || !(servletResponse instanceof HttpServletResponse)) {
            filterChain.doFilter(servletRequest, servletResponse);

        final HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) servletRequest;
        final HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) servletResponse;

        if (!this.accepts(request)) {
            filterChain.doFilter(request, response);

        try (BufferedHttpServletResponse capturedResponse =
                new BufferedHttpServletResponse(response, new StringWriter(), null)) {

            request.setAttribute(INJECT_INDICATOR_PARAMETER, Boolean.TRUE);

            log.debug("Executing the rest of the filter chain");
            filterChain.doFilter(request, capturedResponse);
            log.debug("Executing the rest of the filter chain");

            if (StringUtils.contains(response.getContentType(), "html") && innerFilterAcceptsInjection(request)) {
                // Get contents
                final String contents = capturedResponse.getBufferedServletOutput()
                        .getWriteMethod() == ResponseWriteMethod.WRITER
                                ? capturedResponse.getBufferedServletOutput().getBufferedString()
                                : null;

                if (contents != null) {
                    final int bodyIndex = StringUtils.lastIndexOf(contents, "");
if (bodyIndex != -1) {
// prevent the captured response from being given out a 2nd time via the implicit close()
final PrintWriter printWriter = response.getWriter();
printWriter.write(contents.substring(0, bodyIndex));
writeEnvironmentIndicator(css, innerHTML, titlePrefix, printWriter);
boolean innerFilterAcceptsInjection(HttpServletRequest request) {
return request.getAttribute(INJECT_INDICATOR_PARAMETER).equals(Boolean.TRUE);
void writeEnvironmentIndicator(String css, String innerHTML, String titlePrefix,
PrintWriter printWriter) {
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(css)) {
" + innerHTML + "
"); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(titlePrefix)) { printWriter.printf(TITLE_UPDATE_SCRIPT, titlePrefix); } } @Override public void destroy() { // no-op } @SuppressWarnings("squid:S3923") boolean accepts(final HttpServletRequest request) { if (isImproperlyConfigured(css, titlePrefix)) { // Only accept is properly configured log.warn( "AEM Environment Indicator is not properly configured; If this feature is unwanted, " + "remove the OSGi configuration and disable completely."); return false; } else if (isUnsupportedExtension(request.getRequestURI())) { log.debug("Request's extension does not match allowed extensions"); return false; } else if (isUnsupportedRequestMethod(request.getMethod())) { log.debug("Request was not a GET request"); return false; } else if (isXhr(request.getHeader("X-Requested-With"))) { log.debug("Request was an XHR"); return false; } else if (hasAemEditorReferrer(request.getHeader("Referer"), request.getRequestURI())) { log.debug("Request was for a page in an editor"); return false; } // Checking for WcmMode does not make sense, it is not available here log.debug("All checks pass, filter can execute"); return true; } protected boolean isUnsupportedExtension(String requestURI) { if (ArrayUtils.isEmpty(allowedExtensions)) { return false; } final PathInfo pathInfo = new PathInfo(requestURI); final String extension = pathInfo.getExtension(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(extension)) { // Special case handle of blank extension return !ArrayUtils.contains(allowedExtensions, NO_EXTENSION_PLACEHOLDER); } else { // If extension is not blank, check to make sure it is allowed return !ArrayUtils.contains(allowedExtensions, extension); } } boolean isImproperlyConfigured(final String css, final String titlePrefix) { return StringUtils.isBlank(css) && StringUtils.isBlank(titlePrefix); } boolean isUnsupportedRequestMethod(final String requestMethod) { return !StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase("get", requestMethod); } boolean isXhr(final String headerValue) { return StringUtils.equals(headerValue, "XMLHttpRequest"); } boolean hasAemEditorReferrer(final String headerValue, final String requestUri) { return StringUtils.endsWith(headerValue, "/editor.html" + requestUri) || StringUtils.endsWith(headerValue, "/cf") || isEditExperienceFragmentVariation(headerValue, requestUri); } boolean isEditExperienceFragmentVariation(String headerValue, String requestUri) { return StringUtils.contains(headerValue, "/editor.html/content/experience-fragments/") && StringUtils.startsWith(requestUri, "/content/experience-fragments/"); } @Activate @SuppressWarnings("squid:S1149") protected final void activate(ComponentContext ctx) { Dictionary config = ctx.getProperties(); color = PropertiesUtil.toString(config.get(PROP_COLOR), ""); cssOverride = PropertiesUtil.toString(config.get(PROP_CSS_OVERRIDE), ""); innerHTML = PropertiesUtil.toString(config.get(PROP_INNER_HTML), ""); innerHTML = new StrSubstitutor(StrLookup.systemPropertiesLookup()).replace(innerHTML); alwaysIncludeBaseCss = PropertiesUtil.toBoolean(PROP_ALWAYS_INCLUDE_BASE_CSS, false); alwaysIncludeColorCss = PropertiesUtil.toBoolean(PROP_ALWAYS_INCLUDE_COLOR_CSS, false); alwaysIncludeBaseCss = PropertiesUtil.toBoolean(PROP_ALWAYS_INCLUDE_BASE_CSS, false); alwaysIncludeColorCss = PropertiesUtil.toBoolean(PROP_ALWAYS_INCLUDE_COLOR_CSS, false); StringBuilder cssSb = new StringBuilder(); if (shouldUseBaseCss(alwaysIncludeBaseCss, cssOverride, color)) { cssSb.append(createBaseCss()); } if (shouldUseColorCss(alwaysIncludeColorCss, cssOverride, color)) { cssSb.append(createColorCss(color)); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(cssOverride)) { cssSb.append(cssOverride); } css = cssSb.toString(); titlePrefix = xss.encodeForJSString( PropertiesUtil.toString(config.get(PROP_TITLE_PREFIX), "").toString()); excludedWCMModes = PropertiesUtil.toStringArray(config.get(PROP_EXCLUDED_WCMMODES), DEFAULT_EXCLUDED_WCMMODES); allowedExtensions = PropertiesUtil.toStringArray(config.get(PROP_ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS), DEFAULT_ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(css) || StringUtils.isNotBlank(titlePrefix)) { Dictionary filterProps = new Hashtable(); filterProps.put(HttpWhiteboardConstants.HTTP_WHITEBOARD_FILTER_PATTERN, "/"); filterProps.put(HttpWhiteboardConstants.HTTP_WHITEBOARD_CONTEXT_SELECT, "(" + HttpWhiteboardConstants.HTTP_WHITEBOARD_CONTEXT_NAME + "=*)"); filterRegistration = ctx.getBundleContext().registerService(Filter.class.getName(), this, filterProps); // Register the innerFilter so it is invoked after the WcmRequestFilter (Ranking = 2000) Dictionary innerFilterProps = new Hashtable<>(); innerFilterProps.put(EngineConstants.SLING_FILTER_SCOPE,EngineConstants.FILTER_SCOPE_REQUEST); innerFilterProps.put(Constants.SERVICE_RANKING, 1000); Filter innerFilter = new InnerEnvironmentIndicatorFilter(excludedWCMModes); innerFilterRegistration = ctx.getBundleContext().registerService(Filter.class.getName(), innerFilter, innerFilterProps); } } String createBaseCss() { return "#" + DIV_ID + " { " + BASE_DEFAULT_STYLE + " }"; } String createColorCss(final String providedColor) { return "#" + DIV_ID + " { " + "background-color:" + providedColor + "; }"; } boolean shouldUseBaseCss(boolean alwaysInclude, String cssOverride, String color) { return alwaysInclude || StringUtils.isBlank(cssOverride) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(color); } boolean shouldUseColorCss(boolean alwaysInclude, String cssOverride, String color) { return alwaysInclude || StringUtils.isBlank(cssOverride) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(color); } @Deactivate protected final void deactivate(final Map config) { if (filterRegistration != null) { filterRegistration.unregister(); filterRegistration = null; } if (innerFilterRegistration != null) { innerFilterRegistration.unregister(); innerFilterRegistration = null; } // Reset CSS variable css = ""; } WCMMode getWcmMode(HttpServletRequest request) { return WCMMode.fromRequest(request); } /* * Used for testing */ String getCss() { return css; } String getTitlePrefix() { return titlePrefix; } protected static class InnerEnvironmentIndicatorFilter implements Filter { String[] excludedWcmModes; public InnerEnvironmentIndicatorFilter(String[] excludedWcmModes) { this.excludedWcmModes = excludedWcmModes; } @Override public void init(FilterConfig filterConfig) throws ServletException { // ignore } @Override public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException { SlingHttpServletRequest req = (SlingHttpServletRequest) request; WCMMode mode = WCMMode.fromRequest(request); if (isDisallowedWcmMode(mode, excludedWcmModes)) { request.setAttribute(INJECT_INDICATOR_PARAMETER, Boolean.FALSE); String msg = String.format( "reject inclusion of environment indicator, found wcmmode '%s' in exclusion list %s",, ArrayUtils.toString(excludedWcmModes)); req.getRequestProgressTracker().log(msg); } chain.doFilter(request, response); } boolean isDisallowedWcmMode(WCMMode currentMode, String[] excludedWcmModes) { return currentMode == null || StringUtils.equalsAnyIgnoreCase(, excludedWcmModes); } @Override public void destroy() { // ignore } } }

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