com.adobe.xfa.NodeList Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package com.adobe.xfa;
* A superclass to represent a list of nodes.
public abstract class NodeList extends ListBase {
* Instantiates a node list.
public NodeList() {
* Creates a copy of this node list.
* This method does not make copies of the underlying object
* implementations, it just place them in a new storage.
* @return a new node list.
abstract public Object clone();
* Gets the first child of this node list with the given name.
* @param name the name of the child node.
* @return the first child of this node with the given name.
abstract public Node getNamedItem(String name);
* Get the first child of this node with the given name
* @param aName the name of the node to search for.
* @param aClassName the class of node to search for, ignored if null. If non-null, this String must be interned.
* @param nOccurrence the occurrence to search for.
* @return the first child of this node with the given name
and classname.
* @exclude from published api.
abstract public Node getNamedItem(String aName, String aClassName /* = null */, int nOccurrence /* = 0 */);
* Return the occurrence of this node in its collection of
* like-named, liked-classed, nodes.
* @param oNode - the node to search for
* @param nOccurrence - the occurrence to populate
* @return Null if not found, Integer occurence if found.
abstract Integer getOccurrence(Node oNode);
* @exclude from published api.
public ScriptTable getScriptTable() {
return NodeListScript.getScriptTable();