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com.adobe.xfa.template.containers.Field Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright 2005 Adobe Systems Incorporated All Rights Reserved.
 * NOTICE: All information contained herein is, and remains the property of
 * Adobe Systems Incorporated and its suppliers, if any. The intellectual and
 * technical concepts contained herein are proprietary to Adobe Systems
 * Incorporated and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign
 * Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright
 * law. Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material
 * is strictly forbidden unless prior written permission is obtained from
 * Adobe Systems Incorporated.
package com.adobe.xfa.template.containers;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import com.adobe.xfa.AppModel;
import com.adobe.xfa.Arg;
import com.adobe.xfa.Attribute;
import com.adobe.xfa.Element;
import com.adobe.xfa.EnumAttr;
import com.adobe.xfa.EnumValue;
import com.adobe.xfa.Int;
import com.adobe.xfa.LogMessage;
import com.adobe.xfa.Model;
import com.adobe.xfa.Node;
import com.adobe.xfa.NodeList;
import com.adobe.xfa.ProtoableNode;
import com.adobe.xfa.ScriptTable;
import com.adobe.xfa.StringAttr;
import com.adobe.xfa.XFA;
import com.adobe.xfa.content.BooleanValue;
import com.adobe.xfa.content.Content;
import com.adobe.xfa.content.DateTimeValue;
import com.adobe.xfa.content.DateValue;
import com.adobe.xfa.content.DecimalValue;
import com.adobe.xfa.content.ExDataValue;
import com.adobe.xfa.content.FloatValue;
import com.adobe.xfa.content.ImageValue;
import com.adobe.xfa.content.IntegerValue;
import com.adobe.xfa.content.TextValue;
import com.adobe.xfa.content.TimeValue;
import com.adobe.xfa.form.FormChoiceListField;
import com.adobe.xfa.template.Items;
import com.adobe.xfa.template.TemplateModel;
import com.adobe.xfa.template.formatting.Picture;
import com.adobe.xfa.template.ui.UI;
import com.adobe.xfa.ut.ExFull;
import com.adobe.xfa.ut.LcData;
import com.adobe.xfa.ut.LcLocale;
import com.adobe.xfa.ut.MsgFormatPos;
import com.adobe.xfa.ut.Peer;
import com.adobe.xfa.ut.PictureFmt;
import com.adobe.xfa.ut.ResId;
import com.adobe.xfa.ut.StringHolder;
import com.adobe.xfa.ut.StringUtils;

 * A class to represent the XFA field object. A field describes a
 * container capable of capturing and presenting data content.
public class Field extends Container {

	 * @exclude
	public static class ItemPair {
		public Items mDisplayItems;
		public Items mSaveItems;

	 * Instantiates a field container.
	 * @param parent
	 *            the field's parent, if any.
	 * @param prevSibling
	 *            the field's previous sibling, if any.
	 * @exclude
	public Field(Element parent, Node prevSibling) {
		super(parent, prevSibling, null, XFA.FIELD, XFA.FIELD, null,

	 * @exclude from public api.
	public void clearItems() {
		// Optimization - Mute messages when deleting all of the items in a
		// list, otherwise we will get a message
		// for each individual item, in both lists, as they are being deleted.
		boolean bSaveMute = isMute();
		Element boundItems=null;
			if (!bSaveMute)

			ItemPair items = new ItemPair();
			// Retrieve the bound and text item lists.
			getItemLists(false, items, false);
			boundItems = items.mSaveItems;
			Element textItems = items.mDisplayItems;

			if (boundItems != null)
				((Items) boundItems).clearItems(false);

			if (textItems != null)
				((Items) textItems).clearItems(false);

			// Null out the data value to clear out any selected items.
			// no longer clear the value of the items list.  If we do this we 
			// loose the data value.  In the future we should expose a new script method
			// that clears the items and the value.
			//setIsNull(true, true);			
			// Restore mute state to unmuted, if it was in unmute state originally
			if (!bSaveMute)
			// Send notification that items have been removed.
			notifyPeers(Peer.CHILD_REMOVED, XFA.ITEMS, boundItems);			

	 * @see Element#defaultElementImpl(int, int, boolean)
	 * @exclude
	protected Node defaultElementImpl(int eTag, int nOccurrence, boolean bAppend /* = true */) {
		if (eTag == XFA.ITEMSTAG && nOccurrence == 1) {
			// get the first list. don't ask the proto.
			Element list1 = super.getElementLocal(XFA.ITEMSTAG, true, 0, false, false);
			// If we're asked for the second  yet we don't have the first one yet, then
			// we must assume they're both default.  The second default  is defined as
			// a copy of the first with the save and presence states flipped.
			if (list1 == null) {
				list1 = (Element)defaultElementImpl(XFA.ITEMSTAG, 0, false);
			if (list1 != null) {
				// populate the new column with the same element that are in the
				// first column
				Element list2 = getModel().createElement(bAppend ? this : null,
						getLastXMLChild(), null, XFA.ITEMS);

				for (Node child = list1.getFirstXFAChild(); child != null; child = child.getNextXFASibling())
				// watson bug 1614438 set the presence and save attrs, this will avoid ambiguity later.
				int eSave = list1.getEnum(XFA.SAVETAG);
				int ePresence = list1.getEnum(XFA.PRESENCETAG);

				if (eSave == EnumAttr.BOOL_TRUE)
					list2.setAttribute(EnumAttr.BOOL_FALSE, XFA.SAVETAG);
					list2.setAttribute(EnumAttr.BOOL_TRUE, XFA.SAVETAG);

				if (ePresence == EnumAttr.PRESENCE_HIDDEN || ePresence == EnumAttr.PRESENCE_INACTIVE)
					list2.setAttribute(EnumAttr.PRESENCE_VISIBLE, XFA.PRESENCETAG);
					list2.setAttribute(EnumAttr.PRESENCE_HIDDEN, XFA.PRESENCETAG);
				return list2;

		return super.defaultElementImpl(eTag, nOccurrence, bAppend);

	 * Delete an item at an index
	 * @param nIndex -
	 *            the index to delete
	 * @return true if deleted.
	 * @exclude
	public boolean deleteItem(int nIndex) {
		boolean bRet = false;

		// Retrieve the bound and text item lists.
		ItemPair items = new ItemPair();
		getItemLists(false, items, false);
		Items boundItems = items.mSaveItems;
		Items textItems = items.mDisplayItems;

		if (boundItems != null && nIndex < boundItems.getXFAChildCount()) {
			// De-select the item to remove it from the data.
			setItemState(nIndex, false);

			boundItems.removeItem(nIndex, false);
			if (boundItems != textItems)
				textItems.removeItem(nIndex, false);

			bRet = true;

		return bRet;

	 * @exclude from public api.
	public void execEvent(String sActivity) {
		// overridden by FormField

	 * @exclude from public api.
	public boolean execValidate() {
		// overridden by FormField
		return true;

	 * Get the access/accelerator key (single character)
	 * @return single character value of the keyboard access key
	String getAccessKey() {
		if (isValidAttr(XFA.ACCESSKEYTAG, false, null)
				&& isPropertySpecified(XFA.ACCESSKEYTAG, true, 0)) {
			Attribute oAttr = getAttribute(XFA.ACCESSKEYTAG, true, false);
			if (oAttr != null && !oAttr.isEmpty()) {
				String sAccessKey = oAttr.toString();
				return sAccessKey;
		return "";

	 * @exclude from published api.
	public Attribute getAttribute(int eTag, boolean bPeek, boolean bValidate) {
		Attribute oProperty = super.getAttribute(eTag, bPeek, bValidate);
		if (eTag == XFA.LOCALETAG && !bPeek) {
			if (oProperty != null && !oProperty.isEmpty())
				return oProperty;
			// Check ancestors for the locale attribute,

			String sLocale = getInstalledLocale();
			return newAttribute(eTag, sLocale);
		} else if (oProperty != null && eTag == XFA.LAYOUTTAG) {
			String oValue = oProperty.toString();
			if (!oValue.equals("lr-tb") && !oValue.equals("delegate")) {
				foundBadAttribute(eTag, oValue);
				return defaultAttribute(eTag);
		return oProperty;

	String getBackColor() {
		String sRet = "";
		Element pBorderNode = getElement(XFA.BORDERTAG, true, 0, true, false);
		if (pBorderNode != null) {
			Element pFillNode = pBorderNode.getElement(XFA.FILLTAG, true, 0,
					true, false);
			if (pFillNode != null) {
				Element pColorNode = pFillNode.getElement(XFA.COLORTAG, true,
						0, true, false);
				if (pColorNode != null)
					sRet = pColorNode.getAttribute(XFA.VALUETAG).toString();
		return sRet;

	String getBorderColor() {
		String sRet = "";
		Element pBorderNode = getElement(XFA.BORDERTAG, true, 0, true, false);
		if (pBorderNode != null) {
			Element pEdgeNode = pBorderNode.getElement(XFA.EDGETAG, true, 0,
					true, false);
			if (pEdgeNode != null) {
				Element pColorNode = pEdgeNode.getElement(XFA.COLORTAG, true,
						0, true, false);
				if (pColorNode != null)
					sRet = pColorNode.getAttribute(XFA.VALUETAG).toString();
		return sRet;

	String getBorderWidth() {
		String sRet = "";
		Element pBorderNode = getElement(XFA.BORDERTAG, true, 0, true, false);
		if (pBorderNode != null) {
			Element pEdgeNode = pBorderNode.getElement(XFA.EDGETAG, true, 0,
					true, false);
			if (pEdgeNode != null)
				sRet = pEdgeNode.getAttribute(XFA.THICKNESSTAG).toString();
		return sRet;

	String getBoundItem(String sDisplayText) {

		ItemPair items = new ItemPair();
		getItemLists(true, items, false);
		Element oBoundItems = items.mSaveItems;
		Element oTextItems = items.mDisplayItems;

		if (oTextItems == null || oBoundItems == null)
			return "";

		// Find the item with the matching display value
		boolean bFound = false;
		int nFoundAt = 0;
		for (TextValue child = (TextValue)oTextItems.getFirstXFAChild(); child != null; child = (TextValue)child.getNextXFASibling(), nFoundAt++) {
			if (child.getValue().equals(sDisplayText)) {
				bFound = true;

		// Return the bound value corresponding to the display item index
		if (bFound) {
			int nIndex = 0;
			for (TextValue child = (TextValue)oBoundItems.getFirstXFAChild(); child != null; child = (TextValue)child.getNextXFASibling(), nIndex++) {
				if (nIndex == nFoundAt)	{
					return child.getValue();

		return "";

	String getBoundItem(int nIndex) {

		// Retrieve the bound and text item lists.
		ItemPair items = new ItemPair();
		getItemLists(true, items, false);
		// Return the data value for the item at the specified index.
		Element oBoundItems = items.mSaveItems;

		if (oBoundItems == null)
			return "";

		// Return the bound value at the specified index.
		int nCurrentIndex = 0;
		for (TextValue oBoundText = (TextValue)oBoundItems.getFirstXFAChild(); oBoundText != null; oBoundText = (TextValue)oBoundText.getNextXFASibling(), nCurrentIndex++) {
			if (nCurrentIndex == nIndex) {		
				return oBoundText.getValue();

		return "";

	 * @exclude from public api.
	public DataNode getDataNode() {
		// overridden by XFAFormField
		return null;

	String getDisplayItem(int nIndex) {

		// Retrieve the bound and text item lists.
		ItemPair items = new ItemPair();
		getItemLists(true, items, false);
		// Return the display text for the item at the specified index.
		Element oTextItems = items.mDisplayItems;

		if (oTextItems == null)
			return "";

		// Return the display value at the specified index.
		int nCurrentIndex = 0;
		for (Content oDisplayText = (Content)oTextItems.getFirstXFAChild(); oDisplayText != null; oDisplayText = (Content)oDisplayText.getNextXFASibling(), nCurrentIndex++) {
			if (nCurrentIndex == nIndex) {
				return oDisplayText.toString();

		return "";

	String getDisplayItem(String sBoundText) {

		// Retrieve the bound and text item lists.
		ItemPair items = new ItemPair();
		getItemLists(true, items, false);
		Items boundItems = items.mSaveItems;
		Items textItems = items.mDisplayItems;

		if (textItems == null || boundItems == null)
			return "";

		// Find the item with the matching bound value.
		boolean bFound = false;
		int nFoundAt = 0;
		for (Node child = boundItems.getFirstXFAChild(); child != null; child = child.getNextXFASibling()) {
			if (child.toString().equals(sBoundText)) {
				bFound = true;

		// Return the text item corresponding to the bound value index.
		if (bFound) {
			int nCurrentIndex = 0;
			for (Node oDisplayText = textItems.getFirstXFAChild(); oDisplayText != null; oDisplayText = oDisplayText.getNextXFASibling(), nCurrentIndex++) {
				if (nCurrentIndex == nFoundAt) {
					String sDisplay = oDisplayText.toString();
					Element pUI = getElement(XFA.UITAG, 0);
					if (pUI != null){
						Node poCurrentUI = pUI.getOneOfChild(true, false);
						if (poCurrentUI != null && pUI.isSameClass(XFA.CHOICELISTTAG)){
							boolean bLegacyRender = false;
							AppModel oAppModel = getAppModel();
							if (oAppModel != null){
								TemplateModel oTemplateModel = TemplateModel.getTemplateModel(oAppModel, false);
								if (oTemplateModel != null){
									if (oTemplateModel.getLegacySetting(AppModel.XFA_LEGACY_V32_RENDERING))
										bLegacyRender = true;
							if (!bLegacyRender && (sDisplay == null || sDisplay.equals("")))
								return new String(" ");
					return sDisplay;

		return "";

	 * Get the edit value for this field.
	 * @return the edit value for this field
	 * @exception UnsupportedOperationException
	 *                if you try and set the value of a boilerplate content. The
	 *                returned edit value will be either
  • in the field's edit picture representation, or, *
  • in the field's short locale picture representation, * or, *
  • in any representation for works-in-progress. *
*/ String getEditValue() { // Adobe patent application tracking # B136, entitled "Applying locale // behaviors to regions of a form", inventors: Gavin McKenzie, Mike // Tardif, John Brinkman" // Return the raw value after having any edit // picture format applied. // New: If format fails return the raw value String sRawValue; try { sRawValue = getRawValue(); } catch (ExFull oErr) { // If we caught an exception trying to get a proper edit // value, then we likely have bad data. // Issue a warning and then continue. getModel().addErrorList(oErr, LogMessage.MSG_WARNING, this); Element pValueNode = getElement(XFA.VALUETAG, true, 0, true, false); // get the value's content if (pValueNode != null) { Content pContent = (Content) pValueNode.getOneOfChild(false, true); if (pContent != null) return pContent.getStrValue(); } return ""; } // Check if we are a drop down box with bound values // and get the corresponding display value // getDisplayValue will return an empty string if we are not. String sDisplay = getDisplayItem(sRawValue); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(sDisplay)) return sDisplay; Element poUI = getElement(XFA.UITAG, true, 0, false, false); Picture poEditPicture = null; if (poUI != null) poEditPicture = (Picture) poUI.getElement(XFA.PICTURETAG, true, 0, false, false); if (poEditPicture != null) { StringBuilder sFormatted = new StringBuilder(); String sLocale = getInstalledLocale(); boolean bSuccess = poEditPicture.formatString(sRawValue, sLocale, sFormatted); if (bSuccess) return sFormatted.toString(); } else if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(sRawValue)) { Element poValueNode = getElement(XFA.VALUETAG, true, 0, true, false); Element poContentNode = null; if (poValueNode != null) poContentNode = (Element) poValueNode.getOneOfChild(false, true); // // If this is a time, date, datetime, float or decimal // field w/o edit pictures, Then try to format the // raw value using the locale's short formats. // if (poContentNode != null) { StringBuilder sFormatted = new StringBuilder(); // // Avoid fetching the locale and constructing the LcData // object until absolutely needed. // if (poContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.DATETAG)) { String sLocale = getInstalledLocale(); LcData oData = new LcData(sLocale); String sPict = oData.getDateFormat(LcData.SHORT_FMT); PictureFmt.formatDate(sRawValue, sPict, sLocale, sFormatted, true); } else if (poContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.TIMETAG)) { String sLocale = getInstalledLocale(); LcData oData = new LcData(sLocale); String sPict = oData.getTimeFormat(LcData.SHORT_FMT); PictureFmt.formatTime(sRawValue, sPict, sLocale, sFormatted, true); } else if (poContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.DATETIMETAG)) { String sLocale = getInstalledLocale(); LcData oData = new LcData(sLocale); String sPict = oData.getDateTimeFormat(LcData.SHORT_FMT, LcData.WITH_CATEGORIES); String sDatePict = oData.getDateFormat(LcData.SHORT_FMT); String sTimePict = oData.getTimeFormat(LcData.SHORT_FMT); PictureFmt.formatDateTime(sRawValue, sPict, sDatePict, sTimePict, sLocale, sFormatted, true); } else if (poContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.INTEGERTAG)) { // // Try to format the field's canonical value according to // the field's locale integral format w/o grouping symbols. // String sLocale = getInstalledLocale(); LcData oData = new LcData(sLocale); int nOptn = LcData.WITHOUT_GROUPINGS; String sPict = oData.getNumberFormat(LcData.INTEGRAL_FMT, nOptn); PictureFmt.formatNumeric(sRawValue, sPict, sLocale, sFormatted); } else if (poContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.FLOATTAG)) { // // Try to format the field's canonical value according to // the field's locale decimal format w/o grouping symbols // to the field's value width and precision. // String sLocale = getInstalledLocale(); int nOptn = LcData.WITHOUT_GROUPINGS; LcData oData = new LcData(LcLocale.DEFAULT_LOCALE); int nPrec = oData.getNumberPrecision(sRawValue); nOptn |= LcData.withPrecision(nPrec); int nWidth = sRawValue.length(); if (nWidth > 0) nOptn |= LcData.withWidth(nWidth); if (sLocale != LcLocale.DEFAULT_LOCALE) oData = new LcData(sLocale); String sPict = oData.getNumberFormat(LcData.DECIMAL_FMT, nOptn); PictureFmt.formatNumeric(sRawValue, sPict, sLocale, sFormatted); } else if (poContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.DECIMALTAG)) { // // Try to format the field's canonical value according to // the field's locale decimal format w/o grouping symbols // to the field's value width and precision. If the field's // fracDigits attribute is -1, then use picture 8 symbols. // Int oFrac = (Int) poContentNode .getAttribute(XFA.FRACDIGITSTAG); String sLocale = getInstalledLocale(); int nOptn = LcData.WITHOUT_GROUPINGS; if (oFrac.getValue() == -1) nOptn |= LcData.WITH_EIGHTS; LcData oData = new LcData(LcLocale.DEFAULT_LOCALE); int nPrec = oData.getNumberPrecision(sRawValue); nOptn |= LcData.withPrecision(nPrec); int nWidth = sRawValue.length(); if (nWidth > 0) nOptn |= LcData.withWidth(nWidth); if (sLocale != LcLocale.DEFAULT_LOCALE) oData = new LcData(sLocale); String sPict = oData.getNumberFormat(LcData.DECIMAL_FMT, nOptn); PictureFmt.formatNumeric(sRawValue, sPict, sLocale, sFormatted); } // // If successful Then return the formatted result. // if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(sFormatted)) return sFormatted.toString(); } } return sRawValue; } String getForeColor() { String sRet = ""; Element pFontNode = getElement(XFA.FONTTAG, true, 0, true, false); if (pFontNode != null) { Element pFillNode = pFontNode.getElement(XFA.FILLTAG, true, 0, true, false); if (pFillNode != null) { Element pColorNode = pFillNode.getElement(XFA.COLORTAG, true, 0, true, false); if (pColorNode != null) sRet = pColorNode.getAttribute(XFA.VALUETAG).toString(); } } return sRet; } // // XFA Subset convinience methods // /** * Gets the formatted value for this field. * The returned formatted value will be either *
  • the field's format picture representation, or, *
  • the field's default locale picture representation, or, *
  • any representation for works-in-progress. *
* @return the formatted value for this field, * or null if the content is null. */ public String getFormattedValue() { String sValue = getRawValue(); // Check if we are a drop down box with bound values // and get the corresponding display value // getDisplayValue will return an empty string if we are not. String sDisplay = getDisplayItem(sValue); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(sDisplay)) return sDisplay; Element pContentNode = null; // get the value Element pValueNode = getElement(XFA.VALUETAG, true, 0, true, false); // get the value's content if (pValueNode != null) pContentNode = (Element) pValueNode.getOneOfChild(false, true); boolean bNumericField = (pContentNode instanceof DecimalValue || pContentNode instanceof IntegerValue || pContentNode instanceof FloatValue); // check for any picture formatting Element poFormatNode = getElement(XFA.FORMATTAG, true, 0, false, false); if (sValue != null && poFormatNode != null) { Picture poPictureNode = (Picture) poFormatNode.getElement( XFA.PICTURETAG, true, 0, false, false); if (poPictureNode != null && !StringUtils.isEmpty(poPictureNode.getValue())) { // Adobe patent application tracking # B136, entitled "Applying // locale behaviors to regions of a form", // inventors: Gavin McKenzie, Mike Tardif, John Brinkman" String sLocale = getInstalledLocale(); StringBuilder sFormatted = new StringBuilder(); boolean bPictureSucceed = poPictureNode.formatString(sValue, sLocale, sFormatted); double dVal = 0.0; // // If formatting succeeded Then display formatted result. // if (bPictureSucceed) return sFormatted.toString(); // // Else if field is numeric and input is numeric then... // else if (bNumericField) { boolean bValidDouble = true; try { dVal = Double.parseDouble(sValue); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { bValidDouble = false; } if (bValidDouble) { // // If input is a zero value, e.g., 0.00 // then display a localized "0". // if (dVal == 0) { LcData oData = new LcData(sLocale); return oData.getZeroSymbol(); } } } } } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(sValue)) return null; // // If this is a time, date, datetime, float or decimal // field w/o format pictures, Then try to format the // raw value using the locale's default formats. // if (pContentNode != null) { StringBuilder sFormatted = new StringBuilder(); // // Avoid fetching the locale and constructing the LcData // object until absolutely needed. // // Adobe patent application tracking # B136, entitled "Applying // locale behaviors to regions of a form", inventors: Gavin // McKenzie, Mike Tardif, John Brinkman" if (pContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.DATETAG)) { String sLocale = getInstalledLocale(); LcData oData = new LcData(sLocale); String sPict = oData.getDateFormat(LcData.MED_FMT); PictureFmt.formatDate(sValue, sPict, sLocale, sFormatted, true); } else if (pContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.TIMETAG)) { String sLocale = getInstalledLocale(); LcData oData = new LcData(sLocale); String sPict = oData.getTimeFormat(LcData.MED_FMT); PictureFmt.formatTime(sValue, sPict, sLocale, sFormatted, true); } else if (pContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.DATETIMETAG)) { String sLocale = getInstalledLocale(); LcData oData = new LcData(sLocale); String sPict = oData.getDateTimeFormat(LcData.MED_FMT, LcData.WITH_CATEGORIES); String sDatePict = oData.getDateFormat(LcData.MED_FMT); String sTimePict = oData.getTimeFormat(LcData.MED_FMT); PictureFmt.formatDateTime(sValue, sPict, sDatePict, sTimePict, sLocale, sFormatted, true); } else if (pContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.INTEGERTAG)) { // // Try to format the field's canonical value according to // the field's locale integral format w/ grouping symbols. // String sLocale = getInstalledLocale(); LcData oData = new LcData(sLocale); int nOptn = LcData.WITH_GROUPINGS; String sPict = oData .getNumberFormat(LcData.INTEGRAL_FMT, nOptn); PictureFmt.formatNumeric(sValue, sPict, sLocale, sFormatted); } else if (pContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.FLOATTAG)) { // // Try to format the field's canonical value according to // the field's locale decimal format w/ grouping symbols // to the field's value width and precision. // String sLocale = getInstalledLocale(); int nOptn = LcData.WITH_GROUPINGS; LcData oData = new LcData(LcLocale.DEFAULT_LOCALE); int nPrec = oData.getNumberPrecision(sValue); nOptn |= LcData.withPrecision(nPrec); int nWidth = sValue.length(); if (nWidth > 0) nOptn |= LcData.withWidth(nWidth); if (sLocale != LcLocale.DEFAULT_LOCALE) oData = new LcData(sLocale); String sPict = oData.getNumberFormat(LcData.DECIMAL_FMT, nOptn); PictureFmt.formatNumeric(sValue, sPict, sLocale, sFormatted); } else if (pContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.DECIMALTAG)) { // // Try to format the field's canonical value according to // the field's locale decimal format w/ grouping symbols // to the field's value width and precision. If the field's // fracDigits attribute is -1, then use picture 8 symbols. // Int oFrac = (Int) pContentNode.getAttribute(XFA.FRACDIGITSTAG); String sLocale = getInstalledLocale(); int nOptn = LcData.WITH_GROUPINGS; if (oFrac.getValue() == -1) nOptn |= LcData.WITH_EIGHTS; LcData oData = new LcData(LcLocale.DEFAULT_LOCALE); int nPrec = oData.getNumberPrecision(sValue); nOptn |= LcData.withPrecision(nPrec); int nWidth = sValue.length(); if (nWidth > 0) nOptn |= LcData.withWidth(nWidth); if (sLocale != LcLocale.DEFAULT_LOCALE) oData = new LcData(sLocale); String sPict = oData.getNumberFormat(LcData.DECIMAL_FMT, nOptn); PictureFmt.formatNumeric(sValue, sPict, sLocale, sFormatted); } // // If successful Then return the formatted value. // if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(sFormatted)) return sFormatted.toString(); } return sValue; } /** * Get the display and save lists * * @param bPeek - * if TRUE return lists that must not be modified * @param items - * a structure holding the bound and display elements * @param bEnforceMultiColumn - * @exclude from public api. */ public void getItemLists(boolean bPeek, ItemPair items, boolean bEnforceMultiColumn /* = false */) { // First find the node that contains the bound elements // (value returned when selected) // This node will have a save attribute (save="1") Items saveList = null; Items displayList = null; // get the first list Items list1 = (Items) getElement(XFA.ITEMSTAG, bPeek, 0, false, false); // get the second list. Items list2 = (Items) getElement(XFA.ITEMSTAG, true, 1, false, false); if (!bPeek) { if (list2 != null && list2.getXFAParent() != this) { // if we are not peeking copy it over if we don't have the // correct parent list2 = (Items) list2.createProto(this, false); } if (list2 == null && bEnforceMultiColumn) { // populate the new column with the same element that are in the // first column list2 = (Items) defaultElementImpl(XFA.ITEMSTAG, 1, true); } } if (list1 == null) return; // we have two lists if (list2 != null) { int ePresence1 = list1.getEnum(XFA.PRESENCETAG); int eSave1 = list1.getEnum(XFA.SAVETAG); int ePresence2 = list2.getEnum(XFA.PRESENCETAG); int eSave2 = list2.getEnum(XFA.SAVETAG); // if both have the same settings if (ePresence1 == ePresence2 && eSave1 == eSave2) { // default to the first list displayList = list1; saveList = list1; // update the attributes so they are correct bEnforceMultiColumn = true; } else if (ePresence1 == ePresence2) { if (eSave1 == EnumAttr.BOOL_TRUE) { saveList = list1; displayList = list2; } else { saveList = list2; displayList = list1; } // update the attributes so they are correct if (!bPeek) { displayList.setAttribute(EnumAttr.PRESENCE_VISIBLE, XFA.PRESENCETAG); saveList.setAttribute(EnumAttr.PRESENCE_HIDDEN, XFA.PRESENCETAG); } } else if (eSave1 == eSave2) { if (ePresence1 != EnumAttr.PRESENCE_HIDDEN && ePresence1 != EnumAttr.PRESENCE_INACTIVE) { displayList = list1; saveList = list2; } else { displayList = list2; saveList = list1; } // update the attributes so they are correct if (!bPeek) { saveList.setAttribute(EnumAttr.BOOL_TRUE, XFA.SAVETAG); displayList.setAttribute(EnumAttr.BOOL_FALSE, XFA.SAVETAG); } } else { // both have different settings if (ePresence1 != EnumAttr.PRESENCE_HIDDEN && ePresence1 != EnumAttr.PRESENCE_INACTIVE) displayList = list1; else displayList = list2; if (eSave1 == EnumAttr.BOOL_TRUE) saveList = list1; else saveList = list2; if (displayList == saveList) bEnforceMultiColumn = true; } } else { // only one list displayList = list1; saveList = list1; } // JAVAPORT: dead code - displayList and saveList are always non-null at this point // // if there are no visible columns, use the first column // if (displayList == null) // displayList = list1; // // // if there is no save column, use the first column, even if // // it has presence="visible" // if (saveList == null) // saveList = list1; // both lists point to the same node if (!bPeek && bEnforceMultiColumn) { // ensure we have different lists if (displayList == saveList) { if (displayList == list1 && list2 != null) saveList = list2; else saveList = list1; // update the lists with the correct attrs saveList.setAttribute(EnumAttr.BOOL_TRUE, XFA.SAVETAG); saveList.setAttribute(EnumAttr.PRESENCE_HIDDEN, XFA.PRESENCETAG); displayList.setAttribute(EnumAttr.BOOL_FALSE, XFA.SAVETAG); displayList.setAttribute(EnumAttr.PRESENCE_VISIBLE, XFA.PRESENCETAG); } // ensure we have the correct item counts int nSaveCount = saveList.getXFAChildCount(); int nDisplayCount = displayList.getXFAChildCount(); if (nDisplayCount != nSaveCount) { saveList.clearItems(false); // replace the values for (Node child = displayList.getFirstXFAChild(); child != null; child = child.getNextXFASibling()) { child.clone(saveList); } } } items.mSaveItems = saveList; items.mDisplayItems = displayList; } boolean getItemState(String sValue, boolean bDisplay) { Element oSearch; ItemPair items = new ItemPair(); // Retrieve the bound and text item lists. getItemLists(true, items, false); Element boundItems = items.mSaveItems; Element oDisplayItems = items.mDisplayItems; if (bDisplay) oSearch = oDisplayItems; else oSearch = boundItems; int i = 0; for (TextValue oText = (TextValue)oSearch.getFirstXFAChild(); oText != null; oText = (TextValue)oText.getNextXFASibling(), i++) { String sItemValue = oText.getValue(); if (sValue.equals(sItemValue)) { return getItemState(i); } } return false; } boolean getItemState(int nIndex) { // Return TRUE if the item at the specified index is currently selected, // FALSE otherwise. // Get the bound value at the selected index. String sBoundItem = getBoundItem(nIndex); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(sBoundItem)) return false; // get the value Element pValueNode = getElement(XFA.VALUETAG, true, 0, false, false); // get the value's content if (pValueNode != null) { Content pContentNode = (Content) pValueNode.getOneOfChild(true, false); if (pContentNode == null || pContentNode.getIsNull()) { return false; } // Single-select listbox. if (pContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.TEXTTAG)) { String sValue = ((TextValue) pContentNode).getValue(); if (sBoundItem.equals(sValue)) return true; } // Multi-select listbox. else if (pContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.EXDATATAG)) { List oValues = new ArrayList(); ExDataValue oExData = (ExDataValue) pContentNode; oExData.getValues(oValues); for (int i = 0; i < oValues.size(); i++) { if (sBoundItem.equals(oValues.get(i))) return true; } } } return false; } /** * return the item value * * @param sItemsIndex * @param sItemIndex * @return null if there's no item value, else the item value string. */ String getItemValue(int nItemsIndex, int nItemIndex) { Element pItems = getElement(XFA.ITEMSTAG, true, nItemsIndex, false, false); if (pItems != null) { Node pText = pItems.getFirstXFAChild(); int nItemCount = 0; while (pText != null) { // 'On' value is first in // 'Off' value is second in if (pText.isSameClass(XFA.TEXTTAG) || pText.isSameClass(XFA.INTEGERTAG)) { if (nItemCount == nItemIndex) { return pText.toString(); } nItemCount++; if (nItemCount > nItemIndex) return null; } pText = pText.getNextXFASibling(); } } return null; } int getItemsLength() { ItemPair items = new ItemPair(); getItemLists(true, items, false); Element oBoundItems = items.mSaveItems; if (oBoundItems != null) return oBoundItems.getXFAChildCount(); return 0; } String getMandatory() { String sRet = ""; Element pValidateNode = getElement(XFA.VALIDATETAG, true, 0, true, false); if (pValidateNode != null) sRet = pValidateNode.getAttribute(XFA.NULLTESTTAG).toString(); return sRet; } String getMessage(String aType) { String sRet = ""; Element pValidateNode = getElement(XFA.VALIDATETAG, true, 0, false, false); if (pValidateNode != null) sRet = TemplateModel.getValidationMessage(pValidateNode, aType); return sRet; } /** * Get the neutral value of this field * * @return String for Neutral value, null if undefined. This method is for * checkbutton fields only. * * @exclude from published api */ public String getNeutralValue() { Element oUI = getElement(XFA.UITAG, true, 0, false, false); // get current ui if (oUI != null) { Node oCurrentUI = oUI.getOneOfChild(); if (oCurrentUI != null) { if (oCurrentUI.isSameClass(XFA.CHECKBUTTONTAG)) return getItemValue(0, 2); } } return null; } /** * @see Element#getNodes() * @exclude */ public NodeList getNodes() { Model oModel = getModel(); assert(oModel != null); // Watson bug 1333106 ensure we copy over all the items when we call get nodes // we do this because in Version 7 getNodes() would return the items // for performance only resolve the items after the load is complete if (oModel != null && !oModel.isLoading()) lazyResolveItemsArrays(false); return super.getNodes(); } /** * @see ProtoableNode#resolveAndEnumerateChildren(boolean bAllProperties, boolean bFirstDefaultOnly) * @exclude from public api. */ public NodeList resolveAndEnumerateChildren(boolean bAllProperties /* = false */, boolean bFirstDefaultOnly /* = false */) { // Our get-default-elements code for can't handle two-step // proto resolution at once, so make sure we resolve the // arrays first. if (bAllProperties) lazyResolveItemsArrays(bAllProperties); return super.resolveAndEnumerateChildren(bAllProperties, bFirstDefaultOnly); } /** * Get the off value of this field * * @return The Off value. If none, null This method is for checkbutton * fields only. * * @exclude from public api. */ public String getOffValue() { Element oUI = getElement(XFA.UITAG, true, 0, false, false); // get current ui if (oUI != null) { Node oCurrentUI = oUI.getOneOfChild(); if (oCurrentUI != null) { if (oCurrentUI.isSameClass(XFA.CHECKBUTTONTAG)) return getItemValue(0, 1); } } return null; } /** * Get the on value of this field * * @return The On value, null if there isn't one. This method is for * checkbutton fields only. * * @exclude from public api. */ public String getOnValue() { Element oUI = getElement(XFA.UITAG, true, 0, false, false); // get current ui if (oUI != null) { Node oCurrentUI = oUI.getOneOfChild(); if (oCurrentUI != null) { if (oCurrentUI.isSameClass(XFA.CHECKBUTTONTAG)) return getItemValue(0, 0); } } return null; } Subform getParentSubform() { Element pParent = getXFAParent(); while (pParent != null) { if (pParent.isSameClass(XFA.SUBFORMTAG)) { EnumValue eScope = (EnumValue) pParent .getAttribute(XFA.SCOPETAG); if (eScope.getInt() == EnumAttr.SCOPE_NONE) return (Subform) pParent; } pParent = pParent.getXFAParent(); } return null; } /** * Gets the raw value for this field. * The returned unformatted value will be either *
  • the field's canonical representation, or, *
  • any representation for works-in-progress. *
* @return the unformatted raw value for this field, * or null if the content is null. */ public String getRawValue() { Arg oRawValue = new Arg(); getTypedRawValue(oRawValue); if (oRawValue.getArgType() != Arg.NULL) return oRawValue.getAsString(false); return null; } /** * @exclude from published api. */ public ScriptTable getScriptTable() { return FieldScript.getScriptTable(); } int getSelectedIndex() { // Retrieve the bound and text item lists. ItemPair items = new ItemPair(); getItemLists(true, items, false); // Return the index of the first selected item. Element oBoundItems = items.mSaveItems; if (oBoundItems == null) return -1; // get the value's content Element pValueNode = getElement(XFA.VALUETAG, true, 0, false, false); if (pValueNode != null) { Node pContentNode = pValueNode.getOneOfChild(true, false); if (pContentNode == null || ((Content) pContentNode).getIsNull()) { return -1; } // Single-select listbox. if (pContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.TEXTTAG)) { String sDataValue = ((TextValue) pContentNode).getValue(); // Find the first selected item int nFoundAt = 0; for (TextValue oText = (TextValue)oBoundItems.getFirstXFAChild(); oText != null; oText = (TextValue)oText.getNextXFASibling(), nFoundAt++) { String sItemValue = oText.getValue(); if (sItemValue.equals(sDataValue)) return nFoundAt; } } // Multi-select listbox. else if (pContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.EXDATATAG)) { List oValues = new ArrayList(); ExDataValue oExData = (ExDataValue) pContentNode; oExData.getValues(oValues); // Find the first selected item int nFoundAt = 0; for (TextValue oText = (TextValue)oBoundItems.getFirstXFAChild(); oText != null; oText = (TextValue)oText.getNextXFASibling(), nFoundAt++) { String sItemValue = oText.getValue(); for (int i = 0; i < oValues.size(); i++) { if (sItemValue.equals(oValues.get(i))) return nFoundAt; } } } } return -1; } void getTypedRawValue(Arg oValue) { // get the value Element pValueNode = getElement(XFA.VALUETAG, true, 0, false, false); // get the value's content if (pValueNode != null) { Content pContentNode = (Content) pValueNode.getOneOfChild(true, false); if (pContentNode == null || (pContentNode instanceof Content && ((Content) pContentNode).getIsNull())) { oValue.setNull(); return; } if (pContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.TEXTTAG)) { oValue.setString(((TextValue) pContentNode).getValue()); } else if (pContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.EXDATATAG)) { // watson bug 1795969 old forms need to use the legacy XHTML processing boolean bLegacy = getAppModel().getLegacySetting(AppModel.XFA_LEGACY_V27_XHTMLVERSIONPROCESSING); oValue.setString(((ExDataValue) pContentNode).getValue(false, false, bLegacy)); } else if (pContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.BOOLEANTAG)) { if (((BooleanValue)pContentNode).valueHasTypeMismatch()) { if (getAppModel().getLegacySetting(AppModel.XFA_LEGACY_V29_SCRIPTING)) { // legacy behavior is to return false oValue.setBool(false); } else { // never return a value to the user different than the data; if the // data is invalid then just return it as a string oValue.setString(((Content)pContentNode).getStrValue()); } } else oValue.setBool(((BooleanValue)pContentNode).getValue()); } else if (pContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.DATETAG)) { oValue.setString(((DateValue) pContentNode).getValue()); } else if (pContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.DATETIMETAG)) { oValue.setString(((DateTimeValue) pContentNode).getValue()); } else if (pContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.TIMETAG)) { oValue.setString(((TimeValue) pContentNode).getValue()); } else if (pContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.INTEGERTAG)) { String sValue = ((Content)pContentNode).getStrValue(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(sValue)) oValue.setNull(); else if (((IntegerValue)pContentNode).valueHasTypeMismatch()) { if (getAppModel().getLegacySetting(AppModel.XFA_LEGACY_V29_SCRIPTING)) { // legacy behavior is to return zero oValue.setInteger(((IntegerValue)pContentNode).getValue()); } else { // never return a value to the user different than the data; if the // data is invalid then just return it as a string oValue.setString(sValue); } } else oValue.setInteger(((IntegerValue)pContentNode).getValue()); } else if (pContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.FLOATTAG)) { String sValue = ((Content)pContentNode).getStrValue(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(sValue)) oValue.setNull(); else if (((FloatValue)pContentNode).valueHasTypeMismatch()) { if (getAppModel().getLegacySetting(AppModel.XFA_LEGACY_V29_SCRIPTING)) { // legacy behavior is to return zero oValue.setDouble(((FloatValue)pContentNode).getValue()); } else { // never return a value to the user different than the data; if the // data is invalid then just return it as a string oValue.setString(sValue); } } else oValue.setDouble(((FloatValue)pContentNode).getValue()); } else if (pContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.DECIMALTAG)) { String sValue = ((Content)pContentNode).getStrValue(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(sValue)) oValue.setNull(); else if (((DecimalValue)pContentNode).valueHasTypeMismatch()) { if (getAppModel().getLegacySetting(AppModel.XFA_LEGACY_V29_SCRIPTING)) { // legacy behavior is to return raw string if fracDigits is -1, // and zero otherwise Int oFracInt = (Int) pContentNode.getAttribute(XFA.FRACDIGITSTAG); if (oFracInt.getValue() == -1) oValue.setString(sValue); else oValue.setDouble(((DecimalValue)pContentNode).getValue()); } else { // never return a value to the user different than the data; if the // data is invalid then just return it as a string oValue.setString(sValue); } } else { Int oFracInt = (Int)pContentNode.getAttribute(XFA.FRACDIGITSTAG); if (oFracInt.getValue() == -1) oValue.setString(sValue); else oValue.setDouble(((DecimalValue)pContentNode).getValue()); } } else if (pContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.IMAGETAG)) { oValue.setString(((ImageValue)pContentNode).getValue()); } } else oValue.setNull(); } /** * @exclude from public api. */ public boolean hasValidFormattedValue() { // This is necessary since getFormattedVAlue // now returns the raw value when value is incompatible // with picture clause. This function lets you know // if picture format is valid wrt rawvalue. String sValue = getRawValue(); if (isPropertySpecified(XFA.VALIDATETAG, true, 0)) { // check for any picture formatting Element poFormatNode = getElement(XFA.VALIDATETAG, true, 0, false, false); if (poFormatNode != null) { Picture poPictureNode = (Picture) poFormatNode.getElement( XFA.PICTURETAG, true, 0, false, false); if (poPictureNode != null) { String sLocale = getInstalledLocale(); StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); return poPictureNode.formatString(sValue, sLocale, s); } } } return true; } /** * @see Container#isConnectSupported() * @exclude */ public boolean isConnectSupported() { return true; } /** * @exclude from published api. */ public boolean isHeightGrowSupported() { return isWidthGrowSupported(); } /** * Return whether or not this container is 'on' in its ExclGroup * * @return true if this container is 'on'. */ boolean isOn() { boolean bRet = false; String sTemp = getOnValue(); if (sTemp != null) { String sValue = getFormattedValue(); if (sTemp.equals(sValue)) bRet = true; } else if (!getIsNull()) bRet = true; return bRet; } /** * @exclude from published api. */ public boolean isWidthGrowSupported() { // Although element always supports min/max[w/h] attributes, // not all fields support growability. Eg text fields do but // list box fields and image fields do not. // button=yes // checkbutton=yes // choicelist=no // datetime=yes // defaultUI=no? // exobject=no // numericedit=yes // passwordedit=yes // texedit=yes // image field=no Element poContentNode = null; UI poUI = (UI) getElement(XFA.UITAG, true, 0, false, false); if (poUI != null) { poContentNode = poUI.getUIElement(true); } if (poContentNode != null) { if (poContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.CHOICELISTTAG) || poContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.EXOBJECTTAG) || poContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.BARCODETAG)) { return false; } } Element poValue = getElement(XFA.VALUETAG, true, 0, false, false); if (poValue != null) { poContentNode = (Element) poValue.getOneOfChild(true, false); if (poContentNode != null) { if (poContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.RECTANGLETAG) || poContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.ARCTAG)) { return false; } } } return true; } /** * @exclude from public api. */ protected boolean notifyParent() { Element pParent = getXFAParent(); if (pParent instanceof ExclGroup) return true; return false; } void setBackColor(String sString) { Element pBorderNode = getElement(XFA.BORDERTAG, false, 0, false, false); Element pFillNode = pBorderNode.getElement(XFA.FILLTAG, false, 0, false, false); Element pColorNode = pFillNode.getElement(XFA.COLORTAG, false, 0, false, false); pColorNode.setAttribute(new StringAttr(XFA.VALUE, sString), XFA.VALUETAG); } void setBorderColor(String sString) { Element pBorderNode = getElement(XFA.BORDERTAG, false, 0, false, false); // need to set the 4 edges for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (!pBorderNode.isPropertySpecified(XFA.EDGETAG, true, i)) break; Element pEdgeNode = pBorderNode.getElement(XFA.EDGETAG, false, i, false, false); // set the color Element pColorNode = pEdgeNode.getElement(XFA.COLORTAG, false, 0, false, false); pColorNode.setAttribute(new StringAttr(XFA.VALUE, sString), XFA.VALUETAG); } // need to set the 4 corners for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (!pBorderNode.isPropertySpecified(XFA.CORNERTAG, true, i)) break; Element pCornerNode = pBorderNode.getElement(XFA.CORNERTAG, false, i, false, false); // set the color Element pColorNode = pCornerNode.getElement(XFA.COLORTAG, false, 0, false, false); pColorNode.setAttribute(new StringAttr(XFA.VALUE, sString), XFA.VALUETAG); } } void setBorderWidth(String sString) { // TODO change back to getElement once prot changes are in; Element pBorderNode = getElement(XFA.BORDERTAG, false, 0, false, false); // need to set the 4 edges for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (!pBorderNode.isPropertySpecified(XFA.EDGETAG, true, i)) break; Element pEdgeNode = pBorderNode.getElement(XFA.EDGETAG, false, i, false, false); // set the thickness pEdgeNode.setAttribute(new StringAttr(XFA.THICKNESS, sString), XFA.THICKNESSTAG); } // need to set the 4 corners for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (!pBorderNode.isPropertySpecified(XFA.CORNERTAG, true, i)) break; Element pCornerNode = pBorderNode.getElement(XFA.CORNERTAG, false, i, false, false); // set the thickness pCornerNode.setAttribute(new StringAttr(XFA.THICKNESS, sString), XFA.THICKNESSTAG); } } /** * Set the edit value for this field. * * @param sValue * the formatted value for this field. * @exception UnsupportedOperationException * if you try and set the value of a boilerplate content. The * given edit value will be either *
  • in the field's edit picture representation, or, *
  • in the field's short locale picture representation, * or, *
  • in any representation for works-in-progress. *
* If the given edit value can be successfully unformatted * into its canonical representation, then the field's raw * value is set to this canonical representation. Otherwise * the field's raw value is set to the given edit value. */ void setEditValue(String sValue) { // Adobe patent application tracking # B136, entitled "Applying locale // behaviors to regions of a form", inventors: Gavin McKenzie, Mike // Tardif, John Brinkman" // Use the edit picture format to untransform // the given edit value , then set it as the // raw value. // Take care not to force empty string as rawvalue // when the edit value does not untransform wrt to // the edit picture clause. In such cases we just set the // raw value. StringHolder sCanonical = new StringHolder(); Element poUI = getElement(XFA.UITAG, true, 0, false, false); Picture poEditPicture = null; if (poUI != null) poEditPicture = (Picture) poUI.getElement(XFA.PICTURETAG, true, 0, false, false); if (poEditPicture != null) { String sLocale = getInstalledLocale(); sCanonical.value = poEditPicture.unformatString(sValue, sLocale, null); } else if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(sValue)) { Element poValueNode = getElement(XFA.VALUETAG, true, 0, true, false); Element poContentNode = null; if (poValueNode != null) poContentNode = (Element) poValueNode.getOneOfChild(false, true); // // If this is a time, date, datetime, float or decimal // field w/o edit pictures, Then try to parse the // raw value using the locale's short formats. // if (poContentNode != null) { // // Avoid fetching the locale and constructing the LcData // object until absolutely needed. // if (poContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.DATETAG)) { String sLocale = getInstalledLocale(); LcData oData = new LcData(sLocale); String sPict = oData.getDateFormat(LcData.SHORT_FMT); PictureFmt.parseDate(sValue, sPict, sLocale, sCanonical, true); } else if (poContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.TIMETAG)) { String sLocale = getInstalledLocale(); LcData oData = new LcData(sLocale); String sPict = oData.getTimeFormat(LcData.SHORT_FMT); PictureFmt.parseTime(sValue, sPict, sLocale, sCanonical, true); } else if (poContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.DATETIMETAG)) { String sLocale = getInstalledLocale(); LcData oData = new LcData(sLocale); String sPict = oData.getDateTimeFormat(LcData.SHORT_FMT, LcData.WITHOUT_CATEGORIES); String sDatePict = oData.getDateFormat(LcData.SHORT_FMT); String sTimePict = oData.getTimeFormat(LcData.SHORT_FMT); PictureFmt.parseDateTime(sValue, sPict, sDatePict, sTimePict, sLocale, sCanonical, true); } else if (poContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.INTEGERTAG)) { // // Try to parse the given locale-sensitive value according // to the field's locale integral format w/o grouping // symbols. // String sLocale = getInstalledLocale(); LcData oData = new LcData(sLocale); int nOptn = LcData.WITHOUT_GROUPINGS; String sPict = oData.getNumberFormat(LcData.INTEGRAL_FMT, nOptn); PictureFmt.parseNumeric(sValue, sPict, sLocale, sCanonical); } else if (poContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.FLOATTAG)) { // // Try to parse the given locale-sensitive value according // to the field's locale decimal format w/o grouping symbols // to the given value's width and precision. // String sLocale = getInstalledLocale(); int nOptn = LcData.WITHOUT_GROUPINGS; LcData oData = new LcData(sLocale); int nPrec = oData.getNumberPrecision(sValue); if (nPrec == 0) { // // Fix for Watson 1233947. Request that the radix // symbol be included in the numeric picture. // if (sValue.contains(oData.getRadixSymbol())) nOptn |= LcData.WITH_RADIX; } nOptn |= LcData.withPrecision(nPrec | 0x80); int nWidth = sValue.length(); if (nWidth > 0) nOptn |= LcData.withWidth(nWidth); String sPict = oData.getNumberFormat(LcData.DECIMAL_FMT, nOptn); PictureFmt.parseNumeric(sValue, sPict, sLocale, sCanonical); } else if (poContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.DECIMALTAG)) { // // Try to parse the given locale-sensitive value according // to the field's locale decimal format w/o grouping symbols // to the field's value width and precision. If the field's // fracDigits attribute is -1, then use picture 8 symbols. // Int oFrac = (Int) poContentNode.getAttribute(XFA.FRACDIGITSTAG); String sLocale = getInstalledLocale(); int nOptn = LcData.WITHOUT_GROUPINGS; if (oFrac.getValue() == -1) nOptn |= LcData.WITH_EIGHTS; LcData oData = new LcData(sLocale); int nPrec = oData.getNumberPrecision(sValue); if (nPrec == 0) { // // Fix for Watson 1233947. Request that the radix // symbol be included in the numeric picture. // if (sValue.contains(oData.getRadixSymbol())) nOptn |= LcData.WITH_RADIX; } nOptn |= LcData.withPrecision(nPrec | 0x80); int nWidth = sValue.length(); if (nWidth > 0) nOptn |= LcData.withWidth(nWidth); String sPict = oData.getNumberFormat(LcData.DECIMAL_FMT, nOptn); PictureFmt.parseNumeric(sValue, sPict, sLocale, sCanonical); } } } // // If successful Then let the canonical result be the new raw value. // if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(sCanonical.value)) setRawValue(sCanonical.value); else setRawValue(sValue); } void setForeColor(String sString) { Element pFontNode = getElement(XFA.FONTTAG, false, 0, false, false); Element pFillNode = pFontNode.getElement(XFA.FILLTAG, false, 0, false, false); Element pColorNode = pFillNode.getElement(XFA.COLORTAG, false, 0, false, false); pColorNode.setAttribute(new StringAttr(XFA.VALUE, sString), XFA.VALUETAG); } /** * Set the formatted value for this field. * * @param sValue * the formatted value for this field. * @exception UnsupportedOperationException * if you try and set the value of a boilerplate content. The * given formatted value should be in the either *
  • in the field's format picture representation, or, *
  • in the field's default locale picture representation, * or, *
  • in any representation for works-in-progress. *
* If the given formatted value can be successfully * unformatted into its canonical representation, then the * field's raw value is set to this canonical representation. * Otherwise the field's raw value is set to the given * formatted value. * @exclude from public api. */ public void setFormattedValue(String sValue) { // Adobe patent application tracking # B136, entitled "Applying locale // behaviors to regions of a form", inventors: Gavin McKenzie, Mike // Tardif, John Brinkman" StringHolder sCanonical = new StringHolder(); if (isPropertySpecified(XFA.FORMATTAG, true, 0)) { // check for any picture formatting Element poFormatNode = getElement(XFA.FORMATTAG, true, 0, false, false); if (poFormatNode != null) { Picture pPictureNode = (Picture) poFormatNode.getElement( XFA.PICTURETAG, true, 0, false, false); if (pPictureNode != null) { String sLocale = getInstalledLocale(); sCanonical.value = pPictureNode.unformatString(sValue, sLocale, null); } } } else if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(sValue)) { Element poValueNode = getElement(XFA.VALUETAG, true, 0, true, false); Element poContentNode = null; if (poValueNode != null) poContentNode = (Element) poValueNode.getOneOfChild(false, true); // // If this is a time, date, datetime, float or decimal // field w/o format pictures, Then try to parse the // raw value using the locale's default formats. // if (poContentNode != null) { // // Avoid fetching the locale and constructing the LcData // object until absolutely needed. // if (poContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.DATETAG)) { String sLocale = getInstalledLocale(); LcData oData = new LcData(sLocale); String sPict = oData.getDateFormat(LcData.MED_FMT); PictureFmt.parseDate(sValue, sPict, sLocale, sCanonical, true); } else if (poContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.TIMETAG)) { String sLocale = getInstalledLocale(); LcData oData = new LcData(sLocale); String sPict = oData.getTimeFormat(LcData.MED_FMT); PictureFmt.parseTime(sValue, sPict, sLocale, sCanonical, true); } else if (poContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.DATETIMETAG)) { String sLocale = getInstalledLocale(); LcData oData = new LcData(sLocale); String sPict = oData.getDateTimeFormat(LcData.MED_FMT, LcData.WITHOUT_CATEGORIES); String sDatePict = oData.getDateFormat(LcData.MED_FMT); String sTimePict = oData.getTimeFormat(LcData.MED_FMT); PictureFmt.parseDateTime(sValue, sPict, sDatePict, sTimePict, sLocale, sCanonical, true); } else if (poContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.INTEGERTAG)) { // // Try to parse the given locale-sensitive value according // to // the field's locale integral format w/ grouping symbols. // String sLocale = getInstalledLocale(); LcData oData = new LcData(sLocale); String sPict = oData.getNumberFormat(LcData.INTEGRAL_FMT, LcData.WITH_GROUPINGS); PictureFmt.parseNumeric(sValue, sPict, sLocale, sCanonical); } else if (poContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.FLOATTAG)) { // // Try to parse the given locale-sensitive value according // to // the field's locale decimal format w/ grouping symbols // to the given value's width and precision. // String sLocale = getInstalledLocale(); int nOptn = LcData.WITH_GROUPINGS; LcData oData = new LcData(sLocale); int nPrec = oData.getNumberPrecision(sValue); nOptn |= LcData.withPrecision(nPrec | 0x80); int nWidth = sValue.length(); if (nWidth > 0) nOptn |= LcData.withWidth(nWidth); String sPict = oData.getNumberFormat(LcData.DECIMAL_FMT, nOptn); PictureFmt.parseNumeric(sValue, sPict, sLocale, sCanonical); } else if (poContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.DECIMALTAG)) { // // Try to parse the given locale-sensitive value according // to // the field's locale decimal format w/ grouping symbols // to the given value's width and precision. If the field's // fracDigits attribute is -1, then use picture 8 symbols. // Int oFrac = (Int) poContentNode.getAttribute(XFA.FRACDIGITSTAG); String sLocale = getInstalledLocale(); int nOptn = LcData.WITH_GROUPINGS; if (oFrac.getValue() == -1) nOptn |= LcData.WITH_EIGHTS; LcData oData = new LcData(sLocale); int nPrec = oData.getNumberPrecision(sValue); nOptn |= LcData.withPrecision(nPrec | 0x80); int nWidth = sValue.length(); if (nWidth > 0) nOptn |= LcData.withWidth(nWidth); String sPict = oData.getNumberFormat(LcData.DECIMAL_FMT, nOptn); PictureFmt.parseNumeric(sValue, sPict, sLocale, sCanonical); } } } // // If successful Then let the canonical result be the new raw value. // if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(sCanonical.value)) setRawValue(sCanonical.value); else setRawValue(sValue); } /** * Set this node to contain a null value. * * @param bNull * true if the node contains a null value, false otherwise. * @exclude from public api. */ public void setIsNull(boolean bNull, boolean bNotify/* = true */) { // watson bug 1378947 // we can skip the work only if the node doesn't have a proto and the // element is not present if (bNull && !hasProto() && !isPropertySpecified(XFA.VALUETAG, true, 0)) return; Element poValue = getElement(XFA.VALUETAG, false, 0, false, false); // check for one of child first; Node poNullCheck = poValue.getOneOfChild(true, false); if (bNull && (poNullCheck == null)) return; Content poValueContent = (Content) poValue.getOneOfChild(); // content doesn't need to notify poValueContent.setIsNull(bNull, bNotify, false); } void setItemState(int nIndex, boolean bSelected) { // Set the selection state of the item at the specified index. // Get the bound value at the selected index. String sBoundItem = getBoundItem(nIndex); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(sBoundItem)) return; // get the value Element pValueNode = getElement(XFA.VALUETAG, true, 0, false, false); // get the value's content if (pValueNode != null) { Element pContentNode = (Content) pValueNode.getOneOfChild(true, false); if (pContentNode == null) { return; } // Single-select listbox if (pContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.TEXTTAG)) { String sValue = ((TextValue) pContentNode).getValue(); if (bSelected) { // Select the value if it's not currently selected. if (!sBoundItem.equals(sValue)) ((TextValue) pContentNode).setValue(sBoundItem); } else { // De-select the value if it is the currently selected // value. if (sBoundItem.equals(sValue)) ((TextValue) pContentNode).setIsNull(true, true, false); } } // Multi-select listbox else if (pContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.EXDATATAG)) { // Check for a match with a multi-select listbox value. boolean bAddItem = bSelected; // Add item if we're told to // 'select' it. List oValues = new ArrayList(); ExDataValue oExData = (ExDataValue) pContentNode; oExData.getValues(oValues); for (int i = oValues.size(); i > 0; i--) { if (sBoundItem.equals(oValues.get(i - 1))) { if (bSelected) { bAddItem = false; // If the item's already // selected, don't add it again. break; } else { oValues.remove(i - 1); // Remove item if it's // currently selected. oExData.setValue(oValues); // Update form with new // list. break; } } } // Add item if necessary. if (bAddItem) { oValues.add(sBoundItem); oExData.setValue(oValues); // Update form with new list. } } } } void setMandatory(String sString) { Element pValidateNode = getElement(XFA.VALIDATETAG, false, 0, false, false); pValidateNode.setAttribute(new StringAttr(XFA.NULLTEST, sString), XFA.NULLTESTTAG); } void setMessage(String sMessage, String aType) { Element pValidateNode = getElement(XFA.VALIDATETAG, false, 0, false, false); TemplateModel.setValidationMessage(pValidateNode, sMessage, aType); } /** * Set whether or not this container is 'on' in its ExclGroup * * @param bOn true if this container is 'on', false if the is not 'on'. * * @exclude from public api. */ public void setOn(boolean bOn) { String sValue = getOnValue(); if (bOn && sValue != null) setRawValue(sValue); if (!bOn) { sValue = getOffValue(); if (sValue != null) setRawValue(sValue); else setIsNull(true, true); } } /** * Set the raw value for this field, no formatting. * * @param sString * the unformatted raw value for this field. * @exception UnsupportedOperationException * if you try and set the value of a boilerplate content. The * given unformatted value should be in the either *
  • in the field's canonical representation, or, *
  • in any representation for works-in-progress. *
* * @exclude from public api. */ public void setRawValue(String sString) { Node pContentNode = null; // get the value Element pValueNode = getElement(XFA.VALUETAG, false, 0, false, false); // get the value's content if (pValueNode != null) { pContentNode = pValueNode.getOneOfChild(); } if (pContentNode != null) { if (pContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.TEXTTAG)) { ((TextValue) pContentNode).setValue(sString); } else if (pContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.EXDATATAG)) { ((ExDataValue) pContentNode).setValue(sString); } else if (pContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.DATETAG)) { ((DateValue) pContentNode).setValue(sString); } else if (pContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.DATETIMETAG)) { ((DateTimeValue) pContentNode).setValue(sString); } else if (pContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.TIMETAG)) { ((TimeValue) pContentNode).setValue(sString); } else if (pContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.INTEGERTAG)) { ((IntegerValue) pContentNode).setValue(sString, false); } else if (pContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.FLOATTAG)) { ((FloatValue) pContentNode).setValue(sString, false, true, false); } else if (pContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.DECIMALTAG)) { ((DecimalValue) pContentNode).setValue(sString, false, true, false); } else if (pContentNode.isSameClass(XFA.IMAGETAG)) { ((ImageValue) pContentNode).setValue(sString, ""); // JEY TODO: really, no string support for XFA:BOOLEANTAG? } else { // "%1 is an unsupported operation for the %2 object%3" // Note: %3 is extra text if necessary MsgFormatPos oMessage = new MsgFormatPos( ResId.UnsupportedOperationException); oMessage.format("setRawValue"); oMessage.format(pContentNode.getClassAtom()); throw new ExFull(oMessage); } } } void setSelectedIndex(int nIndex) { // Value of -1 will clear the list of selected items. if (nIndex == -1) { setIsNull(true, true); } else { // Set the item at the specified index to be the only one that is // selected. String sBoundItem = getBoundItem(nIndex); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(sBoundItem)) setRawValue(sBoundItem); } } /** * For performance we don't normally copy over the arrays for check buttons and * lists. This method copies them when needed. */ private void lazyResolveItemsArrays(boolean bCreateDefaults) { // Watson bug 1333106 ensure we copy over all the items when we call get nodes // we do this because in Version 7 getNodes() would return the items ProtoableNode poNode = (ProtoableNode) getElement(XFA.ITEMSTAG, true, 0, bCreateDefaults, false); if (poNode != null) { // we have an instance on the proto, so lets copy it over // Mark the dom document as loading to ensure that the nodes // are not marked as dirty. final boolean previousWillDirty = getWillDirty(); setWillDirty(false); try { // copy over the items if (poNode.getXFAParent() != this) poNode.createProto(this, false); // look for a second instance of items poNode = (ProtoableNode) getElement(XFA.ITEMSTAG, true, 1, bCreateDefaults, false); // copy over the second items if (poNode != null && poNode.getXFAParent() != this) poNode.createProto(this, false); } finally { setWillDirty(previousWillDirty); } } } }

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