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com.adobe.xfa.ut.Resolver Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2005 Adobe Systems Incorporated All Rights Reserved.
* NOTICE: All information contained herein is, and remains the property of
* Adobe Systems Incorporated and its suppliers, if any. The intellectual and
* technical concepts contained herein are proprietary to Adobe Systems
* Incorporated and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign
* Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright
* law. Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material
* is strictly forbidden unless prior written permission is obtained from
* Adobe Systems Incorporated.
package com.adobe.xfa.ut;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import com.adobe.xfa.protocol.Protocol;
import com.adobe.xfa.protocol.ProtocolUtils;
* A class to provide some utility methods in support of some
* protocol I/O capabilities.
* @exclude from published api.
public class Resolver {
private final static ThreadLocal> moProtocolRegistry = new ThreadLocal>(){
protected synchronized Map initialValue(){
return new HashMap();
// /**
// * @exclude from published api.
// */
// public static final String gsFileNoServer = "file:///";
// /**
// * @exclude from published api.
// */
// public static final String gsFileServer = "file://";
// /**
// * @exclude from published api.
// */
// public static final String gsFile = "file:/";
* @exclude from published api.
public static final String gsServerIndicator = "://";
private Resolver() {
* Sets (adds) the given protocol to the list of protocol handlers.
* @param oProtocol a protocol handler.
* Subsequent to this operation, the I/O of any URL whose scheme matches
* the given protocol will be routed to the given protocol handler.
public static void setProtocol(Protocol oProtocol) {
if (oProtocol != null) {
// Get the given protocol's scheme.
String sScheme = oProtocol.scheme();
// Search the registry looking for first available entry, or
// the first entry that matches the given protocol's scheme.
// Register the given protocol.
moProtocolRegistry.get().put(sScheme, oProtocol);
* Uninstall all protocol handlers. It is normally not necessary to make this
* call, as protocol handlers are automatically deleted on exit. However, when
* a protocol handler is in a DLL that is dynamically loaded, it is possible for
* that DLL to be unloaded before the automatic deletion takes place, leading to
* a crash. In that case the DLL must call ResetProtocols just prior to unloading
* (for example in the destructor of a global variable).
* @exclude from published api.
public static void resetProtocols() {
* Get the currently installed protocol handler associated
* with the given scheme.
* @param sScheme a URL's scheme.
* @return the matching protocol handler.
public static Protocol getProtocol(String sScheme) {
// Search the registry looking for the given scheme, and
// return the first matching entry, if present.
Protocol protocol;
if (sScheme.endsWith(":"))
sScheme = sScheme.substring(0, sScheme.length() - 1);
protocol = moProtocolRegistry.get().get(sScheme);
if (protocol == null)
// Search the registry looking for the default scheme.
protocol = moProtocolRegistry.get().get("");
return protocol;
* Crack an url into its constituent parts.
* The URL is cracked from the following rule:
* scheme://[user[:password]@]host[:port][/path]
* @param sUrl the URL to crack.
* @param sScheme the cracked URL's scheme.
* @param sUser the cracked URL's user, if any.
* @param sPwd the cracked URL's password, if any.
* @param sHost the cracked URL's host.
* @param sPort the cracked URL's port, if any.
* @param sPath the cracked URL's path, if any.
public static void crackUrl(String sUrl,
StringHolder sScheme, StringHolder sUser,
StringHolder sPwd, StringHolder sHost,
StringHolder sPort, StringHolder sPath) {
String sTmp = sUrl;
int nFoundAt = 0;
String sHostValue = null;
// Crack the scheme part.
nFoundAt = sTmp.indexOf(gsServerIndicator);
if (nFoundAt != -1) {
if (sScheme != null)
sScheme.value = sTmp.substring(0, nFoundAt);
sHostValue = sTmp.substring(nFoundAt + 3);
if (sPath != null) {
// Crack the path part.
nFoundAt = sHostValue.indexOf('/');
if (nFoundAt != -1) {
sPath.value = sHostValue.substring(nFoundAt + 1);
sHostValue = sHostValue.substring(0, nFoundAt);
// Crack the scheme part of any non IP-based schemes.
// No special attention required for IPv6-style
// hosts ( [a:b:c] ) since this is the non IP case.
else {
nFoundAt = sTmp.indexOf(':');
if (nFoundAt != -1) {
if (sScheme != null)
sScheme.value = sTmp.substring(0, nFoundAt);
sHostValue = sTmp.substring(nFoundAt + 1);
// Crack the host part.
if (sHostValue != null) {
nFoundAt = sHostValue.indexOf('@');
if ((sUser != null) && (nFoundAt != -1)) {
sUser.value = sHostValue.substring(0, nFoundAt);
sHostValue = sHostValue.substring(nFoundAt + 1);
// Crack the user and password part.
if (sPwd != null) {
nFoundAt = sUser.value.indexOf(':');
if (nFoundAt != -1) {
sPwd.value = sUser.value.substring(nFoundAt + 1);
sUser.value = sUser.value.substring(0, nFoundAt);
if (sPort != null) {
// Crack the port part. For IPv6-style hosts ( [a:b:c] ) start
// at the trailing ].
int nOffset = sHostValue.indexOf(']');
if (nOffset == -1)
nOffset = 0;
nFoundAt = sHostValue.indexOf(':', nOffset);
if (nFoundAt != -1) {
sPort.value = sHostValue.substring(nFoundAt + 1);
sHost.value = sHostValue.substring(0, nFoundAt);
if (sHost != null)
sHost.value = sHostValue;
* Canon(ize) an url into its constituent parts.
* The URL is canonized into the following rule:
* scheme://host[:port][/path]
* @param sScheme the URL's scheme.
* @param sHost the URL's host.
* @param sPort the URL's port, if any.
* @param sPath the URL's path, if any.
* @return The canonized URL.
public static String canonUrl(String sScheme, String sHost,
String sPort, String sPath) {
StringBuilder sUrl = new StringBuilder(sScheme);
// IP-based schemes:
// "file", "ftp", "ftps", "gopher", "http",
// "https", "ldap", "nntp", "telnet"
if (sScheme.equals("file") || sScheme.equals("ftp") || sScheme.equals("ftps") ||
sScheme.equals("gopher") || sScheme.equals("http") || sScheme.equals("https") ||
sScheme.equals("ldap") || sScheme.equals("nntp") || sScheme.equals("telnet"))
if (sHost != null)
if (sPort != null && sPort.length() > 0) {
if (sPath != null && sPath.length() > 0) {
return sUrl.toString();
* URL encode a string
* @param sUrl string to be encoded
* @return URL encoded string
public static String urlEncode(String sUrl) {
StringHolder sScheme = new StringHolder();
StringHolder sUser = new StringHolder();
StringHolder sPwd = new StringHolder();
StringHolder sHost = new StringHolder();
StringHolder sPort = new StringHolder();
StringHolder sPath = new StringHolder();
Resolver.crackUrl(sUrl, sScheme, sUser, sPwd, sHost, sPort, sPath);
if (sPath.value != null) {
String sEncodedPath = ProtocolUtils.urlEncode(sPath.value);
if (!sEncodedPath.equals(sPath.value))
return Resolver.canonUrl(sScheme.value, sHost.value, sPort.value, sEncodedPath);
return sUrl;
* Decode a URL encoded string
* @param sUrl string to be decoded
* @return Decoded string
public static String urlDecode(String sUrl) {
return ProtocolUtils.urlDecode(sUrl);