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import java.util.Collection;
* Provides methods for Analytics Classification API related calls as specified
* by the Classifications API.
* @since 6.1
public interface ClassificationsService {
* Checks for the status of a job.
* @param configuration Web service support configuration
* @param jobId Classification job identifier
* @return A JSONObject containing the job information. The object is of the
* following structure:
* {
* id: (int),
* type: (string: "Job"|"File"),
* viewable_pages: (int),
* status: (string: "Waiting For User Data"|"In Progress"|"Completed"|"Completed--With Errors")
* }
* @throws SitecatalystException {@link SitecatalystException}
JSONObject getStatus(Configuration configuration, int jobId) throws SitecatalystException;
* Returns the available elements for a given report suite, and compatibility across report suites.
* @param configuration Web service support configuration
* @param reportSuites Report suite identifiers
* @return A JSONArray of JSONObjects containing compatible elements. The
* objects are of the following structure:
* {
* id: (int),
* name: (string)
* }
* @throws SitecatalystException {@link SitecatalystException}
JSONArray getCompatibilityElements(Configuration configuration, String... reportSuites) throws SitecatalystException;
* Returns classification export filters. The returned data consists of
* values that can be passed in as parameters of {@link #createExport},
* including column numbers and names, and valid dates for filtering data
* rows in a classifications export.
* @param configuration Web service support configuration
* @param element Element for which you want to get file information
* @param reportSuites Array of report suite identifiers
* @return A JSONArray of JSONObjects containing the information about valid
* data filters for a classification job. The objects are of the
* following structure:
* {
* filter_dates: [{date: (string)},...]
* columns: [{num: (int), name: (string)},...]
* }
* @throws SitecatalystException {@link SitecatalystException}
JSONArray getFilters(Configuration configuration, int element, String[] reportSuites)
throws SitecatalystException;
* Creates a classifications export job. This file represents
* classifications for a given relation. Before calling this API, use
* {@link #getFilters(Configuration, int, String[])} to obtain valid column numbers and names, and filter
* dates. After creating an export job, use {@link #getStatus(Configuration, int)} to determine when the
* export data is ready for download. When ready, use {@link #getExport} to retrieve
* the data.
* @param configuration Web service support configuration
* @param campaignStartDate The campaign start date. Accepts any date string
* parseable by php:date(). Accepts the keywords ::all:: and
* ::active:: to filter by all campaigns, or by only active ones.
* @param campaignEndDate The campaign end date. Accepts any date string
* parseable by php:date().
* @param filterStartDate The start date for including rows in the export.
* Accepts any date string parseable by php:date().
* @param filterEndDate The end date for including rows in the export.
* Accepts any date string parseable by php:date().
* @param email E-Mail address to receive job notifications.
* @param encoding The language encoding to use with the export file. For
* example, UTF-8.
* @param element Relation identifier of classification the import should be
* done for. You get this ID as a return value from
* {@link #getCompatibilityElements(Configuration, String...)}.
* @param reportSuites (Optional) The list of report suites on which
* classifications exports data.
* @param rowFilterColumnName (Optional) The column name that
* classifications checks for cell values that match the value
* specified in the row_match_filter_match_column_value
* parameter.
* @param rowFilterColumnValue (Optional) Include this parameter when using
* the row_match_filter_match_column_name parameter. If the cell
* value matches the value, classifications includes it in the
* export. Include ::empty:: to filter empty rows.
* @param rowCount (Optional) Limits the number of data rows in the export
* file to the specified value. The default is 1000.
* @param quoteOutput Whether to quote the output. In some cases, turning
* this on helps with duplicate keys containing whitespace.
* @return Export job identifier
* @throws SitecatalystException {@link SitecatalystException}
int createExport(Configuration configuration,
String campaignStartDate,
String campaignEndDate,
String filterStartDate,
String filterEndDate,
String email,
String encoding,
int element,
String[] reportSuites,
String rowFilterColumnName,
String rowFilterColumnValue,
int rowCount,
boolean quoteOutput) throws SitecatalystException;
* This is a convenience method for {@link ClassificationsService#createExport(Configuration, String, String, String, String, String, String, int, String[], String, String, int, boolean)}
* @param configuration Web service support configuration
* @param campaignStartDate The campaign start date. Accepts any date string
* parseable by php:date(). Accepts the keywords ::all:: and
* ::active:: to filter by all campaigns, or by only active ones.
* @param campaignEndDate The campaign end date. Accepts any date string
* parseable by php:date().
* @param filterStartDate The start date for including rows in the export.
* Accepts any date string parseable by php:date().
* @param filterEndDate The end date for including rows in the export.
* Accepts any date string parseable by php:date().
* @param email E-Mail address to receive job notifications.
* @param encoding The language encoding to use with the export file. For
* example, UTF-8.
* @param element Relation identifier of classification the import should be
* done for. You get this ID as a return value from
* {@link #getCompatibilityElements(Configuration, String...)}
* @return result as provided by {@link ClassificationsService#createExport(Configuration, String, String, String, String, String, String, int, String[], String, String, int, boolean)}
* @throws SitecatalystException #createExport(Configuration, String, String, String, String, String, String, int, String[], String, String, int, boolean).
* @see ClassificationsService#createExport(Configuration, String, String, String, String, String, String, int, String[], String, String, int, boolean)
int createExport(Configuration configuration,
String campaignStartDate,
String campaignEndDate,
String filterStartDate,
String filterEndDate,
String email,
String encoding,
int element) throws SitecatalystException;
* Retrieves a page of data, known as a file segment, from a completed
* classifications job.
* @param configuration Web service support configuration
* @param id The ID of the export file you want to view. You can get this
* value from {@link #getStatus(Configuration, int)}.
* @param page The number of the data page you want to view from the export
* job. Default is 1. The viewable_pages value in
* {@link #getStatus(Configuration, int)} indicates the number of
* data pages in the job. Valid values for page are between 1 and
* the value of viewable_pages.
* @return A JSONArray of JSONObjects containing information from a single
* data page of a classifications export job. The objects are of
* the following structure:
* {
* warnings: [(string),...]
* header: [(string),...]
* data: [[(string)],...]
* }
* @throws SitecatalystException {@link SitecatalystException}
JSONArray getExport(Configuration configuration, int id, int page) throws SitecatalystException;
* Retrieves a template to use for importing classifications data.
* @param configuration Web service support configuration
* @param reportSuites The report suite where you want to import data
* @param element relation_id for which you want to get a template (e.g.
* 101=evar1, 51=product, etc)
* @param encoding The encoding to use for the template
* @param classifications Optional array of text classification names to
* include as columns in the template
* @return A JSONObject containing the template data for a classifications
* import. The objects are of the following structure:
* {
* rsid: (string),
* site_title: (string),
* template: (string),
* }
* @throws SitecatalystException {@link SitecatalystException}
JSONObject getTemplate(Configuration configuration,
String[] reportSuites,
String element,
String encoding,
String... classifications) throws SitecatalystException;
* Creates an import job. To successfully submit an import, call
* {@link ClassificationsService#createImport(Configuration, String, String, String[], String, boolean, boolean, boolean, String...)}
* to specify the parameters for the Import job and the header columns to be
* classified. After submitting the job, you can iteratively populate row
* data by calling
* {@link ClassificationsService#populateImport(Configuration, int, int, Collection)}.
* After sending all data, call
* {@link ClassificationsService#commitImport(Configuration, int)} to finalize the Import
* job and submit it to the processing queue.
* @param configuration Web service support configuration
* @param description Description of the import job.
* @param email E-Mail address to receive job notifications.
* @param header Array of column values for classification.
* @param element The report for which you want to perform a classifications
* import.
* @param checkDivisions Specifies whether to check report suites for
* compatible divisions.
* @param exportResults Specifies whether to automatically perform an export
* when the import job finishes processing.
* @param overwrite Specifies whether to overwrite data when conflicts
* occur.
* @param reportSuites Optional list of report suites to receive the
* import job.
* @return Import job identifier
* @throws SitecatalystException {@link SitecatalystException}
public int createImport(Configuration configuration,
String description,
String email,
String[] header,
String element,
boolean checkDivisions,
boolean exportResults,
boolean overwrite,
String... reportSuites) throws SitecatalystException;
* Appends row data to a previously created import job. Data can be
* separated into pages, but the pages must be sent sequentially (either
* ascending or descending) to avoid errors when jobs are processed.
* Note: Individual job pages cannot exceed 25,000
* rows.
* @param configuration Web service support configuration
* @param jobId Job identifier to append row data
* @param page Page number that identifies the sequential position in the
* import job. For example, if you submit a spreadsheet
* with 1000 values, divided into 4 pages, page 1 includes values
* 1 - 250, page 2 includes values 251 - 500, and so on.
* @param rows Collection of row data that matches the column heading
* @return true
if population was successful,
* false
* @throws SitecatalystException {@link SitecatalystException}
boolean populateImport(Configuration configuration, int jobId, int page, Collection rows)
throws SitecatalystException;
* Commits the import for processing.
* @param configuration Web service support configuration
* @param jobId Import job identifier
* @return true
if job has been processed successfully,
* false
* @throws SitecatalystException {@link SitecatalystException}
boolean commitImport(Configuration configuration, int jobId) throws SitecatalystException;