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* Copyright 1997-2009 Day Management AG
* Barfuesserplatz 6, 4001 Basel, Switzerland
* All Rights Reserved.
* This software is the confidential and proprietary information of
* Day Management AG, ("Confidential Information"). You shall not
* disclose such Confidential Information and shall use it only in
* accordance with the terms of the license agreement you entered into
* with Day.
import aQute.bnd.annotation.ProviderType;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Collection;
import javax.jcr.Binary;
import javax.jcr.PathNotFoundException;
import javax.jcr.RepositoryException;
* The AssetManager
provides utility methods for assets.
* The asset manager can be retrieved as follows:
* ...
* AssetManager manager = resourceResolver.adaptTo(AssetManager.class);
* ...
public interface AssetManager {
* Restores an {@code Asset}.
* @param revisionId revision id
* @return the restored {@link Asset}
* @throws Exception Upon encountering an error while restoring an asset.
Asset restore(String revisionId) throws Exception;
* Lists all available {@link Revision}s.
* @param path path of asset
* @param cal starting date to search revisions or {@code null} in order to fetch all
* @return all available {@link Revision}s
* @throws Exception Upon encountering an error while getting the revisions for an asset.
Collection getRevisions(String path, Calendar cal) throws Exception;
* This method creates the complete asset structure in /content/dam. The following structure is created:
* <xmp> + file.jpg (dam:Asset) + jcr:content )(dam:AssetContent) + renditions (sling:OrderedFolder) + metadata
* (nt:unstructured)
* </xmp>
* The given binaryPath
is translated into the final asset location (see {@link
* @param binaryPath The path of the asset's binary in /var/dam.
* @param doSave Whether the repository changes are saved or not.
* @return The newly created asset or {@code null} if the binaryPath cannot be handled
* @see aem-upload
* @deprecated In AEM as a Cloud Service, assets should instead take advantage of direct binary access. A
* discussion of this change as well as an SDK to ease implementation of this new pattern can be found at
* aem-upload.
Asset createAssetForBinary(String binaryPath, boolean doSave);
* Returns the {@link Resource} of the {@link Asset} corresponding to the binary given with the path
* parameter.
* DamUtil.getAssetNode("/var/dam/myfolder/test.jpg", session) = Resource("/content/dam/myfolder/test.jpg")
* @param binaryPath The path of the binary.
* @return The resource representing the binary's asset, or null
if it couldn't be found.
* @see aem-upload
* @deprecated This method was used by an older paradigm of asset upload, where a binary would be uploaded to /var
* with an asset separately created under /content. In AEM as a Cloud Service, assets should instead take advantage
* of direct binary access. As a result, this method should no longer be needed. A discussion of this change as
* well as an SDK to ease implementation of this new pattern can be found at
* aem-upload.
Asset getAssetForBinary(String binaryPath);
* Removes the {@link javax.jcr.Node} of the {@link Asset} corresponding to the binary given with the
* path
* DamUtil.removeAssetNode("/var/dam/myfolder/test.jpg", session) =i> Delete Node("/content/dam/myfolder/test.jpg")
* @param binaryPath The path of the binary.
* @return true
if the asset was successfully removed.
* @see aem-upload
* @deprecated This method was used by an older paradigm of asset upload, where a binary would be uploaded to /var
* with an asset separately created under /content. In AEM as a Cloud Service, assets should instead take advantage
* of direct binary access. As a result, this method should no longer be needed. A discussion of this change as
* well as an SDK to ease implementation of this new pattern can be found at
* aem-upload.
boolean removeAssetForBinary(String binaryPath);
* Creates a new {@link Asset} at the given path
. If an asset
* already exists at the given path
, its original rendition is
* updated instead of creating a new asset. If inputStream is null new
* {@link Asset} is created without original rendition. If an asset already
* exists at given path and inputstream is null, original rendition is not
* updated.
* @param path The path of the asset to be created.
* @param is The input stream of the new asset's original binary.
* @param mimeType The mime type of the new asset's original binary.
* @param doSave Whether the repository changes are saved or not.
* @return The newly created asset or {@code null} if something exists at the given path already
* or there was an unexpected error
* @see aem-upload
* @deprecated In AEM as a Cloud Service, assets should instead take advantage of direct binary access. A
* discussion of this change as well as an SDK to ease implementation of this new pattern can be found at
* aem-upload.
Asset createAsset(String path, InputStream is, String mimeType, boolean doSave);
* Creates a new {@link Asset} at the given path
. If an asset already exists at the given
* path
, its original rendition is updated instead of creating a new asset. If binary is null new
* {@link Asset} is created without original rendition. If an asset already exists at given path, original rendition
* is not updated.
* @param path The path of the asset to be created.
* @param binary The binary for new asset's original
* @param mimeType The mime type of the new asset's original binary.
* @param doSave Whether the repository changes are saved or not.
* @return The newly created asset or {@code null} if something exists at the given path already or there was an
* unexpected error
* @see aem-upload
* @deprecated In AEM as a Cloud Service, assets should instead take advantage of direct binary access. A
* discussion of this change as well as an SDK to ease implementation of this new pattern can be found at
* aem-upload.
Asset createOrUpdateAsset(final String path, final Binary binary, final String mimeType, final boolean doSave);
* Creates a new {@link Asset} at the given path
. If an asset already exists at the given
* path
, its original rendition is updated instead of creating a new asset. If binary is null new
* {@link Asset} is created without original rendition. If an asset already exists at given path, original rendition
* is not updated. If asset already exists and create revision is true, the given revision label and revision comment
* will be used to create a new revision.
* @param path The path of the asset to be created.
* @param binary The binary for new asset's original
* @param mimeType The mime type of the new asset's original binary.
* @param doSave Whether the repository changes are saved or not.
* @param createRevision Whether or not a new revision will be created.
* @param revisionLabel The label to associate with the newly created revision.
* @param revisionComment The comment to associate with the newly created revision.
* @return The newly created asset or {@code null} if something exists at the given path already or there was an
* unexpected error
* @see aem-upload
* @deprecated In AEM as a Cloud Service, assets should instead take advantage of direct binary access. A
* discussion of this change as well as an SDK to ease implementation of this new pattern can be found at
* aem-upload.
Asset createOrUpdateAsset(
final String path,
final Binary binary,
final String mimeType,
final boolean doSave,
final boolean createRevision,
final String revisionLabel,
final String revisionComment);
* Creates a new {@link Asset} at the given path
. If an asset already exists at the given
* path
, it will be removed and re-created. If binary is null new {@link Asset} is created without original
* rendition.
* @param path The path of the asset to be created.
* @param binary The binary for new asset's original
* @param mimeType The mime type of the new asset's original binary.
* @param doSave Whether the repository changes are saved or not.
* @return The newly created asset or {@code null} there was an unexpected error.
* @see aem-upload
* @deprecated In AEM as a Cloud Service, assets should instead take advantage of direct binary access. A
* discussion of this change as well as an SDK to ease implementation of this new pattern can be found at
* aem-upload.
Asset createOrReplaceAsset(final String path, final Binary binary, final String mimeType, final boolean doSave);
* Create a new {@link Revision} of the asset. The revision will be created as a standard JCR version of the
* underlying asset node. Owner of the session through which {@link Asset} was created is added as
* {@link DamConstants.PN_VERSION_CREATOR} of the asset.
* @param asset The asset to version
* @param label version label
* @param comment version comment
* @return The created revision
* @throws Exception Thrown when an error during version creation occurred.
Revision createRevision(Asset asset, String label, String comment) throws Exception;
* Create a new {@link Revision} of the asset. The revision will be created as a standard JCR version of the
* underlying asset node. This API allows specifying principal of an AEM User to be added a
* {@link DamConstants.PN_VERSION_CREATOR} of the asset being versioned.
* @param asset The asset to version
* @param label version label
* @param comment version comment
* @param versionCreator version creator. If null, this API is equivalent to
* {@link createRevision(Asset asset, String label, String comment)}
* @return The created revision
* @throws Exception Thrown when an error during version creation occurred.
Revision createRevision(Asset asset, String label, String comment, User versionCreator) throws Exception;
* Ask Asset ID Provider (associated with Asset Manager) to assign ID
* (if needed) to an asset and establish its parentage (dam:parentAssetID)
* @param asset The asset to update
* @return The ID assigned to the asset
* @throws RepositoryException thrown if an error occurs while accessing the asset
* @throws PathNotFoundException thrown if no item exists in the path
String assignAssetID(Asset asset) throws PathNotFoundException, RepositoryException;