com.adobe.granite.offloading.workflow.api.WorkflowOffloadingProcessArguments Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package com.adobe.granite.offloading.workflow.api;
* Workflow process arguments for integrating workflow offloading in workflow steps.
public enum WorkflowOffloadingProcessArguments {
* The workflow model.
* Mandatory. The workflow model to use for the offloaded workflow.
* The workflow model.
* Mandatory. The workflow payload to use for the offloaded workflow. Only path based payloads are supported.
* Flag indicating if the workflow model is supposed to be added to the offloading input.
* Optional.
* Flag indicating if the workflow model is supposed to be added to the offloading output.
* Optional.
private String argumentName;
* Create new argument.
* @param argumentName The argument name.
WorkflowOffloadingProcessArguments(String argumentName) {
this.argumentName = argumentName;
* Get the argument name.
* @return The argument name.
public String getArgumentName() {
return this.argumentName;