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flex.messaging.config.ClientConfigurationParser Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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BlazeDS is the server-based Java remoting and web messaging technology that enables developers to easily connect to back-end distributed data and push data in real-time to Adobe Flex and Adobe AIR applications for more responsive rich Internet application (RIA) experiences.
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package flex.messaging.config;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
* A special mxmlc compiler specific implentation of the configuration
* parser for JDK 1.4. Only a small subset of the configuration is
* processed to generate the information that the client needs at runtime,
* such as channel definitions and service destination properties.
* @author Peter Farland
public abstract class ClientConfigurationParser extends AbstractConfigurationParser
protected void parseTopLevelConfig(Document doc)
Node root = selectSingleNode(doc, "/" + SERVICES_CONFIG_ELEMENT);
if (root != null)
// Validation
allowedChildElements(root, SERVICES_CONFIG_CHILDREN);
// Channels (parse before services)
// Services
// Clustering
private void channelsSection(Node root)
Node channelsNode = selectSingleNode(root, CHANNELS_ELEMENT);
if (channelsNode != null)
// Validation
allowedAttributesOrElements(channelsNode, CHANNELS_CHILDREN);
NodeList channels = selectNodeList(channelsNode, CHANNEL_DEFINITION_ELEMENT);
for (int i = 0; i < channels.getLength(); i++)
Node channel = channels.item(i);
private void channelDefinition(Node channel)
// Validation
requiredAttributesOrElements(channel, CHANNEL_DEFINITION_REQ_CHILDREN);
allowedAttributesOrElements(channel, CHANNEL_DEFINITION_CHILDREN);
String id = getAttributeOrChildElement(channel, ID_ATTR).toString().trim();
if (isValidID(id))
// Don't allow multiple channels with the same id
if (config.getChannelSettings(id) != null)
// Cannot have multiple channels with the same id ''{0}''.
ConfigurationException e = new ConfigurationException();
e.setMessage(DUPLICATE_CHANNEL_ERROR, new Object[]{id});
throw e;
ChannelSettings channelSettings = new ChannelSettings(id);
String clientType = getAttributeOrChildElement(channel, CLASS_ATTR);
// Endpoint
Node endpoint = selectSingleNode(channel, ENDPOINT_ELEMENT);
if (endpoint != null)
// Endpoint Validation
allowedAttributesOrElements(endpoint, ENDPOINT_CHILDREN);
// The url attribute may also be specified by the deprecated uri attribute
String uri = getAttributeOrChildElement(endpoint, URL_ATTR);
if (uri == null || EMPTY_STRING.equals(uri))
uri = getAttributeOrChildElement(endpoint, URI_ATTR);
config.addChannelSettings(id, channelSettings);
// Channel Properties - polling enabled, polling interval milliseconds, polling intervan seconds (deprecated) and connect timeout seconds only
NodeList properties = selectNodeList(channel, PROPERTIES_ELEMENT + "/" + POLLING_ENABLED_ELEMENT);
if (properties.getLength() > 0)
ConfigMap map = properties(properties, getSourceFileOf(channel));
properties = selectNodeList(channel, PROPERTIES_ELEMENT + "/" + POLLING_INTERVAL_MILLIS_ELEMENT);
if (properties.getLength() > 0)
ConfigMap map = properties(properties, getSourceFileOf(channel));
properties = selectNodeList(channel, PROPERTIES_ELEMENT + "/" + PIGGYBACKING_ENABLED_ELEMENT);
if (properties.getLength() > 0)
ConfigMap map = properties(properties, getSourceFileOf(channel));
// auto re-authorization property
properties = selectNodeList(channel, PROPERTIES_ELEMENT + "/" + LOGIN_AFTER_DISCONNECT_ELEMENT);
if (properties.getLength() > 0)
ConfigMap map = properties(properties, getSourceFileOf(channel));
// serialization
properties = selectNodeList(channel, PROPERTIES_ELEMENT + "/" + SERIALIZATION_ELEMENT);
if (properties.getLength() > 0)
ConfigMap map = properties(properties, getSourceFileOf(channel));
ConfigMap serialization = map.getPropertyAsMap(SERIALIZATION_ELEMENT, null);
if (serialization != null)
// enable-small-messages
String enableSmallMessages = serialization.getProperty(ENABLE_SMALL_MESSAGES_ELEMENT);
if (enableSmallMessages != null)
ConfigMap clientMap = new ConfigMap();
clientMap.addProperty(ENABLE_SMALL_MESSAGES_ELEMENT, enableSmallMessages);
channelSettings.addProperty(SERIALIZATION_ELEMENT, clientMap);
// record-message-sizes
properties = selectNodeList(channel, PROPERTIES_ELEMENT + "/" + RECORD_MESSAGE_SIZES_ELEMENT);
if (properties.getLength() > 0)
ConfigMap map = properties(properties, getSourceFileOf(channel));
// record-message-times
properties = selectNodeList(channel, PROPERTIES_ELEMENT + "/" + RECORD_MESSAGE_TIMES_ELEMENT);
if (properties.getLength() > 0)
ConfigMap map = properties(properties, getSourceFileOf(channel));
// Deprecated
properties = selectNodeList(channel, PROPERTIES_ELEMENT + "/" + POLLING_INTERVAL_SECONDS_ELEMENT);
if (properties.getLength() > 0)
ConfigMap map = properties(properties, getSourceFileOf(channel));
properties = selectNodeList(channel, PROPERTIES_ELEMENT + "/" + CONNECT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS_ELEMENT);
if (properties.getLength() > 0)
ConfigMap map = properties(properties, getSourceFileOf(channel));
// Invalid {CHANNEL_DEFINITION_ELEMENT} id '{id}'.
ConfigurationException ex = new ConfigurationException();
ex.setMessage(INVALID_ID, new Object[]{CHANNEL_DEFINITION_ELEMENT, id});
String details = "An id must be non-empty and not contain any list delimiter characters, i.e. commas, semi-colons or colons.";
throw ex;
private void services(Node root)
Node servicesNode = selectSingleNode(root, SERVICES_ELEMENT);
if (servicesNode != null)
// Validation
allowedChildElements(servicesNode, SERVICES_CHILDREN);
// Default Channels for the application
Node defaultChannels = selectSingleNode(servicesNode, DEFAULT_CHANNELS_ELEMENT);
if (defaultChannels != null)
allowedChildElements(defaultChannels, DEFAULT_CHANNELS_CHILDREN);
NodeList channels = selectNodeList(defaultChannels, CHANNEL_ELEMENT);
for (int c = 0; c < channels.getLength(); c++)
Node chan = channels.item(c);
allowedAttributes(chan, new String[] {REF_ATTR});
// Service Includes
NodeList services = selectNodeList(servicesNode, SERVICE_INCLUDE_ELEMENT);
for (int i = 0; i < services.getLength(); i++)
Node service = services.item(i);
// Service
services = selectNodeList(servicesNode, SERVICE_ELEMENT);
for (int i = 0; i < services.getLength(); i++)
Node service = services.item(i);
private void clusters(Node root)
Node clusteringNode = selectSingleNode(root, CLUSTERS_ELEMENT);
if (clusteringNode != null)
allowedAttributesOrElements(clusteringNode, CLUSTERING_CHILDREN);
NodeList clusters = selectNodeList(clusteringNode, CLUSTER_DEFINITION_ELEMENT);
for (int i = 0; i < clusters.getLength(); i++)
Node cluster = clusters.item(i);
requiredAttributesOrElements(cluster, CLUSTER_DEFINITION_CHILDREN);
String clusterName = getAttributeOrChildElement(cluster, ID_ATTR);
if (isValidID(clusterName))
String propsFileName = getAttributeOrChildElement(cluster, CLUSTER_PROPERTIES_ATTR);
ClusterSettings clusterSettings = new ClusterSettings();
String defaultValue = getAttributeOrChildElement(cluster, ClusterSettings.DEFAULT_ELEMENT);
if (defaultValue != null && defaultValue.length() > 0)
if (defaultValue.equalsIgnoreCase("true"))
else if (!defaultValue.equalsIgnoreCase("false"))
ConfigurationException e = new ConfigurationException();
e.setMessage(10215, new Object[] {clusterName, defaultValue});
throw e;
String ulb = getAttributeOrChildElement(cluster, ClusterSettings.URL_LOAD_BALANCING);
if (ulb != null && ulb.length() > 0)
if (ulb.equalsIgnoreCase("false"))
else if (!ulb.equalsIgnoreCase("true"))
ConfigurationException e = new ConfigurationException();
e.setMessage(10216, new Object[] {clusterName, ulb});
throw e;
private void serviceInclude(Node serviceInclude)
// Validation
requiredAttributesOrElements(serviceInclude, SERVICE_INCLUDE_CHILDREN);
String src = getAttributeOrChildElement(serviceInclude, SRC_ATTR);
if (src.length() > 0)
Document doc = loadDocument(src, fileResolver.getIncludedFile(src));
if (fileResolver instanceof LocalFileResolver)
LocalFileResolver local = (LocalFileResolver)fileResolver;
((ClientConfiguration)config).addConfigPath(local.getIncludedPath(src), local.getIncludedLastModified(src));
Node service = selectSingleNode(doc, "/" + SERVICE_ELEMENT);
if (service != null)
// The services include root element must be '{SERVICE_ELEMENT}'.
ConfigurationException ex = new ConfigurationException();
throw ex;
private void service(Node service)
// Validation
requiredAttributesOrElements(service, SERVICE_REQ_CHILDREN);
allowedAttributesOrElements(service, SERVICE_CHILDREN);
String id = getAttributeOrChildElement(service, ID_ATTR);
if (isValidID(id))
ServiceSettings serviceSettings = config.getServiceSettings(id);
if (serviceSettings == null)
serviceSettings = new ServiceSettings(id);
// Duplicate service definition '{0}'.
ConfigurationException e = new ConfigurationException();
e.setMessage(DUPLICATE_SERVICE_ERROR, new Object[]{id});
throw e;
//Service Message Types - deprecated
// Default Channels
Node defaultChannels = selectSingleNode(service, DEFAULT_CHANNELS_ELEMENT);
if (defaultChannels != null)
allowedChildElements(defaultChannels, DEFAULT_CHANNELS_CHILDREN);
NodeList channels = selectNodeList(defaultChannels, CHANNEL_ELEMENT);
for (int c = 0; c < channels.getLength(); c++)
Node chan = channels.item(c);
allowedAttributes(chan, new String[] {REF_ATTR});
defaultChannel(chan, serviceSettings);
// Fall back on application's default channels
else if (config.getDefaultChannels().size() > 0)
for (Iterator iter = config.getDefaultChannels().iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
String channelId = (String)iter.next();
ChannelSettings channel = config.getChannelSettings(channelId);
// Destinations
NodeList list = selectNodeList(service, DESTINATION_ELEMENT);
for (int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++)
Node dest = list.item(i);
destination(dest, serviceSettings);
// Destination Includes
list = selectNodeList(service, DESTINATION_INCLUDE_ELEMENT);
for (int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++)
Node dest = list.item(i);
destinationInclude(dest, serviceSettings);
//Invalid {SERVICE_ELEMENT} id '{id}'.
ConfigurationException ex = new ConfigurationException();
ex.setMessage(INVALID_ID, new Object[]{SERVICE_ELEMENT, id});
throw ex;
* Flex application can declare default channels for its services. If a
* service specifies its own list of channels it overrides these defaults.
* <default-channels>
* <channel ref="channel-id" />
* <default-channels>
private void defaultChannel(Node chan)
String ref = getAttributeOrChildElement(chan, REF_ATTR);
if (ref.length() > 0)
ChannelSettings channel = config.getChannelSettings(ref);
if (channel != null)
// {0} not found for reference '{1}'
ConfigurationException e = new ConfigurationException();
e.setMessage(REF_NOT_FOUND, new Object[]{CHANNEL_ELEMENT, ref});
throw e;
//A default channel was specified without a reference for service '{0}'.
ConfigurationException ex = new ConfigurationException();
ex.setMessage(INVALID_DEFAULT_CHANNEL, new Object[]{"MessageBroker"});
throw ex;
* A service can declare default channels for its destinations. If a destination
* specifies its own list of channels it overrides these defaults.
* <default-channels>
* <channel ref="channel-id" />
* <default-channels>
private void defaultChannel(Node chan, ServiceSettings serviceSettings)
String ref = getAttributeOrChildElement(chan, REF_ATTR).toString().trim();
if (ref.length() > 0)
ChannelSettings channel = config.getChannelSettings(ref);
if (channel != null)
// {0} not found for reference '{1}'
ConfigurationException e = new ConfigurationException();
e.setMessage(REF_NOT_FOUND, new Object[]{CHANNEL_ELEMENT, ref});
throw e;
//A default channel was specified without a reference for service '{0}'.
ConfigurationException ex = new ConfigurationException();
ex.setMessage(INVALID_DEFAULT_CHANNEL, new Object[]{serviceSettings.getId()});
throw ex;
private void destinationInclude(Node destInclude, ServiceSettings serviceSettings)
// Validation
requiredAttributesOrElements(destInclude, DESTINATION_INCLUDE_CHILDREN);
String src = getAttributeOrChildElement(destInclude, SRC_ATTR);
if (src.length() > 0)
Document doc = loadDocument(src, fileResolver.getIncludedFile(src));
if (fileResolver instanceof LocalFileResolver)
LocalFileResolver local = (LocalFileResolver)fileResolver;
((ClientConfiguration)config).addConfigPath(local.getIncludedPath(src), local.getIncludedLastModified(src));
Node dest = selectSingleNode(doc, "/" + DESTINATION_ELEMENT);
if (dest != null)
destination(dest, serviceSettings);
//The destination include root element must be '{DESTINATION_ELEMENT}'.
ConfigurationException ex = new ConfigurationException();
throw ex;
private void destination(Node dest, ServiceSettings serviceSettings)
// Validation
requiredAttributesOrElements(dest, DESTINATION_REQ_CHILDREN);
allowedAttributes(dest, DESTINATION_ATTR);
allowedChildElements(dest, DESTINATION_CHILDREN);
String serviceId = serviceSettings.getId();
DestinationSettings destinationSettings = null;
String id = getAttributeOrChildElement(dest, ID_ATTR);
if (isValidID(id))
destinationSettings = (DestinationSettings)serviceSettings.getDestinationSettings().get(id);
if (destinationSettings != null)
// Duplicate destination definition '{id}' in service '{serviceId}'.
ConfigurationException e = new ConfigurationException();
e.setMessage(DUPLICATE_DESTINATION_ERROR, new Object[]{id, serviceId});
throw e;
destinationSettings = new DestinationSettings(id);
//Invalid {DESTINATION_ELEMENT} id '{id}' for service '{serviceId}'.
ConfigurationException ex = new ConfigurationException();
ex.setMessage(INVALID_ID_IN_SERVICE, new Object[]{DESTINATION_ELEMENT, id, serviceId});
throw ex;
// Destination Properties
NodeList properties = selectNodeList(dest, PROPERTIES_ELEMENT + "/*");
if (properties.getLength() > 0)
ConfigMap map = properties(properties, getSourceFileOf(dest));
// Channels
destinationChannels(dest, destinationSettings, serviceSettings);
private void destinationChannels(Node dest, DestinationSettings destinationSettings, ServiceSettings serviceSettings)
String destId = destinationSettings.getId();
// Channels attribute
String channelsList = evaluateExpression(dest, "@" + CHANNELS_ATTR).toString().trim();
if (channelsList.length() > 0)
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(channelsList, LIST_DELIMITERS);
while (st.hasMoreTokens())
String ref = st.nextToken().trim();
ChannelSettings channel = config.getChannelSettings(ref);
if (channel != null)
// {CHANNEL_ELEMENT} not found for reference '{ref}' in destination '{destId}'.
ConfigurationException ex = new ConfigurationException();
ex.setMessage(REF_NOT_FOUND_IN_DEST, new Object[]{CHANNEL_ELEMENT, ref, destId});
throw ex;
// Channels element
Node channelsNode = selectSingleNode(dest, CHANNELS_ELEMENT);
if (channelsNode != null)
NodeList channels = selectNodeList(channelsNode, CHANNEL_ELEMENT);
if (channels.getLength() > 0)
for (int c = 0; c < channels.getLength(); c++)
Node chan = channels.item(c);
// Validation
requiredAttributesOrElements(chan, DESTINATION_CHANNEL_REQ_CHILDREN);
String ref = getAttributeOrChildElement(chan, REF_ATTR).toString().trim();
if (ref.length() > 0)
ChannelSettings channel = config.getChannelSettings(ref);
if (channel != null)
// {CHANNEL_ELEMENT} not found for reference '{ref}' in destination '{destId}'.
ConfigurationException ex = new ConfigurationException();
ex.setMessage(REF_NOT_FOUND_IN_DEST, new Object[]{CHANNEL_ELEMENT, ref, destId});
throw ex;
//Invalid {0} ref '{1}' in destination '{2}'.
ConfigurationException ex = new ConfigurationException();
ex.setMessage(INVALID_REF_IN_DEST, new Object[]{CHANNEL_ELEMENT, ref, destId});
throw ex;
// Finally, we fall back to the service's default channels
List defaultChannels = serviceSettings.getDefaultChannels();
Iterator it = defaultChannels.iterator();
while (it.hasNext())
ChannelSettings channel = (ChannelSettings)it.next();
if (destinationSettings.getChannelSettings().size() <= 0)
// Destination '{id}' must specify at least one channel.
ConfigurationException ex = new ConfigurationException();
ex.setMessage(DEST_NEEDS_CHANNEL, new Object[]{destId});
throw ex;
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