com.aerospike.client.policy.ClientPolicy Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2012-2021 Aerospike, Inc.
* Portions may be licensed to Aerospike, Inc. under one or more contributor
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package com.aerospike.client.policy;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import com.aerospike.client.async.EventLoops;
* Container object for client policy Command.
public class ClientPolicy {
* Optional event loops to use in asynchronous commands.
* Default: null (async methods are disabled)
public EventLoops eventLoops;
* User authentication to cluster. Leave null for clusters running without restricted access.
* Default: null
public String user;
* Password authentication to cluster. The password will be stored by the client and sent to server
* in hashed format. Leave null for clusters running without restricted access.
* Default: null
public String password;
* Expected cluster name. If not null, server nodes must return this cluster name in order to
* join the client's view of the cluster. Should only be set when connecting to servers that
* support the "cluster-name" info command.
* Default: null
public String clusterName;
* Authentication mode.
* Default: AuthMode.INTERNAL
public AuthMode authMode = AuthMode.INTERNAL;
* Cluster tend info call timeout in milliseconds. The timeout when opening a connection
* to the server node for the first time and when polling each node for cluster status.
* Default: 1000
public int timeout = 1000;
* Login timeout in milliseconds. The timeout is used when user authentication is enabled and
* a node login is being performed.
* Default: 5000
public int loginTimeout = 5000;
* Minimum number of synchronous connections allowed per server node. Preallocate min connections
* on client node creation. The client will periodically allocate new connections if count falls
* below min connections.
* Server proto-fd-idle-ms and client {@link ClientPolicy#maxSocketIdle} should be set to zero
* (no reap) if minConnsPerNode is greater than zero. Reaping connections can defeat the purpose
* of keeping connections in reserve for a future burst of activity.
* Default: 0
public int minConnsPerNode;
* Maximum number of synchronous connections allowed per server node. Transactions will go
* through retry logic and potentially fail with "ResultCode.NO_MORE_CONNECTIONS" if the maximum
* number of connections would be exceeded.
* The number of connections used per node depends on concurrent commands in progress
* plus sub-commands used for parallel multi-node commands (batch, scan, and query).
* One connection will be used for each command.
* Default: 300
public int maxConnsPerNode = 300;
* Minimum number of asynchronous connections allowed per server node. Preallocate min connections
* on client node creation. The client will periodically allocate new connections if count falls
* below min connections.
* Server proto-fd-idle-ms and client {@link ClientPolicy#maxSocketIdle} should be set to zero
* (no reap) if asyncMinConnsPerNode is greater than zero. Reaping connections can defeat the purpose
* of keeping connections in reserve for a future burst of activity.
* Default: 0
public int asyncMinConnsPerNode;
* Maximum number of asynchronous connections allowed per server node. Transactions will go
* through retry logic and potentially fail with "ResultCode.NO_MORE_CONNECTIONS" if the maximum
* number of connections would be exceeded.
* The number of connections used per node depends on concurrent commands in progress
* plus sub-commands used for parallel multi-node commands (batch, scan, and query).
* One connection will be used for each command.
* If the value is -1, the value will be set to {@link ClientPolicy#maxConnsPerNode}.
* Default: -1 (Use maxConnsPerNode)
public int asyncMaxConnsPerNode = -1;
* Number of synchronous connection pools used for each node. Machines with 8 cpu cores or
* less usually need just one connection pool per node. Machines with a large number of cpu
* cores may have their synchronous performance limited by contention for pooled connections.
* Contention for pooled connections can be reduced by creating multiple mini connection pools
* per node.
* Default: 1
public int connPoolsPerNode = 1;
* Maximum socket idle in seconds. Socket connection pools will discard sockets
* that have been idle longer than the maximum.
* Connection pools are now implemented by a LIFO stack. Connections at the tail of the
* stack will always be the least used. These connections are checked for maxSocketIdle
* once every 30 tend iterations (usually 30 seconds).
* If server's proto-fd-idle-ms is greater than zero, then maxSocketIdle should be
* at least a few seconds less than the server's proto-fd-idle-ms, so the client does not
* attempt to use a socket that has already been reaped by the server.
* If server's proto-fd-idle-ms is zero (no reap), then maxSocketIdle should also be zero.
* Connections retrieved from a pool in transactions will not be checked for maxSocketIdle
* when maxSocketIdle is zero. Idle connections will still be trimmed down from peak
* connections to min connections (minConnsPerNode and asyncMinConnsPerNode) using a
* hard-coded 55 second limit in the cluster tend thread.
* Default: 55
public int maxSocketIdle = 55;
* Maximum number of errors allowed per node per {@link #errorRateWindow} before backoff
* algorithm throws {@link com.aerospike.client.AerospikeException.Backoff} on database
* commands to that node. If maxErrorRate is zero, there is no error limit and
* the exception will never be thrown.
* The counted error types are any error that causes the connection to close (socket errors
* and client timeouts) and {@link com.aerospike.client.ResultCode#DEVICE_OVERLOAD}.
* Default: 0
public int maxErrorRate;
* The number of cluster tend iterations that defines the window for {@link #maxErrorRate}.
* One tend iteration is defined as {@link #tendInterval} plus the time to tend all nodes.
* At the end of the window, the error count is reset to zero and backoff state is removed
* on all nodes.
* Default: 1
public int errorRateWindow = 1;
* Interval in milliseconds between cluster tends by maintenance thread.
* Default: 1000
public int tendInterval = 1000;
* Throw exception if all seed connections fail on cluster instantiation.
* Default: true
public boolean failIfNotConnected = true;
* Default read policy that is used when read command's policy is null.
public Policy readPolicyDefault = new Policy();
* Default write policy that is used when write command's policy is null.
public WritePolicy writePolicyDefault = new WritePolicy();
* Default scan policy that is used when scan command's policy is null.
public ScanPolicy scanPolicyDefault = new ScanPolicy();
* Default query policy that is used when query command's policy is null.
public QueryPolicy queryPolicyDefault = new QueryPolicy();
* Default batch policy that is used when batch command's policy is null.
public BatchPolicy batchPolicyDefault = new BatchPolicy();
* Default info policy that is used when info command's policy is null.
public InfoPolicy infoPolicyDefault = new InfoPolicy();
* TLS secure connection policy for TLS enabled servers.
* TLS connections are only supported for AerospikeClient synchronous commands.
* Default: null (Use normal sockets)
public TlsPolicy tlsPolicy;
* TCP keep-alive configuration. If assigned, enable TCP keep-alive when using
* the native Netty epoll library.
* Default: null (Do not enable TCP keep-alive)
public TCPKeepAlive keepAlive;
* A IP translation table is used in cases where different clients use different server
* IP addresses. This may be necessary when using clients from both inside and outside
* a local area network. Default is no translation.
* The key is the IP address returned from friend info requests to other servers. The
* value is the real IP address used to connect to the server.
* Default: null (no IP address translation)
public Map ipMap;
* Underlying thread pool used in synchronous batch, scan, and query commands. These commands
* are often sent to multiple server nodes in parallel threads. A thread pool improves
* performance because threads do not have to be created/destroyed for each command.
* The default, null, indicates that the following daemon thread pool will be used:
* threadPool = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(new ThreadFactory() {
* public final Thread newThread(Runnable runnable) {
* Thread thread = new Thread(runnable);
* thread.setDaemon(true);
* return thread;
* }
* });
* Daemon threads automatically terminate when the program terminates.
* Default: null (use Executors.newCachedThreadPool)
public ExecutorService threadPool;
* Is threadPool shared between other client instances or classes. If threadPool is
* not shared (default), threadPool will be shutdown when the client instance is closed.
* If threadPool is shared, threadPool will not be shutdown when the client instance is
* closed. This shared threadPool should be shutdown manually before the program
* terminates. Shutdown is recommended, but not absolutely required if threadPool is
* constructed to use daemon threads.
* Default: false
public boolean sharedThreadPool;
* Should use "services-alternate" instead of "services" in info request during cluster
* tending. "services-alternate" returns server configured external IP addresses that client
* uses to talk to nodes. "services-alternate" can be used in place of providing a client "ipMap".
* Default: false (use original "services" info request)
public boolean useServicesAlternate;
* For testing purposes only. Do not modify.
* Should the AerospikeClient instance communicate with the first seed node only
* instead of using the data partition map to determine which node to send the
* database command.
* Default: false
public boolean forceSingleNode;
* Track server rack data. This field is useful when directing read commands to the server node
* that contains the key and exists on the same rack as the client. This serves to lower cloud
* provider costs when nodes are distributed across different racks/data centers.
* {@link ClientPolicy#rackId} or {@link ClientPolicy#rackIds}, {@link Replica#PREFER_RACK}
* and server rack configuration must also be set to enable this functionality.
* Default: false
public boolean rackAware;
* Rack where this client instance resides. If {@link ClientPolicy#rackIds} is set, rackId is ignored.
* {@link ClientPolicy#rackAware}, {@link Replica#PREFER_RACK} and server rack
* configuration must also be set to enable this functionality.
* Default: 0
public int rackId;
* List of acceptable racks in order of preference. Nodes in rackIds[0] are chosen first.
* If a node is not found in rackIds[0], then nodes in rackIds[1] are searched, and so on.
* If rackIds is set, {@link ClientPolicy#rackId} is ignored.
* {@link ClientPolicy#rackAware}, {@link Replica#PREFER_RACK} and server rack
* configuration must also be set to enable this functionality.
* Default: null
public List rackIds;
* Copy client policy from another client policy.
public ClientPolicy(ClientPolicy other) {
this.eventLoops = other.eventLoops;
this.user = other.user;
this.password = other.password;
this.clusterName = other.clusterName;
this.authMode = other.authMode;
this.timeout = other.timeout;
this.loginTimeout = other.loginTimeout;
this.minConnsPerNode = other.minConnsPerNode;
this.maxConnsPerNode = other.maxConnsPerNode;
this.asyncMinConnsPerNode = other.asyncMinConnsPerNode;
this.asyncMaxConnsPerNode = other.asyncMaxConnsPerNode;
this.connPoolsPerNode = other.connPoolsPerNode;
this.maxSocketIdle = other.maxSocketIdle;
this.maxErrorRate = other.maxErrorRate;
this.errorRateWindow = other.errorRateWindow;
this.tendInterval = other.tendInterval;
this.failIfNotConnected = other.failIfNotConnected;
this.readPolicyDefault = new Policy(other.readPolicyDefault);
this.writePolicyDefault = new WritePolicy(other.writePolicyDefault);
this.scanPolicyDefault = new ScanPolicy(other.scanPolicyDefault);
this.queryPolicyDefault = new QueryPolicy(other.queryPolicyDefault);
this.batchPolicyDefault = new BatchPolicy(other.batchPolicyDefault);
this.infoPolicyDefault = new InfoPolicy(other.infoPolicyDefault);
this.tlsPolicy = (other.tlsPolicy != null)? new TlsPolicy(other.tlsPolicy) : null;
this.keepAlive = (other.keepAlive != null)? new TCPKeepAlive(other.keepAlive) : null;
this.ipMap = other.ipMap;
this.threadPool = other.threadPool;
this.sharedThreadPool = (other.threadPool != null);
this.useServicesAlternate = other.useServicesAlternate;
this.forceSingleNode = other.forceSingleNode;
this.rackAware = other.rackAware;
this.rackId = other.rackId;
this.rackIds = (other.rackIds != null)? new ArrayList(other.rackIds) : null;
* Default constructor.
public ClientPolicy() {