com.tailf.jnc.NetconfSession Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.tailf.jnc;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
* A NETCONF session class. It makes it possible to connect to a NETCONF agent
* using a preferred transport mechanism. After a successful connect all
* operations defined by the NETCONF configuration protocol [<a target="_top"
* href="ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc4741.txt">RFC 4741</a>] can be
* performed, e.g. get-config
, edit-config
* commit
* The NETCONF session class is data model agnostic. Manipulation of data is
* done via the {@link Element} class.
* Example 1: Read and manipulate data locally
* A get-config operation with an XPATH filter is sent to the agent (the agent
* must implement the :xpath
capability). When the configuration
* tree is received it is edited locally and written back with an
* edit-config
operation. The read and write is done towards the
* RUNNING datastore.
* // Start NETCONF session towards devices
* SSHConnection c = new SSHConnection("", 5678);
* c.authenticateWithPassword("admin", "pass");
* SSHSession ssh = new SSHSession(c);
* NetconfSession dev1 = new NetconfSession(ssh);
* // Get system configuration from dev1 (RUNNING datastore)
* // Read is done using Xpath expression
* Element sys1 = dev1.getConfig("/system").first();
* // Manipulate the config tree locally
* sys1.setValue("dns", "");
* sys1.setValue("gateway", "");
* // Write back the updated element tree to the device
* dev1.editConfig(sys1);
* Example 2: Read config using subtree filtering
* A subtree filter is built using the Element.create
method. The
* matching configuration is received and one of the elements is deleted. It is
* "marked" for deletion and an edit-config
operation is used to
* actually delete the element on the agent.
* // Start NETCONF session toward our device
* SSHConnection c = new SSHConnection("", 5678);
* c.authenticateWithPassword("admin", "pass");
* SSHSession ssh = new SSHSession(c);
* NetconfSession dev1 = new NetconfSession(ssh);
* // Create subtree filter
* Element filter = Element.create("/hosts/host[name='kalle']");
* // Read from RUNNING datastore
* Element hosts = dev1.getConfig(filter).first();
* // delete host 'kalle'
* // that is... mark the node for deletion
* sys1.markDelete("hosts/host[name='kalle']");
* // edit-config. The deleted node has the operation="delete"
* // marked on it.
* dev1.editConfig(sys1);
* Example 3: Transaction using candidates
* try {
* // Start (NETCONF) sessions towards devices
* SSHConnection c1 = new SSHConnection("", 3456);
* SSHConnection c2 = new SSHConnection("", 3456);
* c1.authenticateWithPassword("admin", "pass");
* c2.authenticateWithPassword("admin", "pass");
* SSHSession ssh1 = new SSHSession(c1);
* SSHSession ssh2 = new SSHSession(c2);
* NetconfSession dev1 = new NetconfSession(ssh1);
* NetconfSession dev2 = new NetconfSession(ssh2);
* // take locks on CANDIDATE datastore so that we are not interrupted
* dev1.lock(NetconfSession.CANDIDATE);
* dev2.lock(NetconfSession.CANDIDATE);
* // reset candidates so that CANDIDATE is an exact copy of running
* dev1.copyConfig(NetconfSession.RUNNING, NetconfSession.CANDIDATE);
* dev2.copyConfig(NetconfSession.RUNNING, NetconfSession.CANDIDATE);
* // Get system configuration from dev1
* Element sys1 = dev1.getConfig("/system").first();
* // Manipulate element trees locally
* sys1.setValue("dns", "");
* sys1.setValue("gateway", "");
* // Write back the updated element tree to both devices
* dev1.editConfig(NetconfSession.CANDIDATE, sys1);
* dev2.editConfig(NetconfSession.CANDIDATE, sys1);
* // candidates are now updated
* dev1.confirmedCommit(60);
* dev2.confirmedCommit(60);
* // now commit them
* dev1.commit();
* dev2.commit();
* dev1.unlock(NetconfSession.CANDIDATE);
* dev2.unlock(NetconfSession.CANDIDATE);
* } catch (Exception e) {
* // Devices will rollback within 1 min
* }
* @see Element
public class NetconfSession {
public static final String GET_CONFIG_GT = "get-config>";
public static final String SOURCE_GT = "source>";
public static final String FILTER_GT = "filter>";
public static final String FILTER = "filter ";
public static final String GET_GT = "get>";
public static final String EDIT_CONFIG_GT = "edit-config>";
public static final String TARGET_GT = "target>";
public static final String CONFIG_GT = "config>";
public static final String COPY_CONFIG_GT = "copy-config>";
public static final String VALIDATE_GT = "validate>";
public static final String STREAM_GT = "stream>";
public static final String START_TIME_GT = "startTime>";
public static final String STOP_TIME_GT = "stopTime>";
* Monotonically increased message identifier for this session.
int message_id = 1;
public static final int RUNNING = 0;
public static final int STARTUP = 1;
public static final int CANDIDATE = 2;
* Session identifier. Received from the initial hello
* message.
public long sessionId;
* The capability elements for the session. Retrieved from
* hello
message upon connect.
protected Capabilities capabilities;
* Return a Capabilities object with the NETCONF capabilities for this
* session. The capabilities are received from the hello
* message from the server.
public Capabilities getCapabilities() {
return capabilities;
* Check if a specific named capability is supported.
* @param uri Name of capability to check
public boolean hasCapability(String uri) {
return capabilities.hasCapability(uri);
* The XML parser instance.
XMLParser parser;
* The outgoing transport for this Session
Transport out;
* The incoming transport for this Session
Transport in;
* Creates a new session object using the given transport object. This will
* initialize the transport and send out an initial hello message to the
* server.
* @see SSHSession
* @param transport Transport object
public NetconfSession(Transport transport) throws JNCException,
IOException {
out = transport;
in = transport; // same
parser = new XMLParser();
* Creates a new session object using the given transport object. This will
* initialize the transport and send out an initial hello message to the
* server.
* @see SSHSession
* @param transport Transport object
* @param parser XML parser object
* If we are using the confm package to create and manipulate
* objects we must instantiate the parser as an
* com.tailf.confm.XMLParser() If we fail to do that, we get the
* XMLParser class from the inm package which always only
* returns Element objects as opposed to the XMLParser from the
* confm package which can return objects matching the confm
* generated classes. If we use the confm Device class to create
* our netconf sessions, this is all done automatically, whereas
* if we create our netconf sessions ourselves, _and_ also want
* to retrieve real confm objects we must:
* SSHConnection ssh = new SSHConnection("", 2022);
* ssh.authenticateWithPassword("admin", "admin");
* Transport tr = new SSHSession(ssh);
* NetconfSession sess = new NetconfSession(tr, new com.tailf.confm.XMLParser());
public NetconfSession(Transport transport, XMLParser parser)
throws JNCException, IOException {
out = transport;
in = transport; // same
this.parser = parser;
* Creates a new session object. The session need to be given a transport
* object with {@link #setTransport(Transport)} and an initial hello needs
* to be sent to advertise capabilities.
public NetconfSession() throws JNCException {
parser = new XMLParser();
* Sets the transport used by this session.
* @param transport Transport object, for example {@link SSHSession}
public void setTransport(Transport transport) {
out = transport;
in = transport; // same
* Returns the transport object used by this session.
* @see SSHSession
public Transport getTransport() {
return in;
* Capabilities are advertised in messages sent by each peer during session
* establishment. When the NETCONF session is opened, each peer (both
* client and server) must send a hello
element containing a
* list of that peer's capabilities. Each peer must send at least the base
* NETCONF capability, "urn:ietf:params:netconf:base:1.0".
* This method will send an initial hello
to the output stream
* and await the hello
from the server.
* Used from the constructor {@link #NetconfSession(Transport)}.
protected void hello() throws JNCException, IOException {
trace("hello: ");
final StringBuffer reply = in.readOne();
// System.out.println("reply= "+ reply);
final Element t = parser.parse(reply.toString());
final Element capatree = t.getFirst("self::hello/capabilities");
if (capatree == null) {
throw new JNCException(JNCException.SESSION_ERROR,
"hello contains no capabilities");
trace("capabilities: \n" + capatree.toXMLString());
capabilities = new Capabilities(capatree);
if (!capabilities.baseCapability) {
throw new JNCException(JNCException.SESSION_ERROR,
"server does not support NETCONF base capability: "
// lookup session id
final Element sess = t.getFirst("self::hello/session-id");
if (sess == null) {
throw new JNCException(JNCException.SESSION_ERROR,
"hello contains no session identifier");
sessionId = Long.parseLong((String) sess.value);
trace("sessionId = " + sessionId);
* The NETCONF protocol uses a remote procedure call (RPC) paradigm. A
* client encodes an RPC in XML and sends it to a server using a secure,
* connection-oriented session. The server responds with a reply encoded in
* XML.
* This method may be used for sending an XML string over the connected
* session and receiving a reply.
* The reply is parsed into an element tree.
* @param request XML encoded NETCONF request
public Element rpc(String request) throws IOException, JNCException {
final StringBuffer reply = in.readOne();
return parser.parse(reply.toString());
* The NETCONF protocol uses a remote procedure call (RPC) paradigm. A
* client encodes an RPC in XML and sends it to a server using a secure,
* connection-oriented session. The server responds with a reply encoded in
* XML.
* This method may be used for sending an XML element tree the connected
* session and receiving a reply.
* The reply is parsed into an element tree.
* @param request XML element tree
public Element rpc(Element request) throws IOException, JNCException {
// print, but no newline at the end
request.encode(out, false, capabilities);
final StringBuffer reply = in.readOne();
return parser.parse(reply.toString());
* Sends rpc request and return. This method may be used for sending an XML
* string over the connected session. To receive a reply the
* {@link #readReply()} should be used.
* Note that the return value reflects the last request-id generated by the
* NetconfSession methods, and is not checked against the request-id in the
* request parameter.
* @param request XML encoded NETCONF request
public int sendRequest(String request) throws IOException {
// no newline before flush
return message_id - 1; // FIXME
* Sends rpc request and return. This method may be used for sending an XML
* element tree over the connected session. To receive a reply the
* {@link #readReply()} should be used.
* Note that the return value reflects the last request-id generated by the
* NetconfSession methods, and is not checked against the request-id in the
* request parameter.
* @param request Element tree
public int sendRequest(Element request) throws IOException, JNCException {
// print, but no newline at the end
request.encode(out, false, capabilities);
return message_id - 1; // FIXME
* Reads a rpc reply from NETCONF. Preforms a blocking read.
* The reply is parsed into an element tree.
* @see #sendRequest(Element)
public Element readReply() throws IOException, JNCException {
final StringBuffer reply = in.readOne();
return parser.parse(reply.toString());
* Gets the device configuration data specified by subtree filtering.
* @param subtreeFilter A subtree filter
public NodeSet getConfig(Element subtreeFilter) throws JNCException,
IOException {
return getConfig(RUNNING, subtreeFilter);
* Gets the device configuration data.
public NodeSet getConfig() throws JNCException, IOException {
return getConfig(RUNNING);
* Gets the device configuration data.
public NodeSet getConfig(int datastore) throws JNCException, IOException {
trace("getConfig: " + datastoreToString(datastore));
final int mid = encode_getConfig(out, encode_datastore(datastore));
return recv_rpc_reply_data(mid);
* Calls rpc method.
public NodeSet callRpc(Element data) throws JNCException, IOException {
trace("call: " + data.toXMLString());
final int mid = encode_rpc(out, data);
return recv_call_rpc_reply(data, mid);
* Calls rpc method but does not read a response.
* Returns the request-id used in the message.
public int sendRpc(Element data) throws JNCException, IOException {
trace("send rpc: " + data.toXMLString());
final int mid = encode_rpc(out, data);
return mid;
* Gets the device configuration data specified by an xpath expression. The
* :xpath
capability must be supported by the server.
* @param xpath XPath expression
public NodeSet getConfig(String xpath) throws JNCException, IOException {
return getConfig(RUNNING, xpath);
* Gets the device configuration data specified by subtree filtering.
* @param datastore The datastore. One of {@link #RUNNING},
* {@link #CANDIDATE}, {@link #STARTUP}
* @param subtreeFilter A subtree filter
public NodeSet getConfig(int datastore, Element subtreeFilter)
throws JNCException, IOException {
trace("getConfig: " + datastoreToString(datastore) + "\n"
+ subtreeFilter.toXMLString());
final int mid = encode_getConfig(out, encode_datastore(datastore),
return recv_rpc_reply_data(mid);
* Gets the device configuration data specified by an xpath filter.
* @param datastore The datastore. One of {@link #RUNNING},
* {@link #CANDIDATE}, {@link #STARTUP}
* @param xpath XPath expression
public NodeSet getConfig(int datastore, String xpath)
throws JNCException, IOException {
trace("getConfig: " + datastoreToString(datastore) + " \"" + xpath
+ "\"");
if (!capabilities.xpathCapability) {
throw new JNCException(JNCException.SESSION_ERROR,
"the :xpath capability is not supported by server");
final int mid = encode_getConfig(out, encode_datastore(datastore),
return recv_rpc_reply_data(mid);
* Retrieves running configuration and device state information.
public NodeSet get() throws JNCException, IOException {
trace("get: \"\"");
final int mid = encode_get(out, "");
return recv_rpc_reply_data(mid);
* Retrieves running configuration and device state information.
* @param subtreeFilter A subtree filter
public NodeSet get(Element subtreeFilter) throws JNCException,
IOException {
trace("get: " + subtreeFilter.toXMLString());
final int mid = encode_get(out, subtreeFilter);
return recv_rpc_reply_data(mid);
* Retrieves running configuration and device state information. The
* :xpath
capability must be supported by the server.
* @param xpath An xpath epxression.
public NodeSet get(String xpath) throws JNCException, IOException {
trace("get: \"" + xpath + "\"");
if (!capabilities.hasXPath()) {
throw new JNCException(JNCException.SESSION_ERROR,
"the :xpath capability is not supported by server");
final int mid = encode_get(out, xpath);
return recv_rpc_reply_data(mid);
* Edits the configuration. The edit-config
operation loads
* all or part of a specified configuration to the {@link #RUNNING} target
* datatore.
* @param configTree Configuration tree
public void editConfig(Element configTree) throws JNCException,
IOException {
editConfig(RUNNING, configTree);
* Edits the configuration. If we have multiple top elements in our
* configuration schema (YANG model) we must send a NodeSet as opposed to
* an Element to the device
public void editConfig(NodeSet configTrees) throws JNCException,
IOException {
editConfig(RUNNING, configTrees);
* Edits the configuration. The edit-config
operation loads
* all or part of a specified configuration to the specified target
* configuration.
* @param datastore The target datastore. One of {@link #RUNNING},
* {@link #CANDIDATE}, {@link #STARTUP}
* @param configTree The config tree to edit.
public void editConfig(int datastore, Element configTree)
throws JNCException, IOException {
trace("editConfig: target=" + datastoreToString(datastore) + "\n"
+ configTree.toXMLString());
final int mid = encode_editConfig(out, encode_datastore(datastore),
public void editConfig(int datastore, NodeSet configTrees)
throws JNCException, IOException {
trace("editConfig: target=" + datastoreToString(datastore) + "\n"
+ configTrees.toXMLString());
final int mid = encode_editConfig(out, encode_datastore(datastore),
* Edits the configuration. The <edit-config> operation loads all or part
* of a specified configuration to the specified target configuration.
* @param datastore The target datastore. One of {@link #RUNNING},
* {@link #CANDIDATE}, {@link #STARTUP}
* @param url The source url.
public void editConfig(int datastore, String url) throws JNCException,
IOException {
trace("editConfig: target=" + datastoreToString(datastore)
+ " source=" + url);
final int mid = encode_editConfig(out, encode_datastore(datastore),
* Value is not set.
public static final int NOT_SET = 0;
* Value for default operation.
* @see #setDefaultOperation(int)
public static final int MERGE = 1;
* Value for default operation.
* @see #setDefaultOperation(int)
public static final int REPLACE = 2;
* Value for default operation.
* @see #setDefaultOperation(int)
public static final int NONE = 3;
* Specifies the default operation for all edit-config operations for the
* session. The default value for the default-operation parameter is
* "merge", unless a value is set by invoking this method.
* The default-operation parameter is optional, but if provided, it must
* have one of the following values:
* -
* {@link #MERGE}: The configuration data is merged with the configuration
* at the corresponding level in the target datastore.
* {@link #REPLACE}: The configuration data completely replaces the
* configuration in the target datastore. This is useful for loading
* previously saved configuration data.
* {@link #NONE}: The target datastore is unaffected by the configuration
* parameter, unless and until the incoming configuration data uses the
* "operation" attribute to request a different operation. If the
* configuration parameter contains data for which there is not a
* corresponding level in the target datastore, an "rpc-error" is returned
* with an "error-tag" value of data-missing. Using "none" allows
* operations like "delete" to avoid unintentionally creating the parent
* hierarchy of the element to be deleted.
* @param op One of {@link #MERGE}, {@link #REPLACE}, {@link #NONE}.
public void setDefaultOperation(int op) {
defaultOperation = op;
* The default-operaton for edit-config operations.
private int defaultOperation = NOT_SET;
* Value for test option.
* @see #setTestOption(int)
public static final int SET = 1;
* Value for test option.
* @see #setTestOption(int)
public static final int TEST_THEN_SET = 2;
* Value for test option.
* @see #setTestOption(int)
public static final int TEST_ONLY = 3;
* Specifies the test-option parameter for the edit-config operations for
* the session. The test-option element may be specified only if the device
* advertises the :validate
* The test-option element has one of the following values:
* -
* {@link #TEST_THEN_SET}: Perform a validation test before attempting to
* set. If validation errors occur, do not perform the "edit-config"
* operation. This is the default test-option.
* {@link #SET}: Perform a set without a validation test first.
* {@link #TEST_ONLY}: Only test. (Option is not supported in the
* standard.)
* @param testoption One of {@link #SET}, {@link #TEST_THEN_SET},
* {@link #TEST_ONLY}
public void setTestOption(int testoption) {
testOption = testoption;
* The test-option parameter sent in editConfig.
private int testOption = NOT_SET;
* Value for error option.
* @see #setErrorOption(int)
public static final int STOP_ON_ERROR = 1;
* Value for error option.
* @see #setErrorOption(int)
public static final int CONTINUE_ON_ERROR = 2;
* Value for error option.
* @see #setErrorOption(int)
public static final int ROLLBACK_ON_ERROR = 3;
* Specifies the error-option for the edit-config operations for the
* session. The error-option element has one of the following values:
* -
* {@link #STOP_ON_ERROR}: Abort the edit-config operation on first error.
* This is the default error-option.
* {@link #CONTINUE_ON_ERROR}: Continue to process configuration data on
* error; error is recorded, and negative response is generated if any
* errors occur.
* {@link #ROLLBACK_ON_ERROR}: If an error condition occurs such that an
* error severity "rpc-error" element is generated, the server will stop
* processing the edit-config operation and restore the specified
* configuration to its complete state at the start of this edit-config
* operation. This option requires the server to support the
* @param erroroption One of {@link #STOP_ON_ERROR},
public void setErrorOption(int erroroption) {
errorOption = erroroption;
* The error-option parameter sent in editConfig.
private int errorOption = NOT_SET;
* Creates or replace an entire configuration datastore with the contents
* of another complete configuration datastore. If the target datastore
* exists, it is overwritten. Otherwise, a new one is created, if allowed.
* @param sourceTree A config tree
* @param target The target datastore
public void copyConfig(Element sourceTree, int target)
throws JNCException, IOException {
copyConfig(new NodeSet(sourceTree), target);
* variant of copyConfig() that takes a NodeSet as param
public void copyConfig(NodeSet sourceTrees, int target)
throws JNCException, IOException {
trace("copyConfig: target=" + datastoreToString(target) + "\n"
+ sourceTrees.toXMLString());
encode_copyConfig(out, sourceTrees, encode_datastore(target));
* Same as {@link #copyConfig(Element,int)} but uses an url as target. Only
* possible if :url
capability is supported.
* @param sourceTree A config tree
* @param targetUrl The target URL.
public void copyConfig(Element sourceTree, String targetUrl)
throws JNCException, IOException {
copyConfig(new NodeSet(sourceTree), targetUrl);
public void copyConfig(NodeSet sourceTrees, String targetUrl)
throws JNCException, IOException {
trace("copyConfig: target=" + targetUrl + "\n"
+ sourceTrees.toXMLString());
encode_copyConfig(out, sourceTrees, encode_url(targetUrl));
* Creates or replace an entire configuration datastore with the contents
* of another complete configuration datastore. If the target datastore
* exists, it is overwritten. Otherwise, a new one is created, if allowed.
* @param source The source datastore
* @param target The target datastore
public void copyConfig(int source, int target) throws JNCException,
IOException {
trace("copyConfig: " + datastoreToString(source) + " "
+ datastoreToString(target));
encode_copyConfig(out, encode_datastore(source),
* Same as {@link #copyConfig(int,int)} but uses an url as target. Only
* possible if :url
capability is supported.
* @param source The datastore to be used as source
* @param targetUrl The target URL.
public void copyConfig(int source, String targetUrl) throws JNCException,
IOException {
trace("copyConfig: source=" + datastoreToString(source) + " target="
+ targetUrl);
encode_copyConfig(out, encode_datastore(source),
* Same as {@link #copyConfig(int,int)} but uses an url as target and an
* url as a source. Only possible if :url
capability is
* supported.
* @param sourceUrl The source URL.
* @param targetUrl The target URL.
public void copyConfig(String sourceUrl, String targetUrl)
throws JNCException, IOException {
trace("copyConfig: source=" + sourceUrl + " target=" + targetUrl);
encode_copyConfig(out, encode_url(sourceUrl), encode_url(targetUrl));
* Same as {@link #copyConfig(int,int)} but uses an url as the source. Only
* possible if :url
capability is supported.
* @param sourceUrl The source URL.
* @param target The target datastore
public void copyConfig(String sourceUrl, int target) throws JNCException,
IOException {
trace("copyConfig: source=" + sourceUrl + " target="
+ datastoreToString(target));
encode_copyConfig(out, encode_url(sourceUrl),
* Deletes a configuration datastore. The <running> configuration datastore
* cannot be deleted.
* @param datastore Datastore to be deleted
public void deleteConfig(int datastore) throws JNCException, IOException {
trace("deleteConfig: " + datastoreToString(datastore));
encode_deleteConfig(out, encode_datastore(datastore));
* Deletes a configuration target url.
* @param targetUrl Name of configuration target url to be deleted.
public void deleteConfig(String targetUrl) throws JNCException,
IOException {
trace("deleteConfig: " + targetUrl);
encode_deleteConfig(out, encode_url(targetUrl));
* The lock operation allows the client to lock the configuration system of
* a device. Such locks are intended to be short-lived and allow a client
* to make a change without fear of interaction with other NETCONF clients,
* non-NETCONF clients (e.g., SNMP and command line interface (CLI)
* scripts), and human users.
* An attempt to lock the configuration must fail if an existing session or
* other entity holds a lock on any portion of the lock target.
* @param datastore The datastore to lock
public void lock(int datastore) throws JNCException, IOException {
trace("lock: " + datastoreToString(datastore));
encode_lock(out, encode_datastore(datastore));
* The unlock operation is used to release a configuration lock, previously
* obtained with the {@link #lock} operation.
* @param datastore The target datastore to unlock
public void unlock(int datastore) throws JNCException, IOException {
trace("unlock: " + datastoreToString(datastore));
encode_unlock(out, encode_datastore(datastore));
* The partial-lock operation allows the client to lock a portion of a data
* store. The portion to lock is specified by an array of selection strings
* which can be XPath filters (if the server supports XPath) or a simple
* paths to instance idenfifiers.
* If the selection filters are XPath expressions they are evaluated only
* once at lock time, thereafter the scope of the lock is maintained as a
* set of nodes. If the configuration data is later altered in a way that
* would make the original XPath filter expressions evaluate to a different
* set of nodes, this does not affect the scope of the partial lock. XPath
* is only used for the creation of the partial lock. Conceptually the
* scope of the lock is defined by the returned nodeset and not by the
* XPath expression.
* If a node is locked by a session, only that same session will be able to
* modify that node or any node in the subtree underneath it.
* If a top level node of a locked subtree is deleted, any other session
* can recreate it, as it is not covered by the lock anymore. The lock
* operation allows the client to lock the configuration system of a
* device. Such locks are intended to be short-lived and allow a client to
* make a change without fear of interaction with other NETCONF clients,
* non-NETCONF clients (e.g., SNMP and command line interface (CLI)
* scripts), and human users.
* An attempt to lock the configuration must fail if an existing session or
* other entity holds a lock on any portion of the lock target.
* @param datastore datastore of which a part will be locked
* @param select An array of selection filters
* @return A unique lock reference which should be used to unlockPartial()
public int lockPartial(String[] select) throws JNCException, IOException {
if (!capabilities.hasPartialLock()) {
throw new JNCException(JNCException.SESSION_ERROR,
"capability :partial-lock is not supported by server");
// Allow simple paths to instance identifiers also
// if (!xpathCapability)
// throw new JNCException(JNCException.SESSION_ERROR,
// "capability :xpath is not supported by server");
final int mid = encode_lockPartial(out, select);
final NodeSet reply = recv_rpc_reply_lockPartial(mid);
try {
final Element t = reply.first().getFirst("self::lock-id");
return Integer.parseInt((String) t.value);
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new JNCException(JNCException.SESSION_ERROR,
"bad lock-id returned from partial-lock: "
+ reply.toXMLString());
* Same as {@link #lockPartial(int,String[])} except it only takes one
* selection as argument.
* @see #lockPartial(int,String[])
public int lockPartial(String select) throws JNCException, IOException {
return lockPartial(new String[] { select });
* The unlock operation is used to release a configuration lock, previously
* obtained with the {@link #lock} operation.
* @param lockId Previously received lock identifier from
* {@link #lockPartial(int,String[])}
public void unlockPartial(int lockId) throws JNCException, IOException {
trace("partialUnlock: " + lockId);
if (!capabilities.hasPartialLock()) {
throw new JNCException(JNCException.SESSION_ERROR,
"capability :partial-lock is not supported by server");
if (!capabilities.hasXPath()) {
throw new JNCException(JNCException.SESSION_ERROR,
"capability :xpath is not supported by server");
final int mid = encode_unlockPartial(out, lockId);
* When a candidate configuration's content is complete, the configuration
* data can be committed, publishing the data set to the rest of the device
* and requesting the device to conform to the behavior described in the
* new configuration.
* To commit the candidate configuration as the device's new current
* configuration, use the commit
* The commit
operation instructs the device to implement the
* configuration data contained in the candidate configuration. If the
* device is unable to commit all of the changes in the candidate
* configuration datastore, then the running configuration must remain
* unchanged. If the device does succeed in committing, the running
* configuration must be updated with the contents of the candidate
* configuration.
* If the system does not have the :candidate
capability, the
* commit
operation is not available.
public void commit() throws JNCException, IOException {
if (!capabilities.hasCandidate()) {
throw new JNCException(JNCException.SESSION_ERROR,
"the :candidate capability is not supported by server");
final int mid = encode_commit(out);
* The :confirmed-commit
capability indicates that the server
* supports the confirmed commit.
* A confirmed commit operation must be reverted if a follow-up commit
* (called the "confirming commit") is not issued within 600 seconds (10
* minutes). The timeout period can be adjusted with the timeout parameter.
* If the session issuing the confirmed commit is terminated for any reason
* before the confirm timeout expires, the server must restore the
* configuration to its state before the confirmed commit was issued.
* If the device reboots for any reason before the confirm timeout expires,
* the server must restore the configuration to its state before the
* confirmed commit was issued.
* If a confirming commit is not issued, the device will revert its
* configuration to the state prior to the issuance of the confirmed
* commit. Note that any commit operation, including a commit which
* introduces additional changes to the configuration, will serve as a
* confirming commit. Thus to cancel a confirmed commit and revert changes
* without waiting for the confirm timeout to expire, the manager can
* explicitly restore the configuration to its state before the confirmed
* commit was issued.
* For shared configurations, this feature can cause other configuration
* changes (for example, via other NETCONF sessions) to be inadvertently
* altered or removed, unless the configuration locking feature is used (in
* other words, the lock is obtained before the edit-config operation is
* started). Therefore, it is strongly suggested that in order to use this
* feature with shared configuration databases, configuration locking
* should also be used.
* @param timeout Time that server will wait for confirming commit before
* reverting config
public void confirmedCommit(int timeout) throws JNCException, IOException {
trace("confirmedCommit: " + timeout);
if (!capabilities.hasCandidate()) {
throw new JNCException(JNCException.SESSION_ERROR,
"the :candidate capability is not supported by server");
if (!capabilities.hasConfirmedCommit()) {
throw new JNCException(JNCException.SESSION_ERROR,
"the :confirmed-commit capability is not supported by server");
final int mid = encode_confirmedCommit(out, timeout);
* If the client decides that the candidate configuration should not be
* committed, the <discard-changes> operation can be used to revert the
* candidate configuration to the current running configuration.
public void discardChanges() throws JNCException, IOException {
if (!capabilities.hasCandidate()) {
throw new JNCException(JNCException.SESSION_ERROR,
"the :candidate capability is not supported by server");
final int mid = encode_discardChanges(out);
* Requests graceful termination of a NETCONF session.
* When a NETCONF server receives a close-session
request, it
* will gracefully close the session. The server will release any locks and
* resources associated with the session and gracefully close any
* associated connections.
public void closeSession() throws JNCException, IOException {
final int mid = encode_closeSession(out);
* Force the termination of a NETCONF session.
* When a NETCONF entity receives a kill-session
request for
* an open session, it will abort any operations currently in process,
* release any locks and resources associated with the session, and close
* any associated connections.
* Session identifier of the NETCONF session to be terminated, if this
* value is the current session ID a JNCException will be thrown.
* @param sessionId The id of the session to terminate
public void killSession(long sessionId) throws JNCException, IOException {
trace("killSession: " + sessionId);
if (sessionId == this.sessionId) {
throw new JNCException(JNCException.SESSION_ERROR,
"illegal to use kill-session on own session id");
final int mid = encode_killSession(out, sessionId);
* This protocol operation validates the contents of the specified
* configuration.
* @param configTree configuration tree to validate
public void validate(Element configTree) throws JNCException, IOException {
trace("validate: " + configTree.toXMLString());
if (!capabilities.hasValidate()) {
throw new JNCException(JNCException.SESSION_ERROR,
"capability :validate is not supported by server");
final int mid = encode_validate(out, configTree);
* This protocol operation validates the given datastore. For example the
* {@link #CANDIDATE} datastore.
* @param datastore The datastore to validate
public void validate(int datastore) throws IOException, JNCException {
trace("validate: " + datastoreToString(datastore));
if (!capabilities.hasValidate()) {
throw new JNCException(JNCException.SESSION_ERROR,
"capability :validate is not supported by server");
final int mid = encode_validate(out, encode_datastore(datastore));
* This protocol operation validates the given URL. The url may for example
* be a file "file://incoming.conf"
then file must be
* supported by the :url
* @param url The source url to validate
public void validate(String url) throws IOException, JNCException {
trace("validate: " + url);
if (!capabilities.hasValidate()) {
throw new JNCException(JNCException.SESSION_ERROR,
"capability :validate is not supported by server");
final int mid = encode_validate(out, encode_url(url));
* The notification capability makes it possible to receive notifications
* specified in a subscription. The :notification
* must be supported by the server.
* @see #createSubscription(String,String,String,String)
public void createSubscription() throws IOException, JNCException {
createSubscription(null, (String) null, null, null);
* The notification capability makes it possible to receive notifications
* specified in a subscription. The :notification
* must be supported by the server.
* Subscribe on specified stream name.
* @param stream The name of the stream or null
if all streams
* of events are of interest.
* @see #createSubscription(String,String,String,String)
public void createSubscription(String stream)
throws IOException, JNCException {
createSubscription(stream, (String) null, null, null);
* The notification capability makes it possible to receive notifications
* specified in a subscription. The :notification
* must be supported by the server.
* An optional parameter, stream
, that indicates which stream
* of events is of interest. If not present, events in the default NETCONF
* stream will be sent.
* An optional parameter, filter
, that indicates which subset
* of all possible events is of interest. If not present, all events not
* precluded by other parameters will be sent.
* A parameter, startTime
, used to trigger the replay feature
* and indicate that the replay should start at the time specified. If
* startTime
is not present, this is not a replay
* subscription. It is not valid to specify start times that are later than
* the current time. If the startTime
specified is earlier
* than the log can support, the replay will begin with the earliest
* available notification. The time is specified in dateTime format.
* An optional parameter, stopTime
, used with the optional
* replay feature to indicate the newest notifications of interest. If stop
* time is not present, the notifications will continue until the
* subscription is terminated. Must be used with and be later than
* startTime
. Values of stopTime
in the future
* are valid. The time is specified in dateTime format.
* @param streamName The name of the stream or null
* @param eventFilter a subtree filter - list of events, or
* null
* @param startTime a dateTime string specifying the replay start, or
* null
if the subscription is not a replay
* subscription
* @param stopTime a dateTime string specifying the stop of replay, or
* null
if the subscription is not a replay
* subscription or infinite subscription is desired
* @see #receiveNotification()
public void createSubscription(String streamName, NodeSet eventFilter,
String startTime, String stopTime) throws IOException,
JNCException {
trace("createSubscription: stream=" + streamName + " filter="
+ eventFilter.toXMLString() + " from=" + startTime + " to="
+ stopTime);
if (!capabilities.hasNotification()) {
throw new JNCException(JNCException.SESSION_ERROR,
"capability :notification is not supported by server");
final int mid = encode_createSubscription(out, streamName,
eventFilter, startTime, stopTime);
* Same as {@link #createSubscription(String,NodeSet,String,String)} except
* a filter in xpath format can be given instead of a subtree filter.
* @param streamName The name of the stream or null
* @param eventFilter a filter xpath expression, or null
* @param startTime a dateTime string specifying the replay start, or
* null
* @param stopTime a dateTime string specifying the stop of replay, or
* null
* @see #receiveNotification()
public void createSubscription(String streamName, String eventFilter,
String startTime, String stopTime) throws IOException,
JNCException {
trace("createSubscription: stream=" + streamName + " filter="
+ eventFilter + " from=" + startTime + " to=" + stopTime);
if (!capabilities.hasNotification()) {
throw new JNCException(JNCException.SESSION_ERROR,
"capability :notification is not supported by server");
if (!capabilities.hasXPath()) {
throw new JNCException(JNCException.SESSION_ERROR,
"capability :xpath is not supported by server");
final int mid = encode_createSubscription(out, streamName,
eventFilter, startTime, stopTime);
* Method to get the available streams from the agent. This will do:
* Element subtree = Element.create(
* "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netmod:notification", "netconf/streams");
* return session.get(subtree);
* The available streams are returned.
public NodeSet getStreams() throws JNCException, IOException {
final Element filter = Element.create(
return get(filter);
* Receive one notification. This is a blocking call - it blocks the caller
* until an entire notifications messages has been received. It's possible
* to check if there is data to be read ahead using the ready() method on
* the SSHSession object.
public Element receiveNotification() throws IOException, JNCException {
final StringBuffer notification = in.readOne();
trace("notification= " + notification);
if (notification.length() == 0) {
throw new JNCException(JNCException.PARSER_ERROR, "empty input");
final Element t = parser.parse(notification.toString());
final Element test = t.getFirst("self::notification");
if (test != null) {
return t;
/* rpc-error */
throw new JNCException(JNCException.NOTIFICATION_ERROR, t);
* Action capability. An action that does not return any result value,
* replies with the standard 'ok' element. If a result value is returned,
* it is encapsulated within a returned 'data' element.
* @param data element tree with action-data
public Element action(Element data) throws JNCException, IOException {
trace("action: " + data.toXMLString());
encode_action(out, data);
return recv_rpc_reply_ok(null);
/* Receive from session */
* Reads one rpc-reply from session and parse an <ok/>. If not ok then
* throw RCP_REPLY_ERROR exception.
void recv_rpc_reply_ok() throws JNCException, IOException {
void recv_rpc_reply_ok(int mid) throws JNCException, IOException {
* Receive from session
* @return the reply element
* @throws JNCException
* @throws IOException
protected Element recv_rpc_reply_ok(String mid) throws JNCException, IOException {
final StringBuffer reply = in.readOne();
trace("reply= " + reply);
if (reply.length() == 0) {
throw new JNCException(JNCException.PARSER_ERROR, "empty input");
final Element t = parser.parse(reply.toString());
final Element ok;
if (mid != null) {
final Element rep = t.getFirst("self::rpc-reply");
if (rep != null) {
check_mid(rep, mid);
ok = rep != null ? rep.getFirst("self::rpc-reply/ok") : null;
} else {
ok = t.getFirst("self::rpc-reply/ok");
if (ok != null) {
return ok;
final Element data = t.getFirst("self::rpc-reply/data");
if (data != null) {
return data;
/* rpc-error */
throw new JNCException(JNCException.RPC_REPLY_ERROR, t);
* Reads one rpc-reply from session and parse the <data>. Returns the
* NodeSet contained in the data tag.
NodeSet recv_rpc_reply_data(int mid) throws JNCException, IOException {
return recv_rpc_reply("/data", parser, Integer.toString(mid));
NodeSet recv_rpc_reply_lockPartial(int mid) throws JNCException,
IOException {
return recv_rpc_reply("", parser, Integer.toString(mid));
NodeSet recv_call_rpc_reply(Element e, int mid) throws JNCException,
IOException {
final XMLParser parser = new XMLParser(); // XXX: Why new parser?
return recv_rpc_reply("", parser, Integer.toString(mid));
NodeSet recv_rpc_reply(String path) throws JNCException, IOException {
return recv_rpc_reply(path, parser, null);
NodeSet recv_rpc_reply(String path, XMLParser parser, String mid)
throws JNCException, IOException {
final StringBuffer reply = in.readOne();
trace("reply= " + reply);
final Element t = parser.parse(reply.toString());
final Element rep = t.getFirst("self::rpc-reply");
if (rep != null) {
check_mid(rep, mid);
final Element data = t.getFirst("self::rpc-reply" + path);
if (data != null) {
PrefixMap ctxtPrefix = data.prefixes;
if (ctxtPrefix == null) {
ctxtPrefix = t.prefixes;
} else {
if (ctxtPrefix == null) {
ctxtPrefix = new PrefixMap();
* need to set parent of each data entry to null don't want
* rpc-reply to be part of returned tree
if (data.children != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < data.children.size(); i++) {
final Element child = data.children.getElement(i);
child.parent = null;
if (child.prefixes != null) {
// merge in prefix mapping from rpc header
} else {
child.prefixes = (PrefixMap) ctxtPrefix.clone();
return data.children;
// return empty node set rather than null
return new NodeSet();
/* rpc-error */
throw new JNCException(JNCException.RPC_REPLY_ERROR, t);
/* Extending the session with new capabilities. */
* Set a proprietary capability. This capability will be advertised in the
* initial hello message so this method need to invoked before the
* {@link #hello()} method to have any effect.
* @param capability Add a capablity string for this client session
protected void setCapability(String capability) {
if (proprietaryClientCaps == null) {
proprietaryClientCaps = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < proprietaryClientCaps.size(); i++) {
final String cap = proprietaryClientCaps.get(i);
if (cap.equals(capability)) {
return; // already member
private ArrayList proprietaryClientCaps;
* Used by ConfDSession to set the withDefaults Attribute. Will be included
* in the RPC header, if set
Attribute withDefaultsAttr = null;
/* Encoding */
* Encodes the hello message. The capabilities advertised from the client
* side are the base NETCONF capability.
void encode_hello(Transport out) {
out.println("" + Capabilities.NETCONF_BASE_CAPABILITY
+ " ");
/* List proprietary client capabilities */
if (proprietaryClientCaps != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < proprietaryClientCaps.size(); i++) {
out.println(" ");
out.println(" ");
out.print(" ");
// do no end with newline
* Encodes the RPC header and writes it to the provided output transport.
* This method is provided to be able extend this class with proprietary
* capabilities.
* @param out Transport output stream
protected int encode_rpc_begin(Transport out) {
return encode_rpc_begin(out, null);
* Encodes the RPC header and writes it to the provided output transport.
* This method is provided to be able to extend this class with proprietary
* capabilities. The extra attribute arguement makes it possible to add an
* extra attribute to the RPC header.
* @param out Transport output stream
* @param attr Extra attribute to be added to rpc header
protected int encode_rpc_begin(Transport out, Attribute attr) {
final String prefix = Element.defaultPrefixes
nc = mk_prefix_colon(prefix);
final String xmlnsAttr = mk_xmlns_attr(prefix,
out.print("<" + nc + "rpc " + xmlnsAttr + " " + nc + "message-id=\"");
final int mid = message_id++;
if (attr != null) {
out.print(" ");
return mid;
* Temporary holder for the encode functions. Hold the prefix to be
* appended on NETCONF NAMESPACE operations. It is achieved through: String
* prefix = Element.defaultPrefixes.nsToPrefix(Element.NETCONF_NAMESPACE);
* nc = mk_prefix_colon(prefix);
private String nc;
* Closes the rpc tag.
* @param out Transport output stream
protected void encode_rpc_end(Transport out) {
out.print("" + nc + "rpc>");
// do not end with newline
* Encode the <getConfig>. Example:
* <rpc message-id="101"
* xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
* <get-config>
* <source><running/></source>
* <filter type="subtree">
* <top xmlns="http://example.com/schema/1.2/config">
* <users/>
* </top>
* </filter>
* </get-config>
* </rpc>
int encode_getConfig(Transport out, String source, Element subtreeFilter)
throws JNCException {
final int mid = encode_rpc_begin(out, withDefaultsAttr);
out.println("<" + nc + GET_CONFIG_GT);
out.print("<" + nc + SOURCE_GT);
out.println("" + nc + SOURCE_GT);
out.println("<" + nc + FILTER + nc + "type=\"subtree\">");
subtreeFilter.encode(out, true, capabilities);
out.println("" + nc + FILTER_GT);
out.println("" + nc + GET_CONFIG_GT);
return mid;
* Encode the <rpc>. Example:
* <rpc xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id="1">
* <math xmlns="http://example.com/math">
* <add>
* <operand>2</operand>
* <operand>3</operand>
* </add>
* </math>
* </rpc>
int encode_rpc(Transport out, Element data) throws JNCException {
final int mid = encode_rpc_begin(out);
return mid;
* Encode the <getConfig>. Example:
* <rpc message-id="101"
* xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
* <get-config>
* <source><running/></source>
* <filter type="xpath" select="top/users/user[name='fred']"/>
* </get-config>
* </rpc>
int encode_getConfig(Transport out, String source, String xpath) {
final int mid = encode_rpc_begin(out, withDefaultsAttr);
out.println("<" + nc + GET_CONFIG_GT);
out.print("<" + nc + SOURCE_GT);
out.println("" + nc + SOURCE_GT);
if (xpath != null && xpath.length() > 0) {
out.print("<" + nc + FILTER + nc + "type=\"xpath\" " + nc
+ "select=\"");
out.println("" + nc + GET_CONFIG_GT);
return mid;
* Encode the <getConfig>. Example:
* <rpc message-id="101"
* xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
* <get-config>
* <source><running/></source>
* </get-config>
* </rpc>
int encode_getConfig(Transport out, String source) {
final int mid = encode_rpc_begin(out, withDefaultsAttr);
out.println("<" + nc + GET_CONFIG_GT);
out.print("<" + nc + SOURCE_GT);
out.println("" + nc + SOURCE_GT);
out.println("" + nc + GET_CONFIG_GT);
return mid;
* Help function to print datastore in readable format.
String datastoreToString(int datastore) {
switch (datastore) {
return "RUNNING";
return "CANDIDATE";
return "STARTUP";
return "UNKNOWN_DATASTORE(" + datastore + ")";
* Encode datastore
String encode_datastore(int datastore) throws JNCException {
final String prefix = Element.defaultPrefixes
nc = mk_prefix_colon(prefix);
switch (datastore) {
return "<" + nc + "running/>";
return "<" + nc + "candidate/>";
return "<" + nc + "startup/>";
throw new JNCException(JNCException.SESSION_ERROR,
"unknown datastore: " + datastore);
* Encode URL
String encode_url(String url) throws JNCException {
if (!isUrlOK(url)) {
throw new JNCException(JNCException.SESSION_ERROR, "the url: \""
+ url + "\" is not a supported :url scheme");
return "" + url + " ";
* Check if given url is supported by the :url
capabililty for
* the session.
private boolean isUrlOK(String url) {
final String urlSchemes[] = capabilities.getUrlSchemes();
if (urlSchemes == null) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < urlSchemes.length; i++) {
* check if given url starts with any of the scheme urls given for
* the :url capability. for example "file:"
if (url.startsWith(urlSchemes[i] + ":")) {
return true;
return false;
* Encode the <get>. Example:
* <rpc message-id="101"
* xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
* <get>
* <filter type="subtree">
* <top xmlns="http://example.com/schema/1.2/config">
* <users/>
* </top>
* </filter>
* </get>
* </rpc>
int encode_get(Transport out, Element subtreeFilter) throws JNCException {
final int mid = encode_rpc_begin(out, withDefaultsAttr);
out.println("<" + nc + GET_GT);
out.println("<" + nc + FILTER + nc + "type=\"subtree\">");
subtreeFilter.encode(out, true, capabilities);
out.println("" + nc + FILTER_GT);
out.println("" + nc + GET_GT);
return mid;
* Encode the <get>. Example:
* <rpc message-id="101"
* xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
* <get>
* <filter type="xpath" select="top/users/user[name='fred']"/>
* </get>
* </rpc>
int encode_get(Transport out, String xpath) {
final int mid = encode_rpc_begin(out, withDefaultsAttr);
out.println("<" + nc + GET_GT);
if (xpath != null && xpath.length() > 0) {
out.print("<" + nc + FILTER + nc + "type=\"xpath\" " + nc
+ "select=\"");
out.println("" + nc + GET_GT);
return mid;
* Encode the <edit-Config>. Example:
* <rpc message-id="101"
* xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
* <edit-config>
* <target><running/></target>
* <config>
* <top xmlns="http://example.com/schema/1.2/config">
* <interface>
* <name>Ethernet0/0</name>
* <mtu>1500</mtu>
* </interface>
* </top>
* </config>
* </edit-config>
* </rpc>
int encode_editConfig(Transport out, String target, Element configTree)
throws JNCException {
return encode_editConfig(out, target, new NodeSet(configTree));
int encode_editConfig(Transport out, String target, NodeSet configTrees)
throws JNCException {
final int mid = encode_rpc_begin(out);
out.println("<" + nc + EDIT_CONFIG_GT);
out.print("<" + nc + TARGET_GT);
out.println("" + nc + TARGET_GT);
out.println("<" + nc + CONFIG_GT);
configTrees.encode(out, capabilities);
out.println("" + nc + CONFIG_GT);
out.println("" + nc + EDIT_CONFIG_GT);
return mid;
* Encode the <edit-Config>. Example:
* <rpc message-id="101"
* xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
* <edit-config>
* <target><running/></target>
* <url>file://incoming.conf"</url>
* </edit-config>
* </rpc>
int encode_editConfig(Transport out, String target, String url)
throws JNCException {
final int mid = encode_rpc_begin(out);
out.println("<" + nc + EDIT_CONFIG_GT);
out.print("<" + nc + TARGET_GT);
out.println("" + nc + TARGET_GT);
out.println("" + nc + EDIT_CONFIG_GT);
return mid;
* Encode default-operation for editConfig.
void encode_defaultOperation(Transport out) throws JNCException {
switch (defaultOperation) {
case NOT_SET:
case MERGE:
out.println("<" + nc + "default-operation>merge" + nc
+ "default-operation>");
out.println("<" + nc + "default-operation>replace" + nc
+ "default-operation>");
case NONE:
out.println("<" + nc + "default-operation>none" + nc
+ "default-operation>");
throw new JNCException(JNCException.SESSION_ERROR,
"unknown default-operation value: " + defaultOperation);
* Encode test-option for editConfig
void encode_testOption(Transport out) throws JNCException {
switch (testOption) {
case NOT_SET:
case SET:
if (!capabilities.hasValidate()) {
throw new JNCException(JNCException.SESSION_ERROR,
"test-option is given but the :validate "
+ "capability is not supported by server");
out.println("<" + nc + "test-option>set" + nc + "test-option>");
if (!capabilities.hasValidate()) {
throw new JNCException(JNCException.SESSION_ERROR,
"test-option is given but the :validate "
+ "capability is not supported by server");
out.println("<" + nc + "test-option>test-then-set" + nc
+ "test-option>");
if (!capabilities.hasValidate()) {
throw new JNCException(JNCException.SESSION_ERROR,
"test-option is given but the :validate "
+ "capability is not supported by server");
out.println("<" + nc + "test-option>test-only" + nc
+ "test-option>");
throw new JNCException(JNCException.SESSION_ERROR,
"unknown test-option value: " + testOption);
* Encode error-option for editConfig
void encode_errorOption(Transport out) throws JNCException {
switch (errorOption) {
case NOT_SET:
out.println("<" + nc + "error-option>stop-on-error" + nc
+ "error-option>");
out.println("<" + nc + "error-option>continue-on-error" + nc
+ "error-option>");
if (!capabilities.hasRollbackOnError()) {
throw new JNCException(JNCException.SESSION_ERROR,
"the :rollback-on-error capability "
+ "is used but not supported by server");
out.println("<" + nc + "error-option>rollback-on-error" + nc
+ "error-option>");
throw new JNCException(JNCException.SESSION_ERROR,
"unknown error-option value: " + errorOption);
* Encode the <copy-config>. Example:
* <rpc message-id="101"
* xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
* <copy-config>
* <target><running/></target>
* <default-operation>none</default-operation>
* <config>
* <top xmlns="http://example.com/schema/1.2/config">
* <interface>
* <name>Ethernet0/0</name>
* <mtu>1500</mtu>
* </interface>
* </top>
* </config>
* </copy-config>
* </rpc>
int encode_copyConfig(Transport out, Element sourceTree, String target)
throws JNCException {
return encode_copyConfig(out, new NodeSet(sourceTree), target);
* If we have multiple top nodes in our schema, we must pass a NodeSet to
* the copyConfig oeration
int encode_copyConfig(Transport out, NodeSet sourceTrees, String target)
throws JNCException {
final int mid = encode_rpc_begin(out);
out.println("<" + nc + COPY_CONFIG_GT);
out.print("<" + nc + TARGET_GT);
out.println("" + nc + TARGET_GT);
out.println("<" + nc + SOURCE_GT);
out.println("<" + nc + CONFIG_GT);
sourceTrees.encode(out, capabilities);
out.println("" + nc + CONFIG_GT);
out.println("" + nc + SOURCE_GT);
out.println("" + nc + COPY_CONFIG_GT);
return mid;
* Encode the <copy-config>. Example:
* <rpc message-id="101"
* xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
* <copy-config>
* <target><running/></target>
* <default-operation>none</default-operation>
* <config>
* <top xmlns="http://example.com/schema/1.2/config">
* <interface>
* <name>Ethernet0/0</name>
* <mtu>1500</mtu>
* </interface>
* </top>
* </config>
* </copy-config>
* </rpc>
int encode_copyConfig(Transport out, String source, String target)
throws JNCException {
final int mid = encode_rpc_begin(out, withDefaultsAttr);
out.println("<" + nc + COPY_CONFIG_GT);
out.print("<" + nc + TARGET_GT);
out.println("" + nc + TARGET_GT);
out.print("<" + nc + SOURCE_GT);
out.println("" + nc + SOURCE_GT);
out.println("" + nc + COPY_CONFIG_GT);
return mid;
* Encode the <delete-config>. Example:
* <rpc message-id="101"
* xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
* <delete-config>
* <target>
* <startup/>
* </target>
* </delete-config>
* </rpc>
int encode_deleteConfig(Transport out, String target) {
final int mid = encode_rpc_begin(out);
out.println("<" + nc + "delete-config>");
out.print("<" + nc + TARGET_GT);
out.println("" + nc + TARGET_GT);
out.println("" + nc + "delete-config>");
return mid;
* Encode the <lock>. Example:
* <rpc message-id="101"
* xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
* <lock>
* <target><running/></target>
* </lock>
* </rpc>
int encode_lock(Transport out, String target) {
final int mid = encode_rpc_begin(out);
out.println("<" + nc + "lock>");
out.print("<" + nc + TARGET_GT);
out.println("" + nc + TARGET_GT);
out.println("" + nc + "lock>");
return mid;
* Encode the <unlock>. Example:
* <rpc message-id="101"
* xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
* <unlock>
* <target><running/></target>
* </unlock>
* </rpc>
int encode_unlock(Transport out, String target) {
final int mid = encode_rpc_begin(out);
out.println("<" + nc + "unlock>");
out.print("<" + nc + TARGET_GT);
out.println("" + nc + TARGET_GT);
out.println("" + nc + "unlock>");
return mid;
* Encode the <partial-lock>. Example:
* <nc:rpc
* xmlns:nc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0"
* xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:partial-lock:1.0"
* xmlns:rte="http://example.com/ns/route">
* xmlns:if="http://example.com/ns/interface">
* nc:message-id="135">
* <partial-lock>
* <target>
* <running/>
* </target>
* <select>/routing/virtualRouter['routerName=router1']</select>
* <select>/interfaces/['interfaceId=eth1']</select>
* </partial-lock>
* </rpc>
int encode_lockPartial(Transport out, String[] select) {
final String prefix = Element.defaultPrefixes
final String pl = mk_prefix_colon(prefix);
final String xmlnsAttr = mk_xmlns_attr(prefix,
final int mid = encode_rpc_begin(out);
out.println("<" + pl + "partial-lock " + xmlnsAttr + ">");
for (int i = 0; i < select.length; i++) {
out.print("<" + pl + "select>");
out.println("" + pl + "select>");
out.println("" + pl + "partial-lock>");
return mid;
* Encode the <partial-unlock>. Example:
* <nc:rpc xmlns:nc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0"
* xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:partial-lock:1.0"
* nc:message-id="136">
* <partial-unlock>
* <lock-id>127</lock-id>
* </partial-unlock>
int encode_unlockPartial(Transport out, int lockId) {
final String prefix = Element.defaultPrefixes
final String pl = mk_prefix_colon(prefix);
final String xmlnsAttr = mk_xmlns_attr(prefix,
final int mid = encode_rpc_begin(out);
out.println("<" + pl + "partial-unlock " + xmlnsAttr + ">");
out.print("<" + pl + "lock-id>");
out.println("" + pl + "lock-id>");
out.println("" + pl + "partial-unlock>");
return mid;
* Encode the <commit>. Example:
* <rpc message-id="101"
* xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
* <commit/>
* </rpc>
int encode_commit(Transport out) {
final int mid = encode_rpc_begin(out);
out.println("<" + nc + "commit/>");
return mid;
* Encode the <commit>. (confirmed) Example:
* <rpc message-id="101"
* xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
* <commit>
* <confirmed/>
* <confirm-timeout>120</confirm-timeout>
* </commit>
* </rpc>
int encode_confirmedCommit(Transport out, int timeout) {
final int mid = encode_rpc_begin(out);
out.println("<" + nc + "commit>");
out.println("<" + nc + "confirmed/>");
out.print("<" + nc + "confirm-timeout>");
out.println("" + nc + "confirm-timeout>");
out.println("" + nc + "commit>");
return mid;
* Encode the <discard-changes>. Example:
* <rpc message-id="101"
* xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
* <discard-changes/>
* </rpc>
int encode_discardChanges(Transport out) {
final int mid = encode_rpc_begin(out);
out.println("<" + nc + "discard-changes/>");
return mid;
* Encode the <close-session>. Example:
* <rpc message-id="101"
* xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
* <close-session/>
* </rpc>
int encode_closeSession(Transport out) {
final int mid = encode_rpc_begin(out);
out.println("<" + nc + "close-session/>");
return mid;
* Encode the <kill-session>. Example:
* <rpc message-id="101"
* xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
* <kill-session>
* <session-id>4</session-id>
* </kill-session>
* </rpc>
int encode_killSession(Transport out, long sessionId) {
final int mid = encode_rpc_begin(out);
out.println("<" + nc + "kill-session>");
out.print("<" + nc + "session-id>");
out.println("" + nc + "session-id>");
out.println("" + nc + "kill-session>");
return mid;
* Encode the <validate>. Example:
* <rpc message-id="101"
* xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
* <validate>
* <source>
* <config>
* <top xmlns="http://example.com/schema/1.2/config">
* <interface>
* <name>Ethernet0/0</name>
* <mtu>1500</mtu>
* </interface>
* </top>
* </config>
* </source>
* </validate>
* </rpc>
int encode_validate(Transport out, Element configTree)
throws JNCException {
final int mid = encode_rpc_begin(out);
out.println("<" + nc + VALIDATE_GT);
out.println("<" + nc + SOURCE_GT);
out.println("<" + nc + CONFIG_GT);
configTree.encode(out, true, capabilities);
out.println("" + nc + CONFIG_GT);
out.println("" + nc + SOURCE_GT);
out.println("" + nc + VALIDATE_GT);
return mid;
* Encode the <validate>. Example:
* <rpc message-id="101"
* xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
* <validate>
* <source><candidate/></source>
* </validate>
* </rpc>
int encode_validate(Transport out, String source) {
final int mid = encode_rpc_begin(out);
out.println("<" + nc + VALIDATE_GT);
out.print("<" + nc + SOURCE_GT);
out.println("" + nc + SOURCE_GT);
out.println("" + nc + VALIDATE_GT);
return mid;
* Encode the <create-subscription>. Example:
* <rpc message-id="101"
* xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
* <create-subscription
* xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:notification:1.0'>
* </create-subscription>
* </rpc>
int encode_createSubscription(Transport out, String stream,
String filter, String startTime, String stopTime) {
final String prefix = Element.defaultPrefixes
final String ncn = mk_prefix_colon(prefix);
final String xmlnsAttr = mk_xmlns_attr(prefix,
final int mid = encode_rpc_begin(out);
out.println("<" + ncn + "create-subscription " + xmlnsAttr + ">");
if (stream != null) {
out.print("<" + ncn + STREAM_GT);
out.println("" + ncn + STREAM_GT);
if (filter != null) {
out.print("<" + ncn + FILTER + ncn + "type='xpath'>");
out.println("" + ncn + FILTER_GT);
if (startTime != null) {
out.print("<" + ncn + START_TIME_GT);
out.println("" + ncn + START_TIME_GT);
if (stopTime != null) {
out.print("<" + ncn + STOP_TIME_GT);
out.println("" + ncn + STOP_TIME_GT);
out.println("" + ncn + "create-subscription>");
return mid;
* Encode the <create-subscription>. Example:
* <rpc message-id="101"
* xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
* <create-subscription
* xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:notification:1.0'>
* </create-subscription>
* </rpc>
int encode_createSubscription(Transport out, String stream,
NodeSet eventFilter, String startTime, String stopTime)
throws JNCException {
final String prefix = Element.defaultPrefixes
final String ncn = mk_prefix_colon(prefix);
final String xmlnsAttr = mk_xmlns_attr(prefix,
final int mid = encode_rpc_begin(out);
out.println("<" + ncn + "create-subscription " + xmlnsAttr + ">");
if (stream != null) {
out.print("<" + ncn + STREAM_GT);
out.println("" + ncn + STREAM_GT);
if (eventFilter != null) {
out.print("<" + ncn + FILTER + ncn + "type='subtree'>");
eventFilter.encode(out, capabilities);
out.println("" + ncn + FILTER_GT);
if (startTime != null) {
out.print("<" + ncn + START_TIME_GT);
out.println("" + ncn + START_TIME_GT);
if (stopTime != null) {
out.print("<" + ncn + STOP_TIME_GT);
out.println("" + ncn + STOP_TIME_GT);
out.println("" + ncn + "create-subscription>");
return mid;
* Encodes an Element tree (data) and sends it to out.
* Example:
* <rpc message-id="101"
* xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
* <action xmlns="http://tail-f.com/ns/netconf/actions/1.0">
* <data>
* <interfaces xmlns="http://example.com/interfaces/1.0">
* <interface>
* <name>eth0</name>
* <reset/>
* </interface>
* </interfaces>
* </data>
* </action>
* </rpc>
* @param out The transport interface to send the action to
* @param data Element tree representing the action
* @throws JNCException if unable to encode data
void encode_action(Transport out, Element data) throws JNCException {
final String prefix = Element.defaultPrefixes.nsToPrefix(Capabilities.NS_ACTIONS);
final String act = mk_prefix_colon(prefix);
final String xmlnsAttr = mk_xmlns_attr(prefix, Capabilities.NS_ACTIONS);
out.println("<" + act + "action " + xmlnsAttr + ">");
out.print("<" + act + "data>");
out.println("" + act + "data>");
out.println("" + act + "action>");
/* help functions */
* Help function to make prefix. Returns either: "PREFIX:" or "".
* @param prefix
* @return "unknown:" if prefix is null, an empty string if prefix is
* empty, otherwise prefix appended with a colon.
String mk_prefix_colon(String prefix) {
if (prefix == null) {
return "unknown:";
return (prefix.isEmpty()) ? "" : prefix + ":";
* Help function to make xmlns attr from prefix and namespace. Returns
* either: "xmlns=NAMESPACE" or "xmlns:PREFIX=NAMESPACE".
String mk_xmlns_attr(String prefix, String ns) {
if (prefix == null) {
return "xmlns:unknown=\"" + ns + "\"";
if (prefix.equals("")) {
return "xmlns=\"" + ns + "\"";
} else {
return "xmlns:" + prefix + "=\"" + ns + "\"";
* Printout trace if 'debug'-flag is enabled.
private static void trace(String s) {
if (Element.debugLevel >= Element.DEBUG_LEVEL_SESSION) {
System.err.println("*NetconfSession: " + s);
* Checks that message id attribute of t is mid. If mid is null, no check
* is performed.
* @param t rpc-reply Element tree
* @param mid message id to check for
* @throws JNCException if there is a message id mismatch
void check_mid(Element t, String mid) throws JNCException {
if (mid == null) {
final String returned_id = t.getAttrValue("message-id");
if (returned_id == null || (!returned_id.equals(mid))) {
throw new JNCException(JNCException.MESSAGE_ID_MISMATCH,
"After sending rpc with message-id=" + mid
+ ", received rpc-reply with message-id="
+ returned_id);