Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.FontMetrics;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Function;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import javax.imageio.ImageReadParam;
import javax.imageio.ImageReader;
import com.ajaxjs.util.logger.LogHelper;
* 图片助手类
* BufferedImage是Image的一个子类,BufferedImage生成的图片在内存里有一个图像缓冲区,利用这个缓冲区我们可以很方便的操作这个图片,通常用来做图片修改操作如大小变换、图片变灰、设置图片透明或不透明等
* @author sp42 [email protected]
public class ImageHelper {
private static final LogHelper LOGGER = LogHelper.getLog(ImageHelper.class);
public File file;
public int width;
public int height;
* 提供一些方便的属性
* @param filePath 图片文件完整路径
public ImageHelper(String filePath) {
file = new File(filePath);
Integer[] arr = getBufferedImgSize.apply(getImg(file));
width = arr[0];
height = arr[1];
* 根据文件名获取图片对象
* @param filePath 图片文件完整路径
* @return 图片对象
public static BufferedImage getImg(String filePath) {
return getImg(new File(filePath));
* 根据 文件对象获取图片对象
* @param file 文件对象
* @return 图片对象
public static BufferedImage getImg(File file) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
* BufferedImage 转换为 byte[]。 在传输中,图片是不能直接传的,因此需要把图片变为字节数组,然后传输比较方便。
* @param bImg 缓冲图片对象
* @param format 图片格式,例如 "jpg"
* @return 图片字节码
public static byte[] img2byte(BufferedImage bImg, String format) {
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(IoHelper.BUFFER_SIZE);// 1024 指定缓冲大小
try {
ImageIO.write(bImg, format, out);
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
return out.toByteArray();
* 缓冲图片对象工厂函数
public static final BiFunction getBufferedImg = (width,
height) -> new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
* 获取图片对象分辨率大小。 数组中 0 = width 1 = height
public static final Function getImgSize = img -> new Integer[] { img.getWidth(null),
img.getHeight(null) };
* 获取缓冲图片对象分辨率大小。 数组中 0 = width 1 = height
public static final Function getBufferedImgSize = img -> new Integer[] { img.getWidth(),
img.getHeight() };
* 按照一定范围控制图片的高宽
* @param originWidth 图片原始尺寸
* @param originHeight
* @param maxWidth 最大尺寸限制
* @param maxHeight
* @return 0=宽、1=高
public static int[] resize(Integer originWidth, Integer originHeight, Integer maxWidth, Integer maxHeight) {
// 目标尺寸
int targetWidth = originWidth, targetHeight = originHeight;
// 图片尺寸超过400x400的限制
if (originWidth > maxWidth || originHeight > maxHeight) {
if (originWidth / originHeight > maxWidth / maxHeight) {
// 更宽,按照宽度限定尺寸
targetWidth = maxWidth;
targetHeight = Math.round(maxWidth * (originHeight.floatValue() / originWidth.floatValue()));
} else {
targetHeight = maxHeight;
targetWidth = Math.round(maxHeight * (originWidth.floatValue() / originHeight.floatValue()));
return new int[] { targetWidth, targetHeight };
* 缩放比例
* @param img 图片对象
* @param height
* @param width
* @return 缩放比例之后的高宽
public int[] resize(Image img, int height, int width) {
Integer[] arr = getImgSize.apply(img);
int oWidth = arr[0], oHeight = arr[1];
double ratio = (new Integer(oHeight)).doubleValue() / (new Integer(oWidth)).doubleValue();
if (width != 0) {
height = (int) (ratio * width);
} else {
width = (int) (height / ratio);
return new int[] { height, width };
* 拉伸图片到指定尺寸
* @param img 缓冲图片对象
* @param width 宽
* @param height 高
* @return 指定尺寸的缓冲图片对象
public static BufferedImage resizeImg(Image img, int width, int height) {
BufferedImage sImg = getBufferedImg.apply(width, height);
sImg.getGraphics().drawImage(img, 0, 0, width, height, null);
return sImg;
* 修正 jpg 输出红色一层的问题
* @param bImg 缓冲图片对象
* @return 缓冲图片对象
public static BufferedImage fixICC(BufferedImage bImg) {
Integer[] arr = getBufferedImgSize.apply(bImg);
int w = arr[0], h = arr[1];
int[] rgb = bImg.getRGB(0, 0, w, h, null, 0, w);
BufferedImage _bImg = getBufferedImg.apply(w, h);
_bImg.setRGB(0, 0, w, h, rgb, 0, w);
return _bImg;
* 加入边框
* @param bImg 缓冲图片对象
* @param borderWidth 边框宽度
* @param borderColor 边框颜色
* @return 加入边框的图片
public static BufferedImage addBorder(BufferedImage bImg, int borderWidth, Color borderColor) {
Integer[] arr = getBufferedImgSize.apply(bImg);
int w = arr[0], h = arr[1];
Graphics2D g = bImg.createGraphics();
BufferedImage imageNew = g.getDeviceConfiguration().createCompatibleImage(w + borderWidth * 2,
h + borderWidth * 2);// 最终高宽
g = imageNew.createGraphics();
g.drawImage(bImg, borderWidth, borderWidth, w, h, null);
// 添加边框
g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(borderWidth));
g.drawRect(borderWidth / 2, borderWidth / 2, w + borderWidth, h + borderWidth);
return imageNew;
* 保存图片文件。 TODO 其实可以考虑使用 bufferedWrite(InputStream is, OutputStream out) 保存的
* 《使用ImageIO.write存储png格式图片性能较差问题》
* @param bImg 缓冲图片对象
* @param format 图片格式,例如 "jpg"
* @param file 图片文件对象
* @return 是否操作成功
public static boolean save(BufferedImage bImg, String format, File file) {
try {
return ImageIO.write(bImg, format, file);
} catch (IOException e) {
return false;
* 保存图片文件
* @param bImg 缓冲图片对象
* @param file 保存的文件对象
* @param isFixICC 是否修复 jpg 输出红色一层的问题
public static void save(BufferedImage bImg, File file, boolean isFixICC) {
String fileName = file.getName();
String ext = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1).toLowerCase();
FileHelper.mkDirByFileName(file.getPath()); // 如果目录不存在,先创建
save(isFixICC ? fixICC(bImg) : bImg, ext, file);
* 保存图片文件
* @param bImg 缓冲图片对象
* @param filePath 保存的文件路径
public static void save(BufferedImage bImg, String filePath) {
save(bImg, new File(filePath), false);
* 保存图片文件
* @param bImg 缓冲图片对象
* @param file 保存的文件对象
public static void save(BufferedImage bImg, File file) {
save(bImg, file, false);
* 保存图片文件
* @param bImg 缓冲图片对象
* @param filePath 保存的文件路径
* @param isFixICC 是否修复 jpg 输出红色一层的问题
public static void save(BufferedImage bImg, String filePath, boolean isFixICC) {
save(bImg, new File(filePath), isFixICC);
* 旋转图片
* @param img 图片对象
* @param angel 旋转角度
* @return 缓冲图片对象
public static BufferedImage rotate(Image img, int angel) {
Integer[] arr = getImgSize.apply(img);
int width = arr[0], height = arr[1];
// calculate the new image size
Rectangle rect_des = calcRotatedSize(new Rectangle(new Dimension(width, height)), angel);
BufferedImage bImg = getBufferedImg.apply(rect_des.width, rect_des.height);
Graphics2D g = bImg.createGraphics();
g.translate((rect_des.width - width) / 2, (rect_des.height - height) / 2);// transform
g.rotate(Math.toRadians(angel), width / 2, height / 2);
g.drawImage(img, null, null);
return bImg;
* @param src
* @param angel 旋转角度
* @return 矩形
public static Rectangle calcRotatedSize(Rectangle src, int angel) {
// if angel is greater than 90 degree, we need to do some conversion
if (angel >= 90) {
if (angel / 90 % 2 == 1) {
int temp = src.height;
src.height = src.width;
src.width = temp;
angel = angel % 90;
double r = Math.sqrt(src.height * src.height + src.width * src.width) / 2;
double len = 2 * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(angel) / 2) * r;
double angel_alpha = (Math.PI - Math.toRadians(angel)) / 2;
double angel_dalta_width = Math.atan((double) src.height / src.width);
double angel_dalta_height = Math.atan((double) src.width / src.height);
int len_dalta_width = (int) (len * Math.cos(Math.PI - angel_alpha - angel_dalta_width));
int len_dalta_height = (int) (len * Math.cos(Math.PI - angel_alpha - angel_dalta_height));
int des_width = src.width + len_dalta_width * 2;
int des_height = src.height + len_dalta_height * 2;
return new Rectangle(new Dimension(des_width, des_height));
* 为图片添加水印图片
* @param img 图片对象
* @param watermark 水印文件
* @return 缓冲图片对象
public static BufferedImage mark(Image img, File watermark) {
Image watermarkImg = getImg(watermark);
Integer[] arr = getImgSize.apply(img), wArr = getImgSize.apply(watermarkImg);
int width = arr[0], height = arr[1], w_width = wArr[0], w_height = wArr[1];
BufferedImage bImg = getBufferedImg.apply(width, height);
Graphics g = bImg.createGraphics();
g.drawImage(img, 0, 0, width, height, null);
g.drawImage(watermarkImg, width - w_width, height - w_height, w_width, w_height, null);// 水印文件在源文件的右下角
return bImg;
* 图片裁切
* @param x 选择区域左上角的x坐标
* @param y 选择区域左上角的y坐标
* @param width 选择区域的宽度
* @param height 选择区域的高度
* @return 缓冲图片对象
public static BufferedImage cut(String filePath, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
Iterator it = ImageIO.getImageReadersByFormatName(FileHelper.getFileSuffix(filePath));
ImageReader reader =;
try (ImageInputStream in = ImageIO.createImageInputStream(new FileInputStream(filePath));) {
reader.setInput(in, true);
ImageReadParam param = reader.getDefaultReadParam();
param.setSourceRegion(new Rectangle(x, y, width, height));
return, param);
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
* 为图片添加水印文字
* @param img 图片对象
* @param watermark 水印文字
* @return 缓冲图片对象
public static BufferedImage mark(Image img, String watermark) {
// 读取原图片信息
Integer[] arr = getImgSize.apply(img);
int width = arr[0], height = arr[1];
// 加水印
BufferedImage bImg = getBufferedImg.apply(width, height);
Graphics2D g = bImg.createGraphics();
g.drawImage(img, 0, 0, width, height, null);
g.setColor(Color.white); // 根据图片的背景设置水印颜色
Font font = new Font("楷书", Font.PLAIN, 15);
// int x = (srcImgWidth - getWatermarkLength(watermarkStr, g)) / 1;
// int y = srcImgHeight / 1;
FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(font);
// 设置换行操作
int fontHeight = fm.getHeight(); // 字符的高度
int offsetLeft = 30, rowIndex = 12;
for (int i = 0; i < watermark.length(); i++) {
char c = watermark.charAt(i);
int charWidth = fm.charWidth(c); // 字符的宽度
// 另起一行
if (Character.isISOControl(c) || offsetLeft >= (width - charWidth)) {
offsetLeft = 16;
g.drawString(String.valueOf(c), offsetLeft, rowIndex * fontHeight); // 把一个个写到图片上
offsetLeft += charWidth; // 设置下字符的间距
// g.drawString(watermarkStr, x+10, y-5);
return bImg;
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