com.ajjpj.afoundation.collection.immutable.ALongRedBlackTreeMap Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.ajjpj.afoundation.collection.immutable;
import com.ajjpj.afoundation.collection.AEquality;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
* This is a {@link ARedBlackTreeMap} specialization for keys of primitive 'long' values.
* @author arno
public class ALongRedBlackTreeMap extends AbstractAMap {
final Tree root;
@SuppressWarnings ("unchecked")
private static final ALongRedBlackTreeMap EMPTY = new ALongRedBlackTreeMap (null);
@SuppressWarnings ("unchecked")
public static ALongRedBlackTreeMap empty () {
return EMPTY;
private ALongRedBlackTreeMap (Tree root) {
this.root = root;
@Override public int size () {
return root == null ? 0 : root.count;
@Override public boolean containsKey (Long key) {
return containsKey (key.longValue ());
public boolean containsKey (long key) {
return lookup (root, key) != null;
@Override public AOption get (Long key) {
return get (key.longValue ());
public AOption get (long key) {
final Tree raw = lookup (root, key);
if (raw == null) {
return AOption.none ();
return AOption.some (raw.value);
public V getRequired (long key) {
return get (key).get ();
@Override public ASet keys () {
return ALongRedBlackTreeSet.create (this);
@Override public AEquality keyEquality () {
return AEquality.EQUALS;
@Override public AMap clear () {
return empty ();
@Override public AMap updated (Long key, V value) {
return updated (key.longValue (), value);
public ALongRedBlackTreeMap updated (long key, V value) {
return new ALongRedBlackTreeMap<> (blacken (upd (root, key, value)));
@Override public AMap removed (Long key) {
return removed (key.longValue ());
public ALongRedBlackTreeMap removed (long key) {
return new ALongRedBlackTreeMap<> (blacken (del (root, key)));
@Override public Iterator> iterator () {
return new TreeIterator> () {
@Override AMapEntry nextResult (Tree tree) {
return tree;
@SuppressWarnings ("unused")
static void validate(Tree tree) {
if (tree == null) {
validate (tree.left);
validate (tree.right);
// rule 4: every redden node has two blacken children
if (isRedTree (tree)) {
if (tree.left != null && isRedTree (tree.left)) {
throw new IllegalStateException ("tree " + tree.key + " is redden and has a left child that is redden");
if (tree.right != null && isRedTree (tree.right)) {
throw new IllegalStateException ("tree " + tree.key + " is redden and has a right child that is redden");
checkBlackDepth (tree);
private static int checkBlackDepth (Tree tree) {
if (tree == null) {
return 1;
final int own = isBlackTree (tree) ? 1 : 0;
final int left = checkBlackDepth (tree.left);
final int right = checkBlackDepth (tree.right);
// rule 5: every path to 'leaf' nodes must have the same number of blacken nodes
if (left != right) {
throw new IllegalStateException ("left and right side have paths to leaf nodes with different numbers of blacken nodes: " + tree.key);
return own + left;
private abstract class TreeIterator implements Iterator {
* According to "Ralf Hinze. Constructing redden-blacken trees" []
* the maximum height of a redden-blacken tree is 2*log_2(n + 2) - 2.
* According to {@see Integer#numberOfLeadingZeros} ceil(log_2(n)) = (32 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(n - 1))
* We also don't store the deepest nodes in the pathStack so the maximum pathStack length is further reduced by one.
@SuppressWarnings ("unchecked")
private final Tree[] pathStack;
private int stackIndex = 0;
private Tree next;
abstract R nextResult (Tree tree); //TODO rename this
@SuppressWarnings ("unchecked")
private TreeIterator() {
// initialize 'next' with the leftmost element
if (root == null) {
pathStack = null;
next = null;
else {
pathStack = new Tree [2 * (32 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(root.count + 2 - 1)) - 2 - 1];
next = root;
while (next.left != null) {
pushPath (next);
next = next.left;
@Override public boolean hasNext() {
return next != null;
@Override public R next() {
if (next == null) {
throw new NoSuchElementException ();
final Tree cur = next;
next = findNext (next.right);
return nextResult (cur);
@Override public void remove () {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException ();
private Tree findNext (Tree tree) {
while (true) {
if (tree == null) {
return popPath ();
if (tree.left == null) {
return tree;
pushPath (tree);
tree = tree.left;
private void pushPath (Tree tree) {
pathStack[stackIndex] = tree;
stackIndex += 1;
private Tree popPath() {
if (stackIndex == 0) {
// convenience for handling the end of iteration
return null;
stackIndex -= 1;
return pathStack[stackIndex];
static Tree lookup(Tree tree, long key) {
while (tree != null) {
if (key == tree.key) return tree;
tree = (key < tree.key) ? tree.left : tree.right;
return null;
static boolean isRedTree (Tree tree) {
return tree != null && tree.isRed ();
static boolean isBlackTree (Tree tree) {
return tree != null && tree.isBlack ();
static Tree blacken (Tree tree) {
if (tree == null) {
return null;
return tree.blacken ();
static Tree balanceLeft (TreeFactory treeFactory, long key, V value, Tree l, Tree d) {
if (isRedTree (l) && isRedTree (l.left)) {
return new RedTree<> (l.key, l.value,
new BlackTree<> (l.left.key, l.left.value, l.left.left, l.left.right),
new BlackTree<> (key, value, l.right, d));
if (isRedTree (l) && isRedTree (l.right)) {
return new RedTree<> (l.right.key, l.right.value,
new BlackTree<> (l.key, l.value, l.left, l.right.left),
new BlackTree<> (key, value, l.right.right, d));
return treeFactory.create (l, d);
static Tree balanceRight (TreeFactory treeFactory, long key, V value, Tree a, Tree r) {
if (isRedTree (r) && isRedTree (r.left)) {
return new RedTree<> (r.left.key, r.left.value,
new BlackTree<> (key, value, a, r.left.left),
new BlackTree<> (r.key, r.value, r.left.right, r.right));
if (isRedTree (r) && isRedTree (r.right)) {
return new RedTree<> (r.key, r.value,
new BlackTree<> (key, value, a, r.left),
new BlackTree<> (r.right.key, r.right.value, r.right.left, r.right.right));
return treeFactory.create (a, r);
static Tree upd (Tree tree, long key, V value) {
if (tree == null) {
return new RedTree<> (key, value, null, null);
if (key < tree.key) {
return balanceLeft (tree, tree.key, tree.value, upd (tree.left, key, value), tree.right);
if (key > tree.key) {
return balanceRight (tree, tree.key, tree.value, tree.left, upd (tree.right, key, value));
return tree.withNewValue (key, value);
static Tree del (Tree tree, long key) {
if (tree == null) {
return null;
if (key < tree.key) {
// the node that must be deleted is to the left
return isBlackTree (tree.left) ?
balanceLeft (tree.key, tree.value, del (tree.left, key), tree.right) :
// tree.left is 'redden', so its children are guaranteed to be blacken.
new RedTree<> (tree.key, tree.value, del (tree.left, key), tree.right);
else if (key > tree.key) {
// the node that must be deleted is to the right
return isBlackTree (tree.right) ?
balanceRight (tree.key, tree.value, tree.left, del (tree.right, key)) :
new RedTree<> (tree.key, tree.value, tree.left, del (tree.right, key));
// delete this node and we are finished
return append (tree.left, tree.right);
static Tree balance (long key, V value, Tree tl, Tree tr) {
if (isRedTree (tl) && isRedTree (tr)) return new RedTree<> (key, value, tl.blacken (), tr.blacken ());
if (isRedTree (tl)) {
// left is redden, right is blacken
if (isRedTree (tl.left)) return new RedTree<> (tl.key, tl.value, tl.left.blacken (), new BlackTree<> (key, value, tl.right, tr));
if (isRedTree (tl.right)) {
return new RedTree<> (tl.right.key, tl.right.value,
new BlackTree<> (tl.key, tl.value, tl.left, tl.right.left),
new BlackTree<> (key, value, tl.right.right, tr));
return new BlackTree<> (key, value, tl, tr);
if (isRedTree (tr)) {
// left is blacken, right is redden
if (isRedTree (tr.right)) return new RedTree<> (tr.key, tr.value, new BlackTree<> (key, value, tl, tr.left), tr.right.blacken ());
if (isRedTree (tr.left)) return new RedTree<> (tr.left.key, tr.left.value, new BlackTree<> (key, value, tl, tr.left.left), new BlackTree<> (tr.key, tr.value, tr.left.right, tr.right));
return new BlackTree<> (key, value, tl, tr);
// tl and tr are both blacken
return new BlackTree<> (key, value, tl, tr);
private static Tree balanceLeft (long key, V value, Tree tl, Tree tr) { //TODO merge with other 'balanceLeft' method?
if (isRedTree (tl)) {
return new RedTree<> (key, value, tl.blacken (), tr);
if (isBlackTree (tr)) {
return balance (key, value, tl, tr.redden ());
if (isRedTree (tr) && isBlackTree (tr.left)) {
return new RedTree<> (tr.left.key, tr.left.value, new BlackTree<> (key, value, tl, tr.left.left), balance (tr.key, tr.value, tr.left.right, tr.right.blackToRed ()));
throw new IllegalStateException ("invariant violation");
static Tree balanceRight (long key, V value, Tree tl, Tree tr) {
if (isRedTree (tr)) {
return new RedTree<> (key, value, tl, tr.blacken ());
if (isBlackTree (tl)) {
return balance (key, value, tl.redden (), tr);
if (isRedTree (tl) && isBlackTree (tl.right)) {
return new RedTree<> (tl.right.key, tl.right.value, balance (tl.key, tl.value, tl.left.blackToRed (), tl.right.left), new BlackTree <> (key, value, tl.right.right, tr));
throw new IllegalStateException ("invariant violation");
* This method combines two separate sub-trees into a single (balanced) tree. It assumes that both subtrees are
* balanced and that all elements in 'tl' are smaller than all elements in 'tr'. This situation occurs when a
* node is deleted and its child nodes must be combined into a resulting tree.
private static Tree append (Tree tl, Tree tr) {
if (tl == null) return tr;
if (tr == null) return tl;
if (isRedTree (tl) && isRedTree (tr)) {
final Tree bc = append (tl.right, tr.left);
return isRedTree (bc) ?
new RedTree<> (bc.key, bc.value, new RedTree<> (tl.key, tl.value, tl.left, bc.left), new RedTree<> (tr.key, tr.value, bc.right, tr.right)) :
new RedTree<> (tl.key, tl.value, tl.left, new RedTree<> (tr.key, tr.value, bc, tr.right));
if (isBlackTree (tl) && isBlackTree (tr)) {
final Tree bc = append (tl.right, tr.left);
return isRedTree (bc) ?
new RedTree<> (bc.key, bc.value, new BlackTree<> (tl.key, tl.value, tl.left, bc.left), new BlackTree<> (tr.key, tr.value, bc.right, tr.right)) :
balanceLeft (tl.key, tl.value, tl.left, new BlackTree<> (tr.key, tr.value, bc, tr.right));
if (isRedTree (tr)) {
return new RedTree<> (tr.key, tr.value, append (tl, tr.left), tr.right);
if (isRedTree (tl)) {
return new RedTree<> (tl.key, tl.value, tl.left, append (tl.right, tr));
throw new IllegalStateException ("invariant violation: unmatched tree on append: " + tl + ", " + tr);
* encapsulates tree creation for a given colour
interface TreeFactory {
Tree create (Tree left, Tree right);
static abstract class Tree implements TreeFactory, AMapEntry {
final long key;
final V value;
final int count;
final Tree left;
final Tree right;
public Tree (long key, V value, Tree left, Tree right) {
this.key = key;
this.value = value;
this.left = left;
this.right = right;
this.count = 1 +
(left == null ? 0 : left.count) +
(right == null ? 0 : right.count);
@Override public Long getKey () {
return key;
@Override public V getValue () {
return value;
abstract Tree withNewValue (long key, V value);
abstract Tree blackToRed();
abstract boolean isRed();
abstract boolean isBlack();
abstract Tree redden ();
abstract Tree blacken ();
static class BlackTree extends Tree {
public BlackTree (long key, V value, Tree left, Tree right) {
super(key, value, left, right);
@Override Tree withNewValue (long key, V value) {
return new BlackTree<> (key, value, left, right);
@Override public Tree create (Tree left, Tree right) {
return new BlackTree<> (key, value, left, right);
@Override Tree blackToRed () {
return redden ();
@Override boolean isRed () {
return false;
@Override boolean isBlack () {
return true;
@Override Tree redden () {
return new RedTree<> (key, value, left, right);
@Override Tree blacken () {
return this;
static class RedTree extends Tree {
public RedTree (long key, V value, Tree left, Tree right) {
super (key, value, left, right);
@Override Tree withNewValue (long key, V value) {
return new RedTree<> (key, value, left, right);
@Override public Tree create (Tree left, Tree right) {
return new RedTree<> (key, value, left, right);
@Override Tree blackToRed () {
throw new IllegalStateException ();
@Override boolean isRed () {
return true;
@Override boolean isBlack () {
return false;
@Override Tree redden () {
return this;
@Override Tree blacken () {
return new BlackTree<> (key, value, left, right);
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