Alachisoft.NCache.Common.Protector Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package Alachisoft.NCache.Common;
//Basit: Commented: Helper class to encrypt and decrypt connection string info
* Helper class to encrypt and decrypt connection string info
public class Protector {
// public static String DecryptString(String txtString)
// {
// // If the variable is blank, return the input
// if (txtString.equals(""))
// {
// return txtString;
// }
// // Create an instance of the encryption API
// // We assume the key has been encrypted on this machine and not by a user
// DataProtector dp = new DataProtector(Store.Machine);
// // Use the API to decrypt the connection string
// // API works with bytes so we need to convert to and from byte arrays
////C# TO JAVA CONVERTER WARNING: Unsigned integer types have no direct equivalent in Java:
////ORIGINAL LINE: byte[] decryptedData = dp.Decrypt(Convert.FromBase64String(txtString), null);
// byte[] decryptedData = dp.Decrypt(Convert.FromBase64String(txtString), null);
// // Return the decyrpted data to the string
// return Encoding.ASCII.GetString(decryptedData);
// }
// public static String EncryptString(String encryptedString)
// {
// // Create an instance of the encryption API
// // We assume the key has been encrypted on this machine and not by a user
// DataProtector dp = new DataProtector(Store.Machine);
// // Use the API to encrypt the connection string
// // API works with bytes so we need to convert to and from byte arrays
////C# TO JAVA CONVERTER WARNING: Unsigned integer types have no direct equivalent in Java:
////ORIGINAL LINE: byte[] dataBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(encryptedString);
// byte[] dataBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(encryptedString);
////C# TO JAVA CONVERTER WARNING: Unsigned integer types have no direct equivalent in Java:
////ORIGINAL LINE: byte[] encryptedBytes = dp.Encrypt(dataBytes, null);
// byte[] encryptedBytes = dp.Encrypt(dataBytes, null);
// // Return the encyrpted data to the string
// return Convert.ToBase64String(encryptedBytes);
// }
// private enum Store
// {
// Machine(1),
// User(2);
// private int intValue;
// private static java.util.HashMap mappings;
// private static java.util.HashMap getMappings()
// {
// if (mappings == null)
// {
// synchronized (Store.class)
// {
// if (mappings == null)
// {
// mappings = new java.util.HashMap();
// }
// }
// }
// return mappings;
// }
// private Store(int value)
// {
// intValue = value;
// Store.getMappings().put(value, this);
// }
// public int getValue()
// {
// return intValue;
// }
// public static Store forValue(int value)
// {
// return getMappings().get(value);
// }
// }
// /**
// * The DSAPI wrapper To be released as part of the Microsoft Configuration Building Block
// */
// private static class DataProtector
// {
////C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: There is no preprocessor in Java:
// ///#region Constants
// private static IntPtr NullPtr = ((IntPtr) ((int) (0)));
// private static final int CRYPTPROTECT_UI_FORBIDDEN = 0x1;
// private static final int CRYPTPROTECT_LOCAL_MACHINE = 0x4;
// private Store store = Store.values()[0];
////C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: There is no preprocessor in Java:
// ///#endregion
////C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: There is no preprocessor in Java:
// ///#region P/Invoke structures
////C# TO JAVA CONVERTER WARNING: Java does not allow user-defined value types. The behavior of this class will differ from the original:
////ORIGINAL LINE: internal struct DATA_BLOB
////C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java annotations will not correspond to .NET attributes:
// //[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
// public final static class DATA_BLOB
// {
// public int cbData;
// public IntPtr pbData = new IntPtr();
// public DATA_BLOB clone()
// {
// DATA_BLOB varCopy = new DATA_BLOB();
// varCopy.cbData = this.cbData;
// varCopy.pbData = this.pbData;
// return varCopy;
// }
// }
////C# TO JAVA CONVERTER WARNING: Java does not allow user-defined value types. The behavior of this class will differ from the original:
////C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java annotations will not correspond to .NET attributes:
// //[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
// public final static class CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPTSTRUCT
// {
// public int cbSize;
// public int dwPromptFlags;
// public IntPtr hwndApp = new IntPtr();
// public String szPrompt;
// {
// varCopy.cbSize = this.cbSize;
// varCopy.dwPromptFlags = this.dwPromptFlags;
// varCopy.hwndApp = this.hwndApp;
// varCopy.szPrompt = this.szPrompt;
// return varCopy;
// }
// }
////C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: There is no preprocessor in Java:
// ///#endregion
////C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: There is no preprocessor in Java:
////#if !MONO
////C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: There is no preprocessor in Java:
// ///#region External methods
// private static native boolean CryptProtectData(tangible.RefObject pDataIn, String szDataDescr, tangible.RefObject pOptionalEntropy, IntPtr pvReserved, tangible.RefObject pPromptStruct, int dwFlags, tangible.RefObject pDataOut);
// static
// {
// System.loadLibrary("Crypt32.dll");
// }
// private static native boolean CryptUnprotectData(tangible.RefObject pDataIn, String szDataDescr, tangible.RefObject pOptionalEntropy, IntPtr pvReserved, tangible.RefObject pPromptStruct, int dwFlags, tangible.RefObject pDataOut);
////ORIGINAL LINE: private unsafe static extern int FormatMessage(int dwFlags, ref IntPtr lpSource, int dwMessageId, int dwLanguageId, ref String lpBuffer, int nSize, IntPtr* Arguments);
////C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: There is no equivalent to the 'unsafe' modifier in Java:
// private static native int FormatMessage(int dwFlags, tangible.RefObject lpSource, int dwMessageId, int dwLanguageId, tangible.RefObject lpBuffer, int nSize, IntPtr
// * Arguments);
// static {
// System.loadLibrary("kernel32.dll");
// }
////C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: There is no preprocessor in Java:
// ///#endregion
////C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: There is no preprocessor in Java:
// ///#region Constructor
// public DataProtector(Store tempStore)
// {
// store = tempStore;
// }
////C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: There is no preprocessor in Java:
// ///#endregion
////C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: There is no preprocessor in Java:
// ///#region Public methods
////C# TO JAVA CONVERTER WARNING: Unsigned integer types have no direct equivalent in Java:
////ORIGINAL LINE: public byte[] Encrypt(byte[] plainText, byte[] optionalEntropy)
// public final byte[] Encrypt(byte[] plainText, byte[] optionalEntropy)
// {
////C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: There is no preprocessor in Java:
////#if !MONO
// boolean retVal = false;
// DATA_BLOB plainTextBlob = new DATA_BLOB();
// DATA_BLOB cipherTextBlob = new DATA_BLOB();
// DATA_BLOB entropyBlob = new DATA_BLOB();
// tangible.RefObject tempRef_prompt = new tangible.RefObject(prompt);
// InitPromptstruct(tempRef_prompt);
// prompt = tempRef_prompt.argvalue;
// int dwFlags;
// try
// {
// try
// {
// int bytesSize = plainText.length;
// plainTextBlob.pbData = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(bytesSize);
// if (IntPtr.Zero == plainTextBlob.pbData)
// {
// throw new RuntimeException("Unable to allocate plaintext buffer.");
// }
// plainTextBlob.cbData = bytesSize;
// Marshal.Copy(plainText, 0, plainTextBlob.pbData, bytesSize);
// }
// catch (RuntimeException ex)
// {
// throw new RuntimeException("Exception marshalling data. " + ex.getMessage());
// }
// if (Store.Machine == store)
// {
// //Using the machine store, should be providing entropy.
// //Check to see if the entropy is null
// if (null == optionalEntropy)
// {
// //Allocate something
// optionalEntropy = new byte[0];
// }
// try
// {
// int bytesSize = optionalEntropy.length;
// entropyBlob.pbData = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(optionalEntropy.length);
// if (IntPtr.Zero == entropyBlob.pbData)
// {
// throw new RuntimeException("Unable to allocate entropy data buffer.");
// }
// Marshal.Copy(optionalEntropy, 0, entropyBlob.pbData, bytesSize);
// entropyBlob.cbData = bytesSize;
// }
// catch (RuntimeException ex)
// {
// throw new RuntimeException("Exception entropy marshalling data. " + ex.getMessage());
// }
// }
// else
// {
// //Using the user store
// }
// tangible.RefObject tempRef_plainTextBlob = new tangible.RefObject(plainTextBlob);
// tangible.RefObject tempRef_entropyBlob = new tangible.RefObject(entropyBlob);
// tangible.RefObject tempRef_prompt2 = new tangible.RefObject(prompt);
// tangible.RefObject tempRef_cipherTextBlob = new tangible.RefObject(cipherTextBlob);
// retVal = CryptProtectData(tempRef_plainTextBlob, "", tempRef_entropyBlob, IntPtr.Zero, tempRef_prompt2, dwFlags, tempRef_cipherTextBlob);
// plainTextBlob = tempRef_plainTextBlob.argvalue;
// entropyBlob = tempRef_entropyBlob.argvalue;
// prompt = tempRef_prompt2.argvalue;
// cipherTextBlob = tempRef_cipherTextBlob.argvalue;
// if (false == retVal)
// {
// throw new RuntimeException("Encryption failed. " + GetErrorMessage(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()));
// }
// }
// catch (RuntimeException ex)
// {
// throw new RuntimeException("Exception encrypting. " + ex.getMessage());
// }
////C# TO JAVA CONVERTER WARNING: Unsigned integer types have no direct equivalent in Java:
////ORIGINAL LINE: byte[] cipherText = new byte[cipherTextBlob.cbData];
// byte[] cipherText = new byte[cipherTextBlob.cbData];
// Marshal.Copy(cipherTextBlob.pbData, cipherText, 0, cipherTextBlob.cbData);
// return cipherText;
// //@UH
// return plainText;
// }
////C# TO JAVA CONVERTER WARNING: Unsigned integer types have no direct equivalent in Java:
////ORIGINAL LINE: public byte[] Decrypt(byte[] cipherText, byte[] optionalEntropy)
// public final byte[] Decrypt(byte[] cipherText, byte[] optionalEntropy)
// {
////C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: There is no preprocessor in Java:
////#if !MONO
// boolean retVal = false;
// DATA_BLOB plainTextBlob = new DATA_BLOB();
// DATA_BLOB cipherBlob = new DATA_BLOB();
// tangible.RefObject tempRef_prompt = new tangible.RefObject(prompt);
// InitPromptstruct(tempRef_prompt);
// prompt = tempRef_prompt.argvalue;
// try
// {
// try
// {
// int cipherTextSize = cipherText.length;
// cipherBlob.pbData = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(cipherTextSize);
// if (IntPtr.Zero == cipherBlob.pbData)
// {
// throw new RuntimeException("Unable to allocate cipherText buffer.");
// }
// cipherBlob.cbData = cipherTextSize;
// Marshal.Copy(cipherText, 0, cipherBlob.pbData, cipherBlob.cbData);
// }
// catch (RuntimeException ex)
// {
// throw new RuntimeException("Exception marshalling data. " + ex.getMessage());
// }
// DATA_BLOB entropyBlob = new DATA_BLOB();
// int dwFlags;
// if (Store.Machine == store)
// {
// //Using the machine store, should be providing entropy.
// //Check to see if the entropy is null
// if (null == optionalEntropy)
// {
// //Allocate something
// optionalEntropy = new byte[0];
// }
// try
// {
// int bytesSize = optionalEntropy.length;
// entropyBlob.pbData = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(bytesSize);
// if (IntPtr.Zero == entropyBlob.pbData)
// {
// throw new RuntimeException("Unable to allocate entropy buffer.");
// }
// entropyBlob.cbData = bytesSize;
// Marshal.Copy(optionalEntropy, 0, entropyBlob.pbData, bytesSize);
// }
// catch (RuntimeException ex)
// {
// throw new RuntimeException("Exception entropy marshalling data. " + ex.getMessage());
// }
// }
// else
// {
// //Using the user store
// }
// tangible.RefObject tempRef_cipherBlob = new tangible.RefObject(cipherBlob);
// tangible.RefObject tempRef_entropyBlob = new tangible.RefObject(entropyBlob);
// tangible.RefObject tempRef_prompt2 = new tangible.RefObject(prompt);
// tangible.RefObject tempRef_plainTextBlob = new tangible.RefObject(plainTextBlob);
// retVal = CryptUnprotectData(tempRef_cipherBlob, null, tempRef_entropyBlob, IntPtr.Zero, tempRef_prompt2, dwFlags, tempRef_plainTextBlob);
// cipherBlob = tempRef_cipherBlob.argvalue;
// entropyBlob = tempRef_entropyBlob.argvalue;
// prompt = tempRef_prompt2.argvalue;
// plainTextBlob = tempRef_plainTextBlob.argvalue;
// if (false == retVal)
// {
// throw new RuntimeException("Decryption failed. " + GetErrorMessage(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()));
// }
// //Free the blob and entropy.
// if (IntPtr.Zero != cipherBlob.pbData)
// {
// Marshal.FreeHGlobal(cipherBlob.pbData);
// }
// if (IntPtr.Zero != entropyBlob.pbData)
// {
// Marshal.FreeHGlobal(entropyBlob.pbData);
// }
// }
// catch (RuntimeException ex)
// {
// throw new RuntimeException("Exception decrypting. " + ex.getMessage());
// }
////C# TO JAVA CONVERTER WARNING: Unsigned integer types have no direct equivalent in Java:
////ORIGINAL LINE: byte[] plainText = new byte[plainTextBlob.cbData];
// byte[] plainText = new byte[plainTextBlob.cbData];
// Marshal.Copy(plainTextBlob.pbData, plainText, 0, plainTextBlob.cbData);
// return plainText;
// //@UH
// return cipherText;
// }
////C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: There is no preprocessor in Java:
// ///#endregion
////C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: There is no preprocessor in Java:
// ///#region Private methods
// private void InitPromptstruct(tangible.RefObject ps)
// {
// ps.argvalue.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(CRYPTPROTECT_PROMPTSTRUCT.class);
// ps.argvalue.dwPromptFlags = 0;
// ps.argvalue.hwndApp = NullPtr;
// ps.argvalue.szPrompt = null;
// }
////ORIGINAL LINE: private unsafe static String GetErrorMessage(int errorCode)
////C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: There is no equivalent to the 'unsafe' modifier in Java:
// private static String GetErrorMessage(int errorCode)
// {
////C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: There is no preprocessor in Java:
////#if !MONO
// int FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM = 0x00001000;
// int messageSize = 255;
// String lpMsgBuf = "";
// IntPtr ptrlpSource = new IntPtr();
// IntPtr prtArguments = new IntPtr();
// tangible.RefObject tempRef_ptrlpSource = new tangible.RefObject(ptrlpSource);
// tangible.RefObject tempRef_lpMsgBuf = new tangible.RefObject(lpMsgBuf);
// int retVal = FormatMessage(dwFlags, tempRef_ptrlpSource, errorCode, 0, tempRef_lpMsgBuf, messageSize, & prtArguments);
// ptrlpSource = tempRef_ptrlpSource.argvalue;
// lpMsgBuf = tempRef_lpMsgBuf.argvalue;
// if (0 == retVal)
// {
// throw new RuntimeException("Failed to format message for error code " + errorCode + ". ");
// }
// return lpMsgBuf;
// //@UH
// return "";
// }
////C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: There is no preprocessor in Java:
// ///#endregion
// }
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