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Alachisoft.NCache.Common.Resources.Resource1 Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package Alachisoft.NCache.Common.Resources;

//     This code was generated by a tool.
//     Runtime Version:2.0.50727.4959
//     Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if
//     the code is regenerated.

 * A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc.
// This class was auto-generated by the StronglyTypedResourceBuilder
// class via a tool like ResGen or Visual Studio.
// To add or remove a member, edit your .ResX file then rerun ResGen
// with the /str option, or rebuild your VS project.
//C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java annotations will not correspond to .NET attributes:
//[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Resources.Tools.StronglyTypedResourceBuilder", ""), System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute(), System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute()]
public class Resource1 {

//	private static System.Resources.ResourceManager resourceMan;
//	private static System.Globalization.CultureInfo resourceCulture;
////C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java annotations will not correspond to .NET attributes:
//	//[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1811:AvoidUncalledPrivateCode")]
//	public Resource1() {
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class.
//	*/
////C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java annotations will not correspond to .NET attributes:
//	//[System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
//	public static System.Resources.ResourceManager getResourceManager() {
//		if (Object.ReferenceEquals(resourceMan, null)) {
//			System.Resources.ResourceManager temp = new System.Resources.ResourceManager("Alachisoft.NCache.Common.Resources.Resource1", Resource1.class.getPackage());
//			resourceMan = temp;
//		}
//		return resourceMan;
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all
//	   resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class.
//	*/
////C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java annotations will not correspond to .NET attributes:
//	//[System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
//	public static System.Globalization.CultureInfo getCulture() {
//		return resourceCulture;
//	}
//	public static void setCulture(System.Globalization.CultureInfo value) {
//		resourceCulture = value;
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Cluster can not be started on the given server port. The port might be already in use..
//	*/
//	public static String getEM001() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM001", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to local address is null.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM002() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM002", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Message can only contain an Array of messages or a ISerializable object.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM004() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM004", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Index out of bounds.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM005() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM005", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Specified object for message is not serializable.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM006() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM006", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Invalid BindToIP address specified.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM007() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM007", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Invalid initial memebers list.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM008() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM008", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to type.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM009() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM009", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to cmd.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM010() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM010", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Interval().
//	*/
//	public static String getEM011() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM011", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to socket closed.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM012() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM012", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to hints.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM013() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM013", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to properties.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM014() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM014", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to No cache instance defined.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM015() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM015", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to connection or query string is null.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM016() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM016", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Missing configuration attribute 'cache'.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM017() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM017", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Missing configuration attribute 'class'.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM018() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM018", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Missing configuration section 'cache-classes'.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM019() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM019", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Can not find cache class '.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM020() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM020", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Can not find the type of cache, invalid configuration for cache class '.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM021() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM021", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Your license for using NCache has expired. Please contact [email protected] for further terms and conditions..
//	*/
//	public static String getEM022() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM022", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Specified cache class '.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM023() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM023", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Backing source not available. Verify backing source settings.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM024() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM024", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to key.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM025() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM025", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to key is not serializable.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM026() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM026", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to group.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM027() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM027", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to keys.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM028() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM028", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to value.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM029() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM029", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to value is not serializable.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM030() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM030", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to expiryHint is not serializable.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM031() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM031", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to evictionHint is not serializable.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM032() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM032", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to notifId is not serializable.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM033() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM033", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to data is not serializable.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM034() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM034", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to expiryHint is not not serializable.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM035() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM035", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Generic operation failure; not enough information is available..
//	*/
//	public static String getEM036() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM036", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to The cache is full and not enough items could be evicted..
//	*/
//	public static String getEM037() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM037", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to The specified key already exists..
//	*/
//	public static String getEM038() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM038", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to items.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM039() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM039", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to keys count is not equals to values count.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM040() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM040", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Group must be specified for Sub Group.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM041() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM041", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to query.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM042() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM042", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Incorrect query format.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM043() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM043", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Keys count can not be zero.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM044() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM044", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to The method or operation is not implemented..
//	*/
//	public static String getEM045() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM045", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Read through provider returned an object that is not serializable..
//	*/
//	public static String getEM046() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM046", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Operation failed to synchronize with data source.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM047() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM047", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Missing assembly name for write-thru option.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM048() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM048", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Missing class name for write-thru option.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM049() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM049", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to The class specified in write-thru does not implement IDatasourceWriter.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM050() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM050", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Missing assembly name for read-thru option.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM051() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM051", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Missing class name for read-thru option.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM052() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM052", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to The class specified in read-thru does not implement IDatasourceReader.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM053() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM053", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Incorrect query format \'*\'.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM054() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM054", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Syntax Error !.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM055() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM055", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to No attribute-index are defined.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM056() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM056", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Incorrect query format \'.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM057() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM057", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Index is not defined on attribute '.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM058() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM058", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to cache.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM059() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM059", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to operation failed because the group member was suspected.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM060() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM060", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to operation timed out.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM061() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM061", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to invalid or non-local class specified in partitioned cache.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM062() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM062", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Data affinity conflict.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM063() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM063", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to One of the dependency keys does not exist..
//	*/
//	public static String getEM064() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM064", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to No target node available to accommodate the data..
//	*/
//	public static String getEM065() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM065", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to No servers available to process request.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM066() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM066", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Specified dependency is non routable.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM067() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM067", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Data group of the inserted item does not match the existing item's data group.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM068() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM068", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Error setting up key depenedncy..
//	*/
//	public static String getEM069() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM069", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to I am no more the owner of this bucket.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM070() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM070", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Missing configuration option 'storage'.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM071() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM071", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to invalid or non-local cache class specified in composite cache.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM072() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM072", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to slidingExpiration.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM073() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM073", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Can not find the type of cache, invalid configuration for cache class.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM074() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM074", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Can not find channel properties.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM075() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM075", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Invalid EOF.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM076() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM076", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Invalid property string, un-matched paranthesis.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM077() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM077", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Invalid property string, ) misplaced.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM078() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM078", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Invalid property string, ) unexpected.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM079() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM079", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Invalid property string, key following a bad token.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM080() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM080", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Invalid property string, value following a bad token.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM081() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM081", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Invalid property string.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM082() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM082", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Error occured while reading configuration.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM083() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM083", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Specified cache config. section '.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM084() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM084", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Invalid Authentication Code.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM085() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM085", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to License not verified..
//	*/
//	public static String getEM086() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM086", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to EvaluationLicense information is either missing or corrupted..
//	*/
//	public static String getEM087() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM087", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Your library has expired the evaluation period of.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM088() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM088", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to can not be registered with compact framework.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM089() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM089", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Unable to initialize.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM090() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM090", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to You cannot set both sliding and absolute expirations on the same cached item..
//	*/
//	public static String getEM091() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM091", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to dependencies.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM092() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM092", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to key cannot be empty string.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM093() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM093", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Unable extracting query information from user object..
//	*/
//	public static String getEM094() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM094", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to dependency is not serializable.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM095() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM095", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to syncDependency.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM096() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM096", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Cache is not initialized.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM097() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM097", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to group must be specified for sub group.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM098() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM098", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to keys count is not equals to items count.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM099() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM099", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to There is no key present in keys array.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM100() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM100", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to items[.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM101() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM101", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to fileName.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM102() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM102", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to fileName cannot be an empty string.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM103() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM103", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to fileNames array must have atleast one file name.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM104() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM104", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to fileName cannot be empty string.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM105() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM105", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to cacheKey.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM106() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM106", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to cacheKey cannot be empty string.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM107() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM107", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to cacheId.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM108() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM108", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to cacheId cannot be an empty string.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM109() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM109", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to No server is available to process the request.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM110() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM110", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Session state is not available in this context..
//	*/
//	public static String getEM111() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM111", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Missing installation folder information.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM112() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM112", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to An error occured while reading client.ncconf..
//	*/
//	public static String getEM113() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM113", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Invalid XmlNode \'.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM114() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM114", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Input endIndex is not in correct format..
//	*/
//	public static String getEM115() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM115", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to You cannot set both sliding and absolute expirations on the same cached item.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM116() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM116", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Connection with server lost.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM117() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM117", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Key.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM118() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM118", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to 'Client.ncconf' not found or does not contain server information.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM119() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM119", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Connection to a remote server is not allowed in this edition of NCache.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM120() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM120", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to ncache-server-port missing in client confiugration.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM121() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM121", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to application.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM122() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM122", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to data.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM123() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM123", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Cache is not running. For more information see Application Log..
//	*/
//	public static String getEM124() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM124", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Invalid configuration; missing 'web-cache' element..
//	*/
//	public static String getEM125() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM125", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to 'cache-id' not specified in configuration..
//	*/
//	public static String getEM126() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM126", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Can not locate cache configuration file. Installation might be corrupt.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM127() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM127", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to You do not have permissions to perform this operation.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM128() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM128", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Can not locate cache configuration file. Installation might be corrupt..
//	*/
//	public static String getEM129() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM129", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Cache ID can not be null.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM130() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM130", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Specified cacheId is not registered.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM131() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM131", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Null value for settings..
//	*/
//	public static String getEM132() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM132", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Already registered..
//	*/
//	public static String getEM133() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM133", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Failed to stop the cache.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM134() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM134", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Failed to apply configuration.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM135() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM135", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Assembly name can not be null.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM136() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM136", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Type can not be null.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM137() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM137", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to settings not found in cluster map.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM138() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM138", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to settings not found in local cache map.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM139() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM139", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Cache '.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM140() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM140", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to This project file seems to be of an older version. Please create a new project..
//	*/
//	public static String getEM141() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM141", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Invalid project file.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM142() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM142", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Failed to update configuration..
//	*/
//	public static String getEM143() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM143", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Not running..
//	*/
//	public static String getEM144() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM144", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to is not available.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM145() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM145", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to A cache exists with the same name.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM146() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM146", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Some error occured on the remote server.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM147() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM147", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to already exists in.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM148() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM148", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Please specify a valid multicast address.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM149() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM149", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Please specify a valid server port.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM150() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM150", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to NCache Queries only support premitive types. \.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM151() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM151", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Node already have cluster '.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM152() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM152", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to context cannot be null..
//	*/
//	public static String getEM153() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM153", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to session state is not available in this context..
//	*/
//	public static String getEM154() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM154", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Object is not HPTime.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM155() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM155", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Unable to allocate plaintext buffer..
//	*/
//	public static String getEM156() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM156", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Exception marshalling data..
//	*/
//	public static String getEM157() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM157", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Unable to allocate entropy data buffer..
//	*/
//	public static String getEM158() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM158", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Exception entropy marshalling data..
//	*/
//	public static String getEM159() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM159", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Encryption failed..
//	*/
//	public static String getEM160() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM160", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Exception encrypting..
//	*/
//	public static String getEM161() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM161", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Unable to allocate cipherText buffer..
//	*/
//	public static String getEM162() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM162", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Unable to allocate entropy buffer..
//	*/
//	public static String getEM163() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM163", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Decryption failed..
//	*/
//	public static String getEM164() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM164", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Exception decrypting..
//	*/
//	public static String getEM165() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM165", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Failed to format message for error code.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM166() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM166", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Missing log path.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM167() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM167", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to storageProvider.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM168() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM168", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Missing cache store class..
//	*/
//	public static String getEM169() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM169", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to _mvPtr.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM170() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM170", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to hFile.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM171() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM171", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to protection.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM172() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM172", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to offSet.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM173() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM173", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to count.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM174() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM174", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Limited Virtual Memory. Your system has no paging file, or the paging file is too small..
//	*/
//	public static String getEM175() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM175", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to maxLength.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM176() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM176", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to info.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM177() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM177", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to item.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM178() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM178", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to item size is larger than view size.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM179() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM179", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Type.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM180() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM180", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to No appropriate surrogate found for type.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM181() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM181", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to cacheContext can not be null.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM182() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM182", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Type '.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM183() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM183", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Type handle.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM184() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM184", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to surrogate.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM185() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM185", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Specified type handle is already registered..
//	*/
//	public static String getEM186() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM186", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to config.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM187() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM187", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to cacheName.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM188() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM188", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to RetrieveToken returned null.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM189() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM189", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Table sizes not initialized.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM190() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM190", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Table counts not initialized.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM191() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM191", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Wrong id for record.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM192() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM192", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Action for LALR state is null.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM193() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM193", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Error constructing GrammarReader.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM194() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM194", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Incorrect file header.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM195() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM195", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to User not found.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM196() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM196", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to The provided IIdentity object is null..
//	*/
//	public static String getEM197() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM197", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to The provided IIdentity object is incomplete or invalid..
//	*/
//	public static String getEM198() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM198", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to principal.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM199() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM199", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to ruleName.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM200() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM200", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to name.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM201() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM201", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Missing security config file.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM202() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM202", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Cache is not registered.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM203() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM203", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Cache is not running.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM204() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM204", resourceCulture);
//	}
//	/** 
//	   Looks up a localized string similar to Server can not accept remote clients in this edition of NCache.
//	*/
//	public static String getEM205() {
//		return getResourceManager().GetString("EM205", resourceCulture);
//	}

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