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Assembler, disassebmler, decompiler and compiler tools library for Java.
import collections
import struct, operator
from . import instructions, codes
from .. import constant_pool
from ..classfile import ClassFile
from ..method import Method
from ..field import Field
class AssemblerError(Exception):
def __init__(self, message, data=None):
super(AssemblerError, self).__init__(message) = data
def error(msg):
raise AssemblerError(msg)
class PoolRef(object):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.index = kwargs.get('index')
self.lbl = kwargs.get('lbl')
self.args = args
def toIndex(self, pool, forbidden=(), **kwargs):
if self.index is not None:
return self.index
if self.lbl:
self.index = pool.getLabel(self.lbl, forbidden, **kwargs)
self.args = [(x.toIndex(pool) if isinstance(x, PoolRef) else x) for x in self.args]
self.index = pool.getItem(*self.args, **kwargs)
return self.index
class PoolInfo(object):
def __init__(self):
self.pool = constant_pool.ConstPool()
self.lbls = {}
self.fixed = {} # constant pool entries in a specific slot
self.bootstrap = [] #entries for the BootstrapMethods attribute if any
def getLabel(self, lbl, forbidden=(), **kwargs):
if lbl in forbidden:
error('Circular constant pool reference: ' + ', '.join(forbidden))
forbidden = forbidden + (lbl,)
return self.lbls[lbl].toIndex(self, forbidden, **kwargs)
def getItem(self, type_, *args, **kwargs):
if type_ == 'InvokeDynamic':
args = len(self.bootstrap)-1, args[-1]
return self.pool.addItem((type_, tuple(args)), **kwargs)
def Utf8(self, s):
return self.getItem('Utf8', s)
def assignFixedSlots(self):
for i,v in self.fixed.items():
if v.args and v.args[0] in ('Double','Long'):
#TODO - order these in terms of dependencies?
for index, value in self.fixed.items():
used = value.toIndex(self, index=index)
if used != index: #we need to copy an existing item
self.pool.copyItem(used, index)
_format_ops = collections.defaultdict(tuple)
_format_ops['>'] = instructions.instrs_noarg
_format_ops['>B'] = 'iload', 'lload', 'fload', 'dload', 'aload', 'istore', 'lstore', 'fstore', 'dstore', 'astore', 'ret'
_format_ops['>h'] = 'ifeq', 'ifne', 'iflt', 'ifge', 'ifgt', 'ifle', 'if_icmpeq', 'if_icmpne', 'if_icmplt', 'if_icmpge', 'if_icmpgt', 'if_icmple', 'if_acmpeq', 'if_acmpne', 'goto', 'jsr', 'ifnull', 'ifnonnull'
_format_ops['>H'] = 'ldc_w', 'ldc2_w', 'getstatic', 'putstatic', 'getfield', 'putfield', 'invokevirtual', 'invokespecial', 'invokestatic', 'new', 'anewarray', 'checkcast', 'instanceof'
_format_ops['>b'] += 'bipush',
_format_ops['>Bb'] += 'iinc',
_format_ops['>h'] += 'sipush',
_format_ops['>HB'] += 'multianewarray',
_format_ops['>HBB'] += 'invokeinterface',
_format_ops['>HH'] += 'invokedynamic',
_format_ops['>B'] += 'ldc', 'newarray'
_format_ops['>i'] += 'goto_w', 'jsr_w'
op_structs = {}
for fmt, ops in _format_ops.items():
_s = struct.Struct(fmt)
for _op in ops:
op_structs[_op] = _s
def getPadding(pos):
return (3-pos) % 4
def getInstrLen(instr, pos):
op = instr[0]
if op in op_structs:
return 1 + op_structs[op].size
elif op == 'wide':
return 2 + 2 * len(instr[1][1])
padding = getPadding(pos)
count = len(instr[1][1])
if op == 'tableswitch':
return 13 + padding + 4*count
return 9 + padding + 8*count
def assembleInstruction(instr, labels, pos, pool):
def lbl2Off(lbl):
if lbl not in labels:
del labels[None]
error('Undefined label: {}\nDefined labels for current method are: {}'.format(lbl, ', '.join(sorted(labels))))
return labels[lbl] - pos
op = instr[0]
first = chr(instructions.allinstructions.index(op))
instr = [(x.toIndex(pool) if isinstance(x, PoolRef) else x) for x in instr[1:]]
if op in instructions.instrs_lbl:
instr[0] = lbl2Off(instr[0])
if op in op_structs:
rest = op_structs[op].pack(*instr)
return first+rest
elif op == 'wide':
subop, args = instr[0]
prefix = chr(instructions.allinstructions.index(subop))
fmt = '>Hh' if len(args) > 1 else '>H'
rest = struct.pack(fmt, *args)
return first + prefix + rest
padding = getPadding(pos)
param, jumps, default = instr[0]
default = lbl2Off(default)
if op == 'tableswitch':
jumps = map(lbl2Off, jumps)
low, high = param, param + len(jumps)-1
temp = struct.Struct('>i')
part1 = first + '\0'*padding + struct.pack('>iii', default, low, high)
return part1 + ''.join(map(temp.pack, jumps))
elif op == 'lookupswitch':
jumps = {k:lbl2Off(lbl) for k,lbl in jumps}
jumps = sorted(jumps.items())
temp = struct.Struct('>ii')
part1 = first + '\0'*padding + struct.pack('>ii', default, len(jumps))
part2 = ''.join(map(temp.pack, *zip(*jumps))) if jumps else ''
return part1 + part2
def groupList(pairs):
d = collections.defaultdict(list)
for k,v in pairs:
return d
def splitList(pairs):
d = groupList(pairs)
return d[False], d[True]
def assembleCodeAttr(statements, pool, version, addLineNumbers, jasmode):
directives, lines = splitList(statements)
dir_offsets = collections.defaultdict(list)
offsets = []
labels = {}
pos = 0
#first run through to calculate bytecode offsets
#this is greatly complicated due to the need to
#handle Jasmine line number directives
for t, statement in statements:
if t:
lbl, instr = statement
labels[lbl] = pos
if instr is not None:
pos += getInstrLen(instr, pos)
#some directives require us to keep track of the corresponding bytecode offset
elif statement[0] in ('.line','.stackmap'):
code_len = pos
code_bytes = ''
for lbl, instr in lines:
if instr is not None:
code_bytes += assembleInstruction(instr, labels, len(code_bytes), pool)
assert(len(code_bytes) == code_len)
directive_dict = groupList(directives)
limits = groupList(directive_dict['.limit'])
stack = min(limits['stack'] + [65535])
locals_ = min(limits['locals'] + [65535])
excepts = []
for name, start, end, target in directive_dict['.catch']:
#Hack for compatibility with Jasmin
if jasmode and name.args and (name.args[1].args == ('Utf8','all')):
name.index = 0
vals = labels[start], labels[end], labels[target], name.toIndex(pool)
attributes = []
def pack_vt(vt):
s = chr(codes.vt_codes[vt[0]])
if vt[0] == 'Object':
s += struct.pack('>H', vt[1].toIndex(pool))
elif vt[0] == 'Uninitialized':
s += struct.pack('>H', labels[vt[1]])
return s
if directive_dict['.stackmap']:
frames = []
last_pos = -1
for pos, info in zip(dir_offsets['.stackmap'], directive_dict['.stackmap']):
offset = pos - last_pos - 1
last_pos = pos
assert(offset >= 0)
tag = info[0]
if tag == 'same':
if offset >= 64:
error('Max offset on a same frame is 63.')
elif tag == 'same_locals_1_stack_item':
if offset >= 64:
error('Max offset on a same_locals_1_stack_item frame is 63.')
frames.append(chr(64 + offset) + pack_vt(info[2][0]))
elif tag == 'same_locals_1_stack_item_extended':
frames.append(struct.pack('>BH', 247, offset) + pack_vt(info[2][0]))
elif tag == 'chop':
if not (1 <= info[1] <= 3):
error('Chop frame can only remove 1-3 locals')
frames.append(struct.pack('>BH', 251-info[1], offset))
elif tag == 'same_extended':
frames.append(struct.pack('>BH', 251, offset))
elif tag == 'append':
local_vts = map(pack_vt, info[2])
if not (1 <= len(local_vts) <= 3):
error('Append frame can only add 1-3 locals')
frames.append(struct.pack('>BH', 251+len(local_vts), offset) + ''.join(local_vts))
elif tag == 'full':
local_vts = map(pack_vt, info[2])
stack_vts = map(pack_vt, info[3])
frame = struct.pack('>BH', 255, offset)
frame += struct.pack('>H', len(local_vts)) + ''.join(local_vts)
frame += struct.pack('>H', len(stack_vts)) + ''.join(stack_vts)
sm_body = ''.join(frames)
sm_attr = struct.pack('>HIH', pool.Utf8("StackMapTable"), len(sm_body)+2, len(frames)) + sm_body
#line number attribute
if addLineNumbers and not directive_dict['line']:
dir_offsets['line'] = directive_dict['line'] = offsets
if directive_dict['line']:
lntable = [struct.pack('>HH',x,y) for x,y in zip(dir_offsets['line'], directive_dict['line'])]
ln_attr = struct.pack('>HIH', pool.Utf8("LineNumberTable"), 2+4*len(lntable), len(lntable)) + ''.join(lntable)
if directive_dict['.var']:
sfunc = struct.Struct('>HHHHH').pack
vartable = []
for index, name, desc, start, end in directive_dict['.var']:
start, end = labels[start], labels[end]
name, desc = name.toIndex(pool), desc.toIndex(pool)
vartable.append(sfunc(start, end-start, name, desc, index))
var_attr = struct.pack('>HIH', pool.Utf8("LocalVariableTable"), 2+10*len(vartable), len(vartable)) + ''.join(vartable)
if not code_len:
return None
for attrname, data in directive_dict['.codeattribute']:
attr = struct.pack('>HI', attrname.toIndex(pool), len(data)) + data
#Old versions use shorter fields for stack, locals, and code length
header_fmt = '>HHI' if version > (45,2) else '>BBH'
name_ind = pool.Utf8("Code")
attr_len = struct.calcsize(header_fmt) + 4 + len(code_bytes) + 8*len(excepts) + sum(map(len, attributes))
assembled_bytes = struct.pack('>HI', name_ind, attr_len)
assembled_bytes += struct.pack(header_fmt, stack, locals_, len(code_bytes))
assembled_bytes += code_bytes
assembled_bytes += struct.pack('>H', len(excepts)) + ''.join(excepts)
assembled_bytes += struct.pack('>H', len(attributes)) + ''.join(attributes)
return assembled_bytes
def _assembleEVorAnnotationSub(pool, init_args, isAnnot):
#call types
C_ANNOT, C_ANNOT2, C_EV = range(3)
init_callt = C_ANNOT if isAnnot else C_EV
stack = [(init_callt, init_args)]
parts = []
add = parts.append
while stack:
callt, args = stack.pop()
if callt == C_ANNOT:
typeref, keylines = args
add(struct.pack('>HH', typeref.toIndex(pool), len(keylines)))
for pair in reversed(keylines):
stack.append((C_ANNOT2, pair))
elif callt == C_ANNOT2:
name, val = args
add(struct.pack('>H', name.toIndex(pool)))
stack.append((C_EV, val))
elif callt == C_EV:
tag, data = args
assert(tag in codes.et_rtags)
if tag in 'BCDFIJSZsc':
add(struct.pack('>H', data[0].toIndex(pool)))
elif tag == 'e':
add(struct.pack('>HH', data[0].toIndex(pool), data[1].toIndex(pool)))
elif tag == '@':
stack.append((C_ANNOT, data[0]))
elif tag == '[':
add(struct.pack('>H', len(data[1])))
for arrval in reversed(data[1]):
stack.append((C_EV, arrval))
return ''.join(parts)
def assembleElementValue(val, pool):
return _assembleEVorAnnotationSub(pool, val, False)
def assembleAnnotation(annotation, pool):
return _assembleEVorAnnotationSub(pool, annotation, True)
def assembleMethod(header, statements, pool, version, addLineNumbers, jasmode):
mflags, (name, desc) = header
name = name.toIndex(pool)
desc = desc.toIndex(pool)
flagbits = map(Method.flagVals.get, mflags)
flagbits = reduce(operator.__or__, flagbits, 0)
meth_statements, code_statements = splitList(statements)
method_attributes = []
code_attr = assembleCodeAttr(code_statements, pool, version, addLineNumbers, jasmode)
if code_attr is not None:
directive_dict = groupList(meth_statements)
if directive_dict['.throws']:
t_inds = [struct.pack('>H', x.toIndex(pool)) for x in directive_dict['.throws']]
throw_attr = struct.pack('>HIH', pool.Utf8("Exceptions"), 2+2*len(t_inds), len(t_inds)) + ''.join(t_inds)
#Runtime annotations
for vis in ('Invisible','Visible'):
paramd = groupList(directive_dict['.runtime'+vis.lower()])
if None in paramd:
del paramd[None]
if paramd:
parts = []
for i in range(max(paramd)):
annotations = [assembleAnnotation(a, pool) for a in paramd[i]]
part = struct.pack('>H', len(annotations)) + ''.join(annotations)
attrlen = 1+sum(map(len, parts))
attr = struct.pack('>HIB', pool.Utf8("Runtime{}ParameterAnnotations".format(vis)), attrlen, len(parts)) + ''.join(parts)
if '.annotationdefault' in directive_dict:
val = directive_dict['.annotationdefault'][0]
data = assembleElementValue(val, pool)
attr = struct.pack('>HI', pool.Utf8("AnnotationDefault"), len(data)) + data
assembleClassFieldMethodAttributes(method_attributes.append, directive_dict, pool)
return struct.pack('>HHHH', flagbits, name, desc, len(method_attributes)) + ''.join(method_attributes)
def getLdcRefs(statements):
lines = [x[1][1] for x in statements if x[0] and x[1][0]]
instructions = [x[1] for x in lines if x[1] is not None]
for instr in instructions:
op = instr[0]
if op == 'ldc':
yield instr[1]
def addLdcRefs(methods, pool):
def getRealRef(ref, forbidden=()):
'''Get the root PoolRef associated with a given PoolRef, following labels'''
if ref.index is None and ref.lbl:
if ref.lbl in forbidden:
error('Circular constant pool reference: ' + ', '.join(forbidden))
forbidden = forbidden + (ref.lbl,)
return getRealRef(pool.lbls[ref.lbl], forbidden) #recursive call
return ref
#We attempt to estimate how many slots are needed after merging identical entries
#So we can reserve the correct number of slots without leaving unused gaps
#However, in complex cases, such as string/class/mt referring to an explicit
#reference, we may overestimate
ldc_refs = collections.defaultdict(set)
for header, statements in methods:
for ref in getLdcRefs(statements):
ref = getRealRef(ref)
if ref.index is not None:
type_ = ref.args[0]
if type_ in ('Int','Float'):
key = ref.args[1]
elif type_ in ('String','Class','MethodType'):
uref = getRealRef(ref.args[1])
key = uref.index, uref.args[1:]
else: #for MethodHandles, don't even bother trying to estimate merging
key = ref.args[1:]
#TODO - make this a little cleaner so we don't have to mess with the ConstantPool internals
num = sum(map(len, ldc_refs.values()))
slots = [pool.pool.getAvailableIndex() for _ in range(num)]
for type_ in ('Int','Float'):
for arg in ldc_refs[type_]:
pool.getItem(type_, arg, index=slots.pop())
for type_ in ('String','Class','MethodType'):
for ind,args in ldc_refs[type_]:
arg = ind if ind is not None else pool.Utf8(*args)
pool.getItem(type_, arg, index=slots.pop())
for type_ in ('MethodHandle',):
for code, ref in ldc_refs[type_]:
pool.getItem(type_, code, ref.toIndex(pool), index=slots.pop())
assert(not slots)
assert(not pool.pool.reserved)
def assembleClassFieldMethodAttributes(addcb, directive_dict, pool):
for vis in ('Invisible','Visible'):
paramd = groupList(directive_dict['.runtime'+vis.lower()])
if None in paramd:
annotations = [assembleAnnotation(a, pool) for a in paramd[None]]
attrlen = 2+sum(map(len, annotations))
attr = struct.pack('>HIH', pool.Utf8("Runtime{}Annotations".format(vis)), attrlen, len(annotations)) + ''.join(annotations)
for name in directive_dict['.signature']:
attr = struct.pack('>HIH', pool.Utf8("Signature"), 2, name.toIndex(pool))
#.innerlength directive overrides the normal attribute length calculation
hasoverride = len(directive_dict['.innerlength']) > 0
for name, data in directive_dict['.attribute']:
name_ind = name.toIndex(pool)
if hasoverride and pool.pool.getArgsCheck('Utf8', name_ind) == 'InnerClasses':
attrlen = directive_dict['.innerlength'][0]
attrlen = len(data)
attr = struct.pack('>HI', name_ind, attrlen) + data
def assembleClassAttributes(addcb, directive_dict, pool, addLineNumbers, jasmode, filename):
sourcefile = directive_dict.get('.source',[None])[0] #PoolRef or None
if jasmode and not sourcefile:
sourcefile = pool.Utf8(filename)
elif addLineNumbers and not sourcefile:
sourcefile = pool.Utf8("SourceFile")
if sourcefile:
attr = struct.pack('>HIH', pool.Utf8("SourceFile"), 2, sourcefile.toIndex(pool))
if '.inner' in directive_dict:
parts = []
for inner, outer, name, flags in directive_dict['.inner']:
flagbits = map(ClassFile.flagVals.get, flags)
flagbits = reduce(operator.__or__, flagbits, 0)
part = struct.pack('>HHHH', inner.toIndex(pool), outer.toIndex(pool), name.toIndex(pool), flagbits)
#.innerlength directive overrides the normal attribute length calculation
innerlen = 2+8*len(parts) if '.innerlength' not in directive_dict else directive_dict['.innerlength'][0]
attr = struct.pack('>HIH', pool.Utf8("InnerClasses"), innerlen, len(parts)) + ''.join(parts)
if '.enclosing' in directive_dict:
class_, nat = directive_dict['.enclosing'][0]
attr = struct.pack('>HIHH', pool.Utf8("EnclosingMethod"), 4, class_.toIndex(pool), nat.toIndex(pool))
assembleClassFieldMethodAttributes(addcb, directive_dict, pool)
def assemble(tree, addLineNumbers, jasmode, filename):
pool = PoolInfo()
version, cattrs1, classdec, superdec, interface_decs, cattrs2, topitems = tree
if not version: #default to version 49.0 except in Jasmin compatibility mode
version = (45,3) if jasmode else (49,0)
#scan topitems, plus statements in each method to get cpool directives
interfaces = []
fields = []
methods = []
attributes = []
directive_dict = groupList(cattrs1 + cattrs2)
top_d = groupList(topitems)
for slot, value in top_d['const']:
if slot.index is not None:
pool.fixed[slot.index] = value
pool.lbls[slot.lbl] = value
#Now find all cp references used in an ldc instruction
#Since they must be <=255, we give them priority in assigning slots
#to maximize the chance of a successful assembly
addLdcRefs(top_d['method'], pool)
for flags, name, desc, const, field_directives in top_d['field']:
flagbits = map(Field.flagVals.get, flags)
flagbits = reduce(operator.__or__, flagbits, 0)
name = name.toIndex(pool)
desc = desc.toIndex(pool)
fattrs = []
if const is not None:
attr = struct.pack('>HIH', pool.Utf8("ConstantValue"), 2, const.toIndex(pool))
assembleClassFieldMethodAttributes(fattrs.append, groupList(field_directives), pool)
field_code = struct.pack('>HHHH', flagbits, name, desc, len(fattrs)) + ''.join(fattrs)
for header, statements in top_d['method']:
methods.append(assembleMethod(header, statements, pool, version, addLineNumbers, jasmode))
if pool.bootstrap:
entries = [struct.pack('>H' + 'H'*len(bsargs), bsargs[0], len(bsargs)-1, *bsargs[1:]) for bsargs in pool.bootstrap]
attrbody = ''.join(entries)
attrhead = struct.pack('>HIH', pool.Utf8("BootstrapMethods"), 2+len(attrbody), len(entries))
attributes.append(attrhead + attrbody)
#Explicit class attributes
assembleClassAttributes(attributes.append, directive_dict, pool, addLineNumbers, jasmode, filename)
interfaces = [struct.pack('>H', x.toIndex(pool)) for x in interface_decs]
intf, cflags, this = classdec
cflags = set(cflags)
if intf:
if jasmode:
flagbits = map(ClassFile.flagVals.get, cflags)
flagbits = reduce(operator.__or__, flagbits, 0)
this = this.toIndex(pool)
super_ = superdec.toIndex(pool)
major, minor = version
class_code = '\xCA\xFE\xBA\xBE' + struct.pack('>HH', minor, major)
class_code += pool.pool.bytes()
class_code += struct.pack('>HHH', flagbits, this, super_)
for stuff in (interfaces, fields, methods, attributes):
bytes_ = struct.pack('>H', len(stuff)) + ''.join(stuff)
class_code += bytes_
name = pool.pool.getArgs(this)[0]
return name, class_code
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