Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import collections
import re
from . import instructions, tokenize, parse, assembler, codes
from ..binUnpacker import binUnpacker
from ..classfile import ClassFile
rhandle_codes = {v:k for k,v in codes.handle_codes.items()}
rnewarr_codes = {v:k for k,v in codes.newarr_codes.items()}
not_word_regex = '(?:{}|{}|{}|;)'.format(tokenize.int_base, tokenize.float_base, tokenize.t_CPINDEX)
not_word_regex = re.compile(not_word_regex, re.VERBOSE)
is_word_regex = re.compile(tokenize.t_WORD.__doc__+'$')
assert(is_word_regex.match("''") is None)
def isWord(s):
'''Determine if s can be used as an inline word'''
if s in parse.badwords or (not_word_regex.match(s) is not None):
return False
#eliminate unprintable characters below 32
#also, don't allow characters above 127 to keep things simpler
return (is_word_regex.match(s) is not None) and min(s) > ' ' and max(s) <= '\x7f'
def rstring(s, allowWord=True):
'''Returns a representation of the string. If allowWord is true, it will be unquoted if possible'''
if allowWord and isWord(s):
return s
if s.encode('ascii') == s:
return repr(str(s))
except (UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeDecodeError):
return repr(s)
class PoolManager(object):
def __init__(self, pool):
self.const_pool = pool #keep this around for the float conversion function
self.pool = pool.pool
self.bootstrap_methods = [] #filled in externally
self.used = set() #which cp entries are used non inline and so must be printed
#For each type, store the function needed to generate the rhs of a constant pool specifier
temp1 = lambda ind: rstring(self.cparg1(ind))
temp2 = lambda ind: self.utfref(self.cparg1(ind))
self.cpref_table = {
"Utf8": temp1,
"Class": temp2,
"String": temp2,
"MethodType": temp2,
"NameAndType": self.multiref,
"Field": self.multiref,
"Method": self.multiref,
"InterfaceMethod": self.multiref,
"Int": self.ldc,
"Long": self.ldc,
"Float": self.ldc,
"Double": self.ldc,
"MethodHandle": self.methodhandle_notref,
"InvokeDynamic": self.invokedynamic_notref,
def cparg1(self, ind):
return self.pool[ind][1][0]
def inlineutf(self, ind, allowWord=True):
'''Returns the word if it's short enough to inline, else None'''
arg = self.cparg1(ind)
rstr = rstring(arg, allowWord=allowWord)
if len(rstr) <= MAX_INLINE_LENGTH:
return rstr
return None
def ref(self, ind):
return '[_{}]'.format(ind)
def utfref(self, ind):
if ind == 0:
return '[0]'
inline = self.inlineutf(ind)
return inline if inline is not None else self.ref(ind)
#Also works for Strings and MethodTypes
def classref(self, ind):
if ind == 0:
return '[0]'
inline = self.inlineutf(self.cparg1(ind))
return inline if inline is not None else self.ref(ind)
#For Field, Method, IMethod, and NameAndType. Effectively notref
def multiref(self, ind):
if ind == 0:
return '[0]'
typen, args = self.pool[ind]
if typen == "Utf8":
return self.utfref(ind)
elif typen == "Class":
return self.classref(ind)
return ' '.join(map(self.multiref, args))
#Special case for instruction fieldrefs as a workaround for Jasmin's awful syntax
def notjasref(self, ind):
typen, args = self.pool[ind]
cind = self.cparg1(ind)
inline = self.inlineutf(self.cparg1(cind))
if inline is None:
return self.ref(ind)
return inline + ' ' + self.multiref(args[1])
def ldc(self, ind):
typen, args = self.pool[ind]
arg = args[0]
if typen == 'String':
inline = self.inlineutf(arg, allowWord=False)
return inline if inline is not None else self.ref(ind)
elif typen in ('Int','Long','Float','Double'):
if typen == "Float" or typen == "Double":
arg = self.const_pool.getArgs(ind)[0]
rstr = repr(arg).rstrip("Ll")
if typen == "Float" or typen == "Long":
rstr += typen[0]
return rstr
return self.ref(ind)
def methodhandle_notref(self, ind):
typen, args = self.pool[ind]
code = rhandle_codes[args[0]]
return code + ' ' + self.ref(args[1])
def invokedynamic_notref(self, ind):
typen, args = self.pool[ind]
bs_args = self.bootstrap_methods[args[0]]
parts = [self.methodhandle_notref(bs_args[0])]
parts += map(self.ref, bs_args[1:])
parts += [':', self.multiref(args[1])]
return ' '.join(parts)
def printConstDefs(self, add):
defs = {}
while self.used:
temp, self.used = self.used, set()
for ind in temp:
if ind in defs:
typen = self.pool[ind][0]
defs[ind] = self.cpref_table[typen](ind)
for ind in sorted(defs):
add('.const [_{}] = {} {}'.format(ind, self.pool[ind][0], defs[ind]))
def getAttributeTriples(obj): #name_ind, name, data
return [(name_ind, name, data1) for (name_ind, data1), (name, data2) in zip(obj.attributes_raw, obj.attributes)]
def getAttributesDict(obj):
d = collections.defaultdict(list)
for ind, name, attr in getAttributeTriples(obj):
d[name].append((ind, attr))
return d
fmt_lookup = {k:v.format for k,v in assembler.op_structs.items()}
def getInstruction(b, getlbl, poolm):
pos =
op = b.get('B')
name = instructions.allinstructions[op]
if name == 'wide':
name2 = instructions.allinstructions[b.get('B')]
if name2 == 'iinc':
args = list(b.get('>Hh'))
args = [b.get('>H')]
parts = [name, name2] + map(str, args)
return '\t' + ' '.join(parts)
elif name == 'tableswitch' or name == 'lookupswitch':
padding = assembler.getPadding(pos)
default = getlbl(b.get('>i')+pos)
if name == 'lookupswitch':
num = b.get('>I')
entries = ['\t'+name]
entries += ['\t\t{} : {}'.format(b.get('>i'), getlbl(b.get('>i')+pos)) for _ in range(num)]
low, high = b.get('>ii')
num = high-low+1
entries = ['\t{} {}'.format(name, low)]
entries += ['\t\t{}'.format(getlbl(b.get('>i')+pos)) for _ in range(num)]
entries += ['\t\tdefault : {}'.format(default)]
return '\n'.join(entries)
args = list(b.get(fmt_lookup[name], forceTuple=True))
#remove extra padding 0
if name in ('invokeinterface','invokedynamic'):
args = args[:-1]
funcs = {
'OP_CLASS': poolm.classref,
'OP_CLASS_INT': poolm.classref,
'OP_FIELD': poolm.notjasref, #this is a special case due to the jasmin thing
'OP_METHOD': poolm.multiref,
'OP_METHOD_INT': poolm.multiref,
'OP_DYNAMIC': poolm.ref,
'OP_LDC1': poolm.ldc,
'OP_LDC2': poolm.ldc,
'OP_NEWARR': rnewarr_codes.get,
token_t = tokenize.wordget[name]
if token_t == 'OP_LBL':
assert(len(args) == 1)
args[0] = getlbl(args[0]+pos)
elif token_t in funcs:
args[0] = funcs[token_t](args[0])
parts = [name] + map(str, args)
return '\t' + ' '.join(parts)
def disMethodCode(code, add, poolm):
if code is None:
add('\t.limit stack {}'.format(code.stack))
add('\t.limit locals {}'.format(code.locals))
lbls = set()
def getlbl(x):
return 'L'+str(x)
for e in code.except_raw:
parts = poolm.classref(e.type_ind), getlbl(e.start), getlbl(e.end), getlbl(e.handler)
add('\t.catch {} from {} to {} using {}'.format(*parts))
code_attributes = getAttributesDict(code)
frames = getStackMapTable(code_attributes, poolm, getlbl)
instrs = []
b = binUnpacker(code.bytecode_raw)
while b.size():
instrs.append((, getInstruction(b, getlbl, poolm)))
instrs.append((, None))
for off, instr in instrs:
if off in lbls:
if off in frames:
if instr:
#Generic code attributes
for name in code_attributes:
#We can't disassemble these because Jasmin's format for these attributes
#is overly cumbersome and not easy to disassemble into, but we can't just
#leave them as binary blobs either as they are verified by the JVM and the
#later two contain constant pool references which won't be preserved even
#if the bytecode isn't changed. For now, we just ommit them entirely.
#TODO - find a better solution
if name in ("LineNumberTable","LocalVariableTable","LocalVariableTypeTable"):
for name_ind, attr in code_attributes[name]:
add('.codeattribute {} {!r}'.format(poolm.utfref(name_ind), attr))
def getVerificationType(bytes_, poolm, getLbl):
s = codes.vt_keywords[bytes_.get('>B')]
if s == 'Object':
s += ' ' + poolm.classref(bytes_.get('>H'))
elif s == 'Uninitialized':
s += ' ' + getLbl(bytes_.get('>H'))
return s
def getStackMapTable(code_attributes, poolm, getLbl):
smt_attrs = code_attributes['StackMapTable']
frames = {}
offset = 0
if smt_attrs:
assert(len(smt_attrs) == 1)
bytes_ = binUnpacker(smt_attrs.pop()[1])
count = bytes_.get('>H')
getVT = lambda: getVerificationType(bytes_, poolm, getLbl)
for _ in range(count):
tag = bytes_.get('>B')
header, contents = None, []
if 0 <= tag <= 63:
offset += tag
header = 'same'
elif 64 <= tag <= 127:
offset += tag - 64
header = 'same_locals_1_stack_item'
contents.append('\tstack ' + getVT())
elif tag == 247:
offset += bytes_.get('>H')
header = 'same_locals_1_stack_item_extended'
contents.append('\tstack ' + getVT())
elif 248 <= tag <= 250:
offset += bytes_.get('>H')
header = 'chop ' + str(251-tag)
elif tag == 251:
offset += bytes_.get('>H')
header = 'same_extended'
elif 252 <= tag <= 254:
offset += bytes_.get('>H')
header = 'append'
contents.append('\tlocals ' + ' '.join(getVT() for _ in range(tag-251)))
elif tag == 255:
offset += bytes_.get('>H')
header = 'full'
local_count = bytes_.get('>H')
contents.append('\tlocals ' + ' '.join(getVT() for _ in range(local_count)))
stack_count = bytes_.get('>H')
contents.append('\tstack ' + ' '.join(getVT() for _ in range(stack_count)))
if contents:
contents.append('.end stack')
contents = ['.stack ' + header] + contents
frame = '\n'.join(contents)
frames[offset] = frame
offset += 1 #frames after the first have an offset one larger than the listed offset
return frames
def disCFMAttribute(name_ind, name, bytes_, add, poolm):
for vis in ('Visible', 'Invisible'):
if name == 'Runtime{}Annotations'.format(vis):
count = bytes_.get('>H')
for _ in range(count):
disAnnotation(bytes_, '.runtime{} '.format(vis.lower()), add, poolm, '')
if count: #otherwise we'll create an empty generic attribute
if name == "Signature":
add('.signature {}'.format(poolm.utfref(bytes_.get('>H'))))
#Create generic attribute if it can't be represented by a standard directive
add('.attribute {} {!r}'.format(poolm.utfref(name_ind), bytes_.getRaw(bytes_.size())))
def disMethodAttribute(name_ind, name, bytes_, add, poolm):
if name == 'Code':
elif name == 'AnnotationDefault':
disElementValue(bytes_, '.annotationdefault ', add, poolm, '')
elif name == 'Exceptions':
count = bytes_.get('>H')
for _ in range(count):
add('.throws ' + poolm.classref(bytes_.get('>H')))
if count: #otherwise we'll create an empty generic attribute
for vis in ('Visible', 'Invisible'):
if name == 'Runtime{}ParameterAnnotations'.format(vis):
for i in range(bytes_.get('>B')):
for _ in range(bytes_.get('>H')):
disAnnotation(bytes_, '.runtime{} parameter {} '.format(vis.lower(), i), add, poolm, '')
return #generic fallback on empty list not yet supported
disCFMAttribute(name_ind, name, bytes_, add, poolm)
def disMethod(method, add, poolm):
mflags = ' '.join(map(str.lower, method.flags))
add('.method {} {} : {}'.format(mflags, poolm.utfref(method.name_id), poolm.utfref(method.desc_id)))
for name_ind, name, attr in getAttributeTriples(method):
disMethodAttribute(name_ind, name, binUnpacker(attr), add, poolm)
disMethodCode(method.code, add, poolm)
add('.end method')
def _disEVorAnnotationSub(bytes_, add, poolm, isAnnot, init_prefix, init_indent):
C_ANNOT, C_ANNOT2, C_ANNOT3, C_EV, C_EV2 = range(5)
init_callt = C_ANNOT if isAnnot else C_EV
stack = [(init_callt, init_prefix, init_indent)]
while stack:
callt, prefix, indent = stack.pop()
if callt == C_ANNOT:
add(indent + prefix + 'annotation ' + poolm.utfref(bytes_.get('>H')))
#ones we want to happen last should be first on the stack. Annot3 is the final call which ends the annotation
stack.append((C_ANNOT3, None, indent))
stack.extend([(C_ANNOT2, None, indent)] * bytes_.get('>H'))
elif callt == C_ANNOT2:
key = poolm.utfref(bytes_.get('>H'))
stack.append((C_EV, key + ' = ', indent+'\t'))
elif callt == C_ANNOT3:
add(indent + '.end annotation')
elif callt == C_EV:
tag = codes.et_rtags[bytes_.getRaw(1)]
if tag == 'annotation':
stack.append((C_ANNOT, prefix, indent + '\t'))
if tag in ('byte','char','double','int','float','long','short','boolean','string'):
val = poolm.ldc(bytes_.get('>H'))
elif tag == 'class':
val = poolm.utfref(bytes_.get('>H'))
elif tag == 'enum':
val = poolm.utfref(bytes_.get('>H')) + ' ' + poolm.utfref(bytes_.get('>H'))
elif tag == 'array':
val = ''
add(indent + '{} {} {}'.format(prefix, tag, val))
if tag == 'array':
for _ in range(bytes_.get('>H')):
stack.append((C_EV, '', indent+'\t'))
stack.append((C_EV2, None, indent))
elif callt == C_EV2:
add(indent + '.end array')
def disElementValue(bytes_, prefix, add, poolm, indent):
_disEVorAnnotationSub(bytes_, add, poolm, False, prefix, indent)
def disAnnotation(bytes_, prefix, add, poolm, indent):
_disEVorAnnotationSub(bytes_, add, poolm, True, prefix, indent)
#Todo - make fields automatically unpack this themselves
def getConstValue(field):
if not field.static:
return None
const_attrs = [attr for attr in field.attributes if attr[0] == 'ConstantValue']
if const_attrs:
assert(len(const_attrs) == 1)
bytes_ = binUnpacker(const_attrs[0][1])
return bytes_.get('>H')
_classflags = [(v,k.lower()) for k,v in ClassFile.flagVals.items()]
def disInnerClassesAttribute(name_ind, length, bytes_, add, poolm):
count = bytes_.get('>H')
if length != 2+8*count:
add('.innerlength {}'.format(length))
for _ in range(count):
inner, outer, innername, flagbits = bytes_.get('>HHHH')
flags = [v for k,v in _classflags if k&flagbits]
inner = poolm.classref(inner)
outer = poolm.classref(outer)
innername = poolm.utfref(innername)
add('.inner {} {} {} {}'.format(' '.join(flags), innername, inner, outer))
if not count:
add('.attribute InnerClasses "\\0\\0"')
def disOtherClassAttribute(name_ind, name, bytes_, add, poolm):
assert(name != 'InnerClasses')
if name == 'EnclosingMethod':
cls, nat = bytes_.get('>HH')
add('.enclosing method {} {}'.format(poolm.classref(cls), poolm.multiref(nat)))
disCFMAttribute(name_ind, name, bytes_, add, poolm)
def disassemble(cls):
lines = []
add = lines.append
poolm = PoolManager(cls.cpool)
# def add(s): print s
add('.version {0[0]} {0[1]}'.format(cls.version))
class_attributes = getAttributesDict(cls)
if 'SourceFile' in class_attributes:
bytes_ = binUnpacker(class_attributes['SourceFile'].pop()[1])
val_ind = bytes_.get('>H')
add('.source {}'.format(poolm.utfref(val_ind)))
if 'BootstrapMethods' in class_attributes:
bytes_ = binUnpacker(class_attributes['BootstrapMethods'].pop()[1])
count = bytes_.get('>H')
for _ in range(count):
arg1, argc = bytes_.get('>HH')
args = (arg1,) + bytes_.get('>'+'H'*argc, forceTuple=True)
cflags = ' '.join(map(str.lower, cls.flags))
add('.class {} {}'.format(cflags, poolm.classref(cls.this)))
add('.super {}'.format(poolm.classref(cls.super)))
for ii in cls.interfaces_raw:
add('.implements {}'.format(poolm.classref(ii)))
for name in class_attributes:
if name == "InnerClasses":
assert(len(class_attributes[name]) == 1)
for name_ind, (length, attr) in class_attributes[name]:
disInnerClassesAttribute(name_ind, length, binUnpacker(attr), add, poolm)
for name_ind, attr in class_attributes[name]:
disOtherClassAttribute(name_ind, name, binUnpacker(attr), add, poolm)
for field in cls.fields:
fflags = ' '.join(map(str.lower, field.flags))
const = getConstValue(field)
if const is not None:
add('.field {} {} {} = {}'.format(fflags, poolm.utfref(field.name_id), poolm.utfref(field.desc_id), poolm.ldc(const)))
add('.field {} {} {}'.format(fflags, poolm.utfref(field.name_id), poolm.utfref(field.desc_id)))
facount = 0
for name_ind, name, attr in getAttributeTriples(field):
if name == 'ConstantValue' and field.static:
disMethodAttribute(name_ind, name, binUnpacker(attr), add, poolm)
facount += 1
if facount > 0:
add('.end field')
for method in cls.methods:
disMethod(method, add, poolm)
return '\n'.join(lines)
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