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import collections, itertools, functools
ddict = collections.defaultdict

from .. import graph_util
from . import graphproxy

from ..ssa import ssa_jumps
from ..ssa.exceptionset import ExceptionSet
from .setree import SEBlockItem, SEScope, SEIf, SESwitch, SETry, SEWhile

# This module is responsible for transforming an arbitrary control flow graph into a tree
# of nested structures corresponding to Java control flow statements. This occurs in
# several main steps
# Preprocessing - create graph view and ensure that there are no self loops and every node
#   has only one incoming edge type
# Structure loops - ensure every loop has a single entry point. This may result in
#   exponential code duplication in pathological cases
# Structure exceptions - create dummy nodes for every throw exception type for every node
# Structure conditionals - order switch targets consistent with fallthrough and create
#   dummy nodes where necessary
# Create constraints - sets up the constraints used to represent nested statements
# Merge exceptions - try to merge as any try constraints as possible. This is done by
#   extending one until it covers the cases that another one handles, allowing the second
#   to be removed
# Parallelize exceptions - freeze try constraints and turn them into multicatch blocks
#   where possible (not implemented yet)
# Complete scopes - expand scopes to try to reduce the number of successors
# Add break scopes - add extra scope statements so extra successors can be represented as
#   labeled breaks

class DominatorInfo(object):
    def __init__(self, root):
        self._doms = doms = {root:(root,)}
        stack = [root]
        while stack:
            cur = stack.pop()
            assert(cur not in stack)
            for child in cur.successors:
                new = doms[cur] + (child,)
                old = doms.get(child)
                if new != old:
                    new = new if old is None else tuple(x for x in old if x in new)
                    assert(child == new[-1])
                if old is not None:
                    assert(new == old or len(new) < len(old))
                    assert(new[0] == root and new[-1] == child)
                if new != old:
                    doms[child] = new
                    if child not in stack:
        self.nodeset = set(self._doms)
        self.root = root

    def dominators(self, node):
        return self._doms[node]

    def dominator(self, nodes):
        '''Get the common dominator of nodes'''
        return [x for x in zip(*map(self._doms.get, nodes)) if len(set(x))==1][-1][0]

    def area(self, node):
        #Note, if changed to store a set, make sure to copy it, as returned sets are mutated
        return set(k for k,v in self._doms.items() if node in v)

    def extend(self, nodes):
        dom = self.dominator(nodes)
        temp = graph_util.topologicalSort(nodes, lambda x:([] if x is dom else x.predecessors))
        return set(temp)

class ScopeConstraint(object):
    def __init__(self, lbound, ubound):
        self.lbound = lbound
        self.ubound = ubound

_count = itertools.count()
_gcon_tags = 'while','try','switch','if','scope'
class CompoundConstraint(object):
    def __init__(self, tag, head, scopes):
        assert(tag in _gcon_tags)
        self.tag = tag
        self.scopes = scopes
        self.head = head
        self.heads = frozenset([head]) if head is not None else frozenset()
        #only used by try constraints, but we leave dummy sets for the rest
        self.forcedup = self.forceddown = frozenset()

        self.lbound = set().union(*[scope.lbound for scope in self.scopes])
        self.ubound = set().union(*[scope.ubound for scope in self.scopes])
        if head is not None:
        assert(self.ubound >= self.lbound) = next(_count) #for debugging purposes

    def __str__(self): return self.tag+str(
    __repr__ = __str__

def WhileCon(dom, head):
    ubound = dom.area(head)
    lbound = dom.extend([head] + [n2 for n2 in head.predecessors if n2 in ubound])
    return CompoundConstraint('while', None, [ScopeConstraint(lbound, ubound)])

def TryCon(trynode, target, cset, catchvar):
    trybound = set([trynode])
    tryscope = ScopeConstraint(trybound, trybound.copy())

    #Catch scopes are added later, once all the merging is finished
    new = CompoundConstraint('try', None, [tryscope])
    new.forcedup = set()
    new.forceddown = set() = target
    new.cset = cset
    new.catchvar = catchvar

    assert(len( == 1)
    new.orig_target =[0]
    return new

def FixedScopeCon(lbound):
    return CompoundConstraint('scope', None, [ScopeConstraint(lbound, lbound.copy())])

def structureLoops(nodes):
    todo = nodes
    while_heads = []
    while todo:
        newtodo = []
        temp = set(todo)
        sccs = graph_util.tarjanSCC(todo, lambda block:[x for x in block.predecessors if x in temp])

        for scc in sccs:
            if len(scc) <= 1:

            scc_set = set(scc)
            entries = [n for n in scc if not scc_set.issuperset(n.predecessors)]

            if len(entries) <= 1:
                head = entries[0]
                #if more than one entry point into the loop, we have to choose one as the head and duplicate the rest
                print 'Warning, multiple entry point loop detected. Generated code may be extremely large',
                print '({} entry points, {} blocks)'.format(len(entries), len(scc))

                def loopSuccessors(head, block):
                    if block == head:
                        return []
                    return [x for x in block.successors if x in scc_set]

                reaches = [(n, graph_util.topologicalSort(entries, functools.partial(loopSuccessors, n))) for n in scc]
                for head, reachable in reaches:

                head, reachable = min(reaches, key=lambda t:(len(t[1]), -len(t[0].predecessors)))
                assert(head not in reachable)
                print 'Duplicating {} nodes'.format(len(reachable))
                newnodes = graphproxy.duplicateNodes(reachable, scc_set)
                newtodo += newnodes
                nodes += newnodes

        todo = newtodo
    return while_heads

def structureExceptions(nodes):
    thrownodes = [n for n in nodes if n.block and isinstance(n.block.jump, ssa_jumps.OnException)]

    newinfos = []
    for n in thrownodes:
        manager = n.block.jump.cs
        thrownvar = n.block.jump.params[0]

        mycsets = {}
        mytryinfos = []
        newinfos.append((n, manager.mask, mycsets, mytryinfos))

        temp = ExceptionSet.EMPTY
        for cset in manager.sets.values():
            assert(not temp & cset)
            temp |= cset
        assert(temp == manager.mask)

        for handler, cset in manager.sets.items():
            en = n.blockdict[handler.key, True]
            mycsets[en] = cset


            caughtvars = [v2 for (v1,v2) in zip(n.outvars[en], en.invars) if v1 == thrownvar]
            assert(len(caughtvars) <= 1)
            caughtvar = caughtvars.pop() if caughtvars else None

            outvars = [(None if v == thrownvar else v) for v in n.outvars[en]]
            del n.outvars[en]

            for tt in cset.getTopTTs():
                top = ExceptionSet.fromTops(cset.env, tt[0])
                new = en.indirectEdges([])
                n.eassigns[new] = outvars #should be safe to avoid copy as we'll never modify it
                mytryinfos.append((top, new, caughtvar))

    return newinfos

def structureConditionals(entryNode, nodes):
    dom = DominatorInfo(entryNode)
    switchnodes = [n for n in nodes if n.block and isinstance(n.block.jump, ssa_jumps.Switch)]
    ifnodes = [n for n in nodes if n.block and isinstance(n.block.jump, ssa_jumps.If)]

    #For switch statements, we can't just blithley indirect all targets as that interferes with fallthrough behavior
    switchinfos = []
    for n in switchnodes:
        # import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
        targets = n.successors
        bad = [x for x in targets if n not in dom.dominators(x)]
        good = [x for x in targets if x not in bad]

        domains = {x:dom.area(x) for x in good}
        parents = {}
        for x in good:
            parents[x] = [k for k,v in domains.items() if not v.isdisjoint(x.predecessors)]
            if x in parents[x]:

        #We need to make sure that the fallthrough graph consists of independent chains
        #For targets with multiple parents, both parents must be removed
        #For a target with multiple children, all but one of the children must be removed
        depthfirst = graph_util.topologicalSort(good, parents.get)
        chosenChild = {}
        for target in depthfirst:
            if parents[target]:
                isOk = len(parents[target]) == 1 and parents[target][0] in parents
                isOk = isOk and chosenChild.setdefault(parents[target][0], target) == target
                if not isOk:
                    del domains[target], parents[target]

        #Now we need an ordering of the good blocks consistent with fallthrough
        #regular topoSort can't be used since we require chains to be immediately contiguous
        #which a topological sort doesn't garuentee
        leaves = [x for x in good if x not in chosenChild]
        ordered = []
        for leaf in leaves:
            cur = leaf
            while parents[cur]:
                assert(chosenChild[parents[cur][0]] == cur)
                cur = parents[cur][0]
        ordered = ordered[::-1]

        for x in bad:
            new = x.indirectEdges([n])
        assert(len(ordered) == len(targets) == (len(good) + len(bad)))
        switchinfos.append((n, ordered))

    ifinfos = []
    for n in ifnodes:
        targets = n.successors[:]
        targets = [x.indirectEdges([n]) for x in targets]
        ifinfos.append((n, targets))

    return switchinfos, ifinfos

def createConstraints(dom, while_heads, newtryinfos, switchinfos, ifinfos):
    constraints = []
    for head in while_heads:
        constraints.append(WhileCon(dom, head))

    masks = {n:mask for n, mask, _, _ in newtryinfos}
    forbid_dicts = ddict(lambda:masks.copy())
    for n, mask, csets, tryinfos in newtryinfos:
        for ot, cset in csets.items():
            forbid_dicts[ot][n] -= cset
    for forbid in forbid_dicts.values():
        for k in forbid.keys():
            if not forbid[k]:
                del forbid[k]

    for n, mask, csets, tryinfos in newtryinfos:
        cons = [TryCon(n, target, top, caughtvar) for top, target, caughtvar in tryinfos]

        for con, con2 in itertools.product(cons, repeat=2):
            if con is con2:
            if not (con.cset - con2.cset): #cset1 is subset of cset2
                assert(con2.cset - con.cset)

        for con in cons:
            con.forbidden = forbid_dicts[con.orig_target].copy()

            if n in con.forbidden:
                for con2 in con.forceddown:
                    con.forbidden[n] -= con2.cset
                if not con.forbidden[n]:
                    del con.forbidden[n]


    for n, ordered in switchinfos:
        last = []
        scopes = []
        for target in reversed(ordered):
            fallthroughs = [x for x in last if target in dom.dominators(x)]
            assert(n not in fallthroughs)
            last = target.predecessors

            lbound = dom.extend([target] + fallthroughs)
            ubound = dom.area(target)
            assert(lbound <= ubound and n not in ubound)
            scopes.append(ScopeConstraint(lbound, ubound))
        con = CompoundConstraint('switch', n, list(reversed(scopes)))

    for n, targets in ifinfos:
        scopes = []
        for target in targets:
            lbound = set([target])
            ubound = dom.area(target)
            scopes.append(ScopeConstraint(lbound, ubound))
        con = CompoundConstraint('if', n, scopes)

    return constraints

def orderConstraints(dom, constraints, nodes):
    DummyParent = None #dummy root
    children = ddict(list)
    frozen = set()

    node_set = set(nodes)
    assert(set(dom._doms) == node_set)
    for item in constraints:
        assert(item.lbound <= node_set)
        assert(item.ubound <= node_set)
        for scope in item.scopes:
            assert(scope.lbound <= node_set)
            assert(scope.ubound <= node_set)

    todo = constraints[:]
    while todo:
        items = []
        queue = [todo[0]]
        iset = set(queue) #set of items to skip when expanding connected component
        nset = set()
        parents = set()

        while queue:
            item = queue.pop()
            if item in frozen:

            #list comprehension adds to iset as well to ensure uniqueness
            queue += [i2 for i2 in item.forcedup if not i2 in iset and not iset.add(i2)]
            queue += [i2 for i2 in item.forceddown if not i2 in iset and not iset.add(i2)]

            if not item.lbound.issubset(nset):
                nset |= item.lbound
                nset = dom.extend(nset)
                hits = [i2 for i2 in constraints if nset & i2.lbound]
                queue += [i2 for i2 in hits if not i2 in iset and not iset.add(i2)]
        assert(nset <= node_set)
        assert(nset and nset == dom.extend(nset))
        #items is now a connected component
        candidates = [i for i in items if i.ubound.issuperset(nset)]
        candidates = [i for i in items if i.forcedup.issubset(frozen)]

        #make sure for each candidates that all of the nested items fall within a single scope
        cscope_assigns = []
        for cnode in candidates:
            svals = ddict(set)
            bad = False
            for item in items:
                if item is cnode:

                scopes = [s for s in cnode.scopes if item.lbound & s.ubound]
                if len(scopes) != 1 or not scopes[0].ubound.issuperset(item.lbound):
                    bad = True
                svals[scopes[0]] |= item.lbound

            if not bad:
                cscope_assigns.append((cnode, svals))

        cnode, svals = cscope_assigns.pop() #choose candidate arbitrarily if more than 1
        assert(len(svals) <= len(cnode.scopes))
        for scope, ext in svals.items():
            scope.lbound |= ext
            assert(scope.lbound <= scope.ubound)
            assert(dom.extend(scope.lbound) == scope.lbound)

        cnode.lbound |= nset
        assert(cnode.lbound <= cnode.ubound)
        assert(cnode.lbound == (cnode.heads.union(*[s.lbound for s in cnode.scopes])))

        #find lowest parent
        parent = DummyParent
        while not parents.isdisjoint(children[parent]):
            temp = parents.intersection(children[parent])
            assert(len(temp) == 1)
            parent = temp.pop()

        if parent is not None:
            assert(cnode.lbound <= parent.lbound)


    #make sure items are nested
    for k, v in children.items():
        temp = set()
        for child in v:
            temp |= child.lbound
        assert(k is None or temp <= k.lbound)

    #Add a root so it is a tree, not a forest
    croot = FixedScopeCon(set(nodes))
    children[croot] = children[None]
    del children[None]
    return croot, children

def mergeExceptions(dom, children, constraints, nodes):
    parents = {} # con -> parent, parentscope
    for k, cs in children.items():
        for child in cs:
            scopes = [s for s in k.scopes if s.lbound & child.lbound]
            assert(child not in parents and len(scopes) == 1)
            parents[child] = k, scopes[0]
    assert(set(parents) == set(constraints))

    def removeFromTree(con):
        parent, pscope = parents[con]
        children[parent] += children[con]
        for x in children[con]:
            scopes = [s for s in parent.scopes if s.lbound & x.lbound]
            parents[x] = parent, scopes[0]
        del children[con]
        del parents[con]

    def insertInTree(con, parent):
        scopes = [s for s in parent.scopes if s.lbound & con.lbound]
        parents[con] = parent, scopes[0]
        children[con] = []

        for scope in con.scopes:
            hits = [c for c in children[parent] if c.lbound & scope.lbound]
            for child in hits:
                assert(parents[child][0] == parent)
                parents[child] = con, scope

    def unforbid(forbidden, newdown):
        for n in newdown.lbound:
            if n in forbidden:
                forbidden[n] -= newdown.cset
                if not forbidden[n]:
                    del forbidden[n]

    def tryExtend(con, newblocks, xCSet, xUps, xDowns, removed):
        forcedup = con.forcedup | xUps
        forceddown = con.forceddown | xDowns
        assert(con not in forceddown)
        if forcedup & forceddown:
            return False

        body = dom.extend(con.lbound | newblocks)
        ubound = set(con.ubound)
        for tcon in forcedup:
            ubound &= tcon.lbound

        while 1:
            done = True
            parent, pscope = parents[con]
            #Ugly hack to work around the fact that try bodies are temporarily stored
            #in the main constraint, not its scopes
            while not body <= (parent if parent.tag == 'try' else pscope).lbound:
                #Try to extend parent rather than just failing
                if parent.tag == 'try' and parent in forcedup:
                    #Note this call may mutate the parent
                    done = not tryExtend(parent, body, ExceptionSet.EMPTY, set(), set(), removed)
                    #Since the tree may have been updated, start over and rewalk the tree
                    if not done:

                body |= parent.lbound
                if parent in forcedup or not body <= ubound:
                    return False
                parent, pscope = parents[parent]
            if done:

        for child in children[parent]:
            if child.lbound & body:
                body |= child.lbound

        if not body <= ubound:
            return False

        cset = con.cset | xCSet
        forbidden = con.forbidden.copy()
        for newdown in (forceddown - con.forceddown):
            unforbid(forbidden, newdown)

        for node in body:
            if node in forbidden and (cset & forbidden[node]):
                #The current cset is not compatible with the current partial order
                #Try to find some cons to force down in order to fix this
                bad = cset & forbidden[node]
                candidates = [c for c in trycons if c not in removed]
                candidates = [c for c in candidates if node in c.lbound and c.lbound.issubset(body)]
                candidates = [c for c in candidates if (c.cset & bad)]
                candidates = [c for c in candidates if c not in forcedup and c is not con]

                for topnd in candidates:
                    if topnd in forceddown:

                    temp = topnd.forceddown - forceddown - removed
                    for newdown in temp:
                        unforbid(forbidden, newdown)

                    assert(con not in temp)
                    forceddown |= temp
                    bad = cset & forbidden.get(node, ExceptionSet.EMPTY)
                    if not bad:
                if bad:
                    assert(node not in con.lbound or cset - con.cset)
                    return False
        for tcon in forceddown:
            assert(tcon.lbound <= body)

        #At this point, everything should be all right, so we need to update con and the tree
        con.lbound = body
        con.cset = cset
        con.forbidden = forbidden
        con.forcedup = forcedup
        con.forceddown = forceddown

        #These copies aren't necessary, but it's easier to just keep all the mutable sets seperate
        con.scopes[0].lbound = body.copy()
        con.scopes[0].ubound = ubound.copy()

        for new in con.forceddown:
            new.forcedup |= forcedup

        for new in con.forcedup:
            unforbid(new.forbidden, con)
            for new2 in forceddown - new.forceddown:
                unforbid(new.forbidden, new2)
            new.forceddown |= forceddown

        #Move con into it's new position in the tree
        insertInTree(con, parent)
        return True

    trycons = [con for con in constraints if con.tag == 'try']
    # print 'Merging exceptions ({1}/{0}) trys'.format(len(constraints), len(trycons))
    topoorder = graph_util.topologicalSort(constraints, lambda cn:([parents[cn]] if cn in parents else []))
    trycons = sorted(trycons, key=topoorder.index)
    #note that the tree may be changed while iterating, but constraints should only move up

    removed = set()
    for con in trycons:
        if con in removed:

        #First find the actual upper bound for the try scope
        #Nodes dominated by the tryblocks but not reachable from the catch target
        assert(len(con.lbound) == 1)
        tryhead = min(con.lbound)
        backnodes = dom.dominators(tryhead)
        catchreach = graph_util.topologicalSort([], lambda node:[x for x in node.successors if x not in backnodes])
        con.ubound = set(nodes) - set(catchreach)

        #Now find which cons we can try to merge with
        candidates = [c for c in trycons if c not in removed and c.orig_target == con.orig_target]
        candidates = [c for c in candidates if c.lbound.issubset(con.ubound)]
        candidates = [c for c in candidates if c not in con.forcedup]

        success = {}
        for con2 in candidates:
            success[con2] = tryExtend(con, con2.lbound, con2.cset, con2.forcedup, con2.forceddown, removed)

        #Now find which ones can be removed
        def removeable(con2):
            okdiff = set([con,con2])
            if con2.lbound <= (con.lbound):
                if con2.forceddown <= (con.forceddown | okdiff):
                    if con2.forcedup <= (con.forcedup | okdiff):
                        if not con2.cset - con.cset:
                            return True
            return False

        for con2 in candidates:
            #Note that since our tryExtend is somewhat conservative, in rare cases we
            #may find that we can remove a constraint even if tryExtend failed on it
            #but the reverse should obviously never happen
            if not removeable(con2):
                assert(not success[con2])

            for tcon in trycons:
                if tcon not in removed and tcon is not con:
                    assert(con in tcon.forceddown or con2 not in tcon.forceddown)
                    assert(con in tcon.forcedup or con2 not in tcon.forcedup)
            assert(con not in removed)

    removed_nodes = frozenset( for c in removed)
    constraints = [c for c in constraints if c not in removed]
    trycons = [c for c in trycons if c not in removed]

    for con in constraints:
        con.lbound -= removed_nodes
        con.ubound -= removed_nodes
        for scope in con.scopes:
            scope.lbound -= removed_nodes
            scope.ubound -= removed_nodes

    for con in trycons:
        assert(not con.forcedup & removed)
        assert(not con.forceddown & removed)

        #For convienence, we were previously storing the try scope bounds in the main constraint bounds
        tryscope = con.scopes[0]
        tryscope.lbound = con.lbound.copy()
        tryscope.ubound = con.ubound.copy()
    # print 'Merging done'
    # print dict(collections.Counter(con.tag for con in constraints))

    #Now fix up the nodes. This is a little tricky
    nodes = [n for n in nodes if n not in removed_nodes]
    for node in nodes:
        node.predecessors = [x for x in node.predecessors if x not in removed_nodes]

        #start with normal successors and add exceptions back in
        node.successors = [x for x in node.successors if x in node.outvars]
        if node.eassigns:
            temp = {k.successors[0]:v for k,v in node.eassigns.items()}
            node.eassigns = ea = {}

            for con in trycons:
                if node in con.lbound and con.orig_target in temp:
                    ea[] = temp[con.orig_target]
                    if node not in
            assert(len(ea) >= len(temp))
    assert(dom.root not in removed_nodes)

    node_set = set(nodes)
    for item in constraints:
        assert(item.lbound <= node_set)
        assert(item.ubound <= node_set)
        for scope in item.scopes:
            assert(scope.lbound <= node_set)
            assert(scope.ubound <= node_set)

    #Regenerate dominator info to take removed nodes into account
    dom = DominatorInfo(dom.root)
    assert(set(dom._doms) == node_set)
    return dom, constraints, nodes

def fixTryConstraints(dom, constraints):
    #Add catchscopes and freeze other relations
    for con in constraints:
        if con.tag != 'try':

        lbound = set([])
        ubound = dom.area(

        cscope = ScopeConstraint(lbound, ubound)

        #After this point, forced relations and cset are frozen
        #So if a node is forbbiden, we can't expand to it at all
        cset = con.cset
        tscope = con.scopes[0]

        empty = ExceptionSet.EMPTY
        tscope.ubound = set(x for x in tscope.ubound if not (cset & con.forbidden.get(x, empty)))
        del con.forbidden

        con.lbound = tscope.lbound | cscope.lbound
        con.ubound = tscope.ubound | cscope.ubound

def _dominatorUBoundClosure(dom, lbound, ubound):
    #Make sure ubound is dominator closed
    #For now, we keep original dominator since the min cut stuff gets messed up otherwise
    udom = dom.dominator(lbound)
    ubound &= dom.area(udom)

    done = (ubound == lbound)
    while not done:
        done = True
        for x in list(ubound):
            if x == udom:
            for y in x.predecessors_nl:
                if y not in ubound:
                    done = False
    assert(ubound == dom.extend(ubound))
    assert(udom == dom.dominator(ubound))
    return ubound

def _augmentingPath(startnodes, startset, endset, used, backedge, bound):
    #Find augmenting path via BFS
    queue = collections.deque([(n,True,(n,)) for n in startnodes if n not in used])

    seen = set((n,True) for n in startnodes)
    while queue:
        pos, lastfw, path = queue.popleft()

        canfwd = not lastfw or pos not in used
        canback = pos in used and pos not in startset

        if canfwd:
            if pos in endset: #success!
                return path, None
            successors = [x for x in pos.successors_nl if x in bound]
            for pos2 in successors:
                if (pos2, True) not in seen:
                    seen.add((pos2, True))
                    queue.append((pos2, True, path+(pos2,)))
        if canback:
            pos2 = backedge[pos]
            if (pos2, False) not in seen:
                seen.add((pos2, False))
                queue.append((pos2, False, path+(pos2,)))
    else: #queue is empty but we didn't find anything
        return None, set(x for x,front in seen if front)

def _mincut(startnodes, endnodes, bound):
    startset = frozenset(startnodes)
    endset = frozenset(endnodes)
    bound = bound | endset
    used = set()
    backedge = {}

    while 1:
        path, lastseen = _augmentingPath(startnodes, startset, endset, used, backedge, bound)
        if path is None:
            return lastseen | (startset & used)

        assert(path[0] in startset and path[-1] in endset)
        for pos, last in zip(path, (None,)+path):
            if last in pos.norm_suc_nl:
                assert(pos in used)
                assert(backedge[pos] != last)
                backedge[pos] = last
                assert((backedge[pos] is None) == (pos in startset))

def completeScopes(dom, croot, children, isClinit):
    parentscope = {}
    for k, v in children.items():
        for child in v:
            pscopes = [scope for scope in k.scopes if child.lbound.issubset(scope.lbound)]
            parentscope[child] = pscopes[0]

    nodeorder = graph_util.topologicalSort([dom.root], lambda n:n.successors_nl)
    nodeorder = {n:-i for i,n in enumerate(nodeorder)}

    stack = [croot]
    while stack:
        parent = stack.pop()

        #The problem is that when processing one child, we may want to extend it to include another child
        #We solve this by freezing already processed children and ordering them heuristically
        # TODO - find a better way to handle this
        revorder = sorted(children[parent], key=lambda cnode:(-nodeorder[dom.dominator(cnode.lbound)], len(cnode.ubound)))
        frozen_nodes = set()

        while revorder:
            cnode = revorder.pop()
            if cnode not in children[parent]: #may have been made a child of a previously processed child

            scopes = [s for s in parent.scopes if s.lbound & cnode.lbound]

            ubound = cnode.ubound & scopes[0].lbound
            ubound -= frozen_nodes
            for other in revorder:
                if not ubound.issuperset(other.lbound):
                    ubound -= other.lbound
            if isClinit:
                # Avoid inlining return block so that it's always at the end and can be pruned later
                ubound = set(n for n in ubound if n.block is None or not isinstance(n.block.jump, ssa_jumps.Return))

            ubound = _dominatorUBoundClosure(dom, cnode.lbound, ubound)
            body = cnode.lbound.copy()

            #Be careful to make sure the order is deterministic
            temp = set(body)
            parts = [n.norm_suc_nl for n in sorted(body, key=nodeorder.get)]
            startnodes = [n for n in itertools.chain(*parts) if not n in temp and not temp.add(n)]

            temp = set(ubound)
            parts = [n.norm_suc_nl for n in sorted(ubound, key=nodeorder.get)]
            endnodes = [n for n in itertools.chain(*parts) if not n in temp and not temp.add(n)]

            #Now use Edmonds-Karp, modified to find min vertex cut
            lastseen = _mincut(startnodes, endnodes, frozenset(ubound))

            #Now we have the max flow, try to find the min cut
            #Just use the set of nodes visited during the final BFS
            interior = [x for x in (lastseen & ubound) if lastseen.issuperset(x.norm_suc_nl)]

            body = dom.extend(body) #TODO - figure out a cleaner way to do this
            assert(body.issubset(ubound) and body==dom.extend(body))
            #The new cut may get messed up by the inclusion of extra children. But this seems unlikely
            newchildren = []
            for child in revorder:
                if child.lbound & body:
                    body |= child.lbound

            assert(body.issubset(ubound) and body == dom.extend(body))
            cnode.lbound = body
            for scope in cnode.scopes:
                scope.lbound |= (body & scope.ubound)

            children[parent] = [c for c in children[parent] if c not in newchildren]
            frozen_nodes |= body

        #Note this is only the immediate children, after some may have been moved down the tree during previous processing

class _mnode(object):
    def __init__(self, head):
        self.head = head
        self.nodes = set()
        self.items = []
        #children top selected subtree depth

    def __str__(self): return 'M'+str(self.head)[3:]
    __repr__ = __str__

def _addBreak_sub(dom, rno_get, body, childcons):
    # Create dom* tree
    # This is a subset of dominators that dominate all nodes reachable from themselves
    domC = {n:dom.dominators(n) for n in body}
    for n in sorted(body, key=rno_get): #reverse topo order
        for n2 in n.successors_nl:
            if n2 not in body:
            match = len([x for x,y in zip(domC[n], domC[n2]) if x==y])
            assert(match and domC[n][:match] == domC[n2][:match])
            domC[n] = domC[n][:match]

    heads = set(n for n in body if domC[n][-1] == n)
    for n in body:
        domC[n] = [x for x in domC[n] if x in heads]

    #Make sure this is deterministicly ordered
    mdata = collections.OrderedDict((k,_mnode(k)) for k in sorted(heads, key=rno_get))
    for n in body:
    for item in childcons:
        head = domC[dom.dominator(item.lbound)][-1]
        mdata[head].nodes |= item.lbound

    # Now merge nodes until they no longer cross item boundaries
    for h in heads:
        if h not in mdata:

        hits = mdata[h].nodes.intersection(mdata)
        while len(hits) > 1:
            for h2 in hits:
                assert(h in domC[h2] and h2 not in domC[h])
                mdata[h].nodes |= mdata[h2].nodes
                mdata[h].items += mdata[h2].items
                del mdata[h2]
            hits = mdata[h].nodes.intersection(mdata)
        assert(hits == set([h]))

    #Now that we have the final set of heads, fill in the tree data
    #add a dummy to the front so [-1] always works
    domPruned = {h:[None]+[h2 for h2 in domC[h][:-1] if h2 in mdata] for h in mdata}

    for h, mnode in mdata.items(): = True
        mnode.selected = [mnode]
        mnode.subtree = [mnode]
        #Note, this is max nesting depth, NOT depth in the tree
        mnode.depth = 1 if mnode.items else 0
        if any(item.tag == 'switch' for item in mnode.items):
            mnode.depth = 2
        mnode.tiebreak = rno_get(h)

        assert(h in mnode.nodes and len(mnode.nodes) >= len(mnode.items))
        mnode.children = [mnode2 for h2, mnode2 in mdata.items() if domPruned[h2][-1] == h]

    revorder = graph_util.topologicalSort(mdata.values(), lambda mn:mn.children)
    assert(len(revorder) == len(mdata))
    assert(sum(len(mn.children) for mn in revorder) == len(revorder)-1)

    #Now partition tree into subtrees, trying to minimize max nesting
    for mnode in revorder:
        if mnode.children:
            successor = max(mnode.children, key=lambda mn:(mn.depth, len(mn.subtree), mn.tiebreak))

            depths = sorted(mn.depth for mn in mnode.children)
            temp = max(d-i for i,d in enumerate(depths))
            mnode.depth = max(mnode.depth, temp+len(mnode.children)-1)

            for other in mnode.children:
                if other is successor:
       = False
                mnode.selected += other.subtree
            mnode.subtree = mnode.selected + successor.subtree
            for subnode in mnode.selected[1:]:
       = False
        assert(len(set(mnode.subtree)) == len(mnode.subtree))

    results = []
    for root in revorder:
        if not
        nodes, items = set(), []
        for mnode in root.selected:
            nodes |= mnode.nodes
            items += mnode.items
        results.append((nodes, items))

    temp = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(zip(*results)[1]))
    assert(len(temp) == len(childcons) and set(temp) == set(childcons))
    return results

def addBreakScopes(dom, croot, constraints, children):
    nodeorder = graph_util.topologicalSort([dom.root], lambda n:n.successors_nl)
    nodeorder = {n:i for i,n in enumerate(nodeorder)}
    rno_get = nodeorder.get #key for sorting nodes in rev. topo order

    stack = [croot]
    while stack:
        cnode = stack.pop()
        oldchildren = children[cnode][:]
        newchildren = children[cnode] = []

        for scope in cnode.scopes:
            subcons = [c for c in oldchildren if c.lbound <= scope.lbound]

            results = _addBreak_sub(dom, rno_get, scope.lbound, subcons)
            results = [t for t in results if len(t[0]) > 1]

            for nodes, items in results:
                assert(dom.extend(nodes) == nodes)
                if len(items) == 1 and items[0].lbound == nodes:
                    new = items[0] #no point wrapping it in a scope if it already has identical body
                    new = FixedScopeCon(nodes)
                    children[new] = items

def constraintsToSETree(dom, croot, children, nodes):
    seitems = {n:SEBlockItem(n) for n in nodes} #maps entryblock -> item

    #iterate over tree in reverse topological order (bottom up)
    revorder = graph_util.topologicalSort([croot], lambda cn:children[cn])
    for cnode in revorder:
        sescopes = []
        for scope in cnode.scopes:
            body = scope.lbound
            pos = dom.dominator(body)
            items = []
            while pos is not None:
                item = seitems[pos]
                del seitems[pos]
                suc = [n for n in item.successors if n in body]
                assert(len(suc) <= 1)
                pos = suc[0] if suc else None

            newscope = SEScope(items)
            assert(newscope.nodes == frozenset(body))

        if cnode.tag in ('if','switch'):
            head = seitems[cnode.head]
            assert(isinstance(head, SEBlockItem))
            del seitems[cnode.head]

        new = None
        if cnode.tag == 'while':
            new = SEWhile(sescopes[0])
        elif cnode.tag == 'if':
            #ssa_jump stores false branch first, but ast gen assumes true branch first
            sescopes = [sescopes[1], sescopes[0]]
            new = SEIf(head, sescopes)
        elif cnode.tag == 'switch':
            #Switch fallthrough can only be done implicitly, but we may need to jump to it
            #from arbitrary points in the scope, so we add an extra scope so we have a
            #labeled break. If unnecessary, it should be removed later on anyway
            sescopes = [SEScope([sescope]) for sescope in sescopes]
            new = SESwitch(head, sescopes)
        elif cnode.tag == 'try':
            catchtts = cnode.cset.getTopTTs()
            catchvar = cnode.catchvar
            new = SETry(sescopes[0], sescopes[1], catchtts, catchvar)
        elif cnode.tag == 'scope':
            new = sescopes[0]

        assert(new.nodes == frozenset(cnode.lbound))
        assert(new.entryBlock not in seitems)
        seitems[new.entryBlock] = new

    assert(len(seitems) == 1)
    assert(isinstance(seitems.values()[0], SEScope))
    return seitems.values()[0]

def _checkNested(ctree_children):
    #Check tree for proper nesting
    for k, children in ctree_children.items():
        for child in children:
            assert(child.lbound <= k.lbound)
            assert(child.lbound <= child.ubound)
            scopes = [s for s in k.scopes if s.ubound & child.lbound]
            assert(len(scopes) == 1)

            for c1, c2 in itertools.combinations(child.scopes, 2):

        for c1, c2 in itertools.combinations(children, 2):

def _debug_draw(nodes, outn=''):
    import pygraphviz as pgv
    for n in nodes:
        for n2 in n.successors:
            color = 'black'
            if isinstance(n.block.jump, ssa_jumps.OnException):
                if any(b.key == n2.bkey for b in n.block.jump.getExceptSuccessors()):
                    color = 'grey'
            # color = 'black' if n2 in n.outvars else 'gray'
            G.add_edge(n, n2, color=color)

def structure(entryNode, nodes, isClinit):
    # print 'structuring'

    #eliminate self loops
    for n in nodes[:]:
        if n in n.successors:

    #inline returns if possible
    retblocks = [n for n in nodes if n.block and isinstance(n.block.jump, ssa_jumps.Return)]
    if retblocks and not isClinit:
        assert(len(retblocks) == 1)
        ret = retblocks[0]
        for pred in ret.predecessors[1:]:
            new = ret.newDuplicate()
            new.predecessors = [pred]
        ret.predecessors = ret.predecessors[:1]

    for n in nodes:
        for x in n.predecessors:
            assert(n in x.successors)
        for x in n.successors:
            assert(n in x.predecessors)
        assert(set(n.successors) == (set(n.outvars) | set(n.eassigns)))

    #note, these add new nodes (list passed by ref)
    while_heads = structureLoops(nodes)
    newtryinfos = structureExceptions(nodes)
    switchinfos, ifinfos = structureConditionals(entryNode, nodes)
    dom = DominatorInfo(entryNode) #no new nodes should be created, so we're free to keep dom info around
    constraints = createConstraints(dom, while_heads, newtryinfos, switchinfos, ifinfos)
    croot, ctree_children = orderConstraints(dom, constraints, nodes)

    # print 'exception merging'
    #May remove nodes (and update dominator info)
    dom, constraints, nodes = mergeExceptions(dom, ctree_children, constraints, nodes)

    # handles = [c.orig_target for c in constraints if c.tag=='try']
    # assert(len(handles) == len(set(handles)))

    #TODO - parallelize exceptions

    fixTryConstraints(dom, constraints)

    #After freezing the try constraints we need to regenerate the tree
    croot, ctree_children = orderConstraints(dom, constraints, nodes)

    #now that no more nodes will be changed, create lists of backedge free edges
    for n in nodes:
        temp = set(dom.dominators(n))
        temp2 = dom.area(n)
        n.successors_nl = [x for x in n.successors if x not in temp]
        n.predecessors_nl = [x for x in n.predecessors if x not in temp2]
        n.norm_suc_nl = [x for x in n.successors_nl if x in n.outvars]
    for n in nodes:
        for n2 in n.successors_nl:
            assert(n in n2.predecessors_nl)
        for n2 in n.predecessors_nl:
            assert(n in n2.successors_nl)

    # print 'completing scopes'
    completeScopes(dom, croot, ctree_children, isClinit)

    # print 'adding breaks'
    addBreakScopes(dom, croot, constraints, ctree_children)

    return constraintsToSETree(dom, croot, ctree_children, nodes)

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