commonMain.com.algolia.client.model.recommend.BaseSearchParams.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/** Code generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech), manual changes will be lost - read more on https://github.com/algolia/api-clients-automation. DO NOT EDIT. */
package com.algolia.client.model.recommend
import kotlinx.serialization.*
import kotlinx.serialization.json.*
* BaseSearchParams
* @param query Search query.
* @param similarQuery Keywords to be used instead of the search query to conduct a more broader search. Using the `similarQuery` parameter changes other settings: - `queryType` is set to `prefixNone`. - `removeStopWords` is set to true. - `words` is set as the first ranking criterion. - All remaining words are treated as `optionalWords`. Since the `similarQuery` is supposed to do a broad search, they usually return many results. Combine it with `filters` to narrow down the list of results.
* @param filters Filter expression to only include items that match the filter criteria in the response. You can use these filter expressions: - **Numeric filters.** ` `, where `` is one of `<`, `<=`, `=`, `!=`, `>`, `>=`. - **Ranges.** `: TO ` where `` and `` are the lower and upper limits of the range (inclusive). - **Facet filters.** `:` where `` is a facet attribute (case-sensitive) and `` a facet value. - **Tag filters.** `_tags:` or just `` (case-sensitive). - **Boolean filters.** `: true | false`. You can combine filters with `AND`, `OR`, and `NOT` operators with the following restrictions: - You can only combine filters of the same type with `OR`. **Not supported:** `facet:value OR num > 3`. - You can't use `NOT` with combinations of filters. **Not supported:** `NOT(facet:value OR facet:value)` - You can't combine conjunctions (`AND`) with `OR`. **Not supported:** `facet:value OR (facet:value AND facet:value)` Use quotes around your filters, if the facet attribute name or facet value has spaces, keywords (`OR`, `AND`, `NOT`), or quotes. If a facet attribute is an array, the filter matches if it matches at least one element of the array. For more information, see [Filters](https://www.algolia.com/doc/guides/managing-results/refine-results/filtering/).
* @param facetFilters
* @param optionalFilters
* @param numericFilters
* @param tagFilters
* @param sumOrFiltersScores Whether to sum all filter scores. If true, all filter scores are summed. Otherwise, the maximum filter score is kept. For more information, see [filter scores](https://www.algolia.com/doc/guides/managing-results/refine-results/filtering/in-depth/filter-scoring/#accumulating-scores-with-sumorfiltersscores).
* @param restrictSearchableAttributes Restricts a search to a subset of your searchable attributes. Attribute names are case-sensitive.
* @param facets Facets for which to retrieve facet values that match the search criteria and the number of matching facet values. To retrieve all facets, use the wildcard character `*`. For more information, see [facets](https://www.algolia.com/doc/guides/managing-results/refine-results/faceting/#contextual-facet-values-and-counts).
* @param facetingAfterDistinct Whether faceting should be applied after deduplication with `distinct`. This leads to accurate facet counts when using faceting in combination with `distinct`. It's usually better to use `afterDistinct` modifiers in the `attributesForFaceting` setting, as `facetingAfterDistinct` only computes correct facet counts if all records have the same facet values for the `attributeForDistinct`.
* @param page Page of search results to retrieve.
* @param offset Position of the first hit to retrieve.
* @param length Number of hits to retrieve (used in combination with `offset`).
* @param aroundLatLng Coordinates for the center of a circle, expressed as a comma-separated string of latitude and longitude. Only records included within circle around this central location are included in the results. The radius of the circle is determined by the `aroundRadius` and `minimumAroundRadius` settings. This parameter is ignored if you also specify `insidePolygon` or `insideBoundingBox`.
* @param aroundLatLngViaIP Whether to obtain the coordinates from the request's IP address.
* @param aroundRadius
* @param aroundPrecision
* @param minimumAroundRadius Minimum radius (in meters) for a search around a location when `aroundRadius` isn't set.
* @param insideBoundingBox Coordinates for a rectangular area in which to search. Each bounding box is defined by the two opposite points of its diagonal, and expressed as latitude and longitude pair: `[p1 lat, p1 long, p2 lat, p2 long]`. Provide multiple bounding boxes as nested arrays. For more information, see [rectangular area](https://www.algolia.com/doc/guides/managing-results/refine-results/geolocation/#filtering-inside-rectangular-or-polygonal-areas).
* @param insidePolygon Coordinates of a polygon in which to search. Polygons are defined by 3 to 10,000 points. Each point is represented by its latitude and longitude. Provide multiple polygons as nested arrays. For more information, see [filtering inside polygons](https://www.algolia.com/doc/guides/managing-results/refine-results/geolocation/#filtering-inside-rectangular-or-polygonal-areas). This parameter is ignored if you also specify `insideBoundingBox`.
* @param naturalLanguages ISO language codes that adjust settings that are useful for processing natural language queries (as opposed to keyword searches): - Sets `removeStopWords` and `ignorePlurals` to the list of provided languages. - Sets `removeWordsIfNoResults` to `allOptional`. - Adds a `natural_language` attribute to `ruleContexts` and `analyticsTags`.
* @param ruleContexts Assigns a rule context to the search query. [Rule contexts](https://www.algolia.com/doc/guides/managing-results/rules/rules-overview/how-to/customize-search-results-by-platform/#whats-a-context) are strings that you can use to trigger matching rules.
* @param personalizationImpact Impact that Personalization should have on this search. The higher this value is, the more Personalization determines the ranking compared to other factors. For more information, see [Understanding Personalization impact](https://www.algolia.com/doc/guides/personalization/personalizing-results/in-depth/configuring-personalization/#understanding-personalization-impact).
* @param userToken Unique pseudonymous or anonymous user identifier. This helps with analytics and click and conversion events. For more information, see [user token](https://www.algolia.com/doc/guides/sending-events/concepts/usertoken/).
* @param getRankingInfo Whether the search response should include detailed ranking information.
* @param synonyms Whether to take into account an index's synonyms for this search.
* @param clickAnalytics Whether to include a `queryID` attribute in the response. The query ID is a unique identifier for a search query and is required for tracking [click and conversion events](https://www.algolia.com/guides/sending-events/getting-started/).
* @param analytics Whether this search will be included in Analytics.
* @param analyticsTags Tags to apply to the query for [segmenting analytics data](https://www.algolia.com/doc/guides/search-analytics/guides/segments/).
* @param percentileComputation Whether to include this search when calculating processing-time percentiles.
* @param enableABTest Whether to enable A/B testing for this search.
public data class BaseSearchParams(
/** Search query. */
@SerialName(value = "query") val query: String? = null,
/** Keywords to be used instead of the search query to conduct a more broader search. Using the `similarQuery` parameter changes other settings: - `queryType` is set to `prefixNone`. - `removeStopWords` is set to true. - `words` is set as the first ranking criterion. - All remaining words are treated as `optionalWords`. Since the `similarQuery` is supposed to do a broad search, they usually return many results. Combine it with `filters` to narrow down the list of results. */
@SerialName(value = "similarQuery") val similarQuery: String? = null,
/** Filter expression to only include items that match the filter criteria in the response. You can use these filter expressions: - **Numeric filters.** ` `, where `` is one of `<`, `<=`, `=`, `!=`, `>`, `>=`. - **Ranges.** `: TO ` where `` and `` are the lower and upper limits of the range (inclusive). - **Facet filters.** `:` where `` is a facet attribute (case-sensitive) and `` a facet value. - **Tag filters.** `_tags:` or just `` (case-sensitive). - **Boolean filters.** `: true | false`. You can combine filters with `AND`, `OR`, and `NOT` operators with the following restrictions: - You can only combine filters of the same type with `OR`. **Not supported:** `facet:value OR num > 3`. - You can't use `NOT` with combinations of filters. **Not supported:** `NOT(facet:value OR facet:value)` - You can't combine conjunctions (`AND`) with `OR`. **Not supported:** `facet:value OR (facet:value AND facet:value)` Use quotes around your filters, if the facet attribute name or facet value has spaces, keywords (`OR`, `AND`, `NOT`), or quotes. If a facet attribute is an array, the filter matches if it matches at least one element of the array. For more information, see [Filters](https://www.algolia.com/doc/guides/managing-results/refine-results/filtering/). */
@SerialName(value = "filters") val filters: String? = null,
@SerialName(value = "facetFilters") val facetFilters: FacetFilters? = null,
@SerialName(value = "optionalFilters") val optionalFilters: OptionalFilters? = null,
@SerialName(value = "numericFilters") val numericFilters: NumericFilters? = null,
@SerialName(value = "tagFilters") val tagFilters: TagFilters? = null,
/** Whether to sum all filter scores. If true, all filter scores are summed. Otherwise, the maximum filter score is kept. For more information, see [filter scores](https://www.algolia.com/doc/guides/managing-results/refine-results/filtering/in-depth/filter-scoring/#accumulating-scores-with-sumorfiltersscores). */
@SerialName(value = "sumOrFiltersScores") val sumOrFiltersScores: Boolean? = null,
/** Restricts a search to a subset of your searchable attributes. Attribute names are case-sensitive. */
@SerialName(value = "restrictSearchableAttributes") val restrictSearchableAttributes: List? = null,
/** Facets for which to retrieve facet values that match the search criteria and the number of matching facet values. To retrieve all facets, use the wildcard character `*`. For more information, see [facets](https://www.algolia.com/doc/guides/managing-results/refine-results/faceting/#contextual-facet-values-and-counts). */
@SerialName(value = "facets") val facets: List? = null,
/** Whether faceting should be applied after deduplication with `distinct`. This leads to accurate facet counts when using faceting in combination with `distinct`. It's usually better to use `afterDistinct` modifiers in the `attributesForFaceting` setting, as `facetingAfterDistinct` only computes correct facet counts if all records have the same facet values for the `attributeForDistinct`. */
@SerialName(value = "facetingAfterDistinct") val facetingAfterDistinct: Boolean? = null,
/** Page of search results to retrieve. */
@SerialName(value = "page") val page: Int? = null,
/** Position of the first hit to retrieve. */
@SerialName(value = "offset") val offset: Int? = null,
/** Number of hits to retrieve (used in combination with `offset`). */
@SerialName(value = "length") val length: Int? = null,
/** Coordinates for the center of a circle, expressed as a comma-separated string of latitude and longitude. Only records included within circle around this central location are included in the results. The radius of the circle is determined by the `aroundRadius` and `minimumAroundRadius` settings. This parameter is ignored if you also specify `insidePolygon` or `insideBoundingBox`. */
@SerialName(value = "aroundLatLng") val aroundLatLng: String? = null,
/** Whether to obtain the coordinates from the request's IP address. */
@SerialName(value = "aroundLatLngViaIP") val aroundLatLngViaIP: Boolean? = null,
@SerialName(value = "aroundRadius") val aroundRadius: AroundRadius? = null,
@SerialName(value = "aroundPrecision") val aroundPrecision: AroundPrecision? = null,
/** Minimum radius (in meters) for a search around a location when `aroundRadius` isn't set. */
@SerialName(value = "minimumAroundRadius") val minimumAroundRadius: Int? = null,
/** Coordinates for a rectangular area in which to search. Each bounding box is defined by the two opposite points of its diagonal, and expressed as latitude and longitude pair: `[p1 lat, p1 long, p2 lat, p2 long]`. Provide multiple bounding boxes as nested arrays. For more information, see [rectangular area](https://www.algolia.com/doc/guides/managing-results/refine-results/geolocation/#filtering-inside-rectangular-or-polygonal-areas). */
@SerialName(value = "insideBoundingBox") val insideBoundingBox: List>? = null,
/** Coordinates of a polygon in which to search. Polygons are defined by 3 to 10,000 points. Each point is represented by its latitude and longitude. Provide multiple polygons as nested arrays. For more information, see [filtering inside polygons](https://www.algolia.com/doc/guides/managing-results/refine-results/geolocation/#filtering-inside-rectangular-or-polygonal-areas). This parameter is ignored if you also specify `insideBoundingBox`. */
@SerialName(value = "insidePolygon") val insidePolygon: List>? = null,
/** ISO language codes that adjust settings that are useful for processing natural language queries (as opposed to keyword searches): - Sets `removeStopWords` and `ignorePlurals` to the list of provided languages. - Sets `removeWordsIfNoResults` to `allOptional`. - Adds a `natural_language` attribute to `ruleContexts` and `analyticsTags`. */
@SerialName(value = "naturalLanguages") val naturalLanguages: List? = null,
/** Assigns a rule context to the search query. [Rule contexts](https://www.algolia.com/doc/guides/managing-results/rules/rules-overview/how-to/customize-search-results-by-platform/#whats-a-context) are strings that you can use to trigger matching rules. */
@SerialName(value = "ruleContexts") val ruleContexts: List? = null,
/** Impact that Personalization should have on this search. The higher this value is, the more Personalization determines the ranking compared to other factors. For more information, see [Understanding Personalization impact](https://www.algolia.com/doc/guides/personalization/personalizing-results/in-depth/configuring-personalization/#understanding-personalization-impact). */
@SerialName(value = "personalizationImpact") val personalizationImpact: Int? = null,
/** Unique pseudonymous or anonymous user identifier. This helps with analytics and click and conversion events. For more information, see [user token](https://www.algolia.com/doc/guides/sending-events/concepts/usertoken/). */
@SerialName(value = "userToken") val userToken: String? = null,
/** Whether the search response should include detailed ranking information. */
@SerialName(value = "getRankingInfo") val getRankingInfo: Boolean? = null,
/** Whether to take into account an index's synonyms for this search. */
@SerialName(value = "synonyms") val synonyms: Boolean? = null,
/** Whether to include a `queryID` attribute in the response. The query ID is a unique identifier for a search query and is required for tracking [click and conversion events](https://www.algolia.com/guides/sending-events/getting-started/). */
@SerialName(value = "clickAnalytics") val clickAnalytics: Boolean? = null,
/** Whether this search will be included in Analytics. */
@SerialName(value = "analytics") val analytics: Boolean? = null,
/** Tags to apply to the query for [segmenting analytics data](https://www.algolia.com/doc/guides/search-analytics/guides/segments/). */
@SerialName(value = "analyticsTags") val analyticsTags: List? = null,
/** Whether to include this search when calculating processing-time percentiles. */
@SerialName(value = "percentileComputation") val percentileComputation: Boolean? = null,
/** Whether to enable A/B testing for this search. */
@SerialName(value = "enableABTest") val enableABTest: Boolean? = null,
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