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import org.apache.commons.math3.random.RandomDataGenerator;
import org.apache.commons.math3.special.Gamma;

import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;

 * Lda util.
public class LdaUtil {

     * Calculate digamma of the input value.
    public static double digamma(double x) {
        return Gamma.digamma(x);

     * Calculate digamma of each value of the input matrix.
    private static DenseMatrix digamma(DenseMatrix x) {
        int rowNum = x.numRows();
        int colNum = x.numCols();
        DenseMatrix dmr = new DenseMatrix(rowNum, colNum);
        MatVecOp.apply(x, dmr, LdaUtil::digamma);
        return dmr;

     * Calculate trigamma of the input value.
    static double trigamma(double x) {
        return Gamma.trigamma(x);

     * Calculate trigamma of each value of the input matrix.
    static DenseMatrix trigamma(DenseMatrix x) {
        int rowNum = x.numRows();
        int colNum = x.numCols();
        DenseMatrix dmr = new DenseMatrix(rowNum, colNum);
        MatVecOp.apply(x, dmr, LdaUtil::trigamma);
        return dmr;

     * Calculate lgamma of the input value.
    static double lgamma(double x) {
        return Gamma.logGamma(x);

     * Calculate lgamma of each value of the input matrix.
    static DenseMatrix lgamma(DenseMatrix x) {
        int rowNum = x.numRows();
        int colNum = x.numCols();
        DenseMatrix dmr = new DenseMatrix(rowNum, colNum);
        MatVecOp.apply(x, dmr, LdaUtil::lgamma);
        return dmr;

     * Calculate the dirichlet expectation.
    static DenseMatrix dirichletExpectation(DenseMatrix alpha) {
        DenseMatrix rowSum = sumByCol(alpha);
        DenseMatrix digAlpha = digamma(alpha);
        DenseMatrix digRowSum = digamma(rowSum);
        for (int j = 0; j < alpha.numCols(); j++) {
            for (int i = 0; i < alpha.numRows(); i++) {
                digAlpha.set(i, j, digAlpha.get(i, j) - digRowSum.get(0, i));
        return digAlpha;

     * Calculate the dirichlet expectation of vector.
    static DenseMatrix dirichletExpectationVec(DenseMatrix alpha) {
        DenseMatrix x = digamma(alpha);
        return x;

     * Calculate exp of each value of the input matrix.
    public static void exp(DenseMatrix dm) {
        double[] arrayData = dm.getData();
        for (int i = 0; i < arrayData.length; i++) {
            arrayData[i] = Math.exp(arrayData[i]);

     * Calculate the exp dirichlet expectation under theta.
    public static DenseMatrix expDirichletExpectation(DenseMatrix alpha) {
        DenseMatrix expDigAlpha = dirichletExpectation(alpha);
        return expDigAlpha;

     * Calculate word-topic probability information.
    public static double[] getTopicDistributionMethod(SparseVector sv,
                                                         DenseMatrix expELogBeta,
                                                         DenseMatrix alphaMatrix,
                                                         int topicNum) {

        return getTopicDistributionMethod(sv, expELogBeta, alphaMatrix, geneGamma(topicNum), topicNum).f0.getColumn(0);

     * Generate DenseMatrix whose values are all belong to gamma distribution.
    static DenseMatrix geneGamma(int numTopic) {
        double gammaShape = 100;
        RandomDataGenerator rand = new RandomDataGenerator();
        double[] gammaVec = new double[numTopic];
        for (int i = 0; i < numTopic; i++) {
            gammaVec[i] = rand.nextGamma(gammaShape, gammaShape);
        return LdaUtil.vectorToMatrix(gammaVec);

     * this function executes the repeat process in the Algorithm.
     * it operates on one input doc, and return its word-topic probability information.
    static Tuple2 getTopicDistributionMethod(SparseVector sv,
                                                                       DenseMatrix expELogBeta,
                                                                       DenseMatrix alphaMatrix,
                                                                       DenseMatrix gammad,
                                                                       int topicNum) {
        if (sv.numberOfValues() == 0) {
            return new Tuple2<>(DenseMatrix.zeros(1, topicNum), DenseMatrix.zeros(1, topicNum));
        DenseMatrix cts = vectorToMatrix(sv.getValues());
        DenseMatrix expELogThetad = dirichletExpectationVec(gammad);
        //calculate expELogBetad.
        DenseMatrix expELogBetad = expELogBeta.selectRows(sv.getIndices());
        DenseMatrix phiNorm = expELogBetad.multiplies(expELogThetad);
        double meanGammaChange = 1.0;
        DenseMatrix oldGammad;
        //update theta and gamma, until it stays unchangeable.
        while ((meanGammaChange > 1e-3)) {
            oldGammad = gammad.clone();
            gammad = LdaUtil.elementWiseProduct(expELogThetad, expELogBetad.transpose()
                    .multiplies(LdaUtil.elementWiseDivide(cts, phiNorm)));
            //update expELogThetad with gammad.
            expELogThetad = dirichletExpectationVec(gammad);
            phiNorm = expELogBetad.multiplies(expELogThetad);
            meanGammaChange = diffDenseMatrix(gammad, oldGammad, topicNum);
        DenseMatrix wordTopicStat = expELogThetad.multiplies(LdaUtil.elementWiseDivide(cts, phiNorm).transpose());
        return new Tuple2<>(gammad, wordTopicStat);

     * transform a vector to a matrix with size (vecLength, 1)
    private static DenseMatrix vectorToMatrix(double[] vec) {
        return new DenseMatrix(vec.length, 1, vec.clone());

     * calculate the difference between A and B.
    private static double diffDenseMatrix(DenseMatrix A, DenseMatrix B, int topicNum) {
        double diff = 0;
        for (int j = 0; j < A.numCols(); j++) {
            for (int i = 0; i < A.numRows(); i++) {
                diff += Math.abs(A.get(i, j) - B.get(i, j));
        return diff / topicNum;

     * matC := matA .* matB .
    static DenseMatrix elementWiseProduct(DenseMatrix matA, DenseMatrix matB) {
        DenseMatrix matC = new DenseMatrix(matA.numRows(), matA.numCols());
        MatVecOp.apply(matA, matB, matC, ((a, b) -> a * b));
        return matC;

     * matC := matA ./ matB.
    static DenseMatrix elementWiseDivide(DenseMatrix matA, DenseMatrix matB) {
        DenseMatrix matC = new DenseMatrix(matA.numRows(), matA.numCols());
        MatVecOp.apply(matA, matB, matC, ((a, b) -> a / b));
        return matC;

     * Create a 1 x m matrix by summing each of the columns of a m x n matrix.
    private static DenseMatrix sumByCol(DenseMatrix mat) {
        int m = mat.numRows();
        int n = mat.numCols();
        DenseMatrix rowSums = new DenseMatrix(1, m);
        for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
            double s = 0.;
            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
                s += mat.get(i, j);
            rowSums.set(0, i, s);
        return rowSums;

     * Create a 1 x n matrix by summing each of the rows of a m x n matrix.
    static DenseMatrix sumByRow(DenseMatrix mat) {
        int m = mat.numRows();
        int n = mat.numCols();
        DenseMatrix colSums = new DenseMatrix(1, n);
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            double s = 0.;
            for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) {
                s += mat.get(j, i);
            colSums.set(0, i, s);
        return colSums;

     * Transform the input SparseVector data to HashMap in the train process.
    public static HashMap setWordIdWeightTrain(List list) {
        int hashMapLength = list.size();
        final Type DATA_TUPLE3_TYPE = new TypeReference>() {
        HashMap wordIdWeight = new HashMap<>(hashMapLength);
        for (String feature : list) {
            Tuple3 t = JsonConverter.fromJson(feature, DATA_TUPLE3_TYPE);
            wordIdWeight.put(t.f2, t.f0);
        return wordIdWeight;

     * Transform the input SparseVector data to HashMap in the predict process.
    public static HashMap> setWordIdWeightPredict(List list) {
        int hashMapLength = list.size();
        final Type dataTuple3Type = new TypeReference>() {
        HashMap> wordIdWeight = new HashMap<>(hashMapLength);
        for (String feature : list) {
            Tuple3 t = JsonConverter.fromJson(feature, dataTuple3Type);
            wordIdWeight.put(t.f0, Tuple2.of(t.f2, t.f1));
        return wordIdWeight;

     * Enum class for Lda optimizer.
    public enum OptimizerMethod {
         * EM optimizer method.
         * Online optimizer method.

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