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org.apache.flink.table.runtime.join.WindowJoinUtil.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.flink.table.runtime.join

import org.apache.flink.api.common.functions.FlatJoinFunction
import org.apache.flink.table.api.{TableConfig, TableConfigOptions}
import org.apache.flink.table.api.types.{RowType}
import org.apache.flink.table.calcite.FlinkTypeFactory
import org.apache.flink.table.codegen._
import org.apache.flink.table.plan.schema.TimeIndicatorRelDataType
import org.apache.flink.table.dataformat.{BaseRow, JoinedRow}
import org.apache.flink.table.plan.util.FlinkRexUtil

import org.apache.calcite.plan.RelOptUtil
import org.apache.calcite.rel.`type`.RelDataType
import org.apache.calcite.rel.core.JoinRelType
import org.apache.calcite.rex._
import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlKind

import java.util

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

  * An util class to optimize and generate window joins.
object WindowJoinUtil {

    * Checks if an expression accesses a time attribute.
    * @param expr      The expression to check.
    * @param inputType The input type of the expression.
    * @return True, if the expression accesses a time attribute. False otherwise.
  def accessesTimeAttribute(expr: RexNode, inputType: RelDataType): Boolean = {
    expr match {
      case i: RexInputRef =>
        val accessedType = inputType.getFieldList.get(i.getIndex).getType
      case c: RexCall =>
        c.operands.asScala.exists(accessesTimeAttribute(_, inputType))
      case _ => false

    * Extracts the window bounds from a join predicate.
    * @param  predicate           join predicate
    * @param  leftLogicalFieldCnt number of attributes on the left join input
    * @param  inputSchema         schema of the join result
    * @param  rexBuilder          RexBuilder
    * @param  config              TableConfig
    * @return A Tuple2 of extracted window bounds and remaining predicates.
  private[flink] def extractWindowBoundsFromPredicate(
    predicate: RexNode,
    leftLogicalFieldCnt: Int,
    inputSchema: RelDataType,
    rexBuilder: RexBuilder,
    config: TableConfig): (Option[WindowBounds], Option[RexNode]) = {

    // Converts the condition to conjunctive normal form (CNF)
    val cnfCondition = FlinkRexUtil.toCnf(rexBuilder,

    // split the condition into time predicates and other predicates
    // We need two range predicates or an equality predicate for a properly bounded window join.
    val (timePreds, otherPreds) = cnfCondition match {
      case c: RexCall if cnfCondition.getKind == SqlKind.AND =>
        // extract all time predicates from conjunctive predicate
          .map(identifyTimePredicate(_, leftLogicalFieldCnt, inputSchema))
          .foldLeft((Seq[TimePredicate](), Seq[RexNode]()))((preds, analyzed) => {
            analyzed match {
              case Left(timePred) => (preds._1 :+ timePred, preds._2)
              case Right(otherPred) => (preds._1, preds._2 :+ otherPred)
      case c: RexCall =>
        // extract time predicate if it exists
        identifyTimePredicate(c, leftLogicalFieldCnt, inputSchema) match {
          case Left(timePred) => (Seq[TimePredicate](timePred), Seq[RexNode]())
          case Right(otherPred) => (Seq[TimePredicate](), Seq[RexNode](otherPred))
      case _ =>
        // No valid window bounds.
        return (None, Some(predicate))

    timePreds match {
      case Seq() =>
        return (None, Some(predicate))
      case Seq(t) if t.pred.getKind != SqlKind.EQUALS =>
        // single predicate must be equality predicate
        return (None, Some(predicate))
      case s@Seq(_, _) if s.exists(_.pred.getKind == SqlKind.EQUALS) =>
        // pair of range predicate must not include equals predicate
        return (None, Some(predicate))
      case Seq(_) =>
      // Single equality predicate is OK
      case Seq(_, _) =>
      // Two range (i.e., non-equality predicates are OK
      case _ =>
        return (None, Some(predicate))

    // assemble window bounds from predicates
    val streamTimeOffsets =, rexBuilder, config))
    val (leftLowerBound, leftUpperBound) =
      streamTimeOffsets match {
        case Seq(Some(x: WindowBound), Some(y: WindowBound)) if x.isLeftLower && !y.isLeftLower =>
          // two range predicates
          (x.bound, y.bound)
        case Seq(Some(x: WindowBound), Some(y: WindowBound)) if !x.isLeftLower && y.isLeftLower =>
          // two range predicates
          (y.bound, x.bound)
        case Seq(Some(x: WindowBound)) =>
          // single equality predicate
          (x.bound, x.bound)
        case _ =>
          // Window join requires two comparison predicate that bound the time in both directions.
          return (None, Some(predicate))

    // compose the remain condition list into one condition
    val remainCondition =
      otherPreds match {
        case Seq() =>
        case _ =>
          Some(otherPreds.reduceLeft((l, r) => RelOptUtil.andJoinFilters(rexBuilder, l, r)))

    val bounds = if (timePreds.head.leftInputOnLeftSide) {
    } else {

    (bounds, remainCondition)

    * Analyzes a predicate and identifies whether it is a valid predicate for a window join.
    * A valid window join predicate is a range or equality predicate (<, <=, ==, =>, >) that
    * accesses time attributes of both inputs, each input on a different side of the condition.
    * Both accessed time attributes must be of the same time type, i.e., row-time or proc-time.
    * Examples:
    * - left.rowtime > right.rowtime + 2.minutes => valid
    * - left.rowtime == right.rowtime => valid
    * - left.proctime < right.rowtime + 2.minutes => invalid: different time type
    * - left.rowtime - right.rowtime < 2.minutes => invalid: both time attributes on same side
    * If the predicate is a regular join predicate, i.e., it accesses no time attribute it is
    * returned as well.
    * @return Either a valid time predicate (Left) or a valid non-time predicate (Right)
  private def identifyTimePredicate(
    pred: RexNode,
    leftFieldCount: Int,
    inputType: RelDataType): Either[TimePredicate, RexNode] = {

    pred match {
      case c: RexCall =>
        c.getKind match {
          case SqlKind.GREATER_THAN |
               SqlKind.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL |
               SqlKind.LESS_THAN |
               SqlKind.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL |
               SqlKind.EQUALS =>

            val leftTerm = c.getOperands.get(0)
            val rightTerm = c.getOperands.get(1)

            // validate that both sides of the condition do not access non-time attributes
            if (accessesNonTimeAttribute(leftTerm, inputType) ||
              accessesNonTimeAttribute(rightTerm, inputType)) {
              return Right(pred)

            // get time attribute on left side of comparison
            val leftTimeAttrAccess =
              extractTimeAttributeAccesses(leftTerm, leftFieldCount, inputType) match {
                case Seq() => None
                case Seq(a) => Some(a)
                case _ =>
                  // Window join predicate may only access a single time attribute on each side.
                  return Right(pred)

            // get time attribute on right side of comparison
            val rightTimeAccess =
              extractTimeAttributeAccesses(rightTerm, leftFieldCount, inputType) match {
                case Seq() => None
                case Seq(a) => Some(a)
                case _ =>
                  // Window join predicate may only access a single time attribute on each side.
                  return Right(pred)

            // check if both sides of the condition access a time attribute,
            // if both join inputs are accessed, and
            // if both accesses are on the same time type (event-time or proc-time)
            (leftTimeAttrAccess, rightTimeAccess) match {
              case (None, None) =>
                // neither left or right accesses a time attribute. This is a regular join predicate
              case (Some(_), None) | (None, Some(_)) =>
                // Both sides or a window join predicate must access a time attribute.
              case (Some(left), Some(right)) if left.isEventTime != right.isEventTime =>
                // Both time attributes in a window join predicate must be of the same type.
              case (Some(left), Some(right)) if left.isLeftInput == right.isLeftInput =>
                // Window join predicates must reference the time attribute of both inputs.
              case (Some(left), Some(right)) =>
                Left(TimePredicate(left.isEventTime, left.isLeftInput, left.idx, right.idx, c))
          // not a comparison predicate.
          case _ => Right(pred)
      case other =>

    * Extracts all time attributes that are accessed in an expression.
    * @return A Seq of all time attribute accessed in the expression.
  private def extractTimeAttributeAccesses(
    expr: RexNode,
    leftFieldCount: Int,
    inputType: RelDataType): Seq[TimeAttributeAccess] = {

    expr match {
      case i: RexInputRef =>
        // check if time attribute is accessed and from which input side
        val idx = i.getIndex
        inputType.getFieldList.get(idx).getType match {
          case t: TimeIndicatorRelDataType =>
            // time attribute access. Remember time type and side of input
            if (idx < leftFieldCount) {
              Seq(TimeAttributeAccess(t.isEventTime, isLeftInput = true, idx))
            } else {
              Seq(TimeAttributeAccess(t.isEventTime, isLeftInput = false, idx - leftFieldCount))
          case _ =>
            // not a time attribute access.
      case c: RexCall =>
        // concat time-attributes of all operands
          .map(extractTimeAttributeAccesses(_, leftFieldCount, inputType))
          .reduce(_ ++ _)
      case _ => Seq()

    * Checks if an expression accesses a non-time attribute.
    * @param expr      The expression to check.
    * @param inputType The input type of the expression.
    * @return True, if the expression accesses a non-time attribute. False otherwise.
  private def accessesNonTimeAttribute(expr: RexNode, inputType: RelDataType): Boolean = {
    expr match {
      case i: RexInputRef =>
        val accessedType = inputType.getFieldList.get(i.getIndex).getType
        accessedType match {
          case _: TimeIndicatorRelDataType => false
          case _ => true
      case c: RexCall =>
        c.operands.asScala.exists(accessesNonTimeAttribute(_, inputType))
      case _ => false

    * Computes the absolute bound on the left operand of a comparison expression and
    * whether the bound is an upper or lower bound.
    * @return window boundary, is left lower bound
  private def computeWindowBoundFromPredicate(
    timePred: TimePredicate,
    rexBuilder: RexBuilder,
    config: TableConfig): Option[WindowBound] = {

    val isLeftLowerBound: Boolean =
      timePred.pred.getKind match {
        case (SqlKind.GREATER_THAN | SqlKind.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL) =>
        case (SqlKind.LESS_THAN | SqlKind.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL) =>
        case (SqlKind.EQUALS) =>
          true // We don't care about this since there's only one bound value.
        case _ =>
          return None

    // reduce predicate to constants to compute bounds
    val (leftLiteral, rightLiteral) = reduceTimeExpression(timePred, rexBuilder, config)

    if (leftLiteral.isEmpty || rightLiteral.isEmpty) {
      return None

    // compute boundary
    val tmpTimeOffset: Long = if (timePred.leftInputOnLeftSide) {
      rightLiteral.get - leftLiteral.get
    } else {
      leftLiteral.get - rightLiteral.get
    val boundary = timePred.pred.getKind match {
      case SqlKind.LESS_THAN if timePred.leftInputOnLeftSide =>
        tmpTimeOffset - 1
      case SqlKind.LESS_THAN if !timePred.leftInputOnLeftSide =>
        tmpTimeOffset + 1
      case SqlKind.GREATER_THAN if timePred.leftInputOnLeftSide =>
        tmpTimeOffset + 1
      case SqlKind.GREATER_THAN if !timePred.leftInputOnLeftSide =>
        tmpTimeOffset - 1
      case _ =>

    Some(WindowBound(boundary, isLeftLowerBound))

    * Replaces the time attributes on both sides of a time predicate by a zero literal and
    * reduces the expressions on both sides to a long literal.
    * @param timePred   The time predicate which both sides are reduced.
    * @param rexBuilder A RexBuilder
    * @param config     A TableConfig.
    * @return The values of the reduced literals on both sides of the time comparison predicate.
  private def reduceTimeExpression(
    timePred: TimePredicate,
    rexBuilder: RexBuilder,
    config: TableConfig): (Option[Long], Option[Long]) = {

      * Replace the time attribute by zero literal.
    def replaceTimeFieldWithLiteral(expr: RexNode): RexNode = {
      expr match {
        case c: RexCall =>
          // replace in call operands
          val newOps =
          rexBuilder.makeCall(c.getType, c.getOperator, newOps)
        case i: RexInputRef if FlinkTypeFactory.isTimeIndicatorType(i.getType) =>
          // replace with timestamp
        case _ => expr

    val leftSide = timePred.pred.operands.get(0)
    val rightSide = timePred.pred.operands.get(1)

    val leftSideWithLiteral = replaceTimeFieldWithLiteral(leftSide)
    val rightSideWithLiteral = replaceTimeFieldWithLiteral(rightSide)

    // reduce expression to literal
    val exprReducer = new ExpressionReducer(config)
    val originList = new util.ArrayList[RexNode]()
    val reduceList = new util.ArrayList[RexNode]()
    exprReducer.reduce(rexBuilder, originList, reduceList)

    // extract bounds from reduced literal
    val literals = {
      case literal: RexLiteral =>
      case _ =>

    (literals.head, literals(1))

    * Generates a JoinFunction that applies additional join predicates and projects the result.
    * @param  config          table env config
    * @param  joinType        join type to determine whether input can be null
    * @param  leftType        left stream type
    * @param  rightType       right stream type
    * @param  returnType      return type
    * @param  otherCondition  non-equi condition
    * @param  ruleDescription rule description
  private[flink] def generateJoinFunction(
    config: TableConfig,
    joinType: JoinRelType,
    leftType: RowType,
    rightType: RowType,
    returnType: RelDataType,
    otherCondition: Option[RexNode],
    ruleDescription: String): GeneratedFunction[FlatJoinFunction[BaseRow, BaseRow, BaseRow],
    BaseRow] = {

    // whether input can be null
    val nullCheck = joinType match {
      case JoinRelType.INNER => false
      case JoinRelType.LEFT => true
      case JoinRelType.RIGHT => true
      case JoinRelType.FULL => true

    val ctx = CodeGeneratorContext(config)
    val collectorTerm = CodeGeneratorContext.DEFAULT_COLLECTOR_TERM

    val returnTypeInfo = FlinkTypeFactory.toInternalRowType(returnType)
    val joinedRow = "joinedRow"
    ctx.addOutputRecord(returnTypeInfo, classOf[JoinedRow], joinedRow)

    val exprGenerator = new ExprCodeGenerator(ctx, nullCheck, config.getNullCheck)

    val leftRow = CodeGeneratorContext.DEFAULT_INPUT1_TERM
    val rightRow = CodeGeneratorContext.DEFAULT_INPUT2_TERM
    val buildJoinedRow =

    val body = otherCondition match {
      case None =>
      case Some(remainCondition) =>
        val genCond = exprGenerator.generateExpression(remainCondition)
           |if (${genCond.resultTerm}) {
           |  $buildJoinedRow
           |  $collectorTerm.collect($joinedRow);

      classOf[FlatJoinFunction[BaseRow, BaseRow, BaseRow]],
      input2Type = Some(rightType),
      collectorTerm = collectorTerm)

  case class WindowBounds(
    isEventTime: Boolean,
    leftLowerBound: Long,
    leftUpperBound: Long,
    leftTimeIdx: Int,
    rightTimeIdx: Int)

  protected case class WindowBound(bound: Long, isLeftLower: Boolean)

  protected case class TimePredicate(
    isEventTime: Boolean,
    leftInputOnLeftSide: Boolean,
    leftTimeIdx: Int,
    rightTimeIdx: Int,
    pred: RexCall)

  protected case class TimeAttributeAccess(isEventTime: Boolean, isLeftInput: Boolean, idx: Int)


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