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org.apache.flink.table.plan.rules.logical.RewriteSelfJoinRule.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package org.apache.flink.table.plan.rules.logical

import org.apache.flink.table.api.TableConfigOptions
import org.apache.flink.table.calcite.{FlinkRelBuilder, FlinkRelFactories}
import org.apache.flink.table.plan.rules.logical.RewriteSelfJoinRule.{RankInfo, SequenceTracer}
import org.apache.flink.table.plan.util.{ConstantRankRange, FlinkRelOptUtil, RelDigestUtil}

import org.apache.calcite.plan.RelOptRule.{any, operand}
import org.apache.calcite.plan.hep.HepRelVertex
import org.apache.calcite.plan.{RelOptRule, RelOptRuleCall, RelOptUtil}
import org.apache.calcite.rel.RelFieldCollation.Direction
import org.apache.calcite.rel._
import org.apache.calcite.rel.`type`.{RelDataType, RelDataTypeFactory}
import org.apache.calcite.rel.core.JoinRelType
import org.apache.calcite.rel.logical.{LogicalAggregate, LogicalFilter, LogicalProject}
import org.apache.calcite.rel.metadata.RelMetadataQuery
import org.apache.calcite.rel.rules.{LoptMultiJoin, MultiJoin}
import org.apache.calcite.rex._
import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlKind
import org.apache.calcite.util.mapping.Mappings
import org.apache.calcite.util.{ImmutableBitSet, Pair}

import java.util.{ArrayList => JArrayList, List => JList}

import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer

  * Rule used to promote an agg filter query, especially when we want to pick out table
  * records that match grouping max/min.

A typical query would be like: *

  * person table
  * schema: (
  *   id: int,
  *   age: smallint,
  *   name: varchar(128),
  *   height: smallint,
  *   sex: varchar(10))
  * query:
  *   select * from person
  *   where age = (select max(age)
  *               from person p
  *               and p.height = person.height)
* * A classic query plan for above query would be like: *
  *          scan - - agg -
  *                        \
  *                        join - prj
  *                       /
  *          scan - - - -
* While after this rule, it will promotes to: *
  *          scan - rank - prj
* In production, the scan may be more complex, e.g. it can be a join of multiple tables * or an agg from some original table. * *

Caution that we do not make sure the join order is best after this promotion, * so a join reorder is needed later on to make the query more efficient. * *

This rule is only used for Hep planner. */ abstract class RewriteSelfJoinRule extends RelOptRule( operand(classOf[MultiJoin], any), FlinkRelFactories.FLINK_REL_BUILDER, "RewriteSelfJoinRule") { protected def isNonInnerJoinOrSelfJoin( multiJoin: LoptMultiJoin, factIdx: Int): Boolean = { multiJoin.isNullGenerating(factIdx) || multiJoin.getJoinRemovalFactor(factIdx) != null } /** Decide if there is an MultiJoin under the agg node. */ protected def isMultiJoinMatched(rel: RelNode): Boolean = { getRealFactor(rel) match { case agg: LogicalAggregate => val multiJoinFinder = new MultiJoinFinder agg.accept(multiJoinFinder) multiJoinFinder.getMultiJoin.nonEmpty case _ => true } } /** Decide if the factor is simple(scan with only calc), skip the agg node. */ protected def isSimpleFactorMatched(rel: RelNode, mq: RelMetadataQuery): Boolean = { getRealFactor(rel) match { case _: LogicalAggregate => true case _ => mq.getTableOrigin(rel) != null } } /** Decide if the agg node is with single (Max/Min) agg call. */ protected def isMaxMinAggMatched(rel: RelNode): Boolean = { getRealFactor(rel) match { case agg: LogicalAggregate => // For rank, only cares about Max/Min agg correlate. // For simple cases of two tables self join, we do not have nested multi-join // under agg. val aggCallKind = agg.getAggCallList.head.getAggregation.getKind (aggCallKind == SqlKind.MAX || aggCallKind == SqlKind.MIN) && agg.getAggCallList.size == 1 case _ => true } } /** Get the aggregate filter in the outer MultiJoin, will return empty if found * multiple filters. */ protected def getFactorSingleFilter( multiJoin: LoptMultiJoin, fieldsStart: Int): Option[RexNode] = { val filters = multiJoin.getJoinFilters.filter { f => multiJoin.getFactorsRefByJoinFilter(f).cardinality == 2 && isEqualsFilterWithInputRef(f, fieldsStart) } // Do not support empty or multi filters now. if (filters.lengthCompare(1) != 0) { Option.empty } else { Option(filters.head) } } /** * Append the group and agg column at the end of the project, which account to the * original group correlate and agg in the nested MultiJoin. We can do this cause the agg * is always the last factor in the outer MultiJoin. * * @param offsets Fields indices you wanna append, this is relative to the input node. * @param rowType The specified row type for the append input refs, just used to ensure the * output type, especially the nullability. */ protected def buildNewInputRefs( rexBuilder: RexBuilder, input: RelNode, offsets: ImmutableBitSet, rowType: RelDataType = null): ArrayBuffer[RexNode] = { val numFields = input.getRowType.getFieldCount val inputRefs = mutable.ArrayBuffer[RexNode]() val suffixRefs = mutable.ArrayBuffer[RexNode]() var offsetToType: Map[Integer, RelDataType] = null if (rowType != null) { offsetToType = => f.getType)).toMap } (0 until numFields).foreach { i => val ref = RexInputRef.of(i, input.getRowType) inputRefs += ref offsets.filter(_ == i).foreach { offset => val appendRef = rowType match { case null => ref case _ => rexBuilder.ensureType(offsetToType(offset), ref, false) } suffixRefs += appendRef } } require(offsets.cardinality == suffixRefs.size) // Assume group column is in front of agg column. inputRefs ++= suffixRefs inputRefs } /** * Compute the new field offset in the [[LoptMultiJoin]] instance. * * @param newFactors new factors sequence in the multi-join. * @param factorIdx factor id of the field. * @param fieldOffset field offset in the factor. */ protected def newFieldOffset( multijoin: LoptMultiJoin, newFactors: ImmutableBitSet, factorIdx: Int, fieldOffset: Int): Int = { var startOffset = 0 for (f <- newFactors) { if (factorIdx == f) { return startOffset + fieldOffset } else { startOffset += multijoin.getJoinFactor(f).getRowType.getFieldCount } } -1 } /** * Get the correlate field offset in the ori table. */ protected def relationFieldOffset( multiJoin: LoptMultiJoin, condition: RexNode, factorIdx: Int, refIndex: Int): Int = { require(condition.isInstanceOf[RexCall]) val call = condition.asInstanceOf[RexCall] val op1 = call.getOperands.head val op2 = call.getOperands.last require(op1.isInstanceOf[RexInputRef]) require(op2.isInstanceOf[RexInputRef]) val idx1 = op1.asInstanceOf[RexInputRef].getIndex val idx2 = op2.asInstanceOf[RexInputRef].getIndex require(idx1 == refIndex || idx2 == refIndex) var startOffset = 0 for (f <- 0 until factorIdx) { startOffset += multiJoin.getJoinFactor(f).getRowType.getFieldCount } if (idx1 == refIndex) { idx2 - startOffset } else { idx1 - startOffset } } /** * Decide if two [[LoptMultiJoin]] are equal with semanteme. * @param join1 [[LoptMultiJoin]] instance. * @param join2 [[LoptMultiJoin]] instance. * @param filtersToCompare filters of join1 to compare with join2 filters. * @return true if it is equals. */ protected def multiJoinEq( join1: LoptMultiJoin, join2: LoptMultiJoin, filtersToCompare: List[RexNode]): Boolean = { val filters = join2.getJoinFilters if (filtersToCompare.lengthCompare(filters.size) != 0) { return false } val unusedFilters1: JList[RexNode] = new JArrayList[RexNode](filtersToCompare) val unusedFilters2: JList[RexNode] = new JArrayList[RexNode](filters) val itr1 = unusedFilters1.iterator while (itr1.hasNext) { val condition1 = val factors1 = getFactors(condition1, join1) val itr2 = unusedFilters2.iterator var found = false while (itr2.hasNext && !found) { val condition2 = val factors2 = getFactors(condition2, join2) require(factors1.length == 2 && factors2.length == 2) if (eqNode(factors1.head, factors2.last) && eqNode(factors1.last, factors2.head) || eqNode(factors1.head, factors2.head) && eqNode(factors1.last, factors2.last)) { itr1.remove() itr2.remove() found = true } } } unusedFilters1.isEmpty && unusedFilters2.isEmpty } protected def refFactors(f: RexNode, multiJoin: LoptMultiJoin): ImmutableBitSet = { val fieldRefBitmap = RelOptUtil.InputFinder.bits(f) val factorRefBitmap = ImmutableBitSet.builder fieldRefBitmap .map(field => multiJoin.findRef(field)) .foreach(factor => factorRefBitmap.set(factor)) } private def getFactors( condition: RexNode, multiJoin: LoptMultiJoin): Array[RelNode] = { val ret = mutable.ArrayBuffer[RelNode]() ret ++= refFactors(condition, multiJoin) .map(factorIdx => multiJoin.getJoinFactor(factorIdx)) ret.toArray } protected def eqNode(rel1: RelNode, rel2: RelNode): Boolean = { val tableConfig = FlinkRelOptUtil.getTableConfig(rel1) val enableNonDeterministicOpReuse = tableConfig.getConf.getBoolean( TableConfigOptions.SQL_OPTIMIZER_REUSE_NONDETERMINISTIC_OPERATOR_ENABLED) val digest1 = RelDigestUtil.getDigest(getRealFactor(rel1), !enableNonDeterministicOpReuse) val digest2 = RelDigestUtil.getDigest(getRealFactor(rel2), !enableNonDeterministicOpReuse) digest1.equals(digest2) } protected def getRealFactor(rel: RelNode): RelNode = { rel match { case hep: HepRelVertex => hep.getCurrentRel case _ => rel } } protected def isEqualsFilterWithInputRef(filter: RexNode, ref: Int): Boolean = { filter match { case call: RexCall if call.getOperator == SqlStdOperatorTable.EQUALS => val operand0 = call.getOperands.head val operand1 = call.getOperands.last (operand0, operand1) match { case (op0: RexInputRef, op1: RexInputRef) => op0.getIndex == ref || op1.getIndex == ref case _ => false } case _ => false } } protected def getAggCollation( aggCallKind: SqlKind, newAggOffset: Int): RelFieldCollation = { aggCallKind match { case SqlKind.MAX => new RelFieldCollation(newAggOffset, Direction.DESCENDING) case SqlKind.MIN => new RelFieldCollation(newAggOffset, Direction.ASCENDING) case _ => throw new RuntimeException(s"Unexpected agg kind: $aggCallKind.") } } /** * Delete a factor from the ori multijoin and rebuild it. * *

Caution that we do not reset: *

    * oriRel.getProjFields,
    * oriRel.getJoinFieldRefCountsMap,
    * oriRel.getPostJoinFilter
Cause they are not needed now! * * @param oriRel original multijoin [[MultiJoin]] instance. * @param ori original multijoin [[LoptMultiJoin]] instance. * @param deleteFactorId the factor id to be deleted. * @return a rebuilt [[LoptMultiJoin]] instance. */ protected def rebuildMultiJoin( dataTypeFactory: RelDataTypeFactory, rexBuilder: RexBuilder, oriRel: MultiJoin, ori: LoptMultiJoin, deleteFactorId: Int): LoptMultiJoin = { // Rebuild the condition. val deleteStart = ori.getJoinStart(deleteFactorId) val numDeleteFields = ori.getJoinFactor(deleteFactorId).getRowType.getFieldCount val deleteEnd = deleteStart + numDeleteFields - 1 val newFilters = ori.getJoinFilters .filter(f => !refFactors(f, ori).get(deleteFactorId)) .map(RexUtil.shift(_, deleteEnd, -numDeleteFields)) // Fix the factor indices. var factorIds = ImmutableBitSet.range(ori.getNumJoinFactors) val newFactors = new JArrayList[RelNode]() factorIds = factorIds.clear(deleteFactorId) newFactors ++= => ori.getJoinFactor(factorIdx)) val oriType = oriRel.getRowType val newFields = oriType.getFieldList .filter(field => field.getIndex < deleteStart || field.getIndex > deleteEnd) val newType = dataTypeFactory .createStructType( => f.getType), => f.getName)) val outerJoinConditions = new JArrayList[RexNode](oriRel.getOuterJoinConditions) outerJoinConditions.remove(deleteFactorId) val joinTypes = new JArrayList[JoinRelType](oriRel.getJoinTypes) joinTypes.remove(deleteFactorId) val newRel = new MultiJoin(oriRel.getCluster, newFactors, RexUtil.composeConjunction(rexBuilder, newFilters, false), newType, oriRel.isFullOuterJoin, outerJoinConditions, joinTypes, oriRel.getProjFields, oriRel.getJoinFieldRefCountsMap, oriRel.getPostJoinFilter) new LoptMultiJoin(newRel) } /** * Construct the final plan, will append the rank op to the rel tree, * this requires the group correlate not empty. *
  1. Find the agg cor column in outer multi-join.
  2. *
  3. Find the group cor column.
  4. *
*/ protected def constructFinalPlan( relBuilder: RelBuilder, multiJoinRel: MultiJoin, multiJoin: LoptMultiJoin, aggFactorIdx: Int, mq: RelMetadataQuery, aggGroupCorFactorIndex: Int, groupOffset: Int, aggCorFactorIndex: Int, aggOffset: Int, aggCallKind: SqlKind, call: RelOptRuleCall): Unit = { val sequenceTracer = new SequenceTracer val rebuiltTree = rebuildMultiJoin( relBuilder.getTypeFactory, relBuilder.getRexBuilder, multiJoinRel, multiJoin, aggFactorIdx) val rel = RewriteSelfJoinRule.buildTree(relBuilder, mq, rebuiltTree, sequenceTracer) val newGroupOffset = newFieldOffset( rebuiltTree, sequenceTracer.getFactors, aggGroupCorFactorIndex, groupOffset) val newAggOffset = newFieldOffset( rebuiltTree, sequenceTracer.getFactors, aggCorFactorIndex, aggOffset) val fieldCollation = getAggCollation(aggCallKind, newAggOffset) val newInputRef = buildNewInputRefs( relBuilder.getRexBuilder, rel, ImmutableBitSet.of(newGroupOffset, newAggOffset), multiJoin.getJoinFactor(aggFactorIdx).getRowType) val rank = relBuilder .push(rel).asInstanceOf[FlinkRelBuilder] .rank( SqlStdOperatorTable.RANK, ImmutableBitSet.of(newGroupOffset), RelCollations.of(fieldCollation), ConstantRankRange(1, 1)) // Are the agg always in the end ? .project(newInputRef) .build() call.transformTo(rank) } /** * A shuttle impl to find the equivalence node, only allows nested node * under project if it exists. * * @param ori the node to compare with. */ protected class EquivalentNodeFinder(ori: RelNode) extends RelShuttleImpl { private var found: Option[RelNode] = Option.empty private var valid: Boolean = true override def visitChildren(rel: RelNode): RelNode = { rel match { case node: RelNode if found.isEmpty && eqNode(getRealFactor(node), ori) => found = Some(getRealFactor(node)) case hepVertex: HepRelVertex => val curRel = hepVertex.getCurrentRel // We only accept project above the ori node. if (found.isEmpty && !curRel.isInstanceOf[LogicalProject]) { valid = false } curRel.accept(this) case _ => } super.visitChildren(rel) } def getEquivalence: Option[RelNode] = found def isValid: Boolean = valid } /** * Finder to fetch the nested [[MultiJoin]]. This can only work for a [[LoptMultiJoin]] * rel node. */ protected class MultiJoinFinder extends RelShuttleImpl { private var found: Option[MultiJoin] = Option.empty override def visitChildren(rel: RelNode): RelNode = { rel match { case hepVertex: HepRelVertex => val curRel = hepVertex.getCurrentRel curRel match { case multiJoin: MultiJoin if found.isEmpty => found = Some(multiJoin) case _ => } curRel.accept(this) case _ => } super.visitChildren(rel) } def getMultiJoin: Option[MultiJoin] = found } /** We can update the prj ref only when the underlying factors are simple. **/ protected class CorrelateFactorFinder( var inputRef: RexInputRef) extends RelShuttleImpl { private var groupByOffsetInFactor: Int = -1 private var correlateFactor: RelNode = _ private var correlateFactorIdx: Int = -1 // Expect logic plan like: // LogicalAggregate(group=[{0}], EXPR$0=[MIN($1)]) // +- LogicalProject(a=[$1], b=[$0]) // +- LogicalProject(b=[$3], a=[$0]) // +- MultiJoin() override def visitChildren(rel: RelNode): RelNode = { rel match { case hepVertex: HepRelVertex => val curRel = hepVertex.getCurrentRel curRel match { case multiJoinRel: MultiJoin => findCorrelate(multiJoinRel) case prj: LogicalProject => prj.getProjects.get(inputRef.getIndex) match { case ref: RexInputRef => inputRef = ref case _ => } case _ => } curRel.accept(this) case _ => } super.visitChildren(rel) } private def findCorrelate(multiJoinRel: MultiJoin): Unit = { val multiJoin = new LoptMultiJoin(multiJoinRel) val fieldIdx = inputRef.getIndex for (factorIdx <- 0 until multiJoin.getNumJoinFactors) { val startOffset = multiJoin.getJoinStart(factorIdx) val endOffset = startOffset + multiJoin.getNumFieldsInJoinFactor(factorIdx) - 1 if (startOffset <= fieldIdx && fieldIdx <= endOffset) { // find the factor! correlateFactor = multiJoin.getJoinFactor(factorIdx) correlateFactorIdx = factorIdx groupByOffsetInFactor = fieldIdx - startOffset } } } def getGroupByOffsetInFactor: Int = groupByOffsetInFactor def getCorrelateFactor: RelNode = correlateFactor def getCorrelateFactorIdx: Int = correlateFactorIdx def notFound: Boolean = correlateFactor == null || correlateFactorIdx == -1 } } /** This rule matches a multi-join view with agg filter on itself. In order to simplify * the pattern, for plan1 we only match successfully if there conditions are all satisfied: *
  1. Simple factors that have only filter or project on table scan.
  2. *
  3. Agg can have at most 1 group and only 1 grouping field, also 1 agg call.
  4. *
  5. The outer multi-join can have filters on it only if the factor is correlated * on unique keys with the agg.
  6. *
  7. Only Max/Min aggregation is allowed.
  8. *
  9. The outer and inner multi-join factors should equals to each other * with semanteme, except for the correlated factor.
  10. *
* *
  * plan1:
  *   prj
  *   +- prj
  *      +- MultiJoin
  *         :- factor1
  *         :- factor2
  *         :- factor3
  *         :- factor4
  *         :- factor5
  *         +- agg
  *            +- prj
  *               +- prj
  *                  +- MultiJoin
  *                     :- factor2
  *                     :- factor3
  *                     :- factor4
  *                     :- factor5
* * After the promotion, the plan1 would change to: *
  *   prj
  *   +- prj
  *      +- rank
  *         +- join
  *            :- join
  *            :  :- factor1
  *            :  +- join
  *            :     :- factor2
  *            :     +- factor3
  *            +- join
  *               :- factor4
  *               +- factor5
*/ class RewriteMultiJoinRule extends RewriteSelfJoinRule { /** * If the factor is matched with the specified condition. * * @param factIdx Factor index to decide from. * @param multiJoin [[LoptMultiJoin]] instance. * @param mq [[RelMetadataQuery]] instance. */ private def matchedFactor( factIdx: Int, multiJoin: LoptMultiJoin, mq: RelMetadataQuery): Boolean = { // Only cares about INNER join. // Do not allow self join. if (isNonInnerJoinOrSelfJoin(multiJoin, factIdx)) { return false } val rel = multiJoin.getJoinFactor(factIdx) // If can only have a MAX/MIN agg. val maxMinAggMatched = isMaxMinAggMatched(rel) // If the factor is not simple, we expect it to be an agg. val simpleMatched = isSimpleFactorMatched(rel, mq) // If expect a multi-join under the agg. val multiJoinMatched = isMultiJoinMatched(rel) maxMinAggMatched && simpleMatched && multiJoinMatched } override def matches(call: RelOptRuleCall): Boolean = { val multiJoinRel: MultiJoin = call.rel(0) val multiJoin = new LoptMultiJoin(multiJoinRel) val mq = call.getMetadataQuery if (multiJoin.getMultiJoinRel.isFullOuterJoin) { return false } // Exists only one agg in the factors. val factorIdxes = 0 until multiJoin.getNumJoinFactors val factors = => multiJoin.getJoinFactor(factorIdx)) factors.count(getRealFactor(_).isInstanceOf[LogicalAggregate]) == 1 && factorIdxes.forall(matchedFactor(_, multiJoin, mq)) } override def onMatch(call: RelOptRuleCall): Unit = { val multiJoinRel: MultiJoin = call.rel(0) val multiJoin = new LoptMultiJoin(multiJoinRel) val mq = call.getMetadataQuery val relBuilder = call.builder() // 1. First we need to make sure all the join nodes are simple join plus filter, // the outer multijoin should have only one nested multijoin which has a underlying // agg. // 2. Pick out the filters in outer multi-join and inner multi-join, // they should be either on both sides or in the same opt table which contains the // unique correlate column. val nJoinFactors = multiJoin.getNumJoinFactors var aggFactorIdx = -1 for (factorIdx <- 0 until nJoinFactors) { val currentRel = getRealFactor(multiJoin.getJoinFactor(factorIdx)) // Pick out agg node. if (currentRel.isInstanceOf[LogicalAggregate]) { aggFactorIdx = factorIdx } } require(aggFactorIdx != -1) val agg = getRealFactor(multiJoin.getJoinFactor(aggFactorIdx)) .asInstanceOf[LogicalAggregate] // Skip multi groupings, do not support it now. // TODO: support multiple grouping fields and empty grouping set. if (agg.getGroupCount != 1 || agg.getGroupSets.size > 1 || agg.getAggCallList.size != 1) { return } val aggCallKind = agg.getAggCallList.head.getAggregation.getKind // Find the group factor in agg side. val groupInputRef = RexInputRef.of(agg.getGroupSet.head, agg.getRowType) val groupFactorFinder = new CorrelateFactorFinder(groupInputRef) groupFactorFinder.visit(agg) if (groupFactorFinder.notFound) { return } // Find the group factor in agg cor side. // Assume that the agg column is on the right hand side of output, // and group fields num = 1. val groupFieldsStart = multiJoin.getJoinStart(aggFactorIdx) // TODO: support multiple grouping filters. val groupFilter = getFactorSingleFilter(multiJoin, groupFieldsStart).getOrElse(return) val aggGroupCorFactorIndex = multiJoin.getFactorsRefByJoinFilter(groupFilter) .clear(aggFactorIdx) .head val groupOffset = relationFieldOffset( multiJoin, groupFilter, aggGroupCorFactorIndex, groupFieldsStart) val aggFieldsStart = groupFieldsStart + 1 val aggFilter = getFactorSingleFilter(multiJoin, aggFieldsStart).getOrElse(return) val aggCorFactorIndex = multiJoin.getFactorsRefByJoinFilter(aggFilter) .clear(aggFactorIdx) .head val aggOffset = relationFieldOffset( multiJoin, aggFilter, aggCorFactorIndex, aggFieldsStart) // Group can only have extra filter when the cor column is unique val group = getRealFactor(multiJoin.getJoinFactor(aggGroupCorFactorIndex)) if (group.isInstanceOf[LogicalFilter]) { val uniqueKeys = mq.getUniqueKeys(group.getInput(0)) if (uniqueKeys == null || !uniqueKeys.exists(keys => keys.cardinality == 1 && keys.get(groupOffset))) { return } } // Find the group factors on both sides, now can begin our work! // Validate factors equality, exclude agg factor and group cor // factor from outer multi join. val multiJoinFinder = new MultiJoinFinder agg.accept(multiJoinFinder) val aggMultiJoinRel = multiJoinFinder.getMultiJoin.get require(aggMultiJoinRel != null) val aggMultiJoin = new LoptMultiJoin(aggMultiJoinRel) // First validate that the cor group factor has filter in outer multi-join // same as the correlation filter. val corRelationEq = multiJoin.getJoinFilters.exists { f => val ff = refFactors(f, multiJoin) ff.get(aggGroupCorFactorIndex) && ff.cardinality == 2 && eqNode(multiJoin.getJoinFactor(ff.clear(aggGroupCorFactorIndex).head), groupFactorFinder.getCorrelateFactor) } if (!corRelationEq) { return } // Then make sure the cor group factor do not have other filters except with the // agg correlation. val groupCorRelationCnt = multiJoin.getJoinFilters.count { f => val factors = refFactors(f, multiJoin) factors.get(aggGroupCorFactorIndex) && !factors.get(aggFactorIdx) } if (groupCorRelationCnt > 1) { return } // Validate filters equality, remove the cor table and filters // in the outer multi-join. val filtersToCompare = multiJoin.getJoinFilters.filter { f => val rf = refFactors(f, multiJoin) !rf.get(aggGroupCorFactorIndex) && !rf.get(aggFactorIdx) } if (!multiJoinEq(multiJoin, aggMultiJoin, filtersToCompare.toList)) { return } // 3. Push down these filters and tweak and shift the ref positions. // 4. Add in the rank operator and tag it with the sort attr. constructFinalPlan(relBuilder, multiJoinRel, multiJoin, aggFactorIdx, mq, aggGroupCorFactorIndex, groupOffset, aggCorFactorIndex, aggOffset, aggCallKind, call) } } /** * This rule matches a simple view with agg filter on itself. For `simple` we means * there is no nested MultiJoin in it. * *

For plan2 we only match successfully if there conditions are all satisfied: *

  1. Factor4 should be equal to one of factor{1 .. n} with semanteme.
  2. *
  3. Agg can have at most 1 group and only 1 grouping field, also 1 agg call.
  4. *
  5. TODO: The outer multi-join can have filters on it only if the factor is correlated * on unique keys with the agg.
  6. *
  7. Only Max/Min aggregation is allowed.
  8. *
  * plan2:
  *   MultiJoin
  *   +- factor1
  *   +- factor2
  *   +- factor3
  *      +- agg
  *         +- factor4
* * After the promotion, the plan1 would change to: *
  *   prj
  *   +- prj
  *      +- rank
  *         +- join
  *            :- join
  *            :  :- factor1
  *            :  +- join
  *            :     :- factor2
  *            :     +- factor3
  *            +- factor4
*/ class RewriteSimpleJoinRule extends RewriteSelfJoinRule { override def matches(call: RelOptRuleCall): Boolean = { val multiJoinRel: MultiJoin = call.rel(0) val multiJoin = new LoptMultiJoin(multiJoinRel) if (multiJoin.getMultiJoinRel.isFullOuterJoin) { return false } // Exists only one agg in the factors. val factors = mutable.ArrayBuffer[RelNode]() val factorIdxes = 0 until multiJoin.getNumJoinFactors for (factorIdx <- factorIdxes) { factors += multiJoin.getJoinFactor(factorIdx) } factorIdxes.forall(!isNonInnerJoinOrSelfJoin(multiJoin, _)) } override def onMatch(call: RelOptRuleCall): Unit = { val multiJoinRel: MultiJoin = call.rel(0) val multiJoin = new LoptMultiJoin(multiJoinRel) val mq = call.getMetadataQuery val relBuilder = call.builder() // For simple mode, there do not have any nested multi-join, // we will use digest directly to match all the factors. val nJoinFactors = multiJoin.getNumJoinFactors var aggFactorIdx = -1 var equivalenceUnderAgg: RelNode = null var aggFactorRowType: RelDataType = null // Firstly, find the agg above equivalence node, for a rel tree blow: // MultiJoin // +- factor1 // +- factor2 // +- factor3 // +- agg // +- equi-node // we will loop from the factor {1 -> n} to search for the agg node under what there exists a // equivalence node of this factor, for equivalence we means that the digests are equal. (0 until nJoinFactors).foreach { factorIdx => val currentRel = getRealFactor(multiJoin.getJoinFactor(factorIdx)) (0 until nJoinFactors).filter(_ != factorIdx).foreach { targetIdx => val finder = new EquivalentNodeFinder(currentRel) val targetRel = getRealFactor(multiJoin.getJoinFactor(targetIdx)) targetRel.accept(finder) // Found an equivalence under agg. if (finder.getEquivalence.nonEmpty && finder.isValid && targetRel.isInstanceOf[LogicalAggregate]) { equivalenceUnderAgg = finder.getEquivalence.get aggFactorIdx = targetIdx aggFactorRowType = targetRel.getRowType } } } if (equivalenceUnderAgg == null) { return } require(aggFactorIdx != -1) val agg = getRealFactor(multiJoin.getJoinFactor(aggFactorIdx)) .asInstanceOf[LogicalAggregate] // Skip multi groupings, do not support it now. // TODO: support multiple grouping fields. if (agg.getGroupCount > 1 || agg.getGroupSets.size > 1 || agg.getAggCallList.size != 1) { return } val aggCallKind = agg.getAggCallList.head.getAggregation.getKind // The agg above equivalence node must be only Max/Min. if (aggCallKind != SqlKind.MAX && aggCallKind != SqlKind.MIN) { return } // Find the group factor in agg side. var aggGroupCorFactorIndex = -1 var groupOffset = -1 var aggCorFactorIndex = -1 var aggOffset = -1 // If the group set is empty, it means the whole input is the group, so we do not need to // find and tweak the group cor column input ref. if (agg.getGroupSet.isEmpty) { // The whole input as group. val aggFieldsStart = multiJoin.getJoinStart(aggFactorIdx) val aggFilter = getFactorSingleFilter(multiJoin, aggFieldsStart).getOrElse(return) aggCorFactorIndex = multiJoin.getFactorsRefByJoinFilter(aggFilter) .clear(aggFactorIdx) .head aggOffset = relationFieldOffset( multiJoin, aggFilter, aggCorFactorIndex, aggFieldsStart) // No group set, we push down the rank to the cor factor, which is same as // aggCorFactorIndex here. val rebuiltTree = rebuildMultiJoin( relBuilder.getTypeFactory, relBuilder.getRexBuilder, multiJoinRel, multiJoin, aggFactorIdx) val rankInfo = RankInfo(aggCorFactorIndex, aggOffset, getAggCollation(aggCallKind, aggOffset)) val sequenceTracer = new SequenceTracer val rel = RewriteSelfJoinRule.buildTree(relBuilder, mq, rebuiltTree, sequenceTracer, rankInfo = rankInfo) val newAggOffset = newFieldOffset( rebuiltTree, sequenceTracer.getFactors, aggCorFactorIndex, aggOffset) val newInputRef = buildNewInputRefs( relBuilder.getRexBuilder, rel, ImmutableBitSet.of(newAggOffset), aggFactorRowType) val finalTree = relBuilder .push(rel) .project(newInputRef) .build() call.transformTo(finalTree) } else { // Find the group factor in agg cor side. // Assume that the agg column is on the right hand side of output, // and group fields num = 1. val groupFieldsStart = multiJoin.getJoinStart(aggFactorIdx) // TODO: support multiple grouping filters. val groupFilter = getFactorSingleFilter(multiJoin, groupFieldsStart).getOrElse(return) require(groupFilter != null) aggGroupCorFactorIndex = multiJoin.getFactorsRefByJoinFilter(groupFilter) .clear(aggFactorIdx) .head groupOffset = relationFieldOffset( multiJoin, groupFilter, aggGroupCorFactorIndex, groupFieldsStart) // Then make sure the cor group factor do not have other filters except with the // agg correlation. val groupCorRelationCnt = multiJoin .getJoinFilters.count(f => { val factors = refFactors(f, multiJoin) factors.get(aggGroupCorFactorIndex) && !factors.get(aggFactorIdx) }) if (groupCorRelationCnt > 1) { return } val aggFieldsStart = groupFieldsStart + 1 val aggFilter = getFactorSingleFilter(multiJoin, aggFieldsStart).getOrElse(return) aggCorFactorIndex = multiJoin.getFactorsRefByJoinFilter(aggFilter) .clear(aggFactorIdx) .head aggOffset = relationFieldOffset( multiJoin, aggFilter, aggCorFactorIndex, aggFieldsStart) constructFinalPlan(relBuilder, multiJoinRel, multiJoin, aggFactorIdx, mq, aggGroupCorFactorIndex, groupOffset, aggCorFactorIndex, aggOffset, aggCallKind, call) } } } object RewriteSelfJoinRule { val COMPLEX = new RewriteMultiJoinRule val SIMPLE = new RewriteSimpleJoinRule /** * Build a join tree from a [[LoptMultiJoin]], will try to build the join tree in order as it * originally is, see [[buildTree]] #chooseNextEdge for details. * *

We also support push down the Rank operator. * * @param multiJoin [[LoptMultiJoin]] instance. * @param sequenceTracer tracer to record the final join sequence. * @return join rel node. */ def buildTree( relBuilder: RelBuilder, mq: RelMetadataQuery, multiJoin: LoptMultiJoin, sequenceTracer: SequenceTracer = null, rankInfo: RankInfo = null): RelNode = { val vertexes = mutable.ArrayBuffer[Vertex]() var fieldOffset = 0 val oriFactors = ImmutableBitSet.range(multiJoin.getNumJoinFactors) oriFactors.foreach { factorIdx => var factorRel = multiJoin.getJoinFactor(factorIdx) if (rankInfo != null && rankInfo.factorIdx == factorIdx) { relBuilder.push(factorRel) val projects = relBuilder.fields() factorRel = relBuilder.asInstanceOf[FlinkRelBuilder] .rank( SqlStdOperatorTable.RANK, ImmutableBitSet.of(), RelCollations.of(rankInfo.fieldCollation), ConstantRankRange(1, 1)) .project(projects) .build() } vertexes += new LeafVertex(factorIdx, factorRel, fieldOffset) fieldOffset += factorRel.getRowType.getFieldCount } val unusedEdges = new JArrayList[Edge]() unusedEdges ++= => createEdge(f, multiJoin)) val usedEdges = new ArrayBuffer[Edge]() def allVertexesJoined(): Boolean = { // Always choose the next edge. if (unusedEdges.isEmpty) { // No more edges. Are there any un-joined vertexes? val lastVertex = vertexes.last val z = lastVertex.factors.previousClearBit( - 1) if (z < 0) { return true } } false } def chooseNextEdge(unused: JArrayList[Edge]): Edge = { for (factorIdx <- oriFactors) { val nextCandidate = unused.filter(edge => edge.factors.get(factorIdx)) if (nextCandidate.nonEmpty) { nextCandidate.sortWith((e1, e2) => e1.factors.clear(factorIdx).head <= e2.factors.clear(factorIdx).head).head } } unused.head } while (!allVertexesJoined) { val factors: Array[Int] = unusedEdges match { case unused: JList[Edge] if unused.isEmpty => // Choose left un-joined vertexes. val lastVertex = vertexes.last val z = lastVertex.factors.previousClearBit( - 1) Array(z, case _ => // Always choose the first edge(relation). val bestEdge = chooseNextEdge(unusedEdges) // Assume that the edge is between precisely two factors. require(bestEdge.factors.cardinality == 2) bestEdge.factors.toArray } val majorFactor = factors.head val minorFactor = factors.last val majorVertex = vertexes(majorFactor) val minorVertex = vertexes(minorFactor) // Find the join conditions. All conditions whose factors are now all in // the join can now be used. val v = vertexes.size val newFactors = majorVertex.factors .rebuild() .addAll(minorVertex.factors) .set(v) .build() val conditions = new ArrayBuffer[RexNode]() val itr = unusedEdges.iterator() while (itr.hasNext) { val nextEdge = if (newFactors.contains(nextEdge.factors)) { conditions += nextEdge.condition itr.remove() usedEdges += nextEdge } } val newVertex = new JoinVertex(v, majorFactor, minorFactor, newFactors, ImmutableList.copyOf(conditions.toArray)) vertexes += newVertex val merged = ImmutableBitSet.of(minorFactor, majorFactor) unusedEdges.zipWithIndex.foreach { case (edge, idx) => if (edge.factors.intersects(merged)) { val newEdgeFactors = edge.factors .rebuild() .removeAll(newFactors) .set(v) .build() require(newEdgeFactors.cardinality == 2) val newEdge = new Edge(edge.condition, newEdgeFactors, edge.columns) unusedEdges.set(idx, newEdge) } } } // We have a winner! val relNodes = new ArrayBuffer[Pair[RelNode, Mappings.TargetMapping]]() vertexes.foreach { case leafVertex: LeafVertex => val mapping = Mappings.offsetSource( Mappings.createIdentity(leafVertex.rel.getRowType.getFieldCount), leafVertex.fieldOffset, multiJoin.getNumTotalFields) relNodes += Pair.of(leafVertex.rel, mapping) case joinVertex: JoinVertex => val leftPair = relNodes(joinVertex.leftFactor) val left = leftPair.left val leftMapping = leftPair.right val rightPair = relNodes(joinVertex.rightFactor) val right = rightPair.left val rightMapping = rightPair.right val mapping = Mappings.merge(leftMapping, Mappings.offsetTarget(rightMapping, left.getRowType.getFieldCount)) val shuttle = new RexPermuteInputsShuttle(mapping, left, right) val condition = RexUtil.composeConjunction(relBuilder.getRexBuilder, joinVertex.conditions, false) val join = relBuilder.push(left) .push(right) .join(JoinRelType.INNER, condition.accept(shuttle)) .build() relNodes += Pair.of(join, mapping) case _ => } if (sequenceTracer != null) { sequenceTracer.setFactors(vertexes.last.factors) } val top = relNodes.last relBuilder.push(top.left) .project(relBuilder.fields(top.right)) } private def createEdge(condition: RexNode, multiJoin: LoptMultiJoin): Edge = { val fieldRefBitmap = RelOptUtil.InputFinder.bits(condition) val factorRefBitmap = ImmutableBitSet.builder for (field <- fieldRefBitmap) { val factor = multiJoin.findRef(field) factorRefBitmap.set(factor) } new Edge(condition,, fieldRefBitmap) } /** Participant in a join (relation or join). */ private class Vertex( val id: Int, val factors: ImmutableBitSet) { } /** Relation participating in a join. */ private class LeafVertex( override val id: Int, val rel: RelNode, val fieldOffset: Int) extends Vertex(id, ImmutableBitSet.of(id)) { override def toString: String = { s"LeafVertex(id: $id, " + s"factors: $factors, " + s"fieldOffset: $fieldOffset)" } } /** Participant in a join which is itself a join. */ private class JoinVertex( override val id: Int, val leftFactor: Int, val rightFactor: Int, override val factors: ImmutableBitSet, val conditions: ImmutableList[RexNode]) extends Vertex(id, factors) { override def toString: String = { s"JoinVertex(id: $id, " + s"factors: $factors, " + s"leftFactor: $leftFactor, " + s"rightFactor: $rightFactor)" } } /** Information about a join-condition. */ private class Edge( val condition: RexNode, val factors: ImmutableBitSet, val columns: ImmutableBitSet) { override def toString: String = { s"Edge(condition: $condition, " + s"factors: $factors, " + s"columns: $columns)" } } /** Used for Rank push down. */ case class RankInfo(factorIdx: Int, aggOffset: Int, fieldCollation: RelFieldCollation) /** Used for trace the new factors sequence. */ class SequenceTracer { var factors: ImmutableBitSet = _ def getFactors: ImmutableBitSet = { factors } def setFactors(factors: ImmutableBitSet): Unit = { this.factors = factors } } }

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