org.postgresql.jdbc.PgDatabaseMetaData Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (c) 2004, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
* See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
package org.postgresql.jdbc;
import static org.postgresql.util.internal.Nullness.castNonNull;
import org.postgresql.core.BaseStatement;
import org.postgresql.core.Field;
import org.postgresql.core.Oid;
import org.postgresql.core.ServerVersion;
import org.postgresql.core.Tuple;
import org.postgresql.core.TypeInfo;
import org.postgresql.util.ByteConverter;
import org.postgresql.util.GT;
import org.postgresql.util.JdbcBlackHole;
import org.postgresql.util.PSQLException;
import org.postgresql.util.PSQLState;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.KeyFor;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.sql.Array;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.RowIdLifetime;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.Types;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
public class PgDatabaseMetaData implements DatabaseMetaData {
public PgDatabaseMetaData(PgConnection conn) {
this.connection = conn;
private @Nullable String keywords;
protected final PgConnection connection; // The connection association
private int nameDataLength = 0; // length for name datatype
private int indexMaxKeys = 0; // maximum number of keys in an index.
protected int getMaxIndexKeys() throws SQLException {
if (indexMaxKeys == 0) {
String sql;
sql = "SELECT setting FROM pg_catalog.pg_settings WHERE name='max_index_keys'";
Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = null;
try {
rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
if (! {
throw new PSQLException(
"Unable to determine a value for MaxIndexKeys due to missing system catalog data."),
indexMaxKeys = rs.getInt(1);
} finally {
return indexMaxKeys;
protected int getMaxNameLength() throws SQLException {
if (nameDataLength == 0) {
String sql;
sql = "SELECT t.typlen FROM pg_catalog.pg_type t, pg_catalog.pg_namespace n "
+ "WHERE t.typnamespace=n.oid AND t.typname='name' AND n.nspname='pg_catalog'";
Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = null;
try {
rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
if (! {
throw new PSQLException("Unable to find name datatype in the system catalogs."),
nameDataLength = rs.getInt("typlen");
} finally {
return nameDataLength - 1;
public boolean allProceduresAreCallable() throws SQLException {
return true; // For now...
public boolean allTablesAreSelectable() throws SQLException {
return true; // For now...
public String getURL() throws SQLException {
return connection.getURL();
public String getUserName() throws SQLException {
return connection.getUserName();
public boolean isReadOnly() throws SQLException {
return connection.isReadOnly();
public boolean nullsAreSortedHigh() throws SQLException {
return true;
public boolean nullsAreSortedLow() throws SQLException {
return false;
public boolean nullsAreSortedAtStart() throws SQLException {
return false;
public boolean nullsAreSortedAtEnd() throws SQLException {
return false;
* Retrieves the name of this database product. We hope that it is PostgreSQL, so we return that
* explicitly.
* @return "PostgreSQL"
public String getDatabaseProductName() throws SQLException {
return "PostgreSQL";
public String getDatabaseProductVersion() throws SQLException {
return connection.getDBVersionNumber();
public String getDriverName() {
return org.postgresql.util.DriverInfo.DRIVER_NAME;
public String getDriverVersion() {
return org.postgresql.util.DriverInfo.DRIVER_VERSION;
public int getDriverMajorVersion() {
return org.postgresql.util.DriverInfo.MAJOR_VERSION;
public int getDriverMinorVersion() {
return org.postgresql.util.DriverInfo.MINOR_VERSION;
* Does the database store tables in a local file? No - it stores them in a file on the server.
* @return true if so
* @throws SQLException if a database access error occurs
public boolean usesLocalFiles() throws SQLException {
return false;
* Does the database use a file for each table? Well, not really, since it doesn't use local files.
* @return true if so
* @throws SQLException if a database access error occurs
public boolean usesLocalFilePerTable() throws SQLException {
return false;
* Does the database treat mixed case unquoted SQL identifiers as case sensitive and as a result
* store them in mixed case? A JDBC-Compliant driver will always return false.
* @return true if so
* @throws SQLException if a database access error occurs
public boolean supportsMixedCaseIdentifiers() throws SQLException {
return false;
public boolean storesUpperCaseIdentifiers() throws SQLException {
return false;
public boolean storesLowerCaseIdentifiers() throws SQLException {
return true;
public boolean storesMixedCaseIdentifiers() throws SQLException {
return false;
* Does the database treat mixed case quoted SQL identifiers as case sensitive and as a result
* store them in mixed case? A JDBC compliant driver will always return true.
* @return true if so
* @throws SQLException if a database access error occurs
public boolean supportsMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers() throws SQLException {
return true;
public boolean storesUpperCaseQuotedIdentifiers() throws SQLException {
return false;
public boolean storesLowerCaseQuotedIdentifiers() throws SQLException {
return false;
public boolean storesMixedCaseQuotedIdentifiers() throws SQLException {
return false;
* What is the string used to quote SQL identifiers? This returns a space if identifier quoting
* isn't supported. A JDBC Compliant driver will always use a double quote character.
* @return the quoting string
* @throws SQLException if a database access error occurs
public String getIdentifierQuoteString() throws SQLException {
return "\"";
* {@inheritDoc}
* From PostgreSQL 9.0+ return the keywords from pg_catalog.pg_get_keywords()
* @return a comma separated list of keywords we use
* @throws SQLException if a database access error occurs
public String getSQLKeywords() throws SQLException {
String keywords = this.keywords;
if (keywords == null) {
if (connection.haveMinimumServerVersion(ServerVersion.v9_0)) {
// Exclude SQL:2003 keywords (
// from the returned list, ugly but required by jdbc spec.
String sql = "select string_agg(word, ',') from pg_catalog.pg_get_keywords() "
+ "where word <> ALL ('{a,abs,absolute,action,ada,add,admin,after,all,allocate,alter,"
+ "always,and,any,are,array,as,asc,asensitive,assertion,assignment,asymmetric,at,atomic,"
+ "attribute,attributes,authorization,avg,before,begin,bernoulli,between,bigint,binary,"
+ "blob,boolean,both,breadth,by,c,call,called,cardinality,cascade,cascaded,case,cast,"
+ "catalog,catalog_name,ceil,ceiling,chain,char,char_length,character,character_length,"
+ "character_set_catalog,character_set_name,character_set_schema,characteristics,"
+ "characters,check,checked,class_origin,clob,close,coalesce,cobol,code_units,collate,"
+ "collation,collation_catalog,collation_name,collation_schema,collect,column,"
+ "column_name,command_function,command_function_code,commit,committed,condition,"
+ "condition_number,connect,connection_name,constraint,constraint_catalog,constraint_name,"
+ "constraint_schema,constraints,constructors,contains,continue,convert,corr,"
+ "corresponding,count,covar_pop,covar_samp,create,cross,cube,cume_dist,current,"
+ "current_collation,current_date,current_default_transform_group,current_path,"
+ "current_role,current_time,current_timestamp,current_transform_group_for_type,current_user,"
+ "cursor,cursor_name,cycle,data,date,datetime_interval_code,datetime_interval_precision,"
+ "day,deallocate,dec,decimal,declare,default,defaults,deferrable,deferred,defined,definer,"
+ "degree,delete,dense_rank,depth,deref,derived,desc,describe,descriptor,deterministic,"
+ "diagnostics,disconnect,dispatch,distinct,domain,double,drop,dynamic,dynamic_function,"
+ "dynamic_function_code,each,element,else,end,end-exec,equals,escape,every,except,"
+ "exception,exclude,excluding,exec,execute,exists,exp,external,extract,false,fetch,filter,"
+ "final,first,float,floor,following,for,foreign,fortran,found,free,from,full,function,"
+ "fusion,g,general,get,global,go,goto,grant,granted,group,grouping,having,hierarchy,hold,"
+ "hour,identity,immediate,implementation,in,including,increment,indicator,initially,"
+ "inner,inout,input,insensitive,insert,instance,instantiable,int,integer,intersect,"
+ "intersection,interval,into,invoker,is,isolation,join,k,key,key_member,key_type,language,"
+ "large,last,lateral,leading,left,length,level,like,ln,local,localtime,localtimestamp,"
+ "locator,lower,m,map,match,matched,max,maxvalue,member,merge,message_length,"
+ "message_octet_length,message_text,method,min,minute,minvalue,mod,modifies,module,month,"
+ "more,multiset,mumps,name,names,national,natural,nchar,nclob,nesting,new,next,no,none,"
+ "normalize,normalized,not,\"null\",nullable,nullif,nulls,number,numeric,object,"
+ "octet_length,octets,of,old,on,only,open,option,options,or,order,ordering,ordinality,"
+ "others,out,outer,output,over,overlaps,overlay,overriding,pad,parameter,parameter_mode,"
+ "parameter_name,parameter_ordinal_position,parameter_specific_catalog,"
+ "parameter_specific_name,parameter_specific_schema,partial,partition,pascal,path,"
+ "percent_rank,percentile_cont,percentile_disc,placing,pli,position,power,preceding,"
+ "precision,prepare,preserve,primary,prior,privileges,procedure,public,range,rank,read,"
+ "reads,real,recursive,ref,references,referencing,regr_avgx,regr_avgy,regr_count,"
+ "regr_intercept,regr_r2,regr_slope,regr_sxx,regr_sxy,regr_syy,relative,release,"
+ "repeatable,restart,result,return,returned_cardinality,returned_length,"
+ "returned_octet_length,returned_sqlstate,returns,revoke,right,role,rollback,rollup,"
+ "routine,routine_catalog,routine_name,routine_schema,row,row_count,row_number,rows,"
+ "savepoint,scale,schema,schema_name,scope_catalog,scope_name,scope_schema,scroll,"
+ "search,second,section,security,select,self,sensitive,sequence,serializable,server_name,"
+ "session,session_user,set,sets,similar,simple,size,smallint,some,source,space,specific,"
+ "specific_name,specifictype,sql,sqlexception,sqlstate,sqlwarning,sqrt,start,state,"
+ "statement,static,stddev_pop,stddev_samp,structure,style,subclass_origin,submultiset,"
+ "substring,sum,symmetric,system,system_user,table,table_name,tablesample,temporary,then,"
+ "ties,time,timestamp,timezone_hour,timezone_minute,to,top_level_count,trailing,"
+ "transaction,transaction_active,transactions_committed,transactions_rolled_back,"
+ "transform,transforms,translate,translation,treat,trigger,trigger_catalog,trigger_name,"
+ "trigger_schema,trim,true,type,uescape,unbounded,uncommitted,under,union,unique,unknown,"
+ "unnamed,unnest,update,upper,usage,user,user_defined_type_catalog,user_defined_type_code,"
+ "user_defined_type_name,user_defined_type_schema,using,value,values,var_pop,var_samp,"
+ "varchar,varying,view,when,whenever,where,width_bucket,window,with,within,without,work,"
+ "write,year,zone}'::text[])";
Statement stmt = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
try {
stmt = connection.createStatement();
rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
if (! {
throw new PSQLException("Unable to find keywords in the system catalogs."),
keywords = rs.getString(1);
} finally {
} else {
// Static list from PG8.2 src/backend/parser/keywords.c with SQL:2003 excluded.
keywords = "abort,access,aggregate,also,analyse,analyze,backward,bit,cache,checkpoint,class,"
+ "cluster,comment,concurrently,connection,conversion,copy,csv,database,delimiter,"
+ "delimiters,disable,do,enable,encoding,encrypted,exclusive,explain,force,forward,freeze,"
+ "greatest,handler,header,if,ilike,immutable,implicit,index,indexes,inherit,inherits,"
+ "instead,isnull,least,limit,listen,load,location,lock,mode,move,nothing,notify,notnull,"
+ "nowait,off,offset,oids,operator,owned,owner,password,prepared,procedural,quote,reassign,"
+ "recheck,reindex,rename,replace,reset,restrict,returning,rule,setof,share,show,stable,"
+ "statistics,stdin,stdout,storage,strict,sysid,tablespace,temp,template,truncate,trusted,"
+ "unencrypted,unlisten,until,vacuum,valid,validator,verbose,volatile";
this.keywords = castNonNull(keywords);
return keywords;
public String getNumericFunctions() throws SQLException {
return EscapedFunctions.ABS + ',' + EscapedFunctions.ACOS + ',' + EscapedFunctions.ASIN + ','
+ EscapedFunctions.ATAN + ',' + EscapedFunctions.ATAN2 + ',' + EscapedFunctions.CEILING
+ ',' + EscapedFunctions.COS + ',' + EscapedFunctions.COT + ',' + EscapedFunctions.DEGREES
+ ',' + EscapedFunctions.EXP + ',' + EscapedFunctions.FLOOR + ',' + EscapedFunctions.LOG
+ ',' + EscapedFunctions.LOG10 + ',' + EscapedFunctions.MOD + ',' + EscapedFunctions.PI
+ ',' + EscapedFunctions.POWER + ',' + EscapedFunctions.RADIANS + ','
+ EscapedFunctions.ROUND + ',' + EscapedFunctions.SIGN + ',' + EscapedFunctions.SIN + ','
+ EscapedFunctions.SQRT + ',' + EscapedFunctions.TAN + ',' + EscapedFunctions.TRUNCATE;
public String getStringFunctions() throws SQLException {
String funcs = EscapedFunctions.ASCII + ',' + EscapedFunctions.CHAR + ','
+ EscapedFunctions.CONCAT + ',' + EscapedFunctions.LCASE + ',' + EscapedFunctions.LEFT + ','
+ EscapedFunctions.LENGTH + ',' + EscapedFunctions.LTRIM + ',' + EscapedFunctions.REPEAT
+ ',' + EscapedFunctions.RTRIM + ',' + EscapedFunctions.SPACE + ','
+ EscapedFunctions.SUBSTRING + ',' + EscapedFunctions.UCASE;
// Currently these don't work correctly with parameterized
// arguments, so leave them out. They reorder the arguments
// when rewriting the query, but no translation layer is provided,
// so a setObject(N, obj) will not go to the correct parameter.
// ','+EscapedFunctions.INSERT+','+EscapedFunctions.LOCATE+
// ','+EscapedFunctions.RIGHT+
funcs += ',' + EscapedFunctions.REPLACE;
return funcs;
public String getSystemFunctions() throws SQLException {
return EscapedFunctions.DATABASE + ',' + EscapedFunctions.IFNULL + ',' + EscapedFunctions.USER;
public String getTimeDateFunctions() throws SQLException {
String timeDateFuncs = EscapedFunctions.CURDATE + ',' + EscapedFunctions.CURTIME + ','
+ EscapedFunctions.DAYNAME + ',' + EscapedFunctions.DAYOFMONTH + ','
+ EscapedFunctions.DAYOFWEEK + ',' + EscapedFunctions.DAYOFYEAR + ','
+ EscapedFunctions.HOUR + ',' + EscapedFunctions.MINUTE + ',' + EscapedFunctions.MONTH + ','
+ EscapedFunctions.MONTHNAME + ',' + EscapedFunctions.NOW + ',' + EscapedFunctions.QUARTER
+ ',' + EscapedFunctions.SECOND + ',' + EscapedFunctions.WEEK + ',' + EscapedFunctions.YEAR;
timeDateFuncs += ',' + EscapedFunctions.TIMESTAMPADD;
// +','+EscapedFunctions.TIMESTAMPDIFF;
return timeDateFuncs;
public String getSearchStringEscape() throws SQLException {
// This method originally returned "\\\\" assuming that it
// would be fed directly into pg's input parser so it would
// need two backslashes. This isn't how it's supposed to be
// used though. If passed as a PreparedStatement parameter
// or fed to a DatabaseMetaData method then double backslashes
// are incorrect. If you're feeding something directly into
// a query you are responsible for correctly escaping it.
// With 8.2+ this escaping is a little trickier because you
// must know the setting of standard_conforming_strings, but
// that's not our problem.
return "\\";
* {@inheritDoc}
* Postgresql allows any high-bit character to be used in an unquoted identifier, so we can't
* possibly list them all.
* From the file src/backend/parser/scan.l, an identifier is ident_start [A-Za-z\200-\377_]
* ident_cont [A-Za-z\200-\377_0-9\$] identifier {ident_start}{ident_cont}*
* @return a string containing the extra characters
* @throws SQLException if a database access error occurs
public String getExtraNameCharacters() throws SQLException {
return "";
* {@inheritDoc}
* @return true if connected to PostgreSQL 6.1+
public boolean supportsAlterTableWithAddColumn() throws SQLException {
return true;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @return true if connected to PostgreSQL 7.3+
public boolean supportsAlterTableWithDropColumn() throws SQLException {
return true;
public boolean supportsColumnAliasing() throws SQLException {
return true;
public boolean nullPlusNonNullIsNull() throws SQLException {
return true;
public boolean supportsConvert() throws SQLException {
return false;
public boolean supportsConvert(int fromType, int toType) throws SQLException {
return false;
public boolean supportsTableCorrelationNames() throws SQLException {
return true;
public boolean supportsDifferentTableCorrelationNames() throws SQLException {
return false;
public boolean supportsExpressionsInOrderBy() throws SQLException {
return true;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @return true if connected to PostgreSQL 6.4+
public boolean supportsOrderByUnrelated() throws SQLException {
return true;
public boolean supportsGroupBy() throws SQLException {
return true;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @return true if connected to PostgreSQL 6.4+
public boolean supportsGroupByUnrelated() throws SQLException {
return true;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @return true if connected to PostgreSQL 6.4+
public boolean supportsGroupByBeyondSelect() throws SQLException {
return true;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @return true if connected to PostgreSQL 7.1+
public boolean supportsLikeEscapeClause() throws SQLException {
return true;
public boolean supportsMultipleResultSets() throws SQLException {
return true;
public boolean supportsMultipleTransactions() throws SQLException {
return true;
public boolean supportsNonNullableColumns() throws SQLException {
return true;
* {@inheritDoc}
* This grammar is defined at:
* In Appendix C. From this description, we seem to support the ODBC minimal (Level 0) grammar.
* @return true
public boolean supportsMinimumSQLGrammar() throws SQLException {
return true;
* Does this driver support the Core ODBC SQL grammar. We need SQL-92 conformance for this.
* @return false
* @throws SQLException if a database access error occurs
public boolean supportsCoreSQLGrammar() throws SQLException {
return false;
* Does this driver support the Extended (Level 2) ODBC SQL grammar. We don't conform to the Core
* (Level 1), so we can't conform to the Extended SQL Grammar.
* @return false
* @throws SQLException if a database access error occurs
public boolean supportsExtendedSQLGrammar() throws SQLException {
return false;
* Does this driver support the ANSI-92 entry level SQL grammar? All JDBC Compliant drivers must
* return true. We currently report false until 'schema' support is added. Then this should be
* changed to return true, since we will be mostly compliant (probably more compliant than many
* other databases) And since this is a requirement for all JDBC drivers we need to get to the
* point where we can return true.
* @return true if connected to PostgreSQL 7.3+
* @throws SQLException if a database access error occurs
public boolean supportsANSI92EntryLevelSQL() throws SQLException {
return true;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @return false
public boolean supportsANSI92IntermediateSQL() throws SQLException {
return false;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @return false
public boolean supportsANSI92FullSQL() throws SQLException {
return false;
* Is the SQL Integrity Enhancement Facility supported? Our best guess is that this means support
* for constraints
* @return true
* @exception SQLException if a database access error occurs
public boolean supportsIntegrityEnhancementFacility() throws SQLException {
return true;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @return true if connected to PostgreSQL 7.1+
public boolean supportsOuterJoins() throws SQLException {
return true;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @return true if connected to PostgreSQL 7.1+
public boolean supportsFullOuterJoins() throws SQLException {
return true;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @return true if connected to PostgreSQL 7.1+
public boolean supportsLimitedOuterJoins() throws SQLException {
return true;
* {@inheritDoc}
* PostgreSQL doesn't have schemas, but when it does, we'll use the term "schema".
* @return {@code "schema"}
public String getSchemaTerm() throws SQLException {
return "schema";
* {@inheritDoc}
* @return {@code "function"}
public String getProcedureTerm() throws SQLException {
return "function";
* {@inheritDoc}
* @return {@code "database"}
public String getCatalogTerm() throws SQLException {
return "database";
public boolean isCatalogAtStart() throws SQLException {
return true;
public String getCatalogSeparator() throws SQLException {
return ".";
* {@inheritDoc}
* @return true if connected to PostgreSQL 7.3+
public boolean supportsSchemasInDataManipulation() throws SQLException {
return true;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @return true if connected to PostgreSQL 7.3+
public boolean supportsSchemasInProcedureCalls() throws SQLException {
return true;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @return true if connected to PostgreSQL 7.3+
public boolean supportsSchemasInTableDefinitions() throws SQLException {
return true;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @return true if connected to PostgreSQL 7.3+
public boolean supportsSchemasInIndexDefinitions() throws SQLException {
return true;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @return true if connected to PostgreSQL 7.3+
public boolean supportsSchemasInPrivilegeDefinitions() throws SQLException {
return true;
public boolean supportsCatalogsInDataManipulation() throws SQLException {
return false;
public boolean supportsCatalogsInProcedureCalls() throws SQLException {
return false;
public boolean supportsCatalogsInTableDefinitions() throws SQLException {
return false;
public boolean supportsCatalogsInIndexDefinitions() throws SQLException {
return false;
public boolean supportsCatalogsInPrivilegeDefinitions() throws SQLException {
return false;
* We support cursors for gets only it seems. I dont see a method to get a positioned delete.
* @return false
* @throws SQLException if a database access error occurs
public boolean supportsPositionedDelete() throws SQLException {
return false; // For now...
public boolean supportsPositionedUpdate() throws SQLException {
return false; // For now...
* {@inheritDoc}
* @return true if connected to PostgreSQL 6.5+
public boolean supportsSelectForUpdate() throws SQLException {
return true;
public boolean supportsStoredProcedures() throws SQLException {
return true;
public boolean supportsSubqueriesInComparisons() throws SQLException {
return true;
public boolean supportsSubqueriesInExists() throws SQLException {
return true;
public boolean supportsSubqueriesInIns() throws SQLException {
return true;
public boolean supportsSubqueriesInQuantifieds() throws SQLException {
return true;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @return true if connected to PostgreSQL 7.1+
public boolean supportsCorrelatedSubqueries() throws SQLException {
return true;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @return true if connected to PostgreSQL 6.3+
public boolean supportsUnion() throws SQLException {
return true; // since 6.3
* {@inheritDoc}
* @return true if connected to PostgreSQL 7.1+
public boolean supportsUnionAll() throws SQLException {
return true;
* {@inheritDoc} In PostgreSQL, Cursors are only open within transactions.
public boolean supportsOpenCursorsAcrossCommit() throws SQLException {
return false;
public boolean supportsOpenCursorsAcrossRollback() throws SQLException {
return false;
* {@inheritDoc}
* Can statements remain open across commits? They may, but this driver cannot guarantee that. In
* further reflection. we are talking a Statement object here, so the answer is yes, since the
* Statement is only a vehicle to ExecSQL()
* @return true
public boolean supportsOpenStatementsAcrossCommit() throws SQLException {
return true;
* {@inheritDoc}
* Can statements remain open across rollbacks? They may, but this driver cannot guarantee that.
* In further contemplation, we are talking a Statement object here, so the answer is yes, since
* the Statement is only a vehicle to ExecSQL() in Connection
* @return true
public boolean supportsOpenStatementsAcrossRollback() throws SQLException {
return true;
public int getMaxCharLiteralLength() throws SQLException {
return 0; // no limit
public int getMaxBinaryLiteralLength() throws SQLException {
return 0; // no limit
public int getMaxColumnNameLength() throws SQLException {
return getMaxNameLength();
public int getMaxColumnsInGroupBy() throws SQLException {
return 0; // no limit
public int getMaxColumnsInIndex() throws SQLException {
return getMaxIndexKeys();
public int getMaxColumnsInOrderBy() throws SQLException {
return 0; // no limit
public int getMaxColumnsInSelect() throws SQLException {
return 0; // no limit
* {@inheritDoc} What is the maximum number of columns in a table? From the CREATE TABLE reference
* page...
* "The new class is created as a heap with no initial data. A class can have no more than 1600
* attributes (realistically, this is limited by the fact that tuple sizes must be less than 8192
* bytes)..."
* @return the max columns
* @throws SQLException if a database access error occurs
public int getMaxColumnsInTable() throws SQLException {
return 1600;
* {@inheritDoc} How many active connection can we have at a time to this database? Well, since it
* depends on postmaster, which just does a listen() followed by an accept() and fork(), its
* basically very high. Unless the system runs out of processes, it can be 65535 (the number of
* aux. ports on a TCP/IP system). I will return 8192 since that is what even the largest system
* can realistically handle,
* @return the maximum number of connections
* @throws SQLException if a database access error occurs
public int getMaxConnections() throws SQLException {
return 8192;
public int getMaxCursorNameLength() throws SQLException {
return getMaxNameLength();
public int getMaxIndexLength() throws SQLException {
return 0; // no limit (larger than an int anyway)
public int getMaxSchemaNameLength() throws SQLException {
return getMaxNameLength();
public int getMaxProcedureNameLength() throws SQLException {
return getMaxNameLength();
public int getMaxCatalogNameLength() throws SQLException {
return getMaxNameLength();
public int getMaxRowSize() throws SQLException {
return 1073741824; // 1 GB
public boolean doesMaxRowSizeIncludeBlobs() throws SQLException {
return false;
public int getMaxStatementLength() throws SQLException {
return 0; // actually whatever fits in size_t
public int getMaxStatements() throws SQLException {
return 0;
public int getMaxTableNameLength() throws SQLException {
return getMaxNameLength();
public int getMaxTablesInSelect() throws SQLException {
return 0; // no limit
public int getMaxUserNameLength() throws SQLException {
return getMaxNameLength();
public int getDefaultTransactionIsolation() throws SQLException {
public boolean supportsTransactions() throws SQLException {
return true;
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean supportsTransactionIsolationLevel(int level) throws SQLException {
switch (level) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean supportsDataDefinitionAndDataManipulationTransactions() throws SQLException {
return true;
public boolean supportsDataManipulationTransactionsOnly() throws SQLException {
return false;
* Does a data definition statement within a transaction force the transaction to commit? It seems
* to mean something like:
* UPDATE T SET A = A + 1;
* Does the CREATE TABLE call cause a commit? The answer is no.
* @return true if so
* @throws SQLException if a database access error occurs
public boolean dataDefinitionCausesTransactionCommit() throws SQLException {
return false;
public boolean dataDefinitionIgnoredInTransactions() throws SQLException {
return false;
* Turn the provided value into a valid string literal for direct inclusion into a query. This
* includes the single quotes needed around it.
* @param s input value
* @return string literal for direct inclusion into a query
* @throws SQLException if something wrong happens
protected String escapeQuotes(String s) throws SQLException {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (!connection.getStandardConformingStrings()) {
return sb.toString();
public ResultSet getProcedures(@Nullable String catalog, @Nullable String schemaPattern,
@Nullable String procedureNamePattern)
throws SQLException {
String sql;
+ "NULL, NULL, NULL, d.description AS REMARKS, "
+ DatabaseMetaData.procedureReturnsResult + " AS PROCEDURE_TYPE, "
+ " p.proname || '_' || p.oid AS SPECIFIC_NAME "
+ " FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace n, pg_catalog.pg_proc p "
+ " LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_description d ON (p.oid=d.objoid) "
+ " LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c ON (d.classoid=c.oid AND c.relname='pg_proc') "
+ " LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace pn ON (c.relnamespace=pn.oid AND pn.nspname='pg_catalog') "
+ " WHERE p.pronamespace=n.oid ";
if (connection.haveMinimumServerVersion(ServerVersion.v11)) {
sql += " AND p.prokind='p'";
if (schemaPattern != null && !schemaPattern.isEmpty()) {
sql += " AND n.nspname LIKE " + escapeQuotes(schemaPattern);
if (procedureNamePattern != null && !procedureNamePattern.isEmpty()) {
sql += " AND p.proname LIKE " + escapeQuotes(procedureNamePattern);
if (connection.getHideUnprivilegedObjects()) {
sql += " AND has_function_privilege(p.oid,'EXECUTE')";
return createMetaDataStatement().executeQuery(sql);
public ResultSet getProcedureColumns(@Nullable String catalog, @Nullable String schemaPattern,
@Nullable String procedureNamePattern, @Nullable String columnNamePattern)
throws SQLException {
int columns = 20;
Field[] f = new Field[columns];
List v = new ArrayList(); // The new ResultSet tuple stuff
f[0] = new Field("PROCEDURE_CAT", Oid.VARCHAR);
f[1] = new Field("PROCEDURE_SCHEM", Oid.VARCHAR);
f[2] = new Field("PROCEDURE_NAME", Oid.VARCHAR);
f[3] = new Field("COLUMN_NAME", Oid.VARCHAR);
f[4] = new Field("COLUMN_TYPE", Oid.INT2);
f[5] = new Field("DATA_TYPE", Oid.INT2);
f[6] = new Field("TYPE_NAME", Oid.VARCHAR);
f[7] = new Field("PRECISION", Oid.INT4);
f[8] = new Field("LENGTH", Oid.INT4);
f[9] = new Field("SCALE", Oid.INT2);
f[10] = new Field("RADIX", Oid.INT2);
f[11] = new Field("NULLABLE", Oid.INT2);
f[12] = new Field("REMARKS", Oid.VARCHAR);
f[13] = new Field("COLUMN_DEF", Oid.VARCHAR);
f[14] = new Field("SQL_DATA_TYPE", Oid.INT4);
f[15] = new Field("SQL_DATETIME_SUB", Oid.INT4);
f[16] = new Field("CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH", Oid.INT4);
f[17] = new Field("ORDINAL_POSITION", Oid.INT4);
f[18] = new Field("IS_NULLABLE", Oid.VARCHAR);
f[19] = new Field("SPECIFIC_NAME", Oid.VARCHAR);
String sql;
sql = "SELECT n.nspname,p.proname,p.prorettype,p.proargtypes, t.typtype,t.typrelid, "
+ " p.proargnames, p.proargmodes, p.proallargtypes, p.oid "
+ " FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc p, pg_catalog.pg_namespace n, pg_catalog.pg_type t "
+ " WHERE p.pronamespace=n.oid AND p.prorettype=t.oid ";
if (schemaPattern != null && !schemaPattern.isEmpty()) {
sql += " AND n.nspname LIKE " + escapeQuotes(schemaPattern);
if (procedureNamePattern != null && !procedureNamePattern.isEmpty()) {
sql += " AND p.proname LIKE " + escapeQuotes(procedureNamePattern);
sql += " ORDER BY n.nspname, p.proname, p.oid::text ";
byte[] isnullableUnknown = new byte[0];
Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
while ( {
byte[] schema = rs.getBytes("nspname");
byte[] procedureName = rs.getBytes("proname");
byte[] specificName =
connection.encodeString(rs.getString("proname") + "_" + rs.getString("oid"));
int returnType = (int) rs.getLong("prorettype");
String returnTypeType = rs.getString("typtype");
int returnTypeRelid = (int) rs.getLong("typrelid");
String strArgTypes = castNonNull(rs.getString("proargtypes"));
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(strArgTypes);
List argTypes = new ArrayList();
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
String[] argNames = null;
Array argNamesArray = rs.getArray("proargnames");
if (argNamesArray != null) {
argNames = (String[]) argNamesArray.getArray();
String[] argModes = null;
Array argModesArray = rs.getArray("proargmodes");
if (argModesArray != null) {
argModes = (String[]) argModesArray.getArray();
int numArgs = argTypes.size();
Long[] allArgTypes = null;
Array allArgTypesArray = rs.getArray("proallargtypes");
if (allArgTypesArray != null) {
allArgTypes = (Long[]) allArgTypesArray.getArray();
numArgs = allArgTypes.length;
// decide if we are returning a single column result.
if ("b".equals(returnTypeType) || "d".equals(returnTypeType) || "e".equals(returnTypeType)
|| ("p".equals(returnTypeType) && argModesArray == null)) {
byte[] @Nullable [] tuple = new byte[columns][];
tuple[0] = null;
tuple[1] = schema;
tuple[2] = procedureName;
tuple[3] = connection.encodeString("returnValue");
tuple[4] = connection
tuple[5] = connection
tuple[6] = connection.encodeString(connection.getTypeInfo().getPGType(returnType));
tuple[7] = null;
tuple[8] = null;
tuple[9] = null;
tuple[10] = null;
tuple[11] = connection
tuple[12] = null;
tuple[17] = connection.encodeString(Integer.toString(0));
tuple[18] = isnullableUnknown;
tuple[19] = specificName;
v.add(new Tuple(tuple));
// Add a row for each argument.
for (int i = 0; i < numArgs; i++) {
byte[] @Nullable [] tuple = new byte[columns][];
tuple[0] = null;
tuple[1] = schema;
tuple[2] = procedureName;
if (argNames != null) {
tuple[3] = connection.encodeString(argNames[i]);
} else {
tuple[3] = connection.encodeString("$" + (i + 1));
int columnMode = DatabaseMetaData.procedureColumnIn;
if (argModes != null && argModes[i].equals("o")) {
columnMode = DatabaseMetaData.procedureColumnOut;
} else if (argModes != null && argModes[i].equals("b")) {
columnMode = DatabaseMetaData.procedureColumnInOut;
} else if (argModes != null && argModes[i].equals("t")) {
columnMode = DatabaseMetaData.procedureColumnReturn;
tuple[4] = connection.encodeString(Integer.toString(columnMode));
int argOid;
if (allArgTypes != null) {
argOid = allArgTypes[i].intValue();
} else {
argOid = argTypes.get(i).intValue();
tuple[5] =
tuple[6] = connection.encodeString(connection.getTypeInfo().getPGType(argOid));
tuple[7] = null;
tuple[8] = null;
tuple[9] = null;
tuple[10] = null;
tuple[11] =
tuple[12] = null;
tuple[17] = connection.encodeString(Integer.toString(i + 1));
tuple[18] = isnullableUnknown;
tuple[19] = specificName;
v.add(new Tuple(tuple));
// if we are returning a multi-column result.
if ("c".equals(returnTypeType) || ("p".equals(returnTypeType) && argModesArray != null)) {
String columnsql = "SELECT a.attname,a.atttypid FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute a "
+ " WHERE a.attrelid = " + returnTypeRelid
+ " AND NOT a.attisdropped AND a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum ";
Statement columnstmt = connection.createStatement();
ResultSet columnrs = columnstmt.executeQuery(columnsql);
while ( {
int columnTypeOid = (int) columnrs.getLong("atttypid");
byte[] @Nullable [] tuple = new byte[columns][];
tuple[0] = null;
tuple[1] = schema;
tuple[2] = procedureName;
tuple[3] = columnrs.getBytes("attname");
tuple[4] = connection
tuple[5] = connection
tuple[6] = connection.encodeString(connection.getTypeInfo().getPGType(columnTypeOid));
tuple[7] = null;
tuple[8] = null;
tuple[9] = null;
tuple[10] = null;
tuple[11] = connection
tuple[12] = null;
tuple[17] = connection.encodeString(Integer.toString(0));
tuple[18] = isnullableUnknown;
tuple[19] = specificName;
v.add(new Tuple(tuple));
return ((BaseStatement) createMetaDataStatement()).createDriverResultSet(f, v);
public ResultSet getTables(@Nullable String catalog, @Nullable String schemaPattern,
@Nullable String tableNamePattern, String @Nullable [] types) throws SQLException {
String select;
String orderby;
String useSchemas = "SCHEMAS";
select = "SELECT NULL AS TABLE_CAT, n.nspname AS TABLE_SCHEM, c.relname AS TABLE_NAME, "
+ " CASE n.nspname ~ '^pg_' OR n.nspname = 'information_schema' "
+ " WHEN true THEN CASE "
+ " WHEN n.nspname = 'pg_catalog' OR n.nspname = 'information_schema' THEN CASE c.relkind "
+ " END "
+ " WHEN n.nspname = 'pg_toast' THEN CASE c.relkind "
+ " END "
+ " ELSE CASE c.relkind "
+ " END "
+ " END "
+ " WHEN false THEN CASE c.relkind "
+ " WHEN 'r' THEN 'TABLE' "
+ " WHEN 'i' THEN 'INDEX' "
+ " WHEN 'v' THEN 'VIEW' "
+ " WHEN 'c' THEN 'TYPE' "
+ " END "
+ " END "
+ " AS TABLE_TYPE, d.description AS REMARKS, "
+ " '' as TYPE_CAT, '' as TYPE_SCHEM, '' as TYPE_NAME, "
+ " FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace n, pg_catalog.pg_class c "
+ " LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_description d ON (c.oid = d.objoid AND d.objsubid = 0 and d.classoid = 'pg_class'::regclass) "
+ " WHERE c.relnamespace = n.oid ";
if (schemaPattern != null && !schemaPattern.isEmpty()) {
select += " AND n.nspname LIKE " + escapeQuotes(schemaPattern);
if (connection.getHideUnprivilegedObjects()) {
select += " AND has_table_privilege(c.oid, "
if (tableNamePattern != null && !tableNamePattern.isEmpty()) {
select += " AND c.relname LIKE " + escapeQuotes(tableNamePattern);
if (types != null) {
select += " AND (false ";
StringBuilder orclause = new StringBuilder();
for (String type : types) {
Map clauses = tableTypeClauses.get(type);
if (clauses != null) {
String clause = clauses.get(useSchemas);
orclause.append(" OR ( ").append(clause).append(" ) ");
select += orclause.toString() + ") ";
String sql = select + orderby;
return ((PgResultSet)createMetaDataStatement().executeQuery(sql)).upperCaseFieldLabels();
private static final Map> tableTypeClauses;
static {
tableTypeClauses = new HashMap>();
Map ht = new HashMap();
tableTypeClauses.put("TABLE", ht);
ht.put("SCHEMAS", "c.relkind = 'r' AND n.nspname !~ '^pg_' AND n.nspname <> 'information_schema'");
ht.put("NOSCHEMAS", "c.relkind = 'r' AND c.relname !~ '^pg_'");
ht = new HashMap();
tableTypeClauses.put("PARTITIONED TABLE", ht);
ht.put("SCHEMAS", "c.relkind = 'p' AND n.nspname !~ '^pg_' AND n.nspname <> 'information_schema'");
ht.put("NOSCHEMAS", "c.relkind = 'p' AND c.relname !~ '^pg_'");
ht = new HashMap();
tableTypeClauses.put("VIEW", ht);
"c.relkind = 'v' AND n.nspname <> 'pg_catalog' AND n.nspname <> 'information_schema'");
ht.put("NOSCHEMAS", "c.relkind = 'v' AND c.relname !~ '^pg_'");
ht = new HashMap();
tableTypeClauses.put("INDEX", ht);
"c.relkind = 'i' AND n.nspname !~ '^pg_' AND n.nspname <> 'information_schema'");
ht.put("NOSCHEMAS", "c.relkind = 'i' AND c.relname !~ '^pg_'");
ht = new HashMap();
tableTypeClauses.put("PARTITIONED INDEX", ht);
ht.put("SCHEMAS", "c.relkind = 'I' AND n.nspname !~ '^pg_' AND n.nspname <> 'information_schema'");
ht.put("NOSCHEMAS", "c.relkind = 'I' AND c.relname !~ '^pg_'");
ht = new HashMap();
tableTypeClauses.put("SEQUENCE", ht);
ht.put("SCHEMAS", "c.relkind = 'S'");
ht.put("NOSCHEMAS", "c.relkind = 'S'");
ht = new HashMap();
tableTypeClauses.put("TYPE", ht);
"c.relkind = 'c' AND n.nspname !~ '^pg_' AND n.nspname <> 'information_schema'");
ht.put("NOSCHEMAS", "c.relkind = 'c' AND c.relname !~ '^pg_'");
ht = new HashMap();
tableTypeClauses.put("SYSTEM TABLE", ht);
"c.relkind = 'r' AND (n.nspname = 'pg_catalog' OR n.nspname = 'information_schema')");
"c.relkind = 'r' AND c.relname ~ '^pg_' AND c.relname !~ '^pg_toast_' AND c.relname !~ '^pg_temp_'");
ht = new HashMap();
tableTypeClauses.put("SYSTEM TOAST TABLE", ht);
ht.put("SCHEMAS", "c.relkind = 'r' AND n.nspname = 'pg_toast'");
ht.put("NOSCHEMAS", "c.relkind = 'r' AND c.relname ~ '^pg_toast_'");
ht = new HashMap();
tableTypeClauses.put("SYSTEM TOAST INDEX", ht);
ht.put("SCHEMAS", "c.relkind = 'i' AND n.nspname = 'pg_toast'");
ht.put("NOSCHEMAS", "c.relkind = 'i' AND c.relname ~ '^pg_toast_'");
ht = new HashMap();
tableTypeClauses.put("SYSTEM VIEW", ht);
"c.relkind = 'v' AND (n.nspname = 'pg_catalog' OR n.nspname = 'information_schema') ");
ht.put("NOSCHEMAS", "c.relkind = 'v' AND c.relname ~ '^pg_'");
ht = new HashMap();
tableTypeClauses.put("SYSTEM INDEX", ht);
"c.relkind = 'i' AND (n.nspname = 'pg_catalog' OR n.nspname = 'information_schema') ");
"c.relkind = 'v' AND c.relname ~ '^pg_' AND c.relname !~ '^pg_toast_' AND c.relname !~ '^pg_temp_'");
ht = new HashMap();
tableTypeClauses.put("TEMPORARY TABLE", ht);
ht.put("SCHEMAS", "c.relkind IN ('r','p') AND n.nspname ~ '^pg_temp_' ");
ht.put("NOSCHEMAS", "c.relkind IN ('r','p') AND c.relname ~ '^pg_temp_' ");
ht = new HashMap();
tableTypeClauses.put("TEMPORARY INDEX", ht);
ht.put("SCHEMAS", "c.relkind = 'i' AND n.nspname ~ '^pg_temp_' ");
ht.put("NOSCHEMAS", "c.relkind = 'i' AND c.relname ~ '^pg_temp_' ");
ht = new HashMap();
tableTypeClauses.put("TEMPORARY VIEW", ht);
ht.put("SCHEMAS", "c.relkind = 'v' AND n.nspname ~ '^pg_temp_' ");
ht.put("NOSCHEMAS", "c.relkind = 'v' AND c.relname ~ '^pg_temp_' ");
ht = new HashMap();
tableTypeClauses.put("TEMPORARY SEQUENCE", ht);
ht.put("SCHEMAS", "c.relkind = 'S' AND n.nspname ~ '^pg_temp_' ");
ht.put("NOSCHEMAS", "c.relkind = 'S' AND c.relname ~ '^pg_temp_' ");
ht = new HashMap();
tableTypeClauses.put("FOREIGN TABLE", ht);
ht.put("SCHEMAS", "c.relkind = 'f'");
ht.put("NOSCHEMAS", "c.relkind = 'f'");
ht = new HashMap();
tableTypeClauses.put("MATERIALIZED VIEW", ht);
ht.put("SCHEMAS", "c.relkind = 'm'");
ht.put("NOSCHEMAS", "c.relkind = 'm'");
public ResultSet getSchemas() throws SQLException {
return getSchemas(null, null);
public ResultSet getSchemas(@Nullable String catalog, @Nullable String schemaPattern)
throws SQLException {
String sql;
sql = "SELECT nspname AS TABLE_SCHEM, NULL AS TABLE_CATALOG FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace "
+ " WHERE nspname <> 'pg_toast' AND (nspname !~ '^pg_temp_' "
+ " OR nspname = (pg_catalog.current_schemas(true))[1]) AND (nspname !~ '^pg_toast_temp_' "
+ " OR nspname = replace((pg_catalog.current_schemas(true))[1], 'pg_temp_', 'pg_toast_temp_')) ";
if (schemaPattern != null && !schemaPattern.isEmpty()) {
sql += " AND nspname LIKE " + escapeQuotes(schemaPattern);
if (connection.getHideUnprivilegedObjects()) {
sql += " AND has_schema_privilege(nspname, 'USAGE, CREATE')";
return createMetaDataStatement().executeQuery(sql);
* PostgreSQL does not support multiple catalogs from a single connection, so to reduce confusion
* we only return the current catalog. {@inheritDoc}
public ResultSet getCatalogs() throws SQLException {
Field[] f = new Field[1];
List v = new ArrayList();
f[0] = new Field("TABLE_CAT", Oid.VARCHAR);
byte[] @Nullable [] tuple = new byte[1][];
tuple[0] = connection.encodeString(connection.getCatalog());
v.add(new Tuple(tuple));
return ((BaseStatement) createMetaDataStatement()).createDriverResultSet(f, v);
public ResultSet getTableTypes() throws SQLException {
String[] types = tableTypeClauses.keySet().toArray(new String[0]);
Field[] f = new Field[1];
List v = new ArrayList();
f[0] = new Field("TABLE_TYPE", Oid.VARCHAR);
for (String type : types) {
byte[] @Nullable [] tuple = new byte[1][];
tuple[0] = connection.encodeString(type);
v.add(new Tuple(tuple));
return ((BaseStatement) createMetaDataStatement()).createDriverResultSet(f, v);
public ResultSet getColumns(@Nullable String catalog, @Nullable String schemaPattern,
@Nullable String tableNamePattern,
@Nullable String columnNamePattern) throws SQLException {
int numberOfFields = 24; // JDBC4
List v = new ArrayList(); // The new ResultSet tuple stuff
Field[] f = new Field[numberOfFields]; // The field descriptors for the new ResultSet
f[0] = new Field("TABLE_CAT", Oid.VARCHAR);
f[1] = new Field("TABLE_SCHEM", Oid.VARCHAR);
f[2] = new Field("TABLE_NAME", Oid.VARCHAR);
f[3] = new Field("COLUMN_NAME", Oid.VARCHAR);
f[4] = new Field("DATA_TYPE", Oid.INT2);
f[5] = new Field("TYPE_NAME", Oid.VARCHAR);
f[6] = new Field("COLUMN_SIZE", Oid.INT4);
f[7] = new Field("BUFFER_LENGTH", Oid.VARCHAR);
f[8] = new Field("DECIMAL_DIGITS", Oid.INT4);
f[9] = new Field("NUM_PREC_RADIX", Oid.INT4);
f[10] = new Field("NULLABLE", Oid.INT4);
f[11] = new Field("REMARKS", Oid.VARCHAR);
f[12] = new Field("COLUMN_DEF", Oid.VARCHAR);
f[13] = new Field("SQL_DATA_TYPE", Oid.INT4);
f[14] = new Field("SQL_DATETIME_SUB", Oid.INT4);
f[15] = new Field("CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH", Oid.VARCHAR);
f[16] = new Field("ORDINAL_POSITION", Oid.INT4);
f[17] = new Field("IS_NULLABLE", Oid.VARCHAR);
f[18] = new Field("SCOPE_CATALOG", Oid.VARCHAR);
f[19] = new Field("SCOPE_SCHEMA", Oid.VARCHAR);
f[20] = new Field("SCOPE_TABLE", Oid.VARCHAR);
f[21] = new Field("SOURCE_DATA_TYPE", Oid.INT2);
f[22] = new Field("IS_AUTOINCREMENT", Oid.VARCHAR);
f[23] = new Field( "IS_GENERATEDCOLUMN", Oid.VARCHAR);
String sql;
// a.attnum isn't decremented when preceding columns are dropped,
// so the only way to calculate the correct column number is with
// window functions, new in 8.4.
// We want to push as much predicate information below the window
// function as possible (schema/table names), but must leave
// column name outside so we correctly count the other columns.
if (connection.haveMinimumServerVersion(ServerVersion.v8_4)) {
sql = "SELECT * FROM (";
} else {
sql = "";
sql += "SELECT n.nspname,c.relname,a.attname,a.atttypid,a.attnotnull "
+ "OR (t.typtype = 'd' AND t.typnotnull) AS attnotnull,a.atttypmod,a.attlen,t.typtypmod,";
if (connection.haveMinimumServerVersion(ServerVersion.v8_4)) {
sql += "row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY a.attrelid ORDER BY a.attnum) AS attnum, ";
} else {
sql += "a.attnum,";
if (connection.haveMinimumServerVersion(ServerVersion.v10)) {
sql += "nullif(a.attidentity, '') as attidentity,";
} else {
sql += "null as attidentity,";
sql += "pg_catalog.pg_get_expr(def.adbin, def.adrelid) AS adsrc,dsc.description,t.typbasetype,t.typtype "
+ " FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace n "
+ " JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c ON (c.relnamespace = n.oid) "
+ " JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attribute a ON (a.attrelid=c.oid) "
+ " JOIN pg_catalog.pg_type t ON (a.atttypid = t.oid) "
+ " LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attrdef def ON (a.attrelid=def.adrelid AND a.attnum = def.adnum) "
+ " LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_description dsc ON (c.oid=dsc.objoid AND a.attnum = dsc.objsubid) "
+ " LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class dc ON (dc.oid=dsc.classoid AND dc.relname='pg_class') "
+ " LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace dn ON (dc.relnamespace=dn.oid AND dn.nspname='pg_catalog') "
+ " WHERE c.relkind in ('r','p','v','f','m') and a.attnum > 0 AND NOT a.attisdropped ";
if (schemaPattern != null && !schemaPattern.isEmpty()) {
sql += " AND n.nspname LIKE " + escapeQuotes(schemaPattern);
if (tableNamePattern != null && !tableNamePattern.isEmpty()) {
sql += " AND c.relname LIKE " + escapeQuotes(tableNamePattern);
if (connection.haveMinimumServerVersion(ServerVersion.v8_4)) {
sql += ") c WHERE true ";
if (columnNamePattern != null && !columnNamePattern.isEmpty()) {
sql += " AND attname LIKE " + escapeQuotes(columnNamePattern);
sql += " ORDER BY nspname,c.relname,attnum ";
Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
while ( {
byte[] @Nullable [] tuple = new byte[numberOfFields][];
int typeOid = (int) rs.getLong("atttypid");
int typeMod = rs.getInt("atttypmod");
tuple[0] = null; // Catalog name, not supported
tuple[1] = rs.getBytes("nspname"); // Schema
tuple[2] = rs.getBytes("relname"); // Table name
tuple[3] = rs.getBytes("attname"); // Column name
String typtype = rs.getString("typtype");
int sqlType;
if ("c".equals(typtype)) {
sqlType = Types.STRUCT;
} else if ("d".equals(typtype)) {
sqlType = Types.DISTINCT;
} else if ("e".equals(typtype)) {
sqlType = Types.VARCHAR;
} else {
sqlType = connection.getTypeInfo().getSQLType(typeOid);
tuple[4] = connection.encodeString(Integer.toString(sqlType));
String pgType = connection.getTypeInfo().getPGType(typeOid);
tuple[5] = connection.encodeString(pgType); // Type name
tuple[7] = null; // Buffer length
String defval = rs.getString("adsrc");
if (defval != null && defval.contains("nextval(") ) {
if ("int4".equals(pgType)) {
tuple[5] = connection.encodeString("serial"); // Type name == serial
} else if ("int8".equals(pgType)) {
tuple[5] = connection.encodeString("bigserial"); // Type name == bigserial
} else if ("int2".equals(pgType) && connection.haveMinimumServerVersion(ServerVersion.v9_2)) {
tuple[5] = connection.encodeString("smallserial"); // Type name == smallserial
String identity = rs.getString("attidentity");
int baseTypeOid = (int) rs.getLong("typbasetype");
int decimalDigits;
int columnSize;
/* this is really a DOMAIN type not sure where DISTINCT came from */
if ( sqlType == Types.DISTINCT ) {
From the docs if typtypmod is -1
int typtypmod = rs.getInt("typtypmod");
decimalDigits = connection.getTypeInfo().getScale(baseTypeOid, typeMod);
From the postgres docs:
Domains use typtypmod to record the typmod to be applied to their
base type (-1 if base type does not use a typmod). -1 if this type is not a domain.
if it is -1 then get the precision from the basetype. This doesn't help if the basetype is
a domain, but for actual types this will return the correct value.
if ( typtypmod == -1 ) {
columnSize = connection.getTypeInfo().getPrecision(baseTypeOid, typeMod);
} else if (baseTypeOid == Oid.NUMERIC ) {
decimalDigits = connection.getTypeInfo().getScale(baseTypeOid, typtypmod);
columnSize = connection.getTypeInfo().getPrecision(baseTypeOid, typtypmod);
} else {
columnSize = typtypmod;
} else {
decimalDigits = connection.getTypeInfo().getScale(typeOid, typeMod);
columnSize = connection.getTypeInfo().getPrecision(typeOid, typeMod);
if ( sqlType != Types.NUMERIC && columnSize == 0 ) {
columnSize = connection.getTypeInfo().getDisplaySize(typeOid, typeMod);
tuple[6] = connection.encodeString(Integer.toString(columnSize));
// Give null for an unset scale on Decimal and Numeric columns
if (((sqlType == Types.NUMERIC) || (sqlType == Types.DECIMAL)) && (typeMod == -1)) {
tuple[8] = null;
} else {
tuple[8] = connection.encodeString(Integer.toString(decimalDigits));
// Everything is base 10 unless we override later.
tuple[9] = connection.encodeString("10");
if ("bit".equals(pgType) || "varbit".equals(pgType)) {
tuple[9] = connection.encodeString("2");
tuple[10] = connection.encodeString(Integer.toString(rs.getBoolean("attnotnull")
? java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.columnNoNulls : java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.columnNullable)); // Nullable
tuple[11] = rs.getBytes("description"); // Description (if any)
tuple[12] = rs.getBytes("adsrc"); // Column default
tuple[13] = null; // sql data type (unused)
tuple[14] = null; // sql datetime sub (unused)
tuple[15] = tuple[6]; // char octet length
tuple[16] = connection.encodeString(String.valueOf(rs.getInt("attnum"))); // ordinal position
// Is nullable
tuple[17] = connection.encodeString(rs.getBoolean("attnotnull") ? "NO" : "YES");
tuple[18] = null; // SCOPE_CATLOG
tuple[19] = null; // SCOPE_SCHEMA
tuple[20] = null; // SCOPE_TABLE
tuple[21] = baseTypeOid == 0 // SOURCE_DATA_TYPE
? null
: connection.encodeString(Integer.toString(connection.getTypeInfo().getSQLType(baseTypeOid)));
String autoinc = "NO";
if (defval != null && defval.contains("nextval(") || identity != null) {
autoinc = "YES";
tuple[22] = connection.encodeString(autoinc); // IS_AUTOINCREMENT
// there is no way to tell if the value was actually autogenerated.
tuple[23] = connection.encodeString(""); // IS_AUTOGENERATED
v.add(new Tuple(tuple));
return ((BaseStatement) createMetaDataStatement()).createDriverResultSet(f, v);
public ResultSet getColumnPrivileges(@Nullable String catalog, @Nullable String schema,
String table, @Nullable String columnNamePattern) throws SQLException {
Field[] f = new Field[8];
List v = new ArrayList();
f[0] = new Field("TABLE_CAT", Oid.VARCHAR);
f[1] = new Field("TABLE_SCHEM", Oid.VARCHAR);
f[2] = new Field("TABLE_NAME", Oid.VARCHAR);
f[3] = new Field("COLUMN_NAME", Oid.VARCHAR);
f[4] = new Field("GRANTOR", Oid.VARCHAR);
f[5] = new Field("GRANTEE", Oid.VARCHAR);
f[6] = new Field("PRIVILEGE", Oid.VARCHAR);
f[7] = new Field("IS_GRANTABLE", Oid.VARCHAR);
String sql;
sql = "SELECT n.nspname,c.relname,r.rolname,c.relacl, "
+ (connection.haveMinimumServerVersion(ServerVersion.v8_4) ? "a.attacl, " : "")
+ " a.attname "
+ " FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace n, pg_catalog.pg_class c, "
+ " pg_catalog.pg_roles r, pg_catalog.pg_attribute a "
+ " WHERE c.relnamespace = n.oid "
+ " AND c.relowner = r.oid "
+ " AND c.oid = a.attrelid "
+ " AND c.relkind = 'r' "
+ " AND a.attnum > 0 AND NOT a.attisdropped ";
if (schema != null && !schema.isEmpty()) {
sql += " AND n.nspname = " + escapeQuotes(schema);
if (table != null && !table.isEmpty()) {
sql += " AND c.relname = " + escapeQuotes(table);
if (columnNamePattern != null && !columnNamePattern.isEmpty()) {
sql += " AND a.attname LIKE " + escapeQuotes(columnNamePattern);
sql += " ORDER BY attname ";
Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
while ( {
byte[] schemaName = rs.getBytes("nspname");
byte[] tableName = rs.getBytes("relname");
byte[] column = rs.getBytes("attname");
String owner = castNonNull(rs.getString("rolname"));
String relAcl = rs.getString("relacl");
// For instance: SELECT -> user1 -> list of [grantor, grantable]
Map>> permissions = parseACL(relAcl, owner);
if (connection.haveMinimumServerVersion(ServerVersion.v8_4)) {
String acl = rs.getString("attacl");
Map>> relPermissions = parseACL(acl, owner);
@KeyFor("permissions") String[] permNames = permissions.keySet().toArray(new String[0]);
for (String permName : permNames) {
byte[] privilege = connection.encodeString(permName);
Map> grantees = permissions.get(permName);
for (Map.Entry> userToGrantable : grantees.entrySet()) {
List<@Nullable String[]> grantor = userToGrantable.getValue();
String grantee = userToGrantable.getKey();
for (@Nullable String[] grants : grantor) {
String grantable = owner.equals(grantee) ? "YES" : grants[1];
byte[] @Nullable [] tuple = new byte[8][];
tuple[0] = null;
tuple[1] = schemaName;
tuple[2] = tableName;
tuple[3] = column;
tuple[4] = connection.encodeString(grants[0]);
tuple[5] = connection.encodeString(grantee);
tuple[6] = privilege;
tuple[7] = connection.encodeString(grantable);
v.add(new Tuple(tuple));
return ((BaseStatement) createMetaDataStatement()).createDriverResultSet(f, v);
public ResultSet getTablePrivileges(@Nullable String catalog, @Nullable String schemaPattern,
@Nullable String tableNamePattern) throws SQLException {
Field[] f = new Field[7];
List v = new ArrayList();
f[0] = new Field("TABLE_CAT", Oid.VARCHAR);
f[1] = new Field("TABLE_SCHEM", Oid.VARCHAR);
f[2] = new Field("TABLE_NAME", Oid.VARCHAR);
f[3] = new Field("GRANTOR", Oid.VARCHAR);
f[4] = new Field("GRANTEE", Oid.VARCHAR);
f[5] = new Field("PRIVILEGE", Oid.VARCHAR);
f[6] = new Field("IS_GRANTABLE", Oid.VARCHAR);
String sql;
// r = ordinary table, p = partitioned table, v = view, m = materialized view, f = foreign table
sql = "SELECT n.nspname,c.relname,r.rolname,c.relacl "
+ " FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace n, pg_catalog.pg_class c, pg_catalog.pg_roles r "
+ " WHERE c.relnamespace = n.oid "
+ " AND c.relowner = r.oid "
+ " AND c.relkind IN ('r','p','v','m','f') ";
if (schemaPattern != null && !schemaPattern.isEmpty()) {
sql += " AND n.nspname LIKE " + escapeQuotes(schemaPattern);
if (tableNamePattern != null && !tableNamePattern.isEmpty()) {
sql += " AND c.relname LIKE " + escapeQuotes(tableNamePattern);
sql += " ORDER BY nspname, relname ";
Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
while ( {
byte[] schema = rs.getBytes("nspname");
byte[] table = rs.getBytes("relname");
String owner = castNonNull(rs.getString("rolname"));
String acl = rs.getString("relacl");
Map>> permissions = parseACL(acl, owner);
@KeyFor("permissions") String[] permNames = permissions.keySet().toArray(new String[0]);
for (String permName : permNames) {
byte[] privilege = connection.encodeString(permName);
Map> grantees = permissions.get(permName);
for (Map.Entry> userToGrantable : grantees.entrySet()) {
List<@Nullable String[]> grants = userToGrantable.getValue();
String granteeUser = userToGrantable.getKey();
for (@Nullable String[] grantTuple : grants) {
// report the owner as grantor if it's missing
String grantor = grantTuple[0] == null ? owner : grantTuple[0];
// owner always has grant privileges
String grantable = owner.equals(granteeUser) ? "YES" : grantTuple[1];
byte[] @Nullable [] tuple = new byte[7][];
tuple[0] = null;
tuple[1] = schema;
tuple[2] = table;
tuple[3] = connection.encodeString(grantor);
tuple[4] = connection.encodeString(granteeUser);
tuple[5] = privilege;
tuple[6] = connection.encodeString(grantable);
v.add(new Tuple(tuple));
return ((BaseStatement) createMetaDataStatement()).createDriverResultSet(f, v);
* Parse an String of ACLs into a List of ACLs.
private static List parseACLArray(String aclString) {
List acls = new ArrayList();
if (aclString == null || aclString.isEmpty()) {
return acls;
boolean inQuotes = false;
// start at 1 because of leading "{"
int beginIndex = 1;
char prevChar = ' ';
for (int i = beginIndex; i < aclString.length(); i++) {
char c = aclString.charAt(i);
if (c == '"' && prevChar != '\\') {
inQuotes = !inQuotes;
} else if (c == ',' && !inQuotes) {
acls.add(aclString.substring(beginIndex, i));
beginIndex = i + 1;
prevChar = c;
// add last element removing the trailing "}"
acls.add(aclString.substring(beginIndex, aclString.length() - 1));
// Strip out enclosing quotes, if any.
for (int i = 0; i < acls.size(); i++) {
String acl = acls.get(i);
if (acl.startsWith("\"") && acl.endsWith("\"")) {
acl = acl.substring(1, acl.length() - 1);
acls.set(i, acl);
return acls;
* Add the user described by the given acl to the Lists of users with the privileges described by
* the acl.
private static void addACLPrivileges(String acl,
Map>> privileges) {
int equalIndex = acl.lastIndexOf("=");
int slashIndex = acl.lastIndexOf("/");
if (equalIndex == -1) {
String user = acl.substring(0, equalIndex);
String grantor = null;
if (user.isEmpty()) {
user = "PUBLIC";
String privs;
if (slashIndex != -1) {
privs = acl.substring(equalIndex + 1, slashIndex);
grantor = acl.substring(slashIndex + 1, acl.length());
} else {
privs = acl.substring(equalIndex + 1, acl.length());
for (int i = 0; i < privs.length(); i++) {
char c = privs.charAt(i);
if (c != '*') {
String sqlpriv;
String grantable;
if (i < privs.length() - 1 && privs.charAt(i + 1) == '*') {
grantable = "YES";
} else {
grantable = "NO";
switch (c) {
case 'a':
sqlpriv = "INSERT";
case 'r':
case 'p':
sqlpriv = "SELECT";
case 'w':
sqlpriv = "UPDATE";
case 'd':
sqlpriv = "DELETE";
case 'D':
sqlpriv = "TRUNCATE";
case 'R':
sqlpriv = "RULE";
case 'x':
sqlpriv = "REFERENCES";
case 't':
sqlpriv = "TRIGGER";
// the following can't be granted to a table, but
// we'll keep them for completeness.
case 'X':
sqlpriv = "EXECUTE";
case 'U':
sqlpriv = "USAGE";
case 'C':
sqlpriv = "CREATE";
case 'T':
sqlpriv = "CREATE TEMP";
sqlpriv = "UNKNOWN";
Map> usersWithPermission = privileges.get(sqlpriv);
//noinspection Java8MapApi
if (usersWithPermission == null) {
usersWithPermission = new HashMap>();
privileges.put(sqlpriv, usersWithPermission);
List<@Nullable String[]> permissionByGrantor = usersWithPermission.get(user);
//noinspection Java8MapApi
if (permissionByGrantor == null) {
permissionByGrantor = new ArrayList<@Nullable String[]>();
usersWithPermission.put(user, permissionByGrantor);
@Nullable String[] grant = {grantor, grantable};
* Take the a String representing an array of ACLs and return a Map mapping the SQL permission
* name to a List of usernames who have that permission.
* For instance: {@code SELECT -> user1 -> list of [grantor, grantable]}
* @param aclArray ACL array
* @param owner owner
* @return a Map mapping the SQL permission name
public Map>> parseACL(@Nullable String aclArray,
String owner) {
if (aclArray == null) {
// arwdxt -- 8.2 Removed the separate RULE permission
// arwdDxt -- 8.4 Added a separate TRUNCATE permission
String perms = connection.haveMinimumServerVersion(ServerVersion.v8_4) ? "arwdDxt" : "arwdxt";
aclArray = "{" + owner + "=" + perms + "/" + owner + "}";
List acls = parseACLArray(aclArray);
Map>> privileges =
new HashMap>>();
for (String acl : acls) {
addACLPrivileges(acl, privileges);
return privileges;
public ResultSet getBestRowIdentifier(
@Nullable String catalog, @Nullable String schema, String table,
int scope, boolean nullable) throws SQLException {
Field[] f = new Field[8];
List v = new ArrayList(); // The new ResultSet tuple stuff
f[0] = new Field("SCOPE", Oid.INT2);
f[1] = new Field("COLUMN_NAME", Oid.VARCHAR);
f[2] = new Field("DATA_TYPE", Oid.INT2);
f[3] = new Field("TYPE_NAME", Oid.VARCHAR);
f[4] = new Field("COLUMN_SIZE", Oid.INT4);
f[5] = new Field("BUFFER_LENGTH", Oid.INT4);
f[6] = new Field("DECIMAL_DIGITS", Oid.INT2);
f[7] = new Field("PSEUDO_COLUMN", Oid.INT2);
* At the moment this simply returns a table's primary key, if there is one. I believe other
* unique indexes, ctid, and oid should also be considered. -KJ
String sql;
sql = "SELECT a.attname, a.atttypid, atttypmod "
+ "FROM pg_catalog.pg_class ct "
+ " JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attribute a ON (ct.oid = a.attrelid) "
+ " JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON (ct.relnamespace = n.oid) "
+ " JOIN (SELECT i.indexrelid, i.indrelid, i.indisprimary, "
+ " information_schema._pg_expandarray(i.indkey) AS keys "
+ " FROM pg_catalog.pg_index i) i "
+ " ON (a.attnum = (i.keys).x AND a.attrelid = i.indrelid) "
+ "WHERE true ";
if (schema != null && !schema.isEmpty()) {
sql += " AND n.nspname = " + escapeQuotes(schema);
sql += " AND ct.relname = " + escapeQuotes(table)
+ " AND i.indisprimary "
+ " ORDER BY a.attnum ";
Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
while ( {
byte[] @Nullable [] tuple = new byte[8][];
int typeOid = (int) rs.getLong("atttypid");
int sqlType = connection.getTypeInfo().getSQLType(typeOid);
int typeMod = rs.getInt("atttypmod");
int decimalDigits = connection.getTypeInfo().getScale(typeOid, typeMod);
int columnSize = connection.getTypeInfo().getPrecision(typeOid, typeMod);
if ( sqlType != Types.NUMERIC && columnSize == 0) {
columnSize = connection.getTypeInfo().getDisplaySize(typeOid, typeMod);
tuple[0] = connection.encodeString(Integer.toString(scope));
tuple[1] = rs.getBytes("attname");
tuple[2] =
tuple[3] = connection.encodeString(connection.getTypeInfo().getPGType(typeOid));
tuple[4] = connection.encodeString(Integer.toString(columnSize));
tuple[5] = null; // unused
tuple[6] = connection.encodeString(Integer.toString(decimalDigits));
tuple[7] =
v.add(new Tuple(tuple));
return ((BaseStatement) createMetaDataStatement()).createDriverResultSet(f, v);
public ResultSet getVersionColumns(
@Nullable String catalog, @Nullable String schema, String table)
throws SQLException {
Field[] f = new Field[8];
List v = new ArrayList(); // The new ResultSet tuple stuff
f[0] = new Field("SCOPE", Oid.INT2);
f[1] = new Field("COLUMN_NAME", Oid.VARCHAR);
f[2] = new Field("DATA_TYPE", Oid.INT2);
f[3] = new Field("TYPE_NAME", Oid.VARCHAR);
f[4] = new Field("COLUMN_SIZE", Oid.INT4);
f[5] = new Field("BUFFER_LENGTH", Oid.INT4);
f[6] = new Field("DECIMAL_DIGITS", Oid.INT2);
f[7] = new Field("PSEUDO_COLUMN", Oid.INT2);
byte[] @Nullable [] tuple = new byte[8][];
* Postgresql does not have any column types that are automatically updated like some databases'
* timestamp type. We can't tell what rules or triggers might be doing, so we are left with the
* system columns that change on an update. An update may change all of the following system
* columns: ctid, xmax, xmin, cmax, and cmin. Depending on if we are in a transaction and
* whether we roll it back or not the only guaranteed change is to ctid. -KJ
tuple[0] = null;
tuple[1] = connection.encodeString("ctid");
tuple[2] =
tuple[3] = connection.encodeString("tid");
tuple[4] = null;
tuple[5] = null;
tuple[6] = null;
tuple[7] =
v.add(new Tuple(tuple));
* Perhaps we should check that the given catalog.schema.table actually exists. -KJ
return ((BaseStatement) createMetaDataStatement()).createDriverResultSet(f, v);
public ResultSet getPrimaryKeys(@Nullable String catalog, @Nullable String schema, String table)
throws SQLException {
String sql;
+ " ct.relname AS TABLE_NAME, a.attname AS COLUMN_NAME, "
+ " (information_schema._pg_expandarray(i.indkey)).n AS KEY_SEQ, ci.relname AS PK_NAME, "
+ " information_schema._pg_expandarray(i.indkey) AS KEYS, a.attnum AS A_ATTNUM "
+ "FROM pg_catalog.pg_class ct "
+ " JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attribute a ON (ct.oid = a.attrelid) "
+ " JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON (ct.relnamespace = n.oid) "
+ " JOIN pg_catalog.pg_index i ON ( a.attrelid = i.indrelid) "
+ " JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class ci ON (ci.oid = i.indexrelid) "
+ "WHERE true ";
if (schema != null && !schema.isEmpty()) {
sql += " AND n.nspname = " + escapeQuotes(schema);
if (table != null && !table.isEmpty()) {
sql += " AND ct.relname = " + escapeQuotes(table);
sql += " AND i.indisprimary ";
sql = "SELECT "
+ " result.TABLE_CAT, "
+ " result.TABLE_SCHEM, "
+ " result.TABLE_NAME, "
+ " result.COLUMN_NAME, "
+ " result.KEY_SEQ, "
+ " result.PK_NAME "
+ "FROM "
+ " (" + sql + " ) result"
+ " where "
+ " result.A_ATTNUM = (result.KEYS).x ";
sql += " ORDER BY result.table_name, result.pk_name, result.key_seq";
return createMetaDataStatement().executeQuery(sql);
This is for internal use only to see if a resultset is updateable.
Unique keys can also be used so we add them to the query.
protected ResultSet getPrimaryUniqueKeys(@Nullable String catalog, @Nullable String schema, String table)
throws SQLException {
String sql;
+ " ct.relname AS TABLE_NAME, a.attname AS COLUMN_NAME, "
+ " (information_schema._pg_expandarray(i.indkey)).n AS KEY_SEQ, ci.relname AS PK_NAME, "
+ " information_schema._pg_expandarray(i.indkey) AS KEYS, a.attnum AS A_ATTNUM, "
+ " a.attnotnull AS IS_NOT_NULL "
+ "FROM pg_catalog.pg_class ct "
+ " JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attribute a ON (ct.oid = a.attrelid) "
+ " JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON (ct.relnamespace = n.oid) "
+ " JOIN pg_catalog.pg_index i ON ( a.attrelid = i.indrelid) "
+ " JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class ci ON (ci.oid = i.indexrelid) "
// primary as well as unique keys can be used to uniquely identify a row to update
+ "WHERE (i.indisprimary OR ( "
+ " i.indisunique "
+ " AND i.indisvalid "
// partial indexes are not allowed - indpred will not be null if this is a partial index
+ " AND i.indpred IS NULL "
// indexes with expressions are not allowed
+ " AND i.indexprs IS NULL "
+ " )) ";
if (schema != null && !schema.isEmpty()) {
sql += " AND n.nspname = " + escapeQuotes(schema);
if (table != null && !table.isEmpty()) {
sql += " AND ct.relname = " + escapeQuotes(table);
sql = "SELECT "
+ " result.TABLE_CAT, "
+ " result.TABLE_SCHEM, "
+ " result.TABLE_NAME, "
+ " result.COLUMN_NAME, "
+ " result.KEY_SEQ, "
+ " result.PK_NAME, "
+ " result.IS_NOT_NULL "
+ "FROM "
+ " (" + sql + " ) result"
+ " where "
+ " result.A_ATTNUM = (result.KEYS).x ";
sql += " ORDER BY result.table_name, result.pk_name, result.key_seq";
return createMetaDataStatement().executeQuery(sql);
* @param primaryCatalog primary catalog
* @param primarySchema primary schema
* @param primaryTable if provided will get the keys exported by this table
* @param foreignCatalog foreign catalog
* @param foreignSchema foreign schema
* @param foreignTable if provided will get the keys imported by this table
* @return ResultSet
* @throws SQLException if something wrong happens
protected ResultSet getImportedExportedKeys(
@Nullable String primaryCatalog, @Nullable String primarySchema, @Nullable String primaryTable,
@Nullable String foreignCatalog, @Nullable String foreignSchema, @Nullable String foreignTable)
throws SQLException {
* The addition of the pg_constraint in 7.3 table should have really helped us out here, but it
* comes up just a bit short. - The conkey, confkey columns aren't really useful without
* contrib/array unless we want to issues separate queries. - Unique indexes that can support
* foreign keys are not necessarily added to pg_constraint. Also multiple unique indexes
* covering the same keys can be created which make it difficult to determine the PK_NAME field.
String sql =
+ "NULL::text AS FKTABLE_CAT, fkn.nspname AS FKTABLE_SCHEM, fkc.relname AS FKTABLE_NAME, fka.attname AS FKCOLUMN_NAME, "
+ "pos.n AS KEY_SEQ, "
+ "CASE con.confupdtype "
+ " WHEN 'c' THEN " + DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyCascade
+ " WHEN 'n' THEN " + DatabaseMetaData.importedKeySetNull
+ " WHEN 'd' THEN " + DatabaseMetaData.importedKeySetDefault
+ " WHEN 'r' THEN " + DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyRestrict
+ " WHEN 'p' THEN " + DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyRestrict
+ " WHEN 'a' THEN " + DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyNoAction
+ "CASE con.confdeltype "
+ " WHEN 'c' THEN " + DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyCascade
+ " WHEN 'n' THEN " + DatabaseMetaData.importedKeySetNull
+ " WHEN 'd' THEN " + DatabaseMetaData.importedKeySetDefault
+ " WHEN 'r' THEN " + DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyRestrict
+ " WHEN 'p' THEN " + DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyRestrict
+ " WHEN 'a' THEN " + DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyNoAction
+ "con.conname AS FK_NAME, pkic.relname AS PK_NAME, "
+ "CASE "
+ " WHEN con.condeferrable AND con.condeferred THEN "
+ DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyInitiallyDeferred
+ " WHEN con.condeferrable THEN " + DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyInitiallyImmediate
+ " ELSE " + DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyNotDeferrable
+ " FROM "
+ " pg_catalog.pg_namespace pkn, pg_catalog.pg_class pkc, pg_catalog.pg_attribute pka, "
+ " pg_catalog.pg_namespace fkn, pg_catalog.pg_class fkc, pg_catalog.pg_attribute fka, "
+ " pg_catalog.pg_constraint con, "
+ " pg_catalog.generate_series(1, " + getMaxIndexKeys() + ") pos(n), "
+ " pg_catalog.pg_class pkic";
// Starting in Postgres 9.0, pg_constraint was augmented with the conindid column, which
// contains the oid of the index supporting the constraint. This makes it unnecessary to do a
// further join on pg_depend.
if (!connection.haveMinimumServerVersion(ServerVersion.v9_0)) {
sql += ", pg_catalog.pg_depend dep ";
sql +=
" WHERE pkn.oid = pkc.relnamespace AND pkc.oid = pka.attrelid AND pka.attnum = con.confkey[pos.n] AND con.confrelid = pkc.oid "
+ " AND fkn.oid = fkc.relnamespace AND fkc.oid = fka.attrelid AND fka.attnum = con.conkey[pos.n] AND con.conrelid = fkc.oid "
+ " AND con.contype = 'f' ";
In version 11 we added Partitioned indexes indicated by relkind = 'I'
I could have done this using lower(relkind) = 'i' but chose to be explicit
for clarity
if (!connection.haveMinimumServerVersion(ServerVersion.v11)) {
sql += "AND pkic.relkind = 'i' ";
} else {
sql += "AND (pkic.relkind = 'i' OR pkic.relkind = 'I')";
if (!connection.haveMinimumServerVersion(ServerVersion.v9_0)) {
sql += " AND con.oid = dep.objid AND pkic.oid = dep.refobjid AND dep.classid = 'pg_constraint'::regclass::oid AND dep.refclassid = 'pg_class'::regclass::oid ";
} else {
sql += " AND pkic.oid = con.conindid ";
if (primarySchema != null && !primarySchema.isEmpty()) {
sql += " AND pkn.nspname = " + escapeQuotes(primarySchema);
if (foreignSchema != null && !foreignSchema.isEmpty()) {
sql += " AND fkn.nspname = " + escapeQuotes(foreignSchema);
if (primaryTable != null && !primaryTable.isEmpty()) {
sql += " AND pkc.relname = " + escapeQuotes(primaryTable);
if (foreignTable != null && !foreignTable.isEmpty()) {
sql += " AND fkc.relname = " + escapeQuotes(foreignTable);
if (primaryTable != null) {
sql += " ORDER BY fkn.nspname,fkc.relname,con.conname,pos.n";
} else {
sql += " ORDER BY pkn.nspname,pkc.relname, con.conname,pos.n";
return createMetaDataStatement().executeQuery(sql);
public ResultSet getImportedKeys(@Nullable String catalog, @Nullable String schema, String table)
throws SQLException {
return getImportedExportedKeys(null, null, null, catalog, schema, table);
public ResultSet getExportedKeys(@Nullable String catalog, @Nullable String schema, String table)
throws SQLException {
return getImportedExportedKeys(catalog, schema, table, null, null, null);
public ResultSet getCrossReference(
@Nullable String primaryCatalog, @Nullable String primarySchema, String primaryTable,
@Nullable String foreignCatalog, @Nullable String foreignSchema, String foreignTable)
throws SQLException {
return getImportedExportedKeys(primaryCatalog, primarySchema, primaryTable, foreignCatalog,
foreignSchema, foreignTable);
public ResultSet getTypeInfo() throws SQLException {
Field[] f = new Field[18];
List v = new ArrayList(); // The new ResultSet tuple stuff
f[0] = new Field("TYPE_NAME", Oid.VARCHAR);
f[1] = new Field("DATA_TYPE", Oid.INT2);
f[2] = new Field("PRECISION", Oid.INT4);
f[3] = new Field("LITERAL_PREFIX", Oid.VARCHAR);
f[4] = new Field("LITERAL_SUFFIX", Oid.VARCHAR);
f[5] = new Field("CREATE_PARAMS", Oid.VARCHAR);
f[6] = new Field("NULLABLE", Oid.INT2);
f[7] = new Field("CASE_SENSITIVE", Oid.BOOL);
f[8] = new Field("SEARCHABLE", Oid.INT2);
f[9] = new Field("UNSIGNED_ATTRIBUTE", Oid.BOOL);
f[10] = new Field("FIXED_PREC_SCALE", Oid.BOOL);
f[11] = new Field("AUTO_INCREMENT", Oid.BOOL);
f[12] = new Field("LOCAL_TYPE_NAME", Oid.VARCHAR);
f[13] = new Field("MINIMUM_SCALE", Oid.INT2);
f[14] = new Field("MAXIMUM_SCALE", Oid.INT2);
f[15] = new Field("SQL_DATA_TYPE", Oid.INT4);
f[16] = new Field("SQL_DATETIME_SUB", Oid.INT4);
f[17] = new Field("NUM_PREC_RADIX", Oid.INT4);
String sql;
sql = "SELECT t.typname,t.oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_type t"
+ " JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON (t.typnamespace = n.oid) "
+ " WHERE n.nspname != 'pg_toast'"
+ " AND "
+ " (t.typrelid = 0 OR (SELECT c.relkind = 'c' FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c WHERE c.oid = t.typrelid))";
if (connection.getHideUnprivilegedObjects() && connection.haveMinimumServerVersion(ServerVersion.v9_2)) {
sql += " AND has_type_privilege(t.oid, 'USAGE')";
Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
// cache some results, this will keep memory usage down, and speed
// things up a little.
byte[] bZero = connection.encodeString("0");
byte[] b10 = connection.encodeString("10");
byte[] bf = connection.encodeString("f");
byte[] bt = connection.encodeString("t");
byte[] bliteral = connection.encodeString("'");
byte[] bNullable =
byte[] bSearchable =
TypeInfo ti = connection.getTypeInfo();
if (ti instanceof TypeInfoCache) {
((TypeInfoCache) ti).cacheSQLTypes();
while ( {
byte[] @Nullable [] tuple = new byte[19][];
String typname = castNonNull(rs.getString(1));
int typeOid = (int) rs.getLong(2);
tuple[0] = connection.encodeString(typname);
int sqlType = connection.getTypeInfo().getSQLType(typname);
tuple[1] =
/* this is just for sorting below, the result set never sees this */
tuple[18] = BigInteger.valueOf(sqlType).toByteArray();
tuple[2] = connection
// Using requiresQuoting(oid) would might trigger select statements that might fail with NPE
// if oid in question is being dropped.
// requiresQuotingSqlType is not bulletproof, however, it solves the most visible NPE.
if (connection.getTypeInfo().requiresQuotingSqlType(sqlType)) {
tuple[3] = bliteral;
tuple[4] = bliteral;
tuple[6] = bNullable; // all types can be null
tuple[7] = connection.getTypeInfo().isCaseSensitive(typeOid) ? bt : bf;
tuple[8] = bSearchable; // any thing can be used in the WHERE clause
tuple[9] = connection.getTypeInfo().isSigned(typeOid) ? bf : bt;
tuple[10] = bf; // false for now - must handle money
tuple[11] = bf; // false - it isn't autoincrement
tuple[13] = bZero; // min scale is zero
// only numeric can supports a scale.
tuple[14] = (typeOid == Oid.NUMERIC) ? connection.encodeString("1000") : bZero;
// 12 - LOCAL_TYPE_NAME is null
// 15 & 16 are unused so we return null
tuple[17] = b10; // everything is base 10
v.add(new Tuple(tuple));
// add pseudo-type serial, bigserial, smallserial
if ("int4".equals(typname)) {
byte[] @Nullable [] tuple1 = tuple.clone();
tuple1[0] = connection.encodeString("serial");
tuple1[11] = bt;
v.add(new Tuple(tuple1));
} else if ("int8".equals(typname)) {
byte[] @Nullable [] tuple1 = tuple.clone();
tuple1[0] = connection.encodeString("bigserial");
tuple1[11] = bt;
v.add(new Tuple(tuple1));
} else if ("int2".equals(typname) && connection.haveMinimumServerVersion(ServerVersion.v9_2)) {
byte[] @Nullable [] tuple1 = tuple.clone();
tuple1[0] = connection.encodeString("smallserial");
tuple1[11] = bt;
v.add(new Tuple(tuple1));
Collections.sort(v, new Comparator() {
public int compare(Tuple o1, Tuple o2) {
int i1 = ByteConverter.bytesToInt(castNonNull(o1.get(18)));
int i2 = ByteConverter.bytesToInt(castNonNull(o2.get(18)));
return (i1 < i2) ? -1 : ((i1 == i2) ? 0 : 1);
return ((BaseStatement) createMetaDataStatement()).createDriverResultSet(f, v);
public ResultSet getIndexInfo(
@Nullable String catalog, @Nullable String schema, String tableName,
boolean unique, boolean approximate) throws SQLException {
* This is a complicated function because we have three possible situations: <= 7.2 no schemas,
* single column functional index 7.3 schemas, single column functional index >= 7.4 schemas,
* multi-column expressional index >= 8.3 supports ASC/DESC column info >= 9.0 no longer renames
* index columns on a table column rename, so we must look at the table attribute names
* with the single column functional index we need an extra join to the table's pg_attribute
* data to get the column the function operates on.
String sql;
if (connection.haveMinimumServerVersion(ServerVersion.v8_3)) {
+ " ct.relname AS TABLE_NAME, NOT i.indisunique AS NON_UNIQUE, "
+ " CASE i.indisclustered "
+ " WHEN true THEN " + java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.tableIndexClustered
+ " ELSE CASE am.amname "
+ " WHEN 'hash' THEN " + java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.tableIndexHashed
+ " ELSE " + java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.tableIndexOther
+ " END "
+ " END AS TYPE, "
+ " (information_schema._pg_expandarray(i.indkey)).n AS ORDINAL_POSITION, "
+ " ci.reltuples AS CARDINALITY, "
+ " ci.relpages AS PAGES, "
+ " pg_catalog.pg_get_expr(i.indpred, i.indrelid) AS FILTER_CONDITION, "
+ " ci.oid AS CI_OID, "
+ " i.indoption AS I_INDOPTION, "
+ (connection.haveMinimumServerVersion(ServerVersion.v9_6) ? " am.amname AS AM_NAME " : " am.amcanorder AS AM_CANORDER ")
+ "FROM pg_catalog.pg_class ct "
+ " JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON (ct.relnamespace = n.oid) "
+ " JOIN pg_catalog.pg_index i ON (ct.oid = i.indrelid) "
+ " JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class ci ON (ci.oid = i.indexrelid) "
+ " JOIN pg_catalog.pg_am am ON (ci.relam = am.oid) "
+ "WHERE true ";
if (schema != null && !schema.isEmpty()) {
sql += " AND n.nspname = " + escapeQuotes(schema);
sql += " AND ct.relname = " + escapeQuotes(tableName);
if (unique) {
sql += " AND i.indisunique ";
sql = "SELECT "
+ " tmp.TABLE_CAT, "
+ " tmp.TABLE_SCHEM, "
+ " tmp.TABLE_NAME, "
+ " tmp.NON_UNIQUE, "
+ " tmp.INDEX_NAME, "
+ " tmp.TYPE, "
+ " trim(both '\"' from pg_catalog.pg_get_indexdef(tmp.CI_OID, tmp.ORDINAL_POSITION, false)) AS COLUMN_NAME, "
+ (connection.haveMinimumServerVersion(ServerVersion.v9_6)
? " CASE tmp.AM_NAME "
+ " WHEN 'btree' THEN CASE tmp.I_INDOPTION[tmp.ORDINAL_POSITION - 1] & 1::smallint "
+ " WHEN 1 THEN 'D' "
+ " ELSE 'A' "
+ " END "
+ " WHEN true THEN CASE tmp.I_INDOPTION[tmp.ORDINAL_POSITION - 1] & 1::smallint "
+ " WHEN 1 THEN 'D' "
+ " ELSE 'A' "
+ " END "
+ " tmp.CARDINALITY, "
+ " tmp.PAGES, "
+ "FROM ("
+ sql
+ ") AS tmp";
} else {
String select;
String from;
String where;
select = "SELECT NULL AS TABLE_CAT, n.nspname AS TABLE_SCHEM, ";
from = " FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace n, pg_catalog.pg_class ct, pg_catalog.pg_class ci, "
+ " pg_catalog.pg_attribute a, pg_catalog.pg_am am ";
where = " AND n.oid = ct.relnamespace ";
from += ", pg_catalog.pg_index i ";
if (schema != null && !schema.isEmpty()) {
where += " AND n.nspname = " + escapeQuotes(schema);
sql = select
+ " ct.relname AS TABLE_NAME, NOT i.indisunique AS NON_UNIQUE, NULL AS INDEX_QUALIFIER, ci.relname AS INDEX_NAME, "
+ " CASE i.indisclustered "
+ " WHEN true THEN " + java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.tableIndexClustered
+ " ELSE CASE am.amname "
+ " WHEN 'hash' THEN " + java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.tableIndexHashed
+ " ELSE " + java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.tableIndexOther
+ " END "
+ " END AS TYPE, "
+ " a.attnum AS ORDINAL_POSITION, "
+ " CASE WHEN i.indexprs IS NULL THEN a.attname "
+ " ELSE pg_catalog.pg_get_indexdef(ci.oid,a.attnum,false) END AS COLUMN_NAME, "
+ " ci.reltuples AS CARDINALITY, "
+ " ci.relpages AS PAGES, "
+ " pg_catalog.pg_get_expr(i.indpred, i.indrelid) AS FILTER_CONDITION "
+ from
+ " WHERE ct.oid=i.indrelid AND ci.oid=i.indexrelid AND a.attrelid=ci.oid AND ci.relam=am.oid "
+ where;
sql += " AND ct.relname = " + escapeQuotes(tableName);
if (unique) {
sql += " AND i.indisunique ";
return createMetaDataStatement().executeQuery(sql);
// ** JDBC 2 Extensions **
public boolean supportsResultSetType(int type) throws SQLException {
// The only type we don't support
return type != ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE;
public boolean supportsResultSetConcurrency(int type, int concurrency) throws SQLException {
// These combinations are not supported!
if (type == ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE) {
return false;
// We do support Updateable ResultSets
if (concurrency == ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE) {
return true;
// Everything else we do
return true;
/* lots of unsupported stuff... */
public boolean ownUpdatesAreVisible(int type) throws SQLException {
return true;
public boolean ownDeletesAreVisible(int type) throws SQLException {
return true;
public boolean ownInsertsAreVisible(int type) throws SQLException {
// indicates that
return true;
public boolean othersUpdatesAreVisible(int type) throws SQLException {
return false;
public boolean othersDeletesAreVisible(int i) throws SQLException {
return false;
public boolean othersInsertsAreVisible(int type) throws SQLException {
return false;
public boolean updatesAreDetected(int type) throws SQLException {
return false;
public boolean deletesAreDetected(int i) throws SQLException {
return false;
public boolean insertsAreDetected(int type) throws SQLException {
return false;
public boolean supportsBatchUpdates() throws SQLException {
return true;
public ResultSet getUDTs(@Nullable String catalog, @Nullable String schemaPattern,
@Nullable String typeNamePattern, int @Nullable [] types) throws SQLException {
String sql = "select "
+ "null as type_cat, n.nspname as type_schem, t.typname as type_name, null as class_name, "
+ "CASE WHEN t.typtype='c' then " + java.sql.Types.STRUCT + " else "
+ java.sql.Types.DISTINCT
+ " end as data_type, pg_catalog.obj_description(t.oid, 'pg_type') "
+ "as remarks, CASE WHEN t.typtype = 'd' then (select CASE";
TypeInfo typeInfo = connection.getTypeInfo();
StringBuilder sqlwhen = new StringBuilder();
for (Iterator i = typeInfo.getPGTypeOidsWithSQLTypes(); i.hasNext(); ) {
Integer typOid =;
// NB: Java Integers are signed 32-bit integers, but oids are unsigned 32-bit integers.
// We must therefore map it to a positive long value before writing it into the query,
// or we'll be unable to correctly handle ~ half of the oid space.
long longTypOid = typeInfo.intOidToLong(typOid);
int sqlType = typeInfo.getSQLType(typOid);
sqlwhen.append(" when t.oid = ").append(longTypOid).append(" then ").append(sqlType);
sql += sqlwhen.toString();
sql += " else " + java.sql.Types.OTHER + " end from pg_type where oid=t.typbasetype) "
+ "else null end as base_type "
+ "from pg_catalog.pg_type t, pg_catalog.pg_namespace n where t.typnamespace = n.oid and n.nspname != 'pg_catalog' and n.nspname != 'pg_toast'";
StringBuilder toAdd = new StringBuilder();
if (types != null) {
toAdd.append(" and (false ");
for (int type : types) {
switch (type) {
case Types.STRUCT:
toAdd.append(" or t.typtype = 'c'");
case Types.DISTINCT:
toAdd.append(" or t.typtype = 'd'");
toAdd.append(" ) ");
} else {
toAdd.append(" and t.typtype IN ('c','d') ");
// spec says that if typeNamePattern is a fully qualified name
// then the schema and catalog are ignored
if (typeNamePattern != null) {
// search for qualifier
int firstQualifier = typeNamePattern.indexOf('.');
int secondQualifier = typeNamePattern.lastIndexOf('.');
if (firstQualifier != -1) {
// if one of them is -1 they both will be
if (firstQualifier != secondQualifier) {
// we have a catalog.schema.typename, ignore catalog
schemaPattern = typeNamePattern.substring(firstQualifier + 1, secondQualifier);
} else {
// we just have a schema.typename
schemaPattern = typeNamePattern.substring(0, firstQualifier);
// strip out just the typeName
typeNamePattern = typeNamePattern.substring(secondQualifier + 1);
toAdd.append(" and t.typname like ").append(escapeQuotes(typeNamePattern));
// schemaPattern may have been modified above
if (schemaPattern != null) {
toAdd.append(" and n.nspname like ").append(escapeQuotes(schemaPattern));
sql += toAdd.toString();
if (connection.getHideUnprivilegedObjects()
&& connection.haveMinimumServerVersion(ServerVersion.v9_2)) {
sql += " AND has_type_privilege(t.oid, 'USAGE')";
sql += " order by data_type, type_schem, type_name";
return createMetaDataStatement().executeQuery(sql);
public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {
return connection;
protected Statement createMetaDataStatement() throws SQLException {
return connection.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE,
public long getMaxLogicalLobSize() throws SQLException {
return 0;
public boolean supportsRefCursors() throws SQLException {
return true;
public RowIdLifetime getRowIdLifetime() throws SQLException {
throw org.postgresql.Driver.notImplemented(this.getClass(), "getRowIdLifetime()");
public boolean supportsStoredFunctionsUsingCallSyntax() throws SQLException {
return true;
public boolean autoCommitFailureClosesAllResultSets() throws SQLException {
return false;
public ResultSet getClientInfoProperties() throws SQLException {
Field[] f = new Field[4];
f[0] = new Field("NAME", Oid.VARCHAR);
f[1] = new Field("MAX_LEN", Oid.INT4);
f[2] = new Field("DEFAULT_VALUE", Oid.VARCHAR);
f[3] = new Field("DESCRIPTION", Oid.VARCHAR);
List v = new ArrayList();
if (connection.haveMinimumServerVersion(ServerVersion.v9_0)) {
byte[] @Nullable [] tuple = new byte[4][];
tuple[0] = connection.encodeString("ApplicationName");
tuple[1] = connection.encodeString(Integer.toString(getMaxNameLength()));
tuple[2] = connection.encodeString("");
tuple[3] = connection
.encodeString("The name of the application currently utilizing the connection.");
v.add(new Tuple(tuple));
return ((BaseStatement) createMetaDataStatement()).createDriverResultSet(f, v);
public boolean isWrapperFor(Class> iface) throws SQLException {
return iface.isAssignableFrom(getClass());
public T unwrap(Class iface) throws SQLException {
if (iface.isAssignableFrom(getClass())) {
return iface.cast(this);
throw new SQLException("Cannot unwrap to " + iface.getName());
public ResultSet getFunctions(@Nullable String catalog, @Nullable String schemaPattern,
@Nullable String functionNamePattern)
throws SQLException {
// The pg_get_function_result only exists 8.4 or later
boolean pgFuncResultExists = connection.haveMinimumServerVersion(ServerVersion.v8_4);
// Use query that support pg_get_function_result to get function result, else unknown is defaulted
String funcTypeSql = DatabaseMetaData.functionResultUnknown + " ";
if (pgFuncResultExists) {
funcTypeSql = " CASE "
+ " WHEN (format_type(p.prorettype, null) = 'unknown') THEN " + DatabaseMetaData.functionResultUnknown
+ " WHEN "
+ " (substring(pg_get_function_result(p.oid) from 0 for 6) = 'TABLE') OR "
+ " (substring(pg_get_function_result(p.oid) from 0 for 6) = 'SETOF') THEN " + DatabaseMetaData.functionReturnsTable
+ " ELSE " + DatabaseMetaData.functionNoTable
+ " END ";
// Build query and result
String sql;
sql = "SELECT current_database() AS FUNCTION_CAT, n.nspname AS FUNCTION_SCHEM, p.proname AS FUNCTION_NAME, "
+ " d.description AS REMARKS, "
+ funcTypeSql + " AS FUNCTION_TYPE, "
+ " p.proname || '_' || p.oid AS SPECIFIC_NAME "
+ "FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc p "
+ "INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON p.pronamespace=n.oid "
+ "LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_description d ON p.oid=d.objoid "
+ "WHERE true ";
if (connection.haveMinimumServerVersion(ServerVersion.v11)) {
sql += " AND p.prokind='f'";
if the user provides a schema then search inside the schema for it
if (schemaPattern != null && !schemaPattern.isEmpty()) {
sql += " AND n.nspname LIKE " + escapeQuotes(schemaPattern);
if (functionNamePattern != null && !functionNamePattern.isEmpty()) {
sql += " AND p.proname LIKE " + escapeQuotes(functionNamePattern);
if (connection.getHideUnprivilegedObjects()) {
sql += " AND has_function_privilege(p.oid,'EXECUTE')";
return createMetaDataStatement().executeQuery(sql);
public ResultSet getFunctionColumns(@Nullable String catalog, @Nullable String schemaPattern,
@Nullable String functionNamePattern, @Nullable String columnNamePattern)
throws SQLException {
int columns = 17;
Field[] f = new Field[columns];
List v = new ArrayList();
f[0] = new Field("FUNCTION_CAT", Oid.VARCHAR);
f[1] = new Field("FUNCTION_SCHEM", Oid.VARCHAR);
f[2] = new Field("FUNCTION_NAME", Oid.VARCHAR);
f[3] = new Field("COLUMN_NAME", Oid.VARCHAR);
f[4] = new Field("COLUMN_TYPE", Oid.INT2);
f[5] = new Field("DATA_TYPE", Oid.INT2);
f[6] = new Field("TYPE_NAME", Oid.VARCHAR);
f[7] = new Field("PRECISION", Oid.INT2);
f[8] = new Field("LENGTH", Oid.INT4);
f[9] = new Field("SCALE", Oid.INT2);
f[10] = new Field("RADIX", Oid.INT2);
f[11] = new Field("NULLABLE", Oid.INT2);
f[12] = new Field("REMARKS", Oid.VARCHAR);
f[13] = new Field("CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH", Oid.INT4);
f[14] = new Field("ORDINAL_POSITION", Oid.INT4);
f[15] = new Field("IS_NULLABLE", Oid.VARCHAR);
f[16] = new Field("SPECIFIC_NAME", Oid.VARCHAR);
String sql;
sql = "SELECT n.nspname,p.proname,p.prorettype,p.proargtypes, t.typtype,t.typrelid, "
+ " p.proargnames, p.proargmodes, p.proallargtypes, p.oid "
+ " FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc p, pg_catalog.pg_namespace n, pg_catalog.pg_type t "
+ " WHERE p.pronamespace=n.oid AND p.prorettype=t.oid ";
if (schemaPattern != null && !schemaPattern.isEmpty()) {
sql += " AND n.nspname LIKE " + escapeQuotes(schemaPattern);
if (functionNamePattern != null && !functionNamePattern.isEmpty()) {
sql += " AND p.proname LIKE " + escapeQuotes(functionNamePattern);
sql += " ORDER BY n.nspname, p.proname, p.oid::text ";
byte[] isnullableUnknown = new byte[0];
Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
while ( {
byte[] schema = rs.getBytes("nspname");
byte[] functionName = rs.getBytes("proname");
byte[] specificName =
connection.encodeString(rs.getString("proname") + "_" + rs.getString("oid"));
int returnType = (int) rs.getLong("prorettype");
String returnTypeType = rs.getString("typtype");
int returnTypeRelid = (int) rs.getLong("typrelid");
String strArgTypes = castNonNull(rs.getString("proargtypes"));
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(strArgTypes);
List argTypes = new ArrayList();
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
String[] argNames = null;
Array argNamesArray = rs.getArray("proargnames");
if (argNamesArray != null) {
argNames = (String[]) argNamesArray.getArray();
String[] argModes = null;
Array argModesArray = rs.getArray("proargmodes");
if (argModesArray != null) {
argModes = (String[]) argModesArray.getArray();
int numArgs = argTypes.size();
Long[] allArgTypes = null;
Array allArgTypesArray = rs.getArray("proallargtypes");
if (allArgTypesArray != null) {
allArgTypes = (Long[]) allArgTypesArray.getArray();
numArgs = allArgTypes.length;
// decide if we are returning a single column result.
if ("b".equals(returnTypeType) || "d".equals(returnTypeType) || "e".equals(returnTypeType)
|| ("p".equals(returnTypeType) && argModesArray == null)) {
byte[] @Nullable [] tuple = new byte[columns][];
tuple[0] = null;
tuple[1] = schema;
tuple[2] = functionName;
tuple[3] = connection.encodeString("returnValue");
tuple[4] = connection
tuple[5] = connection
tuple[6] = connection.encodeString(connection.getTypeInfo().getPGType(returnType));
tuple[7] = null;
tuple[8] = null;
tuple[9] = null;
tuple[10] = null;
tuple[11] = connection
tuple[12] = null;
tuple[14] = connection.encodeString(Integer.toString(0));
tuple[15] = isnullableUnknown;
tuple[16] = specificName;
v.add(new Tuple(tuple));
// Add a row for each argument.
for (int i = 0; i < numArgs; i++) {
byte[] @Nullable [] tuple = new byte[columns][];
tuple[0] = null;
tuple[1] = schema;
tuple[2] = functionName;
if (argNames != null) {
tuple[3] = connection.encodeString(argNames[i]);
} else {
tuple[3] = connection.encodeString("$" + (i + 1));
int columnMode = DatabaseMetaData.functionColumnIn;
if (argModes != null && argModes[i] != null) {
if (argModes[i].equals("o")) {
columnMode = DatabaseMetaData.functionColumnOut;
} else if (argModes[i].equals("b")) {
columnMode = DatabaseMetaData.functionColumnInOut;
} else if (argModes[i].equals("t")) {
columnMode = DatabaseMetaData.functionReturn;
tuple[4] = connection.encodeString(Integer.toString(columnMode));
int argOid;
if (allArgTypes != null) {
argOid = allArgTypes[i].intValue();
} else {
argOid = argTypes.get(i).intValue();
tuple[5] =
tuple[6] = connection.encodeString(connection.getTypeInfo().getPGType(argOid));
tuple[7] = null;
tuple[8] = null;
tuple[9] = null;
tuple[10] = null;
tuple[11] =
tuple[12] = null;
tuple[14] = connection.encodeString(Integer.toString(i + 1));
tuple[15] = isnullableUnknown;
tuple[16] = specificName;
v.add(new Tuple(tuple));
// if we are returning a multi-column result.
if ("c".equals(returnTypeType) || ("p".equals(returnTypeType) && argModesArray != null)) {
String columnsql = "SELECT a.attname,a.atttypid FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute a "
+ " WHERE a.attrelid = " + returnTypeRelid
+ " AND NOT a.attisdropped AND a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum ";
Statement columnstmt = connection.createStatement();
ResultSet columnrs = columnstmt.executeQuery(columnsql);
while ( {
int columnTypeOid = (int) columnrs.getLong("atttypid");
byte[] @Nullable [] tuple = new byte[columns][];
tuple[0] = null;
tuple[1] = schema;
tuple[2] = functionName;
tuple[3] = columnrs.getBytes("attname");
tuple[4] = connection
tuple[5] = connection
tuple[6] = connection.encodeString(connection.getTypeInfo().getPGType(columnTypeOid));
tuple[7] = null;
tuple[8] = null;
tuple[9] = null;
tuple[10] = null;
tuple[11] = connection
tuple[12] = null;
tuple[14] = connection.encodeString(Integer.toString(0));
tuple[15] = isnullableUnknown;
tuple[16] = specificName;
v.add(new Tuple(tuple));
return ((BaseStatement) createMetaDataStatement()).createDriverResultSet(f, v);
public ResultSet getPseudoColumns(@Nullable String catalog, @Nullable String schemaPattern,
@Nullable String tableNamePattern, @Nullable String columnNamePattern)
throws SQLException {
throw org.postgresql.Driver.notImplemented(this.getClass(),
"getPseudoColumns(String, String, String, String)");
public boolean generatedKeyAlwaysReturned() throws SQLException {
return true;
public boolean supportsSavepoints() throws SQLException {
return true;
public boolean supportsNamedParameters() throws SQLException {
return false;
public boolean supportsMultipleOpenResults() throws SQLException {
return false;
public boolean supportsGetGeneratedKeys() throws SQLException {
// We don't support returning generated keys by column index,
// but that should be a rarer case than the ones we do support.
return true;
public ResultSet getSuperTypes(@Nullable String catalog, @Nullable String schemaPattern,
@Nullable String typeNamePattern)
throws SQLException {
throw org.postgresql.Driver.notImplemented(this.getClass(),
public ResultSet getSuperTables(@Nullable String catalog, @Nullable String schemaPattern,
@Nullable String tableNamePattern)
throws SQLException {
throw org.postgresql.Driver.notImplemented(this.getClass(),
public ResultSet getAttributes(@Nullable String catalog, @Nullable String schemaPattern,
@Nullable String typeNamePattern, @Nullable String attributeNamePattern) throws SQLException {
throw org.postgresql.Driver.notImplemented(this.getClass(),
public boolean supportsResultSetHoldability(int holdability) throws SQLException {
return true;
public int getResultSetHoldability() throws SQLException {
public int getDatabaseMajorVersion() throws SQLException {
return connection.getServerMajorVersion();
public int getDatabaseMinorVersion() throws SQLException {
return connection.getServerMinorVersion();
public int getJDBCMajorVersion() {
return org.postgresql.util.DriverInfo.JDBC_MAJOR_VERSION;
public int getJDBCMinorVersion() {
return org.postgresql.util.DriverInfo.JDBC_MINOR_VERSION;
public int getSQLStateType() throws SQLException {
return sqlStateSQL;
public boolean locatorsUpdateCopy() throws SQLException {
* Currently LOB's aren't updateable at all, so it doesn't matter what we return. We don't throw
* the notImplemented Exception because the 1.5 JDK's CachedRowSet calls this method regardless
* of whether large objects are used.
return true;
public boolean supportsStatementPooling() throws SQLException {
return false;