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* dns cache is {@link InetAddress#cache}.
* @author antfling (ding_zhengang at hithinksoft dot com)
* @author Jerry Lee (oldratlee at gmail dot com)
* @since 1.6.0
public final class InetAddressCacheUtilForJava9Plus {
* {@link InetAddress.CachedAddresses}
* For jdk9+,
need not convert host to lowercase.
* see {@link InetAddress.CachedAddresses#CachedAddresses}.
{@code final long expiryTime; // time of expiry (in terms of System.nanoTime()) }
* see {@link InetAddress.CachedAddresses.expiryTime}.
public static void setInetAddressCache(String host, String[] ips, long expireMillis)
throws UnknownHostException, IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException,
InvocationTargetException, ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchFieldException {
long expiration = expireMillis == NEVER_EXPIRATION ? NEVER_EXPIRATION : getNanoTimeAfterMs(expireMillis);
Object cachedAddresses = newCachedAddresses(host, ips, expiration);
getCacheOfInetAddress().put(host, cachedAddresses);
* {@link InetAddress.CachedAddresses#CachedAddresses(String, InetAddress[], long)}
private static Object newCachedAddresses(String host, String[] ips, long expiration)
throws ClassNotFoundException, UnknownHostException, IllegalAccessException,
InvocationTargetException, InstantiationException {
// InetAddress.CachedAddresses has only one constructor
return getConstructorOfInetAddress$CachedAddresses().newInstance(host, toInetAddressArray(host, ips), expiration);
* {@link InetAddress.CachedAddresses#CachedAddresses}
private static volatile Constructor> constructorOfInetAddress$CachedAddresses = null;
private static Constructor> getConstructorOfInetAddress$CachedAddresses() throws ClassNotFoundException {
if (constructorOfInetAddress$CachedAddresses != null) return constructorOfInetAddress$CachedAddresses;
synchronized (InetAddressCacheUtilCommons.class) {
// double check
if (constructorOfInetAddress$CachedAddresses != null) return constructorOfInetAddress$CachedAddresses;
final Class> clazz = Class.forName(inetAddress$CachedAddresses_ClassName);
// InetAddress.CacheEntry has only one constructor:
// - for jdk 9-jdk12, constructor signature is CachedAddresses(String host, InetAddress[] inetAddresses, long expiryTime)
// code in jdk 9:
// code in jdk 11:
final Constructor> constructor = clazz.getDeclaredConstructors()[0];
constructorOfInetAddress$CachedAddresses = constructor;
return constructor;
public static void removeInetAddressCache(String host) throws NoSuchFieldException, IllegalAccessException {
* @see #getExpirySetOfInetAddress()
private static void removeHostFromExpirySetOfInetAddress(String host)
throws NoSuchFieldException, IllegalAccessException {
for (Iterator