com.alipay.remoting.rpc.RpcServer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.alipay.remoting.rpc;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import com.alipay.remoting.CommandCode;
import com.alipay.remoting.Connection;
import com.alipay.remoting.ConnectionEventHandler;
import com.alipay.remoting.ConnectionEventListener;
import com.alipay.remoting.ConnectionEventProcessor;
import com.alipay.remoting.ConnectionEventType;
import com.alipay.remoting.DefaultConnectionManager;
import com.alipay.remoting.InvokeCallback;
import com.alipay.remoting.InvokeContext;
import com.alipay.remoting.NamedThreadFactory;
import com.alipay.remoting.ProtocolCode;
import com.alipay.remoting.ProtocolManager;
import com.alipay.remoting.RandomSelectStrategy;
import com.alipay.remoting.RemotingAddressParser;
import com.alipay.remoting.RemotingProcessor;
import com.alipay.remoting.RemotingServer;
import com.alipay.remoting.ServerIdleHandler;
import com.alipay.remoting.SystemProperties;
import com.alipay.remoting.Url;
import com.alipay.remoting.codec.ProtocolCodeBasedEncoder;
import com.alipay.remoting.exception.RemotingException;
import com.alipay.remoting.log.BoltLoggerFactory;
import com.alipay.remoting.rpc.protocol.RpcProtocolDecoder;
import com.alipay.remoting.rpc.protocol.RpcProtocolManager;
import com.alipay.remoting.rpc.protocol.RpcProtocolV2;
import com.alipay.remoting.rpc.protocol.UserProcessor;
import com.alipay.remoting.util.GlobalSwitch;
import com.alipay.remoting.util.RemotingUtil;
import com.alipay.remoting.util.StringUtils;
import io.netty.bootstrap.ServerBootstrap;
import io.netty.buffer.PooledByteBufAllocator;
import io.netty.buffer.UnpooledByteBufAllocator;
import io.netty.channel.ChannelFuture;
import io.netty.channel.ChannelHandler;
import io.netty.channel.ChannelInitializer;
import io.netty.channel.ChannelOption;
import io.netty.channel.ChannelPipeline;
import io.netty.channel.EventLoopGroup;
import io.netty.channel.WriteBufferWaterMark;
import io.netty.channel.nio.NioEventLoopGroup;
import io.netty.channel.socket.SocketChannel;
import io.netty.channel.socket.nio.NioServerSocketChannel;
import io.netty.handler.timeout.IdleStateHandler;
* Server for Rpc.
* Usage:
* You can initialize RpcServer with one of the three constructors:
* {@link #RpcServer(int)}, {@link #RpcServer(int, boolean)}, {@link #RpcServer(int, boolean, boolean)}
* Then call start() to start a rpc server, and call stop() to stop a rpc server.
* Notice:
* Once rpc server has been stopped, it can never be start again. You should init another instance of RpcServer to use.
* @author jiangping
* @version $Id: RpcServer.java, v 0.1 2015-8-31 PM5:22:22 tao Exp $
public class RpcServer extends RemotingServer {
/** logger */
private static final Logger logger = BoltLoggerFactory
/** server bootstrap */
private ServerBootstrap bootstrap;
/** channelFuture */
private ChannelFuture channelFuture;
/** global switch */
private GlobalSwitch globalSwitch = new GlobalSwitch();
/** connection event handler */
private ConnectionEventHandler connectionEventHandler;
/** connection event listener */
private ConnectionEventListener connectionEventListener = new ConnectionEventListener();
/** user processors of rpc server */
private ConcurrentHashMap> userProcessors = new ConcurrentHashMap>(
/** boss event loop group, boss group should not be daemon, need shutdown manually */
private final EventLoopGroup bossGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup(
new NamedThreadFactory(
/** worker event loop group. Reuse I/O worker threads between rpc servers. */
private final static NioEventLoopGroup workerGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup(
.availableProcessors() * 2,
new NamedThreadFactory(
/** address parser to get custom args */
private RemotingAddressParser addressParser;
/** connection manager */
private DefaultConnectionManager connectionManager;
/** rpc remoting */
protected RpcRemoting rpcRemoting;
static {
* Construct a rpc server.
* Note:
* You can only use invoke methods with params {@link Connection}, for example {@link #invokeSync(Connection, Object, int)}
* Otherwise {@link UnsupportedOperationException} will be thrown.
* @param port
public RpcServer(int port) {
* Construct a rpc server.
* - You can enable connection management feature by specify @param manageConnection true.
* - When connection management feature enabled, you can use all invoke methods with params {@link String}, {@link Url}, {@link Connection} methods.
* - When connection management feature disabled, you can only use invoke methods with params {@link Connection}, otherwise {@link UnsupportedOperationException} will be thrown.
* @param port
* @param manageConnection true to enable connection management feature
public RpcServer(int port, boolean manageConnection) {
/** server connection management feature enabled or not, default value false, means disabled. */
if (manageConnection) {
* Construct a rpc server.
* You can construct a rpc server with synchronous or asynchronous stop strategy by {@param syncStop}.
* @param port
* @param manageConnection
* @param syncStop true to enable stop in synchronous way
public RpcServer(int port, boolean manageConnection, boolean syncStop) {
this(port, manageConnection);
if (syncStop) {
protected void doInit() {
if (this.addressParser == null) {
this.addressParser = new RpcAddressParser();
if (this.globalSwitch.isOn(GlobalSwitch.SERVER_MANAGE_CONNECTION_SWITCH)) {
this.connectionEventHandler = new RpcConnectionEventHandler(globalSwitch);
this.connectionManager = new DefaultConnectionManager(new RandomSelectStrategy());
} else {
this.connectionEventHandler = new ConnectionEventHandler(globalSwitch);
this.bootstrap = new ServerBootstrap();
this.bootstrap.group(bossGroup, workerGroup).channel(NioServerSocketChannel.class)
.option(ChannelOption.SO_BACKLOG, SystemProperties.tcp_so_backlog())
.option(ChannelOption.SO_REUSEADDR, SystemProperties.tcp_so_reuseaddr())
.childOption(ChannelOption.TCP_NODELAY, SystemProperties.tcp_nodelay())
.childOption(ChannelOption.SO_KEEPALIVE, SystemProperties.tcp_so_keepalive());
// set write buffer water mark
// init byte buf allocator
if (SystemProperties.netty_buffer_pooled()) {
this.bootstrap.option(ChannelOption.ALLOCATOR, PooledByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT)
.childOption(ChannelOption.ALLOCATOR, PooledByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT);
} else {
this.bootstrap.option(ChannelOption.ALLOCATOR, UnpooledByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT)
.childOption(ChannelOption.ALLOCATOR, UnpooledByteBufAllocator.DEFAULT);
final boolean idleSwitch = SystemProperties.tcp_idle_switch();
final int idleTime = SystemProperties.tcp_server_idle();
final ChannelHandler serverIdleHandler = new ServerIdleHandler();
final RpcHandler rpcHandler = new RpcHandler(true, this.userProcessors);
this.bootstrap.childHandler(new ChannelInitializer() {
protected void initChannel(SocketChannel channel) throws Exception {
ChannelPipeline pipeline = channel.pipeline();
pipeline.addLast("decoder", new RpcProtocolDecoder(
new ProtocolCodeBasedEncoder(ProtocolCode
if (idleSwitch) {
pipeline.addLast("idleStateHandler", new IdleStateHandler(0, 0, idleTime,
pipeline.addLast("serverIdleHandler", serverIdleHandler);
pipeline.addLast("connectionEventHandler", connectionEventHandler);
pipeline.addLast("handler", rpcHandler);
* create connection operation
* - If flag manageConnection be true, use {@link DefaultConnectionManager} to add a new connection, meanwhile bind it with the channel.
* - If flag manageConnection be false, just create a new connection and bind it with the channel.
* @param channel
private void createConnection(SocketChannel channel) {
Url url = addressParser.parse(RemotingUtil.parseRemoteAddress(channel));
if (globalSwitch.isOn(GlobalSwitch.SERVER_MANAGE_CONNECTION_SWITCH)) {
connectionManager.add(new Connection(channel, url), url.getUniqueKey());
} else {
new Connection(channel, url);
* @throws InterruptedException
* @see com.alipay.remoting.RemotingServer#doStart()
protected boolean doStart() throws InterruptedException {
this.channelFuture = this.bootstrap.bind(new InetSocketAddress(this.port)).sync();
return this.channelFuture.isSuccess();
* @see com.alipay.remoting.RemotingServer#doStart(String)
protected boolean doStart(String ip) throws InterruptedException {
this.channelFuture = this.bootstrap.bind(new InetSocketAddress(ip, this.port)).sync();
return channelFuture.isSuccess();
* Notice: only {@link GlobalSwitch#SERVER_MANAGE_CONNECTION_SWITCH} switch on, will close all connections.
* @see com.alipay.remoting.RemotingServer#doStop()
protected void doStop() {
if (null != this.channelFuture) {
if (this.globalSwitch.isOn(GlobalSwitch.SERVER_SYNC_STOP)) {
} else {
if (this.globalSwitch.isOn(GlobalSwitch.SERVER_MANAGE_CONNECTION_SWITCH)) {
logger.warn("Close all connections from server side!");
logger.warn("Rpc Server stopped!");
* init rpc remoting
protected void initRpcRemoting() {
this.rpcRemoting = new RpcServerRemoting(new RpcCommandFactory(), this.addressParser,
* @see com.alipay.remoting.RemotingServer#registerProcessor(byte, com.alipay.remoting.CommandCode, com.alipay.remoting.RemotingProcessor)
public void registerProcessor(byte protocolCode, CommandCode cmd, RemotingProcessor> processor) {
.registerProcessor(cmd, processor);
* @see com.alipay.remoting.RemotingServer#registerDefaultExecutor(byte, ExecutorService)
public void registerDefaultExecutor(byte protocolCode, ExecutorService executor) {
* Add processor to process connection event.
* @param type
* @param processor
public void addConnectionEventProcessor(ConnectionEventType type,
ConnectionEventProcessor processor) {
this.connectionEventListener.addConnectionEventProcessor(type, processor);
* @see com.alipay.remoting.RemotingServer#registerUserProcessor(com.alipay.remoting.rpc.protocol.UserProcessor)
public void registerUserProcessor(UserProcessor> processor) {
if (processor == null || StringUtils.isBlank(processor.interest())) {
throw new RuntimeException("User processor or processor interest should not be blank!");
UserProcessor> preProcessor = this.userProcessors.putIfAbsent(processor.interest(),
if (preProcessor != null) {
String errMsg = "Processor with interest key ["
+ processor.interest()
+ "] has already been registered to rpc server, can not register again!";
throw new RuntimeException(errMsg);
* One way invocation using a string address, address format example -
* Notice:
* - DO NOT modify the request object concurrently when this method is called.
* - When do invocation, use the string address to find a available client connection, if none then throw exception
* - Unlike rpc client, address arguments takes no effect here, for rpc server will not create connection.
* @param addr
* @param request
* @throws RemotingException
* @throws InterruptedException
public void oneway(final String addr, final Object request) throws RemotingException,
InterruptedException {
this.rpcRemoting.oneway(addr, request, null);
* One way invocation with a {@link InvokeContext}, common api notice please see {@link #oneway(String, Object)}
* @param addr
* @param request
* @param invokeContext
* @throws RemotingException
* @throws InterruptedException
public void oneway(final String addr, final Object request, final InvokeContext invokeContext)
throws RemotingException,
InterruptedException {
this.rpcRemoting.oneway(addr, request, invokeContext);
* One way invocation using a parsed {@link Url}
* Notice:
* - DO NOT modify the request object concurrently when this method is called.
* - When do invocation, use the parsed {@link Url} to find a available client connection, if none then throw exception
* @param url
* @param request
* @throws RemotingException
* @throws InterruptedException
public void oneway(final Url url, final Object request) throws RemotingException,
InterruptedException {
this.rpcRemoting.oneway(url, request, null);
* One way invocation with a {@link InvokeContext}, common api notice please see {@link #oneway(Url, Object)}
* @param url
* @param request
* @param invokeContext
* @throws RemotingException
* @throws InterruptedException
public void oneway(final Url url, final Object request, final InvokeContext invokeContext)
throws RemotingException,
InterruptedException {
this.rpcRemoting.oneway(url, request, invokeContext);
* One way invocation using a {@link Connection}
* Notice:
* DO NOT modify the request object concurrently when this method is called.
* @param conn
* @param request
* @throws RemotingException
public void oneway(final Connection conn, final Object request) throws RemotingException {
this.rpcRemoting.oneway(conn, request, null);
* One way invocation with a {@link InvokeContext}, common api notice please see {@link #oneway(Connection, Object)}
* @param conn
* @param request
* @param invokeContext
* @throws RemotingException
public void oneway(final Connection conn, final Object request,
final InvokeContext invokeContext) throws RemotingException {
this.rpcRemoting.oneway(conn, request, invokeContext);
* Synchronous invocation using a string address, address format example -
* Notice:
* - DO NOT modify the request object concurrently when this method is called.
* - When do invocation, use the string address to find a available client connection, if none then throw exception
* - Unlike rpc client, address arguments takes no effect here, for rpc server will not create connection.
* @param addr
* @param request
* @param timeoutMillis
* @return Object
* @throws RemotingException
* @throws InterruptedException
public Object invokeSync(final String addr, final Object request, final int timeoutMillis)
throws RemotingException,
InterruptedException {
return this.rpcRemoting.invokeSync(addr, request, null, timeoutMillis);
* Synchronous invocation with a {@link InvokeContext}, common api notice please see {@link #invokeSync(String, Object, int)}
* @param addr
* @param request
* @param invokeContext
* @param timeoutMillis
* @return
* @throws RemotingException
* @throws InterruptedException
public Object invokeSync(final String addr, final Object request,
final InvokeContext invokeContext, final int timeoutMillis)
throws RemotingException,
InterruptedException {
return this.rpcRemoting.invokeSync(addr, request, invokeContext, timeoutMillis);
* Synchronous invocation using a parsed {@link Url}
* Notice:
* - DO NOT modify the request object concurrently when this method is called.
* - When do invocation, use the parsed {@link Url} to find a available client connection, if none then throw exception
* @param url
* @param request
* @param timeoutMillis
* @return Object
* @throws RemotingException
* @throws InterruptedException
public Object invokeSync(Url url, Object request, int timeoutMillis) throws RemotingException,
InterruptedException {
return this.rpcRemoting.invokeSync(url, request, null, timeoutMillis);
* Synchronous invocation with a {@link InvokeContext}, common api notice please see {@link #invokeSync(Url, Object, int)}
* @param url
* @param request
* @param invokeContext
* @param timeoutMillis
* @return
* @throws RemotingException
* @throws InterruptedException
public Object invokeSync(final Url url, final Object request,
final InvokeContext invokeContext, final int timeoutMillis)
throws RemotingException,
InterruptedException {
return this.rpcRemoting.invokeSync(url, request, invokeContext, timeoutMillis);
* Synchronous invocation using a {@link Connection}
* Notice:
* DO NOT modify the request object concurrently when this method is called.
* @param conn
* @param request
* @param timeoutMillis
* @return Object
* @throws RemotingException
* @throws InterruptedException
public Object invokeSync(final Connection conn, final Object request, final int timeoutMillis)
throws RemotingException,
InterruptedException {
return this.rpcRemoting.invokeSync(conn, request, null, timeoutMillis);
* Synchronous invocation with a {@link InvokeContext}, common api notice please see {@link #invokeSync(Connection, Object, int)}
* @param conn
* @param request
* @param invokeContext
* @param timeoutMillis
* @return
* @throws RemotingException
* @throws InterruptedException
public Object invokeSync(final Connection conn, final Object request,
final InvokeContext invokeContext, final int timeoutMillis)
throws RemotingException,
InterruptedException {
return this.rpcRemoting.invokeSync(conn, request, invokeContext, timeoutMillis);
* Future invocation using a string address, address format example -
* You can get result use the returned {@link RpcResponseFuture}.
* Notice:
* - DO NOT modify the request object concurrently when this method is called.
* - When do invocation, use the string address to find a available client connection, if none then throw exception
* - Unlike rpc client, address arguments takes no effect here, for rpc server will not create connection.
* @param addr
* @param request
* @param timeoutMillis
* @return RpcResponseFuture
* @throws RemotingException
* @throws InterruptedException
public RpcResponseFuture invokeWithFuture(final String addr, final Object request,
final int timeoutMillis) throws RemotingException,
InterruptedException {
return this.rpcRemoting.invokeWithFuture(addr, request, null, timeoutMillis);
* Future invocation with a {@link InvokeContext}, common api notice please see {@link #invokeWithFuture(String, Object, int)}
* @param addr
* @param request
* @param invokeContext
* @param timeoutMillis
* @return
* @throws RemotingException
* @throws InterruptedException
public RpcResponseFuture invokeWithFuture(final String addr, final Object request,
final InvokeContext invokeContext,
final int timeoutMillis) throws RemotingException,
InterruptedException {
return this.rpcRemoting.invokeWithFuture(addr, request, invokeContext, timeoutMillis);
* Future invocation using a parsed {@link Url}
* You can get result use the returned {@link RpcResponseFuture}.
* Notice:
* - DO NOT modify the request object concurrently when this method is called.
* - When do invocation, use the parsed {@link Url} to find a available client connection, if none then throw exception
* @param url
* @param request
* @param timeoutMillis
* @return RpcResponseFuture
* @throws RemotingException
* @throws InterruptedException
public RpcResponseFuture invokeWithFuture(final Url url, final Object request,
final int timeoutMillis) throws RemotingException,
InterruptedException {
return this.rpcRemoting.invokeWithFuture(url, request, null, timeoutMillis);
* Future invocation with a {@link InvokeContext}, common api notice please see {@link #invokeWithFuture(Url, Object, int)}
* @param url
* @param request
* @param invokeContext
* @param timeoutMillis
* @return
* @throws RemotingException
* @throws InterruptedException
public RpcResponseFuture invokeWithFuture(final Url url, final Object request,
final InvokeContext invokeContext,
final int timeoutMillis) throws RemotingException,
InterruptedException {
return this.rpcRemoting.invokeWithFuture(url, request, invokeContext, timeoutMillis);
* Future invocation using a {@link Connection}
* You can get result use the returned {@link RpcResponseFuture}.
* Notice:
* DO NOT modify the request object concurrently when this method is called.
* @param conn
* @param request
* @param timeoutMillis
* @return
* @throws RemotingException
public RpcResponseFuture invokeWithFuture(final Connection conn, final Object request,
final int timeoutMillis) throws RemotingException {
return this.rpcRemoting.invokeWithFuture(conn, request, null, timeoutMillis);
* Future invocation with a {@link InvokeContext}, common api notice please see {@link #invokeWithFuture(Connection, Object, int)}
* @param conn
* @param request
* @param invokeContext
* @param timeoutMillis
* @return
* @throws RemotingException
public RpcResponseFuture invokeWithFuture(final Connection conn, final Object request,
final InvokeContext invokeContext,
final int timeoutMillis) throws RemotingException {
return this.rpcRemoting.invokeWithFuture(conn, request, invokeContext, timeoutMillis);
* Callback invocation using a string address, address format example -
* You can specify an implementation of {@link InvokeCallback} to get the result.
* Notice:
* - DO NOT modify the request object concurrently when this method is called.
* - When do invocation, use the string address to find a available client connection, if none then throw exception
* - Unlike rpc client, address arguments takes no effect here, for rpc server will not create connection.
* @param addr
* @param request
* @param invokeCallback
* @param timeoutMillis
* @throws RemotingException
* @throws InterruptedException
public void invokeWithCallback(final String addr, final Object request,
final InvokeCallback invokeCallback, final int timeoutMillis)
throws RemotingException,
InterruptedException {
this.rpcRemoting.invokeWithCallback(addr, request, null, invokeCallback, timeoutMillis);
* Callback invocation with a {@link InvokeContext}, common api notice please see {@link #invokeWithCallback(String, Object, InvokeCallback, int)}
* @param addr
* @param request
* @param invokeContext
* @param invokeCallback
* @param timeoutMillis
* @throws RemotingException
* @throws InterruptedException
public void invokeWithCallback(final String addr, final Object request,
final InvokeContext invokeContext,
final InvokeCallback invokeCallback, final int timeoutMillis)
throws RemotingException,
InterruptedException {
this.rpcRemoting.invokeWithCallback(addr, request, invokeContext, invokeCallback,
* Callback invocation using a parsed {@link Url}
* You can specify an implementation of {@link InvokeCallback} to get the result.
* Notice:
* - DO NOT modify the request object concurrently when this method is called.
* - When do invocation, use the parsed {@link Url} to find a available client connection, if none then throw exception
* @param url
* @param request
* @param invokeCallback
* @param timeoutMillis
* @throws RemotingException
* @throws InterruptedException
public void invokeWithCallback(final Url url, final Object request,
final InvokeCallback invokeCallback, final int timeoutMillis)
throws RemotingException,
InterruptedException {
this.rpcRemoting.invokeWithCallback(url, request, null, invokeCallback, timeoutMillis);
* Callback invocation with a {@link InvokeContext}, common api notice please see {@link #invokeWithCallback(Url, Object, InvokeCallback, int)}
* @param url
* @param request
* @param invokeContext
* @param invokeCallback
* @param timeoutMillis
* @throws RemotingException
* @throws InterruptedException
public void invokeWithCallback(final Url url, final Object request,
final InvokeContext invokeContext,
final InvokeCallback invokeCallback, final int timeoutMillis)
throws RemotingException,
InterruptedException {
this.rpcRemoting.invokeWithCallback(url, request, invokeContext, invokeCallback,
* Callback invocation using a {@link Connection}
* You can specify an implementation of {@link InvokeCallback} to get the result.
* Notice:
* DO NOT modify the request object concurrently when this method is called.
* @param conn
* @param request
* @param invokeCallback
* @param timeoutMillis
* @throws RemotingException
public void invokeWithCallback(final Connection conn, final Object request,
final InvokeCallback invokeCallback, final int timeoutMillis)
throws RemotingException {
this.rpcRemoting.invokeWithCallback(conn, request, null, invokeCallback, timeoutMillis);
* Callback invocation with a {@link InvokeContext}, common api notice please see {@link #invokeWithCallback(Connection, Object, InvokeCallback, int)}
* @param conn
* @param request
* @param invokeCallback
* @param timeoutMillis
* @throws RemotingException
public void invokeWithCallback(final Connection conn, final Object request,
final InvokeContext invokeContext,
final InvokeCallback invokeCallback, final int timeoutMillis)
throws RemotingException {
this.rpcRemoting.invokeWithCallback(conn, request, invokeContext, invokeCallback,
* check whether a client address connected
* @param remoteAddr
* @return
public boolean isConnected(String remoteAddr) {
Url url = this.rpcRemoting.addressParser.parse(remoteAddr);
return this.isConnected(url);
* check whether a {@link Url} connected
* @param url
* @return
public boolean isConnected(Url url) {
Connection conn = this.rpcRemoting.connectionManager.get(url.getUniqueKey());
if (null != conn) {
return conn.isFine();
return false;
* check whether connection manage feature enabled
private void check() {
if (!this.globalSwitch.isOn(GlobalSwitch.SERVER_MANAGE_CONNECTION_SWITCH)) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"Please enable connection manage feature of Rpc Server before call this method! See comments in constructor RpcServer(int port, boolean manageConnection) to find how to enable!");
* init netty write buffer water mark
private void initWriteBufferWaterMark() {
int lowWaterMark = SystemProperties.netty_buffer_low_watermark();
int highWaterMark = SystemProperties.netty_buffer_high_watermark();
if (lowWaterMark > highWaterMark) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"[server side] bolt netty high water mark {%s} should not be smaller than low water mark {%s} bytes)",
highWaterMark, lowWaterMark));
} else {
"[server side] bolt netty low water mark is {} bytes, high water mark is {} bytes",
lowWaterMark, highWaterMark);
this.bootstrap.childOption(ChannelOption.WRITE_BUFFER_WATER_MARK, new WriteBufferWaterMark(
lowWaterMark, highWaterMark));
// ~~~ getter and setter
* Getter method for property addressParser.
* @return property value of addressParser
public RemotingAddressParser getAddressParser() {
return this.addressParser;
* Setter method for property addressParser.
* @param addressParser value to be assigned to property addressParser
public void setAddressParser(RemotingAddressParser addressParser) {
this.addressParser = addressParser;
* Getter method for property connectionManager.
* @return property value of connectionManager
public DefaultConnectionManager getConnectionManager() {
return connectionManager;