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org.apache.spark.aliyun.odps.PythonOdpsAPI.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.spark.aliyun.odps
import{DataOutputStream, FileOutputStream}
import org.apache.spark.api.python.PythonRDD
import org.apache.spark.SparkException
import{JavaRDD, JavaSparkContext}
import com.aliyun.odps.TableSchema
import com.aliyun.odps.OdpsType
import net.razorvine.pickle.{Pickler, Unpickler}
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import java.util.{List => JList}
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import scala.collection.mutable
class PythonOdpsAPI(
@transient jsc: JavaSparkContext,
accessKeyId: String,
accessKeySecret: String,
odpsUrl: String,
tunnelUrl: String) extends Logging with Serializable {
val dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
val odpsOps = OdpsOps(, accessKeyId, accessKeySecret, odpsUrl, tunnelUrl)
def readTable(
project: String,
table: String,
partition: String,
cols: Array[Int],
bytesCols: Array[Int],
batchSize: Int,
numPartition: Int): JavaRDD[Array[Byte]] = {
val colsLen = odpsOps.getTableSchema(project, table, false).length
val colsTuple = prepareColsTuple(cols, bytesCols, colsLen)
val rdd = odpsOps.readTable(project, table, partition, readTransfer(colsTuple), numPartition)
JavaRDD.fromRDD(serialize(rdd, batchSize))
def readTable(
project: String,
table: String,
cols: Array[Int],
bytesCols: Array[Int],
batchSize: Int,
numPartition: Int): JavaRDD[Array[Byte]] = {
val colsLen = odpsOps.getTableSchema(project, table, false).length
val colsTuple = prepareColsTuple(cols, bytesCols, colsLen)
val rdd = odpsOps.readTable(project, table, readTransfer(colsTuple), numPartition)
JavaRDD.fromRDD(serialize(rdd, batchSize))
def saveToTable(
project: String, table: String, partition: String,
pyRdd: JavaRDD[Array[Byte]], cols: Array[Int], bytesCols: Array[Int],
batched: Boolean, defaultCreatePartition: Boolean, isOverWrite: Boolean) {
val colsLen = odpsOps.getTableSchema(project, table, false).length
val colsTuple = prepareColsTuple(cols, bytesCols, colsLen)
val rdd = deserialize(pyRdd, batched)
odpsOps.saveToTable(project, table, partition, rdd, writeTransfer(colsTuple) _, defaultCreatePartition, isOverWrite)
def saveToTable(
project: String, table: String,
pyRdd: JavaRDD[Array[Byte]], cols: Array[Int],
bytesCols: Array[Int], batched: Boolean) {
val colsLen = odpsOps.getTableSchema(project, table, false).length
val colsTuple = prepareColsTuple(cols, bytesCols, colsLen)
val rdd = deserialize(pyRdd, batched)
odpsOps.saveToTable(project, table, rdd, writeTransfer(colsTuple))
private def prepareColsTuple(cols: Array[Int], bytesCols: Array[Int], columnsLen: Int): Array[(Int, Int)] = {
val m1 = new mutable.HashMap[Int, Int]()
val selectedCols = if (cols.length == 0) {
Array.range(0, columnsLen)
} else {
selectedCols.foreach(e => m1.put(e, 0))
val m2 = new mutable.HashMap[Int, Int]()
val selectedBytesCols = if(bytesCols.length == 0){
new Array[Int](0)
} else {
selectedBytesCols.foreach(e => m2.put(e, 1))
(m1.keySet ++ m2.keySet).map { i =>
val m1Val = m1.getOrElse(i, 0)
val m2Val = m2.getOrElse(i, 0)
i -> (m1Val + m2Val)
private def readTransfer(colsTuple: Array[(Int, Int)])(record: Record, schema: TableSchema): Array[_] = {
colsTuple.sortBy(_._1).map { e =>
val idx = e._1
val isBytes = e._2
val col = schema.getColumn(idx)
col.getType match {
case OdpsType.BIGINT => record.getBigint(idx)
case OdpsType.DOUBLE => record.getDouble(idx)
case OdpsType.BOOLEAN => record.getBoolean(idx)
case OdpsType.DATETIME =>
val dt = record.getDatetime(idx)
if (dt != null) {
} else null
case OdpsType.STRING => if(isBytes == 1) record.getBytes(idx) else record.getString(idx)
private def writeTransfer(colsTuple: Array[(Int, Int)])(elements: Array[_], record: Record, schema: TableSchema) {
colsTuple.sortBy(_._1).zip(elements).foreach { t =>
val idx = t._1._1
val isBytes = t._1._2
val element = t._2
val col = schema.getColumn(idx)
col.getType match {
case OdpsType.BIGINT => record.setBigint(idx, element.toString.toLong)
case OdpsType.DOUBLE => record.setDouble(idx, element.asInstanceOf[Double])
case OdpsType.BOOLEAN => record.setBoolean(idx, element.asInstanceOf[Boolean])
case OdpsType.DATETIME =>
val date = dateFormat.parse(element.asInstanceOf[String])
record.setDatetime(idx, date)
case OdpsType.STRING => if(isBytes == 1) record.setString(idx, element.asInstanceOf[Array[Byte]])
else record.setString(idx, element.asInstanceOf[String])
def getTableSchema(project: String, table: String, isPartition: Boolean): JList[Array[Byte]] = {
val arr = odpsOps.getTableSchema(project, table, isPartition)
val pickle = new Pickler
val res = e => e._1 + "," + e._2.getOdpsType).mkString(",").split(",")
new java.util.ArrayList(res)
def getColumnByName(project: String, table: String, name: String): JList[Array[Byte]] = {
val tuple = odpsOps.getColumnByName(project, table, name)
val pickle = new Pickler
val res = Array(tuple._1, tuple._2).map(pickle.dumps(_)).toSeq
new java.util.ArrayList(res)
def getColumnByIdx(project: String, table: String, idx: Int): JList[Array[Byte]] = {
val tuple = odpsOps.getColumnByIdx(project, table, idx)
val pickle = new Pickler
val res = Array(tuple._1, tuple._2).map(pickle.dumps(_)).toSeq
new java.util.ArrayList(res)
private def serialize(rdd: RDD[Array[_]], batchSize: Int): RDD[Array[Byte]] = {
rdd.mapPartitions { iter =>
val pickle = new Pickler()
if (batchSize > 1) {
iter.grouped(batchSize).map(batched => pickle.dumps(seqAsJavaList(batched)))
} else {
private def deserialize(pyRDD: RDD[Array[Byte]], batched: Boolean): RDD[Array[_]] = {
pyRDD.mapPartitions { iter =>
val unpickle = new Unpickler()
val unpickled =
if (batched) {
iter.flatMap { batch =>
unpickle.loads(batch) match {
case objs: java.util.List[_] => collectionAsScalaIterable(objs)
case other => throw new SparkException(
s"Unexpected type ${other.getClass.getName} for batch serialized Python RDD")
} else {
def writeToFile[T](items: java.util.Iterator[T], filename: String) {
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
writeToFile(items.asScala, filename)
def writeToFile[T](items: Iterator[T], filename: String) {
val file = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(filename))
PythonRDD.writeIteratorToStream(items, file)
class PythonOdpsAPIHelper {
def createPythonOdpsAPI(
@transient sc: JavaSparkContext,
accessKeyId: String,
accessKeySecret: String,
odpsUrl: String,
tunnelUrl: String): PythonOdpsAPI = {
new PythonOdpsAPI(sc, accessKeyId, accessKeySecret, odpsUrl, tunnelUrl)