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com.aliyun.odps.tunnel.impl.UpsertStreamImpl Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package com.aliyun.odps.tunnel.impl;
import static com.aliyun.odps.tunnel.HttpHeaders.HEADER_ODPS_ROUTED_SERVER;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.net.URI;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import com.aliyun.odps.Column;
import com.aliyun.odps.commons.transport.HttpStatus;
import com.aliyun.odps.OdpsType;
import com.aliyun.odps.commons.transport.Request;
import com.aliyun.odps.data.Record;
import com.aliyun.odps.tunnel.HttpHeaders;
import com.aliyun.odps.tunnel.TunnelException;
import com.aliyun.odps.tunnel.TunnelTableSchema;
import com.aliyun.odps.tunnel.hasher.DecimalHashObject;
import com.aliyun.odps.tunnel.hasher.TypeHasher;
import com.aliyun.odps.tunnel.io.Checksum;
import com.aliyun.odps.tunnel.io.CompressOption;
import com.aliyun.odps.tunnel.io.ProtobufRecordPack;
import com.aliyun.odps.tunnel.streams.UpsertStream;
import com.aliyun.odps.type.DecimalTypeInfo;
import com.aliyun.odps.type.TypeInfo;
import com.aliyun.odps.utils.FixedNettyChannelPool;
import io.netty.bootstrap.Bootstrap;
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufInputStream;
import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled;
import io.netty.channel.Channel;
import io.netty.channel.ChannelFuture;
import io.netty.channel.ChannelFutureListener;
import io.netty.channel.ChannelHandlerContext;
import io.netty.channel.ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter;
import io.netty.handler.codec.http.DefaultFullHttpRequest;
import io.netty.handler.codec.http.FullHttpResponse;
import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpHeaderNames;
import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpMethod;
import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpRequest;
import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponseStatus;
import io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpVersion;
import io.netty.handler.timeout.ReadTimeoutException;
import io.netty.handler.timeout.ReadTimeoutHandler;
public class UpsertStreamImpl implements UpsertStream {
// required
private long maxBufferSize;
private long slotBufferSize;
private final CompressOption compressOption;
private final URI endpoint;
private final UpsertSessionImpl session;
// meta
private Map buckets;
private List hashKeys = new ArrayList<>();
private TunnelTableSchema schema;
// buffer
private final Map bucketBuffer = new HashMap<>();
private long totalBufferSize = 0;
// netty
private final Bootstrap bootstrap;
private CountDownLatch latch;
private FixedNettyChannelPool channelPool;
private long connectTimeout;
private long readTimeout;
// status
private Status status = Status.NORMAL;
private Listener listener = null;
private enum Operation {
private enum Status {
public static class Builder implements UpsertStream.Builder {
private UpsertSessionImpl session;
private long maxBufferSize = 64 * 1024 * 1024;
private long slotBufferSize = 1024 * 1024;
private CompressOption
compressOption =
new CompressOption(CompressOption.CompressAlgorithm.ODPS_LZ4_FRAME, -1, 0);
private Listener listener = null;
public Builder setSession(UpsertSessionImpl session) {
this.session = session;
return this;
public UpsertSessionImpl getSession() {
return session;
public long getMaxBufferSize() {
return maxBufferSize;
public Builder setMaxBufferSize(long maxBufferSize) {
this.maxBufferSize = maxBufferSize;
return this;
public long getSlotBufferSize() {
return slotBufferSize;
public Builder setSlotBufferSize(long slotBufferSize) {
this.slotBufferSize = slotBufferSize;
return this;
public CompressOption getCompressOption() {
return compressOption;
public Builder setCompressOption(CompressOption compressOption) {
this.compressOption = compressOption;
return this;
public Listener getListener() {
return listener;
public Builder setListener(Listener listener) {
this.listener = listener;
return this;
public UpsertStream build() throws IOException, TunnelException {
return new UpsertStreamImpl(this);
public UpsertStreamImpl(Builder builder) throws IOException, TunnelException {
this.compressOption = builder.getCompressOption();
this.slotBufferSize = builder.getSlotBufferSize();
this.maxBufferSize = builder.getMaxBufferSize();
this.session = builder.session;
this.endpoint = session.getEndpoint();
this.buckets = session.getBuckets();
this.schema = session.getRecordSchema();
this.hashKeys = session.getHashKeys();
this.bootstrap = session.getBootstrap();
this.channelPool = session.getChannelPool();
this.connectTimeout = session.getConnectTimeout();
this.readTimeout = session.getReadTimeout();
this.listener = builder.getListener();
private void newBucketBuffer() throws IOException {
for (Integer slot : this.buckets.keySet()) {
this.bucketBuffer.put(slot, new ProtobufRecordPack(this.schema, new Checksum(), 0, compressOption));
public void upsert(Record record) throws IOException, TunnelException {
write(record, UpsertStreamImpl.Operation.UPSERT, null);
public void upsert(Record record, List upsertCols) throws IOException, TunnelException {
if (upsertCols != null && !upsertCols.isEmpty() && !session.supportPartialUpdate()) {
throw new TunnelException(
"Table " + session.tableName
+ " do not support partial update, consider set table properties 'acid.partial.fields.update.enable=true'");
if (upsertCols != null && !upsertCols.isEmpty()) {
Set columnSet =
upsertCols.forEach((col) -> {
if (!columnSet.contains(col)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid column name:" + col);
write(record, UpsertStreamImpl.Operation.UPSERT, upsertCols);
public void delete(Record record) throws IOException, TunnelException {
write(record, UpsertStreamImpl.Operation.DELETE, null);
public void flush() throws IOException, TunnelException {
public void close() throws IOException, TunnelException {
if (status == Status.NORMAL) {
status = Status.CLOSED;
public void reset() throws IOException {
if (!bucketBuffer.isEmpty()) {
for (ProtobufRecordPack pack : bucketBuffer.values()) {
totalBufferSize = 0;
status = Status.NORMAL;
private void write(Record record, UpsertStreamImpl.Operation op, List valueColumns)
throws TunnelException, IOException {
List hashValues = new ArrayList<>();
for (int key : hashKeys) {
Object value = record.get(key);
if (value == null) {
throw new TunnelException(
" UpsertRecord must have primary key value, consider provide values for column '"
+ schema.getColumn(key).getName() + "'");
TypeInfo typeInfo = schema.getColumn(key).getTypeInfo();
// java type BigDecimal's precision and scale may be different from typeInfo,
// so here converted to DecimalHashObject
if (typeInfo.getOdpsType() == OdpsType.DECIMAL) {
DecimalTypeInfo decimalTypeInfo = (DecimalTypeInfo) typeInfo;
value =
new DecimalHashObject((BigDecimal) value, decimalTypeInfo.getPrecision(),
hashValues.add(TypeHasher.hash(typeInfo.getOdpsType(), value, session.getHasher()));
int bucket = TypeHasher.CombineHashVal(hashValues) % buckets.size();
if (!bucketBuffer.containsKey(bucket)) {
throw new TunnelException(
"Tunnel internal error! Do not have bucket for hash key " + bucket);
ProtobufRecordPack pack = bucketBuffer.get(bucket);
UpsertRecord r = (UpsertRecord) record;
r.setOperation(op == UpsertStreamImpl.Operation.UPSERT ? (byte)'U' : (byte)'D');
ArrayList valueCols = new ArrayList<>();
if (valueColumns != null) {
for (String validColumnName : valueColumns) {
long bytes = pack.getTotalBytes();
bytes = pack.getTotalBytes() - bytes;
totalBufferSize += bytes;
if (pack.getTotalBytes() > slotBufferSize) {
} else if (totalBufferSize > maxBufferSize) {
private void flush(boolean flushAll) throws TunnelException, IOException {
List handlers = new ArrayList<>();
boolean success;
int retry = 0;
// update slot map
Map bucketMap = session.getBuckets();
if (bucketMap.size() != buckets.size()) {
throw new TunnelException("session slot map is changed");
} else {
buckets = bucketMap;
do {
success = true;
Channel channel = null;
try {
latch = new CountDownLatch(bucketBuffer.size());
for (Map.Entry entry : bucketBuffer.entrySet()) {
ProtobufRecordPack pack = entry.getValue();
if (pack.getSize() > 0) {
if (pack.getTotalBytes() > slotBufferSize || flushAll) {
int bucketId = entry.getKey();
long bytes = pack.getTotalBytes();
bytes = pack.getTotalBytes() - bytes;
if (!flushAll) {
totalBufferSize += bytes;
Request request = session.buildRequest("PUT", bucketId, buckets.get(bucketId), pack.getTotalBytes(), pack.getSize(), compressOption);
channel = channelPool.acquire();
FlushResultHandler handler = new FlushResultHandler(pack, latch, listener, retry, bucketId);
channelFuture =
channel.writeAndFlush(buildFullHttpRequest(request, pack.getProtobufStream()));
channelFuture.addListener((ChannelFutureListener) future -> {
if (!future.isSuccess()) {
new TunnelException("Connect : " + future.cause().getMessage(),
} else {
future.channel().pipeline().addFirst(new ReadTimeoutHandler(readTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));
} else {
} else {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new TunnelException("flush interrupted", e);
for (FlushResultHandler handler : handlers) {
if (handler.getException() != null) {
success = false;
if (listener != null) {
if (!listener.onFlushFail(handler.getException(), retry)) {
status = Status.ERROR;
TunnelException e = new TunnelException(handler.getException().getErrorMsg(), handler.getException());
throw e;
} else {
TunnelException e = new TunnelException(handler.getException().getErrorMsg(), handler.getException());
throw e;
} else {
if (!flushAll) {
totalBufferSize -= handler.getFlushResult().flushSize;
} while (!success);
if (flushAll) {
totalBufferSize = 0;
private void checkStatus() throws TunnelException {
if (Status.CLOSED == status) {
throw new TunnelException("Stream is closed!");
} else if (Status.ERROR == status) {
throw new TunnelException("Stream has error!");
private HttpRequest buildFullHttpRequest(Request request, ByteArrayOutputStream content) {
String uri = request.getURI().toString().replace(endpoint.toString(), "");
HttpRequest req = new DefaultFullHttpRequest(
HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, HttpMethod.PUT, uri, Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(content.toByteArray()));
request.getHeaders().forEach((key, value) -> req.headers().set(key, value));
req.headers().set(HttpHeaderNames.HOST, request.getURI().getHost());
return req;
private class FlushResultHandler extends ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter {
private UpsertStream.FlushResult flushResult = new UpsertStream.FlushResult();
private ProtobufRecordPack pack;
private TunnelException exception = null;
CountDownLatch latch;
long start;
Listener listener;
int retry;
int bucketId;
public UpsertStream.FlushResult getFlushResult() {
return flushResult;
public TunnelException getException() {
return exception;
public void setException(TunnelException exception) {
this.exception = exception;
FlushResultHandler(ProtobufRecordPack pack, CountDownLatch latch, Listener listener, int retry, int bucketId) {
this.flushResult.recordCount = pack.getSize();
this.pack = pack;
this.flushResult.flushSize = pack.getTotalBytes();
this.latch = latch;
this.start = System.currentTimeMillis();
this.listener = listener;
this.retry = retry;
this.bucketId = bucketId;
public void channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg) throws Exception {
FullHttpResponse response = null;
try {
response = (FullHttpResponse) msg;
this.flushResult.traceId = response.headers().get(HttpHeaders.HEADER_ODPS_REQUEST_ID);
if (response.status().equals(HttpResponseStatus.OK)) {
this.flushResult.flushTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
if (listener != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception ignore) {
} else {
try (ByteBufInputStream contentStream = new ByteBufInputStream(response.content())) {
exception = new TunnelException(this.flushResult.traceId, contentStream, response.status().code());
// 308 means should update slot map and retry
if (response.status().code() == HttpStatus.SLOT_REASSIGNMENT) {
if (response.headers().contains(HEADER_ODPS_ROUTED_SERVER)) {
String newSlotServer = response.headers().get(HEADER_ODPS_ROUTED_SERVER);
session.updateBuckets(bucketId, newSlotServer);
} else {
session.updateBuckets(bucketId, null);
buckets = session.getBuckets();
} catch (Exception e) {
exception = new TunnelException(e.getMessage(), e);
} finally {
if (response != null) {
public void exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Throwable cause) {
if (cause instanceof ReadTimeoutException) {
exception = new TunnelException("Flush time out, cannot get response from server");
} else {
exception = new TunnelException(cause.getMessage(), cause);
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