org.apache.phoenix.compile.FromCompiler Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.phoenix.compile;
import static org.apache.phoenix.schema.PTable.QualifierEncodingScheme.NON_ENCODED_QUALIFIERS;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.SQLFeatureNotSupportedException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HConstants;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HTableInterface;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes;
import org.apache.phoenix.coprocessor.MetaDataProtocol;
import org.apache.phoenix.coprocessor.MetaDataProtocol.MetaDataMutationResult;
import org.apache.phoenix.expression.Expression;
import org.apache.phoenix.jdbc.PhoenixConnection;
import org.apache.phoenix.parse.AliasedNode;
import org.apache.phoenix.parse.BindTableNode;
import org.apache.phoenix.parse.ColumnDef;
import org.apache.phoenix.parse.CreateTableStatement;
import org.apache.phoenix.parse.DMLStatement;
import org.apache.phoenix.parse.DerivedTableNode;
import org.apache.phoenix.parse.FamilyWildcardParseNode;
import org.apache.phoenix.parse.JoinTableNode;
import org.apache.phoenix.parse.NamedTableNode;
import org.apache.phoenix.parse.PFunction;
import org.apache.phoenix.parse.PSchema;
import org.apache.phoenix.parse.ParseNode;
import org.apache.phoenix.parse.ParseNodeFactory;
import org.apache.phoenix.parse.SelectStatement;
import org.apache.phoenix.parse.SingleTableStatement;
import org.apache.phoenix.parse.TableName;
import org.apache.phoenix.parse.TableNode;
import org.apache.phoenix.parse.TableNodeVisitor;
import org.apache.phoenix.parse.TableWildcardParseNode;
import org.apache.phoenix.parse.UDFParseNode;
import org.apache.phoenix.parse.UseSchemaStatement;
import org.apache.phoenix.parse.WildcardParseNode;
import org.apache.phoenix.query.ConnectionQueryServices;
import org.apache.phoenix.query.QueryConstants;
import org.apache.phoenix.schema.AmbiguousColumnException;
import org.apache.phoenix.schema.AmbiguousTableException;
import org.apache.phoenix.schema.ColumnFamilyNotFoundException;
import org.apache.phoenix.schema.ColumnNotFoundException;
import org.apache.phoenix.schema.ColumnRef;
import org.apache.phoenix.schema.FunctionNotFoundException;
import org.apache.phoenix.schema.MetaDataClient;
import org.apache.phoenix.schema.MetaDataEntityNotFoundException;
import org.apache.phoenix.schema.PColumn;
import org.apache.phoenix.schema.PColumnFamily;
import org.apache.phoenix.schema.PColumnFamilyImpl;
import org.apache.phoenix.schema.PColumnImpl;
import org.apache.phoenix.schema.PName;
import org.apache.phoenix.schema.PNameFactory;
import org.apache.phoenix.schema.PTable;
import org.apache.phoenix.schema.PTable.IndexType;
import org.apache.phoenix.schema.PTable.QualifierEncodingScheme;
import org.apache.phoenix.schema.PTable.ImmutableStorageScheme;
import org.apache.phoenix.schema.PTableImpl;
import org.apache.phoenix.schema.PTableKey;
import org.apache.phoenix.schema.PTableType;
import org.apache.phoenix.schema.ProjectedColumn;
import org.apache.phoenix.schema.SchemaNotFoundException;
import org.apache.phoenix.schema.SortOrder;
import org.apache.phoenix.schema.TableNotFoundException;
import org.apache.phoenix.schema.TableRef;
import org.apache.phoenix.util.Closeables;
import org.apache.phoenix.util.IndexUtil;
import org.apache.phoenix.util.LogUtil;
import org.apache.phoenix.util.SchemaUtil;
import org.apache.phoenix.util.TransactionUtil;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Validates FROM clause and builds a ColumnResolver for resolving column references
* @since 0.1
public class FromCompiler {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FromCompiler.class);
public static final ColumnResolver EMPTY_TABLE_RESOLVER = new ColumnResolver() {
public List getTables() {
return Collections.singletonList(TableRef.EMPTY_TABLE_REF);
public List getFunctions() {
return Collections.emptyList();
public TableRef resolveTable(String schemaName, String tableName)
throws SQLException {
throw new TableNotFoundException(schemaName, tableName);
public ColumnRef resolveColumn(String schemaName, String tableName, String colName) throws SQLException {
throw new ColumnNotFoundException(schemaName, tableName, null, colName);
public PFunction resolveFunction(String functionName) throws SQLException {
throw new FunctionNotFoundException(functionName);
public boolean hasUDFs() {
return false;
public PSchema resolveSchema(String schemaName) throws SQLException {
throw new SchemaNotFoundException(schemaName);
public List getSchemas() {
return Collections.emptyList();
public static ColumnResolver getResolverForCreation(final CreateTableStatement statement, final PhoenixConnection connection)
throws SQLException {
TableName baseTable = statement.getBaseTableName();
String schemaName;
if (baseTable == null) {
if (SchemaUtil.isSchemaCheckRequired(statement.getTableType(), connection.getQueryServices().getProps())) {
schemaName = statement.getTableName().getSchemaName();
if (schemaName != null) {
new SchemaResolver(connection, statement.getTableName().getSchemaName(), true);
} else if (connection.getSchema() != null) {
// To ensure schema set through properties or connection string exists before creating table
new SchemaResolver(connection, connection.getSchema(), true);
NamedTableNode tableNode = NamedTableNode.create(null, baseTable, Collections.emptyList());
// Always use non-tenant-specific connection here
try {
// We need to always get the latest meta data for the parent table of a create view call to ensure that
// that we're copying the current table meta data as of when the view is created. Once we no longer
// copy the parent meta data, but store only the local diffs (PHOENIX-3534), we will no longer need
// to do this.
SingleTableColumnResolver visitor = new SingleTableColumnResolver(connection, tableNode, true, true);
return visitor;
} catch (TableNotFoundException e) {
// Used for mapped VIEW, since we won't be able to resolve that.
// Instead, we create a table with just the dynamic columns.
// A tenant-specific connection may not create a mapped VIEW.
if (connection.getTenantId() == null && statement.getTableType() == PTableType.VIEW) {
ConnectionQueryServices services = connection.getQueryServices();
boolean isNamespaceMapped = SchemaUtil.isNamespaceMappingEnabled(statement.getTableType(), connection.getQueryServices().getProps());
byte[] fullTableName = SchemaUtil.getPhysicalHBaseTableName(
baseTable.getSchemaName(), baseTable.getTableName(), isNamespaceMapped).getBytes();
HTableInterface htable = null;
try {
htable = services.getTable(fullTableName);
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException ignore) {
throw e; // For Connectionless
} finally {
if (htable != null) Closeables.closeQuietly(htable);
tableNode = NamedTableNode.create(null, baseTable, statement.getColumnDefs());
return new SingleTableColumnResolver(connection, tableNode, e.getTimeStamp(), new HashMap(1), isNamespaceMapped);
throw e;
public static ColumnResolver getResolverForQuery(SelectStatement statement, PhoenixConnection connection)
throws SQLException{
return getResolverForQuery(statement, connection, false, null);
* Iterate through the nodes in the FROM clause to build a column resolver used to lookup a column given the name
* and alias.
* @param statement
* the select statement
* @return the column resolver
* @throws SQLException
* @throws SQLFeatureNotSupportedException
* if unsupported constructs appear in the FROM clause
* @throws TableNotFoundException
* if table name not found in schema
public static ColumnResolver getResolverForQuery(SelectStatement statement, PhoenixConnection connection, boolean alwaysHitServer, TableName mutatingTableName)
throws SQLException {
TableNode fromNode = statement.getFrom();
if (fromNode == null)
if (fromNode instanceof NamedTableNode)
return new SingleTableColumnResolver(connection, (NamedTableNode) fromNode, true, 1, statement.getUdfParseNodes(), alwaysHitServer, mutatingTableName);
MultiTableColumnResolver visitor = new MultiTableColumnResolver(connection, 1, statement.getUdfParseNodes(), mutatingTableName);
return visitor;
public static ColumnResolver getResolverForSchema(UseSchemaStatement statement, PhoenixConnection connection)
throws SQLException {
return new SchemaResolver(connection, SchemaUtil.normalizeIdentifier(statement.getSchemaName()), true);
public static ColumnResolver getResolverForSchema(String schema, PhoenixConnection connection) throws SQLException {
return new SchemaResolver(connection, SchemaUtil.normalizeIdentifier(schema), true);
public static ColumnResolver getResolver(NamedTableNode tableNode, PhoenixConnection connection) throws SQLException {
SingleTableColumnResolver visitor = new SingleTableColumnResolver(connection, tableNode, true);
return visitor;
public static ColumnResolver getResolver(NamedTableNode tableNode, PhoenixConnection connection, Map udfParseNodes) throws SQLException {
SingleTableColumnResolver visitor =
new SingleTableColumnResolver(connection, tableNode, true, 0, udfParseNodes);
return visitor;
public static ColumnResolver getResolver(SingleTableStatement statement, PhoenixConnection connection)
throws SQLException {
SingleTableColumnResolver visitor = new SingleTableColumnResolver(connection, statement.getTable(), true);
return visitor;
public static ColumnResolver getResolver(SingleTableStatement statement, PhoenixConnection connection, Map udfParseNodes)
throws SQLException {
SingleTableColumnResolver visitor = new SingleTableColumnResolver(connection, statement.getTable(), true, 0, udfParseNodes);
return visitor;
public static ColumnResolver getResolverForCompiledDerivedTable(PhoenixConnection connection, TableRef tableRef, RowProjector projector)
throws SQLException {
List projectedColumns = new ArrayList();
PTable table = tableRef.getTable();
for (PColumn column : table.getColumns()) {
Expression sourceExpression = projector.getColumnProjector(column.getPosition()).getExpression();
PColumnImpl projectedColumn = new PColumnImpl(column.getName(), column.getFamilyName(),
sourceExpression.getDataType(), sourceExpression.getMaxLength(), sourceExpression.getScale(), sourceExpression.isNullable(),
column.getPosition(), sourceExpression.getSortOrder(), column.getArraySize(), column.getViewConstant(), column.isViewReferenced(), column.getExpressionStr(), column.isRowTimestamp(), column.isDynamic(), column.getColumnQualifierBytes());
PTable t = PTableImpl.makePTable(table, projectedColumns);
return new SingleTableColumnResolver(connection, new TableRef(tableRef.getTableAlias(), t, tableRef.getLowerBoundTimeStamp(), tableRef.hasDynamicCols()));
public static ColumnResolver getResolver(TableRef tableRef)
throws SQLException {
SingleTableColumnResolver visitor = new SingleTableColumnResolver(tableRef);
return visitor;
public static ColumnResolver getResolver(PhoenixConnection connection, TableRef tableRef, Map udfParseNodes)
throws SQLException {
SingleTableColumnResolver visitor = new SingleTableColumnResolver(connection, tableRef, udfParseNodes, null);
return visitor;
public static ColumnResolver getResolverForMutation(DMLStatement statement, PhoenixConnection connection)
throws SQLException {
* We validate the meta data at commit time for mutations, as this allows us to do many UPSERT VALUES calls
* without hitting the server each time to check if the meta data is up-to-date.
SingleTableColumnResolver visitor = new SingleTableColumnResolver(connection, statement.getTable(), false, 0, statement.getUdfParseNodes());
return visitor;
public static ColumnResolver getResolverForProjectedTable(PTable projectedTable, PhoenixConnection connection, Map udfParseNodes) throws SQLException {
return new ProjectedTableColumnResolver(projectedTable, connection, udfParseNodes);
private static class SchemaResolver extends BaseColumnResolver {
private final List schemas;
public SchemaResolver(PhoenixConnection conn, String schemaName, boolean updateCacheImmediately)
throws SQLException {
super(conn, 0, null);
schemaName = connection.getSchema() != null && schemaName == null ? connection.getSchema() : schemaName;
schemas = ImmutableList.of(createSchemaRef(schemaName, updateCacheImmediately));
public List getTables() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public TableRef resolveTable(String schemaName, String tableName) throws SQLException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public ColumnRef resolveColumn(String schemaName, String tableName, String colName) throws SQLException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public PSchema resolveSchema(String schemaName) throws SQLException {
return schemas.get(0);
public List getSchemas() {
return schemas;
private static class SingleTableColumnResolver extends BaseColumnResolver {
private final List tableRefs;
private final String alias;
private final List schemas;
public SingleTableColumnResolver(PhoenixConnection connection, NamedTableNode table, long timeStamp, Map udfParseNodes, boolean isNamespaceMapped) throws SQLException {
super(connection, 0, false, udfParseNodes, null);
List families = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(table.getDynamicColumns().size());
for (ColumnDef def : table.getDynamicColumns()) {
if (def.getColumnDefName().getFamilyName() != null) {
families.add(new PColumnFamilyImpl(PNameFactory.newName(def.getColumnDefName().getFamilyName()),Collections.emptyList()));//, NON_ENCODED_QUALIFIERS));
Long scn = connection.getSCN();
String schema = table.getName().getSchemaName();
if (connection.getSchema() != null) {
schema = schema != null ? schema : connection.getSchema();
// Storage scheme and encoding scheme don't matter here since the PTable is being used only for the purposes of create table.
// The actual values of these two will be determined by the metadata client.
PTable theTable = new PTableImpl(connection.getTenantId(), schema, table.getName().getTableName(),
scn == null ? HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP : scn, families, isNamespaceMapped);
theTable = this.addDynamicColumns(table.getDynamicColumns(), theTable);
alias = null;
tableRefs = ImmutableList.of(new TableRef(alias, theTable, timeStamp, !table.getDynamicColumns().isEmpty()));
schemas = ImmutableList.of(new PSchema(theTable.getSchemaName().toString(), timeStamp));
public SingleTableColumnResolver(PhoenixConnection connection, NamedTableNode tableNode, boolean updateCacheImmediately) throws SQLException {
this(connection, tableNode, updateCacheImmediately, 0, new HashMap(1));
public SingleTableColumnResolver(PhoenixConnection connection, NamedTableNode tableNode,
boolean updateCacheImmediately, boolean alwaysHitServer) throws SQLException {
this(connection, tableNode, updateCacheImmediately, 0, new HashMap(1), alwaysHitServer, null);
public SingleTableColumnResolver(PhoenixConnection connection, NamedTableNode tableNode,
boolean updateCacheImmediately, int tsAddition,
Map udfParseNodes) throws SQLException {
this(connection, tableNode, updateCacheImmediately, tsAddition, udfParseNodes, false, null);
public SingleTableColumnResolver(PhoenixConnection connection, NamedTableNode tableNode,
boolean updateCacheImmediately, int tsAddition,
Map udfParseNodes, boolean alwaysHitServer, TableName mutatingTableName) throws SQLException {
super(connection, tsAddition, updateCacheImmediately, udfParseNodes, mutatingTableName);
alias = tableNode.getAlias();
TableRef tableRef = createTableRef(tableNode.getName().getSchemaName(), tableNode, updateCacheImmediately, alwaysHitServer);
PSchema schema = new PSchema(tableRef.getTable().getSchemaName().toString());
tableRefs = ImmutableList.of(tableRef);
schemas = ImmutableList.of(schema);
public SingleTableColumnResolver(PhoenixConnection connection, TableRef tableRef) {
super(connection, 0, null);
alias = tableRef.getTableAlias();
tableRefs = ImmutableList.of(tableRef);
schemas = ImmutableList.of(new PSchema(tableRef.getTable().getSchemaName().toString()));
public SingleTableColumnResolver(PhoenixConnection connection, TableRef tableRef, Map udfParseNodes, TableName mutatingTableName) throws SQLException {
super(connection, 0, false, udfParseNodes, mutatingTableName);
alias = tableRef.getTableAlias();
tableRefs = ImmutableList.of(tableRef);
schemas = ImmutableList.of(new PSchema(tableRef.getTable().getSchemaName().toString()));
public SingleTableColumnResolver(TableRef tableRef) throws SQLException {
super(null, 0, null);
alias = tableRef.getTableAlias();
tableRefs = ImmutableList.of(tableRef);
schemas = ImmutableList.of(new PSchema(tableRef.getTable().getSchemaName().toString()));
public List getTables() {
return tableRefs;
public List getFunctions() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public TableRef resolveTable(String schemaName, String tableName)
throws SQLException {
TableRef tableRef = tableRefs.get(0);
* The only case we can definitely verify is when both a schemaName and a tableName
* are provided. Otherwise, the tableName might be a column family. In this case,
* this will be validated by resolveColumn.
if (schemaName != null || tableName != null) {
String resolvedTableName = tableRef.getTable().getTableName().getString();
String resolvedSchemaName = tableRef.getTable().getSchemaName().getString();
if (schemaName != null && tableName != null) {
if ( ! ( schemaName.equals(resolvedSchemaName) &&
tableName.equals(resolvedTableName) ) &&
! schemaName.equals(alias) ) {
throw new TableNotFoundException(schemaName, tableName);
return tableRef;
public ColumnRef resolveColumn(String schemaName, String tableName,
String colName) throws SQLException {
TableRef tableRef = tableRefs.get(0);
boolean resolveCF = false;
if (schemaName != null || tableName != null) {
String resolvedTableName = tableRef.getTable().getTableName().getString();
String resolvedSchemaName = tableRef.getTable().getSchemaName().getString();
if (schemaName != null && tableName != null) {
if ( ! ( schemaName.equals(resolvedSchemaName) &&
tableName.equals(resolvedTableName) )) {
if (!(resolveCF = schemaName.equals(alias))) {
throw new ColumnNotFoundException(schemaName, tableName, null, colName);
} else { // schemaName == null && tableName != null
if (tableName != null && !tableName.equals(alias) && (!tableName.equals(resolvedTableName) || !resolvedSchemaName.equals(""))) {
resolveCF = true;
PColumn column = resolveCF
? tableRef.getTable().getColumnFamily(tableName).getPColumnForColumnName(colName)
: tableRef.getTable().getColumnForColumnName(colName);
return new ColumnRef(tableRef, column.getPosition());
public PSchema resolveSchema(String schemaName) throws SQLException {
return schemas.get(0);
public List getSchemas() {
return schemas;
private static abstract class BaseColumnResolver implements ColumnResolver {
protected final PhoenixConnection connection;
protected final MetaDataClient client;
// Fudge factor to add to current time we calculate. We need this when we do a SELECT
// on Windows because the millis timestamp granularity is so bad we sometimes won't
// get the data back that we just upsert.
private final int tsAddition;
protected final Map functionMap;
protected List functions;
//PHOENIX-3823 : Force update cache when mutating table and select table are same
//(UpsertSelect or Delete with select on same table)
protected TableName mutatingTableName = null;
private BaseColumnResolver(PhoenixConnection connection, int tsAddition, TableName mutatingTableName) {
this.connection = connection;
this.client = connection == null ? null : new MetaDataClient(connection);
this.tsAddition = tsAddition;
functionMap = new HashMap(1);
this.functions = Collections.emptyList();
this.mutatingTableName = mutatingTableName;
private BaseColumnResolver(PhoenixConnection connection, int tsAddition, boolean updateCacheImmediately, Map udfParseNodes, TableName mutatingTableName) throws SQLException {
this.connection = connection;
this.client = connection == null ? null : new MetaDataClient(connection);
this.tsAddition = tsAddition;
functionMap = new HashMap(1);
if (udfParseNodes.isEmpty()) {
functions = Collections. emptyList();
} else {
functions = createFunctionRef(new ArrayList(udfParseNodes.keySet()), updateCacheImmediately);
for (PFunction function : functions) {
functionMap.put(function.getFunctionName(), function);
this.mutatingTableName = mutatingTableName;
protected PSchema createSchemaRef(String schemaName, boolean updateCacheImmediately) throws SQLException {
long timeStamp = QueryConstants.UNSET_TIMESTAMP;
PSchema theSchema = null;
MetaDataClient client = new MetaDataClient(connection);
if (updateCacheImmediately) {
MetaDataMutationResult result = client.updateCache(schemaName, true);
timeStamp = TransactionUtil.getResolvedTimestamp(connection, result);
theSchema = result.getSchema();
if (theSchema == null) { throw new SchemaNotFoundException(schemaName, timeStamp); }
} else {
try {
theSchema = connection.getSchema(new PTableKey(null, schemaName));
} catch (SchemaNotFoundException e1) {}
// We always attempt to update the cache in the event of a
// SchemaNotFoundException
if (theSchema == null) {
MetaDataMutationResult result = client.updateCache(schemaName, true);
if (result.wasUpdated()) {
timeStamp = TransactionUtil.getResolvedTimestamp(connection, result);
theSchema = result.getSchema();
if (theSchema == null) { throw new SchemaNotFoundException(schemaName, timeStamp); }
return theSchema;
protected TableRef createTableRef(String connectionSchemaName, NamedTableNode tableNode,
boolean updateCacheImmediately, boolean alwaysHitServer) throws SQLException {
String tableName = tableNode.getName().getTableName();
String schemaName = tableNode.getName().getSchemaName();
schemaName = connection.getSchema() != null && schemaName == null ? connection.getSchema() : schemaName;
long timeStamp = QueryConstants.UNSET_TIMESTAMP;
String fullTableName = SchemaUtil.getTableName(schemaName, tableName);
PName tenantId = connection.getTenantId();
PTable theTable = null;
if (updateCacheImmediately) {
//Force update cache when mutating and ref table are same except for meta tables
if(!QueryConstants.SYSTEM_SCHEMA_NAME.equals(schemaName) &&
mutatingTableName!=null && tableNode!=null &&
tableNode.getName().equals(mutatingTableName) ){
alwaysHitServer = true;
MetaDataMutationResult result = client.updateCache(tenantId, schemaName, tableName, alwaysHitServer);
timeStamp = TransactionUtil.getResolvedTimestamp(connection, result);
theTable = result.getTable();
if (theTable == null) {
throw new TableNotFoundException(schemaName, tableName, timeStamp);
} else {
try {
theTable = connection.getTable(new PTableKey(tenantId, fullTableName));
} catch (TableNotFoundException e1) {
if (tenantId != null) { // Check with null tenantId next
try {
theTable = connection.getTable(new PTableKey(null, fullTableName));
} catch (TableNotFoundException e2) {
// We always attempt to update the cache in the event of a TableNotFoundException
if (theTable == null) {
MetaDataMutationResult result = client.updateCache(schemaName, tableName);
if (result.wasUpdated()) {
timeStamp = TransactionUtil.getResolvedTimestamp(connection, result);
theTable = result.getTable();
if (theTable == null) {
throw new TableNotFoundException(schemaName, tableName, timeStamp);
// Add any dynamic columns to the table declaration
List dynamicColumns = tableNode.getDynamicColumns();
theTable = addDynamicColumns(dynamicColumns, theTable);
if (timeStamp != QueryConstants.UNSET_TIMESTAMP) {
timeStamp += tsAddition;
TableRef tableRef = new TableRef(tableNode.getAlias(), theTable, timeStamp, !dynamicColumns.isEmpty());
if (logger.isDebugEnabled() && timeStamp != QueryConstants.UNSET_TIMESTAMP) {
logger.debug(LogUtil.addCustomAnnotations("Re-resolved stale table " + fullTableName + " with seqNum " + tableRef.getTable().getSequenceNumber() + " at timestamp " + tableRef.getTable().getTimeStamp() + " with " + tableRef.getTable().getColumns().size() + " columns: " + tableRef.getTable().getColumns(), connection));
return tableRef;
public List getFunctions() {
return functions;
private List createFunctionRef(List functionNames, boolean updateCacheImmediately) throws SQLException {
long timeStamp = QueryConstants.UNSET_TIMESTAMP;
int numFunctions = functionNames.size();
List functionsFound = new ArrayList(functionNames.size());
if (updateCacheImmediately || connection.getAutoCommit()) {
getFunctionFromCache(functionNames, functionsFound, true);
if(functionNames.isEmpty()) {
return functionsFound;
MetaDataMutationResult result = client.updateCache(functionNames);
timeStamp = result.getMutationTime();
functionsFound = result.getFunctions();
if(functionNames.size() != functionsFound.size()){
throw new FunctionNotFoundException("Some of the functions in "+functionNames.toString()+" are not found");
} else {
getFunctionFromCache(functionNames, functionsFound, false);
// We always attempt to update the cache in the event of a FunctionNotFoundException
MetaDataMutationResult result = null;
if (!functionNames.isEmpty()) {
result = client.updateCache(functionNames);
if(result!=null) {
if (!result.getFunctions().isEmpty()) {
if(result.wasUpdated()) {
timeStamp = result.getMutationTime();
if (functionsFound.size()!=numFunctions) {
throw new FunctionNotFoundException("Some of the functions in "+functionNames.toString()+" are not found", timeStamp);
if (timeStamp != QueryConstants.UNSET_TIMESTAMP) {
timeStamp += tsAddition;
if (logger.isDebugEnabled() && timeStamp != QueryConstants.UNSET_TIMESTAMP) {
logger.debug(LogUtil.addCustomAnnotations("Re-resolved stale function " + functionNames.toString() + "at timestamp " + timeStamp, connection));
return functionsFound;
private void getFunctionFromCache(List functionNames,
List functionsFound, boolean getOnlyTemporyFunctions) {
Iterator iterator = functionNames.iterator();
while(iterator.hasNext()) {
PFunction function = null;
String functionName =;
try {
function = connection.getMetaDataCache().getFunction(new PTableKey(connection.getTenantId(), functionName));
} catch (FunctionNotFoundException e1) {
if (connection.getTenantId() != null) { // Check with null tenantId next
try {
function = connection.getMetaDataCache().getFunction(new PTableKey(null, functionName));
} catch (FunctionNotFoundException e2) {
if (function != null) {
if (getOnlyTemporyFunctions) {
if (function.isTemporaryFunction()) {
} else {
protected PTable addDynamicColumns(List dynColumns, PTable theTable)
throws SQLException {
if (!dynColumns.isEmpty()) {
List allcolumns = new ArrayList();
List existingColumns = theTable.getColumns();
// Need to skip the salting column, as it's added in the makePTable call below
allcolumns.addAll(theTable.getBucketNum() == null ? existingColumns : existingColumns.subList(1, existingColumns.size()));
// Position still based on with the salting columns
int position = existingColumns.size();
PName defaultFamilyName = PNameFactory.newName(SchemaUtil.getEmptyColumnFamily(theTable));
for (ColumnDef dynColumn : dynColumns) {
PName familyName = defaultFamilyName;
PName name = PNameFactory.newName(dynColumn.getColumnDefName().getColumnName());
String family = dynColumn.getColumnDefName().getFamilyName();
if (family != null) {
theTable.getColumnFamily(family); // Verifies that column family exists
familyName = PNameFactory.newName(family);
allcolumns.add(new PColumnImpl(name, familyName, dynColumn.getDataType(), dynColumn.getMaxLength(),
dynColumn.getScale(), dynColumn.isNull(), position, dynColumn.getSortOrder(), dynColumn.getArraySize(), null, false, dynColumn.getExpression(), false, true, Bytes.toBytes(dynColumn.getColumnDefName().getColumnName())));
theTable = PTableImpl.makePTable(theTable, allcolumns);
return theTable;
public PFunction resolveFunction(String functionName) throws SQLException {
PFunction function = functionMap.get(functionName);
if(function == null) {
throw new FunctionNotFoundException(functionName);
return function;
public boolean hasUDFs() {
return !functions.isEmpty();
private static class MultiTableColumnResolver extends BaseColumnResolver implements TableNodeVisitor {
protected final ListMultimap tableMap;
protected final List tables;
private String connectionSchemaName;
private MultiTableColumnResolver(PhoenixConnection connection, int tsAddition) {
super(connection, tsAddition, null);
tableMap = ArrayListMultimap. create();
tables = Lists.newArrayList();
try {
connectionSchemaName = connection.getSchema();
} catch (SQLException e) {
// ignore
private MultiTableColumnResolver(PhoenixConnection connection, int tsAddition, Map udfParseNodes, TableName mutatingTableName) throws SQLException {
super(connection, tsAddition, false, udfParseNodes, mutatingTableName);
tableMap = ArrayListMultimap. create();
tables = Lists.newArrayList();
public List getTables() {
return tables;
public Void visit(BindTableNode boundTableNode) throws SQLException {
throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException();
public Void visit(JoinTableNode joinNode) throws SQLException {
return null;
public Void visit(NamedTableNode tableNode) throws SQLException {
String alias = tableNode.getAlias();
TableRef tableRef = createTableRef(connectionSchemaName, tableNode, true, false);
PTable theTable = tableRef.getTable();
if (alias != null) {
tableMap.put(alias, tableRef);
String name = theTable.getName().getString();
//avoid having one name mapped to two identical TableRef.
if (alias == null || !alias.equals(name)) {
tableMap.put(name, tableRef);
return null;
public Void visit(DerivedTableNode subselectNode) throws SQLException {
List selectNodes = subselectNode.getSelect().getSelect();
List columns = new ArrayList();
int position = 0;
for (AliasedNode aliasedNode : selectNodes) {
String alias = aliasedNode.getAlias();
if (alias == null) {
ParseNode node = aliasedNode.getNode();
if (node instanceof WildcardParseNode
|| node instanceof TableWildcardParseNode
|| node instanceof FamilyWildcardParseNode)
throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException("Wildcard in subqueries not supported.");
alias = SchemaUtil.normalizeIdentifier(node.getAlias());
if (alias == null) {
// Use position as column name for anonymous columns, which can be
// referenced by an outer wild-card select.
alias = String.valueOf(position);
PName name = PNameFactory.newName(alias);
PColumnImpl column = new PColumnImpl(PNameFactory.newName(alias),
null, 0, 0, true, position++, SortOrder.ASC, null, null, false, null, false, false, name.getBytes());
PTable t = PTableImpl.makePTable(null, PName.EMPTY_NAME, PName.EMPTY_NAME, PTableType.SUBQUERY, null,
MetaDataProtocol.MIN_TABLE_TIMESTAMP, PTable.INITIAL_SEQ_NUM, null, null, columns, null, null,
Collections. emptyList(), false, Collections. emptyList(), null, null, false, false,
false, null, null, null, false, false, 0, 0L, SchemaUtil
.isNamespaceMappingEnabled(PTableType.SUBQUERY, connection.getQueryServices().getProps()), null, false, ImmutableStorageScheme.ONE_CELL_PER_COLUMN, QualifierEncodingScheme.NON_ENCODED_QUALIFIERS, PTable.EncodedCQCounter.NULL_COUNTER, true);
String alias = subselectNode.getAlias();
TableRef tableRef = new TableRef(alias, t, MetaDataProtocol.MIN_TABLE_TIMESTAMP, false);
tableMap.put(alias, tableRef);
return null;
private static class ColumnFamilyRef {
private final TableRef tableRef;
private final PColumnFamily family;
ColumnFamilyRef(TableRef tableRef, PColumnFamily family) {
this.tableRef = tableRef; = family;
public TableRef getTableRef() {
return tableRef;
public PColumnFamily getFamily() {
return family;
public TableRef resolveTable(String schemaName, String tableName) throws SQLException {
String fullTableName = SchemaUtil.getTableName(schemaName, tableName);
List tableRefs = tableMap.get(fullTableName);
if (tableRefs.size() == 0) {
throw new TableNotFoundException(fullTableName == null ? "" : fullTableName);
} else if (tableRefs.size() > 1) {
throw new AmbiguousTableException(tableName);
} else {
return tableRefs.get(0);
private ColumnFamilyRef resolveColumnFamily(String tableName, String cfName) throws SQLException {
if (tableName == null) {
ColumnFamilyRef theColumnFamilyRef = null;
Iterator iterator = tables.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
TableRef tableRef =;
try {
PColumnFamily columnFamily = tableRef.getTable().getColumnFamily(cfName);
if (theColumnFamilyRef != null) { throw new TableNotFoundException(cfName); }
theColumnFamilyRef = new ColumnFamilyRef(tableRef, columnFamily);
} catch (ColumnFamilyNotFoundException e) {}
if (theColumnFamilyRef != null) { return theColumnFamilyRef; }
throw new TableNotFoundException(cfName);
} else {
TableRef tableRef = null;
try {
tableRef = resolveTable(null, tableName);
} catch (TableNotFoundException e) {
return resolveColumnFamily(null, cfName);
PColumnFamily columnFamily = tableRef.getTable().getColumnFamily(cfName);
return new ColumnFamilyRef(tableRef, columnFamily);
public ColumnRef resolveColumn(String schemaName, String tableName, String colName) throws SQLException {
if (tableName == null) {
int theColumnPosition = -1;
TableRef theTableRef = null;
Iterator iterator = tables.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
TableRef tableRef =;
try {
PColumn column = tableRef.getTable().getColumnForColumnName(colName);
if (theTableRef != null) { throw new AmbiguousColumnException(colName); }
theTableRef = tableRef;
theColumnPosition = column.getPosition();
} catch (ColumnNotFoundException e) {
if (theTableRef != null) { return new ColumnRef(theTableRef, theColumnPosition); }
throw new ColumnNotFoundException(schemaName, tableName, null, colName);
} else {
try {
TableRef tableRef = resolveTable(schemaName, tableName);
PColumn column = tableRef.getTable().getColumnForColumnName(colName);
return new ColumnRef(tableRef, column.getPosition());
} catch (TableNotFoundException e) {
TableRef theTableRef = null;
PColumn theColumn = null;
PColumnFamily theColumnFamily = null;
if (schemaName != null) {
try {
// Try schemaName as the tableName and use tableName as column family name
theTableRef = resolveTable(null, schemaName);
theColumnFamily = theTableRef.getTable().getColumnFamily(tableName);
theColumn = theColumnFamily.getPColumnForColumnName(colName);
} catch (MetaDataEntityNotFoundException e2) {
if (theColumn == null) {
// Try using the tableName as a columnFamily reference instead
// and resolve column in each column family.
Iterator iterator = tables.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
TableRef tableRef =;
try {
PColumnFamily columnFamily = tableRef.getTable().getColumnFamily(tableName);
PColumn column = columnFamily.getPColumnForColumnName(colName);
if (theColumn != null) {
throw new AmbiguousColumnException(colName);
theTableRef = tableRef;
theColumnFamily = columnFamily;
theColumn = column;
} catch (MetaDataEntityNotFoundException e1) {
if (theColumn == null) {
throw new ColumnNotFoundException(colName);
ColumnFamilyRef cfRef = new ColumnFamilyRef(theTableRef, theColumnFamily);
return new ColumnRef(cfRef.getTableRef(), theColumn.getPosition());
public PSchema resolveSchema(String schemaName) throws SQLException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public List getSchemas() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
private static class ProjectedTableColumnResolver extends MultiTableColumnResolver {
private final boolean isLocalIndex;
private final List theTableRefs;
private final Map columnRefMap;
private ProjectedTableColumnResolver(PTable projectedTable, PhoenixConnection conn, Map udfParseNodes) throws SQLException {
super(conn, 0, udfParseNodes, null);
Preconditions.checkArgument(projectedTable.getType() == PTableType.PROJECTED);
this.isLocalIndex = projectedTable.getIndexType() == IndexType.LOCAL;
this.columnRefMap = new HashMap();
long ts = Long.MAX_VALUE;
for (int i = projectedTable.getBucketNum() == null ? 0 : 1; i < projectedTable.getColumns().size(); i++) {
PColumn column = projectedTable.getColumns().get(i);
ColumnRef colRef = ((ProjectedColumn) column).getSourceColumnRef();
TableRef tableRef = colRef.getTableRef();
if (!tables.contains(tableRef)) {
String alias = tableRef.getTableAlias();
if (alias != null) {
this.tableMap.put(alias, tableRef);
String name = tableRef.getTable().getName().getString();
if (alias == null || !alias.equals(name)) {
tableMap.put(name, tableRef);
if (tableRef.getLowerBoundTimeStamp() < ts) {
ts = tableRef.getLowerBoundTimeStamp();
this.columnRefMap.put(new ColumnRef(tableRef, colRef.getColumnPosition()), column.getPosition());
this.theTableRefs = ImmutableList.of(new TableRef(ParseNodeFactory.createTempAlias(), projectedTable, ts, false));
public List getTables() {
return theTableRefs;
public ColumnRef resolveColumn(String schemaName, String tableName, String colName) throws SQLException {
ColumnRef colRef;
try {
colRef = super.resolveColumn(schemaName, tableName, colName);
} catch (ColumnNotFoundException e) {
// This could be a ColumnRef for local index data column.
TableRef tableRef;
try {
tableRef = isLocalIndex ? super.getTables().get(0) : super.resolveTable(schemaName, tableName);
} catch (TableNotFoundException tne) {
throw e;
if (tableRef.getTable().getIndexType() == IndexType.LOCAL) {
try {
TableRef parentTableRef = super.resolveTable(
colRef = new ColumnRef(parentTableRef,
} catch (TableNotFoundException te) {
throw e;
} else {
throw e;
Integer position = columnRefMap.get(colRef);
if (position == null)
throw new ColumnNotFoundException(schemaName, tableName, null, colName);
return new ColumnRef(theTableRefs.get(0), position);
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