com.aliyun.sdk.service.cloudapi20160714.models.CreateApiRequest Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package com.aliyun.sdk.service.cloudapi20160714.models;
import darabonba.core.RequestModel;
import darabonba.core.TeaModel;
import com.aliyun.sdk.gateway.pop.models.*;
* {@link CreateApiRequest} extends {@link RequestModel}
* CreateApiRequest
public class CreateApiRequest extends Request {
private String allowSignatureMethod;
@com.aliyun.core.annotation.Validation(required = true)
private String apiName;
private String appCodeAuthType;
private String authType;
private Boolean backendEnable;
private String backendId;
private String constantParameters;
private String description;
private Boolean disableInternet;
private String errorCodeSamples;
private String failResultSample;
private Boolean forceNonceCheck;
@com.aliyun.core.annotation.Validation(required = true)
private String groupId;
private String openIdConnectConfig;
@com.aliyun.core.annotation.Validation(required = true)
private String requestConfig;
private String requestParameters;
private String resultBodyModel;
private String resultDescriptions;
private String resultSample;
private String resultType;
private String securityToken;
@com.aliyun.core.annotation.Validation(required = true)
private String serviceConfig;
private String serviceParameters;
private String serviceParametersMap;
private String systemParameters;
private java.util.List < Tag> tag;
@com.aliyun.core.annotation.Validation(required = true)
private String visibility;
private String webSocketApiType;
private CreateApiRequest(Builder builder) {
this.allowSignatureMethod = builder.allowSignatureMethod;
this.apiName = builder.apiName;
this.appCodeAuthType = builder.appCodeAuthType;
this.authType = builder.authType;
this.backendEnable = builder.backendEnable;
this.backendId = builder.backendId;
this.constantParameters = builder.constantParameters;
this.description = builder.description;
this.disableInternet = builder.disableInternet;
this.errorCodeSamples = builder.errorCodeSamples;
this.failResultSample = builder.failResultSample;
this.forceNonceCheck = builder.forceNonceCheck;
this.groupId = builder.groupId;
this.openIdConnectConfig = builder.openIdConnectConfig;
this.requestConfig = builder.requestConfig;
this.requestParameters = builder.requestParameters;
this.resultBodyModel = builder.resultBodyModel;
this.resultDescriptions = builder.resultDescriptions;
this.resultSample = builder.resultSample;
this.resultType = builder.resultType;
this.securityToken = builder.securityToken;
this.serviceConfig = builder.serviceConfig;
this.serviceParameters = builder.serviceParameters;
this.serviceParametersMap = builder.serviceParametersMap;
this.systemParameters = builder.systemParameters;
this.tag = builder.tag;
this.visibility = builder.visibility;
this.webSocketApiType = builder.webSocketApiType;
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
public static CreateApiRequest create() {
return builder().build();
public Builder toBuilder() {
return new Builder(this);
* @return allowSignatureMethod
public String getAllowSignatureMethod() {
return this.allowSignatureMethod;
* @return apiName
public String getApiName() {
return this.apiName;
* @return appCodeAuthType
public String getAppCodeAuthType() {
return this.appCodeAuthType;
* @return authType
public String getAuthType() {
return this.authType;
* @return backendEnable
public Boolean getBackendEnable() {
return this.backendEnable;
* @return backendId
public String getBackendId() {
return this.backendId;
* @return constantParameters
public String getConstantParameters() {
return this.constantParameters;
* @return description
public String getDescription() {
return this.description;
* @return disableInternet
public Boolean getDisableInternet() {
return this.disableInternet;
* @return errorCodeSamples
public String getErrorCodeSamples() {
return this.errorCodeSamples;
* @return failResultSample
public String getFailResultSample() {
return this.failResultSample;
* @return forceNonceCheck
public Boolean getForceNonceCheck() {
return this.forceNonceCheck;
* @return groupId
public String getGroupId() {
return this.groupId;
* @return openIdConnectConfig
public String getOpenIdConnectConfig() {
return this.openIdConnectConfig;
* @return requestConfig
public String getRequestConfig() {
return this.requestConfig;
* @return requestParameters
public String getRequestParameters() {
return this.requestParameters;
* @return resultBodyModel
public String getResultBodyModel() {
return this.resultBodyModel;
* @return resultDescriptions
public String getResultDescriptions() {
return this.resultDescriptions;
* @return resultSample
public String getResultSample() {
return this.resultSample;
* @return resultType
public String getResultType() {
return this.resultType;
* @return securityToken
public String getSecurityToken() {
return this.securityToken;
* @return serviceConfig
public String getServiceConfig() {
return this.serviceConfig;
* @return serviceParameters
public String getServiceParameters() {
return this.serviceParameters;
* @return serviceParametersMap
public String getServiceParametersMap() {
return this.serviceParametersMap;
* @return systemParameters
public String getSystemParameters() {
return this.systemParameters;
* @return tag
public java.util.List < Tag> getTag() {
return this.tag;
* @return visibility
public String getVisibility() {
return this.visibility;
* @return webSocketApiType
public String getWebSocketApiType() {
return this.webSocketApiType;
public static final class Builder extends Request.Builder {
private String allowSignatureMethod;
private String apiName;
private String appCodeAuthType;
private String authType;
private Boolean backendEnable;
private String backendId;
private String constantParameters;
private String description;
private Boolean disableInternet;
private String errorCodeSamples;
private String failResultSample;
private Boolean forceNonceCheck;
private String groupId;
private String openIdConnectConfig;
private String requestConfig;
private String requestParameters;
private String resultBodyModel;
private String resultDescriptions;
private String resultSample;
private String resultType;
private String securityToken;
private String serviceConfig;
private String serviceParameters;
private String serviceParametersMap;
private String systemParameters;
private java.util.List < Tag> tag;
private String visibility;
private String webSocketApiType;
private Builder() {
private Builder(CreateApiRequest request) {
this.allowSignatureMethod = request.allowSignatureMethod;
this.apiName = request.apiName;
this.appCodeAuthType = request.appCodeAuthType;
this.authType = request.authType;
this.backendEnable = request.backendEnable;
this.backendId = request.backendId;
this.constantParameters = request.constantParameters;
this.description = request.description;
this.disableInternet = request.disableInternet;
this.errorCodeSamples = request.errorCodeSamples;
this.failResultSample = request.failResultSample;
this.forceNonceCheck = request.forceNonceCheck;
this.groupId = request.groupId;
this.openIdConnectConfig = request.openIdConnectConfig;
this.requestConfig = request.requestConfig;
this.requestParameters = request.requestParameters;
this.resultBodyModel = request.resultBodyModel;
this.resultDescriptions = request.resultDescriptions;
this.resultSample = request.resultSample;
this.resultType = request.resultType;
this.securityToken = request.securityToken;
this.serviceConfig = request.serviceConfig;
this.serviceParameters = request.serviceParameters;
this.serviceParametersMap = request.serviceParametersMap;
this.systemParameters = request.systemParameters;
this.tag = request.tag;
this.visibility = request.visibility;
this.webSocketApiType = request.webSocketApiType;
* The type of the two-way communication API.
* * **COMMON**: normal APIs
* * **REGISTER**: registered APIs
* * **UNREGISTER**: unregistered APIs
* * **NOTIFY**: downstream notification APIs
public Builder allowSignatureMethod(String allowSignatureMethod) {
this.putQueryParameter("AllowSignatureMethod", allowSignatureMethod);
this.allowSignatureMethod = allowSignatureMethod;
return this;
* The name of the API that you want to create. The name must be unique within the API group. The name must be 4 to 50 characters in length. It must start with a letter and can contain letters, digits, and underscores (\_).
public Builder apiName(String apiName) {
this.putQueryParameter("ApiName", apiName);
this.apiName = apiName;
return this;
* The IDof the backend service
public Builder appCodeAuthType(String appCodeAuthType) {
this.putQueryParameter("AppCodeAuthType", appCodeAuthType);
this.appCodeAuthType = appCodeAuthType;
return this;
* The configuration items of API requests sent by the consumer to API Gateway.
* For more information, see [RequestConfig](~~43985~~).
public Builder authType(String authType) {
this.putQueryParameter("AuthType", authType);
this.authType = authType;
return this;
* Specifies whether to enable backend services.
public Builder backendEnable(Boolean backendEnable) {
this.putQueryParameter("BackendEnable", backendEnable);
this.backendEnable = backendEnable;
return this;
* Specifies whether to enable backend services.
public Builder backendId(String backendId) {
this.putQueryParameter("BackendId", backendId);
this.backendId = backendId;
return this;
* ConstantParameters.
public Builder constantParameters(String constantParameters) {
this.putBodyParameter("ConstantParameters", constantParameters);
this.constantParameters = constantParameters;
return this;
* The description of the API. The description can be up to 180 characters in length.
public Builder description(String description) {
this.putQueryParameter("Description", description);
this.description = description;
return this;
* If **AuthType** is set to **APP**, the valid values are:
* * **DEFAULT**: The default value that is used if no other values are passed. This value means that the setting of the group is used.
* * **DISABLE**: The authentication is disabled.
* * **HEADER**: AppCode can be placed in the Header parameter for authentication.
* * **HEADER_QUERY**: AppCode can be placed in the Header or Query parameter for authentication.
public Builder disableInternet(Boolean disableInternet) {
this.putQueryParameter("DisableInternet", disableInternet);
this.disableInternet = disableInternet;
return this;
* ErrorCodeSamples.
public Builder errorCodeSamples(String errorCodeSamples) {
this.putBodyParameter("ErrorCodeSamples", errorCodeSamples);
this.errorCodeSamples = errorCodeSamples;
return this;
* FailResultSample.
public Builder failResultSample(String failResultSample) {
this.putBodyParameter("FailResultSample", failResultSample);
this.failResultSample = failResultSample;
return this;
* * Specifies whether to set **DisableInternet** to **true** to limit API calls to within the VPC.
* * If you set **DisableInternet** to **false**, the limit is lifted. The default value is false when you create an API.
public Builder forceNonceCheck(Boolean forceNonceCheck) {
this.putQueryParameter("ForceNonceCheck", forceNonceCheck);
this.forceNonceCheck = forceNonceCheck;
return this;
* The ID of the API group.
public Builder groupId(String groupId) {
this.putQueryParameter("GroupId", groupId);
this.groupId = groupId;
return this;
* If the **AuthType** is **APP** authentication, you need to pass this value to specify the signature algorithm. If you do not specify this parameter, the default value HmacSHA256 is used. Valid values:
* * HmacSHA256
* * HmacSHA1,HmacSHA256
public Builder openIdConnectConfig(String openIdConnectConfig) {
this.putQueryParameter("OpenIdConnectConfig", openIdConnectConfig);
this.openIdConnectConfig = openIdConnectConfig;
return this;
* The configuration items of API requests sent by API Gateway to the backend service.
* For more information, see [ServiceConfig](~~43987~~).
public Builder requestConfig(String requestConfig) {
this.putQueryParameter("RequestConfig", requestConfig);
this.requestConfig = requestConfig;
return this;
* RequestParameters.
public Builder requestParameters(String requestParameters) {
this.putBodyParameter("RequestParameters", requestParameters);
this.requestParameters = requestParameters;
return this;
* * Specifies whether to set **ForceNonceCheck** to **true** to force the check of X-Ca-Nonce during the request. This is the unique identifier of the request and is generally identified by UUID. After receiving this parameter, API Gateway verifies the validity of this parameter. The same value can be used only once within 15 minutes. This helps prevent replay attacks.
* * If you set **ForceNonceCheck** to **false**, the check is not performed. The default value is false when you create an API.
public Builder resultBodyModel(String resultBodyModel) {
this.putQueryParameter("ResultBodyModel", resultBodyModel);
this.resultBodyModel = resultBodyModel;
return this;
* ResultDescriptions.
public Builder resultDescriptions(String resultDescriptions) {
this.putBodyParameter("ResultDescriptions", resultDescriptions);
this.resultDescriptions = resultDescriptions;
return this;
* ResultSample.
public Builder resultSample(String resultSample) {
this.putBodyParameter("ResultSample", resultSample);
this.resultSample = resultSample;
return this;
* The sample response from the backend service.
public Builder resultType(String resultType) {
this.putQueryParameter("ResultType", resultType);
this.resultType = resultType;
return this;
* SecurityToken.
public Builder securityToken(String securityToken) {
this.putQueryParameter("SecurityToken", securityToken);
this.securityToken = securityToken;
return this;
* The parameters of API requests sent by the consumer to API Gateway.
* For more information, see [RequestParameter](~~43986~~).
public Builder serviceConfig(String serviceConfig) {
this.putQueryParameter("ServiceConfig", serviceConfig);
this.serviceConfig = serviceConfig;
return this;
* ServiceParameters.
public Builder serviceParameters(String serviceParameters) {
this.putBodyParameter("ServiceParameters", serviceParameters);
this.serviceParameters = serviceParameters;
return this;
* ServiceParametersMap.
public Builder serviceParametersMap(String serviceParametersMap) {
this.putBodyParameter("ServiceParametersMap", serviceParametersMap);
this.serviceParametersMap = serviceParametersMap;
return this;
* SystemParameters.
public Builder systemParameters(String systemParameters) {
this.putBodyParameter("SystemParameters", systemParameters);
this.systemParameters = systemParameters;
return this;
* The list of tags.
public Builder tag(java.util.List < Tag> tag) {
this.putQueryParameter("Tag", tag);
this.tag = tag;
return this;
* Specifies whether to make the API public. Valid values:
* * **PUBLIC**: Make the API public. If you set this parameter to PUBLIC, this API is displayed on the APIs page for all users after the API is published to the production environment.
* * **PRIVATE**: Make the API private. Private APIs are not displayed in the Alibaba Cloud Marketplace after the API group to which they belong is made available.
public Builder visibility(String visibility) {
this.putQueryParameter("Visibility", visibility);
this.visibility = visibility;
return this;
* The return description of the API.
public Builder webSocketApiType(String webSocketApiType) {
this.putQueryParameter("WebSocketApiType", webSocketApiType);
this.webSocketApiType = webSocketApiType;
return this;
public CreateApiRequest build() {
return new CreateApiRequest(this);
public static class Tag extends TeaModel {
private String key;
private String value;
private Tag(Builder builder) {
this.key = builder.key;
this.value = builder.value;
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
public static Tag create() {
return builder().build();
* @return key
public String getKey() {
return this.key;
* @return value
public String getValue() {
return this.value;
public static final class Builder {
private String key;
private String value;
* The key of the tag.
public Builder key(String key) {
this.key = key;
return this;
* The value of the tag.
public Builder value(String value) {
this.value = value;
return this;
public Tag build() {
return new Tag(this);