com.aliyun.sdk.service.ecs20140526.models.DescribeInstancesFullStatusResponseBody Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package com.aliyun.sdk.service.ecs20140526.models;
import darabonba.core.RequestModel;
import darabonba.core.TeaModel;
import com.aliyun.sdk.gateway.pop.models.*;
* {@link DescribeInstancesFullStatusResponseBody} extends {@link TeaModel}
* DescribeInstancesFullStatusResponseBody
public class DescribeInstancesFullStatusResponseBody extends TeaModel {
private InstanceFullStatusSet instanceFullStatusSet;
private Integer pageNumber;
private Integer pageSize;
private String requestId;
private Integer totalCount;
private DescribeInstancesFullStatusResponseBody(Builder builder) {
this.instanceFullStatusSet = builder.instanceFullStatusSet;
this.pageNumber = builder.pageNumber;
this.pageSize = builder.pageSize;
this.requestId = builder.requestId;
this.totalCount = builder.totalCount;
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
public static DescribeInstancesFullStatusResponseBody create() {
return builder().build();
* @return instanceFullStatusSet
public InstanceFullStatusSet getInstanceFullStatusSet() {
return this.instanceFullStatusSet;
* @return pageNumber
public Integer getPageNumber() {
return this.pageNumber;
* @return pageSize
public Integer getPageSize() {
return this.pageSize;
* @return requestId
public String getRequestId() {
return this.requestId;
* @return totalCount
public Integer getTotalCount() {
return this.totalCount;
public static final class Builder {
private InstanceFullStatusSet instanceFullStatusSet;
private Integer pageNumber;
private Integer pageSize;
private String requestId;
private Integer totalCount;
* The queried instances.
* If no instances exist, this parameter is empty.
public Builder instanceFullStatusSet(InstanceFullStatusSet instanceFullStatusSet) {
this.instanceFullStatusSet = instanceFullStatusSet;
return this;
* The page number.
* example:
* 1
public Builder pageNumber(Integer pageNumber) {
this.pageNumber = pageNumber;
return this;
* The number of entries per page.
* example:
* 1
public Builder pageSize(Integer pageSize) {
this.pageSize = pageSize;
return this;
* The ID of the request.
* example:
* 473469C7-AA6F-4DC5-B3DB-A3DC0DE3C83E
public Builder requestId(String requestId) {
this.requestId = requestId;
return this;
* The total number of entries returned.
* example:
* 2
public Builder totalCount(Integer totalCount) {
this.totalCount = totalCount;
return this;
public DescribeInstancesFullStatusResponseBody build() {
return new DescribeInstancesFullStatusResponseBody(this);
* {@link DescribeInstancesFullStatusResponseBody} extends {@link TeaModel}
* DescribeInstancesFullStatusResponseBody
public static class HealthStatus extends TeaModel {
private Integer code;
private String name;
private HealthStatus(Builder builder) {
this.code = builder.code;
this.name = builder.name;
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
public static HealthStatus create() {
return builder().build();
* @return code
public Integer getCode() {
return this.code;
* @return name
public String getName() {
return this.name;
public static final class Builder {
private Integer code;
private String name;
* The code of the health state.
* example:
* 64
public Builder code(Integer code) {
this.code = code;
return this;
* The name of the health state.
* example:
* Warning
public Builder name(String name) {
this.name = name;
return this;
public HealthStatus build() {
return new HealthStatus(this);
* {@link DescribeInstancesFullStatusResponseBody} extends {@link TeaModel}
* DescribeInstancesFullStatusResponseBody
public static class EventCycleStatus extends TeaModel {
private Integer code;
private String name;
private EventCycleStatus(Builder builder) {
this.code = builder.code;
this.name = builder.name;
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
public static EventCycleStatus create() {
return builder().build();
* @return code
public Integer getCode() {
return this.code;
* @return name
public String getName() {
return this.name;
public static final class Builder {
private Integer code;
private String name;
* The code of the system event state.
* example:
* 24
public Builder code(Integer code) {
this.code = code;
return this;
* The name of the system event state.
* example:
* Scheduled
public Builder name(String name) {
this.name = name;
return this;
public EventCycleStatus build() {
return new EventCycleStatus(this);
* {@link DescribeInstancesFullStatusResponseBody} extends {@link TeaModel}
* DescribeInstancesFullStatusResponseBody
public static class EventType extends TeaModel {
private Integer code;
private String name;
private EventType(Builder builder) {
this.code = builder.code;
this.name = builder.name;
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
public static EventType create() {
return builder().build();
* @return code
public Integer getCode() {
return this.code;
* @return name
public String getName() {
return this.name;
public static final class Builder {
private Integer code;
private String name;
* The code of the system event type.
* example:
* 1
public Builder code(Integer code) {
this.code = code;
return this;
* The name of the system event type.
* example:
* SystemMaintenance.Reboot
public Builder name(String name) {
this.name = name;
return this;
public EventType build() {
return new EventType(this);
* {@link DescribeInstancesFullStatusResponseBody} extends {@link TeaModel}
* DescribeInstancesFullStatusResponseBody
public static class InactiveDisk extends TeaModel {
private String creationTime;
private String deviceCategory;
private String deviceSize;
private String deviceType;
private String releaseTime;
private InactiveDisk(Builder builder) {
this.creationTime = builder.creationTime;
this.deviceCategory = builder.deviceCategory;
this.deviceSize = builder.deviceSize;
this.deviceType = builder.deviceType;
this.releaseTime = builder.releaseTime;
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
public static InactiveDisk create() {
return builder().build();
* @return creationTime
public String getCreationTime() {
return this.creationTime;
* @return deviceCategory
public String getDeviceCategory() {
return this.deviceCategory;
* @return deviceSize
public String getDeviceSize() {
return this.deviceSize;
* @return deviceType
public String getDeviceType() {
return this.deviceType;
* @return releaseTime
public String getReleaseTime() {
return this.releaseTime;
public static final class Builder {
private String creationTime;
private String deviceCategory;
private String deviceSize;
private String deviceType;
private String releaseTime;
* The time when the disk was created. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC.
* example:
* 2018-07-27T13:53:25Z
public Builder creationTime(String creationTime) {
this.creationTime = creationTime;
return this;
* The category of the disk. Valid values:
* - cloud: basic disk
* - cloud_efficiency: ultra disk
* - cloud_ssd: standard SSD
* - cloud_essd: Enterprise SSD (ESSD)
* - local_ssd_pro: I/O-intensive local disk
* - local_hdd_pro: throughput-intensive local disk
* - ephemeral: retired local disk
* - ephemeral_ssd: retired local SSD
* example:
* cloud_ssd
public Builder deviceCategory(String deviceCategory) {
this.deviceCategory = deviceCategory;
return this;
* The size of the disk. Unit: GiB.
* example:
* 80
public Builder deviceSize(String deviceSize) {
this.deviceSize = deviceSize;
return this;
* The type of the disk. Valid values:
* - system
* - data
* example:
* system
public Builder deviceType(String deviceType) {
this.deviceType = deviceType;
return this;
* The time when the disk was released. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC.
* example:
* 2019-07-27T13:53:25Z
public Builder releaseTime(String releaseTime) {
this.releaseTime = releaseTime;
return this;
public InactiveDisk build() {
return new InactiveDisk(this);
* {@link DescribeInstancesFullStatusResponseBody} extends {@link TeaModel}
* DescribeInstancesFullStatusResponseBody
public static class InactiveDisks extends TeaModel {
private java.util.List < InactiveDisk> inactiveDisk;
private InactiveDisks(Builder builder) {
this.inactiveDisk = builder.inactiveDisk;
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
public static InactiveDisks create() {
return builder().build();
* @return inactiveDisk
public java.util.List < InactiveDisk> getInactiveDisk() {
return this.inactiveDisk;
public static final class Builder {
private java.util.List < InactiveDisk> inactiveDisk;
* InactiveDisk.
public Builder inactiveDisk(java.util.List < InactiveDisk> inactiveDisk) {
this.inactiveDisk = inactiveDisk;
return this;
public InactiveDisks build() {
return new InactiveDisks(this);
* {@link DescribeInstancesFullStatusResponseBody} extends {@link TeaModel}
* DescribeInstancesFullStatusResponseBody
public static class ExtendedAttribute extends TeaModel {
private String device;
private String diskId;
private InactiveDisks inactiveDisks;
private ExtendedAttribute(Builder builder) {
this.device = builder.device;
this.diskId = builder.diskId;
this.inactiveDisks = builder.inactiveDisks;
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
public static ExtendedAttribute create() {
return builder().build();
* @return device
public String getDevice() {
return this.device;
* @return diskId
public String getDiskId() {
return this.diskId;
* @return inactiveDisks
public InactiveDisks getInactiveDisks() {
return this.inactiveDisks;
public static final class Builder {
private String device;
private String diskId;
private InactiveDisks inactiveDisks;
* The device name of the local disk.
* example:
* /dev/vdb
public Builder device(String device) {
this.device = device;
return this;
* The ID of the local disk.
* example:
* d-bp67acfmxazb4p****
public Builder diskId(String diskId) {
this.diskId = diskId;
return this;
* The inactive disks that have been released and must be cleared.
public Builder inactiveDisks(InactiveDisks inactiveDisks) {
this.inactiveDisks = inactiveDisks;
return this;
public ExtendedAttribute build() {
return new ExtendedAttribute(this);
* {@link DescribeInstancesFullStatusResponseBody} extends {@link TeaModel}
* DescribeInstancesFullStatusResponseBody
public static class ScheduledSystemEventType extends TeaModel {
private EventCycleStatus eventCycleStatus;
private String eventId;
private String eventPublishTime;
private EventType eventType;
private ExtendedAttribute extendedAttribute;
private String impactLevel;
private String notBefore;
private String reason;
private ScheduledSystemEventType(Builder builder) {
this.eventCycleStatus = builder.eventCycleStatus;
this.eventId = builder.eventId;
this.eventPublishTime = builder.eventPublishTime;
this.eventType = builder.eventType;
this.extendedAttribute = builder.extendedAttribute;
this.impactLevel = builder.impactLevel;
this.notBefore = builder.notBefore;
this.reason = builder.reason;
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
public static ScheduledSystemEventType create() {
return builder().build();
* @return eventCycleStatus
public EventCycleStatus getEventCycleStatus() {
return this.eventCycleStatus;
* @return eventId
public String getEventId() {
return this.eventId;
* @return eventPublishTime
public String getEventPublishTime() {
return this.eventPublishTime;
* @return eventType
public EventType getEventType() {
return this.eventType;
* @return extendedAttribute
public ExtendedAttribute getExtendedAttribute() {
return this.extendedAttribute;
* @return impactLevel
public String getImpactLevel() {
return this.impactLevel;
* @return notBefore
public String getNotBefore() {
return this.notBefore;
* @return reason
public String getReason() {
return this.reason;
public static final class Builder {
private EventCycleStatus eventCycleStatus;
private String eventId;
private String eventPublishTime;
private EventType eventType;
private ExtendedAttribute extendedAttribute;
private String impactLevel;
private String notBefore;
private String reason;
* The state of the system event.
public Builder eventCycleStatus(EventCycleStatus eventCycleStatus) {
this.eventCycleStatus = eventCycleStatus;
return this;
* The system event ID.
* example:
* e-bp1hygp5b04o56l0****
public Builder eventId(String eventId) {
this.eventId = eventId;
return this;
* The time when the system event was published. The time is displayed in UTC.
* example:
* 2017-11-30T06:32:31Z
public Builder eventPublishTime(String eventPublishTime) {
this.eventPublishTime = eventPublishTime;
return this;
* The type of the system event.
public Builder eventType(EventType eventType) {
this.eventType = eventType;
return this;
* The extended attributes of system events generated for instances that have local disks attached.
* The return values vary based on the system event type.
* If the system event type is not one of the following types, this parameter is empty:
* - SystemMaintenance.StopAndRepair
* - SystemMaintenance.CleanInactiveDisks
* - SecurityPunish.Locked
* - SecurityPunish.WebsiteBanned
* - SystemUpgrade.Migrate
* - SystemMaintenance.RebootAndIsolateErrorDisk
* - SystemMaintenance.RebootAndReInitErrorDisk
* - SystemMaintenance.ReInitErrorDisk
* - SystemMaintenance.IsolateErrorDisk
public Builder extendedAttribute(ExtendedAttribute extendedAttribute) {
this.extendedAttribute = extendedAttribute;
return this;
* The impact level of the system event.
* If the user is not in a whitelist, this parameter is empty.
* example:
* 100
public Builder impactLevel(String impactLevel) {
this.impactLevel = impactLevel;
return this;
* The scheduled time at which to execute the O&M task related to the system event. The time is displayed in UTC.
* example:
* 2017-12-07T00:00:00Z
public Builder notBefore(String notBefore) {
this.notBefore = notBefore;
return this;
* The reason why the system event was scheduled.
* If the exception cause is not detected, this parameter is empty.
* example:
* A simulated event.
public Builder reason(String reason) {
this.reason = reason;
return this;
public ScheduledSystemEventType build() {
return new ScheduledSystemEventType(this);
* {@link DescribeInstancesFullStatusResponseBody} extends {@link TeaModel}
* DescribeInstancesFullStatusResponseBody
public static class ScheduledSystemEventSet extends TeaModel {
private java.util.List < ScheduledSystemEventType> scheduledSystemEventType;
private ScheduledSystemEventSet(Builder builder) {
this.scheduledSystemEventType = builder.scheduledSystemEventType;
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
public static ScheduledSystemEventSet create() {
return builder().build();
* @return scheduledSystemEventType
public java.util.List < ScheduledSystemEventType> getScheduledSystemEventType() {
return this.scheduledSystemEventType;
public static final class Builder {
private java.util.List < ScheduledSystemEventType> scheduledSystemEventType;
* ScheduledSystemEventType.
public Builder scheduledSystemEventType(java.util.List < ScheduledSystemEventType> scheduledSystemEventType) {
this.scheduledSystemEventType = scheduledSystemEventType;
return this;
public ScheduledSystemEventSet build() {
return new ScheduledSystemEventSet(this);
* {@link DescribeInstancesFullStatusResponseBody} extends {@link TeaModel}
* DescribeInstancesFullStatusResponseBody
public static class Status extends TeaModel {
private Integer code;
private String name;
private Status(Builder builder) {
this.code = builder.code;
this.name = builder.name;
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
public static Status create() {
return builder().build();
* @return code
public Integer getCode() {
return this.code;
* @return name
public String getName() {
return this.name;
public static final class Builder {
private Integer code;
private String name;
* The code of the instance lifecycle state.
* example:
* 1
public Builder code(Integer code) {
this.code = code;
return this;
* The name of the instance lifecycle state.
* example:
* Running
public Builder name(String name) {
this.name = name;
return this;
public Status build() {
return new Status(this);
* {@link DescribeInstancesFullStatusResponseBody} extends {@link TeaModel}
* DescribeInstancesFullStatusResponseBody
public static class InstanceFullStatusType extends TeaModel {
private HealthStatus healthStatus;
private String instanceId;
private ScheduledSystemEventSet scheduledSystemEventSet;
private Status status;
private InstanceFullStatusType(Builder builder) {
this.healthStatus = builder.healthStatus;
this.instanceId = builder.instanceId;
this.scheduledSystemEventSet = builder.scheduledSystemEventSet;
this.status = builder.status;
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
public static InstanceFullStatusType create() {
return builder().build();
* @return healthStatus
public HealthStatus getHealthStatus() {
return this.healthStatus;
* @return instanceId
public String getInstanceId() {
return this.instanceId;
* @return scheduledSystemEventSet
public ScheduledSystemEventSet getScheduledSystemEventSet() {
return this.scheduledSystemEventSet;
* @return status
public Status getStatus() {
return this.status;
public static final class Builder {
private HealthStatus healthStatus;
private String instanceId;
private ScheduledSystemEventSet scheduledSystemEventSet;
private Status status;
* The health state of the instance.
public Builder healthStatus(HealthStatus healthStatus) {
this.healthStatus = healthStatus;
return this;
* The instance ID.
* example:
* i-bp67acfmxazb4p****
public Builder instanceId(String instanceId) {
this.instanceId = instanceId;
return this;
* The system events that are in the Scheduled or Inquiring state.
public Builder scheduledSystemEventSet(ScheduledSystemEventSet scheduledSystemEventSet) {
this.scheduledSystemEventSet = scheduledSystemEventSet;
return this;
* The lifecycle state of the instance.
public Builder status(Status status) {
this.status = status;
return this;
public InstanceFullStatusType build() {
return new InstanceFullStatusType(this);
* {@link DescribeInstancesFullStatusResponseBody} extends {@link TeaModel}
* DescribeInstancesFullStatusResponseBody
public static class InstanceFullStatusSet extends TeaModel {
private java.util.List < InstanceFullStatusType> instanceFullStatusType;
private InstanceFullStatusSet(Builder builder) {
this.instanceFullStatusType = builder.instanceFullStatusType;
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
public static InstanceFullStatusSet create() {
return builder().build();
* @return instanceFullStatusType
public java.util.List < InstanceFullStatusType> getInstanceFullStatusType() {
return this.instanceFullStatusType;
public static final class Builder {
private java.util.List < InstanceFullStatusType> instanceFullStatusType;
* InstanceFullStatusType.
public Builder instanceFullStatusType(java.util.List < InstanceFullStatusType> instanceFullStatusType) {
this.instanceFullStatusType = instanceFullStatusType;
return this;
public InstanceFullStatusSet build() {
return new InstanceFullStatusSet(this);