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com.aliyun.dingtalkalitrip_1_0.models.BillSettementFlightResponseBody Maven / Gradle / Ivy

// This file is auto-generated, don't edit it. Thanks.
package com.aliyun.dingtalkalitrip_1_0.models;

import com.aliyun.tea.*;

public class BillSettementFlightResponseBody extends TeaModel {
    // module
    public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModule module;

    // 结果code
    public Long resultCode;

    // 结果msg
    public String resultMsg;

    // 是否成功
    public Boolean success;

    public static BillSettementFlightResponseBody build(java.util.Map map) throws Exception {
        BillSettementFlightResponseBody self = new BillSettementFlightResponseBody();
        return, self);

    public BillSettementFlightResponseBody setModule(BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModule module) {
        this.module = module;
        return this;
    public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModule getModule() {
        return this.module;

    public BillSettementFlightResponseBody setResultCode(Long resultCode) {
        this.resultCode = resultCode;
        return this;
    public Long getResultCode() {
        return this.resultCode;

    public BillSettementFlightResponseBody setResultMsg(String resultMsg) {
        this.resultMsg = resultMsg;
        return this;
    public String getResultMsg() {
        return this.resultMsg;

    public BillSettementFlightResponseBody setSuccess(Boolean success) {
        this.success = success;
        return this;
    public Boolean getSuccess() {
        return this.success;

    public static class BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList extends TeaModel {
        // 提前预定天数
        public Long advanceDay;

        // 航司三字码
        public String airlineCorpCode;

        // 航司名称
        public String airlineCorpName;

        // 交易流水号
        public String alipayTradeNo;

        // 审批单号
        public String applyId;

        // 到达机场二字码
        public String arrAirportCode;

        // 到达城市
        public String arrCity;

        // 到达日期
        public String arrDate;

        // 到达机场
        public String arrStation;

        // 到达时间
        public String arrTime;

        // 入账时间
        public String billRecordTime;

        // 预定时间
        public String bookTime;

        // 预订人use id
        public String bookerId;

        // 预订人工号
        public String bookerJobNo;

        // 预订人名称
        public String bookerName;

        // 商旅优惠金额
        public Double btripCouponFee;

        // 基建费
        public Double buildFee;

        // 舱位
        public String cabin;

        // 舱位码
        public String cabinClass;

        // 资金方向
        public String capitalDirection;

        // 级联部门
        public String cascadeDepartment;

        // 改签费用
        public Double changeFee;

        // 订单金额
        public Double corpPayOrderFee;

        // 成本中心名称
        public String costCenter;

        // 成本中心编号
        public String costCenterNumber;

        // 优惠券
        public Double coupon;

        // 起飞机场二字码
        public String depAirportCode;

        // 末级部门
        public String department;

        // 部门id
        public String departmentId;

        // 起飞城市
        public String deptCity;

        // 起飞日期
        public String deptDate;

        // 起飞机场
        public String deptStation;

        // 起飞时间
        public String deptTime;

        // 折扣率
        public String discount;

        // 费用类型
        public String feeType;

        // 航班号
        public String flightNo;

        // 序号
        public String index;

        // 保险费
        public Double insuranceFee;

        // 发票抬头
        public String invoiceTitle;

        // 行程单打印序号
        public String itineraryNum;

        // 行程单金额
        public Double itineraryPrice;

        // 低价提醒(起飞时间)
        public String mostDifferenceDeptTime;

        // 低价提醒(折扣)
        public String mostDifferenceDiscount;

        // 低价提醒(航班号)
        public String mostDifferenceFlightNo;

        // 低价提醒(与最低价差额)
        public Double mostDifferencePrice;

        // 不选低价原因
        public String mostDifferenceReason;

        // 低价航班价格
        public Double mostPrice;

        // 协议价优惠金额
        public Double negotiationCouponFee;

        // 燃油费
        public Double oilFee;

        // 订单号
        public String orderId;

        // 超标审批单号
        public String overApplyId;

        // 主键id
        public Long primaryId;

        // 项目代码
        public String projectCode;

        // 项目名称
        public String projectName;

        // 退款手续费
        public Double refundFee;

        // 改签退票手续费
        public Double refundUpgradeCost;

        // 备注
        public String remark;

        // 是否重复退
        public String repeatRefund;

        // 销售价
        public Double sealPrice;

        // 服务费,仅在feeType  11001、11002中展示
        public Double serviceFee;

        // 结算金额
        public Double settlementFee;

        // 预存赠送金额消费
        public Double settlementGrantFee;

        // 结算时间
        public String settlementTime;

        // 结算类型
        public String settlementType;

        // 入账状态
        public Long status;

        // 行程单号
        public String ticketId;

        // 出行人use id
        public String travelerId;

        // 出行人工号
        public String travelerJobNo;

        // 出行人名称
        public String travelerName;

        // 改签差价
        public Double upgradeCost;

        // 发票类型
        public Long voucherType;

        public static BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList build(java.util.Map map) throws Exception {
            BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList self = new BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList();
            return, self);

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setAdvanceDay(Long advanceDay) {
            this.advanceDay = advanceDay;
            return this;
        public Long getAdvanceDay() {
            return this.advanceDay;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setAirlineCorpCode(String airlineCorpCode) {
            this.airlineCorpCode = airlineCorpCode;
            return this;
        public String getAirlineCorpCode() {
            return this.airlineCorpCode;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setAirlineCorpName(String airlineCorpName) {
            this.airlineCorpName = airlineCorpName;
            return this;
        public String getAirlineCorpName() {
            return this.airlineCorpName;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setAlipayTradeNo(String alipayTradeNo) {
            this.alipayTradeNo = alipayTradeNo;
            return this;
        public String getAlipayTradeNo() {
            return this.alipayTradeNo;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setApplyId(String applyId) {
            this.applyId = applyId;
            return this;
        public String getApplyId() {
            return this.applyId;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setArrAirportCode(String arrAirportCode) {
            this.arrAirportCode = arrAirportCode;
            return this;
        public String getArrAirportCode() {
            return this.arrAirportCode;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setArrCity(String arrCity) {
            this.arrCity = arrCity;
            return this;
        public String getArrCity() {
            return this.arrCity;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setArrDate(String arrDate) {
            this.arrDate = arrDate;
            return this;
        public String getArrDate() {
            return this.arrDate;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setArrStation(String arrStation) {
            this.arrStation = arrStation;
            return this;
        public String getArrStation() {
            return this.arrStation;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setArrTime(String arrTime) {
            this.arrTime = arrTime;
            return this;
        public String getArrTime() {
            return this.arrTime;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setBillRecordTime(String billRecordTime) {
            this.billRecordTime = billRecordTime;
            return this;
        public String getBillRecordTime() {
            return this.billRecordTime;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setBookTime(String bookTime) {
            this.bookTime = bookTime;
            return this;
        public String getBookTime() {
            return this.bookTime;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setBookerId(String bookerId) {
            this.bookerId = bookerId;
            return this;
        public String getBookerId() {
            return this.bookerId;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setBookerJobNo(String bookerJobNo) {
            this.bookerJobNo = bookerJobNo;
            return this;
        public String getBookerJobNo() {
            return this.bookerJobNo;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setBookerName(String bookerName) {
            this.bookerName = bookerName;
            return this;
        public String getBookerName() {
            return this.bookerName;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setBtripCouponFee(Double btripCouponFee) {
            this.btripCouponFee = btripCouponFee;
            return this;
        public Double getBtripCouponFee() {
            return this.btripCouponFee;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setBuildFee(Double buildFee) {
            this.buildFee = buildFee;
            return this;
        public Double getBuildFee() {
            return this.buildFee;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setCabin(String cabin) {
            this.cabin = cabin;
            return this;
        public String getCabin() {
            return this.cabin;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setCabinClass(String cabinClass) {
            this.cabinClass = cabinClass;
            return this;
        public String getCabinClass() {
            return this.cabinClass;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setCapitalDirection(String capitalDirection) {
            this.capitalDirection = capitalDirection;
            return this;
        public String getCapitalDirection() {
            return this.capitalDirection;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setCascadeDepartment(String cascadeDepartment) {
            this.cascadeDepartment = cascadeDepartment;
            return this;
        public String getCascadeDepartment() {
            return this.cascadeDepartment;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setChangeFee(Double changeFee) {
            this.changeFee = changeFee;
            return this;
        public Double getChangeFee() {
            return this.changeFee;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setCorpPayOrderFee(Double corpPayOrderFee) {
            this.corpPayOrderFee = corpPayOrderFee;
            return this;
        public Double getCorpPayOrderFee() {
            return this.corpPayOrderFee;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setCostCenter(String costCenter) {
            this.costCenter = costCenter;
            return this;
        public String getCostCenter() {
            return this.costCenter;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setCostCenterNumber(String costCenterNumber) {
            this.costCenterNumber = costCenterNumber;
            return this;
        public String getCostCenterNumber() {
            return this.costCenterNumber;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setCoupon(Double coupon) {
   = coupon;
            return this;
        public Double getCoupon() {

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setDepAirportCode(String depAirportCode) {
            this.depAirportCode = depAirportCode;
            return this;
        public String getDepAirportCode() {
            return this.depAirportCode;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setDepartment(String department) {
            this.department = department;
            return this;
        public String getDepartment() {
            return this.department;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setDepartmentId(String departmentId) {
            this.departmentId = departmentId;
            return this;
        public String getDepartmentId() {
            return this.departmentId;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setDeptCity(String deptCity) {
            this.deptCity = deptCity;
            return this;
        public String getDeptCity() {
            return this.deptCity;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setDeptDate(String deptDate) {
            this.deptDate = deptDate;
            return this;
        public String getDeptDate() {
            return this.deptDate;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setDeptStation(String deptStation) {
            this.deptStation = deptStation;
            return this;
        public String getDeptStation() {
            return this.deptStation;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setDeptTime(String deptTime) {
            this.deptTime = deptTime;
            return this;
        public String getDeptTime() {
            return this.deptTime;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setDiscount(String discount) {
   = discount;
            return this;
        public String getDiscount() {

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setFeeType(String feeType) {
            this.feeType = feeType;
            return this;
        public String getFeeType() {
            return this.feeType;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setFlightNo(String flightNo) {
            this.flightNo = flightNo;
            return this;
        public String getFlightNo() {
            return this.flightNo;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setIndex(String index) {
            this.index = index;
            return this;
        public String getIndex() {
            return this.index;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setInsuranceFee(Double insuranceFee) {
            this.insuranceFee = insuranceFee;
            return this;
        public Double getInsuranceFee() {
            return this.insuranceFee;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setInvoiceTitle(String invoiceTitle) {
            this.invoiceTitle = invoiceTitle;
            return this;
        public String getInvoiceTitle() {
            return this.invoiceTitle;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setItineraryNum(String itineraryNum) {
            this.itineraryNum = itineraryNum;
            return this;
        public String getItineraryNum() {
            return this.itineraryNum;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setItineraryPrice(Double itineraryPrice) {
            this.itineraryPrice = itineraryPrice;
            return this;
        public Double getItineraryPrice() {
            return this.itineraryPrice;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setMostDifferenceDeptTime(String mostDifferenceDeptTime) {
            this.mostDifferenceDeptTime = mostDifferenceDeptTime;
            return this;
        public String getMostDifferenceDeptTime() {
            return this.mostDifferenceDeptTime;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setMostDifferenceDiscount(String mostDifferenceDiscount) {
            this.mostDifferenceDiscount = mostDifferenceDiscount;
            return this;
        public String getMostDifferenceDiscount() {
            return this.mostDifferenceDiscount;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setMostDifferenceFlightNo(String mostDifferenceFlightNo) {
            this.mostDifferenceFlightNo = mostDifferenceFlightNo;
            return this;
        public String getMostDifferenceFlightNo() {
            return this.mostDifferenceFlightNo;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setMostDifferencePrice(Double mostDifferencePrice) {
            this.mostDifferencePrice = mostDifferencePrice;
            return this;
        public Double getMostDifferencePrice() {
            return this.mostDifferencePrice;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setMostDifferenceReason(String mostDifferenceReason) {
            this.mostDifferenceReason = mostDifferenceReason;
            return this;
        public String getMostDifferenceReason() {
            return this.mostDifferenceReason;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setMostPrice(Double mostPrice) {
            this.mostPrice = mostPrice;
            return this;
        public Double getMostPrice() {
            return this.mostPrice;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setNegotiationCouponFee(Double negotiationCouponFee) {
            this.negotiationCouponFee = negotiationCouponFee;
            return this;
        public Double getNegotiationCouponFee() {
            return this.negotiationCouponFee;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setOilFee(Double oilFee) {
            this.oilFee = oilFee;
            return this;
        public Double getOilFee() {
            return this.oilFee;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setOrderId(String orderId) {
            this.orderId = orderId;
            return this;
        public String getOrderId() {
            return this.orderId;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setOverApplyId(String overApplyId) {
            this.overApplyId = overApplyId;
            return this;
        public String getOverApplyId() {
            return this.overApplyId;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setPrimaryId(Long primaryId) {
            this.primaryId = primaryId;
            return this;
        public Long getPrimaryId() {
            return this.primaryId;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setProjectCode(String projectCode) {
            this.projectCode = projectCode;
            return this;
        public String getProjectCode() {
            return this.projectCode;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setProjectName(String projectName) {
            this.projectName = projectName;
            return this;
        public String getProjectName() {
            return this.projectName;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setRefundFee(Double refundFee) {
            this.refundFee = refundFee;
            return this;
        public Double getRefundFee() {
            return this.refundFee;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setRefundUpgradeCost(Double refundUpgradeCost) {
            this.refundUpgradeCost = refundUpgradeCost;
            return this;
        public Double getRefundUpgradeCost() {
            return this.refundUpgradeCost;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setRemark(String remark) {
            this.remark = remark;
            return this;
        public String getRemark() {
            return this.remark;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setRepeatRefund(String repeatRefund) {
            this.repeatRefund = repeatRefund;
            return this;
        public String getRepeatRefund() {
            return this.repeatRefund;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setSealPrice(Double sealPrice) {
            this.sealPrice = sealPrice;
            return this;
        public Double getSealPrice() {
            return this.sealPrice;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setServiceFee(Double serviceFee) {
            this.serviceFee = serviceFee;
            return this;
        public Double getServiceFee() {
            return this.serviceFee;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setSettlementFee(Double settlementFee) {
            this.settlementFee = settlementFee;
            return this;
        public Double getSettlementFee() {
            return this.settlementFee;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setSettlementGrantFee(Double settlementGrantFee) {
            this.settlementGrantFee = settlementGrantFee;
            return this;
        public Double getSettlementGrantFee() {
            return this.settlementGrantFee;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setSettlementTime(String settlementTime) {
            this.settlementTime = settlementTime;
            return this;
        public String getSettlementTime() {
            return this.settlementTime;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setSettlementType(String settlementType) {
            this.settlementType = settlementType;
            return this;
        public String getSettlementType() {
            return this.settlementType;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setStatus(Long status) {
            this.status = status;
            return this;
        public Long getStatus() {
            return this.status;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setTicketId(String ticketId) {
            this.ticketId = ticketId;
            return this;
        public String getTicketId() {
            return this.ticketId;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setTravelerId(String travelerId) {
            this.travelerId = travelerId;
            return this;
        public String getTravelerId() {
            return this.travelerId;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setTravelerJobNo(String travelerJobNo) {
            this.travelerJobNo = travelerJobNo;
            return this;
        public String getTravelerJobNo() {
            return this.travelerJobNo;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setTravelerName(String travelerName) {
            this.travelerName = travelerName;
            return this;
        public String getTravelerName() {
            return this.travelerName;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setUpgradeCost(Double upgradeCost) {
            this.upgradeCost = upgradeCost;
            return this;
        public Double getUpgradeCost() {
            return this.upgradeCost;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModuleDataList setVoucherType(Long voucherType) {
            this.voucherType = voucherType;
            return this;
        public Long getVoucherType() {
            return this.voucherType;


    public static class BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModule extends TeaModel {
        // 类目
        public Long category;

        // 企业id
        public String corpId;

        // 数据集合
        public java.util.List dataList;

        // 记账更新开始日期
        public String periodEnd;

        // 记账更新结束日期
        public String periodStart;

        // 总数据量
        public Long totalNum;

        public static BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModule build(java.util.Map map) throws Exception {
            BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModule self = new BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModule();
            return, self);

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModule setCategory(Long category) {
            this.category = category;
            return this;
        public Long getCategory() {
            return this.category;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModule setCorpId(String corpId) {
            this.corpId = corpId;
            return this;
        public String getCorpId() {
            return this.corpId;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModule setDataList(java.util.List dataList) {
            this.dataList = dataList;
            return this;
        public java.util.List getDataList() {
            return this.dataList;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModule setPeriodEnd(String periodEnd) {
            this.periodEnd = periodEnd;
            return this;
        public String getPeriodEnd() {
            return this.periodEnd;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModule setPeriodStart(String periodStart) {
            this.periodStart = periodStart;
            return this;
        public String getPeriodStart() {
            return this.periodStart;

        public BillSettementFlightResponseBodyModule setTotalNum(Long totalNum) {
            this.totalNum = totalNum;
            return this;
        public Long getTotalNum() {
            return this.totalNum;



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