org.apache.tomcat.util.descriptor.web.LocalStrings.properties Maven / Gradle / Ivy
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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filterDef.invalidFilterName=Invalid [{0}] in filter definition.
securityConstraint.uncoveredHttpMethod=For security constraints with URL pattern [{0}] only the HTTP methods [{1}] are covered. All other methods are uncovered.
securityConstraint.uncoveredHttpMethodFix=Adding security constraints with URL pattern [{0}] to deny access with the uncovered HTTP methods that are not one of the following [{1}]
securityConstraint.uncoveredHttpOmittedMethod=For security constraints with URL pattern [{0}] the HTTP methods [{1}] are uncovered.
securityConstraint.uncoveredHttpOmittedMethodFix=Adding security constraints with URL pattern [{0}] to deny access with the uncovered HTTP methods [{1}]
servletDef.invalidServletName=Invalid [{0}] in servlet definition.
webRuleSet.absoluteOrdering= element not valid in web-fragment.xml and will be ignored
webRuleSet.absoluteOrderingCount= element is limited to 1 occurrence
webRuleSet.nameCount= element is limited to 1 occurrence
webRuleSet.postconstruct.duplicate=Duplicate post construct method definition for class {0}
webRuleSet.predestroy.duplicate=Duplicate pre destroy method definition for class {0}
webRuleSet.relativeOrdering= element not valid in web.xml and will be ignored
webRuleSet.relativeOrderingCount= element is limited to 1 occurrence
webXml.duplicateEnvEntry=Duplicate env-entry name [{0}]
webXml.duplicateFilter=Duplicate filter name [{0}]
webXml.duplicateMessageDestination=Duplicate message-destination name [{0}]
webXml.duplicateMessageDestinationRef=Duplicate message-destination-ref name [{0}]
webXml.duplicateResourceEnvRef=Duplicate resource-env-ref name [{0}]
webXml.duplicateResourceRef=Duplicate resource-ref name [{0}]
webXml.duplicateServletMapping=The servlets named [{0}] and [{1}] are both mapped to the url-pattern [{2}] which is not permitted
webXml.duplicateTaglibUri=Duplicate tag library URI [{0}]
webXml.reservedName=A web.xml file was detected using a reserved name [{0}]. The name element will be ignored for this fragment.
webXml.mergeConflictDisplayName=The display name was defined in multiple fragments with different values including fragment with name [{0}] located at [{1}]
webXml.mergeConflictFilter=The Filter [{0}] was defined inconsistently in multiple fragments including fragment with name [{1}] located at [{2}]
webXml.mergeConflictLoginConfig=A LoginConfig was defined inconsistently in multiple fragments including fragment with name [{0}] located at [{1}]
webXml.mergeConflictOrder=Fragment relative ordering contains circular references. This can be resolved by using absolute ordering in web.xml.
webXml.mergeConflictResource=The Resource [{0}] was defined inconsistently in multiple fragments including fragment with name [{1}] located at [{2}]
webXml.mergeConflictServlet=The Servlet [{0}] was defined inconsistently in multiple fragments including fragment with name [{1}] located at [{2}]
webXml.mergeConflictSessionCookieName=The session cookie name was defined inconsistently in multiple fragments with different values including fragment with name [{0}] located at [{1}]
webXml.mergeConflictSessionCookieDomain=The session cookie domain was defined inconsistently in multiple fragments with different values including fragment with name [{0}] located at [{1}]
webXml.mergeConflictSessionCookiePath=The session cookie path was defined inconsistently in multiple fragments with different values including fragment with name [{0}] located at [{1}]
webXml.mergeConflictSessionCookieComment=The session cookie comment was defined inconsistently in multiple fragments with different values including fragment with name [{0}] located at [{1}]
webXml.mergeConflictSessionCookieHttpOnly=The session cookie http-only flag was defined inconsistently in multiple fragments with different values including fragment with name [{0}] located at [{1}]
webXml.mergeConflictSessionCookieSecure=The session cookie secure flag was defined inconsistently in multiple fragments with different values including fragment with name [{0}] located at [{1}]
webXml.mergeConflictSessionCookieMaxAge=The session cookie max-age was defined inconsistently in multiple fragments with different values including fragment with name [{0}] located at [{1}]
webXml.mergeConflictSessionTimeout=The session timeout was defined inconsistently in multiple fragments with different values including fragment with name [{0}] located at [{1}]
webXml.mergeConflictSessionTrackingMode=The session tracking modes were defined inconsistently in multiple fragments including fragment with name [{0}] located at [{1}]
webXml.mergeConflictString=The [{0}] with name [{1}] was defined inconsistently in multiple fragments including fragment with name [{2}] located at [{3}]
webXml.multipleOther=Multiple others entries in ordering
webXml.unrecognisedPublicId=The public ID [{0}] did not match any of the known public ID's for web.xml files so the version could not be identified
webXml.version.unknown=Unknown version string [{0}]. Default version will be used.
webXml.wrongFragmentName=Used a wrong fragment name {0} at web.xml absolute-ordering tag!
webXmlParser.applicationParse=Parse error in application web.xml file at {0}
webXmlParser.applicationPosition=Occurred at line {0} column {1}
webXmlParser.applicationStart=Parsing application web.xml file at {0}
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