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org.eclipse.jetty.http.HttpHeader Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.eclipse.jetty.http;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.ArrayTrie;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.StringUtil;
import org.eclipse.jetty.util.Trie;
public enum HttpHeader
CONNECTION("Connection" ),
CACHE_CONTROL("Cache-Control" ),
DATE("Date" ),
PRAGMA("Pragma" ),
PROXY_CONNECTION ("Proxy-Connection" ),
TRAILER("Trailer" ),
TRANSFER_ENCODING("Transfer-Encoding" ),
UPGRADE("Upgrade" ),
VIA("Via" ),
WARNING("Warning" ),
NEGOTIATE("Negotiate" ),
ALLOW("Allow" ),
CONTENT_ENCODING("Content-Encoding" ),
CONTENT_LANGUAGE("Content-Language" ),
CONTENT_LENGTH("Content-Length" ),
CONTENT_LOCATION("Content-Location" ),
CONTENT_MD5("Content-MD5" ),
CONTENT_RANGE("Content-Range" ),
CONTENT_TYPE("Content-Type" ),
EXPIRES("Expires" ),
LAST_MODIFIED("Last-Modified" ),
ACCEPT("Accept" ),
ACCEPT_CHARSET("Accept-Charset" ),
ACCEPT_ENCODING("Accept-Encoding" ),
ACCEPT_LANGUAGE("Accept-Language" ),
AUTHORIZATION("Authorization" ),
EXPECT("Expect" ),
FORWARDED("Forwarded" ),
FROM("From" ),
HOST("Host" ),
IF_MATCH("If-Match" ),
IF_MODIFIED_SINCE("If-Modified-Since" ),
IF_NONE_MATCH("If-None-Match" ),
IF_RANGE("If-Range" ),
IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE("If-Unmodified-Since" ),
KEEP_ALIVE("Keep-Alive" ),
MAX_FORWARDS("Max-Forwards" ),
PROXY_AUTHORIZATION("Proxy-Authorization" ),
RANGE("Range" ),
REQUEST_RANGE("Request-Range" ),
REFERER("Referer" ),
TE("TE" ),
USER_AGENT("User-Agent" ),
X_FORWARDED_FOR("X-Forwarded-For" ),
X_FORWARDED_PROTO("X-Forwarded-Proto" ),
X_FORWARDED_SERVER("X-Forwarded-Server" ),
X_FORWARDED_HOST("X-Forwarded-Host" ),
ACCEPT_RANGES("Accept-Ranges" ),
AGE("Age" ),
ETAG("ETag" ),
LOCATION("Location" ),
PROXY_AUTHENTICATE("Proxy-Authenticate" ),
RETRY_AFTER("Retry-After" ),
SERVER("Server" ),
SERVLET_ENGINE("Servlet-Engine" ),
VARY("Vary" ),
WWW_AUTHENTICATE("WWW-Authenticate" ),
COOKIE("Cookie" ),
SET_COOKIE("Set-Cookie" ),
SET_COOKIE2("Set-Cookie2" ),
IDENTITY("identity" ),
X_POWERED_BY("X-Powered-By" ),
public final static Trie CACHE= new ArrayTrie<>(512 );
for (HttpHeader header : HttpHeader.values())
if (header!=UNKNOWN)
private final String _string;
private final byte [] _bytes;
private final byte [] _bytesColonSpace;
private final ByteBuffer _buffer;
HttpHeader(String s)
_bytesColonSpace=StringUtil.getBytes(s+": " );
public ByteBuffer toBuffer ()
return _buffer.asReadOnlyBuffer();
public byte [] getBytes()
return _bytes;
public byte [] getBytesColonSpace()
return _bytesColonSpace;
public boolean is (String s)
return _string.equalsIgnoreCase(s);
public String asString ()
return _string;
public String toString ()
return _string;