com.almworks.jira.structure.api.view.ViewSettings Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package com.almworks.jira.structure.api.view;
import com.almworks.jira.structure.api.settings.StructurePage;
import org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.*;
import org.codehaus.jackson.map.annotate.JsonSerialize;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement;
import java.util.*;
import static com.almworks.jira.structure.api.settings.StructurePage.*;
* View settings define a structure's parameters with regards to views - which
* views are associated with the structure and which views are default on which pages.
* {@code ViewSettings} class contains a list of {@link AssociatedView} records,
* with each record referencing a view by ID. Additionally, the record has "menu" markers,
* while define on which "structured" pages is the view offered to the user, and "default" markers,
* which define on which pages it is the default view.
* View settings can be set for a specific structure with {@link StructureViewManager#setViewSettings}.
* If per-structure view settings are not defined, then the global default view settings
* are in effect for that structure. Global view settings can be modified with
* {@link StructureViewManager#setDefaultViewSettings}.
* To get the current view settings for a structure, use {@link StructureViewManager#getViewSettings}.
* To construct a menu of views for the user, you would usually want to use {@link StructureViewManager#getMenuItems}.
* An instance of {@code ViewSettings} may be "undefined", which for the
* per-structure view settings means "use default".
* Note that views are referenced in {@code ViewSettings} by view ID. It is not guaranteed
* that a view with that ID exists, or that it is visible to the user. So before using the information
* from {@code ViewSettings}, check that the view is accessible.
* {@code ViewSettings} instance is immutable and thread-safe. To construct a new
* instance, use {@link Builder}.
* @author Igor Sereda
public class ViewSettings {
public static final Set NO_PAGES = Collections.emptySet();
public static final Set ALL_PAGES = Collections.unmodifiableSet(EnumSet.of(
public static final Set PAGES_WITH_DEFAULT_VIEW = Collections.unmodifiableSet(EnumSet.of(
public static final ViewSettings EMPTY_SETTINGS = new Builder().build();
* A list of associated views. A {@code null} value means "use default", while
* empty list means "no associated views".
private final List myAssociatedViews;
private ViewSettings(@Nullable List associatedViews, boolean reuseList) {
myAssociatedViews = associatedViews == null ? null
: Collections.unmodifiableList(reuseList ? associatedViews : new ArrayList(associatedViews));
* @return {@code true} if the view settings are defined, {@code false} means "use default settings"
public boolean isDefined() {
return myAssociatedViews != null;
* @return a list of associated views, or an empty list if settings are not defined
public List getAssociatedViews() {
return myAssociatedViews == null ? Collections.emptyList() : myAssociatedViews;
* Retrieves a default view ID for a given page. If any of the associated
* views has a view that is marked as the default for the specified page, the view ID
* is returned.
* @param page structure page for which default is needed
* @return default view ID, or null if the view settings do not define the default for that page
public Long getDefaultViewForPage(StructurePage page) {
if (myAssociatedViews == null) return null;
for (AssociatedView view : myAssociatedViews) {
if (view.isDefault(page)) return view.getViewId();
return null;
* Checks if the view settings contain a record for the specified view ID -
* that is, if the view is associated with the structure that is represented by this view settings instance.
* @param viewId the ID of the view
* @return true if this view settings instance includes the specified view
public boolean hasView(Long viewId) {
if (viewId == null || myAssociatedViews == null) return false;
for (AssociatedView view : myAssociatedViews) {
if (view.getViewId() == viewId) return true;
return false;
private static StructurePage adjustPage(StructurePage page) {
if (page == COMPONENT_TAB || page == VERSION_TAB) return PROJECT_TAB;
if (ALL_PAGES.contains(page)) return page;
public String toString() {
return "ViewSettings{" +
"associatedViews=" + myAssociatedViews +
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
ViewSettings that = (ViewSettings) o;
if (myAssociatedViews != null ? !myAssociatedViews.equals(that.myAssociatedViews) : that.myAssociatedViews != null)
return false;
return true;
public int hashCode() {
return myAssociatedViews != null ? myAssociatedViews.hashCode() : 0;
* View settings builder allows to construct instances of {@link ViewSettings} and serialize them
* into JSON format.
* Builder is not thread-safe.
* @see ViewSettings
public static class Builder {
private List myViews;
* Creates an empty builder
public Builder() {
* Creates a builder that copies the contents of an already existing {@code ViewSettings} instance.
* @param copyFrom view settings to copy
public Builder(@Nullable ViewSettings copyFrom) {
if (copyFrom != null && copyFrom.isDefined()) {
List copyViews = copyFrom.getAssociatedViews();
myViews = new ArrayList(copyViews.size());
for (AssociatedView view : copyViews) {
myViews.add(new AssociatedView.Builder(view));
* @return a copy of list of {@link AssociatedView.Builder}, or {@code null} if no views have been added.
* Each individual builder is not copied but referenced in the resulting list.
public List getViews() {
return myViews == null ? null : new ArrayList(myViews);
* Sets a list of builders of associated views.
* @param views list of builders, or {@code null} to make the constructed view settings undefined.
public void setViews(List views) {
myViews = views == null ? null : new ArrayList(views);
* Constructs an instance of {@link ViewSettings}. If a builder for any of the associated views
* is invalid, that associated view record is ignored.
* @return an instance of {@code ViewSettings}
public ViewSettings build() {
List list = null;
if (myViews != null) {
list = new ArrayList(myViews.size());
for (AssociatedView.Builder view : myViews) {
AssociatedView v = view.build();
if (v != null) list.add(v);
return new ViewSettings(list, true);
* Adds specified views to the list of associated views. Each view is available on
* every page ("menu" marker is set for all pages), and each view is not the default
* on any page ("default" marker is unset for all pages).
* @param viewIds a list of view IDs
* @return this builder
public Builder addViews(long... viewIds) {
if (viewIds != null) {
for (long viewId : viewIds) {
addView(viewId, false);
return this;
* Adds the specified view to the list of associated views, optionally making it the default
* for all pages. The view is made available on every page ("menu" marker is set for all pages),
* and if {@code defaultView} parameter is {@code true}, the view is also marked as the default
* for all pages ("default" marker is set for all pages).
* @param viewId view ID
* @param defaultView if {@code}, the added view will be the default
* @return this builder
public Builder addView(long viewId, boolean defaultView) {
return addView(-1, viewId, null, defaultView ? PAGES_WITH_DEFAULT_VIEW : null);
* Adds specified view to the list of associated views, or inserts it as a specific position in the list.
* The caller may specify on which pages the view is available in the drop-down list (via {@code menuPages}
* parameter), and on which pages the view is the default (via {@code defaultPages} parameter.
* Hint: to construct a collection of pages, use {@code EnumSet.of(...)}.
* @param index the position in the list where to add the view, or {@code -1} to add the view to the end of the list
* @param viewId the ID of the view
* @param menuPages a collection of pages on which this view is offered to the user, {@code null} or empty means all pages
* @param defaultPages a collection of pages on which this view is the default, {@code null} or empty means no pages
* @return this builder
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the specified index is invalid
public Builder addView(int index, long viewId,
@Nullable Collection menuPages, @Nullable Collection defaultPages)
if (viewId <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot set parameters for view " + viewId);
if (index < 0) {
index = myViews.size();
} else {
if (index > myViews.size()) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("bad index " + index);
for (int i = 0; i < myViews.size(); i++) {
AssociatedView.Builder builder = myViews.get(i);
if (builder.getViewId() == viewId) {
if (index > i) index--;
AssociatedView.Builder builder = new AssociatedView.Builder();
myViews.add(index, builder);
return this;
* Makes this view settings instance defined, by making sure the views list is not {@code null}.
* Even if you don't add any views after that and build an instance of {@link ViewSettings},
* the instance will be defined and override the default settings.
public void makeDefined() {
if (myViews == null) myViews = new ArrayList(5);
* @return true if the current state of the builder would create a defined instance of view settings
public boolean isDefined() {
return myViews != null;
public String toString() {
return "ViewSettings.Builder{" +
"views=" + myViews +
* {@code AssociatedView} is a record of a view association within {@link ViewSettings}. A
* record contains a view ID and "menu" and "default" per-page markers that tell if the specified
* view is offered to the user in the menu on a page and if the view is the default on a page.
* The markers are represented as two sets of {@link StructurePage} - {@code menuPages}
* set contains pages on which the view is offered in drop-down, and {@code defaultPages}
* set contains pages on which the view is the default.
* This class is immutable and thread-safe. To construct a new instance, use
* {@link AssociatedView.Builder}.
public static class AssociatedView {
private final long myViewId;
private final Set myMenuPages;
private final Set myDefaultPages;
private AssociatedView(long viewId, @Nullable Set menuPages,
@Nullable Set defaultPages)
myViewId = viewId;
myMenuPages = menuPages == null ? ALL_PAGES : Collections.unmodifiableSet(menuPages);
myDefaultPages = defaultPages == null ? NO_PAGES : Collections.unmodifiableSet(defaultPages);
* @return unmodifiable set of pages which have this view in the drop-down
public Set getMenuPages() {
return myMenuPages;
* @return unmodifiable set of pages which have this view as the default
public Set getDefaultPages() {
return myDefaultPages;
* @return the view ID
public long getViewId() {
return myViewId;
* Checks if the view should be displayed in the menu on the specified page.
* @param page page with Structure widget
* @return true if the view should be offered in the drop-down
public boolean isOnMenu(StructurePage page) {
return myMenuPages.contains(adjustPage(page));
* Checks if the view is the default on the specified page.
* @param page page with Structure widget
* @return true if the view is the default
public boolean isDefault(StructurePage page) {
return myDefaultPages.contains(adjustPage(page));
public String toString() {
return "ViewSettings.AssociatedView{" +
"viewId=" + myViewId +
", menuPages=" + myMenuPages +
", defaultPages=" + myDefaultPages +
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
AssociatedView that = (AssociatedView) o;
if (myViewId != that.myViewId) return false;
if (!myDefaultPages.equals(that.myDefaultPages)) return false;
if (!myMenuPages.equals(that.myMenuPages)) return false;
return true;
public int hashCode() {
int result = (int) (myViewId ^ (myViewId >>> 32));
result = 31 * result + myMenuPages.hashCode();
result = 31 * result + myDefaultPages.hashCode();
return result;
* The builder for {@link AssociatedView} record.
@JsonPropertyOrder({"view", "menuPages", "defaultPages"})
@JsonSerialize(include = JsonSerialize.Inclusion.NON_NULL)
public static class Builder {
private long myViewId;
private Set myMenuPages;
private Set myDefaultPages;
* Creates an empty builder.
public Builder() {
* Creates a builder that copies the state of an already existing {@code AssociatedView} record.
* @param view view record to copy
public Builder(AssociatedView view) {
if (view != null) {
myViewId = view.getViewId();
* Creates an instance of {@link AssociatedView}.
* @return new instance of associated view record, or {@code null} if the builder is in invalid state
* (no view ID is set)
public AssociatedView build() {
if (!isValid()) return null;
return new AssociatedView(myViewId, myMenuPages, myDefaultPages);
private boolean isValid() {
return myViewId != 0;
* @return set of pages on which the associated view will be in the menu, or {@code null} if
* the view should be in the menu on all pages.
public Set getMenuPages() {
return enumSet(myMenuPages);
* Updates the set of pages on which the associated view will be in the menu.
* @param menuPages set of pages, on which the associated view should be in the Views drop-down menu. If {@code null}
* is passed, the view will be in the menu on all pages.
public void setMenuPages(@Nullable Set menuPages) {
if (menuPages == null || menuPages.equals(ALL_PAGES)) {
myMenuPages = null;
} else {
myMenuPages = enumSet(menuPages);
validatePages(myMenuPages, ALL_PAGES);
* @return set of pages on which the associated view will be the default, or {@code null} if
* the view should not be default on any page.
public Set getDefaultPages() {
return enumSet(myDefaultPages);
* Updates the set of pages on which the associated view will be the default view.
* @param defaultPages set of pages, on which the associated view should be the default view. If {@code null}
* is passed, the view will not be the default on any page.
public void setDefaultPages(@Nullable Set defaultPages) {
myDefaultPages = enumSet(defaultPages);
validatePages(myDefaultPages, PAGES_WITH_DEFAULT_VIEW);
* @return the view ID
public long getViewId() {
return myViewId;
* Sets the ID of the view. No checks are made to make sure a view with such ID exists.
* @param viewId the id of the view
public void setViewId(long viewId) {
myViewId = viewId;
private static void validatePages(Collection pages, Set universe) {
if (pages == null) return;
for (Iterator ii = pages.iterator(); ii.hasNext(); ) {
StructurePage page = ii.next();
if (!universe.contains(page)) ii.remove();
public String toString() {
return "ViewSettings.AssociatedView.Builder{" +
"viewId=" + myViewId +
", menuPages=" + myMenuPages +
", defaultPages=" + myDefaultPages +