com.amazon.sqs.javamessaging.message.SQSMessage Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2010-2017 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* A copy of the License is located at
* http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0
* or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed
* express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
package com.amazon.sqs.javamessaging.message;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import javax.jms.Destination;
import javax.jms.JMSException;
import javax.jms.Message;
import javax.jms.MessageFormatException;
import javax.jms.MessageNotWriteableException;
import com.amazon.sqs.javamessaging.SQSMessageConsumerPrefetch;
import com.amazon.sqs.javamessaging.SQSMessagingClientConstants;
import com.amazon.sqs.javamessaging.SQSQueueDestination;
import com.amazon.sqs.javamessaging.acknowledge.Acknowledger;
import com.amazonaws.services.sqs.model.MessageAttributeValue;
import static com.amazon.sqs.javamessaging.SQSMessagingClientConstants.*;
* The SQSMessage is the root class of all SQS JMS messages and implements JMS
* Message interface.
* Not all message headers are supported at this time:
* JMSMessageID
is always assigned as SQS provided message id.
* JMSRedelivered
is set to true if SQS delivers the message
* more than once. This not necessarily mean that the user received message more
* than once, but rather SQS attempted to deliver it more than once. Due to
* prefetching used in {@link SQSMessageConsumerPrefetch}, this can be set to
* true although user never received the message. This is set based on SQS
* ApproximateReceiveCount attribute
* JMSDestination
is the destination object which message
* is sent to and received from.
* JMSXDeliveryCount reserved property is supported and set based on the
* approximate receive count observed on the SQS side.
public class SQSMessage implements Message {
private static final Charset DEFAULT_CHARSET = Charset.forName("UTF-8");
// Define constant message types.
public static final String BYTE_MESSAGE_TYPE = "byte";
public static final String OBJECT_MESSAGE_TYPE = "object";
public static final String TEXT_MESSAGE_TYPE = "text";
public static final String JMS_SQS_MESSAGE_TYPE = "JMS_SQSMessageType";
public static final String JMS_SQS_REPLY_TO_QUEUE_NAME = "JMS_SQSReplyToQueueName";
public static final String JMS_SQS_REPLY_TO_QUEUE_URL = "JMS_SQSReplyToQueueURL";
// Default JMS Message properties
private int deliveryMode = Message.DEFAULT_DELIVERY_MODE;
private int priority = Message.DEFAULT_PRIORITY;
private long timestamp;
private boolean redelivered;
private String correlationID;
private long expiration = Message.DEFAULT_TIME_TO_LIVE;
private String messageID;
private String type;
private SQSQueueDestination replyTo;
private Destination destination;
private final Map properties = new HashMap();
private boolean writePermissionsForProperties;
private boolean writePermissionsForBody;
* Function for acknowledging message.
private Acknowledger acknowledger;
* Original SQS Message ID.
private String sqsMessageID;
* QueueUrl the message came from.
private String queueUrl;
* Original SQS Message receipt handle.
private String receiptHandle;
* This is called at the receiver side to create a
* JMS message from the SQS message received.
SQSMessage(Acknowledger acknowledger, String queueUrl, com.amazonaws.services.sqs.model.Message sqsMessage) throws JMSException{
this.acknowledger = acknowledger;
this.queueUrl = queueUrl;
receiptHandle = sqsMessage.getReceiptHandle();
Map systemAttributes = sqsMessage.getAttributes();
int receiveCount = Integer.parseInt(systemAttributes.get(APPROXIMATE_RECEIVE_COUNT));
* JMSXDeliveryCount is set based on SQS ApproximateReceiveCount
* attribute.
properties.put(JMSX_DELIVERY_COUNT, new JMSMessagePropertyValue(
receiveCount, INT));
if (receiveCount > 1) {
if (sqsMessage.getMessageAttributes() != null) {
// map the SequenceNumber, MessageGroupId and MessageDeduplicationId to JMS specific properties
mapSystemAttributeToJmsMessageProperty(systemAttributes, SEQUENCE_NUMBER, JMS_SQS_SEQUENCE_NUMBER);
mapSystemAttributeToJmsMessageProperty(systemAttributes, MESSAGE_DEDUPLICATION_ID, JMS_SQS_DEDUPLICATION_ID);
mapSystemAttributeToJmsMessageProperty(systemAttributes, MESSAGE_GROUP_ID, JMSX_GROUP_ID);
writePermissionsForBody = false;
writePermissionsForProperties = false;
private void mapSystemAttributeToJmsMessageProperty(Map systemAttributes, String systemAttributeName, String jmsMessagePropertyName) throws JMSException {
String systemAttributeValue = systemAttributes.get(systemAttributeName);
if (systemAttributeValue != null) {
properties.put(jmsMessagePropertyName, new JMSMessagePropertyValue(systemAttributeValue, STRING));
* Create new empty Message to send. SQSMessage cannot be sent without any
* payload. One of SQSTextMessage, SQSObjectMessage, or SQSBytesMessage
* should be used to add payload.
SQSMessage() {
writePermissionsForBody = true;
writePermissionsForProperties = true;
private void addMessageAttributes(com.amazonaws.services.sqs.model.Message sqsMessage) throws JMSException {
for (Entry entry : sqsMessage.getMessageAttributes().entrySet()) {
properties.put(entry.getKey(), new JMSMessagePropertyValue(
entry.getValue().getStringValue(), entry.getValue().getDataType()));
protected void checkPropertyWritePermissions() throws JMSException {
if (!writePermissionsForProperties) {
throw new MessageNotWriteableException("Message properties are not writable");
protected void checkBodyWritePermissions() throws JMSException {
if (!writePermissionsForBody) {
throw new MessageNotWriteableException("Message body is not writable");
protected static JMSException convertExceptionToJMSException(Exception e) {
JMSException ex = new JMSException(e.getMessage());
return ex;
protected static MessageFormatException convertExceptionToMessageFormatException(Exception e) {
MessageFormatException ex = new MessageFormatException(e.getMessage());
return ex;
protected void setBodyWritePermissions(boolean enable) {
writePermissionsForBody = enable;
* Get SQS Message Group Id (applicable for FIFO queues, available also as JMS property 'JMSXGroupId')
* @throws JMSException
public String getSQSMessageGroupId() throws JMSException {
return getStringProperty(SQSMessagingClientConstants.JMSX_GROUP_ID);
* Get SQS Message Deduplication Id (applicable for FIFO queues, available also as JMS property 'JMS_SQS_DeduplicationId')
* @throws JMSException
public String getSQSMessageDeduplicationId() throws JMSException {
return getStringProperty(SQSMessagingClientConstants.JMS_SQS_DEDUPLICATION_ID);
* Get SQS Message Sequence Number (applicable for FIFO queues, available also as JMS property 'JMS_SQS_SequenceNumber')
* @throws JMSException
public String getSQSMessageSequenceNumber() throws JMSException {
return getStringProperty(SQSMessagingClientConstants.JMS_SQS_SEQUENCE_NUMBER);
* Get SQS Message Id.
* @return SQS Message Id.
public String getSQSMessageId() {
return sqsMessageID;
* Set SQS Message Id, used on send.
* @param sqsMessageID
* messageId assigned by SQS during send.
public void setSQSMessageId(String sqsMessageID) throws JMSException {
this.sqsMessageID = sqsMessageID;
this.setJMSMessageID(String.format(SQSMessagingClientConstants.MESSAGE_ID_FORMAT, sqsMessageID));
* Get SQS Message receiptHandle.
* @return SQS Message receiptHandle.
public String getReceiptHandle() {
return receiptHandle;
* Get queueUrl the message came from.
* @return queueUrl.
public String getQueueUrl() {
return queueUrl;
* Gets the message ID.
* The JMSMessageID header field contains a value that uniquely identifies
* each message sent by a provider. It is set to SQS messageId with the
* prefix 'ID:'.
* @return the ID of the message.
public String getJMSMessageID() throws JMSException {
return messageID;
* Sets the message ID. It should have prefix 'ID:'.
* Set when a message is sent. This method can be used to change the value
* for a message that has been received.
* @param id
* The ID of the message.
public void setJMSMessageID(String id) throws JMSException {
messageID = id;
public long getJMSTimestamp() throws JMSException {
return timestamp;
public void setJMSTimestamp(long timestamp) throws JMSException {
this.timestamp = timestamp;
public byte[] getJMSCorrelationIDAsBytes() throws JMSException {
return correlationID != null ? correlationID.getBytes(DEFAULT_CHARSET) : null;
public void setJMSCorrelationIDAsBytes(byte[] correlationID) throws JMSException {
try {
this.correlationID = correlationID != null ? new String(correlationID, "UTF-8") : null;
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw new JMSException(e.getMessage());
public void setJMSCorrelationID(String correlationID) throws JMSException {
this.correlationID = correlationID;
public String getJMSCorrelationID() throws JMSException {
return correlationID;
public Destination getJMSReplyTo() throws JMSException {
return replyTo;
public void setJMSReplyTo(Destination replyTo) throws JMSException {
if (replyTo != null && !(replyTo instanceof SQSQueueDestination)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The replyTo Destination must be a SQSQueueDestination");
this.replyTo = (SQSQueueDestination)replyTo;
* Gets the Destination object for this message.
* The JMSDestination header field contains the destination to which the
* message is being sent.
* When a message is sent, this field is ignored. After completion of the
* send or publish method, the field holds the destination specified by the
* method.
* When a message is received, its JMSDestination value must be equivalent
* to the value assigned when it was sent.
* @return The destination of this message.
public Destination getJMSDestination() throws JMSException {
return destination;
* Sets the Destination object for this message.
* Set when a message is sent. This method can be used to change the value
* for a message that has been received.
* @param destination
* The destination for this message.
public void setJMSDestination(Destination destination) throws JMSException {
this.destination = destination;
public int getJMSDeliveryMode() throws JMSException {
return deliveryMode;
public void setJMSDeliveryMode(int deliveryMode) throws JMSException {
this.deliveryMode = deliveryMode;
public boolean getJMSRedelivered() throws JMSException {
return redelivered;
public void setJMSRedelivered(boolean redelivered) throws JMSException {
this.redelivered = redelivered;
public String getJMSType() throws JMSException {
return type;
public void setJMSType(String type) throws JMSException {
this.type = type;
public long getJMSExpiration() throws JMSException {
return expiration;
public void setJMSExpiration(long expiration) throws JMSException {
this.expiration = expiration;
public int getJMSPriority() throws JMSException {
return priority;
public void setJMSPriority(int priority) throws JMSException {
this.priority = priority;
* Clears a message's properties and set the write permissions for
* properties. The message's header fields and body are not cleared.
public void clearProperties() throws JMSException {
writePermissionsForProperties = true;
* Indicates whether a property value exists for the given property name.
* @param name
* The name of the property.
* @return true if the property exists.
public boolean propertyExists(String name) throws JMSException {
return properties.containsKey(name);
* Get the value for a property that represents a java primitive(e.g. int or
* long).
* @param property
* The name of the property to get.
* @param type
* The type of the property.
* @return the converted value for the property.
* @throws JMSException
* On internal error.
* @throws MessageFormatException
* If the property cannot be converted to the specified type.
* @throws NullPointerException
* and NumberFormatException when property name or value is
* null. Method throws same exception as primitives
* corresponding valueOf(String) method.
T getPrimitiveProperty(String property, Class type) throws JMSException {
if (property == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Property name is null");
Object value = getObjectProperty(property);
if (value == null) {
return handleNullPropertyValue(property, type);
T convertedValue = TypeConversionSupport.convert(value, type);
if (convertedValue == null) {
throw new MessageFormatException("Property " + property + " was " + value.getClass().getName() +
" and cannot be read as " + type.getName());
return convertedValue;
private T handleNullPropertyValue(String name, Class clazz) {
if (clazz == String.class) {
return null;
} else if (clazz == Boolean.class) {
return (T) Boolean.FALSE;
} else if (clazz == Double.class || clazz == Float.class) {
throw new NullPointerException("Value of property with name " + name + " is null.");
} else {
throw new NumberFormatException("Value of property with name " + name + " is null.");
* Returns the value of the boolean
property with the specified
* name.
* @param name
* The name of the property to get.
* @return the boolean
property value for the specified name.
* @throws JMSException
* On internal error.
* @throws MessageFormatException
* If the property cannot be converted to the specified type.
* @throws NullPointerException
* When property name is null.
public boolean getBooleanProperty(String name) throws JMSException {
return getPrimitiveProperty(name, Boolean.class);
* Returns the value of the byte
property with the specified
* name.
* @param name
* The name of the property to get.
* @return the byte
property value for the specified name.
* @throws JMSException
* On internal error.
* @throws MessageFormatException
* If the property cannot be converted to the specified type.
* @throws NullPointerException
* When property name is null.
* @throws NumberFormatException
* When property value is null.
public byte getByteProperty(String name) throws JMSException {
return getPrimitiveProperty(name, Byte.class);
* Returns the value of the short
property with the specified
* name.
* @param name
* The name of the property to get.
* @return the short
property value for the specified name.
* @throws JMSException
* On internal error.
* @throws MessageFormatException
* If the property cannot be converted to the specified type.
* @throws NullPointerException
* When property name is null.
* @throws NumberFormatException
* When property value is null.
public short getShortProperty(String name) throws JMSException {
return getPrimitiveProperty(name, Short.class);
* Returns the value of the int
property with the specified
* name.
* @param name
* The name of the property to get.
* @return the int
property value for the specified name.
* @throws JMSException
* On internal error.
* @throws MessageFormatException
* If the property cannot be converted to the specified type.
* @throws NullPointerException
* When property name is null.
* @throws NumberFormatException
* When property value is null.
public int getIntProperty(String name) throws JMSException {
return getPrimitiveProperty(name, Integer.class);
* Returns the value of the long
property with the specified
* name.
* @param name
* The name of the property to get.
* @return the long
property value for the specified name.
* @throws JMSException
* On internal error.
* @throws MessageFormatException
* If the property cannot be converted to the specified type.
* @throws NullPointerException
* When property name is null.
* @throws NumberFormatException
* When property value is null.
public long getLongProperty(String name) throws JMSException {
return getPrimitiveProperty(name, Long.class);
* Returns the value of the float
property with the specified
* name.
* @param name
* The name of the property to get.
* @return the float
property value for the specified name.
* @throws JMSException
* Wn internal error.
* @throws MessageFormatException
* If the property cannot be converted to the specified type.
* @throws NullPointerException
* When property name or value is null.
public float getFloatProperty(String name) throws JMSException {
return getPrimitiveProperty(name, Float.class);
* Returns the value of the double
property with the specified
* name.
* @param name
* The name of the property to get.
* @return the double
property value for the specified name.
* @throws JMSException
* On internal error.
* @throws MessageFormatException
* If the property cannot be converted to the specified type.
* @throws NullPointerException
* When property name or value is null.
public double getDoubleProperty(String name) throws JMSException {
return getPrimitiveProperty(name, Double.class);
* Returns the value of the String
property with the specified
* name.
* @param name
* The name of the property to get.
* @return the String
property value for the specified name.
* @throws JMSException
* On internal error.
* @throws MessageFormatException
* If the property cannot be converted to the specified type.
* @throws NullPointerException
* When property name is null.
public String getStringProperty(String name) throws JMSException {
return getPrimitiveProperty(name, String.class);
* Returns the value of the Java object property with the specified name.
* This method can be used to return, in boxed format, an object that has
* been stored as a property in the message with the equivalent
* setObjectProperty
method call, or its equivalent primitive
* setter method.
* @param name
* The name of the property to get.
* @return the Java object property value with the specified name, in boxed
* format (for example, if the property was set as an
* int
, an Integer
is returned); if there
* is no property by this name, a null value is returned.
* @throws JMSException
* On internal error.
public Object getObjectProperty(String name) throws JMSException {
JMSMessagePropertyValue propertyValue = getJMSMessagePropertyValue(name);
if (propertyValue != null) {
return propertyValue.getValue();
return null;
* Returns the property value with message attribute to object property
* conversions took place.
* @param name
* The name of the property to get.
* @return JMSMessagePropertyValue
with object value and
* corresponding SQS message attribute type and message attribute
* string value.
* @throws JMSException
* On internal error.
public JMSMessagePropertyValue getJMSMessagePropertyValue(String name) throws JMSException {
return properties.get(name);
private static class PropertyEnum implements Enumeration {
private final Iterator propertyItr;
public PropertyEnum(Iterator propertyItr) {
this.propertyItr = propertyItr;
public boolean hasMoreElements() {
return propertyItr.hasNext();
public String nextElement() {
return propertyItr.next();
* Returns an Enumeration
of all the property names.
* Note that JMS standard header fields are not considered properties and
* are not returned in this enumeration.
* @return an enumeration of all the names of property values.
* @throws JMSException
* On internal error.
public Enumeration getPropertyNames() throws JMSException {
return new PropertyEnum(properties.keySet().iterator());
* Sets a boolean
property value with the specified name into
* the message.
* @param name
* The name of the property to set.
* @param value
* The boolean
value of the property to set.
* @throws JMSException
* On internal error.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* If the name or value is null or empty string.
* @throws MessageNotWriteableException
* If properties are read-only.
public void setBooleanProperty(String name, boolean value) throws JMSException {
setObjectProperty(name, value);
* Sets a byte
property value with the specified name into
* the message.
* @param name
* The name of the property to set.
* @param value
* The byte
value of the property to set.
* @throws JMSException
* On internal error.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* If the name or value is null or empty string.
* @throws MessageNotWriteableException
* If properties are read-only.
public void setByteProperty(String name, byte value) throws JMSException {
setObjectProperty(name, value);
* Sets a short
property value with the specified name into
* the message.
* @param name
* The name of the property to set.
* @param value
* The short
value of the property to set.
* @throws JMSException
* On internal error.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* If the name or value is null or empty string.
* @throws MessageNotWriteableException
* If properties are read-only.
public void setShortProperty(String name, short value) throws JMSException {
setObjectProperty(name, value);
* Sets a int
property value with the specified name into
* the message.
* @param name
* The name of the property to set.
* @param value
* The int
value of the property to set.
* @throws JMSException
* On internal error.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* If the name or value is null or empty string.
* @throws MessageNotWriteableException
* If properties are read-only.
public void setIntProperty(String name, int value) throws JMSException {
setObjectProperty(name, value);
* Sets a long
property value with the specified name into
* the message.
* @param name
* The name of the property to set.
* @param value
* The long
value of the property to set.
* @throws JMSException
* On internal error.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* If the name or value is null or empty string.
* @throws MessageNotWriteableException
* If properties are read-only.
public void setLongProperty(String name, long value) throws JMSException {
setObjectProperty(name, value);
* Sets a float
property value with the specified name into
* the message.
* @param name
* The name of the property to set.
* @param value
* The float
value of the property to set.
* @throws JMSException
* On internal error.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* If the name or value is null or empty string.
* @throws MessageNotWriteableException
* If properties are read-only.
public void setFloatProperty(String name, float value) throws JMSException {
setObjectProperty(name, value);
* Sets a double
property value with the specified name into
* the message.
* @param name
* The name of the property to set.
* @param value
* The double
value of the property to set.
* @throws JMSException
* On internal error.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* If the name or value is null or empty string.
* @throws MessageNotWriteableException
* If properties are read-only.
public void setDoubleProperty(String name, double value) throws JMSException {
setObjectProperty(name, value);
* Sets a String
property value with the specified name into
* the message.
* @param name
* The name of the property to set.
* @param value
* The String
value of the property to set.
* @throws JMSException
* On internal error.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* If the name or value is null or empty string.
* @throws MessageNotWriteableException
* If properties are read-only.
public void setStringProperty(String name, String value) throws JMSException {
setObjectProperty(name, value);
* Sets a Java object property value with the specified name into the
* message.
* Note that this method works only for the boxed primitive object types
* (Integer, Double, Long ...) and String objects.
* @param name
* The name of the property to set.
* @param value
* The object value of the property to set.
* @throws JMSException
* On internal error.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* If the name or value is null or empty string.
* @throws MessageFormatException
* If the object is invalid type.
* @throws MessageNotWriteableException
* If properties are read-only.
public void setObjectProperty(String name, Object value) throws JMSException {
if (name == null || name.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Property name can not be null or empty.");
if (value == null || "".equals(value)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Property value can not be null or empty.");
if(!isValidPropertyValueType(value)) {
throw new MessageFormatException("Value of property with name " + name + " has incorrect type " + value.getClass().getName() + ".");
properties.put(name, new JMSMessagePropertyValue(value));
* Acknowledges message(s).
* A client may individually acknowledge each message as it is consumed, or
* it may choose to acknowledge multiple messages based on acknowledge mode,
* which in turn might might acknowledge all messages consumed by the
* session.
* Messages that have been received but not acknowledged may be redelivered.
* If the session is closed, messages cannot be acknowledged.
* If only the consumer is closed, messages can still be acknowledged.
* @see com.amazon.sqs.javamessaging.acknowledge.AcknowledgeMode
* @throws JMSException
* On Internal error
* @throws IllegalStateException
* If this method is called on a closed session.
public void acknowledge() throws JMSException {
if (acknowledger != null) {
* Clears out the message body. Clearing a message's body does not clear its
* header values or property entries.
* This method cannot be called directly instead the implementation on the
* subclasses should be used.
* @throws JMSException
* If directly called
public void clearBody() throws JMSException {
throw new JMSException("SQSMessage does not have any body");
private boolean isValidPropertyValueType(Object value) {
return value instanceof Boolean || value instanceof Byte || value instanceof Short ||
value instanceof Integer || value instanceof Long || value instanceof Float ||
value instanceof Double || value instanceof String;
* Copied from org.apache.activemq.util.TypeConversionSupport to provide the
* same property support provided by activemq without creating a dependency
* on activemq.
public static class TypeConversionSupport {
static class ConversionKey {
final Class> from;
final Class> to;
public ConversionKey(Class> from, Class> to) {
this.from = from;
this.to = to;
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + ((from == null) ? 0 : from.hashCode());
result = prime * result + ((to == null) ? 0 : to.hashCode());
return result;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
return false;
ConversionKey other = (ConversionKey) obj;
if (from == null) {
if (other.from != null)
return false;
} else if (!from.equals(other.from))
return false;
if (to == null) {
if (other.to != null)
return false;
} else if (!to.equals(other.to))
return false;
return true;
interface Converter {
Object convert(Object value);
static final private Map CONVERSION_MAP = new HashMap();
static {
Converter toStringConverter = new Converter() {
public Object convert(Object value) {
return value.toString();
CONVERSION_MAP.put(new ConversionKey(Boolean.class, String.class), toStringConverter);
CONVERSION_MAP.put(new ConversionKey(Byte.class, String.class), toStringConverter);
CONVERSION_MAP.put(new ConversionKey(Short.class, String.class), toStringConverter);
CONVERSION_MAP.put(new ConversionKey(Integer.class, String.class), toStringConverter);
CONVERSION_MAP.put(new ConversionKey(Long.class, String.class), toStringConverter);
CONVERSION_MAP.put(new ConversionKey(Float.class, String.class), toStringConverter);
CONVERSION_MAP.put(new ConversionKey(Double.class, String.class), toStringConverter);
CONVERSION_MAP.put(new ConversionKey(String.class, Boolean.class), new Converter() {
public Object convert(Object value) {
String stringValue = (String) value;
if (Boolean.valueOf(stringValue) || INT_TRUE.equals((String) value)) {
return Boolean.TRUE;
return Boolean.FALSE;
CONVERSION_MAP.put(new ConversionKey(String.class, Byte.class), new Converter() {
public Object convert(Object value) {
return Byte.valueOf((String) value);
CONVERSION_MAP.put(new ConversionKey(String.class, Short.class), new Converter() {
public Object convert(Object value) {
return Short.valueOf((String) value);
CONVERSION_MAP.put(new ConversionKey(String.class, Integer.class), new Converter() {
public Object convert(Object value) {
return Integer.valueOf((String) value);
CONVERSION_MAP.put(new ConversionKey(String.class, Long.class), new Converter() {
public Object convert(Object value) {
return Long.valueOf((String) value);
CONVERSION_MAP.put(new ConversionKey(String.class, Float.class), new Converter() {
public Object convert(Object value) {
return Float.valueOf((String) value);
CONVERSION_MAP.put(new ConversionKey(String.class, Double.class), new Converter() {
public Object convert(Object value) {
return Double.valueOf((String) value);
Converter longConverter = new Converter() {
public Object convert(Object value) {
return Long.valueOf(((Number) value).longValue());
CONVERSION_MAP.put(new ConversionKey(Byte.class, Long.class), longConverter);
CONVERSION_MAP.put(new ConversionKey(Short.class, Long.class), longConverter);
CONVERSION_MAP.put(new ConversionKey(Integer.class, Long.class), longConverter);
CONVERSION_MAP.put(new ConversionKey(Date.class, Long.class), new Converter() {
public Object convert(Object value) {
return Long.valueOf(((Date) value).getTime());
Converter intConverter = new Converter() {
public Object convert(Object value) {
return Integer.valueOf(((Number) value).intValue());
CONVERSION_MAP.put(new ConversionKey(Byte.class, Integer.class), intConverter);
CONVERSION_MAP.put(new ConversionKey(Short.class, Integer.class), intConverter);
CONVERSION_MAP.put(new ConversionKey(Byte.class, Short.class), new Converter() {
public Object convert(Object value) {
return Short.valueOf(((Number) value).shortValue());
CONVERSION_MAP.put(new ConversionKey(Float.class, Double.class), new Converter() {
public Object convert(Object value) {
return Double.valueOf(((Number) value).doubleValue());
static public T convert(Object value, Class clazz) {
assert value != null && clazz != null;
if (value.getClass() == clazz)
return (T) value;
Converter c = (Converter) CONVERSION_MAP.get(new ConversionKey(value.getClass(), clazz));
if (c == null)
return null;
return (T) c.convert(value);
* This class is used fulfill object value, corresponding SQS message
* attribute type and message attribute string value.
public static class JMSMessagePropertyValue {
private final Object value;
private final String type;
private final String stringMessageAttributeValue;
public JMSMessagePropertyValue(String stringValue, String type) throws JMSException{
this.type = type;
this.value = getObjectValue(stringValue, type);
this.stringMessageAttributeValue = stringValue;
public JMSMessagePropertyValue(Object value) throws JMSException {
this.type = getType(value);
this.value = value;
if (BOOLEAN.equals(type)) {
if((Boolean) value) {
stringMessageAttributeValue = INT_TRUE;
} else {
stringMessageAttributeValue = INT_FALSE;
} else {
stringMessageAttributeValue = value.toString();
public JMSMessagePropertyValue(Object value, String type) throws JMSException {
this.value = value;
this.type = type;
if (BOOLEAN.equals(type)) {
if((Boolean) value) {
stringMessageAttributeValue = INT_TRUE;
} else {
stringMessageAttributeValue = INT_FALSE;
} else {
stringMessageAttributeValue = value.toString();
private static String getType(Object value) throws JMSException {
if (value instanceof String) {
return STRING;
} else if (value instanceof Integer) {
return INT;
} else if (value instanceof Long) {
return LONG;
} else if (value instanceof Boolean) {
return BOOLEAN;
} else if (value instanceof Byte) {
return BYTE;
} else if (value instanceof Double) {
return DOUBLE;
} else if (value instanceof Float) {
return FLOAT;
} else if (value instanceof Short) {
return SHORT;
} else {
throw new JMSException("Not a supported JMS property type");
private static Object getObjectValue(String value, String type) throws JMSException {
if (STRING.equals(type)) {
return value;
} else if (INT.equals(type)) {
return Integer.valueOf(value);
} else if (LONG.equals(type)) {
return Long.valueOf(value);
} else if (BOOLEAN.equals(type)) {
if (INT_TRUE.equals(value)) {
return Boolean.TRUE;
return Boolean.FALSE;
} else if (BYTE.equals(type)) {
return Byte.valueOf(value);
} else if (DOUBLE.equals(type)) {
return Double.valueOf(value);
} else if (FLOAT.equals(type)) {
return Float.valueOf(value);
} else if (SHORT.equals(type)) {
return Short.valueOf(value);
} else {
throw new JMSException(type + " is not a supported JMS property type");
public String getType() {
return type;
public Object getValue() {
return value;
public String getStringMessageAttributeValue() {
return stringMessageAttributeValue;
* This method sets the JMS_SQS_SEQUENCE_NUMBER property on the message. It is exposed explicitly here, so that
* it can be invoked even on read-only message object obtained through receing a message.
* This support the use case of send a received message by using the same JMSMessage object.
* @param sequenceNumber Sequence number to set. If null or empty, the stored sequence number will be removed.
* @throws JMSException
public void setSequenceNumber(String sequenceNumber) throws JMSException {
if (sequenceNumber == null || sequenceNumber.isEmpty()) {
} else {
properties.put(SQSMessagingClientConstants.JMS_SQS_SEQUENCE_NUMBER, new JMSMessagePropertyValue(sequenceNumber));
* Unit Test Utility Functions
void setWritePermissionsForProperties(boolean writePermissionsForProperties) {
this.writePermissionsForProperties = writePermissionsForProperties;