com.amazonaws.services.greengrassv2.AWSGreengrassV2 Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2019-2024 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. A copy of the License is located at
* http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0
* or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
* CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
* and limitations under the License.
package com.amazonaws.services.greengrassv2;
import javax.annotation.Generated;
import com.amazonaws.*;
import com.amazonaws.regions.*;
import com.amazonaws.services.greengrassv2.model.*;
* Interface for accessing AWS GreengrassV2.
* Note: Do not directly implement this interface, new methods are added to it regularly. Extend from
* {@link com.amazonaws.services.greengrassv2.AbstractAWSGreengrassV2} instead.
* IoT Greengrass brings local compute, messaging, data management, sync, and ML inference capabilities to edge devices.
* This enables devices to collect and analyze data closer to the source of information, react autonomously to local
* events, and communicate securely with each other on local networks. Local devices can also communicate securely with
* Amazon Web Services IoT Core and export IoT data to the Amazon Web Services Cloud. IoT Greengrass developers can use
* Lambda functions and components to create and deploy applications to fleets of edge devices for local operation.
* IoT Greengrass Version 2 provides a new major version of the IoT Greengrass Core software, new APIs, and a new
* console. Use this API reference to learn how to use the IoT Greengrass V2 API operations to manage components, manage
* deployments, and core devices.
* For more information, see What is IoT
* Greengrass? in the IoT Greengrass V2 Developer Guide.
public interface AWSGreengrassV2 {
* The region metadata service name for computing region endpoints. You can use this value to retrieve metadata
* (such as supported regions) of the service.
* @see RegionUtils#getRegionsForService(String)
String ENDPOINT_PREFIX = "greengrass";
* Associates a Greengrass service role with IoT Greengrass for your Amazon Web Services account in this Amazon Web
* Services Region. IoT Greengrass uses this role to verify the identity of client devices and manage core device
* connectivity information. The role must include the AWSGreengrassResourceAccessRolePolicy managed policy or a custom policy that defines equivalent permissions
* for the IoT Greengrass features that you use. For more information, see Greengrass service
* role in the IoT Greengrass Version 2 Developer Guide.
* @param associateServiceRoleToAccountRequest
* @return Result of the AssociateServiceRoleToAccount operation returned by the service.
* @throws ValidationException
* The request isn't valid. This can occur if your request contains malformed JSON or unsupported
* characters.
* @throws InternalServerException
* IoT Greengrass can't process your request right now. Try again later.
* @sample AWSGreengrassV2.AssociateServiceRoleToAccount
* @see AWS API Documentation
AssociateServiceRoleToAccountResult associateServiceRoleToAccount(AssociateServiceRoleToAccountRequest associateServiceRoleToAccountRequest);
* Associates a list of client devices with a core device. Use this API operation to specify which client devices
* can discover a core device through cloud discovery. With cloud discovery, client devices connect to IoT
* Greengrass to retrieve associated core devices' connectivity information and certificates. For more information,
* see Configure
* cloud discovery in the IoT Greengrass V2 Developer Guide.
* Client devices are local IoT devices that connect to and communicate with an IoT Greengrass core device over
* MQTT. You can connect client devices to a core device to sync MQTT messages and data to Amazon Web Services IoT
* Core and interact with client devices in Greengrass components. For more information, see Interact
* with local IoT devices in the IoT Greengrass V2 Developer Guide.
* @param batchAssociateClientDeviceWithCoreDeviceRequest
* @return Result of the BatchAssociateClientDeviceWithCoreDevice operation returned by the service.
* @throws ValidationException
* The request isn't valid. This can occur if your request contains malformed JSON or unsupported
* characters.
* @throws ResourceNotFoundException
* The requested resource can't be found.
* @throws AccessDeniedException
* You don't have permission to perform the action.
* @throws InternalServerException
* IoT Greengrass can't process your request right now. Try again later.
* @throws ThrottlingException
* Your request exceeded a request rate quota. For example, you might have exceeded the amount of times that
* you can retrieve device or deployment status per second.
* @sample AWSGreengrassV2.BatchAssociateClientDeviceWithCoreDevice
* @see AWS API Documentation
BatchAssociateClientDeviceWithCoreDeviceResult batchAssociateClientDeviceWithCoreDevice(
BatchAssociateClientDeviceWithCoreDeviceRequest batchAssociateClientDeviceWithCoreDeviceRequest);
* Disassociates a list of client devices from a core device. After you disassociate a client device from a core
* device, the client device won't be able to use cloud discovery to retrieve the core device's connectivity
* information and certificates.
* @param batchDisassociateClientDeviceFromCoreDeviceRequest
* @return Result of the BatchDisassociateClientDeviceFromCoreDevice operation returned by the service.
* @throws ValidationException
* The request isn't valid. This can occur if your request contains malformed JSON or unsupported
* characters.
* @throws ResourceNotFoundException
* The requested resource can't be found.
* @throws AccessDeniedException
* You don't have permission to perform the action.
* @throws InternalServerException
* IoT Greengrass can't process your request right now. Try again later.
* @throws ThrottlingException
* Your request exceeded a request rate quota. For example, you might have exceeded the amount of times that
* you can retrieve device or deployment status per second.
* @sample AWSGreengrassV2.BatchDisassociateClientDeviceFromCoreDevice
* @see AWS API Documentation
BatchDisassociateClientDeviceFromCoreDeviceResult batchDisassociateClientDeviceFromCoreDevice(
BatchDisassociateClientDeviceFromCoreDeviceRequest batchDisassociateClientDeviceFromCoreDeviceRequest);
* Cancels a deployment. This operation cancels the deployment for devices that haven't yet received it. If a device
* already received the deployment, this operation doesn't change anything for that device.
* @param cancelDeploymentRequest
* @return Result of the CancelDeployment operation returned by the service.
* @throws ResourceNotFoundException
* The requested resource can't be found.
* @throws ValidationException
* The request isn't valid. This can occur if your request contains malformed JSON or unsupported
* characters.
* @throws AccessDeniedException
* You don't have permission to perform the action.
* @throws InternalServerException
* IoT Greengrass can't process your request right now. Try again later.
* @throws ConflictException
* Your request has conflicting operations. This can occur if you're trying to perform more than one
* operation on the same resource at the same time.
* @throws ThrottlingException
* Your request exceeded a request rate quota. For example, you might have exceeded the amount of times that
* you can retrieve device or deployment status per second.
* @sample AWSGreengrassV2.CancelDeployment
* @see AWS
* API Documentation
CancelDeploymentResult cancelDeployment(CancelDeploymentRequest cancelDeploymentRequest);
* Creates a component. Components are software that run on Greengrass core devices. After you develop and test a
* component on your core device, you can use this operation to upload your component to IoT Greengrass. Then, you
* can deploy the component to other core devices.
* You can use this operation to do the following:
* -
* Create components from recipes
* Create a component from a recipe, which is a file that defines the component's metadata, parameters,
* dependencies, lifecycle, artifacts, and platform capability. For more information, see IoT Greengrass
* component recipe reference in the IoT Greengrass V2 Developer Guide.
* To create a component from a recipe, specify inlineRecipe
when you call this operation.
* -
* Create components from Lambda functions
* Create a component from an Lambda function that runs on IoT Greengrass. This creates a recipe and artifacts from
* the Lambda function's deployment package. You can use this operation to migrate Lambda functions from IoT
* Greengrass V1 to IoT Greengrass V2.
* This function accepts Lambda functions in all supported versions of Python, Node.js, and Java runtimes. IoT
* Greengrass doesn't apply any additional restrictions on deprecated Lambda runtime versions.
* To create a component from a Lambda function, specify lambdaFunction
when you call this operation.
* IoT Greengrass currently supports Lambda functions on only Linux core devices.
* @param createComponentVersionRequest
* @return Result of the CreateComponentVersion operation returned by the service.
* @throws ValidationException
* The request isn't valid. This can occur if your request contains malformed JSON or unsupported
* characters.
* @throws ServiceQuotaExceededException
* Your request exceeds a service quota. For example, you might have the maximum number of components that
* you can create.
* @throws AccessDeniedException
* You don't have permission to perform the action.
* @throws ConflictException
* Your request has conflicting operations. This can occur if you're trying to perform more than one
* operation on the same resource at the same time.
* @throws ThrottlingException
* Your request exceeded a request rate quota. For example, you might have exceeded the amount of times that
* you can retrieve device or deployment status per second.
* @throws InternalServerException
* IoT Greengrass can't process your request right now. Try again later.
* @throws RequestAlreadyInProgressException
* The request is already in progress. This exception occurs when you use a client token for multiple
* requests while IoT Greengrass is still processing an earlier request that uses the same client token.
* @sample AWSGreengrassV2.CreateComponentVersion
* @see AWS API Documentation
CreateComponentVersionResult createComponentVersion(CreateComponentVersionRequest createComponentVersionRequest);
* Creates a continuous deployment for a target, which is a Greengrass core device or group of core devices. When
* you add a new core device to a group of core devices that has a deployment, IoT Greengrass deploys that group's
* deployment to the new device.
* You can define one deployment for each target. When you create a new deployment for a target that has an existing
* deployment, you replace the previous deployment. IoT Greengrass applies the new deployment to the target devices.
* Every deployment has a revision number that indicates how many deployment revisions you define for a target. Use
* this operation to create a new revision of an existing deployment.
* For more information, see the Create deployments in
* the IoT Greengrass V2 Developer Guide.
* @param createDeploymentRequest
* @return Result of the CreateDeployment operation returned by the service.
* @throws ResourceNotFoundException
* The requested resource can't be found.
* @throws ValidationException
* The request isn't valid. This can occur if your request contains malformed JSON or unsupported
* characters.
* @throws AccessDeniedException
* You don't have permission to perform the action.
* @throws ThrottlingException
* Your request exceeded a request rate quota. For example, you might have exceeded the amount of times that
* you can retrieve device or deployment status per second.
* @throws InternalServerException
* IoT Greengrass can't process your request right now. Try again later.
* @throws ConflictException
* Your request has conflicting operations. This can occur if you're trying to perform more than one
* operation on the same resource at the same time.
* @throws RequestAlreadyInProgressException
* The request is already in progress. This exception occurs when you use a client token for multiple
* requests while IoT Greengrass is still processing an earlier request that uses the same client token.
* @sample AWSGreengrassV2.CreateDeployment
* @see AWS
* API Documentation
CreateDeploymentResult createDeployment(CreateDeploymentRequest createDeploymentRequest);
* Deletes a version of a component from IoT Greengrass.
* This operation deletes the component's recipe and artifacts. As a result, deployments that refer to this
* component version will fail. If you have deployments that use this component version, you can remove the
* component from the deployment or update the deployment to use a valid version.
* @param deleteComponentRequest
* @return Result of the DeleteComponent operation returned by the service.
* @throws ValidationException
* The request isn't valid. This can occur if your request contains malformed JSON or unsupported
* characters.
* @throws AccessDeniedException
* You don't have permission to perform the action.
* @throws ConflictException
* Your request has conflicting operations. This can occur if you're trying to perform more than one
* operation on the same resource at the same time.
* @throws ResourceNotFoundException
* The requested resource can't be found.
* @throws ThrottlingException
* Your request exceeded a request rate quota. For example, you might have exceeded the amount of times that
* you can retrieve device or deployment status per second.
* @throws InternalServerException
* IoT Greengrass can't process your request right now. Try again later.
* @sample AWSGreengrassV2.DeleteComponent
* @see AWS
* API Documentation
DeleteComponentResult deleteComponent(DeleteComponentRequest deleteComponentRequest);
* Deletes a Greengrass core device, which is an IoT thing. This operation removes the core device from the list of
* core devices. This operation doesn't delete the IoT thing. For more information about how to delete the IoT
* thing, see DeleteThing in
* the IoT API Reference.
* @param deleteCoreDeviceRequest
* @return Result of the DeleteCoreDevice operation returned by the service.
* @throws ValidationException
* The request isn't valid. This can occur if your request contains malformed JSON or unsupported
* characters.
* @throws ResourceNotFoundException
* The requested resource can't be found.
* @throws AccessDeniedException
* You don't have permission to perform the action.
* @throws InternalServerException
* IoT Greengrass can't process your request right now. Try again later.
* @throws ThrottlingException
* Your request exceeded a request rate quota. For example, you might have exceeded the amount of times that
* you can retrieve device or deployment status per second.
* @throws ConflictException
* Your request has conflicting operations. This can occur if you're trying to perform more than one
* operation on the same resource at the same time.
* @sample AWSGreengrassV2.DeleteCoreDevice
* @see AWS
* API Documentation
DeleteCoreDeviceResult deleteCoreDevice(DeleteCoreDeviceRequest deleteCoreDeviceRequest);
* Deletes a deployment. To delete an active deployment, you must first cancel it. For more information, see CancelDeployment.
* Deleting a deployment doesn't affect core devices that run that deployment, because core devices store the
* deployment's configuration on the device. Additionally, core devices can roll back to a previous deployment that
* has been deleted.
* @param deleteDeploymentRequest
* @return Result of the DeleteDeployment operation returned by the service.
* @throws ResourceNotFoundException
* The requested resource can't be found.
* @throws ValidationException
* The request isn't valid. This can occur if your request contains malformed JSON or unsupported
* characters.
* @throws AccessDeniedException
* You don't have permission to perform the action.
* @throws InternalServerException
* IoT Greengrass can't process your request right now. Try again later.
* @throws ConflictException
* Your request has conflicting operations. This can occur if you're trying to perform more than one
* operation on the same resource at the same time.
* @throws ThrottlingException
* Your request exceeded a request rate quota. For example, you might have exceeded the amount of times that
* you can retrieve device or deployment status per second.
* @sample AWSGreengrassV2.DeleteDeployment
* @see AWS
* API Documentation
DeleteDeploymentResult deleteDeployment(DeleteDeploymentRequest deleteDeploymentRequest);
* Retrieves metadata for a version of a component.
* @param describeComponentRequest
* @return Result of the DescribeComponent operation returned by the service.
* @throws ValidationException
* The request isn't valid. This can occur if your request contains malformed JSON or unsupported
* characters.
* @throws AccessDeniedException
* You don't have permission to perform the action.
* @throws ResourceNotFoundException
* The requested resource can't be found.
* @throws ThrottlingException
* Your request exceeded a request rate quota. For example, you might have exceeded the amount of times that
* you can retrieve device or deployment status per second.
* @throws InternalServerException
* IoT Greengrass can't process your request right now. Try again later.
* @sample AWSGreengrassV2.DescribeComponent
* @see AWS
* API Documentation
DescribeComponentResult describeComponent(DescribeComponentRequest describeComponentRequest);
* Disassociates the Greengrass service role from IoT Greengrass for your Amazon Web Services account in this Amazon
* Web Services Region. Without a service role, IoT Greengrass can't verify the identity of client devices or manage
* core device connectivity information. For more information, see Greengrass service
* role in the IoT Greengrass Version 2 Developer Guide.
* @param disassociateServiceRoleFromAccountRequest
* @return Result of the DisassociateServiceRoleFromAccount operation returned by the service.
* @throws InternalServerException
* IoT Greengrass can't process your request right now. Try again later.
* @sample AWSGreengrassV2.DisassociateServiceRoleFromAccount
* @see AWS API Documentation
DisassociateServiceRoleFromAccountResult disassociateServiceRoleFromAccount(
DisassociateServiceRoleFromAccountRequest disassociateServiceRoleFromAccountRequest);
* Gets the recipe for a version of a component.
* @param getComponentRequest
* @return Result of the GetComponent operation returned by the service.
* @throws ValidationException
* The request isn't valid. This can occur if your request contains malformed JSON or unsupported
* characters.
* @throws AccessDeniedException
* You don't have permission to perform the action.
* @throws ResourceNotFoundException
* The requested resource can't be found.
* @throws ThrottlingException
* Your request exceeded a request rate quota. For example, you might have exceeded the amount of times that
* you can retrieve device or deployment status per second.
* @throws InternalServerException
* IoT Greengrass can't process your request right now. Try again later.
* @sample AWSGreengrassV2.GetComponent
* @see AWS API
* Documentation
GetComponentResult getComponent(GetComponentRequest getComponentRequest);
* Gets the pre-signed URL to download a public or a Lambda component artifact. Core devices call this operation to
* identify the URL that they can use to download an artifact to install.
* @param getComponentVersionArtifactRequest
* @return Result of the GetComponentVersionArtifact operation returned by the service.
* @throws ValidationException
* The request isn't valid. This can occur if your request contains malformed JSON or unsupported
* characters.
* @throws AccessDeniedException
* You don't have permission to perform the action.
* @throws ResourceNotFoundException
* The requested resource can't be found.
* @throws ThrottlingException
* Your request exceeded a request rate quota. For example, you might have exceeded the amount of times that
* you can retrieve device or deployment status per second.
* @throws InternalServerException
* IoT Greengrass can't process your request right now. Try again later.
* @sample AWSGreengrassV2.GetComponentVersionArtifact
* @see AWS API Documentation
GetComponentVersionArtifactResult getComponentVersionArtifact(GetComponentVersionArtifactRequest getComponentVersionArtifactRequest);
* Retrieves connectivity information for a Greengrass core device.
* Connectivity information includes endpoints and ports where client devices can connect to an MQTT broker on the
* core device. When a client device calls the IoT Greengrass
* discovery API, IoT Greengrass returns connectivity information for all of the core devices where the client
* device can connect. For more information, see Connect client
* devices to core devices in the IoT Greengrass Version 2 Developer Guide.
* @param getConnectivityInfoRequest
* @return Result of the GetConnectivityInfo operation returned by the service.
* @throws ValidationException
* The request isn't valid. This can occur if your request contains malformed JSON or unsupported
* characters.
* @throws InternalServerException
* IoT Greengrass can't process your request right now. Try again later.
* @sample AWSGreengrassV2.GetConnectivityInfo
* @see AWS API Documentation
GetConnectivityInfoResult getConnectivityInfo(GetConnectivityInfoRequest getConnectivityInfoRequest);
* Retrieves metadata for a Greengrass core device.
* IoT Greengrass relies on individual devices to send status updates to the Amazon Web Services Cloud. If the IoT
* Greengrass Core software isn't running on the device, or if device isn't connected to the Amazon Web Services
* Cloud, then the reported status of that device might not reflect its current status. The status timestamp
* indicates when the device status was last updated.
* Core devices send status updates at the following times:
* -
* When the IoT Greengrass Core software starts
* -
* When the core device receives a deployment from the Amazon Web Services Cloud
* -
* When the status of any component on the core device becomes BROKEN
* -
* At a regular interval that you can configure, which defaults to 24 hours
* -
* For IoT Greengrass Core v2.7.0, the core device sends status updates upon local deployment and cloud deployment
* @param getCoreDeviceRequest
* @return Result of the GetCoreDevice operation returned by the service.
* @throws ValidationException
* The request isn't valid. This can occur if your request contains malformed JSON or unsupported
* characters.
* @throws ResourceNotFoundException
* The requested resource can't be found.
* @throws AccessDeniedException
* You don't have permission to perform the action.
* @throws InternalServerException
* IoT Greengrass can't process your request right now. Try again later.
* @throws ThrottlingException
* Your request exceeded a request rate quota. For example, you might have exceeded the amount of times that
* you can retrieve device or deployment status per second.
* @sample AWSGreengrassV2.GetCoreDevice
* @see AWS API
* Documentation
GetCoreDeviceResult getCoreDevice(GetCoreDeviceRequest getCoreDeviceRequest);
* Gets a deployment. Deployments define the components that run on Greengrass core devices.
* @param getDeploymentRequest
* @return Result of the GetDeployment operation returned by the service.
* @throws ValidationException
* The request isn't valid. This can occur if your request contains malformed JSON or unsupported
* characters.
* @throws ResourceNotFoundException
* The requested resource can't be found.
* @throws AccessDeniedException
* You don't have permission to perform the action.
* @throws InternalServerException
* IoT Greengrass can't process your request right now. Try again later.
* @throws ThrottlingException
* Your request exceeded a request rate quota. For example, you might have exceeded the amount of times that
* you can retrieve device or deployment status per second.
* @sample AWSGreengrassV2.GetDeployment
* @see AWS API
* Documentation
GetDeploymentResult getDeployment(GetDeploymentRequest getDeploymentRequest);
* Gets the service role associated with IoT Greengrass for your Amazon Web Services account in this Amazon Web
* Services Region. IoT Greengrass uses this role to verify the identity of client devices and manage core device
* connectivity information. For more information, see Greengrass service
* role in the IoT Greengrass Version 2 Developer Guide.
* @param getServiceRoleForAccountRequest
* @return Result of the GetServiceRoleForAccount operation returned by the service.
* @throws InternalServerException
* IoT Greengrass can't process your request right now. Try again later.
* @sample AWSGreengrassV2.GetServiceRoleForAccount
* @see AWS API Documentation
GetServiceRoleForAccountResult getServiceRoleForAccount(GetServiceRoleForAccountRequest getServiceRoleForAccountRequest);
* Retrieves a paginated list of client devices that are associated with a core device.
* @param listClientDevicesAssociatedWithCoreDeviceRequest
* @return Result of the ListClientDevicesAssociatedWithCoreDevice operation returned by the service.
* @throws ValidationException
* The request isn't valid. This can occur if your request contains malformed JSON or unsupported
* characters.
* @throws ResourceNotFoundException
* The requested resource can't be found.
* @throws AccessDeniedException
* You don't have permission to perform the action.
* @throws InternalServerException
* IoT Greengrass can't process your request right now. Try again later.
* @throws ThrottlingException
* Your request exceeded a request rate quota. For example, you might have exceeded the amount of times that
* you can retrieve device or deployment status per second.
* @sample AWSGreengrassV2.ListClientDevicesAssociatedWithCoreDevice
* @see AWS API Documentation
ListClientDevicesAssociatedWithCoreDeviceResult listClientDevicesAssociatedWithCoreDevice(
ListClientDevicesAssociatedWithCoreDeviceRequest listClientDevicesAssociatedWithCoreDeviceRequest);
* Retrieves a paginated list of all versions for a component. Greater versions are listed first.
* @param listComponentVersionsRequest
* @return Result of the ListComponentVersions operation returned by the service.
* @throws ValidationException
* The request isn't valid. This can occur if your request contains malformed JSON or unsupported
* characters.
* @throws AccessDeniedException
* You don't have permission to perform the action.
* @throws ResourceNotFoundException
* The requested resource can't be found.
* @throws ThrottlingException
* Your request exceeded a request rate quota. For example, you might have exceeded the amount of times that
* you can retrieve device or deployment status per second.
* @throws InternalServerException
* IoT Greengrass can't process your request right now. Try again later.
* @sample AWSGreengrassV2.ListComponentVersions
* @see AWS API Documentation
ListComponentVersionsResult listComponentVersions(ListComponentVersionsRequest listComponentVersionsRequest);
* Retrieves a paginated list of component summaries. This list includes components that you have permission to
* view.
* @param listComponentsRequest
* @return Result of the ListComponents operation returned by the service.
* @throws ValidationException
* The request isn't valid. This can occur if your request contains malformed JSON or unsupported
* characters.
* @throws AccessDeniedException
* You don't have permission to perform the action.
* @throws ResourceNotFoundException
* The requested resource can't be found.
* @throws ThrottlingException
* Your request exceeded a request rate quota. For example, you might have exceeded the amount of times that
* you can retrieve device or deployment status per second.
* @throws InternalServerException
* IoT Greengrass can't process your request right now. Try again later.
* @sample AWSGreengrassV2.ListComponents
* @see AWS
* API Documentation
ListComponentsResult listComponents(ListComponentsRequest listComponentsRequest);
* Retrieves a paginated list of Greengrass core devices.
* IoT Greengrass relies on individual devices to send status updates to the Amazon Web Services Cloud. If the IoT
* Greengrass Core software isn't running on the device, or if device isn't connected to the Amazon Web Services
* Cloud, then the reported status of that device might not reflect its current status. The status timestamp
* indicates when the device status was last updated.
* Core devices send status updates at the following times:
* -
* When the IoT Greengrass Core software starts
* -
* When the core device receives a deployment from the Amazon Web Services Cloud
* -
* When the status of any component on the core device becomes BROKEN
* -
* At a regular interval that you can configure, which defaults to 24 hours
* -
* For IoT Greengrass Core v2.7.0, the core device sends status updates upon local deployment and cloud deployment
* @param listCoreDevicesRequest
* @return Result of the ListCoreDevices operation returned by the service.
* @throws ValidationException
* The request isn't valid. This can occur if your request contains malformed JSON or unsupported
* characters.
* @throws AccessDeniedException
* You don't have permission to perform the action.
* @throws InternalServerException
* IoT Greengrass can't process your request right now. Try again later.
* @throws ThrottlingException
* Your request exceeded a request rate quota. For example, you might have exceeded the amount of times that
* you can retrieve device or deployment status per second.
* @sample AWSGreengrassV2.ListCoreDevices
* @see AWS
* API Documentation
ListCoreDevicesResult listCoreDevices(ListCoreDevicesRequest listCoreDevicesRequest);
* Retrieves a paginated list of deployments.
* @param listDeploymentsRequest
* @return Result of the ListDeployments operation returned by the service.
* @throws ValidationException
* The request isn't valid. This can occur if your request contains malformed JSON or unsupported
* characters.
* @throws AccessDeniedException
* You don't have permission to perform the action.
* @throws InternalServerException
* IoT Greengrass can't process your request right now. Try again later.
* @throws ThrottlingException
* Your request exceeded a request rate quota. For example, you might have exceeded the amount of times that
* you can retrieve device or deployment status per second.
* @sample AWSGreengrassV2.ListDeployments
* @see AWS
* API Documentation
ListDeploymentsResult listDeployments(ListDeploymentsRequest listDeploymentsRequest);
* Retrieves a paginated list of deployment jobs that IoT Greengrass sends to Greengrass core devices.
* @param listEffectiveDeploymentsRequest
* @return Result of the ListEffectiveDeployments operation returned by the service.
* @throws ValidationException
* The request isn't valid. This can occur if your request contains malformed JSON or unsupported
* characters.
* @throws ResourceNotFoundException
* The requested resource can't be found.
* @throws AccessDeniedException
* You don't have permission to perform the action.
* @throws InternalServerException
* IoT Greengrass can't process your request right now. Try again later.
* @throws ThrottlingException
* Your request exceeded a request rate quota. For example, you might have exceeded the amount of times that
* you can retrieve device or deployment status per second.
* @sample AWSGreengrassV2.ListEffectiveDeployments
* @see AWS API Documentation
ListEffectiveDeploymentsResult listEffectiveDeployments(ListEffectiveDeploymentsRequest listEffectiveDeploymentsRequest);
* Retrieves a paginated list of the components that a Greengrass core device runs. By default, this list doesn't
* include components that are deployed as dependencies of other components. To include dependencies in the
* response, set the topologyFilter
parameter to ALL
* IoT Greengrass relies on individual devices to send status updates to the Amazon Web Services Cloud. If the IoT
* Greengrass Core software isn't running on the device, or if device isn't connected to the Amazon Web Services
* Cloud, then the reported status of that device might not reflect its current status. The status timestamp
* indicates when the device status was last updated.
* Core devices send status updates at the following times:
* -
* When the IoT Greengrass Core software starts
* -
* When the core device receives a deployment from the Amazon Web Services Cloud
* -
* When the status of any component on the core device becomes BROKEN
* -
* At a regular interval that you can configure, which defaults to 24 hours
* -
* For IoT Greengrass Core v2.7.0, the core device sends status updates upon local deployment and cloud deployment
* @param listInstalledComponentsRequest
* @return Result of the ListInstalledComponents operation returned by the service.
* @throws ValidationException
* The request isn't valid. This can occur if your request contains malformed JSON or unsupported
* characters.
* @throws ResourceNotFoundException
* The requested resource can't be found.
* @throws AccessDeniedException
* You don't have permission to perform the action.
* @throws InternalServerException
* IoT Greengrass can't process your request right now. Try again later.
* @throws ThrottlingException
* Your request exceeded a request rate quota. For example, you might have exceeded the amount of times that
* you can retrieve device or deployment status per second.
* @sample AWSGreengrassV2.ListInstalledComponents
* @see AWS API Documentation
ListInstalledComponentsResult listInstalledComponents(ListInstalledComponentsRequest listInstalledComponentsRequest);
* Retrieves the list of tags for an IoT Greengrass resource.
* @param listTagsForResourceRequest
* @return Result of the ListTagsForResource operation returned by the service.
* @throws InternalServerException
* IoT Greengrass can't process your request right now. Try again later.
* @throws ValidationException
* The request isn't valid. This can occur if your request contains malformed JSON or unsupported
* characters.
* @throws ResourceNotFoundException
* The requested resource can't be found.
* @sample AWSGreengrassV2.ListTagsForResource
* @see AWS API Documentation
ListTagsForResourceResult listTagsForResource(ListTagsForResourceRequest listTagsForResourceRequest);
* Retrieves a list of components that meet the component, version, and platform requirements of a deployment.
* Greengrass core devices call this operation when they receive a deployment to identify the components to install.
* This operation identifies components that meet all dependency requirements for a deployment. If the requirements
* conflict, then this operation returns an error and the deployment fails. For example, this occurs if component
* A
requires version >2.0.0
and component B
requires version
* <2.0.0
of a component dependency.
* When you specify the component candidates to resolve, IoT Greengrass compares each component's digest from the
* core device with the component's digest in the Amazon Web Services Cloud. If the digests don't match, then IoT
* Greengrass specifies to use the version from the Amazon Web Services Cloud.
* To use this operation, you must use the data plane API endpoint and authenticate with an IoT device certificate.
* For more information, see IoT Greengrass
* endpoints and quotas.
* @param resolveComponentCandidatesRequest
* @return Result of the ResolveComponentCandidates operation returned by the service.
* @throws ValidationException
* The request isn't valid. This can occur if your request contains malformed JSON or unsupported
* characters.
* @throws AccessDeniedException
* You don't have permission to perform the action.
* @throws ResourceNotFoundException
* The requested resource can't be found.
* @throws ConflictException
* Your request has conflicting operations. This can occur if you're trying to perform more than one
* operation on the same resource at the same time.
* @throws ThrottlingException
* Your request exceeded a request rate quota. For example, you might have exceeded the amount of times that
* you can retrieve device or deployment status per second.
* @throws InternalServerException
* IoT Greengrass can't process your request right now. Try again later.
* @sample AWSGreengrassV2.ResolveComponentCandidates
* @see AWS API Documentation
ResolveComponentCandidatesResult resolveComponentCandidates(ResolveComponentCandidatesRequest resolveComponentCandidatesRequest);
* Adds tags to an IoT Greengrass resource. If a tag already exists for the resource, this operation updates the
* tag's value.
* @param tagResourceRequest
* @return Result of the TagResource operation returned by the service.
* @throws InternalServerException
* IoT Greengrass can't process your request right now. Try again later.
* @throws ValidationException
* The request isn't valid. This can occur if your request contains malformed JSON or unsupported
* characters.
* @throws ResourceNotFoundException
* The requested resource can't be found.
* @sample AWSGreengrassV2.TagResource
* @see AWS API
* Documentation
TagResourceResult tagResource(TagResourceRequest tagResourceRequest);
* Removes a tag from an IoT Greengrass resource.
* @param untagResourceRequest
* @return Result of the UntagResource operation returned by the service.
* @throws InternalServerException
* IoT Greengrass can't process your request right now. Try again later.
* @throws ValidationException
* The request isn't valid. This can occur if your request contains malformed JSON or unsupported
* characters.
* @throws ResourceNotFoundException
* The requested resource can't be found.
* @sample AWSGreengrassV2.UntagResource
* @see AWS API
* Documentation
UntagResourceResult untagResource(UntagResourceRequest untagResourceRequest);
* Updates connectivity information for a Greengrass core device.
* Connectivity information includes endpoints and ports where client devices can connect to an MQTT broker on the
* core device. When a client device calls the IoT Greengrass
* discovery API, IoT Greengrass returns connectivity information for all of the core devices where the client
* device can connect. For more information, see Connect client
* devices to core devices in the IoT Greengrass Version 2 Developer Guide.
* @param updateConnectivityInfoRequest
* @return Result of the UpdateConnectivityInfo operation returned by the service.
* @throws ValidationException
* The request isn't valid. This can occur if your request contains malformed JSON or unsupported
* characters.
* @throws InternalServerException
* IoT Greengrass can't process your request right now. Try again later.
* @sample AWSGreengrassV2.UpdateConnectivityInfo
* @see AWS API Documentation
UpdateConnectivityInfoResult updateConnectivityInfo(UpdateConnectivityInfoRequest updateConnectivityInfoRequest);
* Shuts down this client object, releasing any resources that might be held open. This is an optional method, and
* callers are not expected to call it, but can if they want to explicitly release any open resources. Once a client
* has been shutdown, it should not be used to make any more requests.
void shutdown();
* Returns additional metadata for a previously executed successful request, typically used for debugging issues
* where a service isn't acting as expected. This data isn't considered part of the result data returned by an
* operation, so it's available through this separate, diagnostic interface.
* Response metadata is only cached for a limited period of time, so if you need to access this extra diagnostic
* information for an executed request, you should use this method to retrieve it as soon as possible after
* executing a request.
* @param request
* The originally executed request.
* @return The response metadata for the specified request, or null if none is available.
ResponseMetadata getCachedResponseMetadata(AmazonWebServiceRequest request);