com.amazonaws.services.s3.AmazonS3EncryptionClient Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2013-2021 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* A copy of the License is located at
* http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0
* or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed
* express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
package com.amazonaws.services.s3;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException;
import com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceRequest;
import com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration;
import com.amazonaws.SdkClientException;
import com.amazonaws.annotation.SdkInternalApi;
import com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentials;
import com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentialsProvider;
import com.amazonaws.auth.AnonymousAWSCredentials;
import com.amazonaws.internal.StaticCredentialsProvider;
import com.amazonaws.metrics.RequestMetricCollector;
import com.amazonaws.regions.Region;
import com.amazonaws.services.kms.AWSKMS;
import com.amazonaws.services.kms.AWSKMSClient;
import com.amazonaws.services.s3.internal.MultiFileOutputStream;
import com.amazonaws.services.s3.internal.PartCreationEvent;
import com.amazonaws.services.s3.internal.S3Direct;
import com.amazonaws.services.s3.internal.crypto.v1.CryptoModuleDispatcher;
import com.amazonaws.services.s3.internal.crypto.v1.S3CryptoModule;
import com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.AbortMultipartUploadRequest;
import com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.CompleteMultipartUploadRequest;
import com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.CompleteMultipartUploadResult;
import com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.CopyPartRequest;
import com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.CopyPartResult;
import com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.CryptoConfiguration;
import com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.DeleteObjectRequest;
import com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.EncryptedInitiateMultipartUploadRequest;
import com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.EncryptedPutObjectRequest;
import com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.EncryptionMaterials;
import com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.EncryptionMaterialsProvider;
import com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.GetObjectMetadataRequest;
import com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.GetObjectRequest;
import com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.GroupGrantee;
import com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.InitiateMultipartUploadRequest;
import com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.InitiateMultipartUploadResult;
import com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.InstructionFileId;
import com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.ObjectMetadata;
import com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.PartETag;
import com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.Permission;
import com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.PutInstructionFileRequest;
import com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.PutObjectRequest;
import com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.PutObjectResult;
import com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.S3Object;
import com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.S3ObjectId;
import com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.StaticEncryptionMaterialsProvider;
import com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.UploadObjectRequest;
import com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.UploadPartRequest;
import com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.UploadPartResult;
import com.amazonaws.util.VersionInfoUtils;
* Used to perform client-side encryption for storing data securely in S3. Data
* encryption is done using a one-time randomly generated content encryption
* key (CEK) per S3 object.
* The encryption materials specified in the constructor will be used to
* protect the CEK which is then stored along side with the S3 object.
* Note: Deprecated in favor of {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientV2}, which uses only AES/GCM
* for content encryption and improved key wrap algorithms.
* @deprecated This feature is in maintenance mode, no new updates will be released.
* Please see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws_sdk_cryptography.html for more information.
public class AmazonS3EncryptionClient extends AmazonS3Client implements
AmazonS3Encryption {
private static final String USER_AGENT_V1 = "S3CryptoV1n/" + VersionInfoUtils.getVersion();
private final S3CryptoModule> crypto;
private final AWSKMS kms;
* True if the a default KMS client is constructed, which will be shut down
* when this instance of S3 encryption client is shutdown. False otherwise,
* which means the users who provided the KMS client would be responsible
* to shut down the KMS client.
private final boolean isKMSClientInternal;
// ///////////////////// Constructors ////////////////
* Constructs a new Amazon S3 Encryption client that will make anonymous
* requests to Amazon S3. If {@link #getObject(String, String)} is called,
* the object contents will be decrypted with the encryption materials provided.
* Only a subset of the Amazon S3 API will work with anonymous
* (i.e. unsigned) requests, but this can prove useful in some situations.
* For example:
* - If an Amazon S3 bucket has {@link Permission#Read} permission for the
* {@link GroupGrantee#AllUsers} group, anonymous clients can call
* {@link #listObjects(String)} to see what objects are stored in a bucket.
* - If an object has {@link Permission#Read} permission for the
* {@link GroupGrantee#AllUsers} group, anonymous clients can call
* {@link #getObject(String, String)} and
* {@link #getObjectMetadata(String, String)} to pull object content and
* metadata.
* - If a bucket has {@link Permission#Write} permission for the
* {@link GroupGrantee#AllUsers} group, anonymous clients can upload objects
* to the bucket.
* @param encryptionMaterials
* The encryption materials to be used to encrypt and decrypt data.
* @deprecated use {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withEncryptionMaterials(EncryptionMaterialsProvider)}
public AmazonS3EncryptionClient(EncryptionMaterials encryptionMaterials) {
this(new StaticEncryptionMaterialsProvider(encryptionMaterials));
* Constructs a new Amazon S3 Encryption client that will make anonymous
* requests to Amazon S3. If {@link #getObject(String, String)} is called,
* the object contents will be decrypted with the encryption materials provided.
* Only a subset of the Amazon S3 API will work with anonymous
* (i.e. unsigned) requests, but this can prove useful in some situations.
* For example:
* - If an Amazon S3 bucket has {@link Permission#Read} permission for the
* {@link GroupGrantee#AllUsers} group, anonymous clients can call
* {@link #listObjects(String)} to see what objects are stored in a bucket.
* - If an object has {@link Permission#Read} permission for the
* {@link GroupGrantee#AllUsers} group, anonymous clients can call
* {@link #getObject(String, String)} and
* {@link #getObjectMetadata(String, String)} to pull object content and
* metadata.
* - If a bucket has {@link Permission#Write} permission for the
* {@link GroupGrantee#AllUsers} group, anonymous clients can upload objects
* to the bucket.
* @param encryptionMaterialsProvider
* A provider for the encryption materials to be used to encrypt and decrypt data.
* @deprecated use {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withEncryptionMaterials(EncryptionMaterialsProvider)}
public AmazonS3EncryptionClient(
EncryptionMaterialsProvider encryptionMaterialsProvider) {
this(new StaticCredentialsProvider(new AnonymousAWSCredentials()),
configFactory.getConfig(), new CryptoConfiguration());
* Constructs a new Amazon S3 Encryption client that will make anonymous
* requests to Amazon S3. If {@link #getObject(String, String)} is called,
* the object contents will be decrypted with the encryption materials provided.
* The encryption implementation of the provided crypto provider will be
* used to encrypt and decrypt data.
* Only a subset of the Amazon S3 API will work with anonymous
* (i.e. unsigned) requests, but this can prove useful in some situations.
* For example:
* - If an Amazon S3 bucket has {@link Permission#Read} permission for the
* {@link GroupGrantee#AllUsers} group, anonymous clients can call
* {@link #listObjects(String)} to see what objects are stored in a bucket.
* - If an object has {@link Permission#Read} permission for the
* {@link GroupGrantee#AllUsers} group, anonymous clients can call
* {@link #getObject(String, String)} and
* {@link #getObjectMetadata(String, String)} to pull object content and
* metadata.
* - If a bucket has {@link Permission#Write} permission for the
* {@link GroupGrantee#AllUsers} group, anonymous clients can upload objects
* to the bucket.
* @param encryptionMaterials
* The encryption materials to be used to encrypt and decrypt data.
* @param cryptoConfig
* The crypto configuration whose parameters will be used to encrypt and decrypt data.
* @deprecated use {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withEncryptionMaterials(EncryptionMaterialsProvider)} and
* {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withCryptoConfiguration(CryptoConfiguration)}
public AmazonS3EncryptionClient(EncryptionMaterials encryptionMaterials,
CryptoConfiguration cryptoConfig) {
this(new StaticEncryptionMaterialsProvider(encryptionMaterials),
* Constructs a new Amazon S3 Encryption client that will make anonymous
* requests to Amazon S3. If {@link #getObject(String, String)} is called,
* the object contents will be decrypted with the encryption materials provided.
* The encryption implementation of the provided crypto provider will be
* used to encrypt and decrypt data.
* Only a subset of the Amazon S3 API will work with anonymous
* (i.e. unsigned) requests, but this can prove useful in some situations.
* For example:
* - If an Amazon S3 bucket has {@link Permission#Read} permission for the
* {@link GroupGrantee#AllUsers} group, anonymous clients can call
* {@link #listObjects(String)} to see what objects are stored in a bucket.
* - If an object has {@link Permission#Read} permission for the
* {@link GroupGrantee#AllUsers} group, anonymous clients can call
* {@link #getObject(String, String)} and
* {@link #getObjectMetadata(String, String)} to pull object content and
* metadata.
* - If a bucket has {@link Permission#Write} permission for the
* {@link GroupGrantee#AllUsers} group, anonymous clients can upload objects
* to the bucket.
* @param encryptionMaterialsProvider
* A provider for the encryption materials to be used to encrypt and decrypt data.
* @param cryptoConfig
* The crypto configuration whose parameters will be used to encrypt and decrypt data.
* @deprecated use {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withEncryptionMaterials(EncryptionMaterialsProvider)} and
* {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withCryptoConfiguration(CryptoConfiguration)}
public AmazonS3EncryptionClient(
EncryptionMaterialsProvider encryptionMaterialsProvider,
CryptoConfiguration cryptoConfig) {
this(new StaticCredentialsProvider(new AnonymousAWSCredentials()),
configFactory.getConfig(), cryptoConfig);
* Constructs a new Amazon S3 Encryption client using the specified AWS credentials to
* access Amazon S3. Object contents will be encrypted and decrypted with the encryption
* materials provided.
* @param credentials
* The AWS credentials to use when making requests to Amazon S3
* with this client.
* @param encryptionMaterials
* The encryption materials to be used to encrypt and decrypt data.
* @deprecated use {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withEncryptionMaterials(EncryptionMaterialsProvider)} and
* {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withCredentials(AWSCredentialsProvider)}
public AmazonS3EncryptionClient(AWSCredentials credentials,
EncryptionMaterials encryptionMaterials) {
this(credentials, new StaticEncryptionMaterialsProvider(
* Constructs a new Amazon S3 Encryption client using the specified AWS credentials to
* access Amazon S3. Object contents will be encrypted and decrypted with the encryption
* materials provided.
* @param credentials
* The AWS credentials to use when making requests to Amazon S3
* with this client.
* @param encryptionMaterialsProvider
* A provider for the encryption materials to be used to encrypt and decrypt data.
* @deprecated use {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withEncryptionMaterials(EncryptionMaterialsProvider)} and
* {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withCredentials(AWSCredentialsProvider)}
public AmazonS3EncryptionClient(AWSCredentials credentials,
EncryptionMaterialsProvider encryptionMaterialsProvider) {
this(credentials, encryptionMaterialsProvider,
configFactory.getConfig(), new CryptoConfiguration());
* Constructs a new Amazon S3 Encryption client using the specified AWS credentials to
* access Amazon S3. Object contents will be encrypted and decrypted with the encryption
* materials provided.
* @param credentialsProvider
* The AWS credentials provider which will provide credentials
* to authenticate requests with AWS services.
* @param encryptionMaterialsProvider
* A provider for the encryption materials to be used to encrypt and decrypt data.
* @deprecated use {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withEncryptionMaterials(EncryptionMaterialsProvider)} and
* {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withCredentials(AWSCredentialsProvider)}
public AmazonS3EncryptionClient(
AWSCredentialsProvider credentialsProvider,
EncryptionMaterialsProvider encryptionMaterialsProvider) {
this(credentialsProvider, encryptionMaterialsProvider,
configFactory.getConfig(), new CryptoConfiguration());
* Constructs a new Amazon S3 Encryption client using the specified AWS credentials to
* access Amazon S3. Object contents will be encrypted and decrypted with the encryption
* materials provided. The encryption implementation of the provided crypto provider will
* be used to encrypt and decrypt data.
* @param credentials
* The AWS credentials to use when making requests to Amazon S3
* with this client.
* @param encryptionMaterials
* The encryption materials to be used to encrypt and decrypt data.
* @param cryptoConfig
* The crypto configuration whose parameters will be used to encrypt and decrypt data.
* @deprecated use {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withEncryptionMaterials(EncryptionMaterialsProvider)} and
* {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withCredentials(AWSCredentialsProvider)} and
* {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withCryptoConfiguration(CryptoConfiguration)}
public AmazonS3EncryptionClient(AWSCredentials credentials,
EncryptionMaterials encryptionMaterials,
CryptoConfiguration cryptoConfig) {
this(credentials, new StaticEncryptionMaterialsProvider(
encryptionMaterials), cryptoConfig);
* Constructs a new Amazon S3 Encryption client using the specified AWS credentials to
* access Amazon S3. Object contents will be encrypted and decrypted with the encryption
* materials provided. The encryption implementation of the provided crypto provider will
* be used to encrypt and decrypt data.
* @param credentials
* The AWS credentials to use when making requests to Amazon S3
* with this client.
* @param encryptionMaterialsProvider
* A provider for the encryption materials to be used to encrypt and decrypt data.
* @param cryptoConfig
* The crypto configuration whose parameters will be used to encrypt and decrypt data.
* @deprecated use {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withEncryptionMaterials(EncryptionMaterialsProvider)} and
* {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withCredentials(AWSCredentialsProvider)} and
* {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withCryptoConfiguration(CryptoConfiguration)}
public AmazonS3EncryptionClient(AWSCredentials credentials,
EncryptionMaterialsProvider encryptionMaterialsProvider,
CryptoConfiguration cryptoConfig) {
this(credentials, encryptionMaterialsProvider,
configFactory.getConfig(), cryptoConfig);
* Constructs a new Amazon S3 Encryption client using the specified AWS credentials to
* access Amazon S3. Object contents will be encrypted and decrypted with the encryption
* materials provided. The encryption implementation of the provided crypto provider will
* be used to encrypt and decrypt data.
* @param credentialsProvider
* The AWS credentials provider which will provide credentials
* to authenticate requests with AWS services.
* @param encryptionMaterialsProvider
* A provider for the encryption materials to be used to encrypt and decrypt data.
* @param cryptoConfig
* The crypto configuration whose parameters will be used to encrypt and decrypt data.
* @deprecated use {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withEncryptionMaterials(EncryptionMaterialsProvider)} and
* {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withCredentials(AWSCredentialsProvider)} and
* {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withCryptoConfiguration(CryptoConfiguration)}
public AmazonS3EncryptionClient(
AWSCredentialsProvider credentialsProvider,
EncryptionMaterialsProvider encryptionMaterialsProvider,
CryptoConfiguration cryptoConfig) {
this(credentialsProvider, encryptionMaterialsProvider,
configFactory.getConfig(), cryptoConfig);
* Constructs a new Amazon S3 Encryption client using the specified AWS credentials and
* client configuration to access Amazon S3. Object contents will be encrypted and decrypted
* with the encryption materials provided. The crypto provider and storage mode denoted in
* the specified crypto configuration will be used to encrypt and decrypt data.
* @param credentials
* The AWS credentials to use when making requests to Amazon S3
* with this client.
* @param encryptionMaterials
* The encryption materials to be used to encrypt and decrypt data.
* @param clientConfig
* The client configuration options controlling how this client
* connects to Amazon S3 (ex: proxy settings, retry counts, etc).
* @param cryptoConfig
* The crypto configuration whose parameters will be used to encrypt and decrypt data.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* If either of the encryption materials or crypto configuration parameters are null.
* @deprecated use {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withEncryptionMaterials(EncryptionMaterialsProvider)} and
* {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withCredentials(AWSCredentialsProvider)} and
* {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withCryptoConfiguration(CryptoConfiguration)} and
* {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withClientConfiguration(ClientConfiguration)}
public AmazonS3EncryptionClient(AWSCredentials credentials,
EncryptionMaterials encryptionMaterials,
ClientConfiguration clientConfig, CryptoConfiguration cryptoConfig) {
this(credentials, new StaticEncryptionMaterialsProvider(
encryptionMaterials), clientConfig, cryptoConfig);
* @deprecated use {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withEncryptionMaterials(EncryptionMaterialsProvider)} and
* {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withCredentials(AWSCredentialsProvider)} and
* {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withCryptoConfiguration(CryptoConfiguration)} and
* {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withClientConfiguration(ClientConfiguration)}
public AmazonS3EncryptionClient(AWSCredentials credentials,
EncryptionMaterialsProvider encryptionMaterialsProvider,
ClientConfiguration clientConfig, CryptoConfiguration cryptoConfig) {
this(new StaticCredentialsProvider(credentials),
encryptionMaterialsProvider, clientConfig, cryptoConfig);
* @deprecated use {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withEncryptionMaterials(EncryptionMaterialsProvider)} and
* {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withCredentials(AWSCredentialsProvider)} and
* {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withCryptoConfiguration(CryptoConfiguration)} and
* {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withClientConfiguration(ClientConfiguration)}
public AmazonS3EncryptionClient(
AWSCredentialsProvider credentialsProvider,
EncryptionMaterialsProvider kekMaterialsProvider,
ClientConfiguration clientConfig,
CryptoConfiguration cryptoConfig) {
this(credentialsProvider, kekMaterialsProvider, clientConfig,
null // request metric collector
* @deprecated use {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withEncryptionMaterials(EncryptionMaterialsProvider)} and
* {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withCredentials(AWSCredentialsProvider)} and
* {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withCryptoConfiguration(CryptoConfiguration)} and
* {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withClientConfiguration(ClientConfiguration)} and
* {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withMetricsCollector(RequestMetricCollector)}
public AmazonS3EncryptionClient(
AWSCredentialsProvider credentialsProvider,
EncryptionMaterialsProvider kekMaterialsProvider,
ClientConfiguration clientConfig,
CryptoConfiguration cryptoConfig,
RequestMetricCollector requestMetricCollector) {
this(null, // KMS client
credentialsProvider, kekMaterialsProvider, clientConfig,
cryptoConfig, requestMetricCollector);
* @deprecated use {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withEncryptionMaterials(EncryptionMaterialsProvider)} and
* {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withCredentials(AWSCredentialsProvider)} and
* {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withCryptoConfiguration(CryptoConfiguration)} and
* {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withClientConfiguration(ClientConfiguration)} and
* {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withMetricsCollector(RequestMetricCollector)} and
* {@link AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder#withKmsClient(AWSKMS)}
public AmazonS3EncryptionClient(AWSKMSClient kms,
AWSCredentialsProvider credentialsProvider,
EncryptionMaterialsProvider kekMaterialsProvider,
ClientConfiguration clientConfig,
CryptoConfiguration cryptoConfig,
RequestMetricCollector requestMetricCollector) {
super(credentialsProvider, clientConfig, requestMetricCollector);
"EncryptionMaterialsProvider parameter must not be null.");
"CryptoConfiguration parameter must not be null.");
this.isKMSClientInternal = kms == null;
this.kms = isKMSClientInternal
? newAWSKMSClient(credentialsProvider, clientConfig, cryptoConfig,
: kms;
this.crypto = new CryptoModuleDispatcher(this.kms, new S3DirectImpl(),
credentialsProvider, kekMaterialsProvider, cryptoConfig);
AmazonS3EncryptionClient(AmazonS3EncryptionClientParams params) {
assertParameterNotNull(params.getEncryptionMaterials(), "EncryptionMaterialsProvider parameter must not be null.");
assertParameterNotNull(params.getCryptoConfiguration(), "CryptoConfiguration parameter must not be null.");
this.isKMSClientInternal = params.getKmsClient() == null;
this.kms = isKMSClientInternal ?
params.getClientParams().getRequestMetricCollector()) : params.getKmsClient();
this.crypto = new CryptoModuleDispatcher(this.kms, new S3DirectImpl(),
params.getClientParams().getCredentialsProvider(), params.getEncryptionMaterials(), params.getCryptoConfiguration());
public static AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder encryptionBuilder() {
return AmazonS3EncryptionClientBuilder.standard();
* Creates and returns a new instance of AWS KMS client in the case when
* an explicit AWS KMS client is not specified.
private AWSKMSClient newAWSKMSClient(
AWSCredentialsProvider credentialsProvider,
ClientConfiguration clientConfig,
CryptoConfiguration cryptoConfig,
RequestMetricCollector requestMetricCollector
) {
final AWSKMSClient kmsClient = new AWSKMSClient(
credentialsProvider, clientConfig, requestMetricCollector);
final Region kmsRegion = cryptoConfig.getAwsKmsRegion();
if (kmsRegion != null)
return kmsClient;
private void assertParameterNotNull(Object parameterValue,
String errorMessage) {
if (parameterValue == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(errorMessage);
* {@inheritDoc}
* Use {@link EncryptedPutObjectRequest} to specify materialsDescription for the EncryptionMaterials to be used for
* this request.AmazonS3EncryptionClient would use {@link EncryptionMaterialsProvider#getEncryptionMaterials(java.util.Map)} to
* retrieve encryption materials corresponding to the materialsDescription specified in the current request.
public PutObjectResult putObject(PutObjectRequest req) {
return crypto.putObjectSecurely(req.clone());
public S3Object getObject(GetObjectRequest req) {
return crypto.getObjectSecurely(req);
public ObjectMetadata getObject(GetObjectRequest req, File dest) {
return crypto.getObjectSecurely(req, dest);
public void deleteObject(DeleteObjectRequest req) {
// Delete the object
// If it exists, delete the instruction file.
InstructionFileId ifid = new S3ObjectId(req.getBucketName(), req.getKey()).instructionFileId();
DeleteObjectRequest instructionDeleteRequest = (DeleteObjectRequest) req.clone();
public CompleteMultipartUploadResult completeMultipartUpload(
CompleteMultipartUploadRequest req) {
return crypto.completeMultipartUploadSecurely(req);
* {@inheritDoc}
* Use {@link EncryptedInitiateMultipartUploadRequest} to specify materialsDescription for the EncryptionMaterials to be used for this request.
* AmazonS3EncryptionClient would use {@link EncryptionMaterialsProvider#getEncryptionMaterials(java.util.Map)} to retrieve encryption materials
* corresponding to the materialsDescription specified in the current request.
public InitiateMultipartUploadResult initiateMultipartUpload(
InitiateMultipartUploadRequest req) {
boolean isCreateEncryptionMaterial = true;
if (req instanceof EncryptedInitiateMultipartUploadRequest) {
EncryptedInitiateMultipartUploadRequest cryptoReq =
(EncryptedInitiateMultipartUploadRequest) req;
isCreateEncryptionMaterial = cryptoReq.isCreateEncryptionMaterial();
return isCreateEncryptionMaterial
? crypto.initiateMultipartUploadSecurely(req)
: super.initiateMultipartUpload(req)
* {@inheritDoc}
* NOTE: Because the encryption process requires context from block
* N-1 in order to encrypt block N, parts uploaded with the
* AmazonS3EncryptionClient (as opposed to the normal AmazonS3Client) must
* be uploaded serially, and in order. Otherwise, the previous encryption
* context isn't available to use when encrypting the current part.
public UploadPartResult uploadPart(UploadPartRequest uploadPartRequest)
throws SdkClientException, AmazonServiceException {
return crypto.uploadPartSecurely(uploadPartRequest);
public CopyPartResult copyPart(CopyPartRequest copyPartRequest) {
return crypto.copyPartSecurely(copyPartRequest);
public void abortMultipartUpload(AbortMultipartUploadRequest req) {
* Creates a new crypto instruction file by re-encrypting the CEK of an
* existing encrypted S3 object with a new encryption material identifiable
* via a new set of material description.
* User of this method is responsible for explicitly deleting/updating the
* instruction file so created should the corresponding S3 object is
* deleted/created.
* @return the result of the put (instruction file) operation.
public PutObjectResult putInstructionFile(PutInstructionFileRequest req) {
return crypto.putInstructionFileSecurely(req);
* {@inheritDoc}
* If the a default internal KMS client has been constructed, it will also be
* shut down by calling this method.
* Otherwise, users who provided the KMS client would be responsible to
* shut down the KMS client extrinsic to this method.
public void shutdown() {
if (isKMSClientInternal)
// /////////////////// Access to the methods in the super class //////////
* An internal implementation used to provide limited but direct access to
* the underlying methods of AmazonS3Client without any encryption or
* decryption operations.
private final class S3DirectImpl extends S3Direct {
public PutObjectResult putObject(PutObjectRequest req) {
appendUserAgent(req, USER_AGENT_V1);
return AmazonS3EncryptionClient.super.putObject(req);
public S3Object getObject(GetObjectRequest req) {
appendUserAgent(req, USER_AGENT_V1);
return AmazonS3EncryptionClient.super.getObject(req);
public ObjectMetadata getObject(GetObjectRequest req, File dest) {
appendUserAgent(req, USER_AGENT_V1);
return AmazonS3EncryptionClient.super.getObject(req, dest);
public ObjectMetadata getObjectMetadata(GetObjectMetadataRequest req) {
appendUserAgent(req, USER_AGENT_V1);
return AmazonS3EncryptionClient.super.getObjectMetadata(req);
public CompleteMultipartUploadResult completeMultipartUpload(
CompleteMultipartUploadRequest req) {
appendUserAgent(req, USER_AGENT_V1);
return AmazonS3EncryptionClient.super.completeMultipartUpload(req);
public InitiateMultipartUploadResult initiateMultipartUpload(
InitiateMultipartUploadRequest req) {
appendUserAgent(req, USER_AGENT_V1);
return AmazonS3EncryptionClient.super.initiateMultipartUpload(req);
public UploadPartResult uploadPart(UploadPartRequest req)
throws SdkClientException, AmazonServiceException {
appendUserAgent(req, USER_AGENT_V1);
return AmazonS3EncryptionClient.super.uploadPart(req);
public CopyPartResult copyPart(CopyPartRequest req) {
appendUserAgent(req, USER_AGENT_V1);
return AmazonS3EncryptionClient.super.copyPart(req);
public void abortMultipartUpload(AbortMultipartUploadRequest req) {
appendUserAgent(req, USER_AGENT_V1);
* Appends a user agent to the request's USER_AGENT_V1 client marker.
* This method is intended only for internal use by the AWS SDK.
final X appendUserAgent(
X request, String userAgent) {
return request;
* Used to encrypt data first to disk with pipelined concurrent multi-part
* uploads to S3. This method enables significant speed-up of encrypting and
* uploading large payloads to Amazon S3 via pipelining and parallel uploads
* by consuming temporary disk space.
* There are many ways you can customize the behavior of this method,
* including
* - the configuration of your own custom thread pool
* - the part size of each multi-part upload request; By default, a
* temporary ciphertext file is generated per part and gets uploaded
* immediately to S3
* - the maximum temporary disk space that must not be exceeded by
* execution of this request; By default, the encryption will block upon
* hitting the limit and will only resume when the in-flight uploads catch
* up by releasing the temporary disk space upon successful uploads of the
* completed parts
* - the configuration of your own {@link MultiFileOutputStream} for
* custom pipeline behavior
* - the configuration of your own {@link UploadObjectObserver} for custom
* multi-part upload behavior
* A request is handled with the following life cycle, calling the necessary
* Service Provider Interface:
* - A thread pool is constructed (or retrieved from the request) for the
* execution of concurrent upload tasks to be submitted by the
* - An {@link UploadObjectObserver} is constructed (or retrieved from the
* request) for execution of concurrent uploads to S3
* - Initialize the
* - Initialize a multi-part upload request to S3 by calling
* {@link UploadObjectObserver#onUploadInitiation(UploadObjectRequest)}
* - A {@link MultiFileOutputStream} is constructed (or retrieved from the
* request) which serves as the pipeline for incremental (but serial)
* encryption to disk with concurrent multipart uploads to S3 whenever the
* parts on the disk are ready
* - Initialize the
* - Kicks off the pipeline for incremental encryption to disk with
* pipelined concurrent multi-part uploads to S3
* - For every part encrypted into a temporary file on disk, it is
* uploaded by calling
* {@link UploadObjectObserver#onPartCreate(PartCreationEvent)}
* - Finally, clean up and complete the multi-part upload by calling
* {@link UploadObjectObserver#onCompletion(List)}.
* @return the result of the completed muti-part uploads
* @throws IOException
* if the encryption to disk failed
* @throws InterruptedException
* if the current thread was interrupted while waiting
* @throws ExecutionException
* if the concurrent uploads threw an exception
public CompleteMultipartUploadResult uploadObject(final UploadObjectRequest req)
throws IOException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
// Set up the pipeline for concurrent encrypt and upload
// Set up a thread pool for this pipeline
ExecutorService es = req.getExecutorService();
final boolean defaultExecutorService = es == null;
if (es == null)
es = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(clientConfiguration.getMaxConnections());
UploadObjectObserver observer = req.getUploadObjectObserver();
if (observer == null)
observer = new UploadObjectObserver();
// initialize the observer
observer.init(req, new S3DirectImpl(), this, es);
// Initiate upload
final String uploadId = observer.onUploadInitiation(req);
final List partETags = new ArrayList();
MultiFileOutputStream mfos = req.getMultiFileOutputStream();
if (mfos == null)
mfos = new MultiFileOutputStream();
try {
// initialize the multi-file output stream
mfos.init(observer, req.getPartSize(), req.getDiskLimit());
// Kicks off the encryption-upload pipeline;
// Note mfos is automatically closed upon method completion.
crypto.putLocalObjectSecurely(req, uploadId, mfos);
// block till all part have been uploaded
for (Future future: observer.getFutures()) {
UploadPartResult partResult = future.get();
partETags.add(new PartETag(partResult.getPartNumber(), partResult.getETag()));
} catch(IOException ex) {
throw onAbort(observer, ex);
} catch(InterruptedException ex) {
throw onAbort(observer, ex);
} catch(ExecutionException ex) {
throw onAbort(observer, ex);
} catch(RuntimeException ex) {
throw onAbort(observer, ex);
} catch(Error ex) {
throw onAbort(observer, ex);
} finally {
if (defaultExecutorService)
es.shutdownNow(); // shut down the locally created thread pool
mfos.cleanup(); // delete left-over temp files
// Complete upload
return observer.onCompletion(partETags);
* Convenient method to notifies the observer to abort the multi-part
* upload, and returns the original exception.
private T onAbort(UploadObjectObserver observer, T t) {
return t;