Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2014-2015, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* Portions copyright Titan: Distributed Graph Database - Copyright 2012 and onwards Aurelius.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* A copy of the License is located at
* or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed
* express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import com.amazonaws.ClientConfiguration;
import com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.Backend;
import com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.configuration.ConfigNamespace;
import com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.configuration.ConfigOption;
import com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.configuration.ConfigOption.Type;
import com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.configuration.GraphDatabaseConfiguration;
* Constants for the DynamoDB backend.
* @author Matthew Sowders
public class Constants {
//begin adaptation of
public static final String TITAN_VALUE = "v";
public static final int TITAN_VALUE_BYTES = TITAN_VALUE.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8).length;
public static final String TITAN_HASH_KEY = "hk";
public static final int TITAN_HASH_KEY_BYTES = TITAN_HASH_KEY.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8).length;
public static final String TITAN_RANGE_KEY = "rk";
//end adaptation of
public static final int TITAN_RANGE_KEY_BYTES = TITAN_RANGE_KEY.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8).length;
public static final String HEX_PREFIX = "0x";
public static final List REQUIRED_BACKEND_STORES = Arrays.asList(Backend.EDGESTORE_NAME, //
Backend.ID_STORE_NAME, //
public static final ConfigNamespace DYNAMODB_CONFIGURATION_NAMESPACE = new ConfigNamespace(GraphDatabaseConfiguration.STORAGE_NS, "dynamodb", "DynamoDB storage options", false /*isUmbrella*/);
public static final ConfigNamespace DYNAMODB_STORES_NAMESPACE = new ConfigNamespace(DYNAMODB_CONFIGURATION_NAMESPACE, "stores", "DynamoDB KCV store options", true /*isUmbrella*/);
public static final ConfigNamespace DYNAMODB_CLIENT_NAMESPACE = new ConfigNamespace(DYNAMODB_CONFIGURATION_NAMESPACE, "client", "DynamoDB client options", false /*isUmbrella*/);
public static final ConfigNamespace DYNAMODB_CLIENT_PROXY_NAMESPACE = new ConfigNamespace(DYNAMODB_CLIENT_NAMESPACE, "proxy", "DynamoDB client proxy options", false /*isUmbrella*/);
public static final ConfigNamespace DYNAMODB_CLIENT_SOCKET_NAMESPACE = new ConfigNamespace(DYNAMODB_CLIENT_NAMESPACE, "socket", "DynamoDB client socket options", false /*isUmbrella*/);
public static final ConfigNamespace DYNAMODB_CLIENT_EXECUTOR_NAMESPACE = new ConfigNamespace(DYNAMODB_CLIENT_NAMESPACE, "executor", "DynamoDB client executor options", false /*isUmbrella*/);
public static final ConfigNamespace DYNAMODB_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS_NAMESPACE = new ConfigNamespace(DYNAMODB_CLIENT_NAMESPACE, "credentials", "DynamoDB client credentials options", false /*isUmbrella*/);
public static final ConfigOption DYNAMODB_TABLE_PREFIX = new ConfigOption(DYNAMODB_CONFIGURATION_NAMESPACE, "prefix", //
"A prefix to put before the Titan table name. This allows clients to have multiple graphs on the same AWS DynamoDB account.", //
ConfigOption.Type.FIXED, "titan");
public static final ConfigOption DYNAMODB_METRICS_PREFIX = new ConfigOption(DYNAMODB_CONFIGURATION_NAMESPACE, "metrics-prefix", //
"Prefix on the codahale metric names emitted by DynamoDBDelegate.", //
ConfigOption.Type.MASKABLE, "dynamodb");
public static final ConfigOption DYNAMODB_ENABLE_PARALLEL_SCAN = new ConfigOption(DYNAMODB_CONFIGURATION_NAMESPACE, "enable-parallel-scans", //
"This feature enables scans to run in parallel, which should decrease the total blocking time spent when iterating over large sets of vertices. WARNING: while this feature is enabled Titan's OLAP libraries are NOT supported. The Fulgora implementations of OLAP rely on consistent scan orders across multiple scans, which cannot be guaranteed when scans are run in parallel", //
ConfigOption.Type.MASKABLE, false);
public static final ConfigOption STORES_DATA_MODEL = new ConfigOption(Constants.DYNAMODB_STORES_NAMESPACE, "data-model", //
"SINGLE Means that all the values for a given key are put into a single DynamoDB item. A SINGLE is efficient because all the updates for a single key can be done atomically. However, the tradeoff is that DynamoDB has a 400k limit per item so it cannot hold much data. MULTI Means that each 'column' is used as a range key in DynamoDB so a key can span multiple items. A MULTI implementation is slightly less efficient than SINGLE because it must use DynamoDB Query rather than a direct lookup. It is HIGHLY recommended to use MULTI for edgestore unless your graph has very low max degree.", //
public static final ConfigOption STORES_SCAN_LIMIT = new ConfigOption(Constants.DYNAMODB_STORES_NAMESPACE, "scan-limit", //
"The maximum number of items to evaluate (not necessarily the number of matching items). If DynamoDB processes the number of items up to the limit while processing the results, it stops the operation and returns the matching values up to that point, and a key in LastEvaluatedKey to apply in a subsequent operation, so that you can pick up where you left off. Also, if the processed data set size exceeds 1 MB before DynamoDB reaches this limit, it stops the operation and returns the matching values up to the limit, and a key in LastEvaluatedKey to apply in a subsequent operation to continue the operation.", //
ConfigOption.Type.MASKABLE, 10000);
//begin adaptation of the following block up until line 63
public static final ConfigOption DYNAMODB_FORCE_CONSISTENT_READ = new ConfigOption(DYNAMODB_CONFIGURATION_NAMESPACE, "force-consistent-read", //
"This feature sets the force consistent read property on dynamodb calls.", //
ConfigOption.Type.MASKABLE, true);
public static final ConfigOption STORES_CAPACITY_READ = new ConfigOption(Constants.DYNAMODB_STORES_NAMESPACE, "capacity-read", //
"Define the initial read capacity for a given dynamodb table.", //
ConfigOption.Type.GLOBAL, 4L);
public static final ConfigOption STORES_CAPACITY_WRITE = new ConfigOption(Constants.DYNAMODB_STORES_NAMESPACE, "capacity-write", //
"Define the initial write capacity for a given dynamodb table.", //
ConfigOption.Type.GLOBAL, 4L);
public static final ConfigOption STORES_READ_RATE_LIMIT = new ConfigOption(Constants.DYNAMODB_STORES_NAMESPACE, "read-rate", //
"The max number of reads per second.", //
ConfigOption.Type.MASKABLE, 4.0);
public static final ConfigOption STORES_WRITE_RATE_LIMIT = new ConfigOption(Constants.DYNAMODB_STORES_NAMESPACE, "write-rate", //
"Used to throttle write rate of given table. The max number of writes per second.", //
ConfigOption.Type.MASKABLE, 4.0);
public static final ConfigOption DYNAMODB_CLIENT_CONN_TIMEOUT = new ConfigOption<>(DYNAMODB_CLIENT_NAMESPACE, "connection-timeout", //
"The amount of time to wait (in milliseconds) when initially establishing a connection before giving up and timing out.", //
ConfigOption.Type.MASKABLE, ClientConfiguration.DEFAULT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT);
public static final ConfigOption DYNAMODB_CLIENT_CONN_TTL = new ConfigOption<>(DYNAMODB_CLIENT_NAMESPACE, "connection-ttl", //
"The expiration time (in milliseconds) for a connection in the connection pool.", //
ConfigOption.Type.MASKABLE, ClientConfiguration.DEFAULT_CONNECTION_TTL);
public static final ConfigOption DYNAMODB_CLIENT_MAX_CONN = new ConfigOption<>(DYNAMODB_CLIENT_NAMESPACE, "connection-max", //
"The maximum number of allowed open HTTP connections.", //
ConfigOption.Type.MASKABLE, ClientConfiguration.DEFAULT_MAX_CONNECTIONS);
public static final ConfigOption DYNAMODB_CLIENT_MAX_ERROR_RETRY = new ConfigOption<>(DYNAMODB_CLIENT_NAMESPACE, "retry-error-max", //
"The maximum number of retry attempts for failed retryable requests (ex: 5xx error responses from services).", //
ConfigOption.Type.MASKABLE, 0);
public static final ConfigOption DYNAMODB_CLIENT_USE_GZIP = new ConfigOption<>(DYNAMODB_CLIENT_NAMESPACE, "use-gzip", //
"Sets whether gzip compression should be used.", //
ConfigOption.Type.MASKABLE, ClientConfiguration.DEFAULT_USE_GZIP);
public static final ConfigOption DYNAMODB_CLIENT_USE_REAPER = new ConfigOption<>(DYNAMODB_CLIENT_NAMESPACE, "use-reaper", //
"Sets whether the IdleConnectionReaper is to be started as a daemon thread.", //
ConfigOption.Type.MASKABLE, ClientConfiguration.DEFAULT_USE_REAPER);
public static final ConfigOption DYNAMODB_CLIENT_USER_AGENT = new ConfigOption<>(DYNAMODB_CLIENT_NAMESPACE, "user-agent", //
"The HTTP user agent header to send with all requests.", //
ConfigOption.Type.MASKABLE, ClientConfiguration.DEFAULT_USER_AGENT);
public static final ConfigOption DYNAMODB_CLIENT_ENDPOINT = new ConfigOption<>(DYNAMODB_CLIENT_NAMESPACE, "endpoint", //
"Overrides the default endpoint for this client.", //
ConfigOption.Type.MASKABLE, String.class);
public static final ConfigOption DYNAMODB_CLIENT_PROXY_DOMAIN = new ConfigOption<>(DYNAMODB_CLIENT_PROXY_NAMESPACE, "domain", //
"The optional Windows domain name for configuration an NTLM proxy.", //
ConfigOption.Type.MASKABLE, "");
public static final ConfigOption DYNAMODB_CLIENT_PROXY_WORKSTATION = new ConfigOption<>(DYNAMODB_CLIENT_PROXY_NAMESPACE, "workstation", //
"The optional Windows workstation name for configuring NTLM proxy support.", //
ConfigOption.Type.MASKABLE, "");
public static final ConfigOption DYNAMODB_CLIENT_PROXY_HOST = new ConfigOption<>(DYNAMODB_CLIENT_PROXY_NAMESPACE, "host", //
"The optional proxy host the client will connect through.", //
ConfigOption.Type.MASKABLE, "");
public static final ConfigOption DYNAMODB_CLIENT_PROXY_PORT = new ConfigOption<>(DYNAMODB_CLIENT_PROXY_NAMESPACE, "port", //
"The optional proxy port the client will connect through.", //
ConfigOption.Type.MASKABLE, 0);
public static final ConfigOption DYNAMODB_CLIENT_PROXY_USERNAME = new ConfigOption<>(DYNAMODB_CLIENT_PROXY_NAMESPACE, "username", //
"The optional proxy user name to use if connecting through a proxy.", //
ConfigOption.Type.MASKABLE, "");
public static final ConfigOption DYNAMODB_CLIENT_PROXY_PASSWORD = new ConfigOption<>(DYNAMODB_CLIENT_PROXY_NAMESPACE, "password", //
"The optional proxy password to use when connecting through a proxy.", //
ConfigOption.Type.MASKABLE, "");
public static final ConfigOption DYNAMODB_CLIENT_SOCKET_BUFFER_SEND_HINT = new ConfigOption<>(DYNAMODB_CLIENT_SOCKET_NAMESPACE, "buffer-send-hint", //
"The optional size hint (in bytes) for the low level TCP send buffer.", //
ConfigOption.Type.MASKABLE, 1048576);
public static final ConfigOption DYNAMODB_CLIENT_SOCKET_BUFFER_RECV_HINT = new ConfigOption<>(DYNAMODB_CLIENT_SOCKET_NAMESPACE, "buffer-recv-hint", //
"The optional size hints (in bytes) for the low level TCP receive buffer.", //
ConfigOption.Type.MASKABLE, 1048576);
public static final ConfigOption DYNAMODB_CLIENT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT = new ConfigOption<>(DYNAMODB_CLIENT_SOCKET_NAMESPACE, "timeout", //
"The amount of time to wait (in milliseconds) for data to be transfered over an established, open connection before the connection times out and is closed.", //
ConfigOption.Type.MASKABLE, ClientConfiguration.DEFAULT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT);
public static final ConfigOption DYNAMODB_CLIENT_SOCKET_TCP_KEEP_ALIVE = new ConfigOption<>(DYNAMODB_CLIENT_SOCKET_NAMESPACE, "tcp-keep-alive", //
"Sets whether or not to enable TCP KeepAlive support at the socket level. Not used at the moment.", //
ConfigOption.Type.MASKABLE, false);
public static final ConfigOption DYNAMODB_CLIENT_EXECUTOR_CORE_POOL_SIZE = new ConfigOption<>(DYNAMODB_CLIENT_EXECUTOR_NAMESPACE, "core-pool-size", //
"The core number of threads for the DynamoDB async client.", //
ConfigOption.Type.MASKABLE, Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() * 2);
public static final ConfigOption DYNAMODB_CLIENT_EXECUTOR_MAX_POOL_SIZE = new ConfigOption<>(DYNAMODB_CLIENT_EXECUTOR_NAMESPACE, "max-pool-size", //
"The maximum allowed number of threads for the DynamoDB async client.", //
ConfigOption.Type.MASKABLE, Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() * 4);
public static final ConfigOption DYNAMODB_CLIENT_EXECUTOR_KEEP_ALIVE = new ConfigOption(DYNAMODB_CLIENT_EXECUTOR_NAMESPACE, "keep-alive", //
"The time limit for which threads may remain idle before being terminated for the DynamoDB async client.", //
ConfigOption.Type.MASKABLE, 60000L);
//end adaptation of the following block up until line 63
public static final ConfigOption DYNAMODB_CLIENT_EXECUTOR_QUEUE_MAX_LENGTH = new ConfigOption(DYNAMODB_CLIENT_EXECUTOR_NAMESPACE, "max-queue-length", //
"The maximum size of the executor queue before requests start getting run in the caller.", //
ConfigOption.Type.MASKABLE, 1024);
public static final ConfigOption DYNAMODB_MAX_SELF_THROTTLED_RETRIES = new ConfigOption<>(DYNAMODB_CONFIGURATION_NAMESPACE, "max-self-throttled-retries",
"The max number of retries to use when DynamoDB throws temporary failure exceptions",
public static final ConfigOption DYNAMODB_INITIAL_RETRY_MILLIS = new ConfigOption<>(DYNAMODB_CONFIGURATION_NAMESPACE, "initial-retry-millis",
"The initial retry time (in milliseconds) to use during exponential backoff between DynamoDB requests",
Type.MASKABLE, 25L);
public static final ConfigOption DYNAMODB_CONTROL_PLANE_RATE = new ConfigOption<>(DYNAMODB_CONFIGURATION_NAMESPACE, "control-plane-rate",
"The maximum rate at which control plane requests (CreateTable, UpdateTable, DeleteTable, ListTables, DescribeTable) are issued.",
Type.MASKABLE, 10.0);
public static final ConfigOption DYNAMODB_CLIENT_EXECUTOR_MAX_CONCURRENT_OPERATIONS = new ConfigOption<>(DYNAMODB_CLIENT_EXECUTOR_NAMESPACE, "max-concurrent-operations", //
"The expected number of threads expected to be using a single TitanGraph instance. Used to allocate threads to batch operations", //
ConfigOption.Type.MASKABLE, 1);
public static final ConfigOption DYNAMODB_CREDENTIALS_CLASS_NAME = new ConfigOption<>(DYNAMODB_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS_NAMESPACE, "class-name", //
"Specify the fully qualified class that implements AWSCredentialsProvider or AWSCredentials.", //
ConfigOption.Type.MASKABLE, "com.amazonaws.auth.BasicAWSCredentials");
public static final ConfigOption DYNAMODB_CREDENTIALS_CONSTRUCTOR_ARGS = new ConfigOption<>(DYNAMODB_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS_NAMESPACE, "constructor-args", //
"Comma separated list of strings to pass to the credentials constructor.", //
ConfigOption.Type.MASKABLE, new String[] { "accessKey", "secretKey" });
// DynamoDB doesn't allow empty binary values.
public static final String EMPTY_BUFFER_PLACEHOLDER = "EMPTY";
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