Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* anaptecs GmbH, Ricarda-Huch-Str. 71, 72760 Reutlingen, Germany
* Copyright 2004 - 2019. All rights reserved.
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.List;
import com.anaptecs.jeaf.core.api.MessageConstants;
import com.anaptecs.jeaf.core.api.Service;
import com.anaptecs.jeaf.core.servicechannel.api.Command;
import com.anaptecs.jeaf.core.servicechannel.api.ServiceProxy;
import com.anaptecs.jeaf.core.spi.TransactionBehavior;
import com.anaptecs.jeaf.xfun.api.XFun;
import com.anaptecs.jeaf.xfun.api.errorhandling.ApplicationException;
import com.anaptecs.jeaf.xfun.api.errorhandling.FailureMessage;
import com.anaptecs.jeaf.xfun.api.errorhandling.JEAFSystemException;
import com.anaptecs.jeaf.xfun.api.trace.Trace;
* ServiceProxy class for JEAF service UserManagementMigrationService.
public final class UserManagementMigrationServiceProxy extends ServiceProxy
implements UserManagementMigrationService, MigrationService {
* Serial version uid for the proxy class.
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* Initialize object.
* @param pTransactionBehavior Definition of transactional behavior. The Parameter must not be null.
public UserManagementMigrationServiceProxy( TransactionBehavior pTransactionBehavior ) {
super(UserManagementMigrationService.class, pTransactionBehavior);
* Generated proxy implementation for method "runMigration".
* Method runs the migration routine of the implementing component.
public List runMigration( ) {
try {
Command lCommand = new RunMigration_MigrationService_Command();
return (List) this.executeCommand(lCommand);
catch (ApplicationException e) {
throw new JEAFSystemException(e.getErrorCode(), e, e.getMessageParameters());
* Generated command class for service method "runMigration".
final class RunMigration_MigrationService_Command extends Command {
* Default serial version uid.
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* Constant for factor to convert nano seconds to milliseconds.
private static final int MILLISECONDS = 1000 * 1000;
* Constant describes the service method that is called by this proxy class.
private static final Method SERVICE_METHOD;
* Object array with all parameters that are passed to the service.
private final Object[] parameters;
* Initializer is used to get the method object describing the called service method only once.
static {
try {
SERVICE_METHOD = UserManagementMigrationService.class.getMethod("runMigration");
catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
throw new JEAFSystemException(MessageConstants.SERVICE_METHOD_DOES_NOT_EXIST, e,
UserManagementMigrationService.class.getName(), "runMigration(null)");
* Initialize object. All parameters from method "runMigration" have to be passed as parameters to this command
* object.
RunMigration_MigrationService_Command( ) {
parameters = new Object[] {};
* Method executes the service call represented by this command object via JEAFs service channel.
* @param pTargetService Reference to the service which should be called by this command. The parameter must not be
* null.
* @return Serializable Result object of the service call. Due to the fact that all returned objects of remote calls
* in Java (EJBs e.g.) have to be serializable services always have to return serializable objects no matter if it
* will be serialized or not. If a service method has no return type (void) then the method returns null. Service
* methods also may return null as return value.
public Serializable execute( Service pTargetService ) {
// Execute service call.
UserManagementMigrationService lService = (UserManagementMigrationService) pTargetService;
// Trace service call.
Trace lTrace = XFun.getTrace();
lTrace.write(MessageConstants.EXECUTING_SERVICE_CALL, this.getCalledServiceMethod());
long lStartTime = System.nanoTime();
Serializable lResult = (Serializable) lService.runMigration();
// Calculate duration of service call in milliseconds
String lDuration = Long.toString((System.nanoTime() - lStartTime) / MILLISECONDS);
// Trace result of service call.
lTrace.write(MessageConstants.RETURNING_FROM_SERVICE_CALL, this.getCalledServiceMethod(), lDuration);
return lResult;
* Method returns a method object describing the service method that will be called by this command object.
* @return {@link Method} Method object describing the called service method. The method never returns null.
public final Method getServiceMethod( ) {
* Method returns all parameters that will be passed to the service.
* @return {@link Object} Object array with all parameters that will be passed to the service. The method may return
* an empty array in case that the method has no parameters.
public Object[] getParameters( ) {
return parameters;