com.ancientlightstudios.quarkus.kotlin.openapi.JsonSerializationExtensions.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.ancientlightstudios.quarkus.kotlin.openapi
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.JsonNodeFactory
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.NullNode
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode
import java.math.BigDecimal
import java.math.BigInteger
private val factory = JsonNodeFactory.instance
fun JsonNode?.asString(objectMapper: ObjectMapper) : String = when(this) {
null, is NullNode -> ""
else -> objectMapper.writeValueAsString(this)
fun String.asJson(): JsonNode = factory.textNode(this)
fun Int.asJson(): JsonNode = factory.numberNode(this)
fun UInt.asJson(): JsonNode = factory.numberNode(this.toLong())
fun Long.asJson(): JsonNode = factory.numberNode(this)
fun ULong.asJson(): JsonNode = factory.numberNode(BigDecimal(this.toString()))
fun BigInteger.asJson(): JsonNode = factory.numberNode(this)
// Serialize floats + doubles as BigDecimal so we can use Jackson's setting to have non-scientific notation
// for floats and doubles without having to do any additional annotations of our model or registering custom
// serializers.
fun Float.asJson(): JsonNode {
if (this.isNaN()) {
return factory.numberNode(this)
return when(this) {
Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY , Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY -> factory.numberNode(this)
else -> factory.numberNode(this.toBigDecimal())
fun Double.asJson(): JsonNode {
if (this.isNaN()) {
return factory.numberNode(this)
return when(this) {
Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY , Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY -> factory.numberNode(this)
else -> factory.numberNode(this.toBigDecimal())
fun BigDecimal.asJson(): JsonNode = factory.numberNode(this)
fun Boolean.asJson(): JsonNode = factory.booleanNode(this)
fun ByteArray.asJson() : JsonNode = this.asString().asJson()
fun List.asJson(block: (T) -> JsonNode): JsonNode =
factory.arrayNode().apply {
[email protected] { add(block(it)) }
fun objectNode(): ObjectNode = factory.objectNode()
fun ObjectNode.setProperty(name: String, value: JsonNode?, required: Boolean): ObjectNode {
// remove null values from the response, unless they are required and must be included
if ((value == null || value.isNull) && !required) {
return this
return this.set(name, value)
fun JsonNode?.shallowMerge(other: JsonNode?): JsonNode? {
return this?.let {
if (other != null) {
if (it is ObjectNode && other is ObjectNode) {
return@let it
} else {
return@let other
} ?: other