com.andrewmccall.faker.Faker.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.andrewmccall.faker
import org.apache.logging.log4j.scala.Logging
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.util.matching.Regex
import scala.util.matching.Regex.Match
import com.andrewmccall.faker.module.ScalaModule
class Faker(config: Config = new Config()) extends Logging {
private val alpha = Seq.range('A', 'Z')
private val lower = Seq.range('a', 'z')
private val letters = alpha ++ lower
private val modules = ScalaModule.loadModules(this, this.config)
//private val root: Namespace = _
def apply(string: String): String = {
private[faker] def parse(string: String, parentKey: String = null, locale: String = this.config.locale): String = {
val templateRegex = "#\\{(([A-Za-z]+\\.)?([^\\}]+))(:.*)?\\}?"
val templateMatch = (".*" + templateRegex + ".*").r
val keyRegex = "^([A-Za-z_]+\\.([A-Za-z_]+\\.?)+)$".r"Parsing $string with parent $parentKey")
// Start by trying to fetch the shorthand for a single key
// if we have a template, there is no need to try to find the key.
val value = string match {
case templateMatch(_*) => {
case keyRegex(_*) => {
val key = getKey(string, parentKey, locale)
if (this.modules.contains(key)) {
parse(fetch(key, modules), if(isNamespace(key)) getNamespace(key) else parentKey)
else if ( parse(fetch(key,, if(isNamespace(key)) getNamespace(key) else parentKey)
else string
case _ => {
templateRegex.r.replaceAllIn(value, m => {
val key =
val cls = if ( != null) {
} else if (parentKey != null) {
} else null
val meth =
val parsedLocale = if ( != null) else locale
// see if we have a module to handle this key.
// otherwise grab it from the data.
val parsedKey = getKey(key, cls, locale)
if (this.modules.contains(key))
parse(fetch(parsedKey, modules), cls, parsedLocale)
else if (
parse(fetch(parsedKey,, cls, parsedLocale)
else {"Key not found $key")
private[faker] def isNamespace(s: String) : Boolean = {
private[faker] def getNamespace(str: String): String = {
* Helper method that takes a string and replaces any # placeholders it finds with random digits.
* @param numberString the string that may or may not container placeholders
* @param leadingZeros are zeros allowed to start the string default is false.
* @param pos the current position, default is 0
* @return a string with the placeholders replaced.
private[faker] final def numerify(numberString: String, leadingZeros: Boolean = false, pos: Int = 0): String = {
def randomInt(allowZeros: Boolean = true): Int = {
if (allowZeros) config.random.nextInt(10) else config.random.nextInt(9) + 1
if (pos == numberString.length) numberString
else {
if (numberString.charAt(pos).equals('#'))
numberString.substring(0, pos) + randomInt(leadingZeros) + numberString.substring(pos + 1),
leadingZeros = true,
pos + 1)
else numerify(numberString, leadingZeros, pos + 1)
* Helper method that takes a string and replaces any ? characters with a random letter.
* @param str the source string which may or may not contain placeholders.
* @return a string with the placeholders replaced.
private[faker] def letterify(str: String): String = { => if (c.equals('?')) sample(alpha) else c)
* Replaces both letters and numbers in a string with random values.
* @param str the source string
* @return a new string with values replaces.
private[faker] def bothify(str: String): String = {
val trimmed = if (str.head == '/' && str.last == '/') str.dropRight(1).drop(1) else str
private[faker] def getKey(key: String, parentKey: String = null, locale: String = this.config.locale): String = {
val parts = key.toLowerCase().split("\\.")
val parsedParent = if (parentKey != null && parentKey.startsWith("en.faker.")) parentKey.substring(9) else parentKey
// if the key is long enough and looks well constructed, we'll just return it.
if (parts.length >= 3 && parts(1).equals("faker")) {
if (parts(0) == "en" || key
else parts.drop(1).+:("en").mkString(".")
} else {
// check if we can get based just on what we have with additional en.faker
val localekey = (Seq(locale, "faker") ++ parts).mkString(".")
if ( localekey
else if (parsedParent != null && parsedParent.nonEmpty){
val localekey = (Seq(locale, "faker", parsedParent) ++ parts).mkString(".")
if ( localekey
else {
val localekey2 = (Seq("en", "faker", parsedParent) ++ parts).mkString(".")
if ( localekey2
else (Seq("en", "faker") ++ parts).mkString(".")
else (Seq("en", "faker") ++ parts).mkString(".")
* Helper function that grabs a key and returns the value or randomly selects one element of an array and returns
* that if the return type is an array.
* If the returned key contains the regex anchors it will be regexified. If it contains the replacement anchors it
* will be replaced.
* @param key the key
* @return a single value or a single entry from an array
private[faker] def fetch(key: String, data: Data): String = {
val fetched = data.fetch(key).get match {
case SeqEntry(s) => sample(s)
case StringEntry(s) => s
if (isRegex(fetched))
else if (isReplacement(fetched))
else fetched
* Fetches any subkeys contained in a key
* :TODO: Does this belong in data? I'm searching here because I know it wont happen in a module, at least not so far.
* @param key the parent key
* @return an Iterable[String] of subkeys
private[faker] def fetchKeys(key: String) : Iterable[String] = {
val parsedKey = getKey(key)
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
if (! Iterable.empty[String]
else match {
case j: java.util.Map[String, _] => j.asScala.toMap.keys
case o => o.asInstanceOf[Map[String, Any]].keys
* Checks if the string has the anchors. if so, assume it's a regex.
* @param s the string to check
* @return true if the string appears to be a regex.
private[faker] def isRegex(s: String): Boolean = {
if ("/\\^.*\\$/".r.findAllIn(s).nonEmpty)
* Checks if the string has the anchors. if so, assume it's a regex.
* @param s the string to check
* @return true if the string appears to be a regex.
private[faker] def isReplacement(s: String): Boolean = {
if ("/.*/".r.findAllIn(s).nonEmpty)
* Returns a single random entry from a Seq.
* @param s the Seq
* @tparam T the type of elements of this Seq.
* @return a single random entry.
private[faker] def sample[T](s: Seq[T]): T = {
/** Given a regular expression, attempt to generate a string
* that would match it. This is a rather simple implementation,
* so don't be shocked if it blows up on you in a spectacular fashion.
* It does not handle ., *, unbounded ranges such as {1,},
* extensions such as (?=), character classes, some abbreviations
* for character classes, and nested parentheses.
* I told you it was simple. :) It's also probably dog-slow,
* so you shouldn't use it.
* It will take a regex like this:
* /^[A-PR-UWYZ0-9][A-HK-Y0-9][AEHMNPRTVXY0-9]?[ABEHMNPRVWXY0-9]? {1,2}[0-9][ABD-HJLN-UW-Z]{2}$/
* and generate a string like this:
* "U3V 3TP"
private[faker] def regexify(reg: String): String = {
reg.replaceAll("\\$/", "")
.replaceAll("/\\^", "")
.replaceAll("\\{(\\d+)\\}", "{$1,$1}")
.replaceAll("\\?", "{0,1}")
.replaceAllIn("(\\[[^\\]]+\\])\\{(\\d+),(\\d+)\\}".r, matcher => * sample(Seq.range(, + 1)))
.replaceAllIn("(\\([^\\)]+\\))\\{(\\d+),(\\d+)\\}".r, matcher => * sample(Seq.range(, + 1)))
.replaceAllIn("(\\\\?.)\\{(\\d+),(\\d+)\\}".r, matcher => {
val rep = if ( > 1) "\\" + else
rep * sample(Seq.range(, + 1))
}).replaceAllIn("\\((.*?)\\)".r, matcher => sample('|').toSeq))
.replaceAllIn("\\[.*?(\\w-\\w).*?\\]".r, matcher =>
(s, g) => {
val range = g.charAt(0) to g.charAt(2)
s.replace(s, sample(range).toString)
.replaceAllIn("\\[([^\\]]+)\\]".r, matcher => sample("")))
.replaceAllIn("\\\\w".r, _ => sample(letters).toString)
.replaceAllIn("\\\\d".r, _ => sample(0 to 9).toString)
class RegexFunctionString(s: String) {
def replaceAllIn(regex: Regex, replacer: Match => String): String = {
regex.replaceAllIn(s, replacer)
implicit def stringToRegexFunctionString(s: String): RegexFunctionString = new RegexFunctionString(s)
object Faker {
val defaultLocale : String = "en"