Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static;
import com.intellij.openapi.util.TextRange;
import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement;
import com.intellij.psi.PsiFile;
import com.intellij.psi.PsiJavaFile;
import com.intellij.psi.PsiType;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import lombok.ast.Catch;
import lombok.ast.For;
import lombok.ast.Identifier;
import lombok.ast.If;
import lombok.ast.Node;
import lombok.ast.Return;
import lombok.ast.StrictListAccessor;
import lombok.ast.Switch;
import lombok.ast.Throw;
import lombok.ast.TypeReference;
import lombok.ast.TypeReferencePart;
import lombok.ast.While;
* A wrapper for a Java parser. This allows tools integrating lint to map directly
* to builtin services, such as already-parsed data structures in Java editors.
* NOTE: This is not public or final API; if you rely on this be prepared
* to adjust your code for the next tools release.
// Currently ships with deprecated API support
@SuppressWarnings({"deprecation", "UnusedParameters"})
public abstract class JavaParser {
public static final String TYPE_OBJECT = "java.lang.Object";
public static final String TYPE_STRING = "java.lang.String";
public static final String TYPE_INT = "int";
public static final String TYPE_LONG = "long";
public static final String TYPE_CHAR = "char";
public static final String TYPE_FLOAT = "float";
public static final String TYPE_DOUBLE = "double";
public static final String TYPE_BOOLEAN = "boolean";
public static final String TYPE_SHORT = "short";
public static final String TYPE_BYTE = "byte";
public static final String TYPE_NULL = "null";
public static final String TYPE_INTEGER_WRAPPER = "java.lang.Integer";
public static final String TYPE_BOOLEAN_WRAPPER = "java.lang.Boolean";
public static final String TYPE_BYTE_WRAPPER = "java.lang.Byte";
public static final String TYPE_SHORT_WRAPPER = "java.lang.Short";
public static final String TYPE_LONG_WRAPPER = "java.lang.Long";
public static final String TYPE_DOUBLE_WRAPPER = "java.lang.Double";
public static final String TYPE_FLOAT_WRAPPER = "java.lang.Float";
public static final String TYPE_CHARACTER_WRAPPER = "java.lang.Character";
* Prepare to parse the given contexts. This method will be called before
* a series of {@link #parseJava(JavaContext)} calls, which allows some
* parsers to do up front global computation in case they want to more
* efficiently process multiple files at the same time. This allows a single
* type-attribution pass for example, which is a lot more efficient than
* performing global type analysis over and over again for each individual
* file
* @param contexts a list of contexts to be parsed
* @return true if the preparation succeeded; false if there were errors
public abstract boolean prepareJavaParse(@NonNull List contexts);
* Parse the file pointed to by the given context.
* @param context the context pointing to the file to be parsed, typically
* via {@link Context#getContents()} but the file handle (
* {@link Context#file} can also be used to map to an existing
* editor buffer in the surrounding tool, etc)
* @return the compilation unit node for the file
* @deprecated Use {@link #parseJavaToPsi(JavaContext)} instead
public Node parseJava(@NonNull JavaContext context) {
return null;
* Parse the file pointed to by the given context.
* @param context the context pointing to the file to be parsed, typically
* via {@link Context#getContents()} but the file handle (
* {@link Context#file} can also be used to map to an existing
* editor buffer in the surrounding tool, etc)
* @return the compilation unit node for the file
public abstract PsiJavaFile parseJavaToPsi(@NonNull JavaContext context);
* Returns an evaluator which can perform various resolution tasks,
* evaluate inheritance lookup etc.
* @return an evaluator
public abstract JavaEvaluator getEvaluator();
* Returns a {@link Location} for the given node
* @param context information about the file being parsed
* @param node the node to create a location for
* @return a location for the given node
* @deprecated Use {@link #getNameLocation(JavaContext, PsiElement)} instead
public Location getLocation(@NonNull JavaContext context, @NonNull Node node) {
// No longer mandatory to override for children; this is a deprecated API
return Location.NONE;
* Returns a {@link Location} for the given element
* @param context information about the file being parsed
* @param element the element to create a location for
* @return a location for the given node
@SuppressWarnings("MethodMayBeStatic") // subclasses may want to override/optimize
public Location getLocation(@NonNull JavaContext context, @NonNull PsiElement element) {
TextRange range = element.getTextRange();
PsiFile containingFile = element.getContainingFile();
File file = context.file;
CharSequence contents = context.getContents();
if (containingFile != context.getJavaFile()) {
// Reporting an error in a different file.
if (context.getDriver().getScope().size() == 1) {
// Don't bother with this error if it's in a different file during single-file analysis
return Location.NONE;
File ioFile = getFile(containingFile);
if (ioFile == null) {
return Location.NONE;
file = ioFile;
contents = getFileContents(containingFile);
return Location.create(file, contents, range.getStartOffset(),
public abstract File getFile(@NonNull PsiFile file);
public CharSequence getFileContents(@NonNull PsiFile file) {
return file.getText();
public Location createLocation(@NonNull PsiElement element) {
TextRange range = element.getTextRange();
PsiFile containingFile = element.getContainingFile();
CharSequence contents;
File file = getFile(containingFile);
if (file == null) {
return Location.NONE;
contents = getFileContents(containingFile);
return Location.create(file, contents, range.getStartOffset(),
* Returns a {@link Location} for the given node range (from the starting offset of the first
* node to the ending offset of the second node).
* @param context information about the file being parsed
* @param from the AST node to get a starting location from
* @param fromDelta Offset delta to apply to the starting offset
* @param to the AST node to get a ending location from
* @param toDelta Offset delta to apply to the ending offset
* @return a location for the given node
* @deprecated Use {@link #getRangeLocation(JavaContext, PsiElement, int, PsiElement, int)}
* instead
public abstract Location getRangeLocation(
@NonNull JavaContext context,
@NonNull Node from,
int fromDelta,
@NonNull Node to,
int toDelta);
* Returns a {@link Location} for the given node range (from the starting offset of the first
* node to the ending offset of the second node).
* @param context information about the file being parsed
* @param from the AST node to get a starting location from
* @param fromDelta Offset delta to apply to the starting offset
* @param to the AST node to get a ending location from
* @param toDelta Offset delta to apply to the ending offset
* @return a location for the given node
@SuppressWarnings("MethodMayBeStatic") // subclasses may want to override/optimize
public Location getRangeLocation(
@NonNull JavaContext context,
@NonNull PsiElement from,
int fromDelta,
@NonNull PsiElement to,
int toDelta) {
CharSequence contents = context.getContents();
TextRange fromRange = from.getTextRange();
int start = Math.max(0, fromRange.getStartOffset() + fromDelta);
int end = Math.min(contents == null ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : contents.length(),
to.getTextRange().getEndOffset() + toDelta);
if (end <= start) {
// Some AST nodes don't have proper bounds, such as empty parameter lists
return Location.create(context.file, contents, start, fromRange.getEndOffset());
return Location.create(context.file, contents, start, end);
* Like {@link #getRangeLocation(JavaContext, PsiElement, int, PsiElement, int)}
* but both offsets are relative to the starting offset of the given node. This is
* sometimes more convenient than operating relative to the ending offset when you
* have a fixed range in mind.
* @param context information about the file being parsed
* @param from the AST node to get a starting location from
* @param fromDelta Offset delta to apply to the starting offset
* @param toDelta Offset delta to apply to the starting offset
* @return a location for the given node
@SuppressWarnings("MethodMayBeStatic") // subclasses may want to override/optimize
public Location getRangeLocation(
@NonNull JavaContext context,
@NonNull PsiElement from,
int fromDelta,
int toDelta) {
return getRangeLocation(context, from, fromDelta, from,
-(from.getTextRange().getLength() - toDelta));
* Returns a {@link Location} for the given node. This attempts to pick a shorter
* location range than the entire node; for a class or method for example, it picks
* the name node (if found). For statement constructs such as a {@code switch} statement
* it will highlight the keyword, etc.
* @param context information about the file being parsed
* @param node the node to create a location for
* @return a location for the given node
* @deprecated Use {@link #getNameLocation(JavaContext, PsiElement)} instead
public Location getNameLocation(@NonNull JavaContext context, @NonNull Node node) {
Node nameNode = JavaContext.findNameNode(node);
if (nameNode != null) {
node = nameNode;
} else {
if (node instanceof Switch
|| node instanceof For
|| node instanceof If
|| node instanceof While
|| node instanceof Throw
|| node instanceof Return) {
// Lint doesn't want to highlight the entire statement/block associated
// with this node, it wants to just highlight the keyword.
Location location = getLocation(context, node);
Position start = location.getStart();
if (start != null) {
// The Lombok classes happen to have the same length as the target keyword
int length = node.getClass().getSimpleName().length();
return Location.create(location.getFile(), start,
new DefaultPosition(start.getLine(), start.getColumn() + length,
start.getOffset() + length));
return getLocation(context, node);
* Returns the leaf element at the given offset (biased towards the right), or null if
* not found
* @param offset the offset to search at
* @return the leaf element, if any
public abstract PsiElement findElementAt(@NonNull JavaContext context, int offset);
* Returns a {@link Location} for the given node. This attempts to pick a shorter
* location range than the entire node; for a class or method for example, it picks
* the name node (if found). For statement constructs such as a {@code switch} statement
* it will highlight the keyword, etc.
* @param context information about the file being parsed
* @param element the node to create a location for
* @return a location for the given node
public Location getNameLocation(@NonNull JavaContext context, @NonNull PsiElement element) {
PsiElement nameNode = JavaContext.findNameElement(element);
if (nameNode != null) {
element = nameNode;
return getLocation(context, element);
* Creates a light-weight handle to a location for the given node. It can be
* turned into a full fledged location by
* {@link}.
* @param context the context providing the node
* @param node the node (element or attribute) to create a location handle
* for
* @return a location handle
* @deprecated Use PSI instead (where handles aren't necessary; use PsiElement directly)
public abstract Location.Handle createLocationHandle(@NonNull JavaContext context,
@NonNull Node node);
* Dispose any data structures held for the given context.
* @param context information about the file previously parsed
* @param compilationUnit the compilation unit being disposed
* @deprecated Use {@link #dispose(JavaContext, PsiJavaFile)} instead
public void dispose(@NonNull JavaContext context, @NonNull Node compilationUnit) {
* Dispose any data structures held for the given context.
* @param context information about the file previously parsed
* @param compilationUnit the compilation unit being disposed
public void dispose(@NonNull JavaContext context, @NonNull PsiJavaFile compilationUnit) {
* Dispose any remaining data structures held for all contexts.
* Typically frees up any resources allocated by
* {@link #prepareJavaParse(List)}
public void dispose() {
* Resolves the given expression node: computes the declaration for the given symbol
* @param context information about the file being parsed
* @param node the node to resolve
* @return a node representing the resolved fully type: class/interface/annotation,
* field, method or variable
* @deprecated Use {@link JavaPsiScanner} APIs instead
public ResolvedNode resolve(@NonNull JavaContext context, @NonNull Node node) {
return null;
* Finds the given type, if possible (which should be reachable from the compilation
* patch of the given node.
* @param context information about the file being parsed
* @param fullyQualifiedName the fully qualified name of the class to look up
* @return the class, or null if not found
public ResolvedClass findClass(
@NonNull JavaContext context,
@NonNull String fullyQualifiedName) {
return null;
* Returns the set of exception types handled by the given catch block.
* This is a workaround for the fact that the Lombok AST API (and implementation)
* doesn't support multi-catch statements.
* @deprecated Use {@link JavaPsiScanner} APIs instead
public List getCatchTypes(@NonNull JavaContext context,
@NonNull Catch catchBlock) {
TypeReference typeReference = catchBlock.astExceptionDeclaration().astTypeReference();
return Collections.singletonList(new DefaultTypeDescriptor(
* Gets the type of the given node
* @param context information about the file being parsed
* @param node the node to look up the type for
* @return the type of the node, if known
* @deprecated Use {@link JavaPsiScanner} APIs instead
public TypeDescriptor getType(@NonNull JavaContext context, @NonNull Node node) {
return null;
* A description of a type, such as a primitive int or the class
* @deprecated Use {@link PsiType} instead
public abstract static class TypeDescriptor {
* Returns the fully qualified name of the type, such as "int" or ""
* */
@NonNull public abstract String getName();
/** Returns the simple name of this class */
public String getSimpleName() {
// This doesn't handle inner classes properly, so subclasses with more
// accurate type information will override to handle it correctly.
String name = getName();
int index = name.lastIndexOf('.');
if (index != -1) {
return name.substring(index + 1);
return name;
* Returns the full signature of the type, which is normally the same as {@link #getName()}
* but for arrays can include []'s, for generic methods can include generics parameters
* etc
@NonNull public abstract String getSignature();
* Computes the internal class name of the given fully qualified class name.
* For example, it converts into foo/bar/Foo$Bar.
* This should only be called for class types, not primitives.
* @return the internal class name
@NonNull public String getInternalName() {
return ClassContext.getInternalName(getName());
public abstract boolean matchesName(@NonNull String name);
* Returns true if the given TypeDescriptor represents an array
* @return true if this type represents an array
public abstract boolean isArray();
* Returns true if the given TypeDescriptor represents a primitive
* @return true if this type represents a primitive
public abstract boolean isPrimitive();
public abstract boolean matchesSignature(@NonNull String signature);
public TypeReference getNode() {
TypeReference typeReference = new TypeReference();
StrictListAccessor parts = typeReference.astParts();
for (String part : Splitter.on('.').split(getName())) {
Identifier identifier = Identifier.of(part);
parts.addToEnd(new TypeReferencePart().astIdentifier(identifier));
return typeReference;
/** If the type is not primitive, returns the class of the type if known */
public abstract ResolvedClass getTypeClass();
public abstract boolean equals(Object o);
public String toString() {
return getName();
* Convenience implementation of {@link TypeDescriptor}
* @deprecated Use {@link JavaPsiScanner} APIs instead
public static class DefaultTypeDescriptor extends TypeDescriptor {
private final String name;
public DefaultTypeDescriptor(String name) { = name;
public String getName() {
return name;
public String getSignature() {
return getName();
public boolean matchesName(@NonNull String name) {
public boolean isArray() {
return name.endsWith("[]");
public boolean isPrimitive() {
return name.indexOf('.') != -1;
public boolean matchesSignature(@NonNull String signature) {
return matchesName(signature);
public String toString() {
return getSignature();
public ResolvedClass getTypeClass() {
return null;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
return false;
DefaultTypeDescriptor that = (DefaultTypeDescriptor) o;
return !(name != null ? !name.equals( : != null);
public int hashCode() {
return name != null ? name.hashCode() : 0;
* A resolved declaration from an AST Node reference
* @deprecated Use {@link JavaPsiScanner} APIs instead
public abstract static class ResolvedNode {
public abstract String getName();
/** Returns the signature of the resolved node */
public abstract String getSignature();
public abstract int getModifiers();
public String toString() {
return getSignature();
/** Returns any annotations defined on this node */
public abstract Iterable getAnnotations();
* Searches for the annotation of the given type on this node
* @param type the fully qualified name of the annotation to check
* @return the annotation, or null if not found
public ResolvedAnnotation getAnnotation(@NonNull String type) {
for (ResolvedAnnotation annotation : getAnnotations()) {
if (annotation.getType().matchesSignature(type)) {
return annotation;
return null;
* Returns true if this element is in the given package (or optionally, in one of its sub
* packages)
* @param pkg the package name
* @param includeSubPackages whether to include subpackages
* @return true if the element is in the given package
public boolean isInPackage(@NonNull String pkg, boolean includeSubPackages) {
return getSignature().startsWith(pkg);
* Attempts to find the corresponding AST node, if possible. This won't work if for example
* the resolved node is from a binary (such as a compiled class in a .jar) or if the
* underlying parser doesn't support it.
* Note that looking up the AST node can result in different instances for each lookup.
* @return an AST node, if possible.
public Node findAstNode() {
return null;
* A resolved class declaration (class, interface, enumeration or annotation)
* @deprecated Use {@link JavaPsiScanner} APIs instead
public abstract static class ResolvedClass extends ResolvedNode {
/** Returns the fully qualified name of this class */
public abstract String getName();
/** Returns the simple name of this class */
public abstract String getSimpleName();
/** Returns the package name of this class */
public String getPackageName() {
String name = getName();
String simpleName = getSimpleName();
if (name.length() > simpleName.length() + 1) {
return name.substring(0, name.length() - simpleName.length() - 1);
return name;
/** Returns whether this class' fully qualified name matches the given name */
public abstract boolean matches(@NonNull String name);
public abstract ResolvedClass getSuperClass();
public abstract Iterable getInterfaces();
public abstract ResolvedClass getContainingClass();
public abstract boolean isInterface();
public abstract boolean isEnum();
public TypeDescriptor getType() {
return new DefaultTypeDescriptor(getName());
* Determines whether this class extends the given name. If strict is true,
* it will not consider C extends C true.
* The target must be a class; to check whether this class extends an interface,
* use {@link #isImplementing(String,boolean)} instead. If you're not sure, use
* {@link #isInheritingFrom(String, boolean)}.
* @param name the fully qualified class name
* @param strict if true, do not consider a class to be extending itself
* @return true if this class extends the given class
public abstract boolean isSubclassOf(@NonNull String name, boolean strict);
* Determines whether this is implementing the given interface.
* The target must be an interface; to check whether this class extends a class,
* use {@link #isSubclassOf(String, boolean)} instead. If you're not sure, use
* {@link #isInheritingFrom(String, boolean)}.
* @param name the fully qualified interface name
* @param strict if true, do not consider a class to be extending itself
* @return true if this class implements the given interface
public abstract boolean isImplementing(@NonNull String name, boolean strict);
* Determines whether this class extends or implements the class of the given name.
* If strict is true, it will not consider C extends C true.
* For performance reasons, if you know that the target is a class, consider using
* {@link #isSubclassOf(String, boolean)} instead, and if the target is an interface,
* consider using {@link #isImplementing(String,boolean)}.
* @param name the fully qualified class name
* @param strict if true, do not consider a class to be inheriting from itself
* @return true if this class extends or implements the given class
public abstract boolean isInheritingFrom(@NonNull String name, boolean strict);
public abstract Iterable getConstructors();
/** Returns the methods defined in this class, and optionally any methods inherited from any superclasses as well */
public abstract Iterable getMethods(boolean includeInherited);
/** Returns the methods of a given name defined in this class, and optionally any methods inherited from any superclasses as well */
public abstract Iterable getMethods(@NonNull String name, boolean includeInherited);
/** Returns the fields defined in this class, and optionally any fields declared in any superclasses as well */
public abstract Iterable getFields(boolean includeInherited);
/** Returns the named field defined in this class, or optionally inherited from a superclass */
public abstract ResolvedField getField(@NonNull String name, boolean includeInherited);
/** Returns the package containing this class */
public abstract ResolvedPackage getPackage();
public boolean isInPackage(@NonNull String pkg, boolean includeSubPackages) {
String packageName = getPackageName();
//noinspection SimplifiableIfStatement
if (pkg.equals(packageName)) {
return true;
return includeSubPackages && packageName.length() > pkg.length() &&
packageName.charAt(pkg.length()) == '.' &&
* A method or constructor declaration
* @deprecated Use {@link JavaPsiScanner} APIs instead
public abstract static class ResolvedMethod extends ResolvedNode {
public abstract String getName();
/** Returns whether this method name matches the given name */
public abstract boolean matches(@NonNull String name);
public abstract ResolvedClass getContainingClass();
public abstract int getArgumentCount();
public abstract TypeDescriptor getArgumentType(int index);
/** Returns true if the parameter at the given index matches the given type signature */
public boolean argumentMatchesType(int index, @NonNull String signature) {
return getArgumentType(index).matchesSignature(signature);
public abstract TypeDescriptor getReturnType();
public boolean isConstructor() {
return getReturnType() == null;
/** Returns any annotations defined on the given parameter of this method */
public abstract Iterable getParameterAnnotations(int index);
* Searches for the annotation of the given type on the method
* @param type the fully qualified name of the annotation to check
* @param parameterIndex the index of the parameter to look up
* @return the annotation, or null if not found
public ResolvedAnnotation getParameterAnnotation(@NonNull String type,
int parameterIndex) {
for (ResolvedAnnotation annotation : getParameterAnnotations(parameterIndex)) {
if (annotation.getType().matchesSignature(type)) {
return annotation;
return null;
/** Returns the super implementation of the given method, if any */
public ResolvedMethod getSuperMethod() {
if ((getModifiers() & Modifier.PRIVATE) != 0) {
// Private methods aren't overriding anything
return null;
ResolvedClass cls = getContainingClass().getSuperClass();
if (cls != null) {
String methodName = getName();
int argCount = getArgumentCount();
for (ResolvedMethod method : cls.getMethods(methodName, true)) {
if (argCount != method.getArgumentCount()) {
boolean sameTypes = true;
for (int arg = 0; arg < argCount; arg++) {
if (!method.getArgumentType(arg).equals(getArgumentType(arg))) {
sameTypes = false;
if (sameTypes) {
if ((method.getModifiers() & Modifier.PRIVATE) != 0) {
// Normally can't override private methods - unless they're
// in the same compilation unit where the compiler will create
// an accessor method to trampoline over to it.
// Compare compilation units:
if (haveSameCompilationUnit(getContainingClass(),
method.getContainingClass())) {
return method;
} else {
// We can stop the search; this is invalid (you can't have a
// private method in the middle of a chain; the compiler would
// complain about weaker access)
return null;
return method;
return null;
public boolean isInPackage(@NonNull String pkg, boolean includeSubPackages) {
String packageName = getContainingClass().getPackageName();
//noinspection SimplifiableIfStatement
if (pkg.equals(packageName)) {
return true;
return includeSubPackages && packageName.length() > pkg.length() &&
packageName.charAt(pkg.length()) == '.' &&
* @deprecated Use {@link JavaPsiScanner} APIs instead
private static boolean haveSameCompilationUnit(@Nullable ResolvedClass cls1,
@Nullable ResolvedClass cls2) {
if (cls1 == null || cls2 == null) {
return false;
//noinspection ConstantConditions
while (cls1.getContainingClass() != null) {
cls1 = cls1.getContainingClass();
//noinspection ConstantConditions
while (cls2.getContainingClass() != null) {
cls2 = cls2.getContainingClass();
return cls1.equals(cls2);
* A field declaration
* @deprecated Use {@link JavaPsiScanner} APIs instead
public abstract static class ResolvedField extends ResolvedNode {
public abstract String getName();
/** Returns whether this field name matches the given name */
public abstract boolean matches(@NonNull String name);
public abstract TypeDescriptor getType();
public abstract ResolvedClass getContainingClass();
public abstract Object getValue();
public String getContainingClassName() {
ResolvedClass containingClass = getContainingClass();
return containingClass != null ? containingClass.getName() : null;
public boolean isInPackage(@NonNull String pkg, boolean includeSubPackages) {
ResolvedClass containingClass = getContainingClass();
if (containingClass == null) {
return false;
String packageName = containingClass.getPackageName();
//noinspection SimplifiableIfStatement
if (pkg.equals(packageName)) {
return true;
return includeSubPackages && packageName.length() > pkg.length() &&
packageName.charAt(pkg.length()) == '.' &&
* An annotation reference. Note that this refers to a usage of an annotation,
* not a declaraton of an annotation. You can call {@link #getClassType()} to
* find the declaration for the annotation.
* @deprecated Use {@link JavaPsiScanner} APIs instead
public abstract static class ResolvedAnnotation extends ResolvedNode {
public abstract String getName();
/** Returns whether this field name matches the given name */
public abstract boolean matches(@NonNull String name);
public abstract TypeDescriptor getType();
/** Returns the {@link ResolvedClass} which defines the annotation */
public abstract ResolvedClass getClassType();
public static class Value {
@NonNull public final String name;
@Nullable public final Object value;
public Value(@NonNull String name, @Nullable Object value) { = name;
this.value = value;
public abstract List getValues();
public Object getValue(@NonNull String name) {
for (Value value : getValues()) {
if (name.equals( {
return value.value;
return null;
public Object getValue() {
return getValue(ATTR_VALUE);
public Iterable getAnnotations() {
return Collections.emptyList();
* A package declaration
* @deprecated Use {@link JavaPsiScanner} APIs instead
public abstract static class ResolvedPackage extends ResolvedNode {
/** Returns the parent package of this package, if any. */
public abstract ResolvedPackage getParentPackage();
public Iterable getAnnotations() {
return Collections.emptyList();
* A local variable or parameter declaration
* @deprecated Use {@link JavaPsiScanner} APIs instead
public abstract static class ResolvedVariable extends ResolvedNode {
public abstract String getName();
/** Returns whether this variable name matches the given name */
public abstract boolean matches(@NonNull String name);
public abstract TypeDescriptor getType();