Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import lombok.ast.BinaryExpression;
import lombok.ast.BinaryOperator;
import lombok.ast.Expression;
import lombok.ast.ForwardingAstVisitor;
import lombok.ast.Node;
import lombok.ast.Select;
import lombok.ast.VariableDefinitionEntry;
* A permission requirement is a boolean expression of permission names that a
* caller must satisfy for a given Android API.
public abstract class PermissionRequirement {
public static final String ATTR_PROTECTION_LEVEL = "protectionLevel"; //$NON-NLS-1$
public static final String VALUE_DANGEROUS = "dangerous"; //$NON-NLS-1$
protected final ResolvedAnnotation annotation;
private int firstApi;
private int lastApi;
public static final PermissionRequirement NONE = new PermissionRequirement(null) {
public boolean isSatisfied(@NonNull PermissionHolder available) {
return true;
public boolean appliesTo(@NonNull PermissionHolder available) {
return false;
public boolean isConditional() {
return false;
public boolean isRevocable(@NonNull PermissionHolder revocable) {
return false;
public String toString() {
return "None";
protected void addMissingPermissions(@NonNull PermissionHolder available,
@NonNull Set result) {
protected void addRevocablePermissions(@NonNull Set result,
@NonNull PermissionHolder revocable) {
public BinaryOperator getOperator() {
return null;
public Iterable getChildren() {
return Collections.emptyList();
private PermissionRequirement(@NonNull ResolvedAnnotation annotation) {
this.annotation = annotation;
public static PermissionRequirement create(
@Nullable Context context,
@NonNull ResolvedAnnotation annotation) {
String value = (String)annotation.getValue(ATTR_VALUE);
if (value != null && !value.isEmpty()) {
for (int i = 0, n = value.length(); i < n; i++) {
char c = value.charAt(i);
// See if it's a complex expression and if so build it up
if (c == '&' || c == '|' || c == '^') {
return Complex.parse(annotation, context, value);
return new Single(annotation, value);
Object v = annotation.getValue(ATTR_ANY_OF);
String[] anyOf = getAnnotationStrings(v);
if (anyOf != null) {
if (anyOf.length > 1) {
return new Many(annotation, BinaryOperator.LOGICAL_OR, anyOf);
} else if (anyOf.length == 1) {
return new Single(annotation, anyOf[0]);
v = annotation.getValue(ATTR_ALL_OF);
String[] allOf = getAnnotationStrings(v);
if (allOf != null) {
if (allOf.length > 1) {
return new Many(annotation, BinaryOperator.LOGICAL_AND, allOf);
} else if (allOf.length == 1) {
return new Single(annotation, allOf[0]);
return NONE;
private static String[] getAnnotationStrings(@Nullable Object v) {
if (v != null) {
if (v instanceof String[]) {
return (String[])v;
} else if (v instanceof String) {
return new String[] { (String)v };
} else if (v instanceof Object[]) {
List strings = Lists.newArrayList();
for (Object o : (Object[])v) {
if (o instanceof ResolvedField) {
Object vs = ((ResolvedField)o).getValue();
if (vs instanceof String) {
} else if (o instanceof String) {
return strings.toArray(new String[strings.size()]);
return null;
* Returns false if this permission does not apply given the specified minimum and
* target sdk versions
* @param minSdkVersion the minimum SDK version
* @param targetSdkVersion the target SDK version
* @return true if this permission requirement applies for the given versions
* Returns false if this permission does not apply given the specified minimum and target
* sdk versions
* @param available the permission holder which also knows the min and target versions
* @return true if this permission requirement applies for the given versions
protected boolean appliesTo(@NonNull PermissionHolder available) {
if (firstApi == 0) { // initialized?
firstApi = -1; // initialized, not specified
// Not initialized
Object o = annotation.getValue("apis");
if (o instanceof String) {
String range = (String)o;
// Currently only support the syntax "a..b" where a and b are inclusive end points
// and where "a" and "b" are optional
int index = range.indexOf("..");
if (index != -1) {
try {
if (index > 0) {
firstApi = Integer.parseInt(range.substring(0, index));
} else {
firstApi = 1;
if (index + 2 < range.length()) {
lastApi = Integer.parseInt(range.substring(index + 2));
} else {
lastApi = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
} catch (NumberFormatException ignore) {
if (firstApi != -1) {
AndroidVersion minSdkVersion = available.getMinSdkVersion();
if (minSdkVersion.getFeatureLevel() > lastApi) {
return false;
AndroidVersion targetSdkVersion = available.getTargetSdkVersion();
if (targetSdkVersion.getFeatureLevel() < firstApi) {
return false;
return true;
* Returns whether this requirement is conditional, meaning that there are
* some circumstances in which the requirement is not necessary. For
* example, consider
* {@code} .
* Here the {@code android.permission.BACKUP} is required but only if the
* argument is not your own package.
* This is used to handle permissions differently between the "missing" and
* "unused" checks. When checking for missing permissions, we err on the
* side of caution: if you are missing a permission, but the permission is
* conditional, you may not need it so we may not want to complain. However,
* when looking for unused permissions, we don't want to flag the
* conditional permissions as unused since they may be required.
* @return true if this requirement is conditional
public boolean isConditional() {
Object o = annotation.getValue(ATTR_CONDITIONAL);
if (o instanceof Boolean) {
return (Boolean)o;
} else if (o instanceof ResolvedField) {
o = ((ResolvedField)o).getValue();
if (o instanceof Boolean) {
return (Boolean)o;
return false;
* Returns whether this requirement is for a single permission (rather than
* a boolean expression such as one permission or another.)
* @return true if this requirement is just a simple permission name
public boolean isSingle() {
return true;
* Whether the permission requirement is satisfied given the set of granted permissions
* @param available the available permissions
* @return true if all permissions specified by this requirement are available
public abstract boolean isSatisfied(@NonNull PermissionHolder available);
/** Describes the missing permissions (e.g. "P1, P2 and P3") */
public String describeMissingPermissions(@NonNull PermissionHolder available) {
return "";
/** Returns the missing permissions (e.g. {"P1", "P2", "P3"} */
public Set getMissingPermissions(@NonNull PermissionHolder available) {
Set result = Sets.newHashSet();
addMissingPermissions(available, result);
return result;
protected abstract void addMissingPermissions(@NonNull PermissionHolder available,
@NonNull Set result);
/** Returns the permissions in the requirement that are revocable */
public Set getRevocablePermissions(@NonNull PermissionHolder revocable) {
Set result = Sets.newHashSet();
addRevocablePermissions(result, revocable);
return result;
protected abstract void addRevocablePermissions(@NonNull Set result,
@NonNull PermissionHolder revocable);
* Returns whether this permission is revocable
* @param revocable the set of revocable permissions
* @return true if a user can revoke the permission
public abstract boolean isRevocable(@NonNull PermissionHolder revocable);
* For permission requirements that combine children, the operator to combine them with; null
* for leaf nodes
public abstract BinaryOperator getOperator();
* Returns nested requirements, combined via {@link #getOperator()}
public abstract Iterable getChildren();
/** Require a single permission */
private static class Single extends PermissionRequirement {
public final String name;
public Single(@NonNull ResolvedAnnotation annotation, @NonNull String name) {
super(annotation); = name;
public boolean isRevocable(@NonNull PermissionHolder revocable) {
return revocable.isRevocable(name) || isRevocableSystemPermission(name);
public BinaryOperator getOperator() {
return null;
public Iterable getChildren() {
return Collections.emptyList();
public boolean isSingle() {
return true;
public String toString() {
return name;
public boolean isSatisfied(@NonNull PermissionHolder available) {
return available.hasPermission(name) || !appliesTo(available);
public String describeMissingPermissions(@NonNull PermissionHolder available) {
return isSatisfied(available) ? "" : name;
protected void addMissingPermissions(@NonNull PermissionHolder available,
@NonNull Set missing) {
if (!isSatisfied(available)) {
protected void addRevocablePermissions(@NonNull Set result,
@NonNull PermissionHolder revocable) {
if (isRevocable(revocable)) {
protected static void appendOperator(StringBuilder sb, BinaryOperator operator) {
sb.append(' ');
if (operator == BinaryOperator.LOGICAL_AND) {
} else if (operator == BinaryOperator.LOGICAL_OR) {
} else {
assert operator == BinaryOperator.BITWISE_XOR : operator;
sb.append(' ');
* Require a series of permissions, all with the same operator.
private static class Many extends PermissionRequirement {
public final BinaryOperator operator;
public final List permissions;
public Many(
@NonNull ResolvedAnnotation annotation,
BinaryOperator operator,
String[] names) {
assert operator == BinaryOperator.LOGICAL_OR
|| operator == BinaryOperator.LOGICAL_AND : operator;
assert names.length >= 2;
this.operator = operator;
this.permissions = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(names.length);
for (String name : names) {
permissions.add(new Single(annotation, name));
public boolean isSingle() {
return false;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 1; i < permissions.size(); i++) {
appendOperator(sb, operator);
return sb.toString();
public boolean isSatisfied(@NonNull PermissionHolder available) {
if (operator == BinaryOperator.LOGICAL_AND) {
for (PermissionRequirement requirement : permissions) {
if (!requirement.isSatisfied(available) && requirement.appliesTo(available)) {
return false;
return true;
} else {
assert operator == BinaryOperator.LOGICAL_OR : operator;
for (PermissionRequirement requirement : permissions) {
if (requirement.isSatisfied(available) || !requirement.appliesTo(available)) {
return true;
return false;
public String describeMissingPermissions(@NonNull PermissionHolder available) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
boolean first = true;
for (PermissionRequirement requirement : permissions) {
if (!requirement.isSatisfied(available)) {
if (first) {
first = false;
} else {
appendOperator(sb, operator);
return sb.toString();
protected void addMissingPermissions(@NonNull PermissionHolder available,
@NonNull Set missing) {
for (PermissionRequirement requirement : permissions) {
if (!requirement.isSatisfied(available)) {
requirement.addMissingPermissions(available, missing);
protected void addRevocablePermissions(@NonNull Set result,
@NonNull PermissionHolder revocable) {
for (PermissionRequirement requirement : permissions) {
requirement.addRevocablePermissions(result, revocable);
public boolean isRevocable(@NonNull PermissionHolder revocable) {
// TODO: Pass in the available set of permissions here, and if
// the operator is BinaryOperator.LOGICAL_OR, only return revocable=true
// if an unsatisfied permission is also revocable. In other words,
// if multiple permissions are allowed, and some of them are satisfied and
// not revocable the overall permission requirement is not revocable.
for (PermissionRequirement requirement : permissions) {
if (requirement.isRevocable(revocable)) {
return true;
return false;
public BinaryOperator getOperator() {
return operator;
public Iterable getChildren() {
return permissions;
* Require multiple permissions. This is a group of permissions with some
* associated boolean logic, such as "B or (C and (D or E))".
private static class Complex extends PermissionRequirement {
public final BinaryOperator operator;
public final PermissionRequirement left;
public final PermissionRequirement right;
public Complex(
@NonNull ResolvedAnnotation annotation,
BinaryOperator operator,
PermissionRequirement left,
PermissionRequirement right) {
this.operator = operator;
this.left = left;
this.right = right;
public boolean isSingle() {
return false;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
boolean needsParentheses = left instanceof Complex &&
((Complex) left).operator != BinaryOperator.LOGICAL_AND;
if (needsParentheses) {
if (needsParentheses) {
appendOperator(sb, operator);
needsParentheses = right instanceof Complex &&
((Complex) right).operator != BinaryOperator.LOGICAL_AND;
if (needsParentheses) {
if (needsParentheses) {
return sb.toString();
public boolean isSatisfied(@NonNull PermissionHolder available) {
boolean satisfiedLeft = left.isSatisfied(available) || !left.appliesTo(available);
boolean satisfiedRight = right.isSatisfied(available) || !right.appliesTo(available);
if (operator == BinaryOperator.LOGICAL_AND) {
return satisfiedLeft && satisfiedRight;
} else if (operator == BinaryOperator.LOGICAL_OR) {
return satisfiedLeft || satisfiedRight;
} else {
assert operator == BinaryOperator.BITWISE_XOR : operator;
return satisfiedLeft ^ satisfiedRight;
public String describeMissingPermissions(@NonNull PermissionHolder available) {
boolean satisfiedLeft = left.isSatisfied(available);
boolean satisfiedRight = right.isSatisfied(available);
if (operator == BinaryOperator.LOGICAL_AND || operator == BinaryOperator.LOGICAL_OR) {
if (satisfiedLeft) {
if (satisfiedRight) {
return "";
return right.describeMissingPermissions(available);
} else if (satisfiedRight) {
return left.describeMissingPermissions(available);
} else {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
appendOperator(sb, operator);
return sb.toString();
} else {
assert operator == BinaryOperator.BITWISE_XOR : operator;
return toString();
protected void addMissingPermissions(@NonNull PermissionHolder available,
@NonNull Set missing) {
boolean satisfiedLeft = left.isSatisfied(available);
boolean satisfiedRight = right.isSatisfied(available);
if (operator == BinaryOperator.LOGICAL_AND || operator == BinaryOperator.LOGICAL_OR) {
if (satisfiedLeft) {
if (satisfiedRight) {
right.addMissingPermissions(available, missing);
} else if (satisfiedRight) {
left.addMissingPermissions(available, missing);
} else {
left.addMissingPermissions(available, missing);
right.addMissingPermissions(available, missing);
} else {
assert operator == BinaryOperator.BITWISE_XOR : operator;
left.addMissingPermissions(available, missing);
right.addMissingPermissions(available, missing);
protected void addRevocablePermissions(@NonNull Set result,
@NonNull PermissionHolder revocable) {
left.addRevocablePermissions(result, revocable);
right.addRevocablePermissions(result, revocable);
public boolean isRevocable(@NonNull PermissionHolder revocable) {
// TODO: If operator == BinaryOperator.LOGICAL_OR only return
// revocable the there isn't a non-revocable term which is also satisfied.
return left.isRevocable(revocable) || right.isRevocable(revocable);
public static PermissionRequirement parse(@NonNull ResolvedAnnotation annotation,
@Nullable Context context, @NonNull final String value) {
// Parse an expression of the form (A op1 B op2 C) op3 (D op4 E) etc.
// We'll just use the Java parser to handle this to ensure that operator
// precedence etc is correct.
if (context == null) {
return NONE;
JavaParser javaParser = context.getClient().getJavaParser(null);
if (javaParser == null) {
return NONE;
try {
JavaContext javaContext = new JavaContext(context.getDriver(),
context.getProject(), context.getMainProject(), context.file,
javaParser) {
public String getContents() {
return ""
+ "class Test { void test() {\n"
+ "boolean result=" + value
+ ";\n}\n}";
Node node = javaParser.parseJava(javaContext);
if (node != null) {
final AtomicReference reference = new AtomicReference();
node.accept(new ForwardingAstVisitor() {
public boolean visitVariableDefinitionEntry(VariableDefinitionEntry node) {
return true;
Expression expression = reference.get();
if (expression != null) {
return parse(annotation, expression);
return NONE;
} finally {
private static PermissionRequirement parse(
@NonNull ResolvedAnnotation annotation,
@NonNull Expression expression) {
if (expression instanceof Select) {
return new Single(annotation, expression.toString());
} else if (expression instanceof BinaryExpression) {
BinaryExpression binaryExpression = (BinaryExpression) expression;
BinaryOperator operator = binaryExpression.astOperator();
if (operator == BinaryOperator.LOGICAL_AND
|| operator == BinaryOperator.LOGICAL_OR
|| operator == BinaryOperator.BITWISE_XOR) {
PermissionRequirement left = parse(annotation, binaryExpression.astLeft());
PermissionRequirement right = parse(annotation, binaryExpression.astRight());
return new Complex(annotation, operator, left, right);
return NONE;
public BinaryOperator getOperator() {
return operator;
public Iterable getChildren() {
return Arrays.asList(left, right);
* Returns true if the given permission name is a revocable permission for
* targetSdkVersion >= 23
* @param name permission name
* @return true if this is a revocable permission
public static boolean isRevocableSystemPermission(@NonNull String name) {
return Arrays.binarySearch(REVOCABLE_PERMISSION_NAMES, name) >= 0;
static final String[] REVOCABLE_PERMISSION_NAMES = new String[] {