Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.apache.http.Header;
import org.apache.http.HttpHeaders;
import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.HttpStatus;
import org.apache.http.message.BasicHeader;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
* A simple cache for the XML resources handled by the SDK Manager.
* Callers should use {@link #openDirectUrl} to download "large files"
* that should not be cached (like actual installation packages which are several MBs big)
* and call {@link #openCachedUrl(String, ITaskMonitor)} to download small XML files.
* The cache can work in 3 different strategies (direct is a pass-through, fresh-cache is the
* default and tries to update resources if they are older than 10 minutes by respecting
* either ETag or Last-Modified, and finally server-cache is a strategy to always serve
* cached entries if present.)
public class DownloadCache {
* HTTP/1.1 references:
* - Possible headers:
* - Rules about conditional requests:
* - Error codes:
private static final boolean DEBUG = System.getenv("SDKMAN_DEBUG_CACHE") != null; //$NON-NLS-1$
/** Key for the Status-Code in the info properties. */
private static final String KEY_STATUS_CODE = "Status-Code"; //$NON-NLS-1$
/** Key for the URL in the info properties. */
private static final String KEY_URL = "URL"; //$NON-NLS-1$
/** Prefix of binary files stored in the {@link SdkConstants#FD_CACHE} directory. */
private static final String BIN_FILE_PREFIX = "sdkbin"; //$NON-NLS-1$
/** Prefix of meta info files stored in the {@link SdkConstants#FD_CACHE} directory. */
private static final String INFO_FILE_PREFIX = "sdkinf"; //$NON-NLS-1$
/* Revision suffixed to the prefix. */
private static final String REV_FILE_PREFIX = "-1_"; //$NON-NLS-1$
* Minimum time before we consider a cached entry is potentially stale.
* Expressed in milliseconds.
* When using the {@link Strategy#FRESH_CACHE}, the cache will not try to refresh
* a cached file if it's has been saved more recently than this time.
* When using the direct mode or the serve mode, the cache either doesn't serve
* cached files or always serves caches files so this expiration delay is not used.
* Default is 10 minutes.
* TODO: change for a dynamic preference later.
private static final long MIN_TIME_EXPIRED_MS = 10*60*1000;
* Maximum time before we consider a cache entry to be stale.
* Expressed in milliseconds.
* When using the {@link Strategy#FRESH_CACHE}, entries that have no ETag
* or Last-Modified will be refreshed if their file timestamp is older than
* this value.
* Default is 4 hours.
* TODO: change for a dynamic preference later.
private static final long MAX_TIME_EXPIRED_MS = 4*60*60*1000;
* The maximum file size we'll cache for "small" files.
* 640KB is more than enough and is already a stretch since these are read in memory.
* (The actual typical size of the files handled here is in the 4-64KB range.)
private static final int MAX_SMALL_FILE_SIZE = 640 * 1024;
* HTTP Headers that are saved in an info file.
* For HTTP/1.1 header names, see
private static final String[] INFO_HTTP_HEADERS = {
private final IFileOp mFileOp;
private final File mCacheRoot;
private final Strategy mStrategy;
public enum Strategy {
* Exclusively serves data from the cache. If files are available in the
* cache, serve them as is (without trying to refresh them). If files are
* not available, they are not fetched at all.
* If the files are available in the cache, serve them as-is, otherwise
* download them and return the cached version. No expiration or refresh
* is attempted if a file is in the cache.
* If the files are available in the cache, check if there's an update
* (either using an e-tag check or comparing to the default time expiration).
* If files have expired or are not in the cache then download them and return
* the cached version.
* Disables caching. URLs are always downloaded and returned directly.
* Downloaded streams aren't cached locally.
/** Creates a default instance of the URL cache */
public DownloadCache(@NonNull Strategy strategy) {
this(new FileOp(), strategy);
/** Creates a default instance of the URL cache */
public DownloadCache(@NonNull IFileOp fileOp, @NonNull Strategy strategy) {
mFileOp = fileOp;
mCacheRoot = initCacheRoot();
// If this is defined in the environment, never use the cache. Useful for testing.
if (System.getenv("SDKMAN_DISABLE_CACHE") != null) { //$NON-NLS-1$
strategy = Strategy.DIRECT;
mStrategy = mCacheRoot == null ? Strategy.DIRECT : strategy;
public Strategy getStrategy() {
return mStrategy;
public File getCacheRoot() {
return mCacheRoot;
* Computes the size of the cached files.
* @return The sum of the byte size of the cached files.
public long getCurrentSize() {
long size = 0;
if (mCacheRoot != null) {
File[] files = mFileOp.listFiles(mCacheRoot);
for (File f : files) {
if (mFileOp.isFile(f)) {
String name = f.getName();
if (name.startsWith(BIN_FILE_PREFIX) || name.startsWith(INFO_FILE_PREFIX)) {
size += f.length();
return size;
* Removes all cached files from the cache directory.
public void clearCache() {
if (mCacheRoot != null) {
File[] files = mFileOp.listFiles(mCacheRoot);
for (File f : files) {
if (mFileOp.isFile(f)) {
String name = f.getName();
if (name.startsWith(BIN_FILE_PREFIX) || name.startsWith(INFO_FILE_PREFIX)) {
* Removes all obsolete cached files from the cache directory
* that do not match the latest revision.
public void clearOldCache() {
if (mCacheRoot != null) {
File[] files = mFileOp.listFiles(mCacheRoot);
for (File f : files) {
if (mFileOp.isFile(f)) {
String name = f.getName();
if (name.startsWith(BIN_FILE_PREFIX) ||
name.startsWith(INFO_FILE_PREFIX)) {
if (!name.startsWith(prefix1) && !name.startsWith(prefix2)) {
* Returns the directory to be used as a cache.
* Creates it if necessary.
* Makes it possible to disable or override the cache location in unit tests.
* @return An existing directory to use as a cache root dir,
* or null in case of error in which case the cache will be disabled.
protected File initCacheRoot() {
try {
File root = new File(AndroidLocation.getFolder());
root = new File(root, SdkConstants.FD_CACHE);
if (!mFileOp.exists(root)) {
return root;
} catch (AndroidLocationException e) {
// No root? Disable the cache.
return null;
* Calls {@link UrlOpener#openUrl(String, boolean, ITaskMonitor, Header[])}
* to actually perform a download.
* Isolated so that it can be overridden by unit tests.
protected Pair openUrl(
@NonNull String url,
boolean needsMarkResetSupport,
@NonNull ITaskMonitor monitor,
@Nullable Header[] headers) throws IOException, CanceledByUserException {
return UrlOpener.openUrl(url, needsMarkResetSupport, monitor, headers);
* Does a direct download of the given URL using {@link UrlOpener}.
* This does not check the download cache and does not attempt to cache the file.
* Instead the HttpClient library returns a progressive download stream.
* For details on realm authentication and user/password handling,
* check the underlying {@link UrlOpener#openUrl(String, boolean, ITaskMonitor, Header[])}
* documentation.
* The resulting input stream may not support mark/reset.
* @param urlString the URL string to be opened.
* @param headers An optional set of headers to pass when requesting the resource. Can be null.
* @param monitor {@link ITaskMonitor} which is related to this URL
* fetching.
* @return Returns a pair with a {@link InputStream} and an {@link HttpResponse}.
* The pair is never null.
* The input stream can be null in case of error, although in general the
* method will probably throw an exception instead.
* The caller should look at the response code's status and only accept the
* input stream if it's the desired code (e.g. 200 or 206).
* @throws IOException Exception thrown when there are problems retrieving
* the URL or its content.
* @throws CanceledByUserException Exception thrown if the user cancels the
* authentication dialog.
public Pair openDirectUrl(
@NonNull String urlString,
@Nullable Header[] headers,
@NonNull ITaskMonitor monitor)
throws IOException, CanceledByUserException {
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println(String.format("%s : Direct download", urlString)); //$NON-NLS-1$
return openUrl(
false /*needsMarkResetSupport*/,
* This is a simplified convenience method that calls
* {@link #openDirectUrl(String, Header[], ITaskMonitor)}
* without passing any specific HTTP headers and returns the resulting input stream
* and the HTTP status code.
* See the original method's description for details on its behavior.
* {@link #openDirectUrl(String, Header[], ITaskMonitor)} can accept customized
* HTTP headers to send with the requests and also returns the full HTTP
* response -- status line with code and protocol and all headers.
* The resulting input stream may not support mark/reset.
* @param urlString the URL string to be opened.
* @param monitor {@link ITaskMonitor} which is related to this URL
* fetching.
* @return Returns a pair with a {@link InputStream} and an HTTP status code.
* The pair is never null.
* The input stream can be null in case of error, although in general the
* method will probably throw an exception instead.
* The caller should look at the response code's status and only accept the
* input stream if it's the desired code (e.g. 200 or 206).
* @throws IOException Exception thrown when there are problems retrieving
* the URL or its content.
* @throws CanceledByUserException Exception thrown if the user cancels the
* authentication dialog.
* @see #openDirectUrl(String, Header[], ITaskMonitor)
public Pair openDirectUrl(
@NonNull String urlString,
@NonNull ITaskMonitor monitor)
throws IOException, CanceledByUserException {
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println(String.format("%s : Direct download", urlString)); //$NON-NLS-1$
Pair result = openUrl(
false /*needsMarkResetSupport*/,
null /*headers*/);
return Pair.of(result.getFirst(), result.getSecond().getStatusLine().getStatusCode());
* Downloads a small file, typically XML manifests.
* The current {@link Strategy} governs whether the file is served as-is
* from the cache, potentially updated first or directly downloaded.
* For large downloads (e.g. installable archives) please do not invoke the
* cache and instead use the {@link #openDirectUrl} method.
* For details on realm authentication and user/password handling,
* check the underlying {@link UrlOpener#openUrl(String, boolean, ITaskMonitor, Header[])}
* documentation.
* @param urlString the URL string to be opened.
* @param monitor {@link ITaskMonitor} which is related to this URL
* fetching.
* @return Returns an {@link InputStream} holding the URL content.
* Returns null if there's no content (e.g. resource not found.)
* Returns null if the document is not cached and strategy is {@link Strategy#ONLY_CACHE}.
* @throws IOException Exception thrown when there are problems retrieving
* the URL or its content.
* @throws CanceledByUserException Exception thrown if the user cancels the
* authentication dialog.
public InputStream openCachedUrl(@NonNull String urlString, @NonNull ITaskMonitor monitor)
throws IOException, CanceledByUserException {
// Don't cache in direct mode.
if (mStrategy == Strategy.DIRECT) {
Pair result = openUrl(
true /*needsMarkResetSupport*/,
null /*headers*/);
return result.getFirst();
File cached = new File(mCacheRoot, getCacheFilename(urlString));
File info = new File(mCacheRoot, getInfoFilename(cached.getName()));
boolean useCached = mFileOp.exists(cached);
if (useCached && mStrategy == Strategy.FRESH_CACHE) {
// Check whether the file should be served from the cache or
// refreshed first.
long cacheModifiedMs = mFileOp.lastModified(cached); /* last mod time in epoch/millis */
boolean checkCache = true;
Properties props = readInfo(info);
if (props == null) {
// No properties, no chocolate for you.
useCached = false;
} else {
long minExpiration = System.currentTimeMillis() - MIN_TIME_EXPIRED_MS;
checkCache = cacheModifiedMs < minExpiration;
if (!checkCache && DEBUG) {
"%s : Too fresh [%,d ms], not checking yet.", //$NON-NLS-1$
urlString, cacheModifiedMs - minExpiration));
if (useCached && checkCache) {
assert props != null;
// Right now we only support 200 codes and will requery all 404s.
String code = props.getProperty(KEY_STATUS_CODE, ""); //$NON-NLS-1$
useCached = Integer.toString(HttpStatus.SC_OK).equals(code);
if (!useCached && DEBUG) {
"%s : cache disabled by code %s", //$NON-NLS-1$
urlString, code));
if (useCached) {
// Do we have a valid Content-Length? If so, it should match the file size.
try {
long length = Long.parseLong(props.getProperty(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_LENGTH,
"-1")); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (length >= 0) {
useCached = length == mFileOp.length(cached);
if (!useCached && DEBUG) {
"%s : cache disabled by length mismatch %d, expected %d", //$NON-NLS-1$
urlString, length, cached.length()));
} catch (NumberFormatException ignore) {}
if (useCached) {
// Do we have an ETag and/or a Last-Modified?
String etag = props.getProperty(HttpHeaders.ETAG);
String lastMod = props.getProperty(HttpHeaders.LAST_MODIFIED);
if (etag != null || lastMod != null) {
// Details on how to use them is defined at
// Bottom line:
// - if there's an ETag, it should be used first with an
// If-None-Match header. That's a strong comparison for HTTP/1.1 servers.
// - otherwise use a Last-Modified if an If-Modified-Since header exists.
// In this case, we place both and the rules indicates a spec-abiding
// server should strongly match ETag and weakly the Modified-Since.
// TODO there are some servers out there which report ETag/Last-Mod
// yet don't honor them when presented with a precondition. In this
// case we should identify it in the reply and invalidate ETag support
// for these servers and instead fallback on the pure-timeout case below.
AtomicInteger statusCode = new AtomicInteger(0);
InputStream is = null;
List headers = new ArrayList(2);
if (etag != null) {
headers.add(new BasicHeader(HttpHeaders.IF_NONE_MATCH, etag));
if (lastMod != null) {
headers.add(new BasicHeader(HttpHeaders.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE, lastMod));
if (!headers.isEmpty()) {
is = downloadAndCache(urlString, monitor, cached, info,
headers.toArray(new Header[headers.size()]),
if (is != null && statusCode.get() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
// The resource was modified, the server said there was something
// new, which has been cached. We can return that to the caller.
return is;
// If we get here, we should have is == null and code
// could be:
// - 304 for not-modified -- same resource, still available, in
// which case we'll use the cached one.
// - 404 -- resource doesn't exist anymore in which case there's
// no point in retrying.
// - For any other code, just retry a download.
if (is != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception ignore) {}
is = null;
if (statusCode.get() == HttpStatus.SC_NOT_MODIFIED) {
// Cached file was not modified.
// Change its timestamp for the next MIN_TIME_EXPIRED_MS check.
// At this point useCached==true so we'll return
// the cached file below.
} else {
// URL fetch returned something other than 200 or 304.
// For 404, we're done, no need to check the server again.
// For all other codes, we'll retry a download below.
useCached = false;
if (statusCode.get() == HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND) {
return null;
} else {
// If we don't have an Etag nor Last-Modified, let's use a
// basic file timestamp and compare to a 1 hour threshold.
long maxExpiration = System.currentTimeMillis() - MAX_TIME_EXPIRED_MS;
useCached = cacheModifiedMs >= maxExpiration;
if (!useCached && DEBUG) {
"[%1$s] cache disabled by timestamp %2$tD %2$tT < %3$tD %3$tT", //$NON-NLS-1$
urlString, cacheModifiedMs, maxExpiration));
if (useCached) {
// The caller needs an InputStream that supports the reset() operation.
// The default FileInputStream does not, so load the file into a byte
// array and return that.
try {
InputStream is = readCachedFile(cached);
if (is != null) {
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println(String.format("%s : Use cached file", urlString)); //$NON-NLS-1$
return is;
} catch (IOException ignore) {}
if (!useCached && mStrategy == Strategy.ONLY_CACHE) {
// We don't have a document to serve from the cache.
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println(String.format("%s : file not in cache", urlString)); //$NON-NLS-1$
return null;
// If we're not using the cache, try to remove the cache and download again.
try {
} catch (SecurityException ignore) {}
return downloadAndCache(urlString, monitor, cached, info,
null /*headers*/, null /*statusCode*/);
// --------------
private InputStream readCachedFile(@NonNull File cached) throws IOException {
InputStream is = null;
int inc = 65536;
int curr = 0;
long len = cached.length();
assert len < Integer.MAX_VALUE;
if (len >= MAX_SMALL_FILE_SIZE) {
// This is supposed to cache small files, not 2+ GB files.
return null;
byte[] result = new byte[(int) (len > 0 ? len : inc)];
try {
is = mFileOp.newFileInputStream(cached);
int n;
while ((n =, curr, result.length - curr)) != -1) {
curr += n;
if (curr == result.length) {
byte[] temp = new byte[curr + inc];
System.arraycopy(result, 0, temp, 0, curr);
result = temp;
return new ByteArrayInputStream(result, 0, curr);
} finally {
if (is != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException ignore) {}
* Download, cache and return as an in-memory byte stream.
* The download is only done if the server returns 200/OK.
* On success, store an info file next to the download with
* a few headers.
* This method deletes the cached file and the info file ONLY if it
* attempted a download and it failed to complete. It doesn't erase
* anything if there's no download because the server returned a 404
* or 304 or similar.
* @return An in-memory byte buffer input stream for the downloaded
* and locally cached file, or null if nothing was downloaded
* (including if it was a 304 Not-Modified status code.)
private InputStream downloadAndCache(
@NonNull String urlString,
@NonNull ITaskMonitor monitor,
@NonNull File cached,
@NonNull File info,
@Nullable Header[] headers,
@Nullable AtomicInteger outStatusCode)
throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, CanceledByUserException {
InputStream is = null;
OutputStream os = null;
int inc = 65536;
int curr = 0;
byte[] result = new byte[inc];
try {
Pair r =
openUrl(urlString, true /*needsMarkResetSupport*/, monitor, headers);
is = r.getFirst();
HttpResponse response = r.getSecond();
if (DEBUG) {
System.out.println(String.format("%s : fetch: %s => %s", //$NON-NLS-1$
headers == null ? "" : Arrays.toString(headers), //$NON-NLS-1$
int code = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
if (outStatusCode != null) {
if (code != HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
// Only a 200 response code makes sense here.
// Even the other 20x codes should not apply, e.g. no content or partial
// content are not statuses we want to handle and should never happen.
// (see for list)
return null;
os = mFileOp.newFileOutputStream(cached);
int n;
while ((n =, curr, result.length - curr)) != -1) {
if (os != null && n > 0) {
os.write(result, curr, n);
curr += n;
if (os != null && curr > MAX_SMALL_FILE_SIZE) {
// If the file size exceeds our "small file size" threshold,
// stop caching. We don't want to fill the disk.
try {
} catch (IOException ignore) {}
try {
} catch (SecurityException ignore) {}
os = null;
if (curr == result.length) {
byte[] temp = new byte[curr + inc];
System.arraycopy(result, 0, temp, 0, curr);
result = temp;
// Close the output stream, signaling it was stored properly.
if (os != null) {
try {
os = null;
saveInfo(urlString, response, info);
} catch (IOException ignore) {}
return new ByteArrayInputStream(result, 0, curr);
} finally {
if (is != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException ignore) {}
if (os != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException ignore) {}
// If we get here with the output stream not null, it means there
// was an issue and we don't want to keep that file. We'll try to
// delete it.
try {
} catch (SecurityException ignore) {}
* Saves part of the HTTP Response to the info file.
private void saveInfo(
@NonNull String urlString,
@NonNull HttpResponse response,
@NonNull File info) throws IOException {
Properties props = new Properties();
// we don't need the status code & URL right now.
// Save it in case we want to have it later (e.g. to differentiate 200 and 404.)
props.setProperty(KEY_URL, urlString);
for (String name : INFO_HTTP_HEADERS) {
Header h = response.getFirstHeader(name);
if (h != null) {
props.setProperty(name, h.getValue());
mFileOp.saveProperties(info, props, "## Meta data for SDK Manager cache. Do not modify."); //$NON-NLS-1$
* Reads the info properties file.
* @return The properties found or null if there's no file or it can't be read.
private Properties readInfo(@NonNull File info) {
if (mFileOp.exists(info)) {
return mFileOp.loadProperties(info);
return null;
* Computes the cache filename for the given URL.
* The filename uses the {@link #BIN_FILE_PREFIX}, the full URL string's hashcode and
* a sanitized portion of the URL filename. The returned filename is never
* more than 64 characters to ensure maximum file system compatibility.
* @param urlString The download URL.
* @return A leaf filename for the cached download file.
private String getCacheFilename(@NonNull String urlString) {
int code = 0;
for (int i = 0, j = urlString.length(); i < j; i++) {
code = code * 31 + urlString.charAt(i);
String hash = String.format("%08x", code);
String leaf = urlString.toLowerCase(Locale.US);
if (leaf.length() >= 2) {
int index = urlString.lastIndexOf('/', leaf.length() - 2);
leaf = urlString.substring(index + 1);
leaf = leaf.replaceAll("[^a-z0-9_-]+", "_");
leaf = leaf.replaceAll("__+", "_");
leaf = hash + '-' + leaf;
int n = 64 - prefix.length();
if (leaf.length() > n) {
leaf = leaf.substring(0, n);
return prefix + leaf;
private String getInfoFilename(@NonNull String cacheFilename) {
return cacheFilename.replaceFirst(BIN_FILE_PREFIX, INFO_FILE_PREFIX);
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